Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor
Ziprasidone-Induced Angioedema: A Case Report
direct potential y life-threatening immunologic response to zipra-
sidone. A limitation of our report is the absence of an intradermal
Sir: Ziprasidone is an antipsychotic agent that is general y well
skin test that could have conclusively implicated ziprasidone as the
tolerated. Al ergic responses to ziprasidone have been reported,
etiologic allergen. Risperidone6 and clozapine7 are other antipsy-
including immunoglobulin E (IgE)–related pedal edema,1 life-
chotic agents reported in the literature to elicit angioedema.
threatening hypersensitivity syndrome,2 and angioedema.3 We
This is the second case report about angioedema occurring
present a report of a patient who developed angioedema upon
after ziprasidone intake. Clinicians in their psychoeducation with
starting ziprasidone treatment.
patients should discuss the possibility of severe allergic reactions
when commencing ziprasidone treatment, which may ensure
Case report. Mr A is a 30-year-old man who presented with
early recognition and intervention of potential y life-threatening
psychotic symptoms characterized by persecutory delusions over a
6-week period. His diagnosis according to DSM-IV-TR was bipolar
I disorder, most recent episode depressed, severe with psychotic
features. He had had 2 previous episodes of mania with psycho-
sis that were managed with short-term antipsychotic medication
(olanzapine for the first episode and aripiprazole for the second)
1. Ku HL, Su TP, Chow YH. Ziprasidone-associated pedal edema in the
and maintenance mood stabilizers (lithium and sodium valproate
treatment of schizophrenia. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.
for the second episode) without any adverse effects.
Mr A's treating psychiatrist started him on ziprasidone thera-
2. Tsai CF, Tsai SJ, Hwang JP. Ziprasidone-induced hypersensitivity syn-
py without any other concurrent medication. Prior to treatment
drome in an aged schizophrenia patient [letter]. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry.
with ziprasidone, Mr A had been free of al other prescription
3. Akkaya C, Sarandol A, Aydogan K, et al. Urticaria and angio-oedema
and nonprescription medication in the preceding 3 months. He
due to ziprasidone. J Psychopharmacol. 2007;21(5):550–552.
commenced ziprasidone 20 mg twice daily on the first day and
4. Naranjo CA, Busto U, Sellers EM. A method for estimating the probabil-
had a 40-mg tablet the next morning. Within 6 hours of taking
ity of adverse drug reactions. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1981;30:239–245.
the 40-mg dose, his tongue began to swell and he could not speak
5. Austen KF. Allergies, anaphylaxis and systemic mastocytosis. In: Fauci
clearly. He experienced shortness of breath and was immediately
AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, et al, eds. Harrison's Principles of Internal
transferred to the hospital by ambulance. Mr A had no past history
Medicine, vol. 2. 17th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2008:2061–2070.
of asthma, al ergic rhinitis, urticaria, food al ergies, eczematous
6. Cooney C, Nagy A. Angio-oedema associated with risperidone [letter].
dermatitis, or drug-related allergies.
On examination, his tongue and lips were swollen, extending
7. Mishra B, Sahoo S, Sarkar S. Clozapine-induced angioneurotic edema.
Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2007;29:78–80.
up to the jaw line. There was partial obstruction to the airway, and
the patient found it difficult to breathe through the mouth. There
was no swelling noted of the genitalia, palms, soles, or eyelids. He
Titus Mohan, MD
had tachycardia, mildly elevated blood pressure, and an oxygen
Tarun Bastiampillai, FRANZCP
saturation of 97%. There was no lymphadenopathy or urticarial le-
Rohan Dhillon, FRANZCP
sions, and the findings from systemic examination were normal.
The diagnostic impression was that Mr A's presentation pos-
Author affiliations: The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South Australia, Australia.
Financial disclosure: None reported. Funding/support: None reported.
sibly represented an anaphylactic reaction to ziprasidone. He
was immediately treated with nebulized and intramuscular epi-
Copyright 2009 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
nephrine, intravenous hydrocortisone, and promethazine. He
responded to these interventions, and within 10 minutes, he was
able to talk and breathe without distress. Within 4 hours, the swel -
ing subsided completely, and he could tolerate oral fluids. Apart
Effects of Bupropion Augmentation in
from a marginal increase in white cell count, the results of blood
Escitalopram-Resistant Patients With
investigations were otherwise normal. Mr A was discharged from
Major Depressive Disorder: An Open-Label,
the medical unit after 48 hours and transferred to the psychiatric
ward. The medical team advised the patient to continue oral pred-
nisolone for 5 days.
Sir: There is a pressing need for improvement of treatment re-
The adverse reaction scored 6 on Naranjo and colleagues' Ad-
sponse to antidepressants in depression. Increasing evidence shows
verse Drug Reaction (ADR) scale,4 thus implicating ziprasidone
that bupropion, a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibi-
as a probable cause for the event. While in the psychiatric unit,
tor, is one of the most widely chosen and effective augmenting
Mr A was commenced on amisulpride treatment after a 5-day
agents for depressive patients with insufficient response to sero-
medication-free period. There was no recurrence of angioedema
tonin reuptake inhibitors.1–3 In this study, we evaluated the efficacy
with amisulpride. His psychotic symptoms improved within a
and tolerability of bupropion augmentation in nonresponders to
week, and there were no further al ergic reactions in the subse-
escitalopram monotherapy in order to better understand this po-
quent 3 months.
tential approach to improving treatment outcome in depression.
Angioedema is a well-demarcated localized edema involving
Method. The study sample consisted of 135 subjects with ma-
the deeper layers of the skin, including the subcutaneous tissue. It
jor depressive disorder (mean ± SD age = 31.1 ± 11.6 years, 66.1%
may occur as an IgE-dependent allergic reaction to a specific an-
female) recruited from outpatients admitted to the Psychiatry
tigen such as drugs, although other immunologic mechanisms are
Clinic of the Tartu University Hospital in Tartu, Estonia, be-
postulated. Angioedema of the upper respiratory tract may be life-
tween December 2006 and March 2008. Diagnosis according to
threatening due to laryngeal obstruction.5 The clinical picture of
DSM-IV criteria was determined using the Mini-International
Mr A and temporal association with ziprasidone intake suggest a
Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI, version 5.0.0)4 and substantiated
J Clin Psychiatry 70:7, July 2009

Letters to the editor
by psychiatric history and medical records. A depression severity
Figure 1. Mean Change in Montgomery-Asberg Depression
of at least "moderate" was required for inclusion as indicated by
Rating Scale (MADRS) Scores for Responders and
a Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)5 total
Nonresponders to Escitalopram Monotherapy and
score of 22 or higher. Only secondary current comorbid anxiety
disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder and social pho-
bia, but not other psychiatric or somatic diseases were al owed.
Escitalopram responder (n = 82)
Bupropion responder (n = 25)
None of the patients had psychotic features during their depressive
Escitalopram nonresponder (n = 44)
Bupropion nonresponder (n = 13)
episodes or met criteria for psychotic depression. Patients were
treated with escitalopram 10–20 mg/day for 12 weeks in an open-
label naturalistic design. No other medications, except zolpidem
or zopiclone for insomnia, were al owed during the study. After 12
weeks, the nonresponders to 20 mg of escitalopram monotherapy
were given a combination of 20 mg of escitalopram and 150–300
mg/day of bupropion for an additional 6 weeks. Clinical severity
and treatment response were assessed biweekly using the MADRS
and Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) scale.6 The 17-item Hamil-
ton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D-17)7 and the Beck De-
MADRS Mean Change
pression Inventory (BDI)8 were also used as secondary assessments
of depressive symptoms, and adverse effects were reported on the
Toronto Side Effect Scale (TSES)9 at each visit. There were high
correlations between assessments on the clinical scales MADRS
or HAM-D-17 and the BDI self-evaluations.
At week 4 of the initial 12-week study, the dose of escitalopram
aAt baseline, the severity of depression on the MADRS scale was
was increased and kept at 20 mg/day until the end of the study in
significantly lower in responders to escitalopram monotherapy as
patients who demonstrated less than a 50% decrease in MADRS
compared with nonresponders (t = 19.79, df = 55,80; p < .0001). The
total score. Patients showing at least 50% decline in the MADRS
responders to bupropion augmentation had significantly lower severity
total score at week 4 continued on the 10-mg dose. However, later
of depression on the MADRS scale before starting of augmentation
(week 12) than nonresponders (t = 2.60; df = 21,0; p = .01).
the dose was increased and kept at 20 mg in 2 patients who showed
exacerbation of depressive symptoms in fol ow-up visits, one at
week 5 and one at 6.
Bupropion was started at 150 mg/day in the morning and
of bupropion did not significantly differ between the 2 groups
was allowed to increase up to 300 mg/day, given as 150 mg twice
(265 ± 66 mg vs. 234 ± 76 mg, respectively, p = .30), demonstrating
daily, after week 2 or later if patients still demonstrated insuf-
also that frequency or severity of adverse effects was not related to
ficient response according to clinical assessments. The patients
administered dose of medication. None of the following character-
were defined as responders if the decrease in both MADRS and
istics differed significantly between responders and nonresponders
HAM-D-17 total scores was at least 50% and the score on the
to bupropion augmentation: age, sex, onset of disease, melancholic
CGI-Improvement scale was 2 or less. The remitters were defined
features, number of previous depressive episodes, and duration of
as those whose scores were less than 12 on the MADRS and less
current depressive episode.
than 8 on the HAM-D-17. The Human Studies Ethics Committee
of the University of Tartu approved the study protocol, and all
In agreement with previous studies,10–12 we found that bupro-
patients provided written informed consent.
pion augmentation successful y facilitated treatment response in
Results. At the end of week 12 of treatment with escitalopram,
nonresponders to monotherapy with an SSRI. However, our re-
82 patients (60.7%) were defined as responders (Figure 1) and 79
mission rate with bupropion augmentation was higher than those
of them (58.5%) achieved remission. Forty-four patients (32.6%)
demonstrated by the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve
showed insufficient or partial response to treatment, and 9 pa-
Depression (STAR*D) trial,11 probably due to lower dropout and
tients (6.7%) discontinued escitalopram treatment due to lack
discontinuation rates and to methodological differences. We found
of efficacy or adverse effects. The daily dose of escitalopram was
that the melancholic features of depression were associated with
increased and kept at 20 mg in 85 patients, 41 of whom were re-
insufficient or partial response to escitalopram and that these could
sponders. The nonresponders to escitalopram monotherapy had
effectively be resolved by bupropion augmentation. Our results may
significantly higher prevalence of melancholic type of depres-
give additional support to the importance of focusing treatment
sion than did responders (86.4% vs. 63.4% respectively, p = .007)
on the predominant or driving symptomatology of depression in
and experienced more adverse events, including weakness and
order to maximize the chances of response and remission among
fatigue, during the escitalopram stage of the trial according to
patients and suggest that the use of bupropion is an appropriate
TSES assessments (p < .05).
treatment for patients with melancholic type of depression.13–15
In total, 41 patients showing nonresponse to 8 weeks of mono-
Importantly, there were similarly low proportions of patients who
therapy with 20 mg of escitalopram received bupropion augmen-
discontinued either monotherapy with escitalopram or combined
tation, whereas 3 patients declined to continue participation in
treatment with bupropion due to adverse events, indicating that
the study due to personal reasons. At week 6 of augmentation,
both medications were general y well tolerated. Although our re-
25 (61.0%) were defined as responders and 22 of them (53.7%)
sponse and remission rates with escitalopram monotherapy were
achieved remission, whereas 13 patients (31.7%) showed insuffi-
comparable to those reported by previous randomized and con-
cient or partial response and 3 patients (7.3%) discontinued due to
trolled clinical trials with escitalopram,16 we showed that almost
adverse effects or lack of efficacy. Bupropion dose was increased to
all responders fulfilled the criteria for remission. We suggest that
300 mg in 24 patients, of whom 14 were responders. Only muscle
a longer treatment period and relatively earlier increasing of dose
twitching was reported more often or more severely on the TSES
up to 20 mg/day (from week 4) might significantly reduce the dif-
in the nonresponders to bupropion augmentation as compared
ference between the response and remission rates, due to cumula-
with responders (p < .01). Moreover, the mean ± SD daily dose
tive treatment efficacy in some patients. In addition, a consistent
J Clin Psychiatry 70:7, July 2009

Letters to the editor
increase in response rates was also demonstrated in another study
and anxiety disorders. Expert Rev Neurother 2008;8(4):537–552
using long-term treatment with escitalopram,17 suggesting that
17. Wade A, Despiegel N, Heldbo Reines E. Escitalopram in the long-
responders are more likely to achieve remission during longer
term treatment of major depressive disorder. Ann Clin Psychiatry
treatment periods. Although severity of depressive symptoms
and treatment response were careful y rated at each visit and were
Eduard Maron, M.D., Ph.D.
supported by patients' self-evaluation, placebo responses cannot
Research Department of Mental Health
be excluded in our study due to the naturalistic, open-label design.
North Estonia Medical Centre Foundation
Further randomized clinical trials with longer follow-up periods
Psychiatry Clinic
and larger sample sizes would be necessary to evaluate the efficacy
of bupropion augmentation in resistant depression and particu-
Department of Psychiatry
larly with melancholic features.
University of Tartu
This investigation was supported by Estonian Science Foundation grant
Triin Eller, M.D.
7034 (Dr. Maron) and target grant SF0180125s08 (Dr. Vasar) from the
Veiko Vasar, M.D.
Ministry of Education of Estonia.
Department of Psychiatry
Drs. Maron and Nutt have served as consultants for and have received
grants and honoraria from Lundbeck and GlaxoSmithKline. Drs. El er and
University of Tartu
Vasar report no additional financial or other relationships relevant to the
subject of this letter.
David J. Nutt, D.M., F.R.C.Psych.
Trial Registration: www.anzctr.org.au Identifier
Department of Community Based Medicine
Psychopharmacology Unit
University of Bristol
Bristol, United Kingdom
1. Mischoulon D, Nierenberg AA, Kizilbash L, et al. Strategies for man-
Copyright 2009 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
aging depression refractory to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
treatment: a survey of clinicians. Can J Psychiatry 2000;45(5):476–481
2. Zisook S, Rush AJ, Haight BR, et al. Use of bupropion in combination
Pseudohallucinations Versus True Hallucinations in
with serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Biol Psychiatry 2006;59(3):203–210
3. Stahl SM, Pradko JF, Haight BR, et al. A review of the neuropharma-
Prodromal Psychosis: Does It Really Matter?
cology of bupropion, a dual norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake
inhibitor. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry 2004;6(4):159–166
Sir: According to the traditional accounts of European psy-
4. Sheehan DV, Lecrubier Y, Sheehan KH, et al. Mini-International
chiatry, true hal ucinations are apparent perceptions of an exter-
Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.): the development and validation
nal object in the absence of adequate sensory stimuli. Conversely,
of a structured diagnostic psychiatric interview for DSM-IV and
ICD-10. J Clin Psychiatry 1998;59(suppl 20):22–33
Sims1 states that Kandinsky and Jaspers described pseudohal uci-
5. Montgomery SA, Asberg MC. A new depression rating scale designed to
nations as a separate form of perception from true hal ucination.
be sensitive to change. Br J Psychiatry 1979;134:382–389
Pseudohal ucination is a perceptual experience that is figurative,
6. Guy W. EDCEU Assessment Manual for Psychopharmacology. US Dept
not concrete or "real," is located in inner subjective space, and is
Health, Education, and Welfare publication (ADM) 76-338. Rockville,
perceived with the "inner" ear (or eye) (Table 1). In other charac-
MD: National Institute of Mental Health; 1976;218–222
teristics, pseudohal ucinations are more like true hal ucinations
7. Hamilton M. A rating scale for depression. J Neurol Neurosurg
than fantasy. Thus, pseudohal ucination may have definite out-
line and vivid detail, it may be retained for some time, and it is
8. Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, et al. An inventory for measuring
not deliberately evoked.3 Jaspers2 stressed that there is a gradation
depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961;4:561–571
9. Vanderkooy JD, Kennedy SH, Bagby RM. Antidepressant side effects in
from the more ful y formed pseudohal ucination to vivid imagery
depression patients treated in a naturalistic setting: a study of bupropion,
but that there is an absolute distinction between hal ucination and
moclobemide, paroxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine. Can J Psychiatry
pseudohal ucination because of the inner location of the latter.
As a consequence of these original speculations, it is a common
10. Papakostas GI, Worthington JJ 3rd, Iosifescu DV, et al. The combination
belief that pseudohal ucinations do not have the same psychiat-
of duloxetine and bupropion for treatment-resistant major depressive
ric significance as true hal ucinations, and thus clinicians expend
disorder. Depress Anxiety 2006;23(3):178–181
some clinical effort to distinguish the two. True hal ucinations are
11. Trivedi MH, Fava M, Wisniewski SR, et al. Medication augmen-
thought to be always indicative of a morbid mental state such as
tation after the failure of SSRIs for depression. N Engl J Med
psychosis, while pseudohal ucinations are thought to be of less
12. Lam RW, Hossie H, Solomons K, et al. Citalopram and bupropion-SR:
diagnostic significance and not necessarily psychopathological.
combining versus switching in patients with treatment-resistant depres-
However, pseudohal ucinations may be an attenuated and subtle
sion. J Clin Psychiatry 2004;65(3):337–340
expression of an evolving psychosis. There have been no previous
13. Jefferson JW, Rush AJ, Nelson JC, et al. Extended-release bupropion
studies of the degree to which pseudohal ucinations are predictive
for patients with major depressive disorder presenting with symptoms
of the subsequent development of psychosis.
of reduced energy, pleasure, and interest: findings from a random-
Here we report 5 cases of young (age range, 18–26 years), drug-
ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Psychiatry
naive subjects presenting at a clinical service for prodromal signs
of psychosis4 because they were hearing internal voices (pseudo-
14. Papakostas GI, Nutt DJ, Hallett LA, et al. Resolution of sleepiness
hal ucinations). At the time of the first assessment (2005 through
and fatigue in major depressive disorder: a comparison of bupro-
pion and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Biol Psychiatry
2008), these symptoms did not meet DSM-IV threshold for a psy-
chotic episode but met the inclusion clinical criteria for an "at-risk
15. Nutt DJ, Demyttenaere K, Janka Z, et al. The other face of depression,
mental state" (ARMS), which is associated with an elevated clinical
reduced positive affect: the role of catecholamines in causation and cure.
risk of psychosis.5 The diagnosis was based on assessment by 2
J Psychopharmacol 2007;21(5):461–471
experienced clinicians using the Comprehensive Assessment for
16. Höschl C, Svestka J. Escitalopram for the treatment of major depression
the ARMS (CAARMS).4,5
J Clin Psychiatry 70:7, July 2009

Letters to the editor
Table 1. Psychopathological Features of Hallucination, Pseudohallucination, and Imagery
Pseudohal ucination
Concrete, tangible, objective, real
Pictorial subjective
Pictorial subjective
Outer objective space
Inner subjective space
Inner subjective space
Definite outlines, complete sound
Definite outlines, complete sound
Indefinite, incomplete, only individual details
Ful , fresh, bright
Ful , fresh, bright
Most elements are dim or neutral
Cannot be dismissed, recalled, or
Cannot be dismissed, recalled, or
Requires voluntary creation
Partly derived from information in Jaspers.2
Case 1. Mr. A was an 18-year-old man who experienced audi-
tory perception abnormalities in that he heard internal voices in
the third person commenting on his actions. They typical y hap-
1. Sims A. Symptoms in the Mind: An Introduction to Descriptive
pened a few times per week and each episode lasted only 5–10
Psychopathology. 3rd ed. London: WB Saunders Co; 2003:108–111.
minutes. He recognized that the voices were similar to those of
2. Jaspers K. General Psychopathology. Vol. 1. Hoenig J, Hamilton MW,
friends, teachers, or his dad and could be neutral or critical in their
trans. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1997
content, although occasional y they offered helpful advice.
3. Taylor FK. On pseudohal ucinations. Psychol Med 1981;11(2):265–271
Case 2. Mr. B was a 26-year-old man who reported a voice
4. Broome MR, Woolley JB, Johns LC, et al. Outreach and support
he heard inside his head on a weekly basis, which was triggered
in south London (OASIS): implementation of a clinical service for
by stressful events such as attending col ege. He was unable to
prodromal psychosis and the at-risk mental state. Eur Psychiatry
discriminate it from his own thoughts, although it sounded like
5. Yung AR, Phillips LJ, Yuen HP, et al. Psychosis prediction: 12-month
a young man's voice talking to him in the second person, com-
follow-up of a high-risk ("prodromal") group. Schizophr Res
menting on his actions and suggesting that he confront people
Case 3. Mr. C was a 20-year-old man who could hear his
Paolo Fusar-Poli, M.D., Ph.D.
thoughts aloud in his mind, although he had no awareness of
Oliver D. Howes, M.R.C.Psych., D.M.
speaking himself. He felt that the voice was in his head, and it
Philip McGuire, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.Psych.
sounded the way he would sound normal y, but he did not have
Department of Psychological Medicine
any control over it and was unable to distract himself. He added
Institute of Psychiatry London and the OASIS team
that these thoughts in his head became amplified and sometimes
National Health Service Lambeth Trust
drowned out everything else happening around him.
Case 4. Mr. D was a 20-year-old man who reported hearing a
voice inside his head that was distinct from his normal thoughts
Copyright 2009 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
in that its content was repetitive. The voice would repeat a few
statements for more than 1 hour at times. He did not recognize the
voice and did not have any theories about the cause of the experi-
A 5-Year Follow-Up of Diabetes Knowledge in Persons
ence but reported that it "sounded" like a male voice.
With Serious Mental Illness and Type 2 Diabetes
Case 5. Ms. E was a 21-year-old woman suffering from
an alien (male) voice. Although she could hear it inside her
Sir: Despite the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes in persons
head (as opposed to being an external sound), it was vivid and
with serious mental illness, there has been only limited study of
clear. The voice, which occurred almost daily and correlated with
diabetes knowledge in this group. In a previous report, we found
her levels of stress, expressed thoughts that she recognized as her
that among 201 persons with serious mental illness and type 2 dia-
own, and it was difficult for her to distinguish them from her
betes, the mean score on a diabetes knowledge test was only 54%.1
thoughts. She found the voice distressing but was perfectly capable
We reassessed the diabetes knowledge of persons in our sample
of not doing what the voice requested by keeping very busy and
5 years later, in a period of heightened focus on diabetes among
listening to music.
persons with serious mental illness.
These subjects were followed up by the prodromal team, and,
over the following months, they all developed a psychotic episode
Method. We recruited psychiatric outpatients with type 2 dia-
and were referred to the local first episode service. Transition was
betes and either schizophrenia or major mood disorder as pre-
defined as the onset of frank psychotic symptoms (above the psy-
viously described.2 Participants were evaluated initial y between
chotic threshold on the CAARMS) that did not resolve within a
September 1, 1999, and September 30, 2002, and reevaluated again
approximately 5 years later between December 8, 2004, and July 12,
2007. Disease-specific diabetes knowledge was assessed at baseline
Albeit no quantitative data are available, the present case series
and at follow-up by the general subscale of the Diabetes Knowl-
strongly suggests that pseudohal ucinations may clinical y charac-
edge Test (DKT),3 which was administered in a 1-to-1 interview
terize an impending risk for psychosis. Their presence should not
by research personnel.
be easily dismissed when assessing young subjects seeking help for
The test items are designed to be representative of the larger
prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia but should be careful y in-
domain of il ness-specific diabetes knowledge appropriate for
vestigated through a clinical assessment and accurately monitored
individuals with type 2 diabetes. The score is calculated as the
during an assertive follow-up.
percentage of correct answers out of 14 multiple choice test items
that assess diabetes-related issues including dietary choices, blood
The authors report no financial or other relationships relevant to the
glucose testing, and medical problems that are associated with dia-
subject of this letter.
betes. We compared the percentage correct for the total score and
J Clin Psychiatry 70:7, July 2009

Letters to the editor
for each item on the DKT at baseline and follow-up using a paired
specific knowledge of participants did not improve during this
t test and McNemar χ2 tests, respectively. We also compared the
time period is concerning. Our data suggest that there is a gap
percentage correct on the DKT between our sample and a com-
between the current focus on diabetes management of persons
munity sample referent group of 811 adults with diabetes, almost
with serious mental illness in the medical literature and the level
all type 2,3 using an ordinary t test and Pearson χ2 tests.
of information about diabetes that is acquired by patients with
Results. A total of 95 of the persons with serious mental illness
co-occurring serious mental illness and diabetes in routine clini-
were reevaluated at the 5-year fol ow-up. Sample characteristics
cal settings. Increased education and discussion about diabetes
were mean (SD) age of 49.37 (9.11) years; n = 50 (53%) male; n = 44
by psychiatric clinicians with their patients who have diabetes are
(46%) Caucasian; n = 45 (47%) African American; n = 65 (68%) at
least high school education; mean (SD) duration of diabetes 13.2
(7.5) years. The sample was divided between those with a diag-
nosis of a major mood disorder (n = 50, 53%) and schizophrenia
(n = 45, 47%). At follow-up, they were receiving the following anti-
1. Dickerson FB, Goldberg RW, Brown CH, et al. Diabetes knowledge
psychotic medications: olanzapine (n = 15, 16%); clozapine (n = 3,
among persons with serious mental illness and type 2 diabetes.
3%); risperidone (n = 22, 23%); quetiapine (n = 17, 18%); zipra-
sidone (n = 3, 3%); aripiprazole (n = 11, 12%); and first-generation
2. Dixon LB, Kreyenbuhl JA, Dickerson FB, et al. A comparison of type 2
antipsychotic agents (n = 24, 25%).
diabetes outcomes among persons with and without severe mental ill-
The sample of n = 95 represents 47.3% of the original sample
nesses. Psychiatr Serv. 2004(8);55:892–900.
3. Fitzgerald JT, Funnell MM, Hess GE, et al. The reliability and validity
of N = 201 who were evaluated at baseline. Persons who could not
of the brief Diabetes Knowledge Test. Diabetes Care. 1998;21(5):
be followed up did not differ significantly from those who were
reevaluated in terms of baseline demographic variables of age, race,
4. Sernyak MJ. Implementation of monitoring and management guidelines
gender, education, psychiatric diagnosis (schizophrenia vs mood
for second-generation antipsychotics. J Clin Psychiatry. 2007;68
disorder), or baseline DKT score (all P > .14).
(suppl 4):14–18.
The mean (SD) score on the DKT at follow-up was 56% (19%).
Fifty-six of the 95 persons in the sample answered at least 6 of
Faith B. Dickerson, PhD
the 14 items incorrectly. The items that were the most likely to
Julie Kreyenbuhl, PharmD, PhD
be answered incorrectly were those concerning the diabetes diet.
Richard W. Goldberg, PhD
For example, only 36% (n = 34) of the sample endorsed the cor-
LiJuan Fang, MS
rect response to the question, "What is a free food?" from among
Deborah Medoff, PhD
the 4 response options; the correct response was "any food that
Clayton H. Brown, PhD
has less than 20 calories per serving." Similarly, in response to the
Lisa Dixon, MD
question, "Which of the fol owing is highest in fat?" only 24%
(n = 23) of the sample endorsed the correct response of "low fat
Author affiliations: Sheppard Pratt Health System (Dr Dickerson); the VA Capitol
Healthcare Network Mental Il ness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (Drs
milk." General y low correct response rates were also found for the
Kreyenbuhl, Goldberg, Brown, and Dixon); and the Departments of Psychiatry (Drs
items concerning blood glucose. Only 34% (n = 32) of the sample
Kreyenbuhl, Goldberg, Medoff, Brown, and Dixon and Ms Fang) and Epidemiol-
correctly endorsed that the time period for which glycosylated
ogy (Dr Brown), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c) measures average blood glucose is
Financial disclosure: None reported. Funding/support: The work described in this
letter was supported in part by an unrestricted grant from Bristol-Meyers Squibb and
the past 6–10 weeks rather than much longer or shorter time in-
by National Institutes of Health grant RO1MH058717.
tervals. The percentage of correct responses was higher on items
concerning diabetes-related health problems, although for no item
Copyright 2009 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
did the overall percentage correct exceed 80%. A full 80% (n = 76)
of the sample endorsed correctly that the correct way to take care
of their feet is to "look at and wash them everyday."
Aripiprazole Treatment of
The average score for persons in the sample on the DKT was
not significantly changed from their baseline score. No individual
item had a significant increase in mean correct responses (P > .05).
No baseline demographic or clinical variables predicted a change
Sir: Hyperprolactinemia is a well-recognized complication
in knowledge score. A comparison of scores in our serious men-
of some antipsychotic agents that results from the blocking of
tal il ness sample with those from a community referent group
dopamine-2 (D2) receptors in the anterior pituitary.1 Aripiprazole,
showed that the community comparison group had a significantly
a potent partial agonist of the D2 receptors,2 inhibits spontaneous
higher percentage correct on 8 of 14 items.
prolactin release from isolated anterior pituitary slices.3 Clinical y,
switching to aripiprazole monotherapy resolves antipsychotic-
Diabetes-specific knowledge in persons with serious mental
induced hyperprolactinemia.4,5 A double-blind, placebo-control ed
illness and co-occurring type 2 diabetes remains markedly low de-
trial and a few single case reports demonstrated that the addition
spite the increased attention to diabetes in this population. Persons
of aripiprazole reversed haloperidol-induced hyperprolactinemia
in our sample showed a particular deficit in knowledge related
and associated symptoms.6–8 We conducted an 8-week, prospective,
to diabetes dietary issues that has implications for the ability of
open-label study to assess whether adjunctive treatment with aripip-
persons to manage their diet effectively on a day-to-day basis, a
razole would improve risperidone-induced hyperprolactinemia.
central aspect of diabetes self-care. Dietary information may less
likely be a focus of interactions with medical care providers than
Method. Twenty-one male Chinese outpatients and inpa-
are health-related diabetes problems that are more directly medi-
tients meeting DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia were recruited
cal in content.
after they gave informed consent and institutional review board
In the approximately 5-year interval between the baseline and
approval was obtained. Data were collected from December 2007
fol ow-up assessments of our study, there have been increased
to June 2008.
initiatives to better identify, assess, and treat persons with seri-
Nineteen subjects completed the trial, receiving a fixed dose
ous mental illness and type 2 diabetes.4 The fact that the diabetes-
of 10 mg/d of aripiprazole at 7:00 am for 8 weeks. The doses of
J Clin Psychiatry 70:7, July 2009

Letters to the editor
risperidone and concomitant medications remained fixed through-
anterior pituitary gland. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1996;277(1):137–143.
out the study. Serum prolactin levels were measured at baseline
4. Mir A, Shivakumar K, Williamson RJ, et al. Change in sexual dysfunc-
and 2, 4, and 8 weeks using standard radioimmunoassay. Symptom
tion with aripiprazole: a switching or add-on study. J Psychopharmacol.
severity was assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome
Scale (PANSS)9 and the Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI).10
5. Lee BH, Kim YK, Park SH. Using aripiprazole to resolve antipsy-
Tolerability was evaluated with the Barnes Akathisia Scale (BAS)11
chotic-induced symptomatic hyperprolactinemia: a pilot study. Prog
Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2006;30(4):714–717.
and the Simpson Angus Scale (SAS).12 The same investigator rated
6. Shim JC, Shin JG, Kel y DL, et al. Adjunctive treatment with a do-
patients with these scales at baseline and at 8 weeks.
pamine partial agonist, aripiprazole, for antipsychotic-induced
Results. Mean ± SD prolactin levels at baseline and 2, 4,
hyperprolactinemia: a placebo-controlled trial. Am J Psychiatry.
and 8 weeks were 62.4 ± 22.1 ng/mL, 26.1 ± 11.2 ng/mL, 18.9 ± 8.1
ng/mL, and 18.1 ± 7.7 ng/mL, respectively (F = 41.68, df = 5,
7. Chen CH, Lu ML. Aripiprazole resolves symptomatic hyperprolactin-
P < .0001). Pairwise comparisons showed that prolactin levels sig-
emia in a male schizophrenic patient. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol
nificantly decreased between baseline and 2, 4, and 8 weeks, and
Psychiatry. 2008;32(3):893–894.
between 2 and 4 weeks (P < .0001), with no significant difference
8. Wahl R, Ostroff R. Reversal of symptomatic hyperprolactinemia by
between 4 and 8 weeks. At the completion of the study, all patients
aripiprazole. Am J Psychiatry. 2005;162(8):1542–1543.
9. Kay SR, Opler LA, Fizbein A. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale
demonstrated significantly reduced serum prolactin levels, and 6
(PANSS) Manual. North Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health System; 1986.
of 19 (32%) patients had clinical y normal prolactin levels.
10. Guy W. ECDEU Assessment Manual for Psychopharmacology. US Dept
The patients showed no significant changes in PANSS or CGI
Health, Education, and Welfare publication (ADM) 76-338. Rockville,
scores or in SAS or BAS scores between baseline and week 8. Only
MD: National Institute of Mental Health; 1976:218–222.
a few side effects were noted, including tachycardia (n = 2) and
11. Barnes TRE. A rating scale for drug-induced akathisia. Br J Psychiatry.
anorexia and headache (n = 1; both side effects were in the same
12. Simpson GM, Angus JWS. A rating scale for extrapyramidal side effects.
Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl. 1970;212:11–19.
To our knowledge, this is the first open-label prospective trial
13. El-Sayeh HG, Morganti C, Adams CE. Aripiprazole for schizophrenia:
systematic review. Br J Psychiatry. 2006;189:102–108.
of aripiprazole to treat risperidone-induced hyperprolactinemia.
14. Grunder G, Carlsson A, Wong DF. Mechanism of new antipsychotic
Our study found that 8 weeks of adjunctive aripiprazole treatment
medications: occupancy is not just antagonism. Arch Gen Psychiatry.
was effective, safe, and wel tolerated in reducing elevated prolactin
levels. The mechanism for the resolution of hyperprolactinemia
15. Aihara K, Shimada J, Miwa T, et al. The novel antipsychotic aripiprazole
using aripiprazole is likely due to its unique partial agonist activ-
is a partial agonist at short and long isoforms of D2 receptors linked to
the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity and prolactin release. Brain
2 receptors and relatively high D2 receptor affinity.13 The
partial agonist property means that, in the presence of dopamine
Res. 2004;1003(1-2):9–17.
(DA) hypoactivity, as induced by risperidone, aripiprazole will
function as a DA agonist, restoring tonic inhibition to anterior
Jing Xu Chen, MD
pituitary lactotrophs, where tonic DA stimulation controls pro-
Yun Ai Su, MD, PhD
lactin secretion.14,15
Shao Li Wang, MD
Limitations of the present study include the relatively small
Qing Tao Bian, MD
sample size, the short duration of the trial, and the use of
Yan Hong Liu, MD
the fixed dose of aripiprazole. Therefore, larger, double-blind,
Ning Wang, MD
placebo-controlled studies of longer duration with different doses
Fu De Yang, MD
of aripiprazole (especial y higher doses, such as 20 or even 30 mg)
Colin Haile, PhD
might further investigate efficacy, safety, tolerability, and a dose-
Thomas R. Kosten, MD
dependent effect of adjunctive aripiprazole.
Xiang Yang Zhang, MD, PhD
Author affiliations: Beijing Hui-Long-Guan Hospital (Drs Chen, S. L. Wang, Bian,
Liu, N. Wang, Yang, and Zhang) and Institute of Mental Health, Peking University
1. Jung DU, Seo YS, Park JH, et al. The prevalence of hyperprolactinemia
(Dr Su), Beijing, China; and Department of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine,
after long-term haloperidol use in patients with chronic schizophrenia.
Houston, Texas (Drs Haile, Kosten, and Zhang). Authorship note: Drs Chen and Su
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2005;25(6):613–615.
contributed equal y to this work. Financial disclosure: None reported. Funding/sup-
2. Kessler RM. Aripiprazole: what is the role of dopamine D2 receptor
port: This study was funded by the Stanley Medical Institute Foundation (03T-459,
partial agonism? Am J Psychiatry. 2007;164(9):1310–1312.
05T-726) (Dr Zhang) and the Department of Veterans Affairs, VISN 1, Mental Il ness
Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) and National Institute on Drug
3. Inoue T, Domae M, Yamada K, et al. Effects of the novel antipsychotic
Abuse K05-DA0454 and P50-DA18827 (Dr Kosten).
(1H)-quinolinone (OPC-14597) on prolactin release from the rat
Copyright 2009 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
J Clin Psychiatry 70:7, July 2009
Table of Contents
Source: https://www.etis.ee/File/DownloadPublic/b144c189-9d0d-4dc4-af8f-904327f03b34?name=Fail_2009_J-Clin-Psychiatry.pdf&type=application%2Fpdf
SPINE Volume 28, Number 17, pp 1978–1992©2003, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Muscle Relaxants for Nonspecific Low Back Pain:A Systematic Review Within the Framework of theCochrane Collaboration Maurits W. van Tulder, PhD,*† Tony Touray, MD,* Andrea D. Furlan, MD,‡Sherra Solway, MSc, BSc (PT),‡ and Lex M. Bouter, PhD* Study Design. A systematic review of randomized
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