The Brotherhood Synagogue
28 Gramercy Park South
new york, ny 10003
Phone (212) 674-5750 Fax (212) 505-6707
Volume XXXiV number Xi Av / Elul 5776 September 2016
Elie Wieselzt"l: Words and Memories
by rabbi daniel Alder
FridAy, SEPTEMBEr 2, 7:30 pm
SATurdAy, SEPTEMBEr 3, 9:30 am
Among the more poignant remembrances "Sir," I said, "you speak of Christ, Christians
FridAy, SEPTEMBEr 9, 7:30 pm
that have appeared since the death of love to speak of him. The passion of Christ,
Elie Wiesel on July 2nd is found in Wiesel's the agony of Christ, the death of Christ. In
Guest Speaker: Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz
relationship with the eminent French Catholic your religion, that is all you speak of. Well,
SaTURDaY, SEPTEMBEr 10, 9:30 am
writer François Mauriac, who had written I want you to know that ten years ago, not
Bar Mitzvah of Zane Roth
the preface to
Night upon its publication in very far from here, I knew Jewish children
every one of whom suffered a thousand times
FridAy, SEPTEMBEr 16, 6:30 pm
When the two men met in Paris in more, six million times more, than Christ on
*Note new starting time through Spring*
1954, Wiesel had already written a lengthy the cross. And we don't speak about them.
Phil Rothman Tribute and Oneg
manuscript in Yiddish,
Un di Velt Hot Geshvign Can you understand that sir? We don't speak
SATurdAy, SEPTEMBEr 17, 9:30 am
And the World Kept Silent); published in about them."
Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Rahbar
Argentina, it had attracted little notice. The
"[Mauriac] turned pale. Slumped on
interview with Mauriac led to what was the sofa, muffled in a woolen blanket, he
FridAy, SEPTEMBEr 23, 6:30 pm
eventually published as
La Nuit (
Night), the held my gaze without flinching, waiting for
SATurdAy, SEPTEMBEr 24, 9:30 am
book Wiesel regarded as his "testimony," his what else was to come. But I no longer felt
Bat Mitzvah of Al egra Wertheim
like continuing. Abruptly, without shaking
SATurdAy, SEPTEMBEr 24, 10:00 pm
A Jew Today (1978), Wiesel wrote his hand, I turned toward the door. Finding
Selichot Services
about their initial meeting. Mauriac was myself in the hal way, facing the elevator, I
"famous, old [70] and rich, covered with mechanical y pressed the button, and the
FridAy, SEPTEMBEr 30, 6:30 pm
honors, comfortably ensconced in his elevator started to rise. At the same moment
SATurdAy, oCToBEr 1, 9:30 am
Catholic faith," whereas he was "young [27], I heard the door opening behind me. With an
Bar Mitzvah of Elio Estersohn
poor, riddled with doubts, a solitary stateless infinitely humble gesture the old writer was
person, unknown and Jewish."
touching my arm, asking me to come back.
Seeking to put his younger interviewer
Motionless, his hands knotted over
at ease, Mauriac spoke of his feelings toward his crossed legs, a fixed smile on his lips,
Seeking Ushers for the
Israel: "a chosen people in more ways than one, wordlessly, never taking his eyes off me, he
a people of witnesses, a people of martyrs. He wept and wept. The tears were streaming
continued by speaking at length about Jesus, down his face, and he did nothing to stop
ushering during the high holi-
the Jew from Nazareth. Wiesel regarded it as them, to wipe them away."
an "impassioned, fascinating monologue on
But Mauriac wanted no apologies; to the
days (and during Shabbat services)
a single theme: the son of man and son of contrary, he wanted to know why Wiesel
is a great contribution to the
God, who, unable to save Israel, ended up hadn't written about his experiences in the
Synagogue and a great way to get
saving mankind. Every reference led back to Holocaust. Wiesel said, "I shall never forget
to know our community better.
him. Jerusalem? The eternal city, where Jesus that first meeting…. It was brought to a
Please volunteer for this important
turned his disciples into apostles. The Bible? close by Mauriac's escorting me to the door,
task at upcoming 5777 high holy
The Old Testament, which, thanks to Jesus to the elevator. There, after embracing me,
day services by contacting our
of Nazareth, succeeded in enriching itself he assumed a grave, almost solemn mien.
ushers Committee co-Chairs
with a New Testament."
‘I think that you are wrong not to speak….
Both riveted and angered, Wiesel spoke Listen to the old man that I am: one must
richard Breier (
in atypically harsh terms to Mauriac. speak out—one must also speak out.'" or Sam Breier
"Something in his discourse irritated me
Encouraged by Mauriac, Wiesel revised
Samuel.Breier@Breier Group. com)
so much that for the first time in my life and radically abbreviated his Yiddish work.
directly and let them know at
I exhibited bad manners. Giving in to an One year later, he sent the French version of
which service/s you would like to
angry impulse, I closed my notebook and
Night to Mauriac, "written under the seal of
memory and silence."l



Israel Story
by Sherry Field-Almaraz
in 2011 my husband, Walter, and I planned a a small group of teenagers at 16 years old from the worst were the piles of eyeglasses, the train
vacation trip to Israel to visit my family a train on its way to Treblinka.They lived in a cars and the photo of a young woman with a
there—one aunt, a few cousins, a couple of forest for 2 years. They ate snow in the winter small child in her arms being shot in the back
second cousins, 2 step brothers and their wives and grass in the summer. They came out when as she tried to run away. It made us feel weak
who I had met as adults when their mother the war ended.
with sadness but somehow stronger too and
married my father years after my parents
I discovered my grandparents owned wanting to fight back. To fight hatred and
divorced. My parents are gone and their mother several restaurants in Poland. That coincided prejudice and all unwarranted violence. We
is gone but we have stayed in touch.
with my father having told me that he worked visited Greece after Israel and though we had a
We stayed on Hayarkon overlooking the in the family restaurant as a child. She said they nice time, Walter didn't want to leave. He cried
beach. It was stunning. We spent most of our had live-in help and were considered a wealthy when we left Israel and said goodbye to my
time in Tel Aviv where my family all live and family. Though living in a forest was a far cry family. We both felt such a strong connection
visited Jerusalem as well. It was meant to be a from the existence she knew as a child, she was there. The spirituality of the country itself
great, fun vacation with family time mixed in. grateful to have been able to survive in that transcends all religious beliefs.
It turned out to be so much more. I had forest without being discovered for those two
Once home, I kept thinking that I know
little to no information from my father, who years.
so little about my heritage and even though, as
had never spoken much about his time during
I learned my father had been placed in a a child, I was disinterested, suddenly I felt the
the war. I'm not sure if that was because he Siberian prison. When he contracted typhus, need to know everything. Not knowing who to
didn't want to speak of that time in his life, or which I understand was common at the time, call, I reached out to Brotherhood Synagogue
if he simply thought I was disinterested. As a he was brought to a hospital where a nurse there because it was the only place I could think of,
child, I probably was.
took a liking to him and kept him safe. He was having attended services on the High Holy
My aunt Frieda, however, who, of the three released shortly after the occupation ended.
Days every year. I knew I wanted to be there
siblings that survived chose to move to Israel
Walter wanted to visit Yad Vashem and I on those occasions figuring, no matter who
while my father and his brother chose the said no. This was supposed to be a fun trip you are or how little you know about Judaism,
US, was more than happy to talk about that and that will just be sad. He said, OK, you can everyone has sins to atone for and everyone has
time. My husband, Walter, wanted to know stay here and I'll go. Using reverse psychology loved ones to pray for. I waited on the long line
everything. Though not Jewish himself, coming on me almost always works and since I wasn't outside and after attending services, felt I had
from Argentina and growing up surrounded by about to let him go by himself, I went with done what I needed to do.
Jewish families (Argentina, as I discovered years him!
When I got through on the phone, and I
later, has few real Argentinians…mostly Jews,
And that visit, in conjunction with Aunt am not sure who picked up that day, I tried to
Italians, and Germans), he has always felt a Frieda's stories, truly changed my life. It was explain why I was calling, not even knowing
strong connection to Judaism.
beyond just sadness we felt when we went there myself, exactly what to say. I know very little
My aunt was happy to oblige. We sat with and saw the horror up close. It was physically about anything to do with my religion and after
her at the dining room table an entire day painful to see. Aunt Frieda recorded a tape visiting Israel, hoped to change that and learn
listening to the stories. Our tears poured to years before which they store at Yad Vashem, more? I particularly had an interest in studying
the floor as we listened and imagined what she in which she speaks of the 90 plus members
went through, escaping through a window with of family and friends that she lost. But I think
Continued on next page 4
Fall 2016: Wednesday Intensive Learning Class
In an industry strongly influenced by
Goldman earned his Ph.D. in Cinema Studies
Jewish filmmakers, the evolving nature
at New York University and holds graduate
of the American Jewish condition has
degrees in Contemporary Jewish Studies
had a considerable impact on American
and Theater Arts from Brandeis University.
cinema and, in particular, on how Jews are
His most recent book, The American Jewish
reflected on the screen. As American Jewish
Story through the Cinema, was published by
screenwriters, directors, and producers have
University of Texas Press and he is currently
become increasingly comfortable with their
writing a book on Israeli society and cinema.
heritage, an unprecedented number of movies
In 2014, he joined Robert Osborne on the
spotlight Jewish protagonists, experiences,
Turner Classic Movies television network to
and challenges. Dr. Eric Goldman will discuss
co-host the month-long series, The Projected
the evolving situation of the American Jew
Image: The Jewish Experience on Film.
through the lens of cinema. Join him and
Six classes will be held Wednesday
analyze film clips to learn how cinema can
evenings from 7-9 pm (note the longer
give us a better understanding of the social,
Please look for running time) running October 26,
political, and cultural realities of Jewish life
the complete
November 2, 9, 16, 30 December 7
Fall 2016
and an alternate date of December 14
Eric Goldman is adjunct professor of
Adult Education
cinema at Yeshiva University and founder of
brochure next
Cost is $200. Materials will be
Ergo Media, a distributor of Jewish cinema. Dr.
The Brotherhood Synagogue Av / Elul 5776 September 2016





High Holiday
Elul, a study center in
Jerusalem, is the Israel
we dream of—pluralistic,
September 9 & 10, Friday & Saturday
diverse and equal. Elul uses
traditional and modern
Jewish study sources to promote pluralism by bridging divides between Jewish Israelis and developing
Saturday, September 24 at 10:00 pm
Jewish identities for al Jews—women, men, young, old, haredi, religious, conservative, reform,
secular, cultural and Israelis from al over the political spectrum.
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Our scholar-in-residence wil be Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz, Elul's Executive Director. She wil speak
Sunday, October 2
at Friday evening services on September 9 about the important work of Elul and she wil teach on
Community Service
Saturday, August 10 at 1 pm at Shabbat Club, in the participatory text-based style of Elul on a
Members' Service
subject drawn from the weekly Torah portion.
1st Day Rosh Hashanah
Monday, October 3
Brotherhood Book Club
Family Service at
Thursday, September 15, 7:00 pm
Children's Service
Member Joan Simon will lead a discussion of The Bronze Horseman by
Children's Tashlich
Paullina Simons. Set in her native St. Petersburg, Russia, Simons' novel
focuses on a WWII love affair.
All are welcome to attend. Please contact Margie Katz [email protected] if you
would like further information about the Brotherhood Book Club.
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, October 4
Children's Service
Tuesday, October 11
Members' Service
Community Service
Yom Kippur Day
Wednesday, October 12
Children's Service
Community Yizkor
Yom Kippur concludes at 7:03 pm
Round Challah Baking for
the New Year with Millie Fell
Sunday, September 18, 12 pm - 3
Please save these dates and join us for another great
year of Shabbaton programs!
if you love the taste of freshly baked Chal ah and have
wanted to learn how to make it yourself, this is the class for
Dinner Speaker
you! Mil ie wil teach you how to make round Chal ah from
on Friday, November 18:
scratch. Al you need is to bring a large ceramic mixing
Adam Schwartz, Director of the
bowl, we wil supply the rest.
Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute.
only 4 spots left so register noW! !$36 for members, $46 for non-members (the fee covers
Dinner Speaker
cost of supplies and benefits the synagogue).
on December 16:
register online at
Author and Filmmaker,
Av / Elul 5776 September 2016 The Brotherhood Synagogue
Happenings in Our Kehilah
by Trudi Bartow
B'nai Mitzvah, Mazal Tov to:
Gary and Michelle Roth on the Bar Mitzvah Calvin Younger on the passing of his wife,
of their son, Zane Roth. Zane, a student at and our member, Gloria Younger.
S eptember is a great
time to start an
Quest to Learn, wil celebrate his simcha with Steven Lapidus
adventure." This is a
on the passing of his father,
his older brother, Milo.
phrase I heard often
growing up, as it is one
and Cecilia Van Blerkom on the Bar Barbara Berger on the passing of her mother,
of my father's deeply
Mitzvah of their son, Harvey Van Blerkom. Rosalie Berger.
held beliefs. The month
Harvey, a student at Little Red, wil celebrate
of September serves as a watershed moment
his simcha with his younger sister, Ivy.
Sheila Berger on the passing of her mother,
for the year. A new chapter begins, a new
Peter and Robyn Rahbar on the Bar Mitzvah
semester starts. The long hot days spent lazing
of their son, Zachary Rahbar. Zach, a student Mark Friedmann on the passing of his mother,
on a beach are replaced with a faster pace,
at Friends Seminary, wil celebrate his simcha Joan Friedmann.
while the winds turn cool and the golds and
with his younger sister, Sadie.
Suzanne Gold on the passing of her mother,
reds of autumn begin to appear. At all of the
Jon and Ellie Wertheim on the Bat Mitzvah of Gloria Protaz.
Bartow homes we begin our September with
their daughter, Allegra Wertheim. Al egra, a James Cone on the passing of his wife, and
a rereading of an adventure like none other,
student at Calhoun, wil celebrate her simcha our member, Carole Chazin.
the fantasy epics The Hobbit and The Lord of
with her older brother, Ben.
Rhoda Cohen
the Rings. At Brotherhood we are beginning
on the passing of her husband,
a tremendous adventure of our own, as we
Weddings, Mazal Tov to:
and our member, Harry Cohen.
gear up for the holidays and launch into a
Rashmi Patel and Evan Raine on their Michael Simon on the passing of his mother,
year of celebrating our Executive Director
Beverly Elaine Simon.
Phil Rothman. As witty as Gandalf, as strong
as Gimli, and as fearless as Aragorn, Phil is a
Barbara and Stanley Feingold on the
Welcome New Members:
man like no other. I owe much to Phil as he is
marriage of their son, Andrew Feingold to Welcome to Dmitriy and Elina Trinnel of
one of the reasons I am a member of this great
Halli Razon.
NYC. Dmitriy is the owner of Orbit Furniture
community. After taking our turn standing
Births, Mazal Tov to:
in Brooklyn and Elina is an admissions
in line for the free community service we
director of Citadel at Kingsbridge. Their son
engaged with Phil in an under the table
Caroline Tell and Evan Gasman on the birth Eli attends Success Academy Union Square
passing of a high-holiday ticket and the rest
of their daughter, Margot Simone Gasman; and their daughter Vivian wil be 2 this year.
is history. Over the course of the coming year
and to older brother, Leo.
Eli wil attend Brotherhood's Hebrew School
I look forward to hearing your stories about
Julia and Dean Lederman on the birth of this fal .
Phil and how he has touched your lives.
their daughter, Rachel Tova Lederman; and Welcome to Seth and Stacie Schinfeld of
I wish you all a fun and meaningful
to older sister, Kayla.
Flatiron. Seth is an attorney at Kramer Levin
September adventure and I leave you with
Liza and Zachary Gordon on the birth of Naftalis & Frankel LLP and Stacie is a ful -
a Tolkien quote to guide your steps as the
their son, Julian Joseph Gordon; and to older time mom in the process of starting up a family
photography business. They have a daughter,
The Road goes ever on and on
Aliza and Erik Frank on the birth of their Sophie, and a son, Bennett. Sophie wil be
Down from the door where it began.
son, Nathaniel Frank; and to older siblings, entering the Red Room at Brotherhood's
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Rachel, Jacob and Rebecca.
Nursery School in the fal .l
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.
is a Torah Scholar, a historian, a mentor and a
ISRAEL STORY, continued from page 2
—J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
real y funny guy with a huge heart!
Torah. Was there any kind of class or one on
I have learned more than I could ever have
Thoughts? Please share them with me @
one I might be able to attend for that purpose? imagined though even if I studied every minute
They put me through to Phil Rothman. When of every day for the rest of my life I wouldn't
I told him what I wanted, with not a moment of know a fraction of the information Phil keeps
the chesed committee
hesitation, he said when can you come over? I contained in his brilliant mind. However, I
said, how about Wednesday at 2pm?
surely know a lot more than I did when we
Wants You to KnoW
And anyone who passes through the started. My visits with him, like my visit to
3rd floor of the Synagogue on a Wednesday Israel have been life altering for me as was
The Chesed Committee is here to
afternoon, knows, that this February wil be 5 joining the Brotherhood Congregation. Rabbi
provide support for members in their
years and except for a few times when it couldn't Alder, Cantor Weis, Judy, Barbara, Roberta, all
times of need. If we can assist you at a
be helped, we have never missed a Wednesday the people who work in the office, the teachers,
difficult time, please let us know. We
afternoon since that day. We have done Torah by the volunteers; everyone contributes so much
are here for you. If you can volunteer
phone during our vacations and even though I'm to make this such a special community. I am
to help out, we need you. Call the
pretty certain he can find more festive pastimes grateful every day for that trip to Israel, which
synagogue office or contact chesed@
while he's away, Phil knows this is food for my in a way, was responsible for bringing me here.
soul and missing it is difficult. He has taught me And I am grateful to everyone here for making
about Torah, Judaism, history and humanity. He me feel so welcome.l
The Brotherhood Synagogue Av / Elul 5776 September 2016
September 10, 1 pm
Garden of remembrance *Book of remembrance
The Shabbat Club will resume monthly meetings on Saturday, September 10,
September 3 - 9
Roffis Dobrow, *Max Edelstein, Irving Feinberg,
at 1 pm in the reception room opposite
*Anna Berlowitz, *Dr. Leon Brody, Helen Bush,
Bernard Feldman, Ann Finegold, Theodore Fisch,
the sanctuary. Shlomit ravitsky Tur-
*Charlotte Eisinger, Ina Epstein, Frank Estrine,
Maurice Friedman, Simon Gaum, Janet Gelb,
*Peyser C. Freedman, Dorothy Friedenberg, Harold
Laicha Gel man, Ruth Glass, Nathan Gold, Lester
Paz, Executive director of Elul, will be
Gabel, Julia Gerstenhaber, Martin Gilman, Sam
Goldwater, *Nathan Greenhouse, Alexander
joining us to teach. Elul is a study center
Giman, Louis Glass, Alex Gold, Juan Gonzalez,
Heisler, Aaron Horwitz , *Eleanore Kane, Bernard
in Jerusalem which uses traditional
*Frieda Gross, *Sidney Grossman, Jesse Hafter,
Katz, Miriam D. Kaufman, Nathaniel Krass, *Joan
and modern Jewish study sources to
Edward Hunter, Cecile Insdorf, Rachel Kommissaroff,
Rose Lebon, Gertrude London, Harry London, *Jacob
promote pluralism by bridging divides
Saul Koppelman, Selma Lande, *Joan Lappert, H.
Meyer, Mol ie Mil er, *Rebecca Natilson, Jacob Zvi
Kirke Lewis, Henry Lieberman, Benjamin Liss,
Newman, Jens Nygaard, *Anne Posner, Rabbi Robert
between Jewish israelis and developing
Wil iam Maloff, Dov Beryl Manischewitz, Rose
Raab, Frederick Raine, *Rose Rosenberg, Howard
Jewish identities for all Jews—women,
Martus, Raphael Mil er, Ruth Monheit, Maxwell
Rosenblum, Frank Rubinstein, Ruth Scalyer, Sarah
men, young, old, haredi, religious,
M. Powel , Walter Prichap, Miriam Rahav, Jack
Schenker, Ruth Schlesinger, Mol ie Schurberg,
conservative, reform, secular, cultural
Schachter, Gertrud Schmutzer, Adeline Schor, *Max
George Shankman, Alice Gal ub Sharron, Gerald
and israelis from all over the political
Edward Shaine, *Harry Shulman, Sharon Silbiger-
Sherman, Moshe Shragowitz, Miki Silberstang,
Gaynor, Martha Simon, Al Sloane, Caroline
Judith Starns, Ruth Straus, Samuel Sutro, Bessie
spectrum. At this Shabbat Club, she
Stein, Leonard Stein-Sapir, Jerry Strumpf, David
Tekosky, El en Claire Varsano, *Jacob Weinreb,
will use the participatory text-based
Noah Sugarman, Regina Toporek, Mol y Walder,
Berish Weinstein, Mable Yee, Mol y Zolick
style of Elul on a subject drawn
*Jacob Weckstein, Gerta Wertheim
from the weekly Torah portion. As
September 9 - 16
a Brotherhood scholar-in-residence,
Sarah Abraham, Rachel Alcalay, David Alter, Goldie
Memorial Book Listings
she will also speak at Friday evening
Berkowitz, Abraham Bezief, Jerome Blumenthal,
services on September 9 about the
Elyse Bohrer, Maurice Brandes, Ruben Bush,
*Nathan Cantor, *Samuel Cassel , Bernard
important work of Elul.
Drimmer, Mary Edlis, El iot Eisenbach, *Myer Elson,
if you have not yet returned the sheet
All are welcome at the monthly
Judith Evans, Albert Falk, Freda Fel , David Samuel
indicating your entry in the Memorial
Shabbat Club meetings. no member-
Fine, Lil ian Fishman, Carl Samuel Friedes, Theresa
Book distributed at the yizkor service
on yom Kippur, kindly send it to
ship in the club or the synagogue is
Genzer, Harriette Getz, *Harry Eli Goldfarb,
the office now. The last date for
required, and no knowledge of hebrew
Anne Goldman, Rudolf E. Goldschmidt, Gilbert
Grabisch, Ann Grody, *Joseph Gross, Elaine
submissions is September 16.
needed. relax and learn with old and
Handler, Bruce Hendricks, Harriet Hochman, Eric
if you had a listing last year,
new friends on a Shabbat afternoon.
Kaminsky, *Estel e Katz, James J. Kleinman, Max
please verify its accuracy and let us know if
drinks and snacks are provided. l
Kramer, Sarah Ladani, Lil ian Lazar, Virginia Leffel,
you would like to make any changes to this
*Julius Levine, Pearl Levitz, Milton Meyerowitz, Zelda
year's edition. Those who have not listed
Michaels, Michael Mil er, Nina Moore, *Abraham
in our Memorial Book in the past are asked
Jacob Rechtschaeffer, Anne Rich, Leon Roony, Bel e
to complete the form that was sent to you.
Troy Rothbart, Max Rottenbach, Irving Schaffer,
Please call the office if you have any questions,
*David A. Schechter, Mark Schimel, *Fannie Seidler,
brotherhood Continues
Benjamin Shapley, Doris Silber, Elihu Silver, Arthur
tradition of Providing
Sonneberg, Frank Sugar, Bertha Tenenbaum, Jacob
Warmbrand, *Frances Weintraub, Irene Weiss,
transportation for
Dawn Weiswasser, Sophie Yaker
September 17 – 23
Joan Antelman, *Wil iam Baumann, Arnold
The Social Action Committee helps
Bergman, Bertha Bornstein, Eva Braslow, Harry
arrange cemetery visits for those who
Danoff, Harvey Domow, Anna Dursht, *Miriam
28 Gramercy Park South
need transportation to area cemeteries in
Field*, Simon Fink, *Jack Frankel, Meir Gel man,
new york, n.y. 10003
Long island, Queens, Westchester, and new
*Julius Gewirtz, Hannah Kurland Goldman, Leon
Phone: (212) 674-5750
Jersey before the high holidays. if you are
Goldstein, *Samuel Goldwasser, *Ethel Gourse, Edith
Fax: (212) 505-6707
in need of transportation and would like to
Greir, *Adele Gross, Leon Herzfeld, Gayle Israel,
travel to the cemetery with a member of
Terry Katz, Helen Kestenbaum, *Rhoda King, Saul
the congregation, please call Manda in the
Klein, Elsie Kramer, Julius Krauss, Dora Lieberman,
rABBi dAniEL ALdEr,
office (212.674.5750) no later than Friday,
Ida Lieberman, Samuel Shmoael Litsky, Myra
"Myke" Mandel , Irving Marks, *Peppie Meyer,
rABBi irVinG J. BLoCKZ''L d.d.:
DRIVERS nEEDED! if you are able to
*Murray Meyer, Wil iam Mil er, *Cantor Leo
perform the mitzvah of driving others to a
Mirkovic, *Earl Ostroff, Sheila Polks, Lynn Profeta,
hErMAn diAMond: Cantor Emeritus
cemetery and haven't done so previously,
Gussie Goldberg Rothstein, Pauline Rubinoff,
ShiyA riBoWSKy: Cantor Emeritus
please cal the office and let Manda know
Ethan Sabal, Ida Schneider, Melanie Schneider, *Helen
you would like to volunteer.
Ruth Schwartz, Hattie Schwartz, Irma Schwartzberg,
Trudi BArToW: President
The program was specifically requested
Aaron Settle, Elaine Simon, Karin Joan Singer, Alfred
to be undertaken at the urging of our
Sternfels, Grace Fanwick Sugarman, Harriet Vernikoff,
Executive and Education director
founding rabbi, rabbi irving J. Block, z''l and
Deborah Wil iams, Irving Wil is, Ray Woitovich
Congregation founded in 1954
historic Landmark Building
we honor his memory in the fulfillment of
September 24 – 30
this mitzvah.
Susan Bailis, Benjamin Benedikt, Leon Berenstein,
Florence Brandes, Col. Samuel Cummings, Mae
Av / Elul 5776 September 2016 The Brotherhood Synagogue
Hebrew School News
our Hebrew School year begins the week of Congregation and from our one day of Hebrew take place in the Hebrew month of Tishri—this
September 12, with students in Grades 3-6 School per week program to our two days a week year it will coincide with the month of October.
beginning on Monday September 12 and students of Hebrew School, as they transition into Kitah It is customary during the weekday morning
in Gan (Kindergarten), 1st, 2nd and 7th Grades Gimmel (3rd Grade) in the Fall of 2017.
minyanim of Elul that the shofar is blown as a
beginning their classes on Tuesday September 13.
We are pleased to announce the continuation wake-up call to self-reflection.
Wednesday evening September 14 from 7-8 pm and expansion of our Hebrew Lab Program. For Looking Ahead to the High Holidays:
marks our Hebrew School Meet and Greet, where those unfamiliar with our Hebrew Lab Program, it
Rosh Hashanah Family Services (for families
Hebrew School parents and Hebrew School is a special program set up for students who learn with children in Third Grade and older) will take
teachers will have the opportunity to say hello to better in smaller group settings. [At Brotherhood, place on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, Monday
one another and to learn more about what the traditional Hebrew classes number 6-10 students, morning October 3 from 10:30 am-12 noon at 61
children will be learning this coming Hebrew while lab students learn in even smaller groups.] Gramercy Park North.
Although the lab does offer some students
There will also be Rosh Hashanah Children's
Here is a preview of some of the highlights of remediation of their Hebrew skills, most of the Services from 1:30 pm-2:30 pm on both Monday
our upcoming Hebrew School year!
students choose to participate in lab because—for October 3 and Tuesday October 4, which will
In addition to studying Hebrew, Tefillah, one reason or another—they are not on grade take place at our synagogue.
Torah, Customs and Ceremonies, Jewish Values level. Some of our Hebrew School families speak
Yom Kippur Children's Services will take
and Hebrew songs, our Hebrew School will Hebrew at home, while others have lived in Israel place on Wednesday October 12 at 2:15 pm, also
continue our successful Mishpacha (Family) for a period of time. We strive to meet the learning at our synagogue.
programming, where our children and their needs of each and every Hebrew School student.
On behalf the entire Hebrew School teaching
family members join together in learning about The Hebrew Lab helps us to reach this goal.
staff and school administrator Bunny Blei, I wish
Jewish rituals and practice; our Purim Spiel on
During this Hebrew month of Elul we are you all a Sweet & Peaceful New Year 5777!
Saturday March 11; our Haggadah Sing Along on in the process of getting ready spiritually for
Tuesday April 4, our Model Seder on Wednesday the Yamim HaNoraim—the High Holy Days
April 5; our Brotherhood Schools' Benefit on of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which will
Hebrew School Principal l
Thursday April 6, our 11th Annual Great Chai-Q
Contest on Wednesday May 3 which focuses (in
Jeopardy fashion) on facts re: basic Jewish literacy;
Contacting All College Students
and, of course, our annual spring "Broadway
Musical" (Hint: It's all about TRADITION!)
We will once again be maintaining contact with our young members during their college years
(Please mark your calendars for Wednesday
through correspondence from Rabbi Dan Alder. In past years, students have received Rosh
May 17 and Thursday May 18 at 7:00 pm!) On
Hashanah greetings, holiday packages for Chanukah and Purim, and information on Jewish
Friday May 19 our Kitah Zayin (7th Graders)
programs for those of college age. We are, therefore, requesting parents of college students to
Graduation will take place, with our Kitah Zayin
notify the synagogue office (you may use email: [email protected]) with updated
graduates co-leading parts of the Friday evening
addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Even if their contact information has remained
Shabbat Services. On Saturday morning May 20
the same, you must respond each year for your child to receive the mailings. We wish all our
at 10:30 am, our Kitah Bet (2nd Grade) students
students a fulfilling year of study!
will "step up" from the Aleph Bet Club to Junior
Life Goes On
Please reserve Wednesday, September 14 at
After the tour, there will be a dinner The Last Painting of Sara de Vos. For our next
4:30 pm for our guided tour of the exhibition together at the Historical Society's excellent meeting, please join us on Tuesday, September
Alexander Hamilton: the Untold Story at the New restaurant, Caffe Storico. A prix fixe gourmet 20 at 7pm at Brotherhood to discuss our next
York Historical Society. We had an amazing tour dinner will be offered at $42 per person, not selection Everybody's Fool by Richard Russo. A
there about a year ago and, if we are lucky, the including beverages, tax, and tips. Details will reviewer stated: "Everybody's Fool is filled with
same docent wil lead us or perhaps two docents follow for those who plan to join. Please RSVP humor, heart, hard times, and people you can't
depending on the size of our group.
ASAP to Agnes!
help but love possibly because their various
Even more than usual, the museum's
We had an amazing time on our tour faults make them so stridently human. This
arrangements depend on our group's firm of Central Park this past spring! We owe is classic Russo—and a crowning achievement
commitment to how many people will deepest thanks to Central Park Conservancy from one of the greatest storytellers of our
attend. Please understand that in replying docent, Steven Cohen, for the fantastic tour. time." As usual, Professor Birns will guide
that you plan to come, you are making a firm His contagious enthusiasm and enormous our discussion and wine and desserts will be
commitment to pay for your spot. The cost is knowledge of all things connected with the served. The cost of participating is $20 per
$20 per person, payable to Agnes in cash or park and its history and architecture really person. Please rsvp ASAP to Aggie if you're
by check at the museum as the full amount brought it to life for all of us. I am delighted planning to attend.
has to be prepaid before we start our tour (The to add that Steve has offered to take us on a
If you or someone you know would like
Society is charging exactly $20 per person for a second tour of another area of the park this fall to be a part of Life Goes On, please come to
senior guided tour). The museum is located at after the holidays. Hopefully, we'll be able to our meetings—we would be happy to see you!
170 Central Park West at 77 Street, just south schedule that sometime this October.
If you have any questions, please call Agnes
of the Museum of Natural History. We will
Our June book club meeting was Marton at 917.519.4427 or e-mail her at
meet around the corner inside the 77th Street particularly enjoyable due to the interesting [email protected] or call Roberta in
entrance at 4:15pm.
discussions spurred by a book we all loved: the Synagogue office at 212.674.5750. l
The Brotherhood Synagogue Av / Elul 5776 September 2016
Nursery School Thoughts
♪ Cantor's Notes ♪
by Merril Feinstein, Director
by Cantor Mike Weis
ispent a few days this summer relaxing on a beautiful Rhode Island beach.
There were many families and many children taking advantage of the
Several months ago, I was invited to speak at the Chautauqua
Institution in western NY. As I'm writing this, my talk is still over
dry New England air and moderate water temperatures. Al around
a week away. I'm told that there could be upwards of 2000 people
children played with sand and water, shel s and stones. They played for
listening to this talk, so to say that this is the biggest talk of my life
hours. Real y: hours, happily and contentedly. Presented with open-ended
would not be an understatement.
materials and loose parts children busy themselves far longer than they do
My topic: how technological change beginning during the time of
with traditional toys and games, and they learn so much more.
the great immigration of the late 1800s and early 1900s helped to create
Loose parts and open-ended materials encourage problem solving and
the historical phenomenon of the superstar cantor. Who, or what, is a
are child centered. Children involve themselves in concrete experiences
superstar cantor?
that lead to explorations that occur natural y, as opposed to adult directed.
Quite simply, he (not she) was a cantor who achieved almost
Materials such as sand, water, blocks and sticks can become anything
mythological status among the populace…a bona fide celebrity. The first
the child wants it to be. There is no specific direction for the materials,
technological change, the advent of sound recording in the form of the
inviting creativity and connection, personal understanding and contextual
78 rpm record—invented, by the way, not by Thomas Edison but by a
Jewish immigrant from Germany named Emile Berliner who, along with
The theory of loose parts is integral to the Reggio Emilia approach to
Eldridge Johnson, brought the gramophone and Victrola to market—led
education. Reggio Emilia, an innovative and inspiring approach to early
to almost non-stop crowds outside the music stores of NYC arguing so
childhood education, sees the child as strong, capable and resilient; rich
loudly over why their favorite cantor was, indeed, the best that nobody
with wonder and knowledge. "Every child brings with them deep curiosity
could actual y hear the music.
and potential and this innate curiosity drives their interest to understand
Cantors such as Yossele Rosenblatt, Mordecai Herschman and Zavel
their world and their place within it." (Loris Malaguzzi) Malaguzzi, one
Kwartin were but a few of the greats of this era. It was Rosenblatt who
of the founding educators of Reggio Emilia (named after the Italian city
turned down an offer of $100,000 to co-star in the first talkie, The Jazz
where this approach began), tel s us that children communicate in many
Singer, though he did eventually agree to appear in a much smaller role,
ways, with a hundred languages and that children express their ideas and
as himself. But technology marched on, eroding the earning power of
knowledge through interactions with materials and their environment.
these early superstars while creating unparalleled opportunities for a
At the Brotherhood Nursery School, we create opportunities for our
new generation of cantors.
children to have the time and opportunity to investigate, explore and
Foremost among these was Moishe Oysher, a polarizing figure
to make connections that construct meaning. Last year we built a new
among the observant Jewish crowd but perhaps the most entertaining
playground that al ows children to bring their personal and unique ideas
cantor who ever set foot on stage or bima. Originally making his name
and imagination to the space. This year we have created Studio-in-the
in Yiddish theatre, he hit it big in Yiddish radio as Der Meister Zinger
Shed where our youngest children can further engage with materials,
Fun Zain Volk (literally "The Master Singer of His People"), a hefty
express themselves with exciting recyclables and make further connections
title, to be sure, but oddly fitting. Not known as a particularly pious
to their growing world.
Jew, it is said that witnesses often had to accompany him to shul on
During the month of September we wil be col ecting the fol owing
Shabbat to ensure that he did not arrive by taxi.
recycled materials for our studio. You can drop them off at the nursery
A string of starring roles in Yiddish films would establish him as the
school. Todah rabah and l'shana tova!
biggest film star that the cantorate would ever create, but il health and
• Artificial flowers
• Scrabble tiles
an untimely death would prevent him from making the leap to opera and
eventual y to Hol ywood that he so yearned for. He did, however, take
• Shirt cardboard
advantage of the new medium of the long-playing record in the mid-
1950s (also invented by a Jew) to create a series of unforgettable musical
• New Year's cards
experiences that would cement his legacy among the cantorial greats.
• Paper ephemera
• Styrofoam meat trays
More than simple success stories, these cantors were the glue that held
their communities together while helping them adjust to life in a new
• Postage stamps
land. They were touchstones, and gave hope to mil ions that they too
• Embroidery frames
could succeed beyond their wildest dreams in the Golden Land. l
Please join us on the following Friday evenings to welcome Shabbat together with stories and song.
5:30 pm - children up to 3 years old
5:30 pm - children ages 3-6 years
with daphna mor and saskia Lane
old with katie shea
Dates: September 23, october 7,
6:30 pm - Grades 2-7 with
november 4, november 18, december 2,
Phil rothman
december 9, January 6, January 20,
Dates: november 4, december 9,
February 3, February17, March 10,
January 20, February 3, March 24,
Services Schedule
March 24, April 7, April 21, May 5,
2016-17 / 5777
Av / Elul 5776 September 2016 The Brotherhood Synagogue
7:09 pm: Candles 3
9:30 am: Services
7:30 pm: Services
✡ Saturday Morning starting September 24:
Shabbat Corner 9:45 am • Junior Congregation 10:30 am
Alef-Bet Club 11 am
rosh chodesh
6 10 am: English-in-Action 7
6:30 pm: Prospective 8
6:56 pm: Candles 10
9:30 am: Services
Members open house
7:30 pm: Services
Bar Mitzvah of Zane roth
7:30 pm: harmonia-Ah!
1 pm: Shabbat Club
12 4 pm: hebrew School 13
9:30 am: Toddlers 14
10 am: Baby Class 15 9:30 am: Toddler Class 16
6:44 pm: Candles 17
9:30 am: Services
10 am: English-in-Action
11 am: Pre-Toddler Class
10 am: Baby Class
6:30 pm: Services
10:45 am: Toddlers
4 pm: hebrew School 10:45 am: Pre-Toddler Class Celebrating Phil rothman
4 pm: hebrew School
4:30 pm: Life Goes on
2 pm: English-in-Action
*Note new staring time
through spring
7 pm: hebrew School
3 pm: Thursday Corner
4:30 pm: hebrew Corner
7 pm: Brotherhood Book
ki teitzei
9:30 am: Tikvah 19 4 pm: hebrew School 20 9:30 am: Toddler Class 21
10 am: Baby Class 22
9:30 am: Toddler Class 23
6:32 pm: Candles 24
9:30 am: Services
noon: round Challah
10 am: English-in-Action
11 am: Pre-Toddler Class
10 am: Baby Class
5:30 pm: Family Shabbat 23
10:45 am: Toddlers
4 pm: hebrew School 10:45 am: Pre-Toddler Class
1:30: hadassah Meeting
6:30 pm: Prospective
noon: Lunch and Learn
6:30 pm: Services
9:45 am: Shabbat Corner
4 pm: hebrew School
Members open house
2 pm: English-in-Action
10:30 am: Junior
7:30 pm: harmonia-Ah!
3 pm: Thursday Corner
7 pm: Board Meeting
4:30 pm: hebrew Corner
11 am: Alef-Bet Club
7 pm: Life Goes on
Penitential Prayer
26 4 pm: hebrew School 27 9:30 am: Toddler Class 28
10 am: Baby Class 29 9:30 am: Toddler Class 30
6:20 pm: Candles 10/1
9:30 am: Services
10 am: English-in-Action
11 am: Pre-Toddler Class
10 am: Baby Class
6:30 pm: Services
10:45 am: Toddlers
4 pm: hebrew School 10:45 am: Pre-Toddler Class
4 pm: hebrew School
7:30 pm: harmonia-Ah!
noon: Lunch and Learn
2 pm: English-in-Action
3 pm: Thursday Corner
4:30 pm: hebrew Corner
at Brotherhood Synagogue's
e for Prospective Members
Please tell your friends, family, and colleagues
about Brotherhood's
right about here
been thinking about joining a downtown c
September 7 and 21!
Open House at Brotherhood Synagogue
Wednesday, September 7 6:30-7:30 pm
Wednesday, September 21 6:30-7:30 pm
Our warm and welcoming
We can't help but think yo
The Brotherhood S
cy Park South, New York 10003
PROTEIN-CHEMICAL INTERACTION PREDICTION VIA KERNELIZED SPARSE LEARNING SVM YI SHI*1, XINHUA ZHANG1, XIAOPING LIAO2, GUOHUI LIN1, DALE SCHUURMANS1 1Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E8, Canada 2Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2P5, Canada
Islam and Immunization in Northern Nigeria Department of Anthropology and the Center for Afroamerican and African Studies University of Michigan 101 West Hall, 1085 S. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107 Ph. (734) 647-9917; fax (734) 763-6077; email: [email protected] Draft chapter from book, Protesting Polio and the Ethics of Eradication in Northern Nigeria. Please do not reproduce or circulate without permission of author.