Section 2 company policy v10 _nfco_ update _2_ _4_
The National Flooring Company Ltd
Health & Safety Policy
Version 10, 14/2/2012

Health & Safety Policy
Arrangements for Health & Safety at Work
General Statement of Intent
The Managing Director of The National Flooring Co Ltd regards the promotion of Health & Safety measures at work as an important objective for all. It is, therefore, the organization's policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and hazards to health of all persons who may come into contact with our undertaking.
In particular, the Directors accept their responsibilities as employers:
To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and safe means of access and egress, taking into account any statutory requirements under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
To provide and maintain plant and systems of work; the provision of such adequate information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure employees perform their work safely and efficiently and to make them aware of their responsibilities to their colleagues and themselves.
We will also ensure so far as reasonably practicable there are no risks to health in the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances.
We also accept our responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of other people, including visitors and contractors, who may be affected by the organization's undertaking.
To make available the necessary financial resources to meet Health & Safety requirements.
To ensure effective liability insurances are in force and renewed to maintain insurance cover for Employers Liability and Public Liability as required under Health & Safety legislation.
In return, employees are required under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure that they take reasonable care for health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. Also, to co-operate with the employer so far as is necessary to enable the employer to meet its statutory provisions. No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything which is provided for the interest of Health, Safety and Welfare.
The intention of this policy statement is to clearly declare the organization's commitment towards Health & Safety and will prove useful in securing the co-operation of all employees in making this business a safe place to work. Allocated responsibilities and specific health and safety arrangements are noted within the Health & Safety Policy document. This will be regularly reviewed particularly as the business changes in nature and size and will be communicated to employees and ‘other's e.g. contractors as required.
Date: 14/2/2012 _
Position: Managing Director _ The National Flooring Company Ltd Health & Safety Policy Issue10, 14/2/12
National Flooring
H&S Organisation Chart
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Company Policy
• Any new equipment that is introduced will be
assessed by Contracts Director/Manager and any requisite training carried out at Toolbox
Health and Safety issues are to be reviewed
talks. Faulty equipment is to be reported to
at least annually and to be updated as
Contracts Director/Manager and placed in
appropriate in response to feedback or
faulty equipment area in warehouse.
reference information received. Consultation
between Directors and personnel will take
• Fire extinguishers will be placed inside the
place at monthly Operations meetings. We
are committed to continuous monitoring of
this policy by auditing and reviewing its
No naked flames, sparks or incandescent
effectiveness in the workplace.
lights to be within 18m of the work area.
• National Flooring teams will incorporate
client's own Health & Safety requirements into the project Method Statement and
National Flooring is committed to maintaining a
ensure that staff on site comply with client
safe environment for the efficient installation of
standards of safety procedures including
Degafloor® MMA and Altro polyurethane resin
Safety Induction Courses, Safety Briefings
floors. We are dedicated to protecting the health
and being escorted and logged on and off
and safety of our employees, customers and
site, as required.
others working under our control or who may be
affected by our activities.
• All hazardous substances used will be
To this end we have worked closely over the
assessed in accordance with COSHH, taking
years with large manufacturers of reactive
resins, using their considerable knowledge and
exposure, workers health and emergency
experience, and have adopted their policies on
actions. The assessments will be distributed
safe handling of all products.
to all operatives and any changes will be notified at Toolbox Talks. Operatives are to
• All areas of work are to be free of other
acknowledge receipt of information by
trades and equipment to allow for the safe
signature and records to be kept in the office.
installation of our proposed Flooring System.
Air monitoring will take place at appropriate
intervals throughout installation.
During preparation and installation, only
National Flooring personnel will be allowed
• Staff are issued with updated versions of
inside the work area.
H&S policy. Weekly Contract meetings are
• All personnel will wear suitable protective
held at which any H&S issues are raised and
clothing and equipment, recorded and signed
training needs established. Meetings are
for. Personnel will be issued with PPE on
minuted to be actioned in a realistic time
thereafter on request. PPE checks will be
carried out and recorded by Contracts
Managers on a monthly basis.
implementation of all works reference to be
made to site information, site surveys, material
Ventilation is essential during installation and
safety and EC datasheets, best practice
curing. In the event of sealed areas, forced
guidance, Method Statements, client's own
ventilation should be used. Areas of work
should be barriered off to prohibit entry of
unauthorised personnel.
contractors may be necessary before, during
• All equipment is to be PAT tested at regular
and after works that will include all safety
provisions and procedures. Method statements
manufacturers recommendations. All records
are project specific.
to be kept on file in Finance Office.
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Staff Training
All operatives will be CSCS Health and Safety
trained. Each operative is specifically trained in
the use of hazardous substances, the correct use of PPE and manual handling. Asbestos
Subcontractors will be instructed for any
Awareness training is updated annually for all
shotblasting that is required. They will be
operatives. Employees will receive training
selected with regard to their experience and
appropriate to their responsibilities. Supervisors
technical capability and due regard will be given to their Health and Safety record. They will
will hold SSSTS certification. Induction training
provide their Health and Safety policy, insurance
is provided for new employees to include Company procedures and H&S awareness.
schedules and relevant training details for their
Toolbox talks are given regularly to update
operatives. All equipment brought on to site
employees on new substances, machinery and
must be tested and tagged. The Health and
Safety Sub-Contractor Statement must be completed prior to commencement of each
project. Risk assessments and method
EEC data sheets are issued for all new substances together with suitable PPE. All
statements are to be provided
National Flooring work is carried out on Clients
sites and prior to commencement of each new
project operatives will be given a safety briefing
information file.
from the Installation Manager utilising Client's own Health and Safety, Fire and Emergency
Product handling
Procedures which are to be followed in
Products used are typically, Degafloor®, Altro®
accordance with Clients site regulations. Advice
PU and Acropol® polymer material systems. For
will be taken from the Clients own H & S adviser
the product proposed and used it is most
as appropriate. All operatives are first aid
important that the correct "design, preparation
and installation instructions" are matched with
the correct EC safety datasheet and that the
Names and location of office-based first aiders
procedures are followed. COSHH assessments
can be found on rest-room noticeboards. First
will be carried out for all hazardous products
aid kits are located in the finance office and
used and H&S Data Sheets carried for all
warehouse in the office building.
products. PPE shall be worn as appropriate.
Staff Welfare
This relates to occupational safety for installation
teams, all operatives being trained in the
The Operations Manager shall ensure during his
handling of hazardous substances, manual
initial site visit that adequate Welfare facilities
handling and also the quality of the finished
including suitable toilet/washing facilities are
product for safe performance under working
available on site for the comfort of all employees.
conditions for customers. [These floors are
Employees and sub-contractors shall be made
usually design solutions for heavy duty
aware of these facilities during initial safety
briefings on site.
workforces with heavy physical and/or chemical
loading and for safe operations under foot.]
When travelling distances over 60 miles/or
taking longer than 2 hours rest intervals are to
Employees are advised not to manually handle
be taken by driver.
loads that they feel incapable of handling and to
use alternative lifting/carrying techniques where
possible as instructed during Manual Handling Training Course.
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Industrial flooring systems require correct sub-floor preparation. The following are the general
Only National Flooring approved installation
methods and the safety requirements adopted.
teams will lay product. The main system used is
Degafloor and comprehensive information is
• The National Flooring team or a specialist
included in this section.
subcontractor carries out preparation. In general this is vacuum assisted shot blast
Detailed Information for all products used,
including contact details for technical services of
documentation relevant safety information
all suppliers, is held on file at this Office.
supplied by any approved subcontractors.
National Flooring will carry out a site survey in
consultation with the client/contractor to ensure that all aspects of safety and risk are understood
• Vacuum assisted floor planer. Operatives
and dealt with. Risk assessments are carried out
must wear suitable:
continuously by employees throughout their
• eye protection
Polymer systems
• hearing protection
Acropol polymer is used as a filler and scrape
coat when levels need to be made up in
preparation for resin floor laying.
Refer to Safety Data Sheets and product
• Preparation by grinding. Operatives must
Polyurethane systems
• eye protection
Refer to Altro Resin Safety Data Sheets and
• hearing protection
Altro "Design, preparation and installation
• head protection
• hand protection
Note that there is a large variety of Altro
products but we only use a select range of the
PU systems. It is most important to match the
Small hand tools, e.g.; Kango breakers.
correct reference information.
Operatives must wear suitable:
MMA systems
• eye protection
Degafloor® systems are installed using a simple
• hearing protection
drill mixing procedure, and spread by rake and
• head protection
trowel. Refer to Degussa EC Safety Data
• hand protection
• Protective aids, equipment and clothing
Operatives are fully trained in the use of
should be worn as above
equipment and provided with suitable PPE to be maintained individually. Prolonged use of hand-
• Mixing drills should be checked and certified
held machinery is to be avoided at all times.
on a regular basis
When using such equipment regular breaks
• All employees have been instructed in the
must be taken in line with relevant risk
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Degafloor is based on Degadur solvent-free,
Associated Risks
Depending on the flooring system required, the
resins are combined on site with specially blended Degafloor aggregates.
Degafloor resins are flammable until curing is
Degafloor resins harden through polymerisation.
complete (1-2 hours after addition of the
The necessary accelerator is included in the
hardener). In the work area, as defined by the
resin and hardening is initiated by adding a
Degafloor site manager, the following must be
hardener catalyst, di-benzoyl peroxide 50%.
observed by employees:
To ensure safe handling of Degafloor resins
• No smoking
storage, mixing and work areas must be well organised and laid out. Food, tobacco, etc.
• No open flames or other ignition sources
should never be taken into the work area. Good
• No welding, cutting, grinding or any other
practice includes the use of barrier creams and
process that may generate a spark
protective clothing, e.g.; safety shoes, gloves and goggles.
• Welding and cutting permits should be
strictly enforced
Work clothes must be removed on leaving the
work area for breaks. Hands, etc. must be
Site supervisors are responsible for keeping
carefully washed. Particular attention should be
operating areas safe from fire ensuring staff are
paid to washing hands BEFORE using toilets.
trained in proper fire prevention practices and
First aid equipment must always be present at
emergency evacuation procedures.
the job site and must always include sealed
sterilised eye- wash bottles. Always ensure
Suitable signs and/or barriers must be erected to
good cross-ventilation of the work area.
ensure that unauthorised personnel do not enter
Reporting of Hazards and Defects
Note however that tests conducted at the Berlin
Institut fur Bautechnik (Institute for Structural
Responsibilities of employees:
Engineering) show that a 5mm cured Degafloor
All employees have a responsibility to ensure
resin floor is categorised as "hardly inflammable"
that they report any hazards and defects noted
(Class B 1 according to DIN 4102, Part 1)
in the workplace. All hazards and defects should be reported to their supervisor.
Responsibilities of Supervisors and
Between 1975 and 1980 the major chemical
industries undertook a research programme to
Managers have a special responsibility to ensure
investigate any possible toxic effects of exposure
the health and safety at work of employees and
to methylmethacrylate. The working party
visitors to site. To this end they must ensure
included research on:
that any hazards or defects reported to them are
dealt with appropriately within a reasonable
timescale. Any hazard noted should be
thoroughly investigated and the risks to
employees fully assessed and any necessary
Other health risk
actions recommended
Manager. Defective equipment must be taken
Their results can be summarised as follows:
out of service immediately and stored in an
appropriately signed safe place until repaired.
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Cancer risk
Occupational Safety
Studies of long-term and short-term exposure of MMA to rats and hamsters were carried out.
MMA did not cause cancer in the study animals.
During the application of Degafloor methyl
b Birth defects
Pregnant rats and mice were subjected to high
characteristic odour, are briefly given off until
vapour concentrations of MMA, with no
curing has occurred.
deformities in the new born.
This typical odour functions as a warning as the
Mutagenic risk
perception threshold for methacrylate lies
Despite many tests being conducted, no
between 0.05 and 0.21 ml/m3 (ppm), which is
evidence was found of MMA having any
Mutagenic effect.
concentration for the work place (MAK-value) of
50 ml/m3 (ppm) or 210 mg/ m3 (1989, Germany).
d Other health risks
The MAK value may differ from country to
Further tests carried out with animals and
observation of workers in five different MMA
The MAK-value corresponds to a level that, in
examinations have shown no evidence of health
general, does not pose a health risk to workers,
hazard while in contact with the resin.
even when they are exposed to the substance
on a long term and work a 40 hour week and an
It is also notable that MMA resin has been used
8 hour day. It is permissible to exceed the MAK-
for many years in bone surgery (e.g.; as an
value for MMA briefly up to 8 times per shift over
adhesive for skull fractures and hip joint
a period of 5 minutes up to 100 ppm. If high
replacement) and in dentistry (e.g. in the
concentrations occur additional occupational
manufacture of false teeth).
safety measures are required, e.g. gas masks (according to TRGS 415).
Contact With Skin
As with all other types of resin flooring, when installing Degafloor in food industry areas there
Direct contact with skin may result in local
is a risk of tainting and any food products should
irritations. High concentration of MMA fumes
be removed during application and curing of the
can irritate the conjunctiva, the mucous
resins. MMA emits a strong but harmless smell.
membranes of the mouth and pharynx, and the
upper respiratory tract (coughing). The intensity
Odour and taste, especially of fat containing food
of these effects is subject to individual sensitivity.
products, are influenced by methyl methacrylate
Allergic reactions, in the form of skin rashes, can
(MMA). This also applies to packed food
occur in cases of specific over sensitivity; further
products if there is a possibility of MMA vapours
contact with MMA containing products should be
penetrating the packaging material.
avoided in such cases.
Note however that curing of Degafloor resins is
Barrier creams should always be used. Care
complete within 1-2 hours of addition of the
should be taken to wrists and ankles. If resin
hardener. Appropriate ventilation and extraction
comes into contact with the skin it should
procedures should ensure that the work area is
immediately be washed off using resin removal
free from MMA vapour and available for
cream, detergent. Barrier cream should then be
production use a very short time after installation
Never use solvents for washing hands, which can induce dermatitis reactions due to leaching out of skin oils.
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Contact With Eyes
If hardener comes into contact with the eyes,
Respiratory organs
burns leading to blindness can be expected.
• Move the patient out of the danger area and
Safety glasses must be worn during all work with
hardeners e.g. removal from the drum, addition
• Keep the patient absolutely still and warm
to resin, stirring, application of coating, etc.
• If possible supply oxygen
Safety glasses should have a side protection.
• Transport the patient to hospital, lay the
patient down (on the side if there is a danger
First Aid Procedures
of loss of consciousness)
Accidents Definition: An unplanned event
Digestive organs
that causes injury to person or persons, damage
Drink plenty of water, in small sips (dilution
to property, plant or a combination of both.
Additionally, administer activated charcoal (1
tablespoon activated charcoal alumied in 1
All accidents are to be reported using Company
documentation provided, all accident records will
• Consult a doctor and inform of the chemical
be kept at the office. Any notifiable accidents
will be reported in accordance with RIDDOR,
and/or di-benzoyl peroxide) and the first aid
investigated by senior management and any
measures already carried out.
action taken recorded .In the event of a serious accident HSE must be informed immediately by telephone. First Aid facilities on site will be
Contact With Skin
noted during initial site visit and operatives will
• Remove contaminated clothing, including
be briefed on their location.
shoes. Immediately remove any splashes on
the skin with clean, dry cotton wool.
Additionally, each van will carry a portable first
• Flush skin with plenty of water
aid kit for use on site.
• Never use solvents to wash skin
• If necessary bandage wounds sterile
Near misses (an unplanned event that does not
cause injury or damage but could do so if a
Consult a doctor and inform of the chemical
similar thing happened again) must also be
reported to senior management for investigation.
and/or di-benzoyl peroxide) and the first aid
measures already carried out.
Contact With Eyes
In case of emergencies, the clients own
• Protect the undamaged eye while flushing the
procedures will be followed. These will be made
eye with plenty of water and spreading the
clear to National Flooring employees during their
eye lids wide open
initial safety briefing on site.
• Order the patient to move the eye in all
directions during flushing
Emergency procedures within the office building
• Consult an eye specialist and inform of the
can be found in each office together with
information on nearest fire exit. Fire marshals
and/or di-benzoyl peroxide) and the first aid
are appointed to ensure regular maintenance
measures already carried out
and testing of fire alarms and also fire drills. All
records to be kept in Fire Safety Log book in

F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Storage Transport And Handling
• GGVE, GGVS, RID, ADR: Class 3, 3ob
• IMDG-Code Class 3.2. UN No. 1247 PG.II
Degafloor resins are low-viscosity mixtures of
• ICAO-TI/ITA-DGR Class 3, UN No. 1247
special polymers in monomeric methacrylic acid
esters. The content of methylmethacrylate
• Flammable, flash point +10oC to +13oC
monomer (MMA) determines their storage,
handling and transport regulations.
• EMS No. 3-03 MFAG No. 330
• Not permitted for mail dispatch
• Packages containing Degafloor resins have
Due to their content of methylmethacrylate
to be labelled with danger labels of model 3
monomer (MMA) Degafloor resins are rated
(flammable liquids)
flammable and are subject to Group A, Hazard
Class 1 of the German VbF (Regulation on Combustible Liquids). Therefore the regulations
for "Working with Solvents" as published in the information sheet by the Trade Association of
The directive 67/548/EC for classification of
dangerous substances lists MMA under 607-
035-00-6. Degafloor resins must be labelled
MMA vapours are heavier than air! The
with the symbols F (highly flammable) and Xi
evaporation rate of monomeric MMA is 3 (for
(irritating) and R-phrases R-11-36/37/38-43
comparison: diethyl ether = 1).
(according to directive 88/379/EC).
Never store Degafloor resins near sources of
• In case of leaks:
ignition (sparks, etc.). Degafloor resins should
Absorb any spilled resin with sawdust or sand
be stored in cool places (shaded from direct
and dispose of by controlled incineration
sunlight and radiant heat) and in closed
containers, preferably at temperatures between
• In case of fire:
15-20oC. Adequate ventilation of the storage
Extinguish fire with dry foam or sand
area should be provided. Hardener powder and
accelerator must be stored separately.
Under operation of these guidelines the
minimum shelf life of Degafloor resins is 6
months. Paraffin separation and lumps can be re-dissolved by heating the container to +35 oC while stirring.
Signed ………………………………
The flashpoints of Degafloor resins range from
+10oC to +13oC (DIN 51755). Therefore
Position: Managing Director
Degafloor resins belong to Class 3 (flammable
liquids) of the transport regulations.
Date …14 Feb 2012……….
The following transport regulations apply:



F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
Safe Use of MMA's



F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
F l o o r s F o r I n d u s t r y
The National Flooring Company Limited, Crusader House, High Street, Maxey, Peterborough PE6 9HQ
Tel: 01778 343670 Fax: 01778 380912
Health & Safety Information
SELECTED SUMMARIESHenry J. Binder, M.D. Selected Summaries Editor Yale University School of MedicineNew Haven, Connecticut 06520-8019 STAFF OF CONTRIBUTORS Laurence Blendis, Toronto, Canada Ronald L. Koretz, Sylmar, CA Mitchell L. Schuber t, Richmond, VA Rober t Bresalier, Detroit, MI Kris V. Kowdley, Seattle, WA Fergus Shanahan, Wilton, Cork, Ireland Guadalupe Garcı´a-Tsao, New Haven, CT