f it ' f iber
n Orchard Peach
AIM fit 'n fiber orchard peach is everyday fiber for safe,
effective and consistent results. It provides ten grams of
Key Benefits and Features
dietary fiber through a unique array of synergistic herbs
as well as fiber from psyllium husk, oat, apple, acacia,
Boosts the fiber in your diet – safely and easily
flax seed and konjac. Fiber has been proven effective for
Promotes digestive health
regularity, appetite control and cholesterol and weight
Relieves irregularity
A great companion to AIM's Herbal Fiberblend, fit
Promotes a wel -functioning colon
'n fiber provides a boost of flavor to one of AIM's most
Helps to regulate blood sugar
effective and historic products. On its own, fit 'n fiber is
a healthy and tasty way to increase your fiber intake with
Helps maintain cardiovascular health
only ten calories per serving.
Aids in satiety and assists with weight management
Contains antibacterial and antifungal properties
The two varieties of fiber—insoluble and soluble—work
together to detoxify and cleanse the body. Insoluble fiber
moves through the intestinal tract like a scrub brush, bulk-
Journal of American Medical Association confirmed this effect.
ing up and helping eliminate any unneeded materials. Soft,
Those who consumed nine or more grams of fiber per day lost
soluble fiber, which becomes a gel when mixed with water
a substantial amount of weight—in some cases as much as nine
and digestive enzymes, prevents and reduces the absorp-
pounds more—compared to those who consumed less fiber.
tion of harmful substances while helping regulate blood
In a 2014 study published in the
Annals of Internal Medicine,
sugar and reduce cholesterol. It also slows down the move-
researchers found that a high-fiber diet was nearly as effective
ment of food through the intestines which contributes to
for weight loss as a calorie-restricted diet. Researchers cited
feelings of fullness.
that people on a high-fiber diet often felt fuller, and because
the diet was more permissive, it was easier to stick to.
Fiber and a healthy weight
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that has no calories. Your
Fiber and cholesterol
body uses fiber as an internal cleanser rather than a source
There are two general types of cholesterol: high-density
of nutrients. One notable
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein
effect of this cleansing
(LDL) cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is commonly referred to
is fiber's assistance with
as bad cholesterol because it contributes to plaque that can
weight management.
build up in, clog and stiffen arteries. This can lead to a condi-
Dietary fiber reduces
tion known as atherosclerosis which can, in turn, cause heart
insulin secretion in
disease, stroke, heart attack and worse. Soluble fiber has been
the body by slowing
found to lower both overall and LDL cholesterol. It is believed
the rate of nutrient
that fiber helps to reduce the amount of bile reabsorbed in the
absorption following a
intestines, causing the body to use its cholesterol reserves to
meal. In this way, you
make more bile. Studies have shown that by increasing your
feel fuller longer, your
soluble fiber intake by 5 to 10g a day you can reduce your bad
insulin levels are well
cholesterol by around five percent.
regulated and your food
digests properly. With
About fit 'n fiber
high-fiber diets, insulin
As stated previously, fit 'n fiber can add both fiber and fla-
sensitivity increases and,
vor to Herbal Fiberblend. With a cheeky dash of zesty orchard
as a result, body weight
peach, fit 'n fiber also makes a welcome addition to any AIM
decreases. A ten-year
smoothie. Try it with ProPeas and CoCoa LeafGreens. You'll
study published in the
find that it does not disappoint.
As a standalone product, fit ‘n fiber is made from the
How to Use
finest natural ingredients and can be used as a daily fiber
Mix 2 tablespoons (16 g) with 8 oz (240 ml) of water once
supplement for overall health. A 2011 study published in daily. AIM recommends mixing with AIM ProPeas or Herbal
Archives of Internal Medicine illustrates fiber's general Fiberblend. It is best taken before meals. Adolescents (12-17)
health benefits and why it's essential. In the ten-year study
should mix one tablespoon once daily.
that examined over 200,000 subjects, researchers saw that
people who had the highest amount of fiber in their diets had
Take four hours before or after amoxicillin.
a 22 percent reduced overall mortality risk when compared to
those who consumed the least.
How much fiber do I need to consume on a daily
Natural, bulk-forming psyllium has positive effects on
The daily recommendation for adults is at least 25
regularity, constipation, diarrhea and even more serious
grams of fiber for women and 38 grams of fiber for men.
health concerns. Once inside the intestines, psyllium swells as
The average fiber intake of adults is only 15 grams a day.
it comes in contact with water, forming a bulky stool that is
easy to pass and helps the body rid itself of waste more easily.
Why isn't inulin in fit 'n fiber orchard peach?
Although inulin is known for some health benefits,
Multiple studies have found that psyllium helps reduce
it can also cause gas, cramps, bloating and stomach
constipation, lower cholesterol and limit digestive issues. A
pain. In-house trials have determined that a formula-
study published in the
British Medical Journal found that
tion without inulin can confer the same benefits while
psyllium produced a 90-point reduction in the severity of
eliminating any discomfort.
symptoms for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome,
almost double the levels of the placebo group.
Is there anyone who should not take fit ‘n fiber?
Pregnant or nursing women, people taking prescription
Oat fiber
medications, people who have difficulty swallowing or
Oat contributes insoluble fiber. Derived from the outer-
people with diabetes mel itus (in which blood sugar is
most layer of the grain, oat fiber aids in regularity by passing
difficult to regulate) should consult a health practitioner
directly through the digestive system, undigested. Its insolu-
ble properties allow it to clean out the colon as it exits, helping
to maintain regularity and ward off constipation. Since it goes
undigested, oat fiber has no calories. AIM only uses certified,
Distributed exclusively by:
gluten-free oat fiber
Konjac Fiber (Glucomannan)
Konjac fiber's active component is glucomannan, a soluble
dietary fiber. Research has shown that konjac fiber works
particularly well for constipation. Additionally, this ingredi-
ent may likely be effective for the regulation of blood sugar,
appetite suppression and cholesterol control.
Acacia Fiber
Used by the ancient Egyptians to treat numerous ailments,
acacia fiber is still used today as a first-class source of soluble
fiber and has a high digestive tolerance in humans. It is also
believed to have some prebiotic qualities. Paired with the
probiotic Bifidobacterium, it may relieve some symptoms of
irritable bowel syndrome (
World Journal of Gastroenterology
Artichoke Leaf Extract and Dandelion Root Powder
In several scientific investigations, artichoke leaf extract
has shown promise for people who wrestle with indigestion.
As bitter herbs, these extracts may be able to help replenish
stomach acid and encourage digestive enzyme production
when stomach acid is low. Additionally, these herbs may also be beneficial for liver and gallbladder health.
This bulletin is for information in the United States only. It has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
2015 AIM International, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Revista Argentina de Septiembre - Diciembre 2012 Año 3 Número 4 Artículo Especial Consenso: Utilización de medios de contraste radiológicos vasculares. Diciembre 2008-2012 Parte 1Asociación Argentina de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica (AAAeIC), Colegio Argentino de Cardioangiólogos Intervencionistas (CACI), Sociedad Argen-tina de Nefrología (SAN), Sociedad Argentina de Radiología (SAR) y Uni-dad de Farmacología Clínica del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Aging, Systemic Disease and Oral Health: Implications for Women Worldwide (Part II) Pam Hughes, RDH, MS Continuing Education Units: 3 hours Part one of this two-part series on Women, Aging and Oral Health appears in the CE library and introduced the global prevalence and risk factors of three common health conditions among aging women: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. The aim of the course was to provide dental professionals prevention and treatment approaches, information on connections to oral health and specific treatment plans for each condition.