Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
Chagrin Falls, Ohio, USA
Dissolvable Antibiotic Beads in Treatment of
Periprosthetic Joint Infection and Revision
The Use of Synthetic Pure Calcium Sulfate (Stimulan®)
Impregnated with Vancomycin & Tobramycin
Edward J. McPherson, MD, FACS† • Matthew V. Dipane, BA† • Sherif M. Sherif, MD†
This study reviews the clinical results using commercially pure, synthetic antibiotic-loaded
Calcium Sulfate dissolvable beads (Stimulan, Biocomposites, Ltd., Keele, UK) in 250
cases of aseptic and septic revision total hip and total knee arthroplasty. A set protocol of
Vancomycin and Tobramycin antibiotic was used in all cases. The rate of wound drainage
in this series was 3.2%. Wound drainage was generally seen in cases using higher bead
volumes. The incidence of heterotopic bone formation was 1.2%. There were nine failures
in this study, six of which were due to infection. We feel that commercially pure, synthetic
antibiotic-loaded dissolvable beads are an acceptable delivery tool for local antibiotic
delivery in aseptic and septic revision joint arthroplasty of the hip and knee. Further studies
are needed to examine the potential of improving outcomes of periprosthetic joint infection
with this particular local antibiotic delivery system.
Key words: Stimulan, Calcium Sulfate, Antibiotic Beads, Periprosthetic Infection, Revision Arthroplasty.
Level of Evidence: AAOS Therapeutic Study Level IV.
with radical debridement surgery, modular bearing
Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a devastating
exchange, copious lavage, and perioperative
complication that is potentially a limb and life
antibiotic therapy. When a biofilm is present, the
threatening condition.The extent of the infection infection is considered chronic. In this scenario,
is related to many factors including the health of
the biofilm prevents eradication of bacteria and
the host patient, the condition of the local soft
thus implants must be removed along with a radical
tissues, and the length of time the infection has been debridement of bone and soft tissue. Resection of
present within the joint. Treatment of periprosthetic
implants most commonly is performed in a two
infection currently follows established algorithms
stage protocol. At some centers that focus on PJI,
that have proven successful. Treatment depends
single stage protocols are utilized. With either
upon the presence of the bacterial biofilm which
envelops the joint prosthesis and adjacent bone. In
an acute infection, the biofilm is not established.
† LA Orthopedic Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Treatment is focused on preservation of the implant,
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
protocol, success is particularly dependent upon the
turn impedes wound healing and causes a wound to
quality of joint debridement.
Antibiotic therapy in the surgical treatment of a
The purpose of this study is to examine the initial
PJI is an important adjuvant therapy. Antibiotic
review of the use of commercially pure, synthetic
penetration into the local infected area can be
antibiotic-loaded dissolvable Calcium Sulfate
problematic. Specifically, local devascularization
beads (Stimulan) in their application in treating two
of infected tissues can prevent local antibiotic
groups of patients. One group contains patients with
delivery. Additionally, any residual biofilm can
periprosthetic infection. The other contains patients
undergoing revision joint arthroplasty. Historically
systems offer a solution to this problem. Antibiotic
this latter group has a higher known risk of
impregnated cement spacers are a useful tool,
periprosthetic infection.e review
although a majority of the antibiotic placed into the
outcomes and complications and compare our
cement does not elute into the host environment.
findings to previous studies employing processed
Non-dissolvable antibiotic polymethylmethacrylate
calcium sulfate derived from gypsum product. To
(PMMA) beads can provide higher antibiotic
our knowledge, this is the first study reporting on
concentrations, but fabrication is tedious.
the use of commercially pure, synthetic antibiotic-
Additionally, it is often difficult to locate and
loaded Calcium Sulfate in the treatment of two such
remove all beads at reconstruction.
A local delivery system with dissolvable Calcium
Sulfate has been developed to assist in the targeted
Materials & Methods
Between January 2010 and September 2012, 342
Stimulan (Biocomposites Ltd., Keele, UK) is a
revision THA and TKA procedures were performed.
synthetic hemihydrate form of Calcium Sulfate.
This included aseptic revisions, two stage septic
It is produced using a synthetic process resulting
revisions, and one stage DECRA (Debridement,
in 100% purity with no traces of potentially toxic
modular Exchange, Component Retention, IV
impurities which has been associated with naturally
Antibiotic) procedures for acute PJI. During this
occurring mineral sources of Calcium Sulfate. It
time we used dissolvable antibiotic beads in 250 of
is biocompatible, composed of hydrophilic crystals,
these cases. The antibiotic combination used in this
soft after hydration, and disappears on X-rays after
series was a preset protocol consisting of one (1)
two to three weeks when placed within a joint
gram of Vancomycin powder and 240mg of liquid
Tobramycin mixed with 10cc of Stimulan powder
Stimulan also has the advantage of delivering
(see technique below). For two-stage procedures
a wider spectrum of antibiotic combinations
for infected TKA and THA, Stimulan antibiotic
into the joint. It cures at a low temperature, thus
beads were inserted both at the time of resection
allowing heat-sensitive antibiotics to be mixed with
arthroplasty and reimplantation.
Stimulan. This is in contrast to PMMA in which
Preoperatively, all patients were staged for
only heat-stable antibiotics can be used. Even with
periprosthetic infection risk according to the
these advantages, there has been concern with using Musculoskeletal Infection Society – Americas
dissolvable antibiotic-loaded Calcium Sulfate.
The integrity of each
The main concern has been with postoperative
patient's immune defense system was assessed and
wound drainage. Prior to Stimulan, dissolvable
Calcium Sulfate products were derived from
Aseptic revisions in the MSIS-A classification were
gypsum, a natural product mined and processed
considered a Stage Zero. All revision procedures
into Calcium Sulfate. The processing of gypsum
were preoperatively aspirated by the surgeon (ejm)
creates a product that has a relatively low pH and
with cell count and culture analysis. Pre-operative
contains residual by-products that may illicit an
Westergren Sedimentation Rates and Quantitative
inflammatory reaction when the product is placed
CRP were also obtained on all patients. Clinical
into a joint wound. The inflammatory reaction in
scoring was performed on all patients including
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Harris Hip and Oxford scores for hips and Knee
Cobalt cement were typically used. One gram of
Society and Oxford scores for knees. Perioperative
Vancomycin powder was placed in each 40 gram
and post-operative complications were recorded.
bag of cement.
Radiographs were obtained at 3 months and 1 year
For knee cases, the Stimulan beads were delivered
along the medial and lateral gutters of the knee,
At the time of knee resection arthroplasty, the
just before closure. A 10 french silicone Blake
knee was stabilized with an articulated antibiotic-
drain (Ethicon, Inc., San Angelo, TX) was placed
loaded PMMA spacer. When the knee was unstable,
along the lateral gutter and the arthrotomy closed
the leg was stabilized with an antibiotic-loaded
in midflexion over a bump. No beads were placed
PMMA endofusion device with medullary rods
in the subcutaneous layer. Superficial subcutaneous
inserted into the femur and tibia. Cobalt cement
drains were placed as indicated. The deep drain
(Biomet, Warsaw, IN) was used in resection
was always removed between 24 and 36 hours.
and reimplantation/revision procedures. For
The superficial drain(s) was removed between
resections, 5 grams of Vancomycin powder and
48 and 72 hours. In the two stage septic revision
3.6 grams of Tobramycin powder were mixed into
group, a compressive Robert-Jones dressing was
each 40 gram bag of Cobalt cement. Typically
placed on the leg for 5-7 days, both at resection and
3-5 bags of cement were used at resection. For
reimplantation. Figures 1 and 2 (see Appendices)
revision or reimplantation procedures, 2-3 bags of
demonstrate surgical technique and placement of
the Stimulan beads.
Figures 1a - 1e: Radiographs of 65-year-old male who underwent a two-stage revision protocol for a chronic
periprosthetic infection of his left TKA. The patient suffers from diabetes.
Figure 1b:
radiograph of resection
arthroplasty. The knee
was stabilized with
a Vanguard (Biomet,
Warsaw, IN) prostalac
arthroplasty. 10cc of
Stimulan antibiotic
beads were placed into
the medial and lateral
gutters at closure. Note
deep and superficial
drains placed at
closure. This case
was one of the initial
members of this study,
thus accounting for the
modest use of beads.
Figure 1a: Preoperative standing AP radiograph of
Figure 1c: Preoperative AP radiograph of
left TKA. Aspiration cultures grew Staphylococcus
knees prior to reimplantation. This radiograph
warneri and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.
was taken 9 weeks after resection arthroplasty.
All Calcium Sulfate beads have dissolved.
Preoperative aspiration of the knee was negative.
Figure 1d: Postoperative
Figure 1e: Standing
AP radiograph
AP radiograph taken
at reimplantation
18 months after
surgery. The knee was
reimplantion surgery.
reconstructed using the
All Calcium Sulfate
Vanguard revision knee
beads have dissolved.
system (Biomet, Warsaw,
The patient remains
IN). At closure 20cc
infection free with
of Stimulan antibiotic
knee range of 0-125
beads were placed into
the knee joint. Again
note deep drain placed
into knee.
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
Figures 2a – 2d: Radiographs of a 57-year-old male who underwent a single-stage revision protocol for Nickel
hypersensitivity and clinical pain of his left TKA.
Figure 2a: Preoperative
Figure 2b: Postoperative AP
standing AP radiograph.
radiograph of revision TKA. 10cc
Note well-fixed TKA
of Stimulan antibiotic beads were
implants. The patient
placed into the medial and lateral
had knee range of 0-130
gutters of the knee. Note drain
degrees, but had a
placed into knee joint at closure.
persistently large knee
effusion and chronic pain.
Figure 2c: Postoperative
Figure 2d: Postoperative
standing AP radiograph
standing AP radiograph
taken 2 months after
taken 8 months after
revision surgery. All
revision surgery. The knee
Calcium Sulfate beads
has regained knee range
have dissolved. Also note
of 0-135 degrees. Knee
that the knee effusion has
effusion remains minimal.
At the time of hip resection, the hip was stabilized
reconstruction, the acetabular socket was cemented
with an articulated antibiotic-loaded PMMA hip
into the cage with Cobalt cement. One gram of
spacer. The Modular Stage One hip spacer system
Vancomycin powder was mixed into each 40 gram
was used (Biomet, Warsaw, IN). When segmental
bag of cement.
deficiencies were present in the acetabulum, an
antibiotic-loaded PMMA spacer was formed
For hip cases, the Stimulan antibiotics beads were
in-situ in the pelvis/acetabulum using a large
delivered into the deep hip space inferior to the
monopolar head trial as a mold. The cement
acetabulum and around the proximal femur. A 10
was secured with two to four 6.5mm titanium
french Blake Drain was placed just under the Tensor
cancellous screws placed partly into bone to serve
Fascia layer. Additional subcutaneous drains were
as rebar posts; this prevented spacer displacement.
placed as indicated. No beads were placed in the
The screws were covered entirely with cement
subcutaneous layer. The Tensor Fascia drain was
(screwdriver holes were filled with bone wax to
always removed between 24 and 36 hours. The
allow removal at reconstruction). Cobalt cement
superficial drains were pulled between 48 and 72
was used at resection arthroplasty with the same
hours. In the two stage septic revision group, a
antibiotic combination as the knee. For revision or
spica brace (set between 20-70 degrees) was used
reimplantation procedures almost all cases were
implanted with cementless reconstruction systems.
reimplantation (4-6 weeks). Figures 3 and 4 (see
When a reconstruction cage was used for acetabular
Appendices) demonstrate surgical technique and
placement of Stimulan beads.
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Figures 3a – 3c: Radiographs of a 72-year-old male who underwent a single-stage revision protocol for prosthetic femoral-
acetabular impingement and clinical pain of his right THA.
Figure 3a: Preoperative AP radiograph of pelvis.
Figure 3b: Postoperative AP radiograph of revision
Figure 3c: Postoperative AP radiograph taken 3
Note small amount of heterotopic bone near lateral THA. 10cc of Stimulan antibiotic beads were placed months after revision surgery. All Calcium Sulfate
acetabulum and lesser trochanter.
within the hip joint, mainly inferiorly. The beads
beads have dissolved. Note no new heterotopic
gravitated to this region as this area was dissected
bone has formed. This patient did not receive any
to remove the heterotopic bone and scar tissue from
perioperative treatment to prevent heterotopic bone
the proximal femur.
formation (i.e., no radiation or Indocin).
Figures 4a – 4f: Radiographs of a 64-year-old male who underwent a two-stage revision protocol for a chronic periprosthetic
infection of his right THA. The patient suffers from hypertrophic osteoarthritis and DISH.
Figure 4a: Preoperative AP radiograph of
Figure 4b: Postoperative radiograph of resection
Figure 4c: Preoperative AP radiograph of pelvis
pelvis showing infected right THA. Preoperative
arthroplasty. The hip was stabilized with a
prior to reimplantation surgery. This radiograph
aspiration grew Staphylococcus epidermidis. Note
Modular Stage One (Biomet, Warsaw, IN)
was taken 8 weeks after resection arthroplasty. All
endosteal resorption of bone around proximal
antibiotic loaded methyl methacrylate articulated
Calcium Sulfate beads have dissolved. Preoperative
femoral stem.
spacer. 40cc of Stimulan antibiotic beads were
aspiration of the hip was negative.
placed into the hip joint. Note drain that was
placed underneath the tensor fascia layer at
Figure 4d: Postoperative AP radiograph of pelvis
Figure 4e: AP radiograph of pelvis taken 5 weeks
Figure 4f: AP radiograph of pelvis taken 3.5
at reimplantation surgery. The acetabulum was
after reimplantation surgery. All Calcium Sulfate
months after reimplantation surgery. No heterotopic
reconstructed with a porous cup cage (Signature
beads have dissolved. Implants show stable initial
bone has formed. Implants maintain initial biologic
Orthopaedics, Chatsville, AU) with screws. A
Magnum cup (Biomet, Warsaw, IN) was cemented
into the cup cage. A dual articulating bearing
was utilized (Biomet, Warsaw, IN). The femur
was reimplanted with an Arcos modular stem
(Biomet, Warsaw, IN). At closure, 40cc of Stimulan
antibiotic beads were placed into the hip joint.
Reconstructive Review • March 2013

Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
Antibiotic Bead PreparationThis study utilized
commercially pure, synthetic
neutral pH balanced Calcium
Sulfate (Stimulan). The
rapid cure kit was used
which includes 10cc (20gm)
of Calcium Sulfate, 2 pre-
measured mixing solution
bulbs, 1 syringe, 1 pellet
mold, and 1 spatula. The mold
produces three different sizes
for the beads (3, 4.8, and 6mm)
as demonstrated in Figure 5
(See Appendices).
For this study, one gram of
Vancomycin powder is added
to 10cc (20gm) of Calcium
Figure 5: Photograph showing Stimulan Bead Set. The blue plate is a sterile, silicone mat that can make 3
Sulfate and the two powders
different sized beads (3, 4.8, and 6mm). In this series we primarily used 3 and 4.8mm beads to increase overall
surface area and allow for faster dissolution of Calcium Sulfate. The beads shown here are from a 10cc batch of
are well mixed. The mixture is Stimulan. The smaller beads are 3mm diameter beads. The larger beads are 4.8mm diameter beads.
then added to 240mg (40mg/
cc) of liquid Tobramycin in a
plastic mixing bowl provided in the kit. Ingredients
average volume was different for each of the four
are mixed for 30 seconds until "doughy." The
different categories and all are listed in Table 1 (see
paste is then applied with a spatula into a silicone
bead mold and left to set for 10 to 15 minutes
with a typical OR room temperature of 60-62º
The incidence of wound drainage in this study was
Once set, the beads are harvested
relatively low considering the overall complexity of
and kept in a sterile container until used.
the cases. There were eight cases (3.2%) of post-
operative wound drainage requiring intervention.
All patients were followed up for a minimum of
Intervention included lavage and debridement,
3 months. Failure was recognized as the need for
wound vac placement, and/or application of
component removal for any reason. Monitoring for
a compressive dressing on the wound. When
infection included clinical exam with C-reactive
the surgical wound began to drain, the post-
protein tests at 3 months, 6 months, and one
operative thromboembolic prophylaxis regimen
year post-operatively. A suspicion of infection
was modified, usually by using mechanical foot
prompted a joint aspiration. For patients undergoing pumps, until wound drainage resolved. At the time
reimplantation procedures, a pre-operative negative
of debridement surgery, the old Stimulan beads
culture from joint aspiration was mandatory.
were removed and new beads were inserted into
the wound. There were five cases (3.5%) of knee
wound drainage, with two cases requiring surgical
wound lavage and debridement. There were three
The volume of Stimulan antibiotic-loaded beads
cases (2.8%) of hip wound drainage, with two cases
used for each procedure ranged from 5cc to 70cc
requiring surgical wound lavage and debridement.
in hip cases and 5cc to 50cc in knee cases. As early
cases showed no significant clinical problems,
Heterotopic bone formation was identified in
the volume of Stimulan beads was gradually
three cases (1.2%). Heterotopic bone formation
increased. The upper limit of bead volume was
occurred in one knee case (resection arthroplasty
dependant upon the ability to close the deep soft
with static spacer) and two hip cases (one resection
tissue envelope with a tension free closure. The
arthroplasty and one reimplantation procedure).
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Heterotopic ossification was seen generally when
of utilizing this particular carrier in septic and
a large volume of Stimulan was used (average
aseptic revision joint arthroplasty of the hip and
33cc per case). In all cases, the heterotopic bone
knee. The strategy of using a localized antibiotic
was considered mild, rated Brooker I-II class. The
delivery system is that it avoids the potential
character of the heterotopic bone in the two cases
toxicity of intravenous antibiotics. The side effects
that were re-operated (for reimplantation) was
of even short courses of IV antibiotics are well
considered thin and "wispy." It was easily removed
from the surrounding tissues. In review of the post-
into a joint replacement has already been shown
operative radiographs, the heterotopic bone formed
to deliver antibiotics up to 50 times greater than
in areas where the Stimulan beads were densely
MIC levels for many pathogenic bacteria found in
orthopaedic infections.A local antibiotic
delivery system is appealing, as it offers a high local
In two-stage hip and knee procedures, we were able
concentration of the antibiotics with low serum
to inspect the surgical wounds at reimplantation.
levels. In contrast, antibiotic-loaded bone cement
The time between resection and reimplantation
(PMMA) has historically been an alternative system
ranged from 9 to 15 weeks, with an average of
used for local antibiotic delivery, but there are
12 weeks. In all cases, there were no observable
problems with this method. Firstly, the antibiotic
beads remaining. In twenty percent of the cases we
is released by surface bleaching, not elution. This
noticed that the synovium was coated with a thin
white layer of material that could not be rubbed
There is also the need for a second surgery to
away. This white material was typically located
remove the cement beads in single stage procedures.
within the medial and lateral gutters of knee cases
Furthermore, only heat stable antibiotics can be
and in the infra-acetabular areas of hips. Transection utilized with PMMA. Biodegradable delivery
of synovial specimens showed that the white
systems are more attractive because they provide
material was only located on the superficial surface
solutions for these issues encountered with the
of the synovial tissue. The white coating was
PMMA method of antibiotic delivery
generally observed when bead volumes of 20cc or
more were used.
Calcium Sulfate has been employed as a bone
void filler for a long time and its popularity
Out of our 250 procedures there were 29
as a local antibiotic delivery system is
complications (11 hips and 18 knees) for a
growing in the treatment of musculoskeletal
complication rate of 11.6%. All complications
are listed in Tables 2 & 3 (see Appendices) along
dissolvable Calcium Sulfate beads have previously
with their MSIS-A host grade. A majority of
been used in clinical trials, but the results have
complications occurred in patients with a grade
not been favorable. Among the main problems
B or C (MSIS-A) medical host. Eight of the 29
encountered are post-operative wound drainage and
complications had wound related complications (3
a toxic reactive synovitis that occurs when beads
hips and 5 knees). There were nine failures (3.6%)
are placed within a joint. Wound complication
in this study. All failures are listed in Tables 4 &
rates were reported to be between 25-30% with
5 along with their medical host grade. Six failures
several explanations existing for such regular
were a result of infection. Excluding the above
The predominant thinking
infection failures, all remaining patients had a
attributes the cause of wound drainage to the
normal C-reactive protein when tested between 6
purification processes of "traditional" Calcium
and 12 months post-operatively.
Sulfate products. Prior to Stimulan, all Calcium
Sulfate products were derived from gypsum
harvested from the earth. Various proprietary
filtering and wash processes were developed to
In this series we used Stimulan as a vehicle to
produce medical grade Calcium Sulfate products.
deliver a localized dose of antibiotics to an area
Despite arduous attempts to derive pure Calcium
at risk for infection (i.e. operative wound). This
Sulfate products, however
is a preliminary study to gauge the effectiveness
Additionally, the chemicals used to wash the
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
gypsum product still remain within the Calcium
bone. This is especially so when endoprosthetic
Sulfate. The result is that the product, once
hinge devices about the knee are used. Our overall
delivered into the human body, is non-physiologic
incidence of heterotopic bone in this series was
and potentially inflammatory when exposed to the
1.2%. The type of heterotopic bone tended to be
synovial fluid environment. In contrast, Stimulan is
thin and laminate. In most cases the heterotopic
derived from commercially pure, synthetic Calcium
bone did not dramatically affect joint function. In
Sulfate which is blended via a proprietary process
cases of resection arthroplasty where heterotopic
to create a product that is considered less "harsh"
bone formed, it was easily removed at the time
to the synovial joint environment. It was for this
of reimplantation. We feel that heterotopic bone
reason that this study was undertaken.
formation is not a major prohibitive complication
for using commercially pure, synthetic antibiotic-
In our study, the incidence of wound drainage in
loaded Calcium Sulfate dissolvable beads.
revision joint arthroplasty was found to be low.
Overall 3.2% of cases experienced wound drainage.
A potential drawback to using Calcium Sulfate
A majority of the 8 occurrences were found in
in revision joint arthroplasty is the potential for
medically compromised hosts (MSIS-A Grade B
mechanical abrasion of the prosthetic articular
or C hosts). Furthermore, wound drainage tended
surfaces. The beads within the joint envelope can
to present in cases where the volume of beads used
migrate and get in between the articular surfaces.
was ≥30cc. There are several possible explanations
With weight bearing, the beads can get crushed
for this occurrence. One explanation is that the
and can potentially cause scratching of the articular
large volume of beads caused excessive mechanical
surfaces. Current work is ongoing in 6 retrieval
stretching of the deep soft tissue envelope with
Prostalac spacers to look at the articular surfaces
joint range, causing the wound to leak. Another
for pitting and scratching (Clarke I, McPherson
possibility is a chemical effect, as large volumes
EJ, Peterson Tribology Laboratory, Loma Linda,
of beads could potentially cause a hyperosmotic
CA). Maale et al reported using Stimulan beads
effect resulting in joint distension and wound
loaded with Vancomycin and Tobramycin in single-
leakage. A third possible factor is the quality of the
stage septic revision total knee arthroplasty. They
local tissues and the health of the patient. In the
found that the Stimulan beads were soft after
revision scenario, soft tissues are often attenuated
hydration and do not scratch the joint surface.
from previous surgery and mechanical damage to
Even if Calcium Sulfate beads did create scratches
the local tissues is commonly encountered. This,
or polyethylene pitting, their use for localized
combined with poor systemic health (e.g. diabetes,
antibiotic delivery in periprosthetic infection or total
smoking, prednisone treatment), leads to wound
joints at risk for infection still may be preferable.
drainage. We believe that wound drainage can be
Their use will depend on a case by case risk
mitigated by employing modest bead volumes
assessment. Long term clinical follow-up is needed
(<30cc) combined with surgical techniques which
to answer this question more definitively.
encourage a water-tight deep soft tissue envelope.
In summary, we find the use of commercially pure,
Heterotopic ossification is another potential concern synthetic antibiotic-loaded Calcium Sulfate is an
with the use of Calcium Sulfate as a dissolvable
acceptable adjuvant treatment tool in revision total
pellet. Calcium Sulfate, when used in the intra-
hip and total knee arthroplasty. We noted low rates
osseous environment, is an osteoconductive
of postoperative wound drainage and heterotopic
agent. Its application as a bone void filler is well
bone formation. In contrast, prior Calcium Sulfate
When it is placed within the
products derived from processed gypsum have
intra-articular environment, the beads are dissolved
shown significant problems with wound healing
within the synovial fluid and eventually resorbed.
However, if there is a reduced synovial fluid
construct is adaptable, whereby various antibiotic
environment (i.e. arthrofibrosis) and exposed intra-
formulas can be utilized. Furthermore, this
articular bone (from periosteal stripping during
localized antibiotic delivery method is relatively
surgery) the Calcium Sulfate may have sufficient
inexpensive and obviates the need for a second
osteoconductive influence to form new periarticular
surgery (i.e. removal of PMMA antibiotic beads).
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Initial observations with Stimulan antibiotic beads
Table 2 – Knee Complications
are encouraging. We will continue to explore and
Procedure Case # Volume MSIS-A Complication
research the efficacy of antibiotic-loaded Stimulan
beads. Our next phase is to measure local antibiotic
concentrations in-vivo in revision joint arthroplasty.
Dynamic rotational instability
We strive to document and corroborate prior
findings by Maale and Eager who showed high
local antibiotic concentrations within prosthetic
Wound drainage, cellulitis,
periprosthetic infection with
knee cases. Additionally, we will continue to review
wound drainage. I&D with
the mechanical effects that Calcium Sulfate beads
modular bearing exchange. No
have upon the articular surfaces of prosthetic
infection at 2-year follow-up.
implants. Finally, we would like to conduct a study
Acute knee infection from
to examine the potential of improving the results of
dental abscess. Failed DECRA.
PJI with Stimulan beads via randomized multicenter
Implants resected 5 months
Arthrofibrosis – knee
Table 1 - Results
Fall with traumatic arthrotomy.
Aseptic Revision TKA
Aseptic Revision THA
I&D and reclosure. No
infection at 1-year follow-up.
Avg Stimulan/case
Avg Stimulan/case
Dynamic rotational instability
Dynamic rotational instability
Heterotopic bone formation
in medial and lateral gutters.
Removed at reimplantation.
Avg Stimulan/case
Avg Stimulan/case
Secondary infection with
Candida Albicans. Repeat
debridement and spacer
Wound drainage. Wound vac
applied. Drainage resolved.
Superficial wound dehiscence
with drainage. Wound revised
Resection TKA
Acute renal failure, Creatinine
Avg Stimulan/case
Avg Stimulan/case
3.6. No dialysis.
Acute on chronic renal failure.
Dialysis for 3 weeks. Resolved
Dynamic rotational instability
Reimplantation TKA
Reimplantation THA
Wound drainage, I&D.
Recurrent infection. AKA.
Avg Stimulan/case
24cc Avg Stimulan/case
Wound drainage at 2 weeks
post-op. I&D with lavage.
Partial small bowel
obstruction. Readmitted at 3
weeks post-op for 5 days. No
surgery required.
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
Table 3 – Hip Complications
Table 4 – Knee Failures
Procedure Case # Volume MSIS-A Complication
Procedure Case #
Volume MSIS-A Reason for failure
Wound drainage at 3 weeks
MRSA infection, extensor
post-op. I&D with additional
allograft removal, lavage
antibiotics beads. Wound
debridement. Implant
infection at 2 months post-op.
infection free at 1 year.
I&D with antibiotics beads.
Stable at 1 year.
Infection -Staph A. Implants
resected for 2 stage protocol.
Implant Bow Mismatch.
Distal Femoral crack. No
additional surgery.
Failed DECRA. Recurrent
Hematoma with drainage.
I&D with evacuation of the
Recurrent patellar
hematoma at 2 weeks post-op.
subluxation. VMO
Advancement procedure at 4
Infection. I&D at 4 weeks
months. Stable at 1 year. No
post-op. Negative aspiration
culture at 6 months post-op.
Wound drainage post-op.
Table 5 – Hip Failures
Malnutrition, albumin 2.1.
Recurrent infection at 3
Procedure Case # Volume MSIS-A Reason for failure
months. Hip Resected at 6
DVT Rt. Arm from PICC line
Aseptic loosening cup.
at 6 weeks post-op. Coumadin
Revision to triflange cage.
Heterotopic bone formation.
Aseptic loosening cup.
Removed at reimplantation.
Revision to custom triflange
Heterotopic bone formation.
Removed at reimplantation.
Intra-operative hypotension,
Recurrent infection. Patient
died of concomitant bowel
Recurrent dislocation.
Revision to constrained
New infection hip at 6
months post-operative.
Dental infection Strept
Wound drainage. Clear serous
Viridans. DECRA. Implant
fluid. Wound Vac applied for
stable at 18 months. Normal
Reinfection at 3 months.
DECRA procedure. Patient
with CLL. Died from
blast crisis 6 months after
DECRA procedure.
Reconstructive Review • March 2013
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Joint Implant Surgery & Research Foundation
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As an Orthopaedic surgeon in Los Angeles,
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an area with exceptional healthcare. My
choice is to practice at St. Vincent Medical
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JISRF, Founded here in L.A. in 1971 by Prof.
Charles O. Bechtol, MD.
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 51, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2004 Nonlinear Analysis of the Separate Contributions of Autonomic Nervous Systems to Heart Rate Variability Using Principal Dynamic Modes Yuru Zhong, Hengliang Wang, Ki Hwan Ju, Kung-Ming Jan, and Ki H. Chon*, Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper introduces a modified principal dynamic