The first marathon runner wasn't greek, he was jewish - jewish world features israel news haaretz

The first marathon runner wasn't Greek, he was Jewish - Jewish World .
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The first marathon runner wasn't Greek, he was Jewish
Friday's the Tel Aviv marathon, it's time to note that a run described in the bible predated theGreek myth on which marathons are based by centuries. Plus: the Jewish Runner Hall ofFame.
By Elon Gilad Feb. 27, 2014 10:27 AM 5
396 people recommend this. Be the first of your
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Pheidippides delivering the message of victory after the Battle of Marathon, Luc-Olivier Merson, 1869.
Photo by Wikimedia
Tomorrow, Friday morning, thousands of runners will be taking to the
In shaky economy, Arab businesses hit
streets. Yes, it's the Tel Aviv Marathon, and the perfect time to debunk
some myths about Jews and sports, specifically - running.
Relations between Jews and Arab in Israel haverarely been as strained as in the past month, during
which the allegiance of Israeli Arabs has been called
The first modern marathon was at the first latter-day Olympics, held in
into question.
Athens in 1896. It was 40 kilometers long, from the town of Marathon to
By Judy Maltz National
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Athens, commemorating the legendary run along roughly that route by one
WATCH: Indian, French reporters
Pheidippides (though some say the real route he ran was substantially
show Gaza militants firing rockets
shorter). He was a Greek soldier-messenger happily bearing the message
from civilian areas
of the Greek victory over the Persians at the battle of Marathon in 490
By JTA Diplomacy and Defense
BCE. According to legend, upon arriving at Athens and delivering the
Human rights are our last line of
message the exhausted Pheidippides, keeled over and died.
By Yonatan Gher Opinion
But the Bible has a similar story that predates the Greek one.
Tel Aviv marathon
War, what is it good for – business?
1 Samuel recounts a battle between Israelites and Philistines, that unlike
By Eran Azran Business
the Greek victory, did not end well for the Hebrews: "And the Philistines
fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent: and
there was a very great slaughter; for there fell of
Israelis in New York out in
Israel thirty thousand footmen." (4:10)
droves, raising their voicesin solidarity with home By Haim Handwerker 09:40 PM
Worse than the massive loss in life was the death of theleadership and the taking of the Ark. "And the ark of
Gaza war pushes some to
God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and
the left of J Street
Phinehas, were slain." (4:11)
By Debra Nussbaum Cohen 08:48 PM
It was up to one Hebrew, who unlike Pheidippides is
8/08/2014 8:52 AM
The first marathon runner wasn't Greek, he was Jewish - Jewish World .
unnamed, only identified by his tribe as "a man of
Benjamin," to run to the capital Shiloh and report to Eli
The Tel Aviv marathon in 2013.
Nixon discuss why Soviet
the High Priest. Like Pheidippides he is said to have
Photo by Ron Topelberg
Jews are 'none of our
run: "And the man came in hastily, and told Eli."
business'By Haaretz 09:01 PM
The mystery of why Jewsfast on Tisha B'Av
The runner told Eli what had happened - "Israel is fled
By Elon Gilad 03:37 PM
before the Philistines, and there hath been also a greatslaughter among the people, and thy two sons also,Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God istaken". (4:17) This was too much for Eli who "fell fromoff the seat backward by the side of the gate, and hisneck brake, and he died." (4:18)
Irena Szewińska, the only athlete (male or female)
Some 3,000 years later, in 1968, Yosef Yekutieli,
to have held a world record in the 100m, 200m and
founder of the Maccabiah, the Israeli Football
the 400m events. Photo by Wikimedia Commons
Association, and the Israeli Olympic Committee,measured the route supposedly ran by the "man ofBenjamin" - and was astonished to find that it was 42
kilometers long, like the modern marathon, which was
One runner dies, 12 seriously injured in Tel
standardized in 1921.
Aviv marathonBy Ilan Lior , Dan Even and Ilan GoldmanMar. 15, 2013 2:00 PM
After death at Tel Aviv half-marathon, Health
The Jewish religion never stressed athletics. Still, some
Ministry panel will set standards for 'extreme'
members of the tribe have reached some very
impressive feats in running.
By Ilan Lior , Dan Even and Ilan GoldmanMar. 17, 2013 8:18 AM
Laurence "Lon" Myers was a Jewish-American
Investigate the Tel Aviv Marathon
runner from Virginia. He dominated short-distance
Haaretz Editorial Mar. 17, 2013 1:06 AM
running during the second half of the 19th century,
Wedding makes thousands of runners late for
holding the world record in all distances ranging from
50 yards to a mile. He won 28 American
By Ilan Goldman Jul. 23, 2013 8:04 PM
championships, though never did win an Olympicmedal as he predated the Games.
Kenyan runner wins Tel Aviv Marathon in
record timeBy Ilan Lior Feb. 28, 2014 1:01 PM
Abel Richard Kiviat was a Jewish-Americanmid-distance runner, who broke the world record in
What is Purim? The history behind the
1,500 meters three times in 1912. That same year he
Halloween of Jewish holidays
was on the American Olympic team at the Stockholm
By Elon Gilad Mar. 12, 2014 9:36 AM
Olympics winning the gold at the 3,000m team race
When Ukraine was run by Jews
and the silver at the 1,500m race.
By Elon Gilad Mar. 19, 2014 1:14 AM
Marathon fever hits Jerusalem: 25,000
In the same Olympics Alvah T. Meyer, a Jewish-
runners take to the streets
American sprinter, won the silver at the 100m race. In
By Nir Hasson Mar. 21, 2014 10:44 AM
1914 he set the world record in the 60-yard race and in1915 in the 300-yard race.
For marathon runners, Jerusalem Syndrome
means something elseBy Uri Talshir Mar. 21, 2014 12:00 PM
Harold Abrahams, a British short distance runnerimmortalized in the movie "Chariots of Fire," took thegold in the 100m sprint in the Paris Olympics in 1924, and the silver as amember of the 4X100m relay team. The British relay team was beat by theAmerican team, which had Louis "Pinky" Clarke, a Jewish-Americanrunner, handling the second leg of the race. Clarke set a world record of 41seconds.
Elias Katz was a Jewish-Finnish runner who competed in the 1924 ParisOlympics for the Finnish team in both the 3,000m steeple-race, in whichhe took the silver and as a member of the 3,000m team race, which tookthe gold. He would later immigrate to Palestine, dying in the War ofIndependence.
Fanny ("Bobbie") Rosenfeld was a Jewish-Canadian sprinter who wonthe gold medal as a member of the 4X100m relay team and the silver atthe 100m race at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics. She was also anaccomplished basketball, hockey, softball, and tennis player.
Sam Stoller was a Jewish-American sprinter, who is most famous forbeing excluded from the American 4X100 relay team at the 1936 Olympicsin Berlin, apparently to appease Hitler. He tied the world record at the60-yard dash.
Irena Szewińska is Polish-Jewish athlete winner of a great deal of
8/08/2014 8:52 AM
The first marathon runner wasn't Greek, he was Jewish - Jewish World .
Olympic medals in several Olympics and fields. Gold as a member of the4X100m relay team at the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, winning the silver atthe at 200m race (as well as another silver at the long jump). In the 1968Olympics at Mexico City she won the gold at the 200m run and bronze atthe 100m race. She took the bronze at the 1972 Munich Olympics 200mrace and then won the gold at the 400m race at the 1976 MontrealOlympics.
Maria Leontyavna Itkina was a Jewish-Russian runner who set manyrecords including the 60m, 100m, 400m and other short distance runsduring the 1960s. Although she participated in several Olympics she neverreceived a medal - placing fourth four times.
Gerry Ashworth, a Jewish-American runner from Massachusetts, tookthe gold in the 4X100m relay race in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. He alsotied the world record in the 60-yard dash.
Ödön Bodor, a Jewish-Hungarian runner, won the bronze medaltogether with his team at the first Olympic Medley relay at the 1908London Olympics.
Deena Michelle Kastor is a Jewish-American long-distance runner,who holds the U.S. records for women in the marathon, half marathon,15K, 8K and 5K. She won the bronze medal at marathon at the 2004Athens Olympics.
Zhanna Pintusevich-Block was a Jewish-Ukrainian runner, who wonfirst, second and third place at several world championships in the 100mand 200m sprints in the late 90s and the early naughts. Though shecompeted in three Olympic Games, she never received a medal.
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8/08/2014 8:52 AM
The first marathon runner wasn't Greek, he was Jewish - Jewish World .
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05 The first marathon runner wasn't Greek, he was
04 Wait A Minute!!
03 The first marathon runner wasn't Greek, he was
02 great Jewish runners
By John Robertson
01 ancient Greek marathoners ran naked and women
were banned as participants and spectators at thegames.
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8/08/2014 8:52 AM
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