
Volume 3, Issue 3
A Periodic Electronic Publication for & by the Staff of Winchester Public Schools
Superintendent's Message
Goal for the New Year
Let's face it, New Year's resolutions don't get a whole lot of respect. Our annual rite of commit-ment, usually directed at self improvement—"this year I'm going to take 10 pounds off, and keepit off!" - is often long since forgotten by the time the winter snow melts and the first signs ofspring appear. I love the sentiment of the New Year's resolution. We mark the passage of timewith the turning of the calendar, and with it we make a commitment to do something better, tobe a healthier person, to do something extraordinary in our life. It's our lack of follow-throughthat I find disheartening.
By now you have heard my rallying call for persistence. Whether in a convocation address or inour private conversations throughout the year, I have tried to convey how this one trait, persis-tence, is the best predictor of our eventual success. We may have the best ideas in the world, orthe purest sentiment to do what is good and right, but if we are not willing to pursue our goalswith endurance and tenacity, our efforts are for naught. In fact, as all of us can attest to, whenwe fail to achieve a goal simply because we've given up, we get the double whammy—we're backto where we started (the 10 pounds is back on!) and we now also carry the emotional baggageof having failed to keep our commitment.
Why do I emphasize the importance of persistence in our roles as educators? By definition, per-sistence anticipates that our efforts at change will always be in the face of opposition and diffi-culty. And as practitioners in this noble pursuit of public education we know alltoo well that forces of opposition and difficulty surround us. Whether it is
On The Wire
working with students living in a culture of low expectations or studentsstruggling with destructive behaviors, we know that our efforts will always Inside Story
require patience and understanding, and will always depend on our stead-fast belief that education represents the best chance for our children to Inside Story
become happy and productive citizens.
So I know that it is still early, and we haven't even started the holidays, Inside Story
but I would ask you to think about this when you're considering resolutionsfor 2012—resolve to be persistent in all your pursuits. Be thoughtful about Inside Story
your goals, and then be absolutely resolute and unyielding in your pursuitof success!
My best to you and yours during this holiday season. See you in 2012!
"Consider the postage stamp.It secures success through its ability Inside Story
to stick to one thing till it gets there!" - Josh Billings

Becky Bush, Kindergarten teacher
During the month of November, the third grade students at VACDES wrote lettersto veterans. Many of the letters were sent to family and friends of VACDES stu-dents who are currently serving in the military. The children expressed theirthanks to the men and women serving our country and protecting our freedoms.
On Veteran's Day, the students enjoyed an assembly with three veterans sharingtheir experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was exciting to see pictures of adust storm, night vision, and the very large camel spiders! Some children had theexperience of trying on equipment the men used while deployed in the foreigncountries.
Mrs. Peter's third grade class recently received a thank you from one of the veter-ans who received letters from the class. This is what he said, "I recently receiveda package with letters from your 3rd grade class and I wanted to tell you and thekids, how appreciative I am of the letters!!! I've been in for a while and this is thefirst time I've ever received something like this and it's an incredible feeling.
Veterans are
Specialist Matt Meily,
(fiancé of Katie Mottley),
Cpl. Jeff Oliviero
(boyfriend of Rachael Bradley),
Captain Erik Norell
(Brother of Sonja Sneddon)
Katie, Rachel, and Sonja are
teachers at VACDES.

Michelle Myers.,Lead Teacher
John Kerr Elementary School PTO Run for Fun Fundraiser
The John Kerr Staff and students participated in a Run for Fun Fundraiser on Octo-ber 28, 2011. This event was spon-sored by the John Kerr PTO and coor-dinated by David Scott, Physical Edu-cation Teacher.
Parents, grandpar-
ents, and friends sponsored studentsand also came to join the run, walk,skip, and hop event!
Kindergarten and first grade studentsled the way, following a designatedcourse and demonstrating Level 4 be-haviors.
Second and third graders
followed, completing one course lap,then returning to be seated on theblack top behind their teacher's cone. Fourth grade, "JKES: seniors, provided astrong finish, after enthusiastically encouraging each grade level preceding them.
All participants could choose to run or walk. Parents, family members, communityvolunteers, teachers, and members of the John Kerr staff accompanied studentsthroughout the course. Many spectators offered encouragement. As studentscrossed the finish line, they were offered bottled water and a healthy snack.
PTO President, Kristy Walker, waspleased we were able to raise $2800!In addition, Mr. Scott was able to in-clude this physical activity as time to-wards our goal in the Anthem ClueCross and Blue Shield Get Active, GetFit School Challenge, hosted by RadioDisney. This event was a huge success!The fresh air, smiles on the children'sfaces, and the inclusive participationmade this event incredibly worthwhile.

Steve Muller, Director of Technology
Movies in the Classroom-Respecting Copyright
During this time of year, some schools may wish to show holiday movies to the students. WPS has purchased a li-
cense allowing teachers to publicly display movies in their classrooms. The movies may be rented, brought from home,
or purchased. Many movies are covered by this license, but not all movies!
To determine if a movie you wish to show your students is permitted-
1. Log onto
2. You will see this on your monitor
3. Click on K-12 Schools
4. You will see this on your monitor
5. Using the drop down menu you will
choose Title, Director, Actor, Genre, or
Complete List and enter the appropriate
word or term and click Search
6. Any search results displayed are movies which may be shown in your classroom. In this example the movie "WhiteChristmas" is listed so it may be used in the classroom. If the movie you searched for is not listed it may not be used in
the classroom unless the public exhibition rights were purchased.
Donna Eagle and Lynda Hickey
New Teacher Evaluation Task Force
our current evaluation process to meet thenew standards.
One initiative of the task
to Begin Work
force is to help identify how we are already
In April of this year, the Virginia Depart-
ment of Education, in order to meet federal
(common assessments, standardized tests,
regulations, revised the Guidelines for Uni-
portfolios, performance criteria, etc.) We in-
form Performance Standards and Evalua-
tion Criteria for Teachers and the Virginia
Activate discussions among your in-
Standards for the Professional Practice of
field colleagues around the questions "if
Teachers to become effective July 1, 2012.
we could choose the measurements that
WPS has established a task force to work
would be most effective for showing our
through the project over the next 6
students' academic growth and against
months. Teachers and administrators were
which we might be evaluated, what would
intentionally selected from each of the
schools and across content and specialtyareas to ensure a wide perspective as the
Contact the following colleagues on
task force works collaboratively to develop
the task force to share your sugges-
the new evaluation instrument. The goals
are the same as our current evaluation
HHS: Doug Joyner, BJ Hawkins, Dan Haw-
system, to improve student achievement
kins, Beth Holbrook
through the quality of instruction and pro-
DMMS: Sarah Kish, Liz White, Kathy Wetsel,
vide a basis of instructional improvement
through productive teacher appraisal andprofessional growth by clearly established
FDES: Heather Campbell
JKES: Anita Jenkins, Ryan Stitcher
The seven performance standards required
VACDES: Bev Thomas, Patricia Hedden,
in the guidelines are:
1. Professional knowledge
QES: Robin Scully
2. Instructional Planning
CAO: Donna Eagle, Lynda Hickey
3. Instructional Delivery
Let us know your suggestions:
4. Assessment of and for Student Learning
can share those through a special e-mail
account [email protected]
5. Learning Environment
The task force is meeting at least once a
6. Professionalism
month beginning December 19 until the end
7. Student Academic Progress
of the school year. The current timeline has
One of the new requirements is that a por-
WPS fully implementing the new evaluation in
tion of each teacher's evaluation be based
the 2012-2013 school year. We will continue
on student academic progress. WPS has
to update everyone through all of our com-
formed a task force to assess and revise
munication channels including minutes fromeach of the task force meetings.
Personnel and Benefits
Inclement Weather
The Farmers' Almanac is predicting a wet and wild winter for 2012! In preparationfor the upcoming winter months, the following plans are in place to notify employ-ees of inclement weather closings or delays.
In the event of bad weather during early morning hours, a decisionwill be made by WPS to delay or close schools by 5:45 a.m. A sepa-rate announcement will be made with regard to the closing or delayedopening of the Central Administrative Office. Information will be an-nounced on the WPS website, local radio stations, local news channels, and through the WPS AlertNow system.
make sure your AlertNow information is up-to-date by logging intoyour account.
If school opens in the morning and weather conditions worsen during
the school day, the Superintendent may announce an early closure. If conditionsare severe early in the day, a projected dismissal time of 1:00 p.m. is likely.
The 2011-2012 school calendar includes five inclement weather days. If there areschool closings, the last day of school will be determined by the number of inclem-ent weather days used.
If you have any specific questions related to the delay or closing of your school orbuilding, please talk to your principal or supervisor.
From the Bulletin Board…
December Pay Date Reminder: Due to the holiday break this month, the
end of the month payroll will be paid on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 instead
of December 30th. Employees who are paid on a semi-monthly basis will receive
their regularly scheduled pay on Thursday, December 15th and the end of the
month payroll on Wednesday, December 21, 2011.
December 31st—Last day for free flu shots for WPS employees.
W-2 Mailings: The end of the year is quickly approaching and W-2 tax forms will
be mailed no later than January 31, 2012. If your address changed in 2011 and
you have not yet notified the Payroll Department, please contact Kristen Campbell
or Dian O'Rourke in Personnel to request a change of address packet.
Personnel and Benefits
Talking to Your Doctor
Does your doctor know something you don't
A doctor visit has two benefits
It gives your doctor a chance to ask questions about your health. This always happens.
It gives you a chance to ask questions of your own. This may not happen enough.
The average office visit lasts about 15 minutes. If you don't ask about your health, the visitcould be a wasted opportunity.
A few minutes of solid Q & A with your doctor can prevent some real problems. Don't be afraidto ask the tough questions.
10 questions to ask our doctor
1. What's my blood sugar level and what does it mean?
2. What's my blood pressure and how can I control it?
3. What do my cholesterol numbers mean?
4. Are my Body Mass Index (BMI), waist measurements and weight at Healthy levels?
5. Can you recommend a check-up and screening schedule for my age?
6. Which exercise or diet options would be especially good for me?
7. If you recommend a test or treatment, what is it for and are there other options?
8. Knowing my family history and risk factors, how can I lower my disease risk?
9. Have any tips for reducing stress?
10. What are the interactions, side effects and dose schedule for this medication?
Sources: "Ask the Doctor" checklist (WEBMD): guide atoz/hw14761.asp
Talking to your doctor (National Institutes of Health):
This information is intended for educational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as medical ad-vice. Please consult your physician for advice about changes that may affect your health.
Personnel and Benefits
Healthy Eating for the Holiday
for crudités, lean deli meats, chicken kebabs, salsa (instead ofusing chips, spoon up thicker salsa straight from your plate or
with a piece of chicken), steamed asparagus (one large spear hasonly four calories, boiled shrimp (22 calories for four large shrimp), and grapes (two
calories a piece). On a cheese tray, go for lower calorie selections such as soft goat
cheese and feta, and skip the cracker when eating hard cheeses.
to miss out on the opportunity to enjoy the cake, cookies, or chocolates during the holi-
days? If you know you're going to want dessert, rather than denying yourself, simply
cut back on the hors d'oeuvres or dinner—this can be as simple as not having bread oravoiding the pasta and having mostly salad or veggies.
DON'T HOVER AROUND THE BUFFET TABLE— When you're at a party buffet table,
choose three or four items you really want to eat, then step away from the table so
you're not tempted to graze.
USE A NAPKIN—An easy way to monitor portion size is to put food on a small plate, or
even better, on a napkin. It's a simple trick: You can't fit as much on a napkin so you
won't eat as much. Another option: Go ahead and take a big plate and fill it up once,
taking one spoonful—not multiples—of each dish. No going back for seconds.
HIT THE VEGGIE TRAY—Fill up on high-fiber and low-cal raw vegetables, salad, or
broth-based (not creamy) soups. Eating raw veggies also slows down the eating proc-
ess, giving your stomach the 20 minutes it needs to signal the brain that it's gettingfull.
MAKE FRIENDS WITH WATER—Drink at least eight ounces of water, tea, or coffee so
that your thirst is quenched and your stomach already feels a little full.
MINTS OR GUM—Once you've had your fill of the food at a party, pop a piece of gum
or a mint in your mouth. You won't be as tempted to nosh—plus, your breath will be
fresher than anyone else's.
United Way NSV Pacesetter Campaign
WPS faculty and staff pledged a total of $9,853 to the 2011 United way NSV campaign.
Collections have shown a decline from 2009 ($11,000 in 2009; $10,188 in 2010). To allwho participated in this year's campaign, your expression of community leadership byway of your personal giving to benefit local families in need is appreciated.
Personnel and Benefits
these drugs. Lipitor is now on this tier.
Talk to your doctor about whether
Lipitor Has Gone Generic
switching to Atorvastatin may be right for
A new generic drug called Atorvastatin is
you. If you have questions about your
now available for the brand name Lipitor.
prescription drug benefits, contact the
This good news means you will pay a lower
Anthem Customer Service at 1-800-451-
co-payment if your doctor agrees switching
to the new generic is right for you. Whenyou take a generic drug, you get the sameeffect as a brand drug, but at a lower cost.
Tuition Assistance Opportunity for
About our drug list tiers—The drugs on
our drug list fall into three different
The Virginia Department of Education
groups, called tiers, based on their cost.
(VDOE) is accepting tuition assistance
The lower the tier, the lower the cost.
Atorvastatin was added to tier 1 on No-
teachers for the 2011-2012 school year.
vember 30, 2011. If you can switch to
Grant funds will provide tuition assistance
Atorvastatin you'll pay the lowest co-pay.
of up to $500 per course for a maximum
Lipitor moved to tier 3 (from tier 2) on De-
of two courses per year for full-time spe-
cember 5, 2011.
If you continue taking
cial education teachers who hold a valid
Lipitor, you'll pay the highest co-pay.
Virginia provisional teaching license and
Tier 1 (Retail 30 day supply is $15, mail
meet the course requirements.
order 90 supply is $30) - all generic
Applications for spring and summer 2012
You'll have the lowest co-pay
courses must be received by the VDOE
when your doctor prescribes a generic
prior to completion of the courses and
drug. The new generic Atorvastatin is
assistance will only be provided for "out
on this tier.
of pocket" tuition expenses.
Tier 2 (Retail 30 day supply $30, mail
The requirements and tuition assistance
order 90 day supply is $60) - brand
application are available online at:
name drugs that are on our drug list.
You'll pay a higher co-pay for brand
name drugs than generics. But tier 2drugs will cost less than brand namedrugs that are not on the list.
Tier 3 (Retail 30 day supply $60, mail
order 90 day supply is $120) - brandname drugs that are not on the druglist. You'll pay the highest co-pay for
"Whose child is this?" I asked one day
Seeing a little one out at play
"Mine", said the parent with a tender smile
"Mine to keep a little while
To bathe his hands and comb his hair
To tell him what he is to wear
To prepare him that he may always be good
And each day do the things he should"
"Whose child is this?" I asked again
As the door opened and someone came in
"Mine", said the teacher with the same tender smile
"Mine, to keep just for a little while
To teach him how to be gentle and kind
To train and direct his dear little mind
To help him live by every rule
And get the best he can from school"
"Whose child is this?" I ask once more
Just as the little one entered the door
"Ours" said the parent and the teacher as they smiled
And each took the hand of the little child
"Ours to love and train together
Ours this blessed task forever."
You are a "gift" to the students in Winchester. Have a blessed and restful
holiday season!
Ears and HealthA Community Report from Onemda VicHealth Koori Health Unit Karen Adams Published by: Onemda VicHealth Koori Health Unit Centre for Health and Society, School of Population Health, The University of Melbourne © Onemda VicHealth Koori Health Unit, 2006 ISBN 0 7340 3640 X First printed in July 2006 This work is joint copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, or by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community organisations subject to an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial use or sale. Reproduction for other purposes or by other organisations requires the written permission of the copyright holder(s).
Heft Nutztierhaltung 2/01 Abdruck in Absprache mit der Redaktion und unter Quellenangabe gestattet Inhaltsverzeichnis: • Veranstaltungen . 1 • Von Borell, E.: Editorial: 15. IGN-Tagung "Tierschutz und Nutztierhaltung" (2001) . 3 • EKAH und EKTV (Hrsg.): Die Würde des Tieres (2001) . 4 • Brilling, W.: Rinderzucht im Wandel (2001) . 4