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August 2006
Vol. 3 No. 10
Knowledge Update
CNWL: Implementing NICE Guidance
Special Inter est Articles:
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is the
independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on
L: Implementing NICE
the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill
health. Part of its work involves developing clinical guidelines. Clinical
• SAFARI: An Online Information
guidelines are recommendations, based on the best available evidence,
on the most appropriate treatment and care of people with specific
diseases and conditions.
• ReFeR: Research Findings
The implementation of NICE guidance within CNWL is led by the NICE
• Mental Capacity Act 2005:
Implementation Committee. This is chaired by Alex Lewis, the Medical
Best Practice Tool
Director, and includes Consultant Psychiatrists from each service area
across the Trust.
Current Awareness
The NICE Implementation Committee has recently looked at the NICE guidance on obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and considered what it means for CNWL. Successful implementation of NICE guidance depends on the activities of all health care professionals. The easiest way to find out about the latest guidance and CNWL's implementation plans is to have a look at the NICE pages on Trustnet. They are regularly updated and include copies of all relevant NICE guidance and implementation forms which track Trust progress on considering and implementing the guidance. (Medical Directorate - NICE Guidance) Don't forget to have a look at the guidance that applies to your service area and check that your practice is in line with the best available evidence. For further information please contact Rachel Huck, Clinical Audit Manager ([email protected]) or Russell Hill, Chief Pharmacist ([email protected]).
Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
Knowledge Services Update
Page 2 of 9
SAFARI: An Online Information Skills Tutorial
Safari is an interactive, web-based information skills tutorial.
Launched in January 2001 by the Open University Library, it is
designed to help people feel more confident about finding, evaluating
and using information. Safari can be used in a variety of ways - as a
training package, by working through each of the seven sections in
Finding and
order, or by dipping into specific topics of interest. The tutorial covers
everything from understanding information to searching for resources.
To start your SAFARI go to:
ReFeR: Research Findings Register
ReFeR is a database of the findings of research studies funded by the Department of Health. Unusually, it provides access to research findings in the gap between research completion and publication. Entries consist of structured records which outline the research question, methodology, outcome measures, findings, conclusions and implications for future research for each project. Publications to date, project web sites and key contacts are also listed. For more information see:
Mental Capacity Act 2005: Best Practice Tool
best practice
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is due to come into effect in April 2007. A
in service
best practice tool has been developed by the Department of Health to
help managers implement the Act successfully. It takes key elements of
the Act and invites Trusts to score their current position, with a view to identifying what needs to be done, by whom and when. The best practice tool is available from:
Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
Knowledge Services Update
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Page 3 of 9
Current Awareness
Mörtberg, E (commentator). (2006).
Barry, RJ; Clarke, AR (commentators).
Mirtazapine reduces social anxiety
(2006). Modafinil improves symptoms of
and improves quality of life in women with social phobia. Evidence Based
ADHD compared with placebo in young people. Evidence Based Mental Health; 9
Mental Health; 9 (3); p. 75. Available
(3); p. 68. Available online .
Greenhill, LL et al. (2006). Efficacy and
safety of dexmethylphenidate extended-
Bauer, MS et al. (2006). Collaborative care for bipolar disorder:
release capsules in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
part I. Intervention and
Journal of the American Academy of Child
implementation in a randomized
and Adolescent Psychiatry; 45 (7); p. 817-
effectiveness trial. Psychiatric
Services; 57 (7); p. 927-936.
Bowden, CL et al. (2006). Impact of
Johnston, JA et al. (2006). Decreased use of clonidine following treatment with
lamotrigine and lithium on weight in
atomoxetine in children with ADHD.
obese and nonobese patients with
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology;
bipolar I disorder. American Journal of
26 (4); p. 389-395.
Psychiatry; 163 (7); p. 1199-1021. Available online via .
Reich, W; Huang, H; Todd, RD. (2006).
ADHD medication use in a population-
Cannon, DM et al. (2006). Reduced
Keep up to date
based sample of twins. Journal of the
muscarinic type 2 receptor binding in
with recently
American Academy of Child and
subjects with bipolar disorder.
Adolescent Psychiatry; 45 (7); p. 801-807.
Archives of General Psychiatry; 63 (7);
Available online via
p. 741-748. Available online via
– get copies from
Sayal, K; Goodman, R; Ford, T. (2006).
the web or your
Barriers to the identification of children
Citrome, L (commentator). (2006).
with attention deficit/hyperactivity
Maintenance treatment with
local Library.
disorder. Journal of Child Psychology
olanzapine reduces relapse in people
and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; 47
with bipolar I disorder who have
(7); p. 744-750. Available online via
responded to acute olanzapine
treatment. Evidence Based Mental
Health; 9 (3); p. 73. Available online
Bowen, R; Baetz, M; DArcy, C. (2006).
Self-rated importance of religion predicts
Miklowitz, DJ et al. (2006).
one-year outcome of patients with panic
Psychotherapy, symptom outcomes,
disorder. Depression and Anxiety; 23 (5);
and role functioning over one year
among patients with bipolar disorder.
Psychiatric Services; 57 (7); p. 959-
Buodo, G et al. (2006). Event-related
potentials and visual avoidance in blood
phobics: is there any attentional bias?
Otto, MW et al. (2006). Prospective
Depression and Anxiety; 23 (5); p. 304-
12-month course of bipolar disorder in
out-patients with and without comorbid
anxiety disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry; 189 (1); p. 20-25. Available online via
Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
Knowledge Services Update
Page 4 of 9
Scott, J et al. (2006). Exposure to
complications and subsequent
Finlay, L. (2006). Rigour', ethical
ent of bipolar disorder.
integrity' or artistry'? Reflexively
Systematic review. British Journal of
reviewing criteria for evaluating
Psychiatry; 189 (1); p. 3-11. Available
qualitative research. British Journal of
Occupational Therapy; 69 (7); p. 319-
Hopwood, CJ. (2006). Brief treatments
Artigas, F (commentator). (2006).
for borderline personality. Clinical
Review: an early sustained response can
y and Psychotherapy; 13 (4);
occur in the first and second weeks of
antidepressant treatment for major
depressive disorder. Evidence Based
Killaspy, H (commentator). (2006).
Mental Health; 9 (3); p. 78. Available
Topiramate improves psychopathological
and quality of life in women
rline personality disorder.
Fava, M et al. (2006). A comparison of
ce Based Mental Health; 9 (3); p.
mirtazapine and nortriptyline following
74. Available online via
two consecutive failed medication
treatments for depressed outpatients: a
STAR*D report. American Journal of
h, BC et al. (2006). Clinicians'
Psychiatry; 163 (7); p. 1161-1172.
tives on cognitive-behavioral
Available online via
treatment for PTSD among persons with
severe mental illness. Psychiatric
Howland, RH. (2006). Transdermal
57 (7); p. 1027-1031.
selegiline: a novel MAOI formulation for
depression. Journal of Psychosocial
ano, BA (commentator). (2006).
Nursing and Mental Health Services; 44
: cognitive behavioural therapy is
(7); p. 9-12. Available online via
an effective treatment for depression,
panic disorder, and generalised anxiety
disorder, but may be less effective in
Jackson, AP. (2006). The use of
severe cases. Evidence Based Mental
psychiatric medications to treat
Health; 9 (3); p. 80. Available online via
depressive disorders in African American
women. Journal of Clinical Psychology;
62 (7); p. 793-800.
Turkington, D et al. (2006). Outcomes
of an effectiveness trial of cognitive-
Schotte, CK et al. (2006). A
behavioural intervention by mental health
biopsychosocial model as a guide for
nurses in schizophrenia. British Journal
psychoeducation and treatment of
of Psychiatry; 189 (1); p. 36-40.
depression. Depression and Anxiety; 23
Available online via
(5); p. 312-324.
Segal, ZV et al. (2006). Cognitive
Eriksen, K; Kress, VE. (2006). The
reactivity to sad mood provocation and
DSM and the professional counseling
the prediction of depressive relapse.
identity: bridging the gap. Journal of
Archives of General Psychiatry; 63 (7); p.
Mental Health Counseling; 28 (3); p. 202-
749-756. Available online via
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Meyer, D; Ponton, R. (2006). The
Solomon, A et al. (2006). A taxometric
healthy tree: a metaphorical perspective
investigation of unipolar depression in a
of counselor well-being. Journal of
large community sample. Psychological
Mental Health Counseling; 28 (3); p. 189-
Medicine; 36 (7); p. 973-986.
201. Available online via
Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
Knowledge Services Update
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Knowledge Services Update
Page of 6
Vaishnavi, S et al. (2006). Modafinil for
atypical depression: effects of open-label
Knocker, S. (2006). We don't have any
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gay people here'. [Introduction to a new
treatment. Journal of Clinical
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Psychopharmacology; 26 (4); p. 373-378.
Dementia Care; 14 (4); p. 22-23.
Valenstein, M et al. (2006). What
happened to lithium? Antidepressant
Coid, J et al. (2006). Violence and
augmentation in clinical settings.
psychiatric morbidity in the national
American Journal of Psychiatry; 163 (7);
household population of Britain: public
p. 1219-1225. Available online via
health implications. British Journal of
Psychiatry; 189 (1); p. 12-19. Available
Cheng, ST; Chan, AC; Yu, EC. (2006).
Papworth, M. (2006). Issues and
An exploratory study of the effect of
outcomes associated with adult mental
mahjong on the cognitive functioning of
health self-help materials: a "second
persons with dementia. International
order" review or "qualitative meta-
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry; 21 (7); p.
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(4); p. 387-409. Available online via
Mather, L. (2006). Developing needs-led services for younger people. Journal of
MENTAL HEALTH, childhood and
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Corell, CU; Carlson, HE. (2006).
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Endocrine and metabolic adverse effects
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risperidone versus haloperidol on
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behavioural and psychological symptoms
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Timlin, A et al. (2006). A comparative
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treatment of bipolar disorder in children
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Influence Assessment Inventory (BIAI):
development and initial validation.
Ezpeleta, L; Domenech, JM; Angold, A.
Journal of Clinical Psychology; 62 (7); p.
(2006). A comparison of pure and
comorbid CD/ODD and depression.
Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; 47 (7);
Higgins, A; Barker, P; Begley, CM.
p. 704-712. Available online via
(2006). Iatrogenic sexual dysfunction and .
the protective withholding of information:
in whose best interest? Journal of
Fortune, SA. (2006). An examination of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing; 13 cutting and other methods of DSH (4); p. 437-446. Available online via
among children and adolescents
presenting to an outpatient psychiatric
clinic in New Zealand. Clinical Child
Psychology and Psychiatry; 11 (3); p.
Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
Page 6 of 9
Knowledge Services Update
Shaw, P et al. (2006). Childhood-onset
McCabe, MP et al. (2006). Depression
schizophrenia: a double-blind, randomized
among older people with cognitive
clozapine-olanzapine comparison. Archives
impairment: prevalence and detection.
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MENTAL HEALTH, older adults
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predictors of care-home admission.
Thai immigrants. Issues in Mental Health
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Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
Page 7 of 9
Knowledge Services Update
Angermeyer, MC et al. (2006). Burnout
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overview of occupational therapy service
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provision in Northern Ireland. British Journal
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of Occupational Therapy; 69 (7); p. 334-338.
Gutman, SA. (2006). Why addiction has a
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Labelle, K-L; Mihailidis, A. (2006). The use
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Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
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Knowledge Services Update
Muir-Coch rane, E. (2006). Medical co-
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Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
Lysaker, PH (commentator). (2006).
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Liz Osborne
wledge Services
Saha, TD; Chou, SP; Grant, BF. (2006).
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continuum using item response theory:
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results from the National Epidemiologic
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114 (1); p. 36-39. Available online via
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Liz Osborne – Knowledge Services Manager CNWL, 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LA
Tel: 020 8746 5551 Fax: 020 8846 6867 E-mail [email protected]
DIFLUCAN® (Fluconazole Tablets) (Fluconazole Injection - for intravenous infusion only) (Fluconazole for Oral Suspension) DESCRIPTION DIFLUCAN® (fluconazole), the first of a new subclass of synthetic triazole antifungal agents, is available as tablets for oral administration, as a powder for oral suspension and as a sterile solution for intravenous use in glass and in Viaflex® Plus plastic containers. Fluconazole is designated chemically as 2,4-difluoro-α,α1-bis(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl) benzyl alcohol with an empirical formula of C13H12F2N6O and molecular weight 306.3. The
IJREAS VOLUME 5, ISSUE 8 (August, 2015) (ISSN 2249-3905) International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IMPACT FACTOR – 5.981) King of Desert (Prosopis) : A source of potential medicinal values in Arid Zone of India: Review Dr.Surbhi Rajvanshi1, Dr.Veena Garg2