Microsoft word - journnal
Oktafiani Prima Sari.
[email protected]
First Supervisor
: Andy Bayu Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum.
Second Supervisor
: Rachmat Nurcahyo, M.A.
Yogyakarta State University
This research aims 1) to describe the types of medical terms in
My Sister's
Keeper movie, 2) to describe the techniques in translating the English medical terms into Bahasa Indonesia in the subtitle of
My Sister's Keeper, and 3) to describe the clarity level of the translated medical terms in
My Sister's Keeper Movie.
This research used mixed method, a combination of qualitative and
quantitative method. The data were collected from the original VCD of
My Sister's Keeper movie in the form of words, phrases, or even sentences containing medical terms. There are three theoretical frameworks in this research: types of medical terms in SNOMED-CT, the translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002), and Arnold's clarity assessment scale (1994). The instruments in this research are the researcher, the data sheet, and an open-closed questionnaire.
There are 127 expressions in
My Sister's Keeper movie
containing medical
terms. The result shows that 1) there are thirteen types of medical terms appearing in the movie; the most frequent types are clinical finding (42 or 33.07 %) and procedure (28 or 22.05 %) that give specific meanings in certain conditions related to the purposeful activities in providing healthcare such as clinical disorder, clinical examination, and medical treatment, 2) there are twelve translation techniques employed by the translator; the most dominant techniques are borrowing (27 or 21.26 %), calque (27 or 21.26 %), and established equivalent (21 or 16.54 %) that indicates the translator's attempt to maintain the same information and understanding as provoked in the source language, and 3) from all data it is considered that 84 data (66.14 %) are clear, 24 data (18.90 %) are less clear, and 19 data (14.96 %) are unclear.
Keywords: medical terms, subtitling,
My Sister's Keeper movie, types of medical
terms, translating techniques, clarity level
challenge in translating them for a movie
Movie, also called as film and
motion picture, is considered as a
The translators need to have wide
combination of literature, art, and industry.
knowledge and high qualified skill in
Until today, some movies have spread
producing a subtitle for medical-themed
worldwide and become popular because of
movie in which medical terms occur. They
translation. Translation has an important
need to choose the best technique to transfer
role as a bridge between the language
the term in the target language. In addition,
barrier and communication.
they should account for the quality of the
Translation in movie deals with
translation product, which can be seen from
audiovisual translation branch which has
several measurements such as equivalence,
three forms: dubbing, voice-over and
accuracy, naturalness, clarity, etc.
subtitling. In Indonesia, subtitling is often
My Sister's Keeper is one of foreign
used to translate movie. The reasons are that
medical-themed movies that had been made
it is the easiest procedure, inexpensive, and
its Indonesian subtitles. It was released in
does not take a long process.
theaters on June 26, 2009. The movie,
There are several themes of foreign
which is based on a novel by Jodi Picoult,
movies that have been subtitled into Bahasa
was directed by Nick Cassavetes. It won
Indonesia such as love story, family life,
Teen Choice Award for Choice Summer
politics, and revenge. Medical-themed
Movie Drama category in 2009 and other
movie has been proven to be one of the
prestigious awards thereafter. It is narrated
most difficult movie themes to be translated.
that there is a family with a kid who suffers
In fact, there are many specific terms used
from leukemia and another younger kid is
in this movie theme which are known as
designed as a savior sibling or donor child.
medical terminology.
Medical terminology is used to
procedures and there are many science
accurately describe the human body and
associated components, conditions, and
processes in a science-based manner. It
includes the name of body organs, diseases,
phenomena that have been explained above,
the writer analyzes the translation of
procedures. Since the terms are basically
medical terms in a medical-themed movie
used by specific group of people, there is a
My Sister's Keeper. It focuses on
identifying types of medical terms, the
translation techniques, and clarity level of
Keeper movie and also in its Indonesian
those translated medical terms.
subtitle texts. The instruments in this
This research uses the nineteen
research are the researcher herself as the
hierarchies of medical terms in SNOMED-
collector, analyst, and reporter of the data;
CT: clinical finding, procedure, observable
the data sheet to record and classify the data
entity, body structure, organism, substance,
based on the research objectives; and an
specimen, pharmaceutical/biologic product,
physical object, physical force, events,
respondents to obtain the clarity level of
environment/geographical location, social
context, situation with explicit context,
To achieve trustworthiness, the
linkage concept,
researcher applied triangulation by asking a
qualifier value, record artifact, and special
medical student and two translation students
concept. It also employs the eighteen
to check the research data and findings.
translation techniques proposed by Molina
Moreover, the results were discussed with
and Albir (2002: 509-511): adaptation,
the two research supervisors.
A. Findings
linguistic compression, literal translation,
expressions containing medical terms.
modulation, particularization, reduction,
Table 1. Types of Medical Terms Found in
My Sister's Keeper Movie
substitution, transposition, and variation.
Types of Medical
Lastly, there is a modification of the clarity
Clinical finding
assessment scale from Arnold (1994: 170).
There are four clarity levels namely clear,
biologic product
average, less clear, and unclear.
geographical location
Observable entity
method, a combination of descriptive
Table 1 shows that clinical finding
qualitative and quantitative. The data in this
appears mostly in the movie (42 or 33.07
research are the words, phrases, or sentences
%). It is followed by procedure (28 or 22.05
containing medical terms in the dialogs and
%), body structure (14 or 11.02 %), social
scenes of the original source
My Sister's
Table 3 shows that 84 data (66.14 %)
pharmaceutical/biologic product (8 or 6.30
are resulting clear translation, 24 data (18.90
%), physical object (6 or 4.72 %), substance
%) are resulting in less clear translation, and
(4 or 3.15 %), environment/geographical
19 data (14.96 %) are resulting in unclear
location (3 or 2.36 %), observable entity (2
or 1.57 %), specimen (2 or 1.57 %), record
artifact (2 or 1.57 %), organism (1 or 0.80
1. Types of Medical Terms
%), and events (1 or 0.80 %).
a. Clinical Finding
Table 2. Translation Techniques Employed
Clinical finding is important for
in Translating Medical Terms in
My Sister's
Keeper Movie
Translation Techniques
Percentage (%)
examination findings. In the movie, this
type appears in the form of clinical
Established Equivalent
Literal Translation
technical name of disease.
SE Kate: He has scars on his hands from
TE Kate:
Ia punya bekas luka di
tangannya dari penyakit graft-versus-
Table 2 shows that borrowing and
(Datum 114/CF/Bor/UC)
calque are the most frequent techniques
The term ‘graft-versus-host' (n) or
used by the translator (27 or 21.26 %). It is
usually called GVHD (Graft Versus Host
followed by established equivalent (21 or
Disease) is a condition which develops
16.54 %), literal translation (11 or 8.65 %),
when cells from the grafted tissue react
particularization (9 or 7.09 %), reduction (7
against the person's own tissue, causing
or 5.51 %), description (5 or 3.94 %),
skin disorders. Thus, the term is classified
generalization (5 or 3.94 %), amplification
as clinical finding because it refers to the
(4 or 3.15 %), transposition (4 or 3.15 %),
name of disease or clinical disorder.
adaptation (3 or 2.36 %), and modulation (3
Procedure represents the purposeful
Table 3. Clarity Level of Medical Terms in
activities in providing health care.
the Indonesian Subtitle Texts of
My Sister's Keeper Movie
SE Uncle Tommy: What about
TE Paman Tommy:
Bagaimana dengan
Clarity Level
Percentage (%)
(Datum 055/Pr/Bor/C)
Chemo (informal) or chemotherapy
(formal), a noun, is a medical treatment. It
uses drugs to fight a disease, especially
insurance, or offer multiple types of
using toxic chemicals to destroy rapidly
developing cancer cells.
e. Pharmaceutical/Biologic Product
c. Body Structure
This type clearly refers to drug
This concept includes both normal
products. In this research it appears in the
and abnormal anatomical structures.
form of the name of drugs or brands.
SE Anna: A scientist hooked up my
SE Kate: I can taste your
eggs and my father's sperm to
TE Kate:
Aku bisa merasakan Cytoxan-
make a specific combination of genes.
(Datum 110/PBP/Bor/UC)
memeprtemukan sel telur ibuku dan
Cytoxan is anti-cancer chemotherapy
sperma ayahku untuk membuat sebuah
drug. It is commonly known by specific
kombinasi gen tertentu.
(Datum 007/BS/Est/C)
group who consist of doctors, medical
The term ‘egg' (n) in the context of
the expression above is a reproductive cell
produced in the female body by an ovary; if
fertilized by the male sperm it becomes an
This type includes both natural and
man-made objects required for medical
d. Social Context
injuries. Physical object in
My Sister's
This type includes social conditions
Keeper movie appears in the form of
and circumstances significant to healthcare.
devices related to medical procedure or
Social context in
My Sister's Keeper movie
treatment performed in the hospital.
appears in the form of social concept,
SE Champbell: I have
an iron lung and
occupation, person, and life style.
Judge help me steer clear of magnets.
TE Champbell:
Aku punya paru-paru besi
SE Dr. Chance:
The insurance company
dan Judge membantuku menjauhi
will definitely not approve this, so
we'lI have to re-admit through
(Datum 018/PO/Cal/LC)
Iron lung is the colloquial name for a
TE Dr. Chance:
Perusahaan asuransi tak
akan menyetujuinya jadi kita harus
negative pressure ventilator. It enables a
memasukkannya kembali lewat UGD.
person to breathe when normal muscle
(Datum 116/SC/Cal/C)
An insurance company is a company
control has been lost or the work of
that offers insurance policies to the public as
breathing exceeds the person's ability.
an employee's benefit plan. It can specialize
in one type of insurance, such as life
This type covers both biological and
nutrients, allergens, and materials.
SE Campbell:
Filgrastim shot. Those are
take medical treatment required for the
growth hormones, am I correct?
TE Campbell:
Suntikan filgrastim. Itu
hormon pertumbuhan, bukan?
(Datum 086/Su/Cal/C)
GH (Growth Hormone) or HGH
This type represents entities from a
(Human Growth Hormone) is a substance
patient that are obtained for examination or
secreted by the pituitary gland during deep
sleep. It stimulates growth of the long bones
SE Nurse: I need
the urine sample.
and protein synthesis.
TE Perawat:
Aku perlu sampel urin.
h. Environment/Geographical Location
(Datum 098/Sp/Cal/C)
The term refers to urine that is
My Sister's Keeper movie, this
purposely collected from a patient's body
type appears to represent the name of
into a sterile container for a test. Urine
location or room required for medical
contains waste products that are filtered out
of the body. If it contains anything unusual,
SE Radiology therapist to
room 231.
TE Ahli terapi radiologi ke Ruang 231.
this may indicates an underlying health
(Datum No 126: 126/EGL/Lit/C)
The term ‘room 231' is patient room
k. Record Artifact
number 231. It refers to a location in a
This type contains reports and forms
hospital where the patient stays for medical
associated with the delivery of healthcare.
treatment, called hospitalization, given by
SE Judge De Salvo: I don't see the point.
the doctors and other medical staffs.
Court's well aware of
the family's
Observable entity
medical history.
TE Hakim De Salvo:
Aku tak mengerti.
This type represents a question or
Sidang sudah tahu sejarah penyakit
assessment which can produce an answer or
(Datum 123/RA/Cal/C)
A family medical history is a record
SE Dr. Chance: Allright, Kate.
1 to 10,
of health information about a person and his
how is your pain?
TE Dr. Chance:
Baiklah. Satu sampai 10,
or her close relatives. This record can
bagaimana rasa sakitmu?
identify people with specific conditions of
(Datum 099/OE/Lit/C)
The expression above contains
certain disorders which are influenced by
numbers as scale to represent the degree of
genetic factors, environmental condition,
pain which is felt by a patient. This is a way
and lifestyle choice.
to measure how a patient feels the pain so
that the doctor and other medical staffs can
Organism includes animals, fungi,
bacteria, and plants necessary for public
health reporting and used in evidence based
infectious protocol.
SE Dr. Mark: Could be
a virus.
TE Dr. Mark:
Mungkin serangan virus.
Calque is a technique to literally
(Datum 034/Or/Bor/C)
translate a ST expression lexical or
organism which causes disease in humans,
animals and plants. Viruses cause many
SE Dr. Mark: She may have
autoimmune deficiency.
diseases including the common cold, AIDS,
TE Dr. Mark:
Mungkin dia mengalami
herpes and polio.
defisiensi otoimun.
(Datum 037/CF/Cal/UC)
Autoimmune deficiency is a lack of
This type represents occurrences that
results in injury or needs medical treatment.
‘autoimmune' is the modifier for word
SE Anna: They are
‘deficiency'. The term is translated literally
TE Anna:
Mereka produk kecelakaan.
(Datum 002/Ev/Amp/LC)
of each element and results a calque of
expression, which preserves the syntactic
something bad happens that is not expected
structure of the source language while
or intended. Relating to the context of the
introducing phrases of fixed expression in
previous dialogs in the movie, it refers to
target language.
the phenomena of having baby without
c. Established Equivalent
planning because of carelessness in having
It is a technique to use recognized
sexual intercourse, e.g. casual sex, lack of
translation in the target language which is
birth control, etc.
available in dictionary or is used for daily
2. Translation Techniques
SE Sara: Your sister's
Borrowing is a technique to take an
TE Sara:
Kakakmu sakit.
(Datum 016/CF/Est/C)
According to the
Dictionary of
language. It can be differed into pure
Medical Term (4th Ed), ‘sick' (adj) is having
borrowing and naturalized borrowing.
an illness. It can be physically or mentally
SE Sara:
Anemia, right?
ill so that makes someone feels not well or
TE Sara:
Anemia 'kan?
(Datum 032/CF/Bor/C)
not healthy. The term ‘sick' is equal with
The term ‘anemia' has been adopted
the term ‘
sakit' which is available in
in the target language and becomes a
Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI).
standard usage in the medical world of the
d. Literal Translation
Literal translation is a technique to
Reduction is a technique to suppress
translate word-for-word.
information in the target text.
SE Sara: They
put needles into Anna's
SE Paramedic:
BP is 100 over 68.
TE Paramedis:
Seratus per 68.
TE Sara:
Mereka menyuntik pinggul
(Datum 052/CF/Red/LC)
BP is an abbreviation for blood
(Datum 120/Pr/Lit/C)
Basically, the term is translated
measured in millimetres of mercury, at
literally into ‘
meletakkan jarum ke pinggul
which the blood is pumped round the body
Anna'. However, the translator transfers it
by the heart. The translator omits BP or
into a grammatically and idiomatically
blood pressure, which has a function as an
appropriate in the target language.
observable entity in medical context and
The word ‘put' consists of deeper
measurement into ‘
seratus per 68'.
meletakkan'. It is based on the context from
the surroundings dialogs which represent
It is a technique to use a description
menyuntik', a procedure to use a medical
of a term or expression in the target
stuff consists of a needle and syringe to put
a liquid such as a drug into a person's body.
SE Anna: It wasn't for the notoriety. Ηe
e. Particularization
an epileptic.
Particularization is a technique to
TE Anna:
Bukan demi reputasinya, karena
ia ternyata pengidap eplilepsi.
use more concrete or precise term in the
(Datum 124/SC/Des/C)
The term ‘epileptic' (n) is a person
SE Sara:
Oncology? But that's cancer.
with epilepsy. The term has been borrowed
TE Sara:
Dokter onkologi? Tapi itu
and adopted in Bahasa Indonesia into
bidang kanker.
(Datum 039/SC/Par/LC)
epileptik'. However, the translator decides
The term ‘oncology' is a scientific
to describe the term in the target language
study of new growths, especially cancers.
into ‘
pengidap epilepsi' in order to deliver
The translated term ‘
dokter onkologi' is
the term clearer.
equivalent with the term ‘oncologist' in the
h. Generalization
source language which means a doctor who
Generalization is a technique to use
specializes in oncology. The fact that
more general or neutral term in the target
‘oncology' indicates that the translator uses
SE Dr. Chance: The fever Kate's been
particularization technique.
getting, it's infection from
the dyalisis.
TE Dr. Chance:
Deman yang dialami Kate
adalah infeksi dari cuci darahnya.
TE Campbell:
Tak ada yang bisa
(Datum 102/Pr/Gen/LC)
memaksamu jadi donor kalau kau tak
Dialysis is a process for removing
mau, bukan?
(Datum 022/Pr/Tra/C)
waste and excess water from the blood, and
The translator changes the part of
is used primarily as an artificial replacement
speech from verb in the source language
for lost kidney function in people with
into noun in the target language. The term
kidney failure. The term is absorbed and
‘donate' can be translated literally into
borrowed in the target language into
mendonorkan' (v) in Bahasa Indonesia.
dialisis' or ‘
hemodialisis' to be used in the
However, the translator uses ‘
donor' (n)
medical world of the target society.
which means a person who gives blood,
However, the term ‘
cuci darah' is more
tissue, organs or reproductive material to be
commonly used in the society so that the
used to treat another person.
translator chooses to use the term that is
acceptable and clear for the target audience.
Adaptation is a technique to replace
a ST cultural element with TT cultural
Amplification is a technique of
adding information or paraphrase to
SE Sara: Fifteen, she's about
90 pounds,
introduce details that are not formulated in
she's allergic to penicillin.
TE Sara:
Lima belas, beratnya 40,8 kg
dan ia alergi pada penisilin.
SE Anna: They are
(Datum 049/CF/Adp/C)
TE Anna:
Mereka produk kecelakaan.
The translator leaves the term
(Datum 002/Ev/Amp/LC)
‘pound' and adapts the term ‘kilogram' as
the standard concept of mass measurement
phenomena of having baby that are not
used in the target culture. It is followed by
expected or intended because of the
an attempt to convert the finding of the
carelessness in having sexual intercourse.
measurement from pound into kilogram.
The word ‘
produk' in the target language
has a role as additional information to
Modulation is a technique to change
explain babies as accidents so that it results
point of view either lexical or structural.
understandable translation of a connotative
SE Sara: No
TE Sara:
Aku tak perlu berobat jalan.
(Datum 104/EGL/Mod/C)
The term ‘hospice' is a hospital
Transposition is a technique to
which offers palliative care for terminally ill
change grammatical category.
people. It is translated into ‘
berobat jalan'
SE Campbell: No one can force you
donate if you don't want to, can they?
which means a medical procedure in which
people go for treatment but do not stay the
known by specific group of people such as
night, equals with the term ‘outpatients
medical staffs, cancer patients and their
care' in the source language.
families. Consequently, the audience should
search the term from other sources to
3. Clarity Level
a. Clear Translation
SE Brian: I don't know when it started but
probably around 11,
it was 103.
Based on the research findings it can
TE Brian:
Aku tak tahu kapan, tapi
mungkin sekitar pukul 11.00, suhunya
be formulated the conclusion as follows.
sekitar 39,4.
Out of nineteen hierarchies from SNOMED-
(Datum 015/CF/Adp/C)
Datum 015/CF/Adp/C belongs to
CT, only thirteen types medical terms
clear translation. The three respondents
appear in the movie. They are clinical
understand that the concept of the term
finding, procedure, body structure, social
refers to the result of a person's body
context, pharmaceutical/biologic product,
temperature. The term is adapted in the
target culture usage so that it is acceptable
by the target audience.
observable entity, specimen, record artifact,
b. Less Clear Translation
organism, and events. The most frequent
SE Paramedic:
BP is 100 over 68.
type of medical terms is clinical finding (42
TE Paramedis:
Seratus per 68.
(Datum 052/CF/Red/LC)
The respondents choose less clear
level. Although the translated term is natural
techniques employed by the translator based
in Bahasa Indonesia, they confuse to relate
on the theory of Molina and Albir. They are
the concept of clinical finding to what
borrowing, calque, established equivalent,
c. Unclear Translation
SE Kate: I can taste your
amplification, transposition, adaptation, and
TE Kate:
Aku bisa merasakan Cytoxan-
modulation. Borrowing and calque are the
(Datum 110/PBP/Bor/UC)
most frequent translation techniques used by
the translator (27 or 21.26 %).
unclear level because they have never heard
From the total data in this research,
the term. They cannot understand the term
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belong to clear level, 24 data (18.90 %)
term is used in certain condition and is
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