Psychotropics and sudden cardiac death
University of Rhode Island
Psychotropics and Sudden Cardiac DeathJessica L. Goren
University of Rhode Island,
[email protected]
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Citation/Publisher AttributionDinh, Tuan Anh and Jessica L. Goren. "Psychotropics and Sudden Cardiac Death" Rhode Island Medical Journal. 96(3):38-41. March2013.
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Psychotropics and Sudden Cardiac Death
Prolonged QTc intervals can lead to ventricular tachy-
Over the past two decades there has been a large increase
arrhythmia and TdP. While the true incidence of TdP is un-
in the number of patients prescribed psychotropic med-
known, the number of reported cases is low. Over a period
ications. Many of these agents are associated with QTc
of 15 years only 761 cases were reported to the World Health
prolongation which is considered a marker for increased
Organization.5 Therefore, prolonged QTc has become a
risk of sudden cardiac death due to malignant arrhyth-
surrogate marker for TdP.1,5
mias such as Torsades de pointes (TdP). Psychotropics
It is important to note that drug induced QTc prolonga-
rarely lead to sudden death in healthy individuals on a
tion alone rarely leads to TdP. A review of population studies
single QTc prolonging medication. However, factors such
reported prolonged QTc was associated with TdP in pa-
polypharmacy, recent initiation of a QTc prolonging med-
tients with preexisting cardiovascular disease, but not with
ication, bradycardia, electrolyte abnormalities and preex-
healthy patients.6 Rather TdP is most likely to occur when
isting arrhythmias increase the likelihood of psychotro-
prolonged QTc is combined with at least two risk factors
pic-induced sudden cardiac death. Therefore, clinicians
such as electrolyte abnormalities, bradycardia or congeni-
must recognize which psychotropics and risk factors are
tal cardiac abnormalities. The most important risk factors
associated with increased risk in order to minimize the
appear to be preexisting heart disease, age >65 years, and
risks of psychotropic QTc prolongation.
female sex. 6,7 Torsades de pointes may be increased in hos-pitalized patients because hospitalized patients are more
KEYWORDS: psychotropic, side effect, cardiac, QTc,
likely to have risk factors such as heart disease, advanced age,
Torsades, arrhythmia
bradycardia or electrolyte disturbances than outpatients.8
QTc prolongation is often dose dependent but the max-
imal effect of many drugs is limited.6 Therefore, massive drug overdoses of QTc prolonging medications do not
necessarily result in severe QTc prolongation or TdP.
There has been increasing concern regarding the cardiac side
Psychotropics and QTc
effects of psychotropics. Some psychotropic medications in-
Psychotropics, such as antidepressants and antipsychotics,
crease the risk of sudden cardiac death. However, these drugs
affect the heart by blocking certain potassium channels.
are important for many patients. Therefore, it is important
This leads to a blockade of type I (a fast potassium chan-
to assess cardiac risks associated with psychotropics. This
nel in the heart), causing a delay in repolarization and thus
article will summarize these effects and provide recommen-
QTc prolongation.1,2 This is accomplished via either HERG
dations on cardiac risk assessment for patients treated with
(Human ether-a-go-go Related Gene) blockade or abnormal
psychotropic medications.
protein trafficking for HERG. Almost all drugs which can induce TdP block HERG, while a few indirectly affect HERG
The QT interval and Torsades de pointes
function.1,2 Drugs which prolong the QTc by alternate means
The QT interval is the measure of cardiac conduction speed
are less likely to result in TdP.
that starts from the beginning of a QRS wave and ends with the T wave on an electrocardiogram (ECG). Usually the length of the QT wave decreases as heart rate increases, so
Table 1. Average QTc1-3
a corrected value (QTc) is used to assess cardiac conduction.
QTc is measured in milliseconds and the average QTc is be-tween 430 and 450 milliseconds. (Table 1) Females usually
have a slower cardiac conduction rhythm than males and thus a longer QTc.1-3 The QTc varies by up to 10 milliseconds
during the course of a day with maximal intervals during the first few hours of awakening.
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Population-based studies indicate there is a two- to three-
with preexisting risk factors or those with elevated blood
fold increased risk of sudden cardiac death in patients taking
concentrations due to over dose, high doses or drug inter-
non-cardiac QTc prolonging medications.6,7 Antidepressants
actions. Bupropion, mirtazapine and trazodone all appear to
are the psychotropic class most commonly associated with
have minimal risk of QTc prolongation at typical doses.15
TdP (9%).7,9,10 For antipsychotics, it is estimated there are 10-15 sudden cardiac deaths/10,000 years of observation, and only a small proportion of these deaths are likely attrib-
Table 2. Mean QTc prolongation and psychotropics12-15
utable to TdP.11 Risk of QTc prolongation with other psycho-tropics such as benzodiazepines and anticonvulsants is low.
Risk is of sudden cardiac death is highest in the first 90
days of initiating, increasing the dose or adding an interact-
ing medication. Female sex, polypharmacy, congenital long
QT syndrome, electrolyte abnormalities, increasing age and higher doses of QTc prolonging medication all increase the
likelihood of experiencing drug induced QTc prolongation.10,11
While studies have reported psychotropics increase pa-
tients' average QTc, the QTc interval typically remains less
than 500 milliseconds, considered a clinically relevant in-dicator of TdP risk.4,10,11 In patients with schizophrenia a
reported history of arrhythmia and other metabolic factors had greater influence on the prolongation of QTc interval
than use of psychotropics alone.9 Therefore, it seems likely psychotropic induced QTc prolongation is unlikely to lead
to TdP in the absence of other risk factors.
Antipsychotics and QTc
Although large epidemiologic studies have reported first- and second-generation antipsychotics are associated with
increased risk of sudden cardiac death, the absolute risk of death remains quite low.
1,3,6,7,9-14 In addition, while numer-
ous antipsychotics have been shown to prolong the QTc
(Table 2), relatively few antipsychotics have been associated with TdP.1,3,13,14 Thioridazine, pimozide and ziprasidone are
known to cause the greatest QTc prolongation while queti-apine, risperidone and clozapine are associated with lower
risk.1,12-14 Significant evidence of antipsychotic induced TdP
is only associated with mesoridazine, thioridazine and hal-operidol.1,15 While haloperidol has been linked to TdP, risk
is much lower than with thioridazine.1,13,14 Aripiprazole
appears to have a lower risk of QTc prolongation, although
there is one well documented case report of QTc pro-
longation with low dose monotherapy aripiprazole.13-16
Antidepressants and QTc
Large epidemiologic trials have demonstrated an elevated
risk of sudden cardiac death with tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). TCAs have been shown to prolong the QTc 10-25 ms
and cases of TdP have been reported with most, although not
all, TCAs.13-15 Newer antidepressants have less risk of QTc prolongation and sudden cardiac death compared with TCAs
although QTc prolongation of 5-12 ms and cases of TdP have been reported for citalopram, fluoxetine and paroxetine.13-15
Reports of QTc prolongation are mixed with the serotonin norepinepherine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). However, for both SSRIs and SNRIs, risk appears to be greatest in patients
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Psychotropic Polypharmacy and QTc
medication is increased, a pre- and post-baseline ECG will
The risk of QTc prolongation with antipsychotics and
be useful in determining risk of the dose increase.
antidepressants is typically dose related.1,4,5,10 Therefore any
For patients with a prolonged QTc of ≥ 500 milliseconds,
combination of medications which results in elevated con-
consider discontinuing any QTc prolonging medications
centrations of antidepressants or antipsychotics increases
and/or substituting with medications less likely to prolong
the likelihood of QTc prolongation. Conversely, any psycho-
the QTc. Also, consider consulting a cardiologist.
tropic that increases the concentration of non-psychotropic QTc prolonging medications increases the risk of drug in-
duce arrhythmia. Additionally, the risk of sudden cardiac death is increased in patients on multiple QTc prolonging
Since psychotropic-induced QTc prolongation is typically
medications, whether the psychotropics are combined with
dose related, patients should be maintained on the lowest
other QTc prolonging psychotropic or non-psychotropic
effective doses of psychotropics. Additionally, careful review
medications. Thus careful consideration should be given to
for drug interactions should be conducted prior to adding any
utilization of psychotropic polypharmacy and combinations
medications to ongoing psychotropic treatment. The risk of
of psychotropics and non-psychotropic medications.
psychotropic-induced QTc prolongation is highest when a medication is started, reaches steady state or after dose in-
creases. Therefore, patients successfully treated for >90 days
Psychotropic drugs are known to affect the QTc interval
are less likely to experience psychotropic induced arrhyth-
and should be utilized with caution in patients with risk
mias unless there are changes in medication treatment or
factors such as age >65, female gender, congenital long QTc
new risk factors. Sudden cardiac death is unlikely in patients
syndrome, electrolyte abnormalities, polypharmacy and pre-
without preexisting risk factors and is a rare outcome for those
existing cardiac disease.1,13-15 For relatively healthy patients
with risk factors. Even for patients with risk factors who may
without preexisting risk factors, routine ECG monitoring
have a prolonged QTc that is < 500 milliseconds, treatment
should be considered for those with episodes of blackouts,
with a psychotropic may be reasonable with appropriate
fainting, seizures, or with unexplained lightheadedness,
monitoring. Physicians should not be discouraged from psy-
palpitations or dizziness.15 A baseline ECG should be consid-
chotropic use unless patients have a contraindication, such
ered in patients who are on multiple QTc prolonging medi-
as a cardiac arrhythmia or congenital long QT syndrome.
cations or on high risk medications such as thioridazine. An ECG recording should be obtained for patients with any risk factors before treatment with a QTc prolonging psychotro-pic is started and once the medications are at steady state.
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