
Regions Working for
New Zealand
across the economy
Photo: Rob Tucker
table of contents
Natural Resources
The sky's the limit - Southland's innovative space programme
Southland's rich mineral deposits
Rotorua adding value to forestry
Oil and gas in Taranaki
Education and Skills
Taranaki educating for Health and Safety
Priority One is supporting coastal sciences
Auckland initiative makes productivity skills accessible
LEAN and working well in Waikato and the Bay of Plenty
Strength in numbers - aggregating marine engineering in Northland
Science and Innovation
Converting IP to GDP – spotting IP potential
Regional innovation system created
Wellington takes innovation hub global
Food Innovation Centre in Auckland
Collaborate and grow
Collaborating to compete in Dunedin
Extending Export Potential
Collaborating to export
Engineering, oil and gas
Nelson's green ports for black boats
Design-led engineering solutions
Investment Impact on Productivity

Regions Working for
New Zealand
across the economy
Why a report on productivity in
Regional economic growth and productivity contribute to the country's economic performance and line up with the government's main drivers – notably support for science and innovation and also improved education and skills. These are at the heart of any regional economic development programme, as business research and science capability underpin business opportunities.
Other main drivers of the government programme – a growth-enhancing tax system, better regulation and investing in productive infrastructure – will all boost a business's capability to be productive.
Government economic policies are also shifting the
economy more towards exports and productive investment. These flow on from greater regional productivity. Here there are increasing opportunities for the smaller as well as the larger players to deliver value in international markets.
We know that New Zealand is a country with a strong agricultural value, so this report showcases other key regional initiatives that are helping to grow New Zealand's economy.
While it is important to realise that even our larger exporting businesses are small players on the world stage, there are increasing opportunities for small businesses across New Zealand to deliver value in international markets – as these businesses come up with new ideas and improved products and services.
Part of developing a strategic approach to building productivity in the regions, therefore, involves understanding a region's capacity to support business development. Maximising value and leveraging this helps to create a culture shift within a region.
Economic development agencies (EDAs) bring a unique collaborative and integrated focus to this approach. They understand how small companies can work together through supply chain relationships that stretch across regions and the country. There is a need to understand this ecosystem of companies if we are to grow as a country.
The regions are positioned to support fast moving, high-value firms that can drive the productivity agenda. This report will explain how differing regions act and connect in this context.
Samantha Seath, Executive Director, EDANZ
March 2010
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective

Economic Development Agencies (EDAs) advise on sustainable business practice as a crucial element of competitiveness, productivity and profitability. They also identify and take an entrepreneurial approach to developing a region's natural resources.
The sky's the limit - Southland's innovative
Venture Southland, the region's economic development agency, has taken an integrated approach to a number of related projects around the science and astronomy sector.
These position Southland in a unique economic value chain through:
The success of this project has involved
forward in a global economy. They can
• facilities for research (universities
international partnerships, a willingness
do this if they recognise the value of a
both national and international)
of a region to seize opportunities, and a
region's natural resources and develop
• opportunities and partners (space
belief in the value of their products.
new business opportunities around these.
agencies in France and Sweden and
"CEO of Venture Southland Jeff Troon
"They can also do this by a smarter
says: "The regions will collectively drive
approach to supporting the innovative
• potential to attract investment and
the economy and move New Zealand
and creative people who work in them."
leverage for new business
• more opportunities for spin-offs
and developing peripheral small
The regions will collectively drive the economy and move New
businesses in the region
Zealand forward in a global economy. They can do this if they
• growing trust by space agencies and
recognise the value of a region's natural resources and develop
research organisations in Southland's
ability to successfully build and host
new business opportunities around these."
• partnering with tertiary institutions to
lift skill levels in the region.
CEO, Venture Southland
Southland's rich mineral depositsFollowing oil and gas exploration,
that creates the smallest amount of
Other mineral production has extended
Southland holds 72 percent of New
carbon by-product.
to silicon oxide where they hold 1000
Zealand's recoverable coal and
There have also been a number of
million tons of 98 percent pure. This
lignite reserves.
promising coal seam gas proposals
has attracted considerable interest from companies Photo Voltaic Panels
The Southland Energy consortium
in Southland.
and Silicon Wafer.
includes 176 companies, with a
The mineral deposits show a 400
number of joint ventures. Several
year supply and wil supply 8.2 mil ion
companies in the consortium are
litres per day. It will take three and a
planning to convert the lignite to high
half years to first production and will
energy diesel liquid, using a method
employ in excess of 2000 people.
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective

Boosting land use – a pine forest interspersed with ginseng plants
Rotorua adding value to forestry
The New Zealand forest, wood and paper
Dr Jae Hyun Lee, which has been adding
ginseng is in its early stages. This is the
industry represents one of the country's
value to the pine forests of Rotorua
first year that Forest Ginseng Ltd will
greatest assets, according to Rotorua's
through complementary land use.
market the product off shore.
economic development project manager
Panax ginseng is considered better than
The EDA supports the company with
other varieties of ginseng and one which
mentoring. It also introduces the
"Its attraction lies in its sustainability and
is particularly suited for growing in New
company to other food and beverage
environmental compatibility," he says.
Zealand. FGL has been growing high
industry players with potential product
quality, wild panax ginseng in pine forests synergies (infusing ginseng into current
However, large areas in the Bay of Plenty
around Rotorua since 2003.
products and thereby optimising the
have been deforested and returned to
dairy land. Other areas are threatened by
Currently, there is a large market for
high transport costs within the industry,
ginseng in both eastern and western
The EDA has also been instrumental in
fluctuating log prices and the fluctuating
countries. It is used both as a general
matching FGL with potential partners and
New Zealand dollar.
ingredient to boost immunity and in
continues to work closely with them.
energy drinks as a stimulant.
Chris Heywood says that he has been keen to explore alternative ways of
However, the plant takes time to mature
increasing productivity of plantation land
to a harvestable age, and product/market
to add value to the industry.
development of New Zealand grown
A study of complementary industries was supported by the Rotorua economic development agency (EDA). This included developing the ginseng trials that were
It has been real y great working with the Rotorua
undertaken by Crop and Food. The trials
Economic Development Agency. They helped me
indicated that a potentially premium
develop my business plan and introduced me to
product might be grown through inter-
the Escalator programme. I have made many new
planting in pinus radiata forests.
contacts and can now move forward as part of a
Forest Ginseng Ltd (FGL) have taken
wider consortium of people in the industry."
the lead in establishing this product and report very encouraging results. FGL is a Rotorua-based export company, led by
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Oil and gas in Taranaki
The Taranaki region is home to New Zealand's oil and gas industry with almost 90 percent of the sector's total nationwide employment based there, generating $NZ 741 million GDP.
Photo: Rob Tucker
All of New Zealand's producing oil and
a first point of contact for all ‘upstream'
works in partnership with the private
gas fields are located in the Taranaki
(oil and gas exploration and production),
sector to attract to Taranaki further
Basin, with both on – and off-shore
as well as ‘downstream' (petrochemical,
value-added industries, linked to the oil,
exploration and mining currently in a
refining, oil and gas wholesaling and
gas and petrochemical industries.
retailing), and other energy-related
At the same time, Venture Taranaki
A network of highly developed support
activities with their wide range of
provides support to Taranaki's existing
services has grown up around the
specialist services.
oil, gas and petrochemical base. It
Taranaki energy industry and is an
The group is closely linked with the
also offers free, confidential advice to
integral part of the region's exploration,
Engineering Taranaki Consortium (see
potential investors in this industry, and
development and maintenance
story p19) that represents a major group
helps with strategies to ensure the sector
of Taranaki engineering companies with
is able to find the skilled workers it needs
a strong Taranaki and New Zealand
in the future.
Specialist group formed
customer focus. The group also regularly works in other regions of New Zealand
The New Zealand Oil and Gas Specialist Technologies group is going from
strength to strength, with members from
Venture Taranaki, the region's economic
Auckland to Bluff. With headquarters in
development agency, was actively
Taranaki, the 21-strong group provides
involved in establishing the group. It
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
The government's Skills Strategy clearly links vocational education and training together
with economic, industry and business development. Investing in skills development must be
connected to how skills are used in firms by workers, so that the full value of that investment
can be realised.
Throughout the OECD, innovation is
physics and astronomy, according to a
Universities that are linked with their local
increasingly concentrated within clusters
2007 study (Waikato Innovation Park).
economic development agencies help
of enterprises and research/training
form an R&D structure where enterprises
institutions that work on complementary
Macro economic policies must address
meet the challenges of international
this imbalance if the market doesn't. Investments in higher education will
However, New Zealand Bachelor degree
enable innovative solutions to be
level output was highest in the area of
adopted, while investments in capital,
studies in human society, and lowest in
such as ICT, will enable the spread of
agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, and
The importance of directly aligning economic activity with skills development has been picked up by schools in Southland. The region's growing science and astronomy projects (see page 4) correlate with increased interest in science subjects in schools. Records show that over the last five years the number of Year 13 students studying physics has doubled.
Taranaki educating for Health and Safety
Establishing the Taranaki Health and
also brings about a sense of collective
Taranaki Consortium (see page 19). Since
Safety Education (HSE) Centre has
ownership of the centre.
its inception, Taranaki has also assisted its
promoted health and safety awareness
Northland counterparts in establishing a
Oil and gas specialists ITL have sent all
– and raised the standards of HSE
similar model, with central government now
their staff through the HSE centre. (ITL
throughout the Taranaki region.
considering using it on a national basis.
was Winner of the Taranaki Westpac
According to Venture Taranaki CEO Stuart Supreme Business Awards 2009)
Engineering Taranaki Consortium Chief
Trundle, the benefits of this innovative
ITL Operations Manager Kim Gilkison
Executive Brian Souness says: "The
business model are several-fold.
says: "Working in the oil and gas industry
collaborative nature of initiatives, like the Taranaki HSE Centre, allows industry
"It promotes best practice for all
requires stringent health and safety
to gain access to best practice, and
industries, provides access to cost-
practices, and we have found it hugely
also increase efficiencies within their
effective HSE training, influences HSE
valuable for consolidating training.
own operations. The results are greater
standards and outcomes, and has
"This unique approach ensures that we
improvements in safety and productivity."
enabled a robust and effective HSE
get a high standard of training and a
strategy to be developed across all
consistent message of the importance
industries and the community," he says.
of HSE practices right across our
The business model helps ensure the
Working in the oil and gas
buy-in of industry through ‘sponsorship' – "Not only is it a great training resource, companies receive HSE training in return
industry requires stringent health
it can act as a strong team-building
for their up-front support. (A working
exercise, with knowledge and awareness
and safety practices, and we
party utilised the collective abilities of a
of health and safety as the ultimate
have found it hugely valuable for
CEO forum to develop this model.)
outcome," Kim says.
This model not only addresses cash-flow
The model has been operating
and financial sustainability issues that
successfully in Taranaki for some time
often plague entities such as this, but
under the stewardship of the Engineering
ITL Operations Manager
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Science meets sea – concept plan for the technology park in Tauranga
Priority One is supporting coastal sciences
Priority One (the economic development agency for Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty) has helped develop a major centre of research excellence involving the University of Waikato and Germany's University of Bremen.
Waikato University has built a strong
managing coastal marine issues. This
development on the coastal shelf,
partnership with Bremen which, like
knowledge will help Environment Bay
as well as the implications of
Waikato, has a world-class reputation
of Plenty better manage the region's
in marine research. Interdisciplinary
resources, particularly Tauranga Harbour,
• enabling the Port of Tauranga to
researchers from the two universities
where the science demands are
better understand the effects of
will work together on projects that focus
increasing," says John.
dredging Tauranga Harbour to allow
on the Bay of Plenty coast and inner
Intercoast will see as many as 40
for 7000 TEU vessels to call at the port.
continental shelf, and comparable areas
international PhD students and
of the North Sea.
postdoctoral fellows work on a variety of
Priority One's projects manager Greg Simmonds, says: "Intercoast also creates
Called Intercoast, the projects were
coastal projects relating to both the North the opportunities and relationships
developed with input from Environment
Sea and Bay of Plenty coasts over the
to develop other regionally-relevant,
Bay of Plenty and the Port of
nine years of the programme.
applied research-based institutes in
Tauranga, including impacts of harbour
Skilled graduates, research contracts,
Tauranga. These could include logistics,
development on ecosystems and
technology licences and the launch of
sustainability, food and ICT research.
utilisation of the harbour and coastline.
new businesses will all flow from this
"Intercoast wil also attract organisations
More than $5 million is being provided by
science infrastructure.
that are experts in the marine sciences and
the German government, with significant
Other economic benefits of the research
businesses working in the marine sector."
local funding and in-kind support
obtained from Environment Bay of Plenty, Port of Tauranga, Priority One and
• the development of the Bay of
Plenty's aquaculture industry that
has the potential to grow to a level of
The University [of Waikato]
Environment Bay of Plenty is supporting
$250 million export sales by
has internationally recognised
the Intercoast project by committing
2025 (A resource consent has
expertise and leadership in
$1.5 million over 10 years for a Chair
been received to enlarge the Opotiki
in Coastal Science for the University of
harbour entrance – a major step
managing coastal marine
Waikato, which will be based in Tauranga.
towards developing the world's
largest mussel farm)
"Environment Bay of Plenty is very pleased to provide this Chair in Coastal
• positioning the region as a destination
Sciences that will ultimately benefit our
for internationally recognised applied
Environment BOP Chair
region," says Environment BOP Chairman
• enabling the coastal Bay of Plenty
"The university has internationally
to understand and manage the
recognised expertise and leadership in
effects of the pressures of
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Auckland initiative makes productivity skills accessible
The increasing requirements
approach to helping companies improve ongoing continuous improvements.
for businesses to deliver better
their productivity. Also noted was the
Ultimately, the programme aims to change
products and services smarter,
important role played by local Economic workplace culture, building high levels
faster and more competitively has
Development Agency advisers who
of interaction and problem solving at all
led AucklandPlus – with the support
made a key contribution to the success levels and a framework to lead productivity
of Auckland's local economic
of the programme.
improvement from the inside out.
development agencies (EDAs) –
The positive evaluation has ensured that
to pilot a programme providing
"We have gained benefits from
more Auckland small and medium sized
Auckland businesses and employees improved business process, knowledge businesses are due to benefit from the
with high-performance tools and
and capability to drive improvements
programme. New Zealand Trade and
practices to foster and encourage
using proven strategy and methods,
Enterprise has confirmed funding to
growth and increased productivity.
and, more importantly in a sustainable fashion," says pilot participant and
partially subsidise a further 24 Auckland
A robust post-pilot evaluation
general manager of The Web Company, companies through the programme during
conducted by the Department
Sukesh Sukumaran.
2010. The 24 businesses to participate in
of Labour found the programme
this year's programme will be identified by
to be effective in strengthening
The programme works on two levels
Auckland's local EDAs.
and supporting the delivery of
offering senior leadership training
productivity intervention to Auckland as well as shopfloor training and businesses and saw it as a robust
guidance in order to foster and support
The above pilot was developed further by the Waikato and Bay of Plenty economic development agencies (EDAs). Opportunity Hamilton,
the regional EDA for the Waikato, is now leading the way in bringing this thinking to the businesses in their region. (See following story)
LEAN and working well in Waikato and the Bay of Plenty
Lean Thinking is al about making simple changes to your workplace that make employees' lives easier and more enjoyable, while helping achieve increased productivity and profitability.
Lean Thinking – often referred to as Lean
However, it's the positive change in
Manufacturing, but applicable to any
its staff that Martin says has been the
business – teaches techniques based on
biggest benefit of Lean Thinking.
Japanese manufacturing principles. Two
"Our staff meetings have changed
recent converts to Lean are Camtech
significantly and we get more ideas from
Nutrition and TCS.
our people about things we can do to improve the business. Our staff now have
Through workshops developed for
a better understanding of the business's
Opportunity Hamilton, both companies
value chain and they feel listened to.
have trained with one of New Zealand's top experts, Richard Brathwaite.
"They are telling us where the blocks are in the production process and people
Camtech Nutrition (makers of Dunstan
are working together to find and adopt
Horse Feed) has just started down the
Lean Thinking journey, but already it has experienced positive results.
"Staff are so much more enthusiastic about their jobs because they are totally
General Manager Martin Blampied says:
involved in making it a better business.
Learning through Lego – a Lean
"Lean Thinking is like common sense put
They are engaged and they know we
workshop in action
together in a structured way. Applying
respect their ideas," says Martin.
Lean Thinking shortens the value-add
Another company, TCS (which develops
staff and the positive benefits from that
process in your business, and helps
systems integration software for clients
change will be long lasting."
you get your product out the door more
in the dairy, timber, meat, and fertiliser
TCS has adopted Lean Thinking in its
industries) is also experiencing benefits
manufacturing business by developing
One example of how Camtech has used
from Lean Thinking.
a ‘kit system' for assembling products.
Lean Thinking to create efficiencies is
Managing Director and owner Peter Tait,
Rather than employees picking all the
its order picking process. The process
says, "With Lean, we've created better
small parts required to produce a circuit
has been streamlined to decrease forklift
cash flow, decreased inventory levels
board – often by searching for items on
movements, and make it more sequential
and we're responding more quickly to
an extensive shelving system – everything
and logical. As a result, forklift gas usage
our customers. But, most importantly,
needed to make a product is now on a
has gone down significantly.
we've seen a huge culture change in our
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Strength in numbers - aggregating marine engineering
Step changes in capability are not something that happens overnight, as Northland's newly developed marine engineering programme management understands.
Working with the strategic team of
on aggregating the Northland marine
yachts, using the Fitzroy Motor Yachts
Enterprise Northland (the economic
engineering capability, to enable bidding
brand, and on high technology specialist
development agency) and New Zealand
for and contracting of larger vessel builds.
support vessels. It is felt that this
Trade and Enterprise, the programme gives
focus with brand backing and effective
Ship Projects New Zealand (SPNZ)
local companies an opportunity to bid for
marketing has a greater chance of getting
was established as the private sector
and access large-scale building projects.
desired results.
aggregator to enable the industry to bid
Buyers wanted certainty of price to
for and access larger scale projects. They Major factors in the success of the
supply and fit-out a vessel over a two to
also developed collective bid protocols
three- year period. This poses significant
as an aggregate entity, which has
• collaborating and upskilling in terms
problem for small companies who are
increased collaborative bids.
of charging, pricing and a structured
used to projects with shorter timeframes,
costing model primarily designed
and have rarely dealt with foreign
to identify demarcation
exchange variations.
The programme gave local
between suppliers
These companies were also being called
companies an opportunity to
• SPNZ being the prime purchaser
upon to predict inflation in prices at a time
bid for and access large-scale
of the more expensive input, but
where the price of commodity materials
building projects.
not accepting estimated pricing as a
– like steel, aluminium and oil based
commercially viable concept
products such as composites and glue – were escalating on a monthly basis.
• constant liaison with suppliers
SPNZ has developed a strategy and a
to establish the demarcation points
Also, allowing for cash flow based on
supporting marketing plan that clearly
until there is an agreed and
supplier requirements for advance
defines the product focus, identifies
working understanding among
payments was a relatively new
the niche's characteristics, targeted
requirement for many, particularly given
appropriate influencers, and aims directly
the size of vessels that Whangarei is
at purchase-decision makers.
looking to attract.
Current market reality has meant that the
To bid successful y, local businesses
short-term focus is on vessels around
needed new systems. The focus was
50 metres, ie on large steel-hulled motor
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
sCIeNCe aND InnovatIon
How did we ever do without new technologies such as iPhones, networking sites and cable TV? Innovation changes our lives and the way economic opportunities are created.
A vigorous flow of new ideas will become
The relationships, resources and
vital to the creation of wealth in New
information flows that underpin
Zealand over the next 10 to 20 years.
innovation differ from region to region.
Along with this are far more sophisticated
Regions have recognised the need to
approaches to technology transfer and
pursue innovation policies that reflect
the involvement of global partners.
their own distinctive local characteristics.
Converting IP to GDP – spotting IP potential
An effective innovation ‘ecosystem'
technology have combined to provide
related to the sophistication with which it
is one where scientific and other
a framework of commercial support for
operates in the IP arena. Consequently it
innovations produced by institutions
local research, discovery, development
is part of a value chain.
can be converted into commercial and
Clusters provide one of those
economic benefit.
New Zealand's Chief Science Advisor
opportunities that has helped peripheral
A successful system has two important
Sir Peter Gluckman says: "Scientific
companies piggy-back off innovative IP
parts: the research facilities that produce
research needs to be creating ‘ideas flow' but they do require policies and support
the scientific output, and the business
to sustain investment in innovative new
schemes that are tailored to local needs.
organisations that develop products
A balanced and effective IP production
and services for launch in international
Science – and the commercialisation
process, which ensures that what is
of emerging products – has needed a
protected and leveraged by firms is of
Despite recent growth, business R & D is
system that launches new products in
real business value and has the best
still very low by international standards
international markets. This means that
chance of being licensed, is core to the
at 0.49 percent of GDP compared to
research needs to be focused where
the OECD average of 1.49 percent.
there are commercial opportunities.
The critical factor is identifying sufficient
The number of patents per million
Intellectual Property (IP) is now treated as
IP that does actually have promise, as
inhabitants is also low, suggesting that
a tangible product. It can also be the key
well as developing a culture of innovation
commercialisation of the research base is
factor in the success of biotechnology
firms, since it is assessed carefully
In regions with a university presence, the
by investors, potential partners and
local economic development agency,
acquirers, who understand that the value
university, polytechnics and institutes of
of a biotechnology firm is ultimately
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Regional innovation system created
In 2009, the Canterbury Development Corporation (CDC) consulted extensively about innovation with their local businesses and tertiary institutions.
Businesses and institutions saw innovation as being a component of Christchurch city's value proposition
Firms do not innovate in isolation, but interact with other institutions,
– given that the city has a significant
local, national, and overseas."
number of tertiary institutions and Crown Research Institutes with strengths in R&D across engineering, ICT, agriculture and
Industry Development Manager. CDC
environmental studies.
According to CDC's Industry
The Canterbury Regional Innovation
The CRIS uses a low cost incubation
Development Manager Gerard Quinn,
System (CRIS) is a new form of regional
model that allows entry to the incubator
the innovation process is essentially
‘soft infrastructure' supported by
at an early stage when assistance is
interactive and relies on collaboration.
resources from Christchurch City Council
required most. Students are employed,
"Firms do not innovate in isolation, but
mainly to undertake desktop market
interact with other institutions, local,
It has been designed to ensure that
analysis to provide the resources, and
national, and overseas."
intellectual property (IP), created by both
at the same time acquire valuable
The five industry sectors identified as
the private sector and the government's
experience in relating innovation to
having high or growing potential to return
investment in tertiary institutions and
market opportunities.
more export earnings to the region and
Crown Research Institutes, is identified
the capacity to create sustainable, high
early and screened for commercial viability.
IP can then be shaped and prepared for
• technology (ICT), including software
either licensing by the research offices to
third parties, or turned wherever possible into locally based start-up businesses by
• specialised manufacturing
Powerhouse Ventures Limited.
• medical technology and biotech
Other private angels and investors are
• agribusiness, including food and
encouraged to join and co-invest in this process of company formation.
• international education.
Canterbury regional innovation system model
• Investment Case DevelopeD
• CommerCIal entIty formeD• CommerCIal mentor/ governanCe/ management
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
From the CDC 2009 survey of businesses in the city it emerged that:
• Innovation and research and R&D can provide a competitive advantage by improving manufacturing and production
processes and through the creation of unique products and services.
• Christchurch has strong research capability with a base of Tertiary and Crown Research Institutes and innovative
businesses, especially in plastics, engineering, and electronics.
• New Zealand's small size and quick adaptation of new ideas makes it an ideal test-bed for new technologies.
• Businesses are unlikely to compete successfully on size and low-costs in the global economy without R&D
investment comparable to its competitors.
• Christchurch's exports must compete on high quality and high value however resources are essential to innovative
new products.
• To maximise R&D and commercialisation potential, Christchurch and Canterbury require a coordinated approach to
foster innovation from research institutions into the commercial sphere
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Wellington takes innovation hub global
Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport) are sharing their knowledge, know-how, processes and services in establishing New Zealand's first Digital Innovation Hub (DIH).
The Knowledge Sharing and Transfer
Cyberport signs a Knowledge Sharing and Transfer Agreement with Wellington City
Agreement was signed in Wellington, in
Council and the New Zealand Institute for Screen Innovation, 5 November 2009.
November last year, by Cyberport, the Wellington City Council and the New
Guests at the signing ceremony included (left to right): General Manager of the Grow Wellington
Centres of Excellence Laurence Greig; Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast; Cyberport CEO
Zealand Institute for Screen Innovation
Nicholas Yang; NZISI Chair Michael Stephens; Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic
Limited (NZISI).
Development (Communications and Technology) of the HKSAR Government Duncan Pescod; Grow Wellington CEO Nigel Kirkpatrick; and Cyberport's Head of IT Operations David Chung.
The DIH will house a scoring studio and be home to the NZISI internship programme and digital media ‘finishing school'. It will focus on enterprise and
Engaging with Cyberport we gain invaluable knowledge and
professional development, and help commercialise creative ideas and
expertise, learning at a practical level how best to move ahead with the
incubate start-ups.
"Cyberport have achieved what we want to achieve on a large scale - namely a unique
Nigel Kirkpatrick
creative digital community," says Nigel
CEO, Grow Wellington
Kirkpatrick, Chief Executive Officer of Grow Wellington, the economic development
development, commercialises creative
also expected that this collaboration will
agency that established NZISI.
ideas and incubates start-ups.
encourage co-investments in screen and digital entertainment companies, or in
"By engaging with Cyberport we are
This is the first formal agreement
the content of film, television, digital or
gaining invaluable knowledge and
Cyberport has signed to export its
computer games and other digital media
expertise. We are learning at a practical
intellectual property and expertise
that may come out of the DIH.
and operational level how best to move
to another country This will involve
ahead with the project."
consultancy to the Council and NZISI to manage facilities for DIH tenants, and
Cyberport is a US$2 billion (HK$15.8
in commercialising creative ideas and
billion) landmark project managed by
Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, and wholly owned
An added advantage is that business-
by the Hong Kong SAR Government. It
to-business contacts among Cyberport
specialises in enterprise and professional
and DIH tenants can be facilitated. It is
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Food Innovation Centre in Auckland
Focusing on Food and Beverage processing meant Enterprising Manukau (the economic development agency based in Manukau City) was able to identify new opportunities to grow the sector locally.
The Food and Beverage sector is now one of the larger industry groups with more than half of the export earnings for New Zealand being generated.
Having established a Food & Beverage Industry Sector Group, Enterprising Manukau embarked on serious research. This indicated that 31 percent of New Zealand's food and beverage companies were based in the south of the Auckland region with the sector employing over 17,140 people representing 21 percent of the food labour force.
If the region is extended to include Waikato and the Bay of Plenty then it incorporates 48 percent of New Zealand's food and beverage manufacturing and 36 percent of the labour force. A quarter of New Zealand's food revenue and 52 percent of all other processed food employees are located in this region.
The research also indicated that over
Food Innovation Centre. This partnership
exciting projects to lift the profile of the
60 percent of these manufacturers
secured funding to establish the centre on
food and beverage industry in recent
are looking to develop new product
land near Auckland International Airport.
years. The best part is that the project
for export markets and studies show
has a wider vision to link activities right
that New Zealand has the potential
Such projects like this are an opportunity
throughout the country and to bring an
to increase its processed food export
to lift food and beverage export revenue.
international focus".
volume by 2.5 times.
The aim is to bring all of these projects into a national network of food and
The industry is reportedly excited about
The industry is well served by co-packing
beverage related activities that will lift the
the project and hoping to explore a range
arrangements, logistic operations and
game for the sector.
of opportunities that might be able to be
associated suppliers. To its advantage,
driven through the new centre.
The building of the centre at Manukau
there is the international airport close by,
would allow it to become a hub for
two inland port facilities and a national
future food and beverage activities in
roading network. The location is ideal for
the region. This in turn would bring more
food and beverage manufacturing.
Stop press:
research and development, more product
The sector is already becoming more
development and higher export earnings.
The government announced on 11
innovative and collaborative, working on
March 2010 that it will spend up to
The long term goal is to attract global
projects and programmes that will bring
$21 million to establish a network
food giants to commission research
added value and lift export earnings.
of open-access food development
in New Zealand and to establish food
facilities across the country.
A healthy cross-pollination of trade and
research centres around the country.
industry activity allows many of the
The Food Innovation Network New
group members – experienced exporters
The next stage
Zealand will be a collaboration
already – to share their skills and
between the government, industry,
knowledge with other members keen to
The business feasibility study and
research and education providers
enter the international market.
business plan was presented to the
and local government. It will have
Ministry of Economic Development along
four regional hubs in Manukau,
The Manukau Food Innovation Centre
with other possible food-related projects
Waikato, Palmerston North and
developed as a project alongside others,
throughout the country.
Canterbury and an overarching
bringing the Enterprising Manukau
network organisation.
Food & Beverage Industry Sector Group
Enterprising Manukau's CEO Gaelle
together with the Massey University
Deighton says: "This is one of the most
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Collaborate and grow Dunedin and New Plymouth, both
Members of clusters can co-operate
medium-sized cities, have effectively
in the completion of large contracts
overcome the tyrannies of size and
undertaken by individual members.
distance. They have transformed
The Hillside Engineering group is just
themselves into two of the most
one example a number of registered
important economic centres in the
companies developed as a single
country in engineering and in oil and gas commercial company. It is now focused
exploration. They are already engaged
on providing value added products and
with the world economy and Southland
services and has won a $63m contract
is following very closely behind.
to rebuild 36 railcars imported from
The development of clusters is
Britain for Auckland. Greater economies
an important part of this growth.
of scale led to international contacts.
Collaborating to compete in Dunedin
Three separate companies (ESCEA, Al an's Sheet Metal and Farra Bros) shared a desire to protect, maintain and build the manufacturing industry that currently exists within Dunedin.
Together they collaborated in aggressive
Annual savings of at least $17,000 for
strategies to attain sales beyond Dunedin
fastenings are expected.
and, in some cases, outside of New
ESCEA'S Managing Director Nigel
Bamford says: "Manufacturing
Any large increase in workload would not
businesses like ours must constantly
only bring extra income into the city, but
examine the input costs to our
it would also mean additional employees
businesses, and look for savings
to carry out the work. Because Farra and
to ensure our ongoing viability,
Allan's Sheet metal are large suppliers to
competitiveness and growth. What is
ESCEA , any growth in Escea automatical y
best for Dunedin city and our staff, are
translates to growth for Farra and Al an's
directly, but the products Farra and
cost reductions aimed at areas other than
Sheet Metal.
Allan's Sheet Metal manufacture for
reducing staff numbers.
ESCEA will benefit from the fixed and
The three companies now employ over
"Thanks to the support of the EDA, we
reduced material cost.
are now able improve the viability and competitiveness of the ESCEA products.
Dunedin's economic development agency Fastenings
We expect staff levels to grow over the
(EDA) helped bring in an experienced
next 12 months. The sheet metal and
materials purchasing consultant. All the
ESCEA also undertook a detailed audit
fastenings deal we have negotiated
options for reducing the cost of sheet
of the types and methods of fastenings
offers an annual saving of in excess of
metal and fastening materials were
used in their businesses. They produced
NZ$64,000 with further savings to be
a report with recommendations aimed at
achieved over time.
standardising the fastening types used,
Sheet metal
changing some fasteners to other types
ESCEA is now more competitive
better suited for the application.
internationally and has further
A locally based company emerged as the
opportunities for attaining new
supplier who offered the best overall deal. A local supplier was able to offer best
distribution customers in Europe
This company will import a 12-month
overall high volume fastening pricing.
quantity of the six different steel types
They also provided good local service
and hold this as stock to be drawn down,
and were part of a group who are globally
and steel will be invoiced as used.
a very large fastening supplier.
The accepted deal offers an annual saving on previous sheet metal pricing of NZ$47,000 (9.5 percent) per annum.
What is best for Dunedin city and our staff are cost reductions
aimed at areas other than reducing staff numbers."
Allan's Sheet Metal and Farra were not able to take advantage of those savings
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
eXteNDING eXPort PotentIaL
More and more regions are combining resources across sectors and across regions. A focus has been on growing regional economies through developing local capability in sectors that have the capacity to maximize the value of the region.
In a small country like New Zealand the challenge of building networks of col aboration in an environment of constant change are enormous. So it has been critical to put effort into building
business to sustain improvement for the
Economic Development Agencies'
and strengthening international linkages
communities they serve. This means
business development staff provide
to expand the market and increase the
supporting businesses that already
flexible support services, connecting
network of partners and suppliers abroad.
are in the community – not just
high growth businesses with the right
spending to attract and relocate
people, tools and knowledge to help
Most economic development
businesses from elsewhere. It is an
them fulfill their export potential.
programmes now recognise the
important basis from which to develop
importance of focusing on local
a regional export model.
Apple Futures is a strong example of a
Hawke's Bay, Otago and Nelson that
One major benefit of the programme
cross-regional, large scale project that
grow 85 percent of export pipfruit.
is that the leading apple exporters are
has strengthened industry and regional
collaborating for a common country
This initiative has been led by the
relationships in a sector that generates
of origin mark. A strong scientific
economic development agencies in those
over $420 million per annum in pipfruit
base enables this industry to be well
regions, with Venture Hawke's Bay as the
exports. The key objective is to develop
positioned in markets where consumers
lead agency for the project that is now in
low residue fruit for targeted export
are demanding new standards for food.
its third and final year. This project would
not have happened without support from
At the heart of the project is a partnership New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
between PipfruitNZ and the regions of
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Venture Hawke's Bay, the regional development agency, has a mandate to drive medium to long term economic development for Hawke's Bay.
Venture Hawke's Bay's Grow the Bay
across the region and industry sectors
Hawke's Bay, TechNZ and New Zealand
is a business initiative that grew out of
with a combined turnover of $1.1 billion
Trade and Enterprise to drive their
the need to build recession resilience. In
were interviewed. These companies
innovation-led export agenda.
partnership with the Auckland University
directly employ at least 3,500 people –
A full Grow the Bay report outlining all
Business School, Grow the Bay was
nearly double this when seasonal workers aspects can be ordered from Venture
developed to encompass a number of
Hawke's Bay. Contact:
work streams and activities to create a
Out of these interviews best practice
robust action plan for regional growth.
case studies were developed for
One of those work streams was
businesses working to establish
to identify and assist Hawke's Bay
innovative practices. Benefits are
businesses with improving productivity
already beginning to be realised as the
and innovation. Over 50 companies from
businesses involved partner with Venture
Napier Engineering and
This company is a Hawke's Bay
Bay. Over the last year, NEC, with a
exports of meat processing equipment to
business with over 100 years cumulative
new management team led by General
Russia: "Stemming from a referral from a
experience in the engineering and
Manager Lorenzo Haupt, has vigorously
local freezing works job, this developed in
abattoir industries. It is a ‘Go Global'
pursued a path for export led growth.
to a joint venture, 'Sovenz', with the then
business which provides valuable
Director/Sales Contract Manager Duncan
New Zealand Dairy Board.
benefits to the economy, and is one of
Powell described early successes with
the leading engineering companies in the world
Its international experience is worldwide
Our strength is essentially in providing the client with
with a focus on North and South America,
a blueprint before serious decisions are made that incur
Asia, Russia, the South Pacific, India, United Arab Emirates and Australasia.
major expense."
NEC was identified from earlier Venture Hawke's Bay work as a key regional
company for involvement in Grow the
General Manager, NEC
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
"The Sovenz partnership supplied 10 meat and rendering, plus some wool scouring plants, in Russia in the 1980s. Building on these early achievements in today's environment is the challenge NEC has set for itself."
Current product innovation and development aimed at export markets includes the new relocatable meat processing plant.
Mr Haupt reports a 10 percent increase in exports in the 2009/10 year, with significant export growth anticipated 2010/2011 and beyond.
Modular relocatable meat processing plant
A joint work programme has been instigated between NEC and Venture Hawke's Bay to achieve NEC's three-year
• export markets in key product
and streamlining standardisation and
growth plan. This includes working with
lines, using both known networks
production line manufacturing.
TechNZ via Venture Hawke's Bay, and
and establishing new ones, with
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
supply channels through a combination Working on mapping supply chains and
strengthening key relationships are areas
Areas to focus on include:
of distributors, agencies, and direct
where Venture Hawkes Bay is able to
• developing the strong Niven brand,
and reputation for well designed and
• innovative product development
robust meat processing equipment
• production process improvement
Engineering, oil and gas
Both the Engineering Taranaki Consortium and the Oil and Gas Specialist Technologies Group are excellent examples of successful collaboration in industries key to the region's economic wellbeing.
Engineering Taranaki Consortium brings
business opportunities. There is also
together the capability and capacity of
improved access to market intelligence
nine of Taranaki's leading engineering
and greater ability to build valuable
firms with a combined workforce of
business relationships.
over 1000 skilled tradespeople and 200 engineers. Added to this, Oil and Gas
An enhanced commercial relationship,
Specialist Technologies offers the multi-
between the regional development agency and key players in the industries
disciplined capability of 21 companies
in which they operate, has come out of
providing a comprehensive range of
collaboration – with additional business
specialist services to the oil and gas and
secured and a greater presence in the
energy industries.
Both cluster organisations were born out the local regional development agency, Venture Taranaki, in response to industry opportunity, and have gone on to be driven and owned by their respective sectors.
Photo: Rob Tucker
Chief Executive of Venture Taranaki Stuart Trundle says: "This is evidence of how industry has truly come to recognise the value of collaboration".
Working collaboratively has brought about a critical mass, enabling increased capability and capacity to capture business opportunities."
Working collaboratively has brought about a critical mass, enabling increased capability and capacity to capture
CE, Venture Taranaki
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Nelson's green ports for black boats
Nelson leads the way with plans for a modern marine eco-village at Port Nelson. This has the potential to create hundreds of jobs, upskill the local trade and technical workforces, and pump hundreds of millions of dollars into the region's economy.
The green port development would
associated industries together to attract
"I'm keen to work as local MP to get
focus on new-generation commercial
large contracts, rather than having them
as much support as possible from
boat design and build, and the servicing
compete against each other. In the past this government agencies. We're not just
and maintenance of a variety of working
has fragmented the industry and resulted
talking about jobs here, but high-skilled
boats, referred to as ‘black boats'.
in low profits," says Chal enge business
jobs. If Nelson is to compete long-term,
development manager Lane Finley.
it's important we pitch ourselves towards
The Nelson regional economic
high-end job creation, and this project
development agency (EDA) has driven
Stage one of the three-stage plan will
work on a feasibility study on the full
begin with establishing a marine precinct,
scope of the concept, appointing a
installing a 350-tonne Travelift, and
EDA Chief Executive Bill Findlater has
consultant to manage that.
developing supporting industries that can
the last word: "A green port will place
service ships up to 40 metres long.
Nelson ahead of others by putting in
Key to the long-term viability of the
place environmental practices for heavy
project are links with associated
The aim also is for Nelson to become
industry, which are likely to become
specialists, such as the Cawthron
a regional centre for the oil and gas
mandatory. This project will provide
Institute offering world-class science
industry's marine onshore maintenance,
opportunities for Nelson to be leading
resources (in related fields such as
repairs and training. The addition
edge in this industry.
aquaculture and algae technology)
of large-scale buildings and heavy
and the Nelson Marlborough Institute
lifting equipment would also create
"It could be the first of its type in the
of Technology providing training
opportunities for ‘mega-structure' design
Southern Hemisphere. We are talking
and build projects which need seaside
leading-edge here in boat design and
construction space and barge delivery.
A consortium of four Nelson firms
design technology, which will have
– Challenge New Zealand, Unimar,
Nick Smith, Nelson MP and Minister
flow-on effects to small engineering
Kernohan Engineering and Port Nelson
for the Environment, said that the key
companies in the region."
Ltd – supported by the EDA and New
support required to make this project
Zealand Trade and Enterprise – are
grow will be private sector investment.
establishing an environmentally certified centre of excellence for marine and general engineering.
Future capability means tackling projects
If Nelson is to compete long-term, it's important we pitch ourselves
on ships the size of the Cook Strait ferries
towards high-end job creation, and this project does that."
and the new-generation Royal New Zealand Navy patrol fleet vessels.
Minister for the Enviroment, MP for Nelson
"While Chal enge is spearheading the concept, the primary goal is to bring
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
Design-led engineering solutions
Metalform (Dannevirke) is a family engineering firm based in the Tararua district.
The firm began designing solutions for
the company's vision and confidence in
forming an export plan, and applying
local farmers and businesses and has
taking their products to a wider market.
the knowledge to the company's
expanded into exporting around the world.
own business.
Vision Manawatu also alerted Metalform
The business has the ability to operate
to the Export Accelerator Programme
In November 2009 Metalform was named
24/7 with automated machinery that works that the company later completed. This
the Hawke's Bay Today Business of the
throughout the night. Products include
programme is offered jointly by Vision
Year. The firm also won the Export Hawke's
the ezi-riser electric wheelchair, paddock
Manawatu and the New Zealand School
Bay Exporter Award and the Pan Pac
cleaner, and a knife sharpening system.
of Export. It focuses on export skills,
Forest Products Large Business Award.
Accelerating a business
In 2008 Vision Manawatu (the regional economic development agency) invited key staff to participate in its Smart Business Acceleration Programme. This was offered to 10 companies only per intake, and aims to upskill managers in key areas to fast track further company growth.
The company's management was surprised at the level of expertise they were exposed to during the course, citing the session on best practice and the follow-up mentoring as opening their eyes to areas they had not even considered. Poised for international growth, they said the course was particularly timely for Metalform.
Vision Manawatu and Metalform believe
Act local, think global – a family firm looks to the future. From left: Metalform director
and design manager Campbell Easton; director Geoff Easton with baby Anders Easton;
the programme made a real difference to
Metalform founder Bryce Easton.
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
INVestMeNt aND Its ImPact
on ProDUctIvIty
Escalator early-stage investment programme can add
These are underpinned by the fact that financial literacy in
enormous opportunities for appropriate companies
New Zealand is low, resources are scarce, and access to investors is relatively unstructured (outside the small number
The New Zealand early stage capital market is developing
of formal groups).
and in its infancy. Unfortunately some types of firms are not able to access finance or do so only at a premium rate.
Escalator (a government initiative), provides training and funding for such businesses to help provide access to
Entrepreneurs have two main challenges to financing their
information around those first steps to market.
business:• finding the money • knowing how to get the money into the bank.
SciTOXEnvironmental monitoring is essential to safeguarding communities from the risk of pollutants and toxins in public waters
To meet the demand for a rapid
Ventures Ltd, SciTOX had pilot customers
and accurate means of monitoring
toxic contamination in wastewater,
However, what was needed was the
Christchurch-based SciTOX created The
essential capital to fully commercialise
Alpha – a bio-sensor toxic analyser that
the product. SciTOX needed to raise
can assess all toxicants in the waste
$1.3m to successfully capitalise on
stream within 15 minutes.
potential overseas markets.
The Alpha alerts wastewater treatment
Raising that kind of money is a
plants to any potentially toxic trade
formidable task, especially for first-timers
waste, allowing the treatment facility
like SciTOX. However, with the support of
to modify its processes. Trade-waste
Escalator, the company's capital raising
customers charged on the toxicity or
venture closed oversubscribed by 30
help secure the capital alongside its seed
content of their waste.
percent - six weeks ahead of schedule.
co-investment partner, the New Zealand
As a team of international experts had
Escalator broker Pacific Channel called
Venture Investment Fund. Pacific Channel
developed the bio-sensor on behalf of
on its connections and good relationships was also able to help guide SciTOX
Lincoln University subsidiary Lincoln
with investors in the bio-tech sector to
through the investment process
What the SciTOX team learned:
• Investments are not just about getting money for a concept. To achieve a viable product it needs to:
» be able to be produced commercially (design for manufacture)
» be focused on minimising costs (lean; design for quality)
» have a viable market plan that can be rapidly executed.
• Piecemeal implementation delays the likelihood of positive cash flow, especially if your marketing and sales channels
aren't ready.
• You need to focus on costs and productivity at the front end, and budget for worst-case scenarios. Then, if the forecast
return on capital looks good, pursue the product.
• Adding a team with strong sales and financial expertise brings benefit. The most important aspect of an investment is
the ability to make painful decisions.
• Success, whether in business in general or in capital-raising, is built on a solid and structured business plan and by
creating a financial model for growth.
EDANZ - Locally Engaged Nationally Effective
across the economy
By engaging directly in, and leading the development of regional networks and partnerships, economic development agencies (EDAs) are bringing a collaborative regional approach to economic development, job retention and job growth.
Each region has examples of where
for raising productivity, and still invest in
maintain relationships and networks with
EDAs have focused on productivity and
strategic assets for the long term.
central government, local government,
innovation development, collaboration
industry organizations, community
EDAs have needed to maintain a
organizations, individual firms and
reasonable flow of investment in all
business owners.
The impact of the global recession forced
areas. They are unique in their position
regions and their economic development
to connect the dots, coordinate the
The reach is extraordinary in a local and
agencies to balance activities and budgets disconnected, deliver interventions and
national sense; no other agent network
with the need to find immediate solutions
initiatives, develop local solutions and
can produce such stretch.
economic Development agencies of new Zealand
Economic Development Agencies New Zealand (EDANZ)
expertise in the economic development field, helping to
supports, coordinates and advocates for economic
further New Zealand's economic performance.
development agencies (EDAs) throughout New Zealand.
EDANZ is organised as 14 key regional groups at the
EDAs work with their local authorities to deliver
governance level to provide national coverage.
programmes in the regions.
In partnership with local and also central government, EDANZ can tap into a wealth of knowledge and practical
level 1, Civic assurance House
Phone: (04) 978 1291
114 - 118 lambton Quay
Fax: (04) 914 1138
Po box 5548 WellingtonNeW ZealaND
Source: http://www.edanz.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/FinalPDFConnecting-across.pdf
Maturitas 41 (2002) 211 – 221 Effect of continuous combined therapy with vitamin K and vitamin D on bone mineral density and coagulofibrinolysis function in postmenopausal women Takahisa Ushiroyama *, Atushi Ikeda, Minoru Ueki Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Osaka Medical College, 2-7 Daigaku-machi, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-8686, Japan
Circular 57 pinfish, eel, sea trout, tilapia, sturgeon, and striped bass (Inglis et al. 1993). Strep has also been Streptococcus is a genus of bacteria containing isolated from a variety of ornamental fish, including some species that cause serious diseases in a rainbow sharks, red-tailed black sharks, rosey number of different hosts. A major identifying