NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
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Table of Contents
Categories for Entry into the Missing Person File 2 NCIC INITIAL ENTRY REPORT
Authorization to Release Medical Records PERSONAL DESCRIPTORS
Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics Jewelry Type (JWT) Miscellaneous Data Male External Characteristics Body Diagram (Front/Left Side) Male External Characteristics Body Diagram (Back/Right Side) Female External Characteristics Body Diagram (Front/Left Side) Female External Characteristics Body Diagram (Back/Right Side) Internal Characteristics Coding Sheet Internal Characteristics Coding Sheet CODING DENTAL CHARACTERISTICS
Letter to Dentist Letter to Dentist Dental Data Checklist Dental Data Checklist Dental Condition W Dental Condition orksheet NCIC Missing Person Dental Report NCIC Missing Person Dental Report General Procedures for Coding the Report General Procedures for Coding the Report Dental Codes and Descriptions Common Coding Rules and Interpretation Issues with Examples Entry Rules for NCIC Dental Characteristics NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
This guide is designed to assist law enforcement with the entry of missing person records into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person File. The instructions and reports provided in the guide are intended to assist law enforcement with the collection of information to create an accurate profi le of the missing person. The Coding Dental Characteristics section of this guide should be used by dentists when coding dental characteristics for missing or wanted person records.
If you have questions regarding any information contained in this guide, please contact the FBI's
Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division at (304) 625-3000.
1. Disability (EMD):
A person of any age who is missing and under proven physical/mental disability or is senile, thereby subjecting himself/herself or others to personal and immediate danger.
2. Endangered (EME): A person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating that his/her
physical safety may be in danger.
NOTE: Is a Child Abduction (CA) or an AMBER Alert (AA) fl ag
3. Involuntary (EMI): A person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating that the
disappearance may not have been voluntary, i.e., abduction or kidnapping.
NOTE: Is a Child Abduction (CA) or an AMBER Alert (AA) fl ag
4. Juvenile (EMJ):
A person who is missing and not declared emancipated as defi ned by the laws of his/her state of residence and does not meet any of the entry criteria set forth in 1, 2, 3, or 5.
5. Catastrophe
Victim (EMV):

A person of any age who is missing after a catastrophe.
6. Other (EMO):
A person not meeting the criteria for entry in any other category who is missing and 1) for whom there is a reasonable concern for his/her safety, or 2) a person
who is under age 21 and declared emancipated by the laws of his/her state of
residence (NCIC 2000 format only).
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
NCIC Initial Entry
The initial report contains, but is not limited to, information required for the NCIC Missing Person File entry. This report should be completed by the investigating
offi cer, who ensures that a record is entered into NCIC immediately.
Medical Information: The top portion of the Medical Information page should be completed by the parents/
legal guardian/next of kin/complainant and investigating agency. The medical infor-
mation should be completed by the missing person's physician, optician, and dentist.
The investigating agency should ensure this information is promptly added to
the NCIC record.

Personal Descriptors: The personal descriptors should be completed by the parent/legal guardian/next of
kin/complainant and/or medical professional and returned to the police agenc completed the initial report. The investigating agency should ensure the informa-
tion is promptly added to the NCIC record.

The jewelry description should be completed by the parent/legal guardian/next of kin/complainant and returned to the police agenc y that completed the initial report. The investigating agency should ensure the information is promptly added to
the NCIC record.

Additional data to consider when collecting information about the missing person.
The investigating agency should ensure the information is promptly added to
the NCIC record.

The parents/legal guardian/next of kin/complaintant, medical professional, and/or Characteristics Body investigating offi cer should use these sheets to indicate the precise location of scars,
marks, tattoos, and other characteristics. The investigating agency should ensure
the information is promptly added to the NCIC record.

The parents/legal guardian/next of kin/complaintant and/or medical professional should use this sheet to describe additional physical characteristics that may not be readily visible, including surgeries and missing organs. The investigating agency
should ensure the information is promptly added to the NCIC record.

Coding Dental
Dentists should use this section to code dental characteristics for missing or wanted individuals. Coding worksheets, reports, and information is included in this section.
The investigating agency should ensure the information is promptly added to
the NCIC record.

NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
NCIC Initial Entry Report
Message Key (MKE) (See Categories, page 2)
Disability (EMD) Catastrophe Victim (EMV) Involuntary (EMI) Reporting Agency (ORI)
Endangered (EME) Name of Missing Person (NAM)
Sex (SEX)
Asian or Pacifi c Islander (A) Place of Birth (POB)
Date of Birth (DOB)
American Indian/Alaskan Native (I) Black (B) Date of Emancipation (DOE)
Height (HGT)
Weight (WGT)
Eye Color (EYE)
Multicolored (MUL) Hair Color (HAI)
FBI Number (FBI)
Gray or Partially Gray (GRY) Red/Auburn (RED) Blond/Strawberry (BLN) Skin Tone (SKN)
Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Other Characteristics (SMT) (See Checklist, page 8)
Medium Brown (MBR) Has the missing person ever been fi ngerprinted? Other Identifying
Numbers (MNU)
No Yes, by whom? Fingerprint Classifi cation (FPC)*
Social Security Number (SOC)
Operator's License Number (OLN)
Operator's License State (OLS)
License Expiration (OLY)
Missing Person (MNP)
Date of Last Contact (DLC)
Originating Agency Case Number
Missing Person (MP) Catastrophe Victim (DV) Child Abduction (CA) AMBER Alert (AA) Miscellaneous (MIS) Information such as build, handedness, any illness or diseases, clothing description, hair description,
Missing Person Circumstances (MPC)
should be included. If more space is needed, attach additional sheet.** Abducted By Stranger (S) Abducted By Non-custodial License Plate Number (LIC)
State (LIS)
Year Expires (LIY)
License Plate Type (LIT)
Vehicle Identifi cation Number (VIN)
Year (VYR)
Make (VMA)
Model (VMO)
Style (VST)
Color (VCO)
Rev 11/08 * Fingerprints, if available, may be submitted electronically via the CJIS Wide Area Network or in hard copy to the FBI, CJIS Division, Post Offi ce Box 4142, Clarksburg, West Virginia 26302-9929.
** All dental information should be recorded on the NCIC Missing Person Dental Report and entered into NCIC as supplemental information. NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Caution and Medical Conditions (CMC)

Armed and dangerous Violent tendencies Sexually violent predator - contact Martial arts expert ORI for detailed information Medication required Explosives expertise Known to abuse drugs Has the missing person Blood Type (BLT)
ever donated blood? A Positive (APOS) B Positive (BPOS) AB Positive (ABPOS) O Positive (OPOS) A Negative (ANEG) B Negative (BNEG) AB Negative (ABNEG) O Negative (ONEG) A Unknown (AUNK) AB Unknown (ABUNK) O Unknown (OUNK) Footprints available? Does the missing person have corrected vision? (SMT)
Corrective Vision Prescription Jewelry Type (JWT) (See Checklist, page 20)
Jewelry Description (JWL) (See Checklist, page 20)
DNA Profi le Indicator (DNA)
DNA Location (DLO)
Complainant's Name Complainant's Address Complainant's Telephone Number Relationship of Complainant to Missing Person Missing Person's Occupation (MIS)
Missing Person's Address Close friends/relatives Places Missing Person Frequented (MIS)
Possible destination (MIS)
Reporting Offi cer Reporting Agency Telephone Investigating Offi cer and Telephone Number Complainant's Signature NCIC Number (NIC)
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Missing Person's Name Date of Last Contact Investigating Agency Agency Telephone # Investigating Offi cer After completing this page, turn to the body diagram page and chart any information that would aid in the identifi cation of the missing person, for example, artifi cial body parts, eye disorders, deafness, deformities, fractured bones, medical devices, missing body parts, moles, needle marks, other physical characteristics, scars, skin discoloration, and tattoos.
Are body X-rays available? Yes No If yes, where? Please obtain X-rays and release them to the parent, legal guardian, or next of kin. Name of Medical Doctor Blood Type (Including RH Factor if known) Glasses or Contact Lenses? Yes No If contact lenses, what kind?
If glasses, what type of frames? Prescription: Right Eye
Name of Optician, Optometrist, or Opthalmologist NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Missing Person's Name Date of Last Contact I am the parent/legal guardian/next of kin of the above-named person and I hereby authorize the release of medical records to assist criminal justice agencies in locating the missing person. I understand that the term "medical records" means medical, optical, dental, etc. Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian/Next of Kin NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
The following is a list of personal descriptors in order, from the head down to the foot area. Please read them carefully and place a check mark () in the corresponding boxes for the descriptors that most closely describe the physical characteristics of the missing person.
Artifi cial (ART) Body Parts and Aids
Artifi cial eye, nonspecifi c (ART EYE) Artifi cial elbow joint (ART ELBOW) Artifi cial left eye (ART L EYE) Artifi cial left elbow (ART L ELB) Artifi cial right eye (ART R EYE) Artifi cial right elbow (ART R ELB) Contact lenses (CON LENSES) Artifi cial hand, nonspecifi c (ART HAND) Glasses (prescription) (GLASSES) Artifi cial left hand (ART L HND)Artifi cial right hand (ART R HND) Artifi cial ear, nonspecifi c (ART EAR) Artifi cial left ear (ART L EAR) Artifi cial leg, nonspecifi c (ART LEG) Artifi cial right ear (ART R EAR) Artifi cial left leg (ART L LEG) Hearing aid (HEAR AID) Artifi cial right leg (ART R LEG)Artifi cial hip joint, nonspecifi c (ART HIP) Artifi cial hip joint, left (ART L HIP) Braces on teeth (BRAC TEETH) Artifi cial hip joint, right (ART R HIP) Gold tooth (GOLD TOOTH) Artifi cial knee joint, nonspecifi c (ART KNEE) Silver tooth (SLVR TOOTH) Artifi cial knee joint, left (ART L KNE) Upper denture only (DENT UP) Artifi cial knee joint, right (ART R KNE) Lower denture only (DENT LOW) Artifi cial foot, nonspecifi c (ART FOOT) Upper and lower denture (DENT UP LO) Artifi cial left foot (ART L FT)Artifi cial right foot (ART R FT) Artifi cial Larynx (ART LARYNX) WALKING AIDS
Crutches (CRUTCHES) Artifi cial shoulder joint (ART SHLD) Wheelchair (WHEELCHAIR) Artifi cial left shoulder (ART L SHLD)Artifi cial right shoulder (ART R SHLD) Back brace (BRACE BACK) Neck brace (BRACE NECK) Artifi cial breast, nonspecifi c (ART BRST) Brace, one arm, nonspecifi c (BRAC ARM) Breast implant, left and right (ART BRSTS) Brace, left arm (BRAC L ARM) Breast implant, left (ART L BRST) Brace, right arm (BRAC R ARM) Breast implant, right (ART R BRST) Brace, left and right arms (BRA LR ARM)Brace, one leg, nonspecifi c (BRAC LEG) Brace, left leg (BRAC L LEG) Artifi cial arm, nonspecifi c (ART ARM) Brace, right leg (BRAC R LEG) Artifi cial left arm (ART L ARM) Brace, left and right legs (BRA LR LEG) Artifi cial right arm (ART R ARM) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Deaf, one ear, nonspecifi c (DEAF EAR) Deaf, left and right ears (DEAF) Deaf, left ear (DEAF L EAR) Deaf-mute (DEAF MUTE) Deaf, right ear (DEAF R EAR) Caulifl ower ear, nonspecifi c (CAUL EAR) Crippled arm, nonspecifi c (CRIP ARM) Left caulifl ower ear (CAUL L EAR) Crippled left arm (CRIP L ARM) Right caulifl ower ear (CAUL R EAR) Crippled right arm (CRIP R ARM)Crippled hand, nonspecifi c (CRIP HAND) Crippled left hand (CRIP L HND) Deviated septum (DEV SEPTUM) Crippled right hand (CRIP R HND) Cleft lip (CL LIP) Crippled fi nger, nonspecifi c (CRIP FGR) Cleft palate (CLEFT PAL) Crippled left fi nger (CRIP L FGR) Mute, person is mute not deaf (MUTE) Crippled right fi nger (CRIP R FGR) Protruding jaw, nonspecifi c (PROT JAW) Extra fi nger(s), nonspecifi c (EXTR FGR) Protruding upper jaw (PROT U JAW) Extra fi nger(s), left hand (EXTR L FGR) Protruding lower jaw (PROT L JAW) Extra fi nger(s), right hand (EXTR R FGR) Extra tooth/teeth, nonspecifi c (EXTR TTH)Extra tooth/teeth, upper jaw (EXTR U TTH) Extra tooth/teeth, lower jaw (EXTR L TTH) Short leg, nonspecifi c (SHRT LEG)Shorter left leg (SHRT L LEG) Shorter right leg (SHRT R LEG) Extra breast, nonspecifi c (EXTR BRST) Crippled leg, nonspecifi c (CRIP LEG) Extra left breast (EXTR LBRST) Crippled left leg (CRIP L LEG) Extra right breast (EXTR RBRST) Crippled right leg (CRIP R LEG) Extra center breast (EXTR CBRST) Crippled foot, nonspecifi c (CRIP FOOT) Extra nipple, nonspecifi c (EXTR NIP) Crippled left foot, includes clubfoot (CRIP L FT) Extra nipple, left (EXTR L NIP) Crippled right foot, includes clubfoot (CRIP R FT) Extra nipple, right (EXTR R NIP) Crippled toe, nonspecifi c (CRIP TOE) Extra nipple, center (EXTR C NIP) Crippled left toe(s), includes webbed toes (CRIP L TOE) Humpbacked (HUMPBACKED) Crippled right toe(s), includes webbed toes (CRIP R TOE) Extra vertebra(e), nonspecifi c (EXTR VRT) Extra toe(s), nonspecifi c (EXTR TOE) Extra cervical vertebra(e) (EXTR C VRT) Extra toe(s), left foot (EXTR L TOE) Extra lumbar vertebra(e) (EXTR L VRT) Extra toe(s), right foot (EXTR R TOE) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Blind, one eye, nonspecifi c (BLND EYE) Cataract, nonspecifi c (CATARACT) Blind, left eye (BLND L EYE) Cataract, left eye (CATA L EYE) Blind, right eye (BLND R EYE) Cataract, right eye (CATA R EYE) Blind, both eyes (BLIND) Glaucoma (GLAUCOMA) Cross-eyed (CROSSEYED) Fractured Bones - FRESH (FRC)
Skull (FRC SKULL) Wrist, left (FRC L WRST) Wrist, right (FRC R WRST) Jaw, nonspecifi c (FRC JAW) Hand, nonspecifi c (FRC HAND) Jaw, upper left (FRC UL JAW) Hand, left (FRC L HAND) Jaw, lower left (FRC LL JAW) Hand, right (FRC R HAND) Jaw, upper right (FRC UR JAW) Finger(s), nonspecifi c (FRC FGR) Jaw, lower right (FRC LR JAW) Finger(s), left (FRC L FGR)Finger(s), right (FRC R FGR) Pelvis, nonspecifi c (FRC PELVIS) Pelvis bone, left (FRC LPELVI) Clavicle, nonspecifi c (FRC CLAVIC) Pelvis bone, right (FRC RPELVI) Clavicle, left (FRC LCLAVI)Clavicle, right (FRC RCLAVI) Shoulder, nonspecifi c (FRC SHLD) Hip, nonspecifi c fractured (FRC HIP) Shoulder, left (FRC L SHLD) Hip, left fractured (FRC L HIP) Shoulder, right (FRC R SHLD) Hip, right fractured (FRC R HIP) Sternum (FRC STERN) Leg, nonspecifi c (FRC LEG) Rib(s), nonspecifi c (FRC RIBS) Leg, left (FRC L LEG) Rib(s), left (FRC L RIB) Leg, upper left (FRC UL LEG) Rib(s), right (FRC R RIB) Leg, lower left (FRC LL LEG) Leg, right (FRC R LEG) Spine (FRC SPINE) Leg, upper right (FRC UR LEG)Leg, lower right (FRC LR LEG) Knee, nonspecifi c (FRC KNEE) Arm, nonspecifi c (FRC ARM) Knee, left (FRC L KNEE) Arm, left (FRC L ARM) Knee, right (FRC R KNEE) Arm, upper left (FRC UL ARM) Ankle, nonspecifi c (FRC ANKL) Arm, lower left (FRC LL ARM) Ankle, left (FRC L ANKL) Arm, right (FRC R ARM) Ankle, right (FRC R ANKL) Arm, upper right (FRC UR ARM) Foot, nonspecifi c (FRC FOOT) Arm, lower right (FRC LR ARM) Foot, left (FRC L FOOT) Elbow, nonspecifi c (FRC ELBOW) Foot, right (FRC R FOOT) Elbow, left (FRC L ELB) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (FRC TOE) Elbow, right (FRC R ELB) Toe(s), left foot (FRC L TOE) Wrist, nonspecifi c (FRC WRIST) Toe(s), right foot (FRC R TOE) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Fractured Bones - HEALED (HFR)
Skull (HFR SKULL) Wrist, nonspecifi c (HFR WRIST) Wrist, left (HFR L WRST) Jaw, nonspecifi c (HFR JAW) Wrist, right (HFR R WRST) Jaw, upper left (HFR UL JAW) Hand, nonspecifi c (HFR HAND) Jaw, lower left (HFR LL JAW) Hand, left (HFR L HAND) Jaw, upper right (HFR UR JAW) Hand, right (HFR R HAND) Jaw, lower right (HFR LR JAW) Finger(s), nonspecifi c (HFR FGR)Finger(s), left (HFR L FGR)Finger(s), right (HFR R FGR) Pelvis (HFR PELVIS) Pelvis bone, left (HFR LPELVI) Clavicle, nonspecifi c (HFR CLAVIC) Pelvis bone, right (HFR RPELVI) Clavicle, left (HFR LCLAVI)Clavicle, right (HFR RCLAVI) Shoulder, nonspecifi c (HFR SHLD) Hip, nonspecifi c (HFR HIP) Shoulder, left (HFR L SHLD) Hip, left (HFR L HIP) Shoulder, right (HFR R SHLD) Hip, right (HFR R HIP) Sternum (HFR STERN) Leg, nonspecifi c (HFR LEG) Rib(s), nonspecifi c (HFR RIBS) Leg, left (HFR L LEG) Rib(s), left (HFR L RIB) Leg, upper left (HFR UL LEG) Rib(s), right (HFR R RIB) Leg, lower left (HFR LL LEG) Leg, right (HFR R LEG) Spine (HFR SPINE) Leg, upper right (HFR UR LEG)Leg, lower right (HFR LR LEG) Knee, nonspecifi c (HFR KNEE) Arm, nonspecifi c (HFR ARM) Knee, left (HFR L KNE) Arm, left (HFR L ARM) Knee, right (HFR R KNE) Arm, upper left (HFR UL ARM) Ankle, nonspecifi c (HFR ANKL) Arm, lower left (HFR LL ARM) Ankle, left (HFR L ANKL) Arm, right (HFR R ARM) Ankle, right (HFR R ANKL) Arm, upper right (HFR UR ARM) Foot, nonspecifi c (HFR FOOT) Arm, lower right (HFR LR ARM) Foot, left (HFR L FOOT) Elbow, nonspecifi c (HFR ELBOW) Foot, right (HFR R FOOT) Elbow, left (HFR L ELB) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (HFR TOE) Elbow, right (HFR R ELB) Toe(s), left foot (HFR L TOE)Toe(s), right foot (HFR R TOE) Skull plate (SKL PLATE) Tubes in ears, left and right (EAR TUBES) Shunt, cerebral ventricle (SHUNT CERB) Tube in left ear (TUBE L EAR) Intramedullary rod (INTRA ROD) Tube in right ear (TUBE R EAR) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Medical Devices - Continued
Vascular prosthesis (VASC PROTH) Colostomy appliances (COLOST APP) Shunt, arterial vascular (SHUNT ART) Orthopedic nail or pin (ORTH NAIL) Cardiac pacemaker (CARD PACEM) Orthopedic plate (ORTH PLATE) Intrauterine device (IUD) Orthopedic screw (ORTH SCREW) Penile implant (IMPL PENIS) Staples (STAPLES)Wire sutures (WIRE SUTUR) Missing Body Parts/Organs (MISS)
Eye, nonspecifi c (MISS EYE) Left breast (MISS LBRST) Left eye (MISS L EYE) Right breast (MISS RBRST) Right eye (MISS R EYE) Lung, nonspecifi c (MISS LUNG) Ear, nonspecifi c (MISS EAR) Left lung (MISS LLUNG) Left ear (MISS L EAR) Right lung (MISS RLUNG) Right ear (MISS R EAR) Appendix (MISS APPNX) Gallbladder (MISS GALL) Adenoids (MISS ADND) Intestines (MISS INTES) Tongue (MISS TONG) Kidney, nonspecifi c (MISS KID) Tonsils (MISS TONSL) Kidney, left (MISS L KID) Larynx (MISS LRYNX) Kidney, right (MISS R KID) Thyroid (MISS THYRD) Pancreas (MISS PANCR)Spleen (MISS SPLEN) Stomach (MISS STOMA) Missing vertebra(e), nonspecifi c (MISS VRT) Ovaries (MISS OVARS) Missing cervical vertebra(e) (MISS C VRT) Ovary, nonspecifi c (MISS OVARY) Missing lumbar vertebra(e) (MISS L VRT) Left ovary (MISS LOVAR)Right ovary (MISS ROVAR) Uterus (MISS UTRUS) Arm, nonspecifi c (MISS ARM) Prostate (MISS PROST) Left arm (MISS L ARM) Penis (MISS PENIS) Lower left arm (MISS LLARM) Testicle, nonspecifi c (MISS TES) Right arm (MISS R ARM) Left testis (MISS L TES) Lower right arm (MISS LRARM) Right testis (MISS R TES) Hand, nonspecifi c (MISS HAND)Left hand (MISS L HND) Right hand (MISS R HND) Leg, nonspecifi c (MISS LEG) Finger(s), nonspecifi c (MISS FGR) Left leg (MISS L LEG) Finger(s), left hand (MISS L FGR) Lower left leg (MISS LLLEG) Finger(s), right hand (MISS R FGR) Right leg (MISS R LEG) Finger joint(s), nonspecifi c (MISS FJT) Lower right leg (MISS LRLEG) Finger joint(s), left hand (MISS L FJT) Foot, nonspecifi c (MISS FOOT) Finger joint(s), right hand (MISS R FJT) Left foot (MISS L FT)Right foot (MISS R FT) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (MISS TOE) Breast, nonspecifi c (MISS BRST) Toe(s), left foot (MISS L TOE) Breasts (MISS BRSTS) Toe(s), right foot (MISS R TOE) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Head, nonspecifi c (MOLE HEAD) Chest (MOLE CHEST) Forehead (MOLE FHD) Breast, nonspecifi c (MOLE BRST) Eye, nonspecifi c (MOLE EYE) Left breast (MOLE LBRST) Left eyebrow/left eye area (MOLE L EYE) Right breast (MOLE RBRST) Right eyebrow/right eye area (MOLE R EYE) Abdomen (MOLE ABDOM) Ear, nonspecifi c (MOLE EAR) Left ear (MOLE L EAR) Buttocks, nonspecifi c (MOLE BUTTK) Right ear (MOLE R EAR) Left buttock (MOLE L BUT) Face, nonspecifi c (MOLE FACE) Right buttock (MOLE R BUT) Cheek, face, nonspecifi c (MOLE CHK) Hip, nonspecifi c (MOLE HIP) Left cheek, face (MOLE L CHK) Left hip (MOLE L HIP) Right cheek, face (MOLE R CHK) Right hip (MOLE R HIP) Penis (MOLE PENIS) Lip, nonspecifi c (MOLE LIP) Groin area (MOLE GROIN) Upper lip (MOLE U LIP)Lower lip (MOLE L LIP) Thigh, nonspecifi c (MOLE THGH) Left thigh (MOLE L THG)Right thigh (MOLE R THG) SHOULDERS
Leg, nonspecifi c (MOLE LEG) Shoulder, nonspecifi c (MOLE SHLD) Left leg (MOLE L LEG) Left shoulder (MOLE L SHD) Right leg (MOLE R LEG) Right shoulder (MOLE R SHD) Knee, nonspecifi c (MOLE KNEE)Left knee (MOLE L KNE) Right knee (MOLE R KNE) Arm, nonspecifi c (MOLE ARM) Calf, nonspecifi c (MOLE CALF) Forearm, nonspecifi c (MOLE F ARM) Left calf (MOLE L CALF) Left arm (MOLE L ARM) Right calf (MOLE R CALF) Left upper arm (MOLE UL ARM) Foot, nonspecifi c (MOLE FOOT) Left forearm (MOLE LF ARM) Left foot (MOLE L FT) Right arm (MOLE R ARM) Right foot (MOLE R FT) Right upper arm (MOLE UR ARM) Ankle, nonspecifi c (MOLE ANKL) Right forearm (MOLE RF ARM) Left ankle (MOLE L ANK) Elbow, nonspecifi c (MOLE ELBOW) Right ankle (MOLE R ANK) Left elbow (MOLE L ELB) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (MOLE TOE) Right elbow (MOLE R ELB Toe(s), left foot (MOLE L TOE) Wrist, nonspecifi c (MOLE WRS) Toe(s), right foot (MOLE R TOE) Left wrist (MOLE L WRS)Right wrist (MOLE R WRS)Hand, nonspecifi c (MOLE HAND)Left hand (MOLE L HND)Right hand (MOLE R HND)Finger, nonspecifi c (MOLE FGR)Finger(s), left hand (MOLE L FGR)Finger(s), right hand (MOLE R FGR) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Needle ("Track") Marks (NM)
Shoulder, nonspecifi c (NM SHLD) Left buttock (NM L BUTTK) Left shoulder (NM L SHLD) Right buttock (NM R BUTTK) Right shoulder (NM R SHLD) Hip, nonspecifi c (NM HIP)Left hip (NM L HIP) Right hip (NM R HIP) Arm, nonspecifi c (NM ARM)Left arm (NM L ARM) Arm, upper left (NM UL ARM) Thigh, nonspecifi c (NM THIGH) Arm, lower left (NM LL ARM) Left thigh (NM L THIGH) Right arm (NM R ARM) Right thigh (NM R THIGH) Arm, upper right (NM UR ARM) Leg, nonspecifi c (NM LEG) Arm, lower right (NM LR ARM) Left leg (NM L LEG) Elbow, nonspecifi c (NM ELBOW) Right leg (NM R LEG) Left elbow (NM L ELB) Knee, nonspecifi c (NM KNEE) Right elbow (NM R ELB) Left knee (NM L KNE) Wrist, nonspecifi c (NM WRIST) Right knee (NM R KNE) Left wrist (NM L WRIST) Calf, nonspecifi c (NM CALF) Right wrist (NM R WRIST) Left calf (NM L CALF) Hand, nonspecifi c (NM HAND) Right calf (NM R CALF) Left hand (NM L HND) Ankle, nonspecifi c (NM ANKL) Right hand (NM R HND) Left ankle (NM L ANKL) Finger(s), nonspecifi c (NM FGR) Right ankle (NM R ANKL) Finger(s), left hand (NM L FGR) Foot, nonspecifi c (NM FOOT) Finger(s), right hand (NM R FGR) Left foot (NM L FOOT) Right foot (NM R FOOT)Toe(s), nonspecifi c (NM TOE) Toe(s), left foot (NM L TOE) Toe(s), right foot (NM R TOE) Buttock, nonspecifi c (NM BUTTK) Other Physical Characteristics
Bald/balding (BALD) Dimples, chin (DIMP CHIN) Hair implants (HAIR IMPL) Cleft chin (CLEFT CHIN) Pierced eyebrow, nonspecifi c (PRCD EYE) Pierced lip, nonspecifi c (PRCD LIP) Pierced left eyebrow (PRCD L EYE) Pierced upper lip (PRCD ULIP) Pierced right eyebrow (PRCD R EYE) Pierced lower lip (PRCD LLIP) Pierced ears (PRCD EARS) Pierced tongue (PRCD TONGU) Pierced left ear (PRCD L EAR) Stutters (STUTTERS) Pierced right ear (PRCD R EAR) Pierced nipple, nonspecifi c (PRCD NIPPL) Pierced ear, one, nonspecifi c (PRCD EAR) Pierced left nipple (PRCD L NIP) Pierced nose (PRCD NOSE) Pierced right nipple (PRCD R NIP) Freckles (FRECKLES) Pierced abdomen (PRCD ABDMN) Dimples, face (DIMP FACE) Pierced back (PRCD BACK) Dimples, cheek, face (DIMP CHEEK) Pierced genitalia (PRCD GNTLS) Dimples, left cheek, face (DIMP L CHK) Transsexual* (TRANSSXL) Dimples, right cheek, face (DIMP R CHK) Transvestite (TRANSVST) Information for entering agency:* Miscellaneous Field should indicate sex at birth and the NCIC record should indicate sex at the time the Report is fi led. For example, agencies should enter data on a missing person that was born a male and is now a female as male in the Miscellaneous Field and female in the NCIC record.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Head, nonspecifi c (SC HEAD) Forehead (SC FHD) Breast, nonspecifi c (SC BREAST) Face, nonspecifi c (SC FACE) Left breast (SC L BRST) Cheek, nonspecifi c (SC CHK) Right breast (SC R BRST) Left cheek (SC L CHK) Abdomen (SC ABDOM) Right cheek (SC R CHK) Pockmarks (POCKMARKS) Buttocks, nonspecifi c (SC BUTTK) Eyebrow, nonspecifi c (SC EYE) Left buttock (SC L BUTTK) Left eyebrow/left eye area (SC L EYE) Right buttock (SC R BUTTK) Right eyebrow/right eye area (SC R EYE) Hip, nonspecifi c (SC HIP) Ear, nonspecifi c (SC EAR) Left hip (SC L HIP) Left ear (SC L EAR) Right hip (SC R HIP) Right ear (SC R EAR) Lip, nonspecifi c (SC LIP)Upper lip (SC UP LIP) Lower lip (SC LOW LIP) Leg, nonspecifi c (SC LEG) Left leg (SC L LEG) Right leg (SC R LEG)Thigh, nonspecifi c (SC THGH) Left thigh (SC L THGH) Shoulder, nonspecifi c (SC SHLD) Right thigh (SC R THGH) Left shoulder (SC L SHLD) Knee, nonspecifi c (SC KNEE) Right shoulder (SC R SHLD) Left knee (SC L KNEE)Right knee (SC R KNEE) Calf, nonspecifi c (SC CALF) Arm, nonspecifi c (SC ARM) Left calf (SC L CALF) Forearm, nonspecifi c (SC F ARM) Right calf (SC R CALF) Left arm, nonspecifi c (SC L ARM) Ankle, nonspecifi c (SC ANKL) Left upper arm (SC UL ARM) Left ankle (SC L ANKL) Left forearm (SC LF ARM) Right ankle (SC R ANKL) Right arm, nonspecifi c (SC R ARM) Foot, nonspecifi c (SC FOOT) Right upper arm (SC UR ARM) Left foot (SC L FT) Right forearm (SC RF ARM) Right foot (SC R FT) Elbow, nonspecifi c (SC ELBOW) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (SC TOE) Left elbow (SC L ELB) Toe, left foot (SC L TOE) Right elbow (SC R ELB) Toe, right foot (SC R TOE) Wrist, nonspecifi c (SC WRIST)Left wrist (SC L WRIST)Right wrist (SC R WRIST)Hand, nonspecifi c (SC HAND)Left hand (SC L HND)Right hand (SC R HND)Finger, nonspecifi c (SC FGR)Finger(s), left hand (SC L FGR)Finger(s), right hand (SC R FGR) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Skin Discoloration (including birthmarks) (DISC)
Head, nonspecifi c (DISC HEAD) Chest (DISC CHEST) Forehead (DISC FHD) Breast, nonspecifi c (DISC BRST) Face, nonspecifi c (DISC FACE) Left breast (DISC L BRS) Cheek, face, nonspecifi c (DISC CHEEK) Right breast (DISC R BRS) Left cheek, face (DISC L CHK) Abdomen (DISC ABDOM) Right cheek, face (DISC R CHK) Eyebrow, nonspecifi c (DISC EYE) Buttocks, nonspecifi c (DISC BUTTK) Left eyebrow/left eye area (DISC L EYE) Left buttock (DISC L BUT) Right eyebrow/right eye area (DISC R EYE) Right buttock (DISC R BUT) Ear, nonspecifi c (DISC EAR) Hip, nonspecifi c (DISC HIP) Left ear (DISC L EAR) Left hip (DISC L HIP) Right ear (DISC R EAR) Right hip (DISC R HIP) Penis (DISC PENIS) Lip, nonspecifi c (DISC LIP) Groin (DISC GROIN) Upper lip (DISC U LIP)Lower lip (DISC L LIP) Leg, nonspecifi c (DISC LEG) Left leg (DISC L LEG)Right leg (DISC R LEG) Thigh, nonspecifi c (DISC THGH) Shoulder, nonspecifi c (DISC SHLD) Left thigh (DISC LTHGH) Left shoulder (DISC LSHLD) Right thigh (DISC RTHGH) Right shoulder (DISC RSHLD) Knee, nonspecifi c (DISC KNEE)Left knee (DISC LKNEE) Right knee (DISC RKNEE) Arm, nonspecifi c (DISC ARM) Calf, nonspecifi c (DISC CALF) Left Arm (DISC L ARM) Left calf (DISC L CALF) Arm, upper left (DISC UL ARM) Right calf (DISC R CALF) Arm, left forearm (DISC LF ARM) Ankle, nonspecifi c (DISC ANKL) Right arm (DISC R ARM) Left ankle (DISC L ANK) Arm, upper right (DISC UR ARM) Right ankle (DISC R ANK) Arm, right forearm (DISC RF ARM) Foot, nonspecifi c (DISC FOOT) Forearm, nonspecifi c (DISC F ARM) Left foot (DISC L FT) Elbow, nonspecifi c (DISC ELBOW) Right foot (DISC R FT) Left elbow (DISC L ELB) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (DISC TOE) Right elbow (DISC R ELB) Toe(s), left foot (DISC L TOE) Wrist, nonspecifi c (DISC WRIST) Toe(s), right foot (DISC R TOE) Left wrist (DISC L WRS)Right wrist (DISC R WRS)Hand, nonspecifi c (DISC HAND)Left hand (DISC L HND)Right hand (DISC R HND)Finger, nonspecifi c (DISC FGR)Finger(s), left hand (DISC L FGR)Finger(s), right hand (DISC R FGR) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Head, nonspecifi c* (TAT HEAD) Chest (TAT CHEST) Forehead (TAT FHD) Breast (TAT BREAST) Face, nonspecifi c* (TAT FACE) Left breast (TAT L BRST) Eye, nonspecifi c (TAT EYE) Right breast (TAT R BRST) Left eye (TAT L EYE) Abdomen (TAT ABDOM) Right eye (TAT R EYE) Cheek, face, nonspecifi c (TAT CHEEK) Buttocks (TAT BUTTK) Left cheek, face (TAT L CHK) Left buttock (TAT L BUTK) Right cheek, face (TAT R CHK) Right buttock (TAT R BUTK) Ear, nonspecifi c (TAT EAR) Hip, nonspecifi c (TAT HIP) Left ear (TAT L EAR) Left hip (TAT L HIP) Right ear (TAT R EAR) Right hip (TAT R HIP) Penis (TAT PENIS) Lip, nonspecifi c (TAT LIP) Groin area (TAT GROIN) Upper lip (TAT UP LIP)Lower lip (TAT LW LIP) Leg, nonspecifi c* (TAT LEG) Left leg, nonspecifi c* (TAT L LEG)Right leg, nonspecifi c* (TAT R LEG) Thigh, nonspecifi c (TAT THGH) Shoulder, nonspecifi c (TAT SHLD) Left thigh (TAT L THGH) Left shoulder (TAT L SHLD) Right thigh (TAT R THGH) Right shoulder (TAT R SHLD) Knee, nonspecifi c (TAT KNEE)Left knee (TAT L KNEE) Right knee (TAT R KNEE) Arm, nonspecifi c* (TAT ARM) Calf, nonspecifi c (TAT CALF) Left arm* (TAT L ARM) Left calf (TAT L CALF) Right arm* (TAT R ARM) Right calf (TAT R CALF) Upper left arm (TAT UL ARM) Ankle, nonspecifi c (TAT ANKL) Upper right arm (TAT UR ARM) Left ankle (TAT L ANKL) Forearm, nonspecifi c (TAT FARM) Right ankle (TAT R ANKL) Left forearm (TAT LF ARM) Foot, nonspecifi c (TAT FOOT) Right forearm (TAT RF ARM) Left foot (TAT L FOOT) Elbow, nonspecifi c (TAT ELBOW) Right foot (TAT R FOOT) Left elbow (TAT LELBOW) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (TAT TOE) Right elbow (TAT RELBOW) Toe(s), left foot (TAT L TOE) Wrist, nonspecifi c (TAT WRS) Toe(s), right foot (TAT R TOE) Left wrist (TAT L WRS)Right wrist (TAT R WRS) FULL BODY
Hand, nonspecifi c (TAT HAND) Full body** (TAT FLBODY) Left hand (TAT L HND)Right hand (TAT R HND)Finger, nonspecifi c (TAT FNGR)Finger(s), left hand (TAT L FGR)Finger(s), right hand (TAT R FGR) Information for entering agency:* Use the Miscellaneous Field to further describe the location of the tattoo.
** Use only when the entire body—arms, legs, chest, and back are—covered with tattoos.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Removed Tattoos (RTAT)
Head, nonspecifi c* (RTAT HEAD) Chest (RTAT CHEST) Forehead (RTAT FHD) Breast (RTAT BRST) Face, nonspecifi c* (RTAT FACE) Left breast (RTAT LBRST) Eye, nonspecifi c (RTAT EYE) Right breast (RTAT RBRST) Left eye (RTAT L EYE) Abdomen (RTAT ABDM) Right eye (RTAT R EYE) Cheek, face, nonspecifi c (RTAT CHEEK) Buttocks (RTAT BUTTK) Left cheek (RTAT L CHK) Left buttock (RTAT LBUTK) Right cheek (RTAT R CHK) Right buttock (RTAT RBUTK) Ear, nonspecifi c (RTAT EAR) Hip, nonspecifi c (RTAT HIP) Left ear (RTAT L EAR) Left hip (RTAT L HIP) Right ear (RTAT R EAR) Right hip (RTAT R HIP) Penis (RTAT PENIS) Lip, nonspecifi c (RTAT LIP) Groin area (RTAT GROIN) Upper lip (RTAT UPLIP)Lower lip (RTAT LWLIP) Leg, nonspecifi c* (RTAT LEG) Left leg* (RTAT L LEG)Right leg* (RTAT R LEG) Thigh, nonspecifi c (RTAT THGH) Shoulder, nonspecifi c (RTAT SHLD) Left thigh (RTAT LTHGH) Left shoulder (RTAT LSHLD) Right thigh (RTAT RTHGH) Right shoulder (RTAT RSHLD) Knee, nonspecifi c (RTAT KNEE)Left knee (RTAT LKNEE) Right knee (RTAT RKNEE) Arm, nonspecifi c* (RTAT ARM) Calf, nonspecifi c (RTAT CALF) Left arm* (RTAT L ARM) Left calf (RTAT LCALF) Right arm* (RTAT R ARM) Right calf (RTAT RCALF) Upper left arm (RTAT ULARM) Ankle, nonspecifi c (RTAT ANKL) Upper right arm (RTAT URARM) Left ankle (RTAT LANKL) Forearm, nonspecifi c (RTAT FARM) Right ankle (RTAT RANKL) Left forearm (RTAT LFARM) Foot, nonspecifi c (RTAT FOOT) Right forearm (RTAT RFARM) Left foot (RTAT LFOOT) Elbow, nonspecifi c (RTAT ELBOW) Right foot (RTAT RFOOT) Left elbow (RTAT L ELB) Toe(s), nonspecifi c (RTAT TOE) Right elbow (RTAT R ELB) Toe(s), left foot (RTAT L TOE) Wrist, nonspecifi c (RTAT WRS) Toe(s), right foot (RTAT R TOE) Left wrist (RTAT LWRS)Right wrist (RTAT RWRS) FULL BODY
Hand, nonspecifi c (RTAT HAND) Full body** (RTAT FLBOD) Left hand (RTAT L HND)Right hand (RTAT R HND)Finger, nonspecifi c (RTAT FNGR)Left fi nger(s) (RTAT L FGR)Right fi nger(s) (RTAT R FGR) Information for entering agency:* Use the Miscellaneous Field to further describe the location of the removed tattoos.
** Use only when tattoos were removed from the entire body—arms, legs, chest, and back.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Medical Conditions and Diseases (MC)
Kidney conditions/diseases (MC KIDNEY) Alcoholism (MC ALCOHOL) Liver disease (includes cirrhosis and hepatitis) (MC LIVER) Allergies including asthma (MC ALLERGY) Nervous conditions (includes seizures, stroke, senility, and mental Alzheimer's Disease (MC ALZHMRS) retardation) (MC NERVOUS) Arthritis (MC ARTHRTS) Neurological conditions/diseases (includes Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, Attention Defi cit Disorder (MC ADD) Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson's Disease) (MC NRLGCAL) Behavior Disorder (past and present, includes autism, depression, Paraplegic (MC PARPLGC) schizophrenia and suicidal tendencies) (MC BEHAVIO) Quadriplegic (MC QUADPLG) Hematological Diseases (diseases of the blood - includes anemia, Pregnancy, present (MC PREGNAN) hemophilia, leukemia, and sickle cell anemia.) (MC BLOOD) Pregnancy, past (MC PASTPRE) Cancer (MC CANCER) Pulmonary/lung diseases (includes emphysema and Cystic Fibrosis Diabetic (MC DIABTIC) Down's Syndrome (MC DOWNSYN) Thyroid conditions/diseases (MC THYROID) Drug Abuse (MC DRUGAB) Skin disorders (includes psoriasis and eczema) (MC SKIN) Eating Disorders (includes anorexia nervosa and bulimia) Tuberculosis (MC TB) Tourette's Syndrome (MC TOURETE) Heart/circulatory diseases (includes high blood pressure, heart failure, Other medical disorders/conditions not listed above* (MC OTHER) heart attack, hardening of the arteries, and circulation problems) (MC HEART) Information for entering agency:* Identify other medical disorders/conditions, not listed above, in the Miscellaneous Field.
Therapeutic Drugs (TD)
Analgesics - pain relievers (includes Darvon, Acetaminophen, and Cardiac - heart medications (includes Digitalis and Digoxin) Aspirin) (TD ANALGES) Antibiotics (TD ANTBTCS) Hypnotics - sleeping aids (includes Barbiturates, Chloral Hydrate, Anticonvulsants - seizure medicines (includes Dilantin, Mysoline, and Glutethemide) (TD HYPNOTI) and Phenobarbital) (TD ACONVUL) Insulin (TD INSULIN) Antidepressants - mood lifters (includes Amitriptylene, Elavil, Ritalin (TD RITALIN) Prozac, Norpramine, Triavil, and Zoloft) (TD ADEPRES) Tranquilizers (includes Valium, Thorazine, and Stellazine) Anti-infl ammatory medication (TD ANTINFL) Bronchial dilators (includes inhalers) (TD BRNCHDL) Other therapeutic medications* (TD OTHER) Information for entering agency:* Identify other therapeutic medications, not listed above, in the Miscellaneous Field.
Drugs of Abuse (DA)
Alcohol (DA ALCOHOL) Narcotics (includes Heroin, Morphine, Dilaudid, Methadone) Amphetamines (includes stimulants) (DA AMPHETA) Barbiturates (DA BARBITU) Paint (includes thinner) (DA PAINT) Cocaine (includes crack) (DA COCAINE) Ritalin (DA RITALIN) Rohypnol (brand name for Flunitrazepam, also referred to as Hallucinogens (DA HALLUCI) "rophies", "roofi es", "ruffi es", and "roche") (DA ROHYPNL) Marijuana (DA MARIJUA) Other drugs of abuse* (DA OTHER) Information for entering agency: * Identify other drugs of abuse, not listed above, in the Miscellaneous Field.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
The following is a list of personal accessories. Please review the list carefully and place a check mark () in the box beside any item that the missing person had in his/her possession. Describe each item in detail in the space provided.
Jewelry Type
Description of item
Ankle bracelet (AB) (includes ankle bracelet with Broach or pin (BP) Cigarette lighter, holder, or case (CL) Comb (includes hair combs and picks) (CO) Earrings (ER) (includes clasp, pierced, and pendant Necklace (NE) (includes necklaces with pendant or Pocket knife (PK) Pocket watch chain (fob) or vest chain (PC) Tie chain, clasp, or tack (TC) Wallet or purse (WP) Watch (WA) (includes wrist, pocket, or stopwatch) Wrist bracelets having pendants (WB) (includes ID and medical alert bracelets) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Miscellaneous data regarding the missing person may be added. This information may include, but is not limited to, any of the following: 1. Nicknames the missing person may go by2. Clothing description (size, color, style, laundry marks)3. Shoes (size, style, color)4. Smoker (pipe, cigar, cigarette; brand)5. Tobacco chewer (brand) 6. Fingernails (polish, length, biter) 7. Possible destination 8. Amount of money in possession 9. Medication in possession10. Left handed11. Right handed12. Explanation/description of scars, marks, tattoos, and physical characteristics13. Conditions under which a juvenile is listed as missing14. Child is missing under suspicious circumstances, and/or child is believed to be in a life-threatening situation.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Male External Characteristics Body Diagram
Indicate scars, marks, tattoos, and other characteristics directly on the images below.
Left Side
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Male External Characteristics Body Diagram
Indicate scars, marks, tattoos, and other characteristics directly on the images below.
Right Side
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Female External Characteristics Body Diagram
Indicate scars, marks, tattoos, and other characteristics directly on the images below.
Left Side
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Female External Characteristics Body Diagram
Indicate scars, marks, tattoos, and other characteristics directly on the images below.
Right Side
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Internal Characteristics Coding Sheet
This sheet may be used by the next of kin or physician to list or describe additional characteristics that may not be readily visible, such as surgical procedures and missing organs. Information documented on this sheet should be coded by the NCIC operator and added to the missing person record.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Images that may assist in identifying a missing person should be entered into NCIC and associated with the missing person record.
The types of images that can be stored for a missing person are mugshot, signature, and identifying images.
Only one mugshot may be entered per record.
Only one signature may be entered per record.
Not more than ten identifying images (other than mugshot and signature) may be associated with one record.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Letter to Dentist
Because it is believed that you have treated the subject of this report, your assistance with the enclosed dental report is requested. Your careful attention to the information requested in the dental report may aid in the identifi cation of the person who has been reported missing.
A worksheet for your notes in regard to each tooth is contained in this packet. Using this worksheet will enable you to combine the information shown in the dental records and radiographs to provide an accurate dental profi le. Once you have completed the worksheet, you may use these notes to easily transfer the information to the National Crime Infor-mation Center (NCIC) Missing Person Dental Report.
This report is designed to facilitate the collection of dental data to be entered into the NCIC, which will compare these dental data to dental characteristics stored in the NCIC Unidentifi ed Person File to develop a candidate list of poten-tial matching records. Your careful examination of all available dental records will ensure you create a dental profi le that will provide key information used in the identifi cation process. Under most circumstances, it should not take you more than a few min-utes to complete this report. If you have any questions regarding the reporting of a condition, contact the FBI's CJIS Division at
Dental Data Checklist
(to be completed by dentist)

All dental information has been collected and reviewed (including, but not limited to all original radiographs, treatment records, dental photographs, and dental models).
Photographs showing missing persons teeth have been collected from family and/or friends.
Dental records and photographs collected have been given to the investigating agency.
Completed Dental Condition Worksheet. (See page 29.) Completed NCIC Missing Person Dental Report. (See page 30.) NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
(to be completed by dentist) You should fi ll out this chart following your complete review of all available dental records and radiographs. You should number the teeth following the format of the Universal numbering system with tooth #1 being the upper right third molar, tooth #16 being the upper left third molar, tooth #17 being the lower left third molar and tooth #32 being the lower right third molar. In your descriptions of the restorations present, you should include the surfaces involved (M, O, D , F, L), the restorative material used, such as amalgam, gold, porcelain, composite, temporary cement and any other condi-tions that may be observed such as endodontic treatment, pin retention, orthodontic brackets or bands. You must not leave any tooth numbers blank. If the tooth has no restorations, note it as "virgin" or "present, no restoration." Note other signifi cant dental information at the bottom of this chart or on an additional sheet of paper, which you should attach to this worksheet.
Additional Dental Information: NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
NCIC Missing Person Dental Report
SECTION 1Patient's Name: Age at Disappearance: Address:Telephone #: X-Rays Available? Dental Models Available? Dental Photographs Available? Upper Right
Lower Right
(Numbers in parentheses represent FDI System.) Upper Left
Lower Left
(Letters in parentheses represent deciduous X = Tooth has been removed or did not develop
F = Facial or Buccal Surface Restored
V = Tooth is unrestored or no information (Default Code)
L = Lingual Surface Restored
M = Mesial Surface Restored
C = Lab Processed or Prefabricated Restoration
O = Occlusal/Incisal Surface Restored
R = Endodontic Treatment
D = Distal Surface Restored
/ = Tooth present with endodontic treatment but clinical crown missing
(i.e., fractured, caries)* (*The codes V and / are used differently in the Missing Person Dental Report than in the Unidentifi ed Person Dental Report.) ALL (All 32 teeth are present and unrestored)
UNK (No dental information available)
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
General Procedures for Coding the Report
(to be completed by dentist) Section 1:
Complete the Patient's Name fi eld as refl ected in the dental records.
The Age at Disappearance and NCIC # fi elds should be completed by the investigating agency.
The Completed by, Date Completed, Address, Telephone #, Email Address, X-Rays Available, Dental Models Available, and Dental Photographs Available fi elds should be completed by the individual fi lling out the dental report.
Section 2:
If no dental information is available, go directly to Section 4 and check the UNK box. Do not
enter any codes in the tooth fi elds.
If all 32 teeth are present with no restorations, go directly to Section 4 and check the ALL box.
Review pages 32–36 prior to completing the Dental Characteristics Section of the dental report.
Tooth numbers are based on the Universal System. The corresponding Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) System numbering is depicted in parenthesis.
Use all available dental evidence to capture the most accurate dental profi le.
Enter the appropriate code(s) next to the corresponding tooth number, 01–32, on the dental report.
Each tooth must have one or more codes entered except when ALL or UNK is used in Section 4.
Section 3:
Dental Codes. A more detailed explanation of these codes and their use is provided on page 32.
Section 4:
Used for coding ALL or UNK.
If ALL is marked, NCIC will automatically code all teeth as V.
If UNK is marked, NCIC will automatically code all teeth as /. A dental comparison will not be performed by NCIC when this box is marked. Used for additional dental characteristics not captured in the dental codes listed in Section 3, for example, dental implants, removable dentures, orthodontic appliances. Specifi c tooth numbers are not always necessary, and key descriptive words are preferred. NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Dental Codes and Descriptions
Primary Dental Codes - One or more codes must be entered for each tooth.
Virgin. Default code for Missing Persons. Tooth is present or assumed to be present and unrestored.
This includes unerupted teeth, such as wisdom or deciduous teeth. If no information is available for a
particular tooth, this code should be used as it is assumed that all teeth are present (erupted or
unerupted) and unrestored when they develop. This code is also used when a tooth has been restored
but it is impossible to determine which surface has been restored (most common example of this is the
location of a pit type fi lling on molars when it is impossible to determine whether the fi lling is on the
facial or lingual surface). Note: This code is used differently when coding dental
characteristics for Unidentifi ed Persons.
A portion of the tooth is remaining and obvious endodontic treatment has been performed but the
clinical crown has either fractured off or decayed to the extent that it is impossible to determine
which surfaces have been restored. Note: This code is used differently when coding dental
characteristics for Unidentifi ed Persons.
Missing. Tooth has been extracted or is congenitally missing.
Mesial surface of the tooth has been restored.
Occlusal or Incisal surface of the tooth has been restored. Distal surface of the tooth has been restored.
Facial or Buccal surface of the tooth has been restored. Lingual surface of the tooth has been restored.
Secondary Dental Codes - Cannot be used independently. Must be used in conjunction with Primary codes.
Any laboratory processed restoration including crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers. This code also includes prefabricated restorations such as stainless steel crowns, metal and acrylic temporary crowns, and porcelain processed veneers.
Root canal. Evidence is available to establish that an endodontic procedure has been started or completed.
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Common Coding Rules and Interpretation Issues with Examples
No Records
The default code for missing person dental records The only records received for analysis are bitewing- Regarding the
is V. If no information is available for a type X-rays. There is no information concerning the Condition
particular tooth or teeth, it is assumed that they anterior teeth and the wisdom teeth. The appropriate of Some Teeth
developed and were unrestored. code entries for these teeth are: Multiple
Only one surface code is entered for a particular
Tooth #28 has two occlusal pit restorations, the Restorations on
surface on a specifi c tooth regardless of the number appropriate code entry: 28O.
One Tooth Surface
of restorations on that particular surface. Deciduous teeth are coded in the same manner as #1: The most recent available dental records are of permanent teeth. When the available dental records the individual at 7 years of age and indicate a MOD are in the mixed dentition phase, the restoration on the lower right second deciduous examiner must establish the likelihood of the molar. The individual went missing at 9 years of age. deciduous tooth being exfoliated and replaced The tooth should be coded: 29MOD
by the permanent tooth during the time interval between the date of the last dental record (written/ #2: The most recent available dental records are of radiograph) and the date the individual went the individual at 9 years of age and indicate a MOD missing. For the purposes of NCIC coding, the
restoration on the lower right second deciduous general rule is: Unless there is evidence to the
molar. The radiographs show evidence of a contrary, it is assumed that all deciduous teeth
permanent successor. The individual went missing at will be replaced by permanent teeth at 11+ years 16 years of age. The tooth should be coded: 29V
of age.
When in doubt, use the default V code.
#3: The most recent available dental records are of
the individual at 10 years of age and indicate a MOD
restoration on the lower right second deciduous
molar. The radiographs clearly show no evidence of
a permanent successor. The individual went
missing at 16 years of age. The tooth should be
coded: 29MOD
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Common Coding Rules and Interpretation Issues with Examples
Fixed Dental Bridge
The important feature is that the tooth has been Tooth #8 has been extracted and replaced with a fi xed bridge. Teeth #7 and #9 are the abutment teeth and
restored with full coverage porcelain to metal crowns.
The teeth should be coded:
The important feature is that the tooth has been Tooth #8 has been extracted and replaced by a dental implant. The tooth should be coded:
Dental Report, Section 2 - 08X
Dental Report, Section 4 - Implant 08
Removable Dentures All teeth that are replaced by a complete or partial
"Complete Maxillary Denture",
denture are coded as X in Section 2 of the dental "Complete Mandibular Denture",
report, and the appropriate notation should be made "Partial Maxillary Denture", and/or
in Section 4.
"Partial Mandibular Denture."
All missing teeth are coded with X. For the pur- Teeth #6 and #11 are overdenture teeth for a poses of NCIC coding, the overdenture teeth are complete maxillary denture. These teeth should assumed to have endodontic treatment and some sort of cast coping.
Section 2 -
Missing teeth coded X

Section 4 - Complete Maxillary Denture,
Overdenture 06, Overdenture 11

All teeth are coded for their dental characteristics Section 4 - "Orthodontic Appliance"
and a notation should be made in Section 4 of the (Active and Passive)
Pit and Fissure
Pit and fi ssure sealants are not considered All teeth that have pit and fi ssure sealants are restorations for the purposes of NCIC coding. NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Common Coding Rules and Interpretation Issues with Examples
Facial or Lingual
Sometimes it is impossible to distinguish if a #1: A pit restoration is observed on tooth #19. It is restoration is on the facial or lingual surface. impossible to determine whether it is on the facial or Review the written records to help determine the the lingual surface. The tooth should be position or extent of the restorations observed on coded: 19V
the x-rays. If it is impossible to determine which surface contains the restoration, the appropriate #2: A restoration is observed on tooth #14. It NCIC code is V. Otherwise, code only the restored appears to be an Occlusal restoration that extends
surfaces that can be reasonably identifi ed.
either to the facial or lingual surface, but the
extension location cannot be determined. The tooth
should be coded: 14O
Missing Premolars
Determining which premolars were extracted may If it is impossible to determine which premolars
be diffi cult, particularly following completion of were extracted, the appropriate code is V.
orthodontic treatment. Careful examination of
the radiographs and written treatment records is
often helpful in making this determination. For
the purposes of NCIC coding, if it is impossible
to determine
which premolars were extracted, the
appropriate code is V.
Anterior Composite
The coding of restored surfaces on anterior teeth A small mesial restoration is observed should be conservative when interpreting dental radiographically for tooth #8. The written records records for a missing person.
indicate a mesiolingual restoration was placed on the
tooth. The tooth should be coded: 08M
Extent of Large
Coding surfaces on restorations that appear to be X-rays indicate a large build up type restoration on quite extensive on x-rays can be diffi cult. A review tooth #19. The written dental records do not indicate of written treatment records may clarify the actual which surfaces have been restored. The radiographs, surfaces that have been restored. Code only the
however, indicate obvious restorations on the mesial, surfaces that show evidence of being restored.
occlusal, and distal surfaces. The tooth should be
coded: 19MOD
NCIC Missing Person File
Agency Case #
Data Collection Entry Guide
Entry Rules for NCIC Dental Characteristics
The following rules apply to each tooth for the successful entry of dental characteristics into NCIC:
The DCH Field requires that a code or series of codes be entered for each tooth. The tooth number (01–32) must be followed by option A, B, or C: One special character /, or one special character / followed One alphabetic character M, O, D, F, L, X, V.
Two to seven alphabetic characters M, O, D, F, L, C, and R.
Any combination of M, O, D, F, L should be entered in the sequence of M, O, D, F, L.
The R character should follow any combination of M, O, D, F, L, C or the / character.
The C character should follow any combination of M, O, D, F, or L.
The only character that should be used with / is the R character.
The characters V and X should not be used with any combination of The characters M, O, D, F, L, C, R, /, V, and X may be used only once per If you have any questions regarding the reporting of a condition, contact the FBI's CJIS Division at
Thank you for your careful completion of this report. Please be sure to retain all dental records on the missing person for future comparisons, or if you desire, you may release the records to the parent(s) and/or investigating agency. The family and friends of your patient are extremely grateful for your assistance.


Parkinson's disease Medicines for Parkinson's disease provide symptomatic relief. No medicine has yet been shown to slow progression of the disease. There are also some medicines that should be avoided. Medicine regimens are individual Avoid interactions with meals Doses, preparations, frequency and timing need to be individualised Food, particularly protein, can interfere with absorption of

50-56 disfunción okmm

Qué hay detrás de. Productos contra la disfunción eréctil El 55% de los mexicanos mayores de 40años sufren disfunción eréctil. En laactualidad, se ofrecen un sinnúmero deopciones para superar este padecimiento,entre ellas, algunas que han comprobadocientíficamente su seguridad y eficacia. Sinembargo, es necesario denunciar laexistencia de un mercado negro deproductos que engañan y frustran a loshombres que recurren a ellos e, incluso,pueden provocarles serios daños a su salud.