Phenotypic vs. target-based drug discovery for first-in-class medicines
of dietary supplements labeled as ephe-
5. James, W.P.
et al. Effect of sibutramine on
as demonstrated by imatinib (Gleevec)1
cardiovascular outcomes in overweight and
dra free is an example of important
and gefitinib (Iressa),2 and it has raised
obese subjects.
N. Engl. J. Med. 363, 905–917
work that protects the public by helping
expectations for the majority of drug
rid the garden of pharmaceutical weeds. 6.
Consumer Reports. What's behind our dietary
discovery to follow the same path.
supplements cover
If laws such as DSHEA were reversed,
Before the advent of target-based drug
less weeding would be necessary.
discovery, new medicines were discov-
ered by evaluating different chemicals
7. Sesso, H.D.
et al. Multivitamins in the
against phenotypes—an organism's
The author declared no conflict of interest.
prevention of cardiovascular disease in men: the Physicians' Health Study II randomized
observable characteristics—in authen-
controlled trial.
JAMA 308, 1751–1760 (2012).
tic biological systems, such as animals
8. Park, S.Y., Murphy, S.P., Wilkens, L.R., Henderson,
or cells. Many factors influenced the
1. Foster, L.
et al. Multiple dosing of ephedra-
B.E. & Kolonel, L.N. Multivitamin use and the
free dietary supplements: hemodynamic,
risk of mortality and cancer incidence: the
shift from a phenotypic approach to a
electrocardiographic, and bacterial
multiethnic cohort study.
Am. J. Epidemiol. 173,
target-based approach, including the
contamination effects.
Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 93,
906–914 (2011).
idea that a rational, measurable progres-
267–274 (2013).
9. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA recalls
2. Kernan, W.N.
et al. Phenylpropanolamine and
adulterated dietary supplemen
sion from gene to clinic to registration
the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
N. Engl. J. Med.
would increase research and develop-
343, 1826–1832 (2000).
December 2012).
ment success and productivity. Rational,
3. Colman, E. Food and Drug Administration'sw
10. Qato, D.M., Alexander, G.C., Conti, R.M.,
Obesity Drug Guidance Document: a short
Johnson, M., Schumm, P. & Lindau, S.T. Use of
informed target-based approaches use
Circulation 125, 2156–2164 (2012).
prescription and over-the-counter medications
molecular tools of genetics, chemistry,
4. Pearce, N.
et al. Case–control study of prescribed
and dietary supplements among older adults
and informatics to drive drug discovery
fenoterol and death from asthma in New
in the United States.
JAMA 300, 2867–2878
Zealand, 1977–81.
Thorax 45, 170–175 (1990).
and also provide criteria and boundaries
for choosing patient populations, set-
ting doses, and quantitatively measur-
Phenotypic vs. Target-Based
ing efficacy and toxicity. Unfortunately,
this shift in approach has not yet trans-
formed the industry.
Drug Discovery for First-in-Class
To investigate whether some strategies
have been more successful than others
in the discovery of new drugs, my group
analyzed the discovery strategies and
the MMOA for new molecular entities
DC Swinney1
and new biologics approved by the US
Food and Drug Administration between
Current drug discovery strategies include both molecular
1999 and 2008 (
Figure 1).3 Of the 259
agents approved, 75 were first-in-class
and empirical approaches. The molecular approaches are
drugs with new MMOAs. Of these, 50
predominantly hypothesis-driven and are referred to as target-
(67%) were small molecules and 25
based. The empirical approaches are referred to as phenotypic
(33%) were biologics. The results also
because they rely on phenotypic measures of response. a recent
show that the contribution of pheno-
typic screening to the discovery of first-
analysis revealed the phenotypic approaches to be the more
in-class small-molecule drugs exceeded
successful strategy for small-molecule, first-in-class medicines. The that of target-based approaches—with
rationalization for this success was the unbiased identification of
28 and 17 of these drugs coming from
the molecular mechanism of action (mmoa).
the two approaches, respectively—in an
era when the major focus was on target-
based approaches.
Drug discovery and development in the at specific molecular locations in human
The first-in-class medicines discov-
past quarter century has focused on the DNA were found to be responsible ered by phenotypic screening included
promise of molecular medicine to iden-
for some cancers, raising the hope of those discovered using animal models
tify medicines to treat unmet medical developing successful therapies tai-
such as ezetimibe (Zetia) for reduc-
need by targeting specific gene prod-
lored to individual patients. The gene-
ing levels of blood cholesterol; those
ucts. For example, mutations, or defects, to-medicine approach has had success, discovered with cellular assays such
as vorinostat (Zolinza), the first his-
1Institute for Rare and Neglected Diseases Drug Discovery, Mountain View, California, USA. Correspondence:
tone deacetylase inhibitor, which was
reported to come from the observa-
tion that dimethyl sulfoxide had an
CliniCal pharmaCology & TherapeuTiCs VOLUME 93 NUMBER 4 APRIL
link a specific molecular mechanism of
action (MMOA) to the desired pheno-
type, drug discovery can focus efforts
toward addressing specific hypotheses
Figure 2).
Each of these two approaches has its
strengths and weaknesses, and advo-
cates and detractors. Although phe-
notypic approaches use semiempirical
methods that do not require under-
standing of the mechanism, they do
require an understanding of biology to
the extent that biomarkers that trans-
late to human disease must have been
identified. Additionally, it is difficult to
accept the risk of moving a compound
into development without some under-
standing of mechanism to help evaluate
dose–response relationships. Fortu-
nately, there are many classic technolo-
Figure 1 Distribution of new drugs discovered between 1999 and 2008, according to the discovery
gies that can aid in the identification of a
strategy. The graph illustrates the number of new molecular entities (NMEs) in each category. Phenotypic screening was the most successful approach for first-in-class drugs, whereas target-based screening was
new mechanism, including biochemical
the most successful for follower drugs during the period of this analysis. The total number of medicines
fractional isolation of activity and affin-
discovered via phenotypic assays was similar for first-in-class and follower drugs—28 and 30, respectively.
ity purification. This problem-solving
The total number of medicines discovered via target-based screening was nearly five times higher for
approach can also enable researchers
follower drugs than for first-in-class drugs (83 vs. 17, respectively). Reprinted from ref. 3 with permission.
to utilize new molecular technologies
of chemical biology, proteomics, and
network biology. An example of a med-
unexpected effect on cancer cells; and action" describes the way that biologi-
icine whose predecessor was discov-
those identified in bacterial assays cal parts collaborate to provide an effec-
ered in a phenotypic assay is ezetimibe
such as linezolid (Zyvox), an oxa-
tive and safe medicine. Addressing the (Zetia), whose target was subsequently
zolidinone antibiotic. Target-based MMOA would contribute to reversing identified using a genetic approach as
successes included tyrosine kinase the low productivity of target-based the sterol transporter Niemann-Pick
inhibitors for cancer, including gefi-
discoveries because merely know-
C1-Like 1 (NPC1L1).4 More recently,
tinib (Iressa) (target, EGFR), imatinib ing the identity of a part involved in a Chung and co-workers from Glaxo-
(Gleevec) (target, BCR-ABL), sorafenib defect may not be sufficient to repair a SmithKline demonstrated the use of
(Nexavar) (target, Raf), and sunitinib malfunctioning machine. We postulate chemoproteomics to identify BET bro-
(Sutent) (targets, VEGFR/PDGFR), and that a target-centric approach for first-
modomains as the target for inhibitors
antivirals, including maraviroc (Selzen-
in-class drugs, without consideration of identified in phenotypic assays.5
try) (target, CCR5), raltegravir (Isen-
an optimal MMOA, may contribute to
An interesting question is whether
tress) (target, HIV integrase), and the current high attrition rates and low more time and resources are required
zanamivir (Relenza) (target, influenza productivity in pharmaceutical research to follow up empirical findings from
and development.
phenotypic assays than to test multiple-
Our previous paper3 proposed that
These observations led to the proposal target hypotheses. In the phenotype
lower productivity partly reflects target-
that the progression of drug discovery approach, the early risk is decreased
based discovery's lack of consideration from unmet medical need to best-in-
as a result of the activity in a transla-
of the molecular complexities of the class medicines is facilitated by the use tional phenotypic assay. Obviously, the
drugs' action. Knowing the parts of an of phenotypic assays to identify first-
predictive value of translational assays
efficient machine—a watch, an automo-
in-class medicines and their respec-
for human biology must be tested and
bile, or a computer—is not sufficient to tive MMOAs. Progression correlates validated for both approaches. The lack
describe how it works. The parts must with an iterative increase in knowledge of understanding of mechanism may
collaborate in precise ways to provide to specifically address a phenotype slow progression of the drug candidate
accurate time, reliable transportation, related to the unmet medical need. because subsequent studies will need to
or processed information.
Early in the progression, the knowl-
be empirical. Perhaps more resources
Biology is infinitely more complex. edge is achieved by empirical analysis. and time will be required earlier in order
The phrase "molecular mechanism of Ideally, as more knowledge is gained to to understand the mechanism. With
greater access to more reliable pheno-
typic assays.
Our analysis found high success of phe-
notypic approaches to small-molecule
first-in-class drug discovery in an era
when the majority of efforts were focused
on molecular target–based approaches.
This finding is surprising because mod-
ern medical research is based on the
assumption that a clearer understand-
regardless of the
ing of the molecular mechanism of dis-
ease, enabled by genetic and molecular
Iterative increase in knowledge
advances, would lead to an increase in
new medicines. In drug discovery the
preferred scenario has been that molecu-
Progression from empirical to hypothesis testing
lar mechanisms associated with disease
are represented by targets and that quan-
titation of target modulation facilitates
Figure 2 Progression of drug discovery from unmet medical need to best-in-class medicines. This
a more rational development. However,
simplified schematic highlights the contribution of empirical approaches to first-in-class medicines,
the mechanistic details to enable this
hypothesis-driven approaches for best-in-class medicines, and the role of mechanistic understanding. Progression correlates with an iterative increase in knowledge to specifically address a phenotype
approach are not always available, vali-
related to the unmet medical need. Early in the progression, the knowledge is achieved by empirical
dated, or sufficient for the specific medi-
analysis. Ideally, as more knowledge is gained to link a specific mechanism of modulation to the desired
cal need. It is unrealistic to assume that
phenotype, drug discovery can focus efforts to address specific hypotheses. The relative timing of
we can know the exact molecular and
employing empirical vs. hypothesis-driven approaches is influenced by the validation of mechanistic
mechanistic details of complex human
understanding. MMOA, molecular mechanism of action.
diseases. Empirical analyses, including
phenotypic assay, have been successful
in the past and require fewer mechanistic
target-based approaches, the mecha-
that the vast majority of academic biol-
assumptions. The challenge is to use an
nistic hypothesis should enable rapid, ogy is also hypothesis-driven. At issue appropriate combination of empirical and
measured progress to clinical proof-
is the value of hypothesis-driven medi-
mechanistic research and development
of-concept studies, although it may be cal research for new discoveries. Is the to enable good ideas to successfully
necessary to evaluate more than one hypothesis overvalued at the expense of move forward.
candidate target and MMOA to find a traditional empirical evaluation? It can
winner. It is therefore possible that a tar-
be argued that in seeking the best path to The author declared no conflict of interest.
get-based approach will add to the cost new medicines, academic science should
of development because of the need to be focusing not on gene-based, hypoth-
evaluate multiple hypotheses. Interest-
esis-driven research but on translating 1. Capdeville, R., Buchdunger, E., Zimmermann,
ingly, in current drug discovery discus-
disease knowledge into disease-relevant
J. & Matter, A. Glivec (ST571, imatinib), a
sions the central feature of any approach phenotypic assays for screening and
rationally developed, targeted anticancer
is the level of mechanistic understanding chemical biology approaches to screen-
Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 1, 493–502 (2002).
2. Barker, A.J.
et al. Studies leading to the
required to move a compound forward. ing and target identification as well as on
identification of ZD1830 (Iressa): an orally
However, an understanding of mecha-
systematic approaches to understanding
active, selective epidermal growth factor
nism is not required for regulatory the MMOA. Even with the many new
receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeted to the treatment of cancer
. Bioorg. Med. Chem.
approval; the regulatory agencies are less technologies that are now available for
11, 1911–1914 (2001).
concerned with the MMOA of a com-
phenotypic assays—e.g., high-content 3. Swinney, D.C. & Anthony, J. How were new
pound than with whether it is effective.
screening with stem cells, primary
medicines discovered?
Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 10, 507–519 (2011).
Both Paul Janssen and Sir James Black human cells, zebrafish, and
4. Garcia-Calvo, M.
et al. The target of ezetimibe
emphasized the importance of using
rhabditis elegans—in many therapeutic
is Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 (NPC1L1).
Proc. Natl.
assays that translate to the human dis-
areas it is not routine to establish and
Acad. Sci. USA 102, 8132–8137 (2005).
5. Chung, C.
et al. Discovery and characterization
ease.6,7 The decline in productivity in validate phenotypic assays that trans-
of small molecule inhibitors of the BET family
relation to research investment in the late effectively to human disease. This is
J. Med. Chem. 54, 3827–3838
pharmaceutical industry has also been particularly evident with animal models
6. Black, J. Personal perspective on Dr. Paul
matched by a similar decline in trans-
whose predictability for human diseases
J. Med. Chem. 48, 1687–1688 (2005).
lational research in academia. A very is not always reliable. Greater focus on 7. Black, J. Learning by doing [interview].
important aspect of the debate is the fact translational research should lead to
Interv. 4, 139–142 (2004
CliniCal pharmaCology & TherapeuTiCs VOLUME 93 NUMBER 4 APRIL
Supplement to November 2002 TO TREAT LEUKODERMAL SKIN CONDITIONS SUCH AS STRETCH MARKS AND HMP Communications Supported by an educational grant from Lumenis Inc. TO TREAT LEUKODERMAL SKIN CONDITIONS New research highlights successes in repigmenting mature stretch marks and hypopigmented scars.
Guide du futur transplanté du foie Qu'est-ce qu'une transplantation ? La transplantation est une opération par laquelle un organe malade est remplacé par un organe sain prélevé sur une personne décédée. La personne transplantée est appelée un receveur, celle qui est décédée est un donneur. L'organe prélevé est un greffon. Quand transplante-t-on ?