South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
Situation Report
1.4 million
People internally displaced since 15
The Social Mobilization Campaign for mass screening of children under 5 December
for malnutrition in Juba County was officially launched on 14 October,
(OCHA, SitRep #58 dated 16 October, 2014)
with screening, referral and treatment now currently ongoing. The Social
Mobilization Campaign, part of the Joint WFP-UNICEF Nutrition Scale Up,
is spearheaded by the State Ministry of Health with support from UNICEF.
Estimated internally displaced children
This campaign aims to screen 590,175 children under 5 years old for
malnutrition in Juba County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap States.
Outside South Sudan
A high-level Education in Emergency (EiE) stakeholder discussion was held
on 16 October to review the current EIE response, challenges and ways to
scale up in 2015. A Joint Commitment was issued by the Ministry of
Estimated new South Sudanese refugees in
Education, Science and Technology, UNICEF and Save the Children to
neighbouring countries since 15 December
provide increased access to quality basic education to out of school
2013 (OCHA, SitRep #58 dated 16 October, 2014)
children affected by the current crisis.
Heavy rain in Bentiu PoC again halted the efforts to improve sanitation, Priority Humanitarian Funding needs
and brought latrine coverage in two sectors of the PoC (PoCs 2 and 3) back
January - December 2014
to zero. To mitigate this situation, in the short term WASH partners are
distributing and promoting disposable bags which are designed to be used
US$ 151.7 million**
inside houses in such emergency situations.
* Disaggregated data is yet to be made available, as
registration has not been completed across the country.
The situation for humanitarian workers is becoming increasingly perilous, Children under 18 years have been calculated based on census
with two ethnically-targeted attacks in the past two weeks. Insecurity has
** This is based on UNICEF's contribution to the revised South Sudan Crisis Response Plan (CRP) and for Cholera response.
become a major programme constraint, including for the on-going integrated vaccination campaign in conflict-affected areas.
UNICEF's Response with Partners
Cluster for 2014
WASH: # of target population provided
with access to water as per agreed
standards (7.5-15 litres of water per p erson per day)
Nutrition: # targeted children 6-59
months with Severe Acute Malnutrition
admitted to therapeutic care
Health: # of children 6mo-15y
vaccinated for measles
Education: # of school-aged children
including adolescents (aged 7 – 18) with
access to education in emergencies,
including supplies
Child Protection: # of children reached
with critical child protection services

South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs Since December 2013, close to 1.9 million people have fled their homes, including 1.4 million who remain internally displaced in the country. As of 14 October, according to UNMISS, the estimated number of civilians seeking safety in ten Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites is 100,298 including 28,010 in Juba (Tomping and UN House), 18,374 in Malakal, 2,722 in Bor, 49,612 in Bentiu, 447 in Wau, 1,105 in Melut and 28 in Nassir. The situation for humanitarian workers is becoming increasingly perilous. On 10 October, three UNMISS contractors working at the airfield in Malakal were seized by an unidentified armed group of 15 to 20 men in uniforms and civilian clothes. While two were released the following day, the third worker is still missing. On 16 October, a WFP staff member was similarly seized by a group of armed men at the same airfield while he was in the process of boarding a UN flight. The staff member is still missing. Both incidents were believed to be ethnically targeted. Fighting continues in Upper Nile state as well as Maban. Displacement continues and the day to day life that had restarted in Malakal town has once again stopped. The situation is currently calm in Bentiu, however increased fighting is expected in the coming weeks. Large parts of PoCs 2, 4 and 5 remain under water, impacting the delivery of basic services and collapsing latrines. The airstrip is hardly usable by fixed wing planes as a plane slid off the runway and heavy machinery used to rescue the aircraft damaged the airstrip. The aircraft continues to block the runway. Jonglei state, including Bor town and Bor PoC, remains calm. However, Bor PoC was also affected by flooding, with civilians now moving to better conditions in the new PoC.
By the end of the year, around 235,000 children are at risk of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in South Sudan. In addition to the conflict-affected areas of Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile states, this also includes high burden areas of Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap states. The prevalence of global acute malnutrition (GAM) is likely to remain above emergency thresholds (GAM >15 per cent), as defined by WHO, especially in conflict-affected states. Good rains and humanitarian assistance have provided temporary relief for families in some areas. However, the upcoming dry season is expected to rapidly eliminate these fragile gains if no action is taken.
South Sudan Nutrition Situation September - December 2014
Humanitarian leadership and coordination
UNICEF actively participates in the Humanitarian Country Team and the Inter Cluster Working Group, which lead
strategic and cross-sectoral coordination of humanitarian programmes. UNICEF leads the WASH, Nutrition and
Education clusters as well as the Child Protection sub-cluster. Within the Health cluster, UNICEF provides leadership on
vaccination, communication and social mobilization. UNICEF also supports the core supply pipelines for the Education,
WASH and Nutrition clusters, providing essential humanitarian supplies to all partners. While continuing to focus on
the delivery of life-saving interventions, UNICEF is also investing in providing access to education and a protective
environment for affected children.
The humanitarian community has begun preparations for the 2015 Strategic Response Plan. Where Cluster lead,
UNICEF is supporting the Cluster Response Plan, leading consultations with partners and identification of sectoral
priorities for 2015. UNICEF is also supporting partners to prepare next years' project sheets.
South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
Humanitarian Strategy: Rapid Response Mechanism As part of the interagency rapid response teams, UNICEF continues to expand activities in remote locations together with WFP and partners. 557,000 people, including 118,000 children under 5, have been reached by the 29 joint UNICEF-WFP rapid response missions to date. Multi-sector response teams (WASH, Health, Nutrition, Education and Child Protection) have been deployed to Akobo, Melut, Nyal, Mayandit, Haat, Kodok, Pagak, Pochalla, Lankien, Old Fangak, Walgak, Jiech, Wau Shilluk, Lul, Leer, Koch, Nihaldu, Duk, Gorwai, New Fangak, Kaldak, Keich Kon, Ngop, Wathjak, Pathai, Kamel, Gum, Pagil and Ulang. A joint UNICEF, WFP, UNKEA and ADRA mission recently returned from Gum in Nassir County of Upper Nile state, reaching over 14,000 people including 5,000 children under five. 2,255 children were screened for malnutrition, with those identified as malnourished admitted for treatment. UNICEF provided supplies and hands-on technical assistance and training for the Outpatient Therapeutic Programme operated by UNKEA in the area. Additionally, during the mission, 1,801 children were vaccinated against measles and 4,549 against polio while 1,950 were dewormed and 1,726 provided Vitamin A supplementation. Seventy separated, unaccompanied and missing children were identified and registered, while 13,500 people were reached with lifesaving child protection information/awareness sessions. Summary Analysis of Programme Response
HEALTH: Malaria, respiratory infections and acute watery diarrhoea continue to account for the main burden of
morbidity in PoCs, as per the table below.
Under Five Morbidity in PoCs/IDP camps
(18,374 residents)
(94,000 residents)
(2,722 residents)
(49,612 residents)
Acute Respiratory Infection
The under-five and crude mortality rates per 10,000 per day remained below the emergency threshold in all the PoC and IDP camps. Ongoing prevention and control measures include the promotion of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Net (LLITN) use, early case detection and treatment. High numbers of malaria cases have also been reported in Northern Bahr El Ghazal; UNICEF provided 6,000 LLITNs through the State Ministry of Health (MoH). The kala-azar rate continued to rise, with a total of 5,175 cases including 157 deaths reported in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile States since the beginning of the year. The MoH and WHO, with UNICEF support, are mapping declared cases, existing services and where there are needs for scale up. UNICEF has been requested to provide LLITNs; nutritional support for case management; and to lead the Social mobilization and communication group. To start, UNICEF is preparing to provide 4,500 sachets of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) and 3,350 LLITNs to GOAL in Rom. The integrated campaign targeting children under 15 years with measles and polio vaccination and children under 5 years for vitamin A supplementation and deworming, is ongoing in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity states. As of 17 October 2014, measles vaccination has reached 203,190 children (42.1 per cent); polio vaccination 221,795 children (44.0 per cent); Vitamin A supplementation 80,389 children (39.4 per cent) and deworming 44,881 children (24.6 per cent). The main constraints for the campaign remain insecurity and access. In Jonglei state, the campaign has been conducted in Bor, Duk, Twic East and Pochalla counties. Nine islands in Duk and Twic East have not been covered due to inaccessibility during the rains. In Unity State, the campaign has been conducted in two payams of Rubkona county and six payams in Panyijar county. In Rubkona, other payams are deserted except for Ngop and Nhialdu which will be covered during implementation in Koch county due to access constraints. In collaboration with WHO, the campaign has been completed in Leer and Mayendit counties. Inaccessible counties will be covered through RRMs. In Upper Nile the campaign has been conducted in Malakal, Fashoda, Longechuk and Rom (Akoka). Implementation of the campaign
South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
in Akoka, Bailiet, Renk and Panyikang, though planned, has not yet commenced due to insecurity. Implementation is ongoing this week in Pariang county and will end 25 October.
Implementation of the first round of the Maternal
SUMMARY DATA as of 19/10/2014
and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination campaign in
Lakes state will commence on 23 October targeting
238,191 women of childbearing age, preceded by
training of the vaccinators on 21 October. Currently
supplies are being pre-positioned to counties and
Training of Trainers is ongoing. Further rounds will
be implemented in Northern Bahr el Ghazal,
Western Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap states after the
completion of microplans and training.
Preparations are underway for the November polio
National Immunization Days (NIDs) scheduled for 4
– 6 November. The campaign will target 2,338,117
children 0 – 5 years in the seven stable states and
accessible areas of the conflict affected states.
Trivalent OPV will be used for this round and
Warrap, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Central
Equatoria states have already received their
vaccine supply for the campaign.
UNICEF in collaboration with the national MoH and three state MoHs (Central Equatoria State, Western Equatoria State
and Lakes) provided six days of Maternal and Neonatal Health/Prevention of Mother to Child Transmissions/Early
Infant Diagnosis training for a total of 66 health providers from 36 health facilities in Yei, Torit, Yambio and Rumbek (50
per cent women). To date, UNICEF has provided this training to 157 health providers in six states. UNICEF supported
Juba Teaching Hospital to carry out outreach HIV Counselling and Training activities among IDPs in Mahad, Tongping
PoC and Juba 3 PoC. So far, 76 people (75 per cent females) were counseled and tested for HIV (one tested positive at
Mahad and was further referred for treatment).
NUTRITION: 55,382 children 0-59 months have been admitted to SAM treatment programmes since January 2014, 31
per cent of the of the targeted caseload of 176,283.
The Social Mobilization Campaign for mass screening of children under 5 for malnutrition in Juba County was officially
launched on 14 October, with screening, referral and treatment now currently ongoing. The Social Mobilisation
strategy, part of the Joint WFP-UNICEF Nutrition Scale Up, is spearheaded by the State MoH with support from UNICEF.
This campaign aims to screen 590,175 children under 5 years old for malnutrition in Juba County, Northern Bahr el
Ghazal and Warrap States. Children identified as suffering from SAM cases will be referred for treatment. While the
training of social mobilisers has been completed in Juba County, it has become necessary to undertake additional
training those who will be offering services in Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP)/Targeted Supplementary
Feeding Programme (TSFP) centres/sites so as to cope with the increased demand resulting from mass screening.
In Bentiu PoC, a total of 59 children 6 to 59 months of age
Routine Screening during the Reporting Period
were admitted into Stabilization Centres or OTP sites. In
total, 106 children were admitted for SAM treatment in
Upper Nile State
Unity state. These low numbers are partly due to poor partner reporting, but also due to low SAM treatment
coverage in Unity state due to insecurity and lack of access.
UNICEF is working to encourage partners to establish nutrition treatment in Unity and other conflict-affected and high-burden areas as well as reaching hard to reach areas through the RRM. In Jonglei during the reporting period no new nutrition services were opened during the reporting period. To date, UNICEF supports 53 OTPs and 6 Stabilization Centres in nine counties in Jonglei state. Geographically, the majority of OTPs and TSFPs are concentrated in Akobo County and UNICEF is working with partners to increase the geographical
South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
coverage, opening an additional 42 OTPs and 4 Stabilization Centres in addition to improving the quality of services for
Also as part of the Scale Up Plan, UNICEF continued capacity building of nutrition partners. An OTP/TSFP was facilitated
by Central Equatorial SMoH and UNICEF from 30 September to 2 October to update the participants' skills and
knowledge in management of acute malnutrition, the concept of community management of malnutrition and all its
components. A total of 26 partner staff participated as part of the rollout of Social Mobilization Camapaign.
Additionally, UNICEF and ACF-USA supported the Warrap State MoH to conduct training on integrating IYCF into
nutrition programmes in all the functional health facilities in the state. The training was attended by 17 participants
from four nutrition implementing partners and County Health Departments from 15 to 17 October. The objective of
the training was to equip staff with knowledge and skills on recommended IYCF practices to enable them to conduct
IYCF training from their respective nutrition staff and facilitate IYCF Support Groups efficiently.
Since the beginning of 2014, a total of 31 SMART surveys have been completed. Seventeen of these surveys had a GAM
rate higher than the 15 per cent WHO emergency threshold. The highest prevalence was recorded in Leer (34.1 per
cent), Panyijar (32.8 per cent), Akobo East (31.8 per cent), Uror (27 per cent), and Aweil South (26.1 per cent). During
the reporting period, three surveys were validated. The surveys were carried out in Renk host community, Renk IDP
camp and Leer. The GAM prevalence were 16.7 per cent, 9.1 per cent and 16.2 per cent respectively.
A second round of SMART surveys was conducted In Leer, a priority county that were identified in the May IPC analysis.
The GAM decreased from 34.1 per cent in June to 16.2 per cent in September, with SAM also reducing from 10.9 per
cent to 2.8 per cent. The reduction in acute malnutrition can be attributed to several factors including the harvest in
September; increased availably of food in the market as roads opened due to improved security and the reopening of
Adok Port; and food aid air drops and other humanitarian interventions. Despite this improvement, the nutrition
situation still exceeds the WHO emergency threshold.
GAM and SAM prevalence from the 2014 validated SMART and Rapid SMART surveys
*the Green bar compares the two assessments in Leer
WASH: UNICEF and WASH Cluster partners continue to support water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion
activities in all major IDP locations in Bentiu, Bor, Juba, Malakal and Mingkaman, with an average of 12-15 litres of safe
water per person per day. UNICEF expanded the WASH services for IDPs outside of PoCs in Upper Nile in partnership
with CARE, installing a surface water treatment system, rehabilitating ten boreholes and constructing 30 emergency
latrines and 6 bathing blocks in Rom benefiting over 8,000 IDPs with safe water supply and 3,000 IDPs with improved
During the reporting period, heavy rain in Bentiu PoC again halted the efforts to improve sanitation. Over 200 latrines
collapsed and floods reduced the remaining latrine to a state of disrepair, which brought latrine coverage in two sectors

South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
of the PoC (PoCs 2 and 3) back to zero. To mitigate this situation in the short term WASH partners are distributing and promoting disposable peepoo bags which are designed to be used inside houses in such emergency situations. Partners were only able to restart construction of new latrines once the flood waters subsided adequately at the end of last week. UNICEF has deployed six trash pumps which are continuing pumping flood water out of the camp. UNICEF has completed preparations for a comprehensive topographic survey of Bentiu PoC and surrounding areas which will facilitate the design of a drainage system and earthworks, and indicate appropriate sites plans to avoid future flooding. When the survey is complete, UNICEF will work with the Dutch Embassy, IOM, and the CCCM and WASH Clusters to implement the improvements.
Between 15 and 17 October, UNICEF and partners used Global Hand Washing Day celebrations in Juba, Mingkaman, Bor, Malakal and Juba IDP camps and host communities to reach over 100,000 IDPs including school children with direct messages on hand washing with soap, along with soap distribution. As part of the cholera prevention and response, an integrated Community Health Promotion project was launched by the Governor of Eastern Equatoria State on 18 October in the four
counties of Eastern Equatoria state which reported high cases of
Demonstration of hand washing with soap by children
during Global Hand Washing Day celebrations on 16
cholera during the recent cholera outbreak to strengthen the
community hygiene promotion structures in cholera endemic areas and ensure rapid response in case on any new outbreaks
through the training of 60 hygiene promotion trainers.
As part of ebola preparedness, UNICEF completed rehabilitation of existing sanitation facilities and construction of
WASH facilities in the identified Ebola isolation ward in Juba Teaching Hospital and continue supporting WASH services
in the screening centre at Juba International airport. Supplies are also being procured and pre-positioned as a part of
the preparedness plan.
EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES: To date, 64,338 children (27,042 girls and 37,296 boys) aged 3-18 years in conflict-
affected areas have gained access to learning opportunities, including Education in Emergencies (EiE) supplies provided
by UNICEF and its implementing partners. This remains a modest number compared to the estimated 400,000 children
who have dropped out of school due to the conflict. The delay/failure to pay teachers' salaries especially in the
opposition held areas continues to limit education activities as some teachers do not show up for duties, taking on
other jobs that are paid.
An EiE stakeholder discussion was held on 16 October moderated by Save the Children International CEO. The
consultation included representatives from UNICEF, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), the
Humanitarian Coordinator and various donors, and aimed to review the current EIE response, challenges and ways to
scale up in 2015. A Joint Commitment was issued by the Ministry of Education, UNICEF and Save the Children to provide
increased access to quality basic education to out of school children affected by the current crisis.
While education activities are progressing in most parts of the country, flooding has affected schools in Bentiu PoC, Bor
PoC and Warrup state. In Bentiu, learning spaces were closed, with UNICEF partner InterSOS working to repair the
damage and expected to reopen the school in the coming weeks. In Bor PoC, flooding has affected all but one learning
space in the PoC, affecting the education of 484 students and 140 Accelerated Learning Programme learners. Similarly,
floods in Warrap State have disrupted teaching and learning activities of approximately 20,127 children in 107 primary
The recent conflict that occurred between Kajo-keji and Moyo communities forced 4,316 primary (32 per cent girls)
and 547 secondary (49 per cent girls) students to flee. UNICEF and partners are following the issue closely, ready to
support the children to be integrated in host community schools.
Overall, 1,746 teachers, PTA members and other education personnel received training to effectively support EiE.
During the reporting period this included 30 volunteer teachers (27 per cent female) trained on Early Childhood
South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
Development (ECD) and 60 PTA members (42 per cent female) trained to manage the ECD centres in Mingkamen; and
266 children and adults (55 per cent female) in Melut are trained and now have improved awareness on the importance
of education.
CHILD PROTECTION: To date, UNICEF and partners have reached 74,097 children and adolescents with essential child
protection services, including psychosocial support, case management and referrals. An additional 32,152 people
(13,205 boys, 10,553 girls, 4,700 men and 3,694 women) living in communities at high risk of explosive remnants of
war received mine risk education.
There have been 6,693 unaccompanied and separated children identified by UNICEF and its partners since the conflict
began in December 2013, including an additional 96 children registered this week. The active caseload of registered
children is now at 6,243 with 826 (39 per cent girls) unaccompanied; 3,495 (47 per cent girls) separated; and 1,795 (50
per cent girls) reported by their families as missing. According to the most recent data collected, the total number of
children reunified with their families remains at 411 children, now 7.4 per cent of children registered.
Since the eruption of the conflict in December 2013 until present, the UN has continued to receive more reports of
grave child rights violations than in all of 2012 and 2013 combined. Grave violations include killing and maiming of
children; recruitment and use of children as soldiers; sexual violence against children; attacks on schools and hospitals;
abduction of children; and denial of humanitarian access. Through the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism, reports
of 604 incidents affecting 31,601 children have been received of which 486 incidents have been verified, affecting
14,668 children. At present, 27 schools are reportedly still used for military purposes. Credible reports have been
received that child recruitment is ongoing by both sides to the conflict, affecting an estimated 11,000 children.
Advocacy by the UN continues, and UNICEF staff are currently in the field meeting with children who the government
intends to release this year. Estimates on the ground suggest that over 1,000 children may be released and require
reintegration support before the end of this year, UNICEF is expected to be called upon to support their reintegration
and release.
UNICEF and partners continue to provide ongoing gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response services in
IDP sites in Malakal and Juba (Gumbo, Mahad and Lologo), Pochalla and Akobo in Jongeli State. During the reporting
period, 6,319 people were reached with GBV prevention and response services, including psychosocial support,
awareness raising on GBV issues and women's centre activities during the report period. This included 3,220 people in
Malakal who received information on GBV and/or accessed GBV prevention and response services such as medical care
and life-skills activities in the Women's Centre. UNICEF started installing 35 solar street lights in the Malakal PoC, in
locations identified in consultation with communities. Following training from UNICEF, a local partner is conducting
community outreach activities to disseminate key information on GBV and started providing case management and
psychosocial support to survivors of GBV in the areas.
The Special Representative of Secretary General for Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Hawa Bangura visited South
Sudan. The UN system, including UNICEF provided data, messaging and facilitated consultations with affected
communities, providing the basis for more informed advocacy on GBV by the global community both within and outside
of the country.
COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT (C4D): UNICEF, in partnership with the South Sudan National and State
Ministries of Health and WFP kicked off a new outreach and a mass-screening campaign to address the nutrition crisis,
which is threatening the lives of nearly one million children. The first phase of the campaign will see 254 trained social
mobilizers from the Government of South Sudan's Social Mobilization Network go door to door in Juba County to
assess, screen and refer children for malnutrition, and also instruct mothers and caregivers on healthy nutrition,
hygiene and sanitation practices for their children. Social mobilizers will help mothers become more aware of their
children's nutritional condition and its impact on their survival and development. Mothers will learn to adopt life-saving
behaviours including hand-washing, appropriate sanitation practices and good child and infant feeding practices to
improve nutritional status of children over the long term. The campaign will expand in the coming weeks, with more
than 600 social mobilizers reaching over 600,000 children in the high-burden, non-conflict affected states of Warrap
and Northern Bahr el Ghazal, in addition to Juba.
UNICEF continues to work closely with MoH to scale up Ebola preparedness. A Training of Trainers, including
presentation of new job aids, was conducted for state-level government counterparts and NGO partners who will act
South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
as state focal points in the areas of Health, WASH and social mobilization. UNICEF is participating in the UN contingency
plan for Ebola, the national plan and four state specific plans to raise community knowledge on Ebola transmission;
prevention; and early reporting of suspected cases.
SUPPLY & LOGISTICS: The road from Juba to Rumbek continues to be inaccessible. Eleven out of fifteen trucks that
were dispatched from Juba to Rumbek on 1 September returned to Juba and are now travelling to Wau and Rumbek
via the Juba-Yei-Yambio-Tambura-Wau-Rumbek road, which is estimated to take at least twice as long as the direct
route. Nine trucks were loaded to take this route with 9,000 cartons of soap and 8,500 buckets, some destined for Wau
and others to be pre-positioned in Rumbek warehouse.
The Logistics Cluster MI26 helicopter is currently based in Wau due to shortage of aviation fuel in Rumbek as a result
of fuel tankers being stuck on the Juba-Rumbek road. The MI26 is flying from Wau to Rumbek each day to collect cargo
and then delivering this to Bentiu – completing one rotation a day. Logistics Cluster have three MI8 helicopters based
in Rumbek and these delivered supplies to Kamal and Pagil for RRM missions. The number of rotations that these three
helicopters can make per day is also limited due to the aviation fuel shortage in Rumbek.
These delays are having a significant impact on programme delivery, slowing both supplies and technical assistance in
Bentiu as well as RRM and other locations.
FUNDING: The funding level for the South Sudan Country Office is currently at 58 per cent against the requirement of
US$ 151.8 million. UNICEF would like to thank the German Committee for UNICEF for its generous contribution of EUR
500,000 for the emergency nutrition interventions.
Funds received in
GBV & MRE) Education
refugee response Cholera Response
* ‘Funds received' does not include pledges. ** The requirements noted above include the indirect cost recovery of 8% as per UNICEF's Executive Board decision. It also includes a cross-sectoral cost (covering fuel, security, ICT etc) to meet the high operating costs of working in South Sudan.
Next SitRep: 4 November 2014
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South Sudan SITUATION REPORT 21 October 2014
Cluster 2014
UNICEF and IPs 2014
Change since
(Jan- to 21
(Jan- to 21
last report
# of targeted children 6-59 months with Severe Acute Malnutrition
admitted to therapeutic care
% of exits from therapeutic care- children who have recovered
# of children 6-59 months receiving vitamin A supplementation
# of children 12 - 59 months receiving de-worming medication
# of pregnant and lactating women in affected areas receiving
multi micronutrient supplement (or iron and folic acid)
# of children 6mo-15y vaccinated for measles
# of children below 15 years vaccinated against polio
# of households receiving 2 ITNs
# of pregnant women attending at least ANC 1 services
# of pregnant women attending ANC counselled and tested
# of target population provided with access to water as per agreed
standards (7-15 litres of water per person per day).
# of target population provided access to appropriate sanitation
facilities (as per the Sphere Standards)
# of registered UASC receiving Family Tracing and Reunification services and family-based care/appropriate alternative care
# of children reached with critical child protection services
# of women, men, girls and boys receiving GBV prevention and
response services*
# of pre-school children (aged 3-6) with access to play and early
learning including supplies
# of school-aged children including adolescents (aged 7-18) with
access to education in emergencies, including supplies
# of teachers trained to provide education in emergencies
# of other education personnel and Parent-Teacher Association
members trained to support education in emergencies
# of classrooms established/rehabilitated
# households in Outbreak States reached directly with messages on cholera prevention and control practices; and hygiene and
health supplies4
# of schools reached with cholera awareness campaigns
# of community volunteers, leaders, teachers, social mobilizers promoting cholera prevention and control at the community and
# of operational Oral Rehydration Points supported by UNICEF
No change since last report is denoted by "-"
1 Partner reporting rates remain below 100 per cent; UNICEF continues to work with its implementing partners to improve monitoring and reporting of results.
2 These are the revised Targets for both Cluster and UNICEF as reflected in the revised Crisis Response Plan (Jan-Dec 2014).
3 Response Strategies are different for outbreak and unaffected states. In outbreak states, intensive community and social mobilization activities are being
4 Supplies include chlorine tablets, PUR, and ORS
Effects of a basic micronutrient supplement on physiological parameters Institute of science of sports University of Salzburg Mag. Michael G. Eder Responsible person: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Müller St. Michael, 2005 Preface Who wants to build high towers, have to spend a lot of his time on the foundation. I want to thank Mr. Mag. Norbert Fuchs, who gave me a lot of inspiration, know how
SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTAS DE COMPRA PARA PROPIEDAD ANTIGUO SEARS El Banco Gubernamental de Fomento para Puerto Rico (en adelante "BGF", el "Banco") está facultado por su Carta Constitucional, Cuarta Unidad, Inciso (E) (1) para transmitir inmuebles que haya adquirido. Ante eso, el Banco interesa recibir ofertas de compra para una parcela de terreno localizada en el sitio El Monte del término municipal de Hato Rey, San Juan, Puerto Rico