Combination 830-nm and 633-nm light-emitting diode phototherapy shows promise in the treatment of recalcitrant psoriasis: preliminary findings
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery
Volume 00, Number 00, 2009
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Pp. 1–6DOI: 10.1089=pho.2009.2484
Combination 830-nm and 633-nm Light-Emitting Diode
Phototherapy Shows Promise in the Treatment
of Recalcitrant Psoriasis: Preliminary Findings
Glynis Ablon, M.D., FAAD
Background and Objectives: Psoriasis is one of the major problems facing dermatologists worldwide. Planararrays of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have recently attracted attention in the treatment of difficult dermato-logical entities, 830 nm in near infrared (near-IR) and 633 nm in visible red. This study was designed to assess theefficacy of combination 830-nm and 633-nm LED phototherapy in the treatment of recalcitrant psoriasis. Subjectsand Methods: Nine informed and consenting patients with psoriasis were enrolled in this preliminary study,(3 men, 6 women, mean age 34.3, skin types I to IV). All had chronic psoriasis, which in most cases had provedresistant to conventional treatments. They were treated sequentially with LED arrays delivering continuous-wave 830 nm (near-IR) and 633 nm (red) in two 20-min sessions over 4 or 5 weeks, with 48 h between sessions(830 nm, 60 J=cm2; 633 nm, 126 J=cm2). Results: All patients completed their LED regimens (4 requiring 1 regi-men, 5 requiring a second). Follow-up periods were from 3 to 8 months, except in two patients who were lost tofollow-up. Clearance rates at the end of the follow-up period ranged from 60% to 100%. Satisfaction wasuniversally very high. Conclusions: The antiinflammatory effects of LED energy at 830 nm and 633 nm have beenwell documented, as has their use in wound healing. LED phototherapy is easy to apply, pain free and side-effect free, and is well tolerated by patients of all skin types. The promising results of this preliminary studywarrant a proper controlled double-blind study with a larger patient population.
some streptococcal infections, and activation of the epidermaldendritic Langerhans cell, an antigen-presenting cell, by an
One of the major problem diseases facing dermatolo- as-yet-unknownantigen,isbelievedtoplayamajorroleinthe
gists in clinical practice is psoriasis, affecting between
psoriatic process.
2% and 3% of the population worldwide, despite advances in
Phototherapy has played a historical role in the treatment
the understanding of its etiology and development of new
of psoriasis; exposure to sunlight, in small quantities to
treatment approaches. Psoriasis (from the Greek psora mean-
prevent sunburn, is known to improve psoriasis. The pho-
ing ‘to itch') has been recognized from biblical times and was
tosensitizer psoralen plus ultraviolet A light (PUVA) was
even at one time confused with leprosy (Greek lepra, scaly
popular a decade and more ago and is being used even now,
skin, þ psora). Although there are several phenotypes, plaque
although long-term follow-up has elicited extremely unde-
psoriasis or psoriasis vulgaris accounts for approximately
sirable side effects such as the appearance of cutaneous
90% of cases. Psoriasis was originally believed to be a disorder
melanomas.3 The excimer laser has also been used with some
primarily associated with epidermal keratinocytes leading to
success, although the areas treated are small, so large pla-
the typical inflammation and itchy hyperkeratotic plaques,
ques take a long time to treat, and the same potential exists
but recent research has added an immunological component
for UV-related carcinogenic side effects. Various pharma-
to the equation, with CD4 þ T-cells that have turned ‘‘rogue,''
cotherapeutic topical and oral systemic treatments have been
attacking instead of defending normal skin.1,2 Various trig-
used, but the potential for side effects with long-term use,
gers have been identified, including stress, skin injury, and
such as steroid-mediated skin atrophy and liver damage, is
Ablon Skin Institute, Los Angeles, California.
high. However, if treated incorrectly or left untreated, the
demographics, history of psoriasis, and details of previous
appearance of psoriatic comorbidities has been noted, such
treatment regimens are seen in Table 1. All patients, having
as loss of quality of life leading to onset of depressive illness,
had the purpose of the study explained to them, signed
psoriatic arthritis, and even cardiovascular disease.4
consent forms to participate in the study and for clinical
Phototherapy with non-UV light sources might prove inter-
photography. The Ethics Committee of the Ablon Skin In-
esting. The wavelength of 633 nm in the visible red waveband
stitute approved the study, which was conducted under the
has been associated with good results in the treatment of acne
precepts of the Declaration of Helsinki (Rev 5, 2000). None of
vulgaris, another disease with a T-cell-mediated immune com-
the subjects had any history of reactivity to visible or near-IR
ponent,5,6 and 830 nm in the near-infrared (near-IR) waveband
light, and at the time of the study, none was using any kind
has strong antiinflammatory effects;7,8 830 nm has also been
of potentially photosensitizing medication.
shown to induce the production of peripheral endogenous opi-oids,9 thereby potentially relieving itching. A new generation of
System and treatment regimen
planar-mounted light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has attracted at-tention in a wide spectrum of specialities, and one such system
The system used was the Omnilux from Photo Ther-
offers arrays delivering continuous light at 830 nm and 633 nm.
apeutics (Carlsbad, CA) fitted with the plus and revive
The present preliminary study was designed to assess the effect
heads, delivering 830 nm (near-IR) and 633 nm (visible red),
of the combination of 830 nm and 633 nm LED phototherapy,
respectively, in a continuous wave. The head used was at-
applied sequentially, in the treatment of cases of chronic psori-
tached to the base, and the articulated panels that make up
asis that were recalcitrant to conventional therapies.
the head were arranged to follow as closely as possible thecontour of the area being treated and positioned approxi-
Subjects and Methods
mately 5 cm from the skin. Each single LED session lasted20 min, giving incident radiant fluences of 60 J=cm2 for the
830-nm head and 126 J=cm2 for the 633-nm head. The stan-
The subjects in the study included nine psoriasis patients
dard treatment regimen lasted for 5 weeks with 10 treatment
who attended the author's institute for the treatment of their
sessions made up as follows: near-IR head on the first day
psoriasis. Eight cases had plaque psoriasis, and there was
followed 48 h later by another near-IR treatment in week 1;
one case of guttate psoriasis. There were three men and six
visible red head on the first day followed 48 h later by an-
women, with a mean age of 34.3 11.2 (range 22–58) and
other visible red treatment in week 2; and near-IR treatment
skin types from I to IV. All had psoriasis (body surface area
followed by visible red treatment 48 h later each week in
involvement range 5–80%, 4 months to 35 years duration)
weeks, 3, 4, and 5. If 100% resolution was achieved before the
that had proved resistant to conventional treatments. Patient
full 5-week regimen, LED phototherapy was stopped. If
Table 1. Patient Demographics, Psoriasis History, and Prior Treatment
Psoriasis history
35 years, 60% BSA (back
PUVA, methotrexate, acitretin,
and torso, upper and
alefacept, topical treatments
lower extremities, and
(steroids, vitamin D, tazarotene gel.
groin), recent onset
Moderate improvement
of psoriatic arthritis
(50% BSA) but withunacceptable side effects
14 years, 80% BSA
Methotrexate (failed), topical
treatments (poor response)
Recent onset, 30% BSA
Topical treatments, calcipotriene
cream(minimal effect)
1 years, 15% BSA (scalp, elbows,
Olux, tazarotene gel
knees, posterior neck)
3 years, 5% BSA (elbows, knees)
Ultraviolet B (no tar, failed),
currently taking fluocinonide(with steroid atrophy around plaques)
5 years, 50% BSA, guttate psoriasis
Cephalexin, calcipotriene and
betamethasone dipropionate(3 weeks), clearance except shins
4 months, 60% BSA (back, buttocks,
Topical treatments, but no result
elbows, knees & scalp)
1 year, 15 BSA (back, elbows)
Calcipotriene and betamethasone
dipropionate for 5 months,minimal improvement
6 years, 40% BSA (elbows, knees,
Topical fluocinonide, PUVA,
shins, buttocks, back)
BSA, body surface area; PUVA, psoralen plus ultraviolet A phototherapy.
patients were already participating in a topical regimen and
the topical was not a photosensitizer, in most cases thedosage was reduced during LED phototherapy. If clearance
All nine patients completed their respective treatment
was insufficient, or if the patient requested it, a second reg-
protocols. No adverse side effects were noted, and patients
imen was indicated, with the same treatment protocol as the
felt no pain during the treatment. Five required two
first regimen. Patients were asked to return for regular fol-
regimens, and the remaining four needed only one regimen.
low-up sessions up to a maximum of 8 months. For typical
Two patients (Patients 1 & 2) required the full 5-week, 10-
home-applied adjunctive care, patients were recommended
treatment regimen; the others had 4 weeks with eight treat-
to use nonprescription over-the-counter hydrophilic oint-
ments. Resolution rates ranged from 60% to 100% (mean
ments or oils daily to keep the plaques moist.
91.7 13.7%), and follow-up periods ranged from 3 to 8
Table 2. Details of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Treatments Per Session, Per Regimen,
and Results with Follow-Up
LED treatment per single regimen*
(regimens required, n)
Clearance and post-treatment follow-up
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm; Wk 3, 4, 5:
1st regimen: 50% (thighs), 90% (back), 80% recurrence
1830 nm & 1633 nm (2)
seen 11 months post-treatment
2nd regimen: 60% (thighs), 100% (back),
no recurrence in 3 months þ topical treatments
Test treatment on large plaque right anterior shin
100% clearance, maintained with calcipotriene and
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm;
betamethasone dipropionate & tazarotene gel for
Wk 3, 4, 5: 1830 nm 1633 nm (1)
8 months. No further LED treatment required
Test treatment on largest plaques on elbows & knees
1st regimen: 80% clearance, maintained without
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm;
any other treatment for 2 months, when
Wk 3, 4: 1830 nm & 1633 nm (2)
2nd regimen: 100% clearance, but patient lost to
follow-up after 6 weeks because moved out of state
Clobetasol propionate, tazarotene gel started
100% clearance by 4th treatment week. Completely
concomitantly with LED treatment
clear 4 months post-treatment
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm;Wk 3, 4: 1830 nm & 1633 nm (1)
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm; Wk 3, 4: 1830 nm
1st regimen: 50% clearance with resveratrol-containing
emollient cream plus tazarotene gel. Patient wanted2nd LED treatment
2nd regimen: 100% clearance 2 weeks post-treatment,
tazarotene gel discontinued during LED treatment.
Completely clear at 6-month follow-up
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm;
1st regimen: 75% clearance, patient requested further
Wk 3, 4: 1830 nm & 1633 nm (2)
2nd regimen: 3 sessions only, 1830 nm, 1633 nm,
1830 nm, 48-h rest between each. No topicals usedwith LED treatment. 90% clearance of treatedlesions, maintained < 10% BSA at 6 monthspost-treatment with no form of medication
Recommended to have LED treatment by friend;
1st regimen: plus calcipotriene and betamethasone
only back and buttocks treated with LED
dipropionate and tazarotene gel, 50% clearance
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm;
Patient requested further LED treatment regimen
Wk 3, 4: 1830 nm & 1633 nm (2)
2nd regimen: 90% clearance after 3rd week;
95% resolution after final week on back andbuttocks, maintained at 80% 6 months after finaltreatment with topicals. Other areas treated onlywith topical treatments remain at 40% improvement
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm;
Reduced calcipotriene and betamethasone
Wk 3, 4: 1830 nm & 1633 nm (1)
dipropionate dose, added tazarotene gel. After 2ndweek, 60% clearance, improved to 90% 3 weekspost-treatment. At 3-month follow-up, 95%resolution maintained with topical calcipotrieneand betamethasone dipropionate in a.m. only
Wk 1: 2830 nm; Wk 2: 2633 nm;
Calcipotriene and betamethasone dipropionate
Wk 3, 4: 1830 nm & 1633 nm (1)
started with start of LED treatment. 2 weekspost-treatment, 60% resolution. Patient did notreturn; lost to follow-up
*Unless otherwise stated, 48-h rest period between weekly LED sessions and second LED regimen same as first regimen.

months, except in two patients who were lost to follow-up at2 (Patient 9) and 6 weeks (Patient 3). Patient 9 (60% clear-ance) failed to turn up for any further follow-up sessions.
Patient 3 (100% resolution) moved to the other side of thecountry but was extremely satisfied with the results. In allpatients with the longer follow-up periods, satisfaction rateswere universally high. Details of treatment regimens, clear-ance rates, pharmacotherapy, and follow-up periods areshown in Table 2.
Figures 1 and 2 are typical examples of back and groin
psoriasis (Patient 1), and Figure 3 is a typical example of alarge area of plaque on the shin (Patient 2), both successfullytreated with one full 5-week regimen of combination near-IRand red LED phototherapy, with 90% and 100% resolutionmaintained at 8 weeks, respectively.
There were some limitations to this study, the first being
the small patient population, which does not enable anystatistical analysis of the results. However, this was only apreliminary study, and the results merit the design of a con-trolled, double-blinded study with an appropriately largepopulation. Furthermore, in the present study, some patientsacted as their own controls, because only some areas of theirpsoriasis were treated, with the untreated areas as controls.
Psoriasis area and severity index scores were not applied in
Representative psoriatic plaques on the groin of a
the present study. They are usually used in cases of psoriasis
58-year-old Caucasian man (a) before and (b) 7 months after
with large body surface areas, and mostly small areas were
combination 830-nm and 633-nm LED phototherapy.
treated in this preliminary trial. A truncated form of thephysician global assessment was used instead, because it canbe applied equally to smaller and larger lesions.10
The onset of psoriasis is believed to occur as follows, in a
simplified version of the process.11 An as-yet-unknown an-tigen activates epidermal Langerhans' cells, which thenfunction as mature antigen-presenting cells and descend intothe upper dermis, where they present the antigen to naı¨veCD4 þ T-leukocytes, and even before the appearance of anyabnormal skin pathology, clusters of these T-cells can be seen
Representative psoriatic plaques on the back of a
58-year-old Caucasian man (a) before and (b) 7 months after
Representative large psoriatic plaque on the shin of
combination 830-nm and 633-nm light-emitting diode (LED)
a 34-year-old Caucasian woman (a) before and (b) 8 months
after combination 830-nm and 633-nm LED phototherapy.
around Langerhans' cells. The activated T-cells then migrate
its already proven effect on inflammation.5,6 LED energy at
up into the epidermis and stimulate the basal-layer mother
633 nm in humans in vivo has also been proved to recruit
keratinocytes to produce a variety of proinflammatory cy-
large numbers of Th1 and Th2 skin-homing T-cells into the
tokines such as interleukins, some of which are powerful
irradiated skin,13 which might help to replace the rogue T-
keratinocytic mitogens, transforming growth factor alpha,
cell population and break the vicious circle in psoriatic skin.
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa), and interferons, all of
The same combination LED therapy in a 4-week alternating
which descend into the dermis and further upregulate the
regimen of 830 nm followed 24 to 72 h later by 633 nm has
inflammatory process. While this has been happening, the
been convincingly and objectively shown to produce strong
chemotactic signaling released in the dermis by the acti-
collagen and elastin synthesis in a large-population con-
vated CD4 þ T-cells has recruited neutrophils through the
trolled study of skin rejuvenation.14 This could assist in the
capillaries through the production of intracellular adhesion
repair process of the psoriasis lesion after the vicious circle
molecule 1, endothelial adhesion molecule 1, and recruit-
has been broken.
ment of mast cells, which add to the inflammation bydegranulating.
Even more activated T-cells head up into the epidermis
and further stimulate keratinocyte activity and the release of
Taking the above into consideration, it might then be
more cytokines into the basal layer and dermis. This en-
possible to explain the excellent and robust effect that
hances the overproduction of upwardly moving daughter
combination near-IR and visible red LED phototherapy had
keratinocytes, which make up the stratum spinosum and
in the subjects of this preliminary study, giving 90% to
eventually degrade into the keratin flakes of the stratum
100% clearance of recalcitrant lesions in eight of the nine
corneum. The normal skin cell cycle of approximately 28
subjects. LED phototherapy is easy to apply, is pain free
days is compressed into 2 to 6 days, and there is a log-jam of
and side effect free, and is well tolerated by patients of all
daughter keratinocytes and a rapidly proliferating stratum
ages and all skin types. A future controlled, double-blind
corneum, plus the inflammation caused by the proinflam-
study is thus warranted in a larger patient population to
matory cytokines helped on by T-cells which have turned
confirm the excellent results of the current preliminary
‘‘rogue,'' attacking normal skin cells instead of protecting
them. Thus, psoriasis represents an immune-regulated vi-cious circle, which is formed and maintained based on the
constant movement of T-cells to and from the epidermis,
1. Griffiths, C.E., Barker, J.N. (2007 ). Pathogenesis and clinical
constant overproduction of keratin from the activated kera-
features of psoriasis. Lancet 370:263–271.
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2. Baker, B.S., Laman, J.D., Powles, A., et al. (2006). Pepti-
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doglycan and peptidoglycan-specific Th1 cells in psoriatic
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3. Sayre, R.M., Dowdy, J.C. (2008). The increase in melanoma:
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original causative antigen that the Langerhans' cells deliver
4. Gelfand, J.M., Neimann, A.L., Shin, D.B., et al. (2006). Risk of
to the dermal CD4 þ T-cells, and this is being actively in-
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believed to be associated with streptococcal infection.2 The
5. Goldberg, D.G., Russell, B. (2004). Combination blue
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T-cells before they can start to upregulate the mother kera-
ment of mild to severe acne vulgaris. J. Cosmet. Laser
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biotics that could accomplish this. Whatever approach is
6. Lee, S.Y., You, C.E., Park, M.Y. (2007). Blue and red light
taken, it should seek to break the vicious circle between the
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T-cells, the hyperactive keratinocytes, and the abnormally
with skin phototype IV. Lasers Surg. Med. 39:180–188.
accelerated inflammatory response and relieve the severe
7. Freitas, A.C., Pinheiro, A.L., Miranda, P., Thiers, F.A., Vieira,
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8. Nomura, K., Yamaguchi, M., Abiko, Y. (2001). Inhibition of
The near-IR wavelength of 830 nm has been shown to
interleukin-1beta production and gene expression in human
have strong antiinflammatory properties7,8 and produces
gingival fibroblasts by low-energy laser irradiation. Lasers
endogenous opioids, which are capable of calming the pe-
Med. Sci. 16:218–223.
ripheral neural receptor stimulation perceived as itching.9 In
9. Hagiwara, S., Iwasaka, H., Okuda, K., Noguchi, T. (2007).
addition, 830 nm significantly enhances local blood flow rate
GaAlAs (830 nm) low-level laser enhances peripheral en-
and volume,12 and although that might not at first appear to
dogenous opioid analgesia in rats. Lasers Surg. Med. 39:797–
be helpful in an inflammatory state, it also increases con-
comitant lymphatic flow and drainage so that normal re-
10. Feldman, S.R., Kreuger, G.G. (2005). Psoriasis assessment
paratory and defensive cells are recruited into the zone of
tools in clinical trials. Ann. Rheumatic Dis. 64:ii65–ii68.
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11. Krueger, J.G., Bowcock, A. (2005). Psoriasis pathophysi-
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13. Takezaki, S., Omi, T., Sato, S., Kawana, S. (2006). Light-
emitting diode phototherapy at 630 þ=3 nm increases locallevels of skin-homing T-cells in human subjects. J. Nippon
Address correspondence to:
Med. School 73:75–81.
Glynis Ablon, M.D.
14. Lee, S.Y., Park, K.H., Choi, J.W., et al. (2007). A prospective,
1600 Rosecrans, 6A, #12
randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, and split-
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
face clinical study on LED phototherapy for skin rejuvena-tion: clinical, profilometric, histologic, ultrastructural, and
Alzheimer's Imaging Consortium IC-P: Poster Presentations Background: Rosiglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor copy. Because of their high iron content, plaques typically appear as hypo- [gamma] (PPAR[gamma]) agonist, has an anti-inflammatory effect in the intense spots on T2-weighted scans. One of the challenges in imaging brain, decreasing interleukin-1[beta] concentrations in hippocampus and re-
In collaboration with the American College of Veterinary Surgeons Treating Navicular Syndrome in Equine Patients*R. Wayne Waguespack, DVM, MS, DACVSR. Reid Hanson, DVM, DACVS, DACVECC Auburn University Abstract: Navicular syndrome is a chronic, progressive condition affecting the navicular bone and bursa, deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), and associated soft tissue structures composing the navicular apparatus. The treatment options for navicular syndrome are