






Issue 4 - Summer / Autumn 1999
May I first of all offer
Another milestone In HYPOHH's five year
It's here. my apologies for the
HYPOHH.net Has Arrived ! history has been reached - the long-awaited
late arrival of this issue. I can explain.
launch of the official HYPOHH web site (www.hypohh.net). Launched at our third annual Open
A few weeks ago, my beloved
Day held at the Birmingham Children's Hospital on July 17th (see page 2), this extensive site
computer decided to ruin my week by
has already attracted more than 1,200 different visitors (an average of 11 new visits a day)
crashing and wiping my hard disk clean.
from over 30 countries in all six continents.
At the time, the latest issue of info was
So what is so special about HYPOHH.net ? Well, let us suppose you have just been
about to be sent to the printers but as
diagnosed with Kallmann's syndrome and you want to find out more about the condition, but
everything I had done had been
everything you have been able to find on the lnternet so far has been written with the doctor
permanently lost, I had to write the
in mind rather than being aimed at you, the patient. HYPOHH.net has been designed
entire newsletter again from scratch. The
specifically to make access to information on Kallmann's syndrome and other forms of
moral of this cheerful little story is make
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism that much easier - for doctors and patients alike. For many
regular backups of everything you do on a
new visitors to the site, logging on to HYPOHH.net is their first ever encounter with fellow
computer, because if you don't you risk
sufferers. I can remember how excited I was the first time I met somebody else with
losing the lot if your hardware fails.
Kallmann's syndrome - it was an emotional moment, for both of us. The beauty of the lntemet
Our web site HYPOHH.net was
is that it doesn't matter where you live in the world, you can find information on virtually
officially launched in July with the aim of
anything you can think of, quickly and cheaply - for little more than the price of a local phone
making HYPOHH more accessible to our
existing and potential members from both
HYPOHH.net has seven main sections which all visitors to the site can explore and one
the UK and overseas. Anybody, no matter
additional section open to HYPOHH members only. You can read all about how and why
where they live in the world, is now able
HYPOHH was set up; apply online for HYPOHH membership; find answers to many frequently
to learn all about Kallmann's syndrome
asked questions about Kallmann's syndrome; leave messages on our ‘noticeboard' for other
and other forms of hypogonadotrophic
visitors to read and also read the online versions of our quarterly newsletter. If you are already
hypogonadism from a patient's point of
a member, you can read other members' personal stories and contact them if you wish. If you
view. You can read all about HYPOHH.net
have a professional or medical interest in Kallmann's syndrome or a similar condition, you may
here on page 1 of this issue of info.
wish to invite visitors to the site to participate in a research project you are overseeing. In
We also take a look at the events of
short, HYPOHH.net aims to encourage cooperation between patients and the medical
July's Open Day, our third such annual
profession because, after all, we must all work together in order to achieve the ultimate aim
event. A number of medical experts
- to promote an earlier diagnosis and treatment. I am pleased to say that the medical
volunteered to give up their Saturday to
profession have been incredibly supportive of HYPOHH these past few years and with the
speak on subjects which may directly
arrival on the scene of HYPOHH.net, doctors from all around the world will hopefully take an
affect us as sufferers at some point in our
active interest in our work. Our international members are already benefiting from the amount
lives, including hypogonadism in children
of useful information they can find on HYPOHH.net.
and treatments for osteoporosis. Brief
So what are you waiting for ? Get surfing on www.hypohh.net !
summaries of both of these talks are on
Mark Saunders
pages 2 and 3.
We dabble in the world of gourmet
cuisine (well, maybe that's a slightexaggeration) by giving readers twocooking recipes for delicious meals with ahigh calcium content - calcium isessential for bone strength and thereforea key component of osteoporosis therapy.
The first ever HYPOHH Annual General
Meeting was held on the same day as theOpen Day and elections to the Committeewere duly held, among them positions forsix regional coordinators.
Finally, we have a status report. It has
HYPOHH.net Home Page
Info - the online newsletter
been a busy year so far and thanks to allyour support, HYPOHH's financial futurelooks much more secure than it did only12 months ago. We have ambitious plansfor next year, like staging our first everOpen Day in the USA some time in August2000 for the benefit of our many NorthAmerican members. Members this side ofthe Atlantic, rest assured - there will stillbe a July Open Day in the UK.
Mark Saunders
One of 19 interactive animations
Our new contact details - e-mail: [email protected]
tel: +44 (0)208 892 0547 fax: +44 (0)208 891 2916

3rd HYPOHH Open Day
For the third year running,
you have been unable to attend our three
the HYPOHH Open Day on
Open Days. Don't worry - we have not
Information Booklet you got
July 17th was a well-attended event with more
forgotten you. In fact, it is our hope to hold a
a copy of our illustrated information booklet
than 30 people and a handful of medical
similar event in the US next year, our first
‘Understanding Kallmann's Syndrome - Your
experts turning up. One of our members even
outside the UK. We haven't yet decided on a
Questions Answered' yet ? If not, please
came all the way from ‘across the pond'
venue, but Boston or Baltimore are possible
contact HYPOHH for your free copy.
especially to be there. There were many
candidates. It will probably be some time in
‘veterans' there, but also quite a few new
August 2000, but that depends on the level of
faces. To all those who came along to
interest from doctors and patients alike. If you
Birmingham, may I, on behalf of all on the
are not yet a member and would like to be
Committee, extend a personal ‘thank you' and
kept informed, please contact me either by
I hope you found the day's events worthwhile.
snail-mail or e-mail. Perhaps you are a doctor
I would also like to thank Dr. Jeremy Kirk, his
and would be keen to help or give a talk - in
personal assistant Valerie Moore and Dr. Roger
any case please do get in touch.
Francis for their help and for volunteeringtheir time and making the day such a success.
4th HYPOHH Open Day
There will be another Open Day (our
fourth) in the UK in July next year - as alwayslet me know if there is anything you wish tosee covered on the day. My contact details areat the back of this newsletter.
Mark Saunders
Dr. Jeremy Kirk, Consultant Paediatric
Hypogonadism in Children Endocrinologist at the Birmingham
Children's Hospital gave a very interesting talk on establishing a diagnosis of hypogonadism in
young children and how it can be treated.
Although the full effects of hypogonadism may not become apparent until adolescence
when the body fails to go through puberty, it is often possible to diagnose hypogonadism (or
The Birmingham Children's Hospital is
the abnormally low function of the gonads - testes in boys, ovaries in girls) before the age of
housed in an impressive and recently
puberty. Two key indicators that hypogonadism could be a possible diagnosis are
renovated group of Victorian buildings.
cryptorchidism and a microphallus. Cryptorchidism is also known as ‘undescended' testes and
Birmingham is England's second largest city
the term microphallus describes small genitalia. Before boys are born, their testes normally
with excellent transportation links to all parts
migrate from their abdominal area to the scrotum. What happens with cyptorchid boys is that
of the country and the rest of Europe. The
their testes fail to migrate before birth and therefore remain in the abdominal cavity.
hospital is a renowned centre of excellence for
Cryptorchidism is relatively common: it is estimated that about 5% of all boys exhibit some
paediatric endocrinology. It was therefore the
form of cryptorchidism, 25% if born premature. One medical definition of a micropenis is that
ideal venue to hold the key event in the
the penis, although normally formed, is less than 2cm Iong at birth. A girl can have the
HYPOHH calendar.
equivalent of a microphallus with small labia and clitoris, although it is much rarer.
The Open Day started with the first ever
When either cryptorchidism or a microphallus (or both) is observed, the next step is to
HYPOHH Annual General Meeting which saw
identify the cause so that a proper diagnosis can be made and treatment promptly initiated.
the existing Committee members re-elected
Among possible causes are major chromosomal abnormalities, gonadal defects and a
and five new ones elected (more of this on
dysfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland or both. Tests may then be carried out
page 4). There followed a short demonstration
which could include one or more of the following: genetic studies to see if the problem could
of the HYPOHH web site (www.hypohh.net)
be due to inheriting a defective gene from one of the parents; hormone studies to test the
showing off the key features and amount of
function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland; an MRI or CT scan to investigate the
information available (page 1). A short
possibility that a tumour in the brain could be the cause and in drastic cases, surgery.
presentation on the state of HYPOHH's
Cryptorchidism can be treated in a number of ways: one common treatment is the
finances concluded the proceedings of the
orchidopexy, a surgical procedure which aims to bring the testes down from the abdominal
AGM. Minutes of the AGM will soon be posted
cavity to the scrotum. Another option is hCG therapy; hCG is a hormone which is sometimes
on HYPOHH.net inside the ‘Members Only'
used in conjunction with a second hormone (hMG) to treat infertility. However, hCG can also
section for those who are interested.
be used to treat cryptorchism but results are most encouraging after 4 years of age, success
As on the two previous Open Days,
rates varying between 33% and 99%. A third solution is the prosthesis (an artificial substitute
HYPOHH invited guest speakers to give talks on
- normally silicon - the size of a normal testis) inserted into the scrotum, although this may be
different topics of interest. We heard that
regarded by some as being a cosmetic rather than a medical option.
hypogonadism can often be diagnosed in young
A microphallus can be the source of much embarrassment for those unfortunate enough to
children and treatment begun before the
have one and the psychological effects of this can be wide-reaching. It is therefore important
normal age of puberty (page 2). Dr. Richard
to start treatment sooner rather than later, although there is a huge debate as to when to treat
Quinton talked about new theories on the
- there is some suggestion from animal studies that giving large doses of testosterone soon
genetic origins of Kallmann's syndrome (to be
after birth may reduce penile growth in puberty, although this has not been confirmed in
covered in a future issue of info) and Dr. Roger
Francis, one of the UK's leading authorities on
Baby boys experience a big surge of testosterone in the first 60 days of life after which
osteoporosis and who sits on the National
this drops to a much lower level. This post-natal surge is not found in boys with Kallmann's
Osteoporosis Society (NOS) Council of
syndrome. The amount of sex hormone produced in all young children is very low and remains
Management, finished the afternoon by
low until the normal age of puberty when the body begins to produce sex hormones. Teenagers
concentrating on the determinants and causes
with hypogonadism are unable to produce their own supply of sex hormone and therefore rely
of bone loss, including hypogonadism (page 3).
on testosterone injections, creams, testosterone patches (or oestrogen patches for girls),hormone implants among other treatments to go through puberty.
1st HYPOHH (USA) Open Day
The key message is this: if your doctor notices a combination of undescended testes and
Many of you live in Canada and the USA but
micropenis, he or she should consider investigating for Kallmann's syndrome or another form
because of the thousands of miles of Atlantic
of hypogonadism.
Ocean separating the UK from North America,
Mark Saunders
3rd HYPOHH Open Day
and strongly advisable to treat people
What Causes Osteoporosis & How Can It Be Treated ?
diagnosed with osteoporosis after the
HYPOHH invited Dr. Roger Francis
vegetables and dairy products) and the
normal age of puberty, although bone
(Honorary Consultant Physician at the
sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen.
densities will tend not to reach the
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
If there is a deficiency of either calcium
‘safer' levels possible with treatment
and a leading expert on the causes,
or sex hormone, osteoporosis could
initiated earlier in life.
diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis)
eventually become a problem.
A bone scan (similar to an X-ray, but
to give a talk on the subject.
During normal puberty, the bones
less harmful) will reveal the extent of any
Put in simple terms, osteoporosis is a
become stronger as a result of a calcium
osteoporosis. Once diagnosed,
condition describing the loss of bone
rich diet and sex hormones circulating
osteoporosis can be treated using
structure, ultimately resulting in fragile
around the body. Interestingly, contrary to
specialist drugs such as Didronel PM0 or
or ‘brittle' bones. One common
what one might expect in men, it is not
Fosamax, but Vitamin D (obtainable from
stereotype of someone affected by
only testosterone which works with
sunlight and cod liver oil) and a calcium-
osteoporosis is a little old lady with a
calcium to increase bone strength. Small
rich diet are also important. Weight-
crooked back stooped over a walking
amounts of testosterone are actually
bearing exercise like brisk walking,
stick, but the reality can be very
converted naturally by the body to
jogging and tennis is not only good for
different. Men and women of all ages may
oestrogen, the female sex hormone which
losing those few extra pounds, but it also
develop the condition.
also contributes to bone strength.
helps to build muscle around bone,
There are several determinants of
In hypogonadism however, no or very
offering some additional protection
peak bone mass at maturity, including
small amounts of sex hormone are
against painful fractures.
race, sex, heredity, hormones, exercise
produced naturally during this crucial
is now a well-established link between
and dietary calcium. Apart from the
time and the bones are unable to calcify
hypogonadism and osteoporosis if neither
menopause, bone loss may be caused by a
(i.e. strengthen) sufficiently. However,
is tackled early on. Sadly, many
low body weight, excessive smoking or
the bones keep on growing (thanks to
hypogonadism sufferers and their doctors
alcohol, either too little or too much
growth hormone which is not usually
remain unware of the risks and sometimes
exercise, insufficient absorption of
absent) until a point is reached when the
osteoporosis is not detected unti it is too
calcium as well as by some forms of
ends of the bone known as the epiphyses
late to encourage any significant
hypogonadism, such as Kallmann's
‘fuse' or harden and further growth is
improvement in bone density. If you are
syndrome. Around 16% of of male cases of
concerned, pleased ask your doctor to
osteoporosis are caused by hypogonadism.
It is therefore very important that in
send you for a bone scan - if there is
The two key ingredients for a healthy
order to improve chances of increasing
nothing wrong with your bones, you will
bone density and therefore a low risk of
bone density, hypogonadal osteoporosis is
have nothing to worry about. If however
developing osteoporosis later in life are
diagnosed and treated before the
osteoporosis is diagnosed, you are in a
dietary calcium (a mineral found in many
epiphyses have fused. It is still possible
much better position than you would haveotherwise been had you not sought
necessary. Serve with boiled basmati rice
medical advice when you did and prompt
Two Calcium-Rich Meals
and poppadums. A selection of chutneys
treatment will help to reverse at least
Spiced Chicken with Spinach (240 kcal)
and pickles also make a good
some of the bone loss.
accompaniment to this dish.
If your doctor is reluctant to send you
This recipe contains spinach and plain
for a bone scan because of the cost or
yoghurt, both foods rich in calcium. One
Vegetable & Cashew Stirfry (350 kcal)
because he or she does not believe you
portion served with rice contains 210 mg
are sufficiently at risk, it is in your
of calcium, one fifth of the recommended
Yogurt, broccoli and cashew nuts are
interest to persuade him or her that you
daily intake (serves 4).
all rich in calcium - one portion provides
believe a bone scan to be necessary. After
a third of the daily intake (serves 2).
all, as the old motto goes ‘prevention is
450 g (1 lb) spinach
better than the cure'. There is evidence
25 g (1 oz) plain flour
15 ml (1 tsp) oil
to suggest that the long-term cost to the
30 ml (2 tbsp) vegetable oil
1 bunch spring onions (scallions), chopped
National Health Service (or indeed to your
1 large onion (sliced)
1 clove garlic, crushed
private health insurance company) of an
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 courgettes (zucchinis), cut in strips
early diagnosis of osteoporosis as opposed
2 green chillies, sliced
100 g (4 oz) mangetout peas
15 ml (1 tbsp) ground coriander
to a late diagnosis and the treatment of
100 g (4 oz) broccoli florets
10 ml (2 tsp) ground cumin
1 red pepper, sliced
frequent or painful fractures is lower. If
5 ml (1 tsp) ground turmeric
75g (3 oz) unsalted cashew nuts
this argument does not work, ask for a
225 g (8 oz) fresh spinach
Grated rind of 1 lemon
second opinion from a different doctor,
300 ml (10 fl oz) plain yoghurt
10 ml (2 tsp) cornflour
even if it is for your own peace of mind.
15 ml (1 tbsp) milk
Mark Saunders
150 ml (5 fl oz) plain yoghurt
Cube the chicken and coat with the
If you would like to know more about
Heat the oil in a wok or large frying
the work of the NOS, please write to:
Heat the oil in a large heavy-based
pan. Add the spring onions and garlic and
saucepan and brown the chicken. Add
fry, stirring continuously for 1 minute.
The National Osteoporosis Society
sliced onion and cook until softened. Stir
Stir in the remaining vegetables and the
in the garlic, chillies and spices.
cashew nuts, stirfry for 5 minutes. Add
Was the spinach and remove the tough
the lemon rind. Blend the cornflour with
stalks. Add the spinach to the chicken
the milk and stir in the yoghurt.
mixture. Cover and cook for 5 minutes
Stir the yoghurt into the vegetable
until the spinach wilts. Add half the
mixture and heat through gently, without
or visit their web site: www.nos.org.uk
yoghurt, cover and simmer for 30-35
When the chicken is cooked, remove
Reproduced with the kind permission
the pan from the heat and stir in the
of National Osteoporosis Society; recipes
remaining yoghurt. Season with salt if
from NOS booklet ‘ Diet & Bone Health'.
3rd HYPOHH Open Day
and I shall do my best to help.
Committee Elections Annual
Below are the names and contact
General Meeting held on July 17th,
details of the six newly-elected HYPOHH
elections were held for the committee.
regional coordinators:
You can contact us in one of four ways:
The existing committee members
(Chairman Dr. Pierre Bouloux, Secretary
Ann Ewart (South & East Yorkshire)
Pen & Paper:
Mark Saunders and Treasurer Lorna
Tel: (01964) 543 885
Saunders) were unanimously re-elected.
Six regional coordinators were also
Andrew Gibson (North & West Yorkshire)
19 Beresford Court
elected to the committee. With the Open
Tel: (01977) 642 501
Day being the one and only major event of
the year, it was felt that many of our
members all over the UK would welcome
Judy Studd (Midlands & Female Sufferers)
the opportunity to attend another one or
Tel: (01908) 560 379
two regional meetings a year. Regionalcoordinators would also be responsible for
Lynne Kay (Hampshire & West Country)
liasing with endocrinology, gynaecology,
Tel: (01705) 653 109
paediatric and urology departments atlocal hospitals to help promote awareness
Kevin Dietz (USA Coordinator)
of Kallmann's syndrome and other forms
Tel: (719) 260 9189
of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism.
duly held. Please feel free to get in touch
with your regional coordinator for more
Mark Saunders (London & Southeast)
information or if your region is not
Tel: (0208) 892 0547
covered, just contact me (Mark Saunders)
E-mail: [email protected]
HYPOHH is a patient support group run
by volunteers. We rely considerably on the
As of the date of publication of this newsletter
generosity of individual donations and
HYPOHH Status Report (October 1999) HYPOHH had over 60 members
would like to thank those who have sent us
worldwide. After last year's financial acrobatics and the reluctant introduction of membership
fees to cover the basic administration costs of running HYPOHH, this year our future looks much
If you wish to make a donation, please
brighter although we are not talking about a vast fortune here, just a couple of thousand pounds.
send a personal cheque made payable to
Some of you have made very generous donations - a special thanks to you (you know who you
‘HYPOHH', not ‘Mark Saunders'.
are), but every donation counts, no matter how small the amount. We should be able to make itcomfortably through next year and possibly the year after, but that is assuming that most of you
For more information on pituitary gland
will renew your memberships in 2000/2001. We cannot afford to become complacent though -
or hypothalamic disorders other than
HYPOHH still needs your support, both moral and financial, to continue our work.
Kallmann's syndrome and other forms of
Most of our members are either patients, members of their families or doctors with a
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, please
professional interest in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. We also have one or two members
working in the pharmaceutical industry and their support is greatly appreciated. HYPOHH alsoneeds corporate sponsorship to help support our larger projects, because it is inevitable that
Pen & Paper:
these will cost the most money. For example, the booklet ‘Understanding Kallmann's Syndrome
The Pituitary Foundation
- Your Questions Answered' is now over three years old and we would like to update it some time
before the end of next year. We need money from the pharmaceutical industry to pay for the
Patient Support Administrator
cost of publishing the second edition of the booklet and this could run into several thousands of
Other possible future projects are to publish posters or flyers on HYPOHH and distributing
these to hospitals, such as endocrinology, urology or paediatric departments. Hospitals are theprobably the best place to inform recently-diagnosed patients about HYPOHH and how it can help
Telephone / Fax :
them come to terms with their condition. If you have any money-raising or, as the case may be,
money-spending ideas, please share these with me. Anything goes, as long as it's legal and itdoesn't hurt.
Mark Saunders
Some copies of all three previous issues of info are still
A very special thanks to:
Back Issues of info available to HYPOHH members on request.
Dr. Jeremy Kirk, BirminghamValerie Moore, BirminghamDr. Roger Francis, NewcastleNational Osteoporosis SocietyManagement Graphics, London
Source: http://www.hypohh.net/pdffiles/info4pro.pdf
A triage guide for tinnitus James A. Henry, PhD; Tara L. Zaugg, AuD; Paula J. Myers, PhD; Caroline J. Kendall, PhD; Ringing in the ears may be symptomatic of a serious Elias M. Michaelides, MD condition—or it may be benign. Th is guide can help you Veterans Affairs RR&D National Center for tell the diff erence. Rehabilitative Auditory Research, VA Medical Center, Portland, Ore (Drs. Henry and Zaugg); Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Oregon Health & Science
Physical Disability Australia Ltd P O Box 38 Willawarrin NSW 2440 Phone: 02 6567 1500 Fax: 02 6567 1500 Email: [email protected] Physical Disability Australia ‐ Bulletin December 2011 Victoria Tasmania Queensland • Conferences and activities • Subscribe Unsubscribe Welcome to the December edition of PDA's e-bulletin. There has been a lot happening this past month, with several announcements on the National Disability Insurance Scheme from the government, including a new website to keep people updated. International Day of Persons with a Disability took place on December 3, with many events held around the country. There were some global and national announcements made, which you can read about in this bulletin. I hope you enjoy this edition of the bulletin.