α-glucosidase inhibitory and antidiabetic activities of ethanolic extract of pisonia alba span. leaves

α-Glucosidase inhibitory and antidiabetic activity of Pisonia alba
International Journal of Integrative Biology
A journal for biology beyond borders
ISSN 0973-8363
α-Glucosidase inhibitory and antidiabetic activities of ethanolic
extract of Pisonia alba Span. leaves
Sunil Christudas1,*, Latha Gopalakrishnan2, Palanisamy Mohanraj 3,
Kalichelvan Kaliyamoorthy1, Paul Agastian 4
1 Department of Pharmacy, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India
2 Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, India
3 Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
4 Entomology Research Institute, Loyola College, Chennai, India
Submitted: 12 Feb. 2009; Accepted: 16 Apr. 2009
In this study, the ethanolic extract of Pisonia alba has been studied for its α-glucosidase inhibitory and
antidiabetic properties. The extract shows α-glucosidase inhibitory activity in a concentration dependent manner
(IC50 of 416.7 µg/ml). On 15 days administration of the extract (250 and 500 mg/kg) on alloxan induced diabetic
rats resulted in significant (P<0.01) decrease in blood glucose, serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT),
serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), serum alkaline phosphatase (SALP), cholesterol,
triglycerides levels and increase in HDL levels as compared to pathogenic diabetic rats. These results indicate
that the extract is effective in hyperglycemia and also protects significantly from other metabolic aberrations
caused by alloxan.
Keywords: Pisonia alba, alloxan, α-Glucosidase, antihyperglycemic, glibenclamide.
in the early treatment of DM and in reducing chronic vascular complications (Shim et al., 2003).
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common metabolic disease
characterized by elevated blood glucose levels,
One of the therapeutic approaches for reducing
resulting from absent or inadequate pancreatic insulin
postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with DM is to
secretion, with or without current impairment of insulin
prevent absorption of carbohydrates after food uptake.
action. Currently, diabetes has been estimated to affect
Only monosaccharides, such as glucose and fructose,
177 million people world wide and this figure is
can be transported out of the intestinal lumen into the
projected to increase to 300 million by 2025 (Porter et
blood stream. Complex starches, oligosaccharides and
al., 2005). Epidemiological studies and clinical trials
disaccharides must be broken down into individual
strongly support that hyperglycemia is the main cause
monosaccharides before being absorbed in the
of complications related with coronary artery disease,
duodenum and upper jejunum. This digestion is
cerebrovascular disease, renal failure, blindness, limb
facilitated by enteric enzymes, including pancreatic α-
amputation, neurological complications and pre-mature
amylase and α-glucosidases that are attached to the
death (Lopez 2001). Recent studies suggest that
brush border of the intestinal cells. Acarbose and
postprandial hyperglycemia could induce the non-
miglitol are competitive inhibitors of intestinal α-
enzymatic glycosylation of various proteins, resulting
glucosidases and reduce the postprandial digestion and
in the development of chronic complications. Therefore,
absorption of starch and disaccharides (Davis et al.,
control of postprandial plasma glucose levels is critical
1996). Screening of α-glucosidases inhibitors from plants and synthetic sources is increasing. Inhibitors of
these enzymes have been recently developed from
*Corresponding author:
natural sources (Shim et al., 2003).
Christudas Sunil, Ph.D. Scholar
Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences
In herbal medicinal practice many plants are used to
Loyola College, Chennai 603203, India
treat diabetes mellitus in south India. Most of these
Email: [email protected]
medicinal plants are not scientifically validated for their
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IJIB, 2009, Vol. 6, No. 1, 41
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α-Glucosidase inhibitory and antidiabetic activity of Pisonia alba
therapeutic efficacy and safety (Babu et al., 2002).
animal experiments were carried out according to NIH
Though there are numerous traditional medicinal plants
guidelines, after getting the approval of the Institute's
reported to have hypoglycemic property, many of them
Animal Ethics Committee (Reg. No. 176/99/CPCSEA).
have proven to be not effective in lowering glucose levels in severe diabetes (Nagarajan et al., 1987).
Acute toxicity studies
Furthermore, most of the hypoglycemic agents used in allopathic medicine are reported to have side effects
Healthy adult wistar albino rats of either sex, starved
including hematological, coma and disturbances of
overnight were divided into five groups (n=6) and were
liver and kidney. Therefore, there is a need to search
orally fed with the PAEE in increasing dose levels of
for more effective and safer drugs for diabetes (Pari et
100, 500, 1000, 3000 and 5000 mg/kg body weight
al., 1999).
continuously for 2 h under behavioral, neurologial,
Pisonia alba (Nyctaginaceae), commonly known as
autonomic profiles (Turner, 1965).
Lettuce Tree, is an evergreen tree 9-12 m high found sparsely wild in the beach forests of Andaman Islands,
Inhibition assay for the α-glucosidase
cultivated to a small extent in India and Ceylon. The
fresh leaves moistened with Eau-de-Cologne are used to subdue inflammation of a filariosis nature in the legs
In order to investigate the inhibitory of PAEE, an in
and other parts (Kiritikar et al.,1935). They are used as
vitro α-glucosidase inhibition test was performed.
diuretic. The root is purgative. A survey of literature
Normally α-Glucosidase from yeast is extensively used
revealed that Pisonia alba is an untapped candidate for
as a screening material for α-glucosidase inhibitors, but
antidiabetic activity though it is extensively used in
the results do not always agree with those obtained in
traditional healing of diabetes in Kerala (Anonymous,
mammals. Therefore, we used the mouse small
intestine homogenate as an α-glucosidase solution because we speculated that it would better reflect the in vivo state. The inhibitory effect was measured using the method slightly modified from Dahlqvist (Dahlqvist,
1964). After fasting for 20 h, the small intestine between the part immediately below duodenum and the
Plant material and extraction procedure
part immediately above the cecum was cut, rinsed with
The aerial parts of Pisonia alba were collected from
ice cold saline and homogenized with 12 ml of maleate
Trivandrum district of Kerala. The plant was
buffer (100 mM, pH 6.0). The homogenate was used as the α
authenticated by Dr. Mathew Dan, Plant taxonomist of
-glucosidase solution. The assay mixture consisted
Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute. A
of 100 mM maleate buffer (pH 6.0), 2% (w/v) each
voucher specimen has been deposited at the herbarium
sugar substrate solution (100 µl), and the PAEE (50-
of TBGRI (TBGT 57019 dated 19/01/07) for future
1000µg/ml). It was pre-incubated for 5 min at 37ºC, and the reaction was initiated by adding the crude α
reference. The aerial parts of Pisonia alba were washed
thoroughly in tap water, dried under shade and
glucosidase solution (50 µl) to it, followed by
powdered to coarse particles. The powder (22 gm) was
incubation for 10 min at 37ºC. The glucose released in
extracted with 3000 ml of ethanol with constant stirring.
the reaction mixture was determined with the kit
The residue was removed by filtration and the filtrate
was evaporated to dryness at 40ºC under reduced
decomposition was calculated as percentage ratio to the
pressure in a rotary evaporator. The yield of the ethanol
amount of glucose obtained when the carbohydrate was
extract was found to be 0.165 gm. The extract was
completely digested. The rate of prevention was
dried in a desiccator and it was referred to as PAEE. It
calculated by the following formula:
was diluted with 2% Tweeen-80 to desired
concentrations and used for the experiments.
( A A ) B
A0 - Amount of glucose produced by the positive control. A1 - Amount of glucose produced by the addition of PAEE
Adult male albino rats (250-350 gm), reared in Tropical
B - Glucose production value in blank.
Botanical Garden and Research Institute's animal house were used for the experiments. They were
Effect of PAEE on Oral Glucose Tolerance
grouped and housed in Poly-acrylic cages with six animals per cage and maintained under standard
Test (OGTT)
laboratory conditions. (Temperature 24-28ºC, relative
The oral glucose tolerance test (Bonner-Weir, 1988)
humidity 60-70% and 12 h dark-light cycles). They
was performed in overnight fasted (18 h) normal rats.
were fed with commercial rat feed (Lipton India Ltd.,
Rats divided into three groups (n=6) were administered
Mumbai, India) and boiled water, ad libitum. All
International Journal of Integrative Biology
IJIB, 2009, Vol. 6, No. 1, 42
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α-Glucosidase inhibitory and antidiabetic activity of Pisonia alba
Blood was collected into heparinized tubes.
Table 1: In vitro α-glucosidase inhibition using PAEE.
The serum was analysed for glucose
% of inhibition of α-glucosidase
50 (µg/ml)
oxaloacetate transaminase, serum alkaline
phosphatase, cholesterol, triglycerides and
HDL in an autoanalyzer Micro lab 2000
using Ecolin kits.
All the values represent (mean ± SE) taken from two experiments each with 3 replicates per dose was tabulated.
Statistical analysis
Table 2: Effect of PAEE Oral Glucose Tolerance Test.
The experimental data were expressed as
Blood glucose (mg/dl)
mean±SEM. The significance of difference
among the various treated groups and
control group was analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's
multiple comparison test using Graphat
Instat Software (San Diego, CA, USA).
mg/kg) Values are the mean ± SD, n=6 for all groups significance **P<0.01, compared with vehicle treated control group (One way ANOVA using Dunnett's test).
dri nking water, PAEE 250 and 500 mg/kg, respectively.
The acute toxicity studies revealed the nontoxic nature
Glucose (2 gm/kg) was fed 30 min after the
of the PAEE. There was no lethality or any toxic
administration of extracts. Blood was withdrawn from
reactions found at any of the doses selected until the
the retro orbital sinus under ether inhalation at 30, 90
end of the study period. This is not surprising as PAEE
and 150 min of glucose administration and glucose
is extensively used as vegetable and salad.
levels were estimated using the standard glucose
reagent kit (Accurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. Thane).
The PAEE showed a significant inhibitory action of -glucosidase enzyme (Table 1). The results revealed that
Effect of PAEE on Alloxan-induced
PAEE showed 5.75% of inhibition at 50 g/ml and for
diabetic rats
1000 g/ml inhibition was found to be 83.29%. There
Rats were injected with alloxan (60 mg/kg) through tail
was a proportionate increase in the percentage of -
vein (Babu et al., 2002). Five days later, blood samples
glucosidase inhibition in a concentration dependent
were drawn and glucose levels were determined to
manner (IC50 of 416.7 µg/ml). Acarbose was used as a
confirm the development of diabetes. The diabetic rats
reference standard for the evaluation of -glucosidase
exhibiting glucose levels in the range of 400-450 mg/dl
inhibitory action. α-glucosidase is one of a number of
were selected to determine the efficacy of PAEE.
glucosidases located in the brush-border surface membrane of intestinal cells, and is a key enzyme of
Experimental setup
carbohydrate digestion (Caspary, 1978). α-glucosidase inhibitors block the actions of α-glucosidase enzymes
The animals were divided into five groups with six
in the small intestine, which limits the conversion of
animals in each group.
oligosaccharides and disaccharides to monosaccharides,
Group I normal control rats administered 2%
necessary for gastrointestinal absorption. Postprandial
Tween-80 (1 ml), p.o.
glucose peaks may be attenuated by delayed glucose
Group II diabetic control rats administered a single
absorption. The main benefits attributable to α-
daily dose of 2% Tween-80 (1 ml), p.o.
Group III diabetic rats administered PAEE (250
postprandial glycemic levels and in the total range of
postprandial glucose levels (Lebovitz, 1997). The
Group IV diabetic rats administered PAEE (500
antidiabetic action of PAEE is attributed to the
intestinal α-glucosidase inhibitory activity.
Group V diabetic rats administered reference drug
glibenclamide (600 µg/kg b.w/rat/d) in aqueous
Oral administration of PAEE at 250 and 500 mg/kg
solution orally for 15 days.
doses resulted in a significant fall in blood glucose
Blood samples were collected in the morning, 1hr after
level, 2½ h after a single dose of treatment in glucose
drug administration on days 1, 4, 7, 10 and 15 for
loaded rats (Table 2). PAEE was effective at both the
glucose estimation. After 15 days of treatment, the
doses used in depressing the peak value of blood sugar
fasted rats were sacrificed by cervical decapitation.
at 30 min after glucose loading. At both the dose levels, PAEE completely prevented the elevation of blood
International Journal of Integrative Biology
IJIB, 2009, Vol. 6, No. 1, 43
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α-Glucosidase inhibitory and antidiabetic activity of Pisonia alba
Table 3: Effect of 15 days treatment with PAEE on glucose levels of diabetic rats
Blood glucose levels (mg/dl)
Day 1
Diabetic control
PAEE (250 mg/kg)
PAEE (500 mg/kg)
Glibenclamide (600 μg/kg)
Values are the mean ± SD, n=6 for all , significance **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 compared with vehicle treated control group (One wa y ANOVA using Dunnett's test).
Table 4: Effect of PAEE on rat serum biochemical parameters after alloxan administration
Diabetic control
183.45 ± 13.22***
28.73 ± 1.71***
(500 mg/kg) Diabetic + Glibenclamide
(600 µg/kg) Values are the mean ± SD, n=6 for all groups significance **P<0.01, compared with vehicle treated control group (One way ANOVA using Dunnett's test).
glucose level caused by oral glucose feeding. This
islets or enhanced transport of blood glucose to
finding indicates that the PAEE extract might be
peripheral (Tulay et al., 2008). Inhibition of proximal
producing its hypoglycemic activity by a mechanism
tubular reabsorption mechanism for glucose in the
independent from the insulin secretion, e.g. by the
kidney may also contribute to the blood glucose
inhibition of endogenous glucose production (Eddouks
lowering effect (Jafri et al., 2000).
et al., 2003) or by the inhibition of intestinal glucose
absorption (Platel et al., 1997).
An increase in the SGPT, SGOT and SALP activities
was recorded in diabetic rats in comparison with non
In alloxan induced diabetic rats, the blood glucose
diabetic rats, indicating an altered liver function in
levels were in the range of 400-450 mg/dl which can be
diabetic condition. PAEE significantly controlled
considered as severe diabetes (Table 3). Administration
SGPT, SGOT and SALP values in the alloxan diabetic
of PAEE upto 15 days tends to bring the blood glucose
rats (Table 4). In diabetic animals a change in the
levels towards normal. The PAEE treated groups
serum enzymes is directly related to changes in the
showed blood glucose levels of 200 mg/dl and 205.95
metabolism in which these enzymes are involved. The
mg/dl, when compared with that of diabetic control
increased levels of transaminases which are active in
groups (203.35 mg/dl). A similar reduction in blood
the absence of insulin because of increased availability
glucose level was noticed in glibenclamide treated rats
of amino acids in diabetes (Bondy et al., 1949; Felig et
(203.35 mg/dl). A significant (p<0.01) reduction in
al., 1970) are responsible for the increased
blood glucose level was noticed among PAEE and
gluconeogensis and ketogenesis observed in diabetes.
standard drug treated groups when compared with
In the present study, the PAEE significantly decreased
diabetic control. Alloxan, a β-cytotoxin, induces
Aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) and Alanine
chemical diabetes in a wide variety of animal species
aminotransferase (ALAT) enzyme activities. Hence, the
including rats by damaging the insulin-secreting β-cells
improvements noticed in the levels of the enzymes
and almost complete destruction of the pancreas. In the
studied, namely Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase
present study, PAEE significantly reduced the blood
(GOT) and Glutamate pyruvate transaminases (GPT)
glucose levels of alloxan diabetic rats indicating the
are as a consequence of an improvement in the
mechanism possibly by potentiation of pancreatic
carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. The
secretion of insulin from existing residual β-cells of
restoration of GOT and GPT after treatment also
International Journal of Integrative Biology
IJIB, 2009, Vol. 6, No. 1, 44
OmicsVista Group, All rights reserved
α-Glucosidase inhibitory and antidiabetic activity of Pisonia alba
indicates a revival of insulin secretion. Elevation of
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Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has been reported in
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Davis SN and Granner DK (1996) Insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents
cholesterol have been observed in untreated diabetic
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rats. Under normal circumstances insulin activates
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enzyme lipoprotein lipase and hydrolyses triglycerides.
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Eddouks M, et al. (2003) Inhibition of endogenous glucose
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et al., 2006) The significant control of the levels of
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serum lipids in the aqueous extract treated diabetic rats
may be directly attributed to improvement in insulin
Felig P, et al. (1970) Plasma amino acid levels in diabetic keto
acidosis. Diabetes, 19: 727-729.
levels upon PAEE therapy.
Ghosh MN (1984) Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology.
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investigations at the cellular and molecular level are
Jafri MA, et al. (2000) Effect of Punica granatum Linn. (flowers) on
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India, Vol. III, 2nd ed., pp: 1817-1818.
The results obtained from the present study show that
Lebovitz HE (1997) Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. Endocrinol. Metab.
the PAEE had beneficial effects on blood glucose
Clin. North Am., 26: 539-551.
levels in glucose-fed hyperglycemic and diabetic rats
and it also protects significantly from other metabolic
Lopez CA (2001) Metabolic syndrome X; a comprehensicve review
of the pathophisiology and recommended therapy. J. Med., 32: 283-
aberrations caused by alloxan, thus scientifically
verifying the traditional claim. PAEE appears to be an
attractive material for further studies leading to possible
Mishimia K (1967) Changes of phosphatase activity in rats with
drug development for diabetes. Development of
alloxan diabetes. Kyoritsu Yakka Daigaku Kenkyu Nempo, 12: 58-61.
phytomedicines is relatively inexpensive and less time
Nagarajan S, et al. (1987) Indigenous plants used in the control of
consuming; it is more suited to our economic
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conditions than allopathic drug development which is
more expensive and spread over several years.
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The authors thank Mr S Radhakrishna Pillai for technical
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carbohydrate metabolism by the venous catheter technique patients
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