Drugs and Diversity:
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) communities
Learning from the evidence
The extent and nature of drug use
This review is part of a wider programme of work undertaken by the UKDPC
and associated problems
to provide an overview of the differing needs and challenges associated with
Implications for policy and practice
drug use among diverse minority communities within the UK.
By bringing together a variety of evidence in one place we are seeking to encourage a broader view of the evidence and its implications, and to
Drug treatment and
stimulate debate about how to respond to the varying patterns of use of
prevention programmes
different communities.
Implications for policy and practice
The government, local partnerships & commissioners and service providers
have sought to address the challenges of a range of diverse groups over the years. This review has not sought to evaluate the impact these have made
Interaction with the police and
but rather to describe what is known about the current situation, to stimulate
criminal justice system
much-needed discussion of the issues, highlight gaps and to identify new
Implications for policy and practice
areas for action.
It is important to note that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are not a homogeneous group but the published evidence often fails to distinguish between sub-groups or has a very narrow focus as one particualr group. In particular, it should be noted that most of the evidence available in this review relates to gay men only.
It was a common finding for all the reviews conducted as part of this project that the evidence was extremely limited and often of poor quality. Therefore the findings, although the best available, should be interpreted with caution.
The full review on which this briefing is based:
The Impact of Drugs on Different Minority
Groups: A Review of the UK Literature Part 2: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities
• Available at:
Prevalence of last year drug use by sexuality, people aged 16 to 59 years, BCS 2007/08-08/09
The extent and nature of drug use
and associated problems
Implications for policy and practice
• Given the comparatively higher rates of drug use
among LGBT communities, government policy
• Drug use among LGBT groups is higher than among
and local commissioners need to address the
their heterosexual counterparts, irrespective of gender
needs of this group. The focus on problem heroin
or the different age distribution in the populations.
and crack use may have worked against this and
• Gay men report higher overall rates of use of drugs
any new drug strategies need to explicitly
than lesbian women, largely due to higher rates of
recognise LGBT needs.
stimulant use, particularly amyl nitrite (‘poppers').
• As ‘early adopters' of new drugs LGBT
• Cannabis is the most commonly used drug among
communities may provide early warning of ‘new'
lesbian women, with prevalence rates similar to those
or emerging patterns of use and associated
reported for gay men.
problems; appropriate data-gathering
• ‘Recreational' drug use is comparatively high among
mechanisms are required to identify issues early.
LGBT groups, which may lead to use of new drugs before they are widespread in the general population.
• LGBT people, particularly gay men, may also be at risk
of misusing other drugs, such as steroids and Viagra.
Further information is needed about:
• Some types of drug use may be associated with risky
• how and when LGBT drug use causes problems
sexual behaviour, including exposure to HIV infection.
and the overlap with alcohol use;
• Strong links have been reported between Viagra use
• the patterns and extent of drug use among
and sexual risk, with Viagra used to counteract
different groups and associated problems
negative physical effects of other stimulant drugs.
the LGBT community;
• In addition to erectile dysfunction and sexually
• the contexts in which drug use takes place and
transmitted infections, stimulant drugs have been
the reasons for use and the range of risk
reported to impact on physical health, including
behaviours in order to inform prevention and
cardiovascular problems.
harm reduction service provision.
• A study of gay men who used steroids highlighted
The inclusion of a question on sexual orientation in
a wide range of associated physical and mental
the British Crime Survey (BCS) provides analysis
opportunities; other national surveys could follow this lead. Longitudinal studies of pathways in and out of drug use are also needed.
Drug treatment and
Implications for policy and practice
• There is a need to review how self help groups,
including those concerned with substance
• Specific services for LGBT people have been developed,
misuse can be developed, focusing on
including ‘self-referral' services (ie drop-in centres)
community venues, community networks and
and out-reach provision in a range of settings (such
how innovative social media approaches can
as nightclubs).
be used to improve outcomes.
• Evidence is limited but suggests awareness and
• Both LGBT-specific and mainstream services
uptake of drug services are low given drug use levels
need to adapt to dealing with a wider variety of
in the population.
substances and the on-going emergence of new
• Barriers to uptake include:
drugs; this has implications for local commissioning
the absence of perceived problematic use;
and resourcing, as well as the development of
perceptions that ‘mainstream' drug services
appropriate care.
do not cater for the most commonly used drugs
• LGBT people can be found everywhere and,
(such as GHB) within the community or understand
except in some urban areas, specialist LGBT
the specific needs of LGBT people;
services are not likely to be sustainable.
distance to specialist services in rural areas.
Mainstream services need to provide appropriate
• Mainstream services often use a traditional definition
help and support and have staff with the
of family that does not include same sex relationships
knowledge and skills developed to deliver
and may unwittingly stigmatise or discriminate
improved services for LGBT groups.
against family members of LGBT service users.
• The introduction of a ‘kite-mark' system for
• Good practice in drug treatment is generally seen
services demonstrating good practice could
by the LGBT community to be non-judgmental and
improve LGBT people's confidence in services.
empowering, focused on the specific needs of the group.
• Other services providing care (ie sexual health
• It is also characterised by provision of information and
and mental health), need greater knowledge and
support on wider health and emotional well-being
understanding of LGBT specific substance use
needs of LGBT people.
issues, to facilitate targeted prevention or
• Several studies suggested innovative ways of
referral to drug services as necessary.
delivering information about drugs and services through community networks and other outlets like entertainment venues and making general use of
LGBT services.
Further information is needed about:
• Given the psychological harms and sexual risk
• effective treatment models and pathways for
behaviours associated with drug use, joint working
some of the drugs commonly used by LGBT groups;
between mental health and substance misuse
• the barriers to access to services, in particular
services, and more consideration of substance use
among different LGBT groups and geographical
in sexual health services have been highlighted
as necessary.
Collection of data on sexuality in routine data collection from services is necessary to understand the extent to which services cater for LGBT people and their needs.
Interaction with the police and
Implications for policy and practice
criminal justice system (CJS)
• The expansion of the number of new drugs that
are controlled through the Misuse of Drugs Act
• There is little evidence regarding the interaction
has the potential to criminalise and increasingly
between the LGBT community, the police and CJS
marginalise many LGBT people because of their
in respect of drug problems.
greater use and early adoption of new substances.
• One study suggests the provision of drug treatment
in prison is the main focus of interaction with the CJS; indeed that it may be the main source of drug
treatment for gay men.
Further information is needed about:
• Some evidence suggests that many LGBT users obtain
• The extent and nature of LGBT people's
drugs from within the community; as they do not
interaction with the Police and criminal justice
purchase from outside dealers, they may not view the
system in relation to drugs;
activity as being ‘criminal'.
• Experiences of LGBT people's interaction with
• Historically poor relations between LGBT groups and
the police and CJS in relation to drugs (both in
the police in relation to other associated issues (ie
the community and custodial settings);
domestic violence, personal safety, and discrimination)
• The potential role of the police in signposting
may also present a barrier to interaction; proactive
and providing access to drug treatment and
police initiatives may be required to overcome distrust.
support for LGBT groups.
Funding for this review was provided by the
Home Office.
The background review for this briefing was undertaken for the UK Drug
Policy Commission by the Office of Public Management.
The UK Drug Policy Commission is an independent, non-aligned and time
limited charitable body set up with funding from the Esmée Fairbairn
UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC), July 2010. ISBN 978-1-906246-16-7
Foundation to enhance political and public understanding of the effectiveness
The full version of this briefing, and the accomanying full reports, are
of policies aimed at dealing with the harms caused by illegal drugs.
available at
How to Cite this article: Critical Limits of Laboratory Results for Urgent Clinician Notification, eJIFCC vol 14 no 1: Critical limits of laboratory The laboratory should not report a criti-cal result to the results for urgent clinician treating physician until it has been confirmed by a seconddeter-mination in the same sample.
THE GLOBAL PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Sarah Holland* and Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo** The case looks at the development of the ethical pharmaceutical industry. The various forces affectingthe discovery, development, production, distribution and marketing of prescription drugs are discussedin terms of their origins and recent developments. Readers are then invited to consider trends for thefuture.