
The Exclusive Vitamin
μg vitamin B per day
Vitamin B is found naturally in all foods of animal
origin and a few foods that have been fortified.
Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency can take several
years to develop as liver stores may be large and
vitamin B is recycled internally. In older people,
however, the ability to absorb vitamin B from
the gut may be reduced by lack of intrinsic factor
making onset more sudden. Dietary adequacy is
achievable for most healthy New Zealanders who
adopt a balanced eating pattern including lean red
meat and dairy products.
Vitamin B is involved in the maintenance of the
nervous system, through the production of fatty acids
in myelin. It is necessary for the rapid synthesis of DNA
during cell division. This is particularly important where
cells are dividing rapidly, such as bone marrow tissues
responsible for red blood cell formation. In vitamin
B deficiency, DNA production is disrupted and
abnormal cells called ‘megaloblasts' occur, resulting
in anaemia. In addition, low levels of vitamin B play
a role in manifesting metabolic risk factors, such
Breastfeeding women
as fat accumulation, reduced skeletal muscle and
increasing insulin resistance.
Source: NHMRC, 2006
Many New Zealanders have an adequate vitamin B
intake, although the last adult nutrition survey showed
• Serum vitamin B levels reflect both intake and
over 22% young women had inadequate intake.
stores. <150pmol/L is the traditional clinical
Certain groups may also be at greater risk of vitamin
deficiency cut-off point, although this may vary
B deficiency. This may be due to an inadequate
between laboratories. Low concentrations will,
however, represent a long-term deficiency or
intake or a reduced ability to absorb vitamin B .
chronic low dietary intake. 150pmol/L – 250pmol/L
is defined as subclinical deficiency2. Serum vitamin
B levels may not be a reliable indicator of true
Vitamin B is only found in fermented foods and
vitamin B status in those taking seaweed or
foods of animal origin, so those following a strict
spirulina supplements. These products contain
vegetarian or vegan diet are at greater risk of vitamin
inactive vitamin B analogues, which may give a
B deficiency and are recommended to take a
false, inflated status and even interfere with vitamin
• Raised homocysteine levels, above 15μmol/L,
Recommended intakes for vitamin B are higher
indicate clinical vitamin B deficiency. However,
during pregnancy and while breastfeeding to allow
raised levels may also be seen in folate and
for the needs of both mother and foetus/infant
vitamin B deficiencies, alcohol abuse3 and renal
(NHMRC, 2006). Women following a low animal food
insufficiency4, so these should also be considered.
diet are recommended to eat foods fortified with
• Serum methylmalonic acid (sMMA) levels
vitamin B or take a vitamin B supplement8.
>0.26μmol/l is a sensitive and more specific
indicator of vitamin B deficiency, although raised
levels can also occur in renal insufficiency5 and
Studies have shown infants born with vitamin
during antibiotic use6.
B deficiency to vegan mothers. This is due to
inadequate body stores. Normal infant body stores
have been estimated to last around eight months9.
Infants of vegan mothers continue at risk if breastfed
Intrinsic factor (IF) is produced in the stomach, and
by mothers not taking vitamin B supplements.
is required to release vitamin B from protein foods,
One study showed a 14 month old boy breastfed
allowing it to be absorbed in the terminal ileum. The
exclusively until 9 months of age had severe vitamin
following conditions interfere with this mechanism:
B deficiency caused by his mother's strict vegan
diet. Supplemental B led to a rapid improvement
• Pernicious anaemia – in which antibodies to IF are
in haematological and neurological symptoms,
produced, preventing absorption.
although cognitive and language development
• Gastric surgery - can lead to reduced or ineffective
remained seriously delayed at the age of two
IF production.
years9. Vegan infants who are not breastfed, should
be given a suitable soy-based infant formula until
• Disorders or surgery of the small intestine, e.g.
two years of age. Complementary foods should
Crohn's disease – which can interfere with the
include vitamin B -fortified foods each day. If not, a
absorption of the vitamin B /IF complex.
supplement will be required10.
• Long term medication use – proton pump inhibitors
and H2-receptor antagonists, such as omeprazole
and cimetidine, reduce gastric acid production
A study using a nationally-representative sample of
and hence vitamin B absorption. Metformin, used
older New Zealanders, aged over 65 years, showed
to treat diabetes, prevents the absorption of the
12% were vitamin B deficient with another 28%
vitamin B /IF complex.
marginally deficient. Atrophic gastritis, common
amongst older people, was found in 33% of those
Where malabsorption exists, increasing the intake of
with vitamin B deficiency11. This can impair vitamin
foods either rich or fortified in vitamin B is unlikely to
B absorption due to reduced gastric acid and
be effective; supplements or intramuscular injections
pepsin secretion. But this didn't fully explain the
may be required.
prevalence of vitamin B deficiency. Inadequate
intakes have also been suggested12. The Ministry of
Health recommends all older people have at least
one serving a day of lean meat, chicken, seafood or
eggs at least three servings of milk or dairy products
each day13.
Inadequate dietary intake of vitamin B may not be
½ lamb's kidney (14g)
detected at first as liver stores can be substantial.
Symptoms of deficiency may include:
2 sardines, canned (24g)
1 grilled sirloin steak (145g)
100g cooked lean beef*
100g cooked lean lamb*
• shortness of breath
2 steamed mussels (24g)
2 slices roast leg of lamb (84g)
¾ cup stewed lean beef mince
• longer term, tingling in the hands and feet, a sore
1 boiled egg (50g)
tongue and possibly memory loss, confusion and
Baked tarakihi fillet (140g)
These are largely due to the two major syndromes
½ cup grated Cheddar cheese
resulting from vitamin B deficiency – megaloblastic
1 teaspoon Marmite
anaemia and neuropathy. In older adults, dementia
may also occur in those with low plasma B
90g can tuna in brine
concentrations. A dietary balance of vitamins
1 grilled chicken breast (100g)
B , B and folate is required for the conversion of
1 grilled lean pork leg steak (82g)
methionine to cysteine, via homocysteine at all
1 pottle low fat fruit yoghurt (150g)
ages. Low levels of vitamin B , combined with high
folate renders folate unavailable and homocysteine
*average all cuts
accumulation cannot be prevented. Elevated
homocysteine is a strong, independent risk factor
for dementia, cognitive decline and cardiovascular
• Bowl of cereal(45g) with 1 cup trim milk
Vitamin B is only found naturally in foods of animal
origin, i.e. meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.
• 2 slices toast with 2 teaspoons Marmite
Vitamin B is not found in any plant foods including
and a boiled egg
grains, fruit and vegetables. Most New Zealand adults
and children obtain the majority of their vitamin
B from these foods, with beef the most common
• Filled roll with 100g lean beef and salad
source for children and second only to dairy products
• 2 canned sardines on toast
in adults14,15. Some soy products and a few yeast
extracts have vitamin B added.
• Pita filled with 100g lean lamb, lettuce, tomato
• Medium jacket potato filled with ¾ cup beef
chilli con carne, topped with ½ cup grated
The Ministry of Health Food and Nutrition Guidelines
cheese and served with salad
recommend the inclusion of vitamin B for all New
Zealanders. For example, the adult guidelines state:
Tip: Add some chopped kidneys or grated lamb's
"Meat, seafood, milk and milk products, egg and
fry* to chilli con carne for an extra vitamin B boost.
liver are rich sources of vitamin B . The consumption
*Pregnant women should avoid eating more than
of foods rich in vitamin B should be encouraged"16.
100g of lamb's fry/liver a week.
• Steak and kidney pie (136g piece) and
Dairy products, eggs and/or foods with added
vitamin B should be eaten every day. Foods with
added vitamin B include some fortified soy products
• Lean lamb leg steak (120g) stir-fry with
and a few yeast extracts. Strict vegetarians or
vegetables and noodles
vegans, should take a vitamin B supplement. This is
• Pizza topped with 90g tinned tuna
particularly important when breastfeeding, to ensure
and 1 cup cheese
adequate infant stores. Spirulina and other seaweed
products are not considered suitable sources of
• Grilled sirloin steak with wedges and salad
Tip: Desserts, including dairy products, such as fresh
fruit and yoghurt or fruit crumble and custard, will add
extra vitamin B .
• 1 slice of bread and 1 teaspoon of Marmite
• 1 tablespoon of liver paté on 2 crackers
• Fruit smoothie with 250ml milk and
• A pottle of yoghurt
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). (2006). Nutrient
Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand Including Recommended
Dietary Intakes. Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Health and
Carmel, R., Green, R., Rosenblatt, D. S., & Williams, D. (2003). Update on
• Check strict vegetarians or vegans are
cobalamin, folate and homocysteine. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ
eating fortified foods or taking a supplement
Program: 62-81.
Carmel, R. & James, S.J. (2002). Alcohol abuse: an important cause of
particularly when pregnant or breastfeeding.
severe hyperhomocysteinaemia. Nutr Rev, 60 (7pt1): 215-221.
Herrmann, W., Schorr, H., Geisel, J., & Riegel, W. (2001). Homocysteine,
cystathionine, methylmalonic acid and B-vitamins in patients with renal
disease. Clin Chem Lab Med, 39 (8): 739-746.
• Monitor infants of vegan mothers carefully to
Rasmussen, K., Vyberg, B., Pedersen, K.O., & Brochner-Mortensen, J. (1990).
Methylmalonic acid in renal insufficiency: evidence of accumulation and
ensure vitamin B sufficiency.
implications for diagnosis of cobalamin deficiency. Clin Chem, 36 (8pt1):
Lindenbaum, J., Savage, D.G., Stabler, S.P., & Allen, R.H. (1990). Diagnosis
of cobalamin deficiency: II Relative sensitivities of serum cobalamin,
• Consider the many causes of vitamin B
methylmalonic acid, and total homocysteine concentrations. Am J
Hematol, 34 (2): 99-107.
deficiency when a diagnosis is made. Is it an
Mann, N.J., Li, D., Sinclair, A.J., et al. (1999). The effect of diet on plasma
inadequate intake or reduced ability to absorb
homocysteine concentrations in healthy male subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr, 53:
Ministry of Health. (2006). Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy
Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: A background paper. Wellington:
Ministry of Health.
von Schenck, U., Bender-Götze, C., Koletzko, B. (1997) Persistence of
• Encourage those planning a pregnancy to
neurological damage induced by dietary vitamin B deficiency in infancy.
Arch Dis Child 77, 137-139.
ensure an adequate intake of vitamin B . Like
10. Ministry of Health. (2008). Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy Infants
folate, vitamin B is most needed throughout
and Toddlers (Age 0-2): A background paper (4th ed.) – Partially revised
December 2012. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
pregnancy and breastfeeding and ideally
11. Green, T.J., Venn, V.J., Skeaff, C.M., Williams, S.M. (2005). Serum vitamin B
should be adequate before pregnancy.
concentrations and atrophic gastritis in older New Zealanders. Eur J Clin
Nutr, 59: 205-10.
12. Truswell, A.S. (2007). Vitamin B . Nutrition & Dietetics, 64 (suppl 4): S120-S125.
13. Ministry of Health. (2013). Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy Older
• Healthy adults can fulfil their vitamin B
People: A Background Paper. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
14. Ministry of Health. (2003b). NZ Food: NZ Children: Key results of the 2002
requirement through just one serving of lean
National Nutrition Survey. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
beef or lamb or a couple of sardines or mussels.
15. University of Otago and Ministry of Health. (2011). A Focus on Nutrition: Key
findings of the 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey. Wellington:
Pregnant and breastfeeding women who eat
Ministry of Health.
16. Ministry of Health. (2003a). Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Healthy Adults:
red meat only need an additional yoghurt or ½
A background paper. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
cup of milk to achieve their increased needs.
For copies of an accompanying Vitamin B patient fact sheet or additional nutrition resources, available free of
charge, please contact Beef + Lamb New Zealand Inc
0800 733 466 I
Reviewed by Professor Elaine Rush, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland and
Scientific Director, New Zealand Nutrition Foundation October 2014
MEDICAL TERMS IN MY SISTER'S KEEPER MOVIE AND THEIR TRANSLATION IN THE INDONESIAN SUBTITLE TEXT Oktafiani Prima Sari. [email protected] First Supervisor : Andy Bayu Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum. Second Supervisor : Rachmat Nurcahyo, M.A. Yogyakarta State University ABSTRACT This research aims 1) to describe the types of medical terms in My Sister's
Researchmaster Infection & Immuntiy Laboratory rotations & Reaearch topics IMMUNOLOGY – LABROTATIONS & RESEARCH TOPICS Researchmaster Infection & Immuntiy Laboratory rotations & Reaearch topics Title: (Immuno)pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia Workgroupleader: dr. A.W. Langerak T: 010-704 4089 E: [email protected] W: Background Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent type of leukemic proliferation in the Western world. CLL is found in adults and typically associated with age. The majority of CLL cases is of B-cell type, while a minority derives from T lymphocytes (also called T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia, T-LGL). Over the last years it has become increasingly clear that CLL is a heterogeneous disease, with a variable clinical course and differences in survival. CLL is an example of a multi-factorial disease, in which both genetic and micro-environmental factors contribute to leukemogenesis. Although in recent years many studies have focused on prognostic markers, there is still no complete picture of the factors that are involved in the (immuno)pathogenesis and that are determining for the prognosis.