Pec20634 321.330
Treatment of Children With Migraine
in the Emergency Department
A Qualitative Systematic Review
Benoit Bailey, MD, MSc, FRCPC*y and Barbara Cummins McManus, MD, FRCPC*
from 3% to 10%.1Y3 A significant number of children present
Objective: To evaluate which treatment could be effective in the
to the emergency department either during the first episode,
emergency department (ED) for children with migraine and statusmigrainosus, we carried out a qualitative systematic review of
or for particularly severe episodes that do not respond to their
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluated treatment that
usual treatments. In fact, migraine represents 8% to 18% of
could be used for those conditions.
all headaches seen in a pediatric emergency department.4,5
Methods: Databases (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
Despite this, little attention has been given to the treatment
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Controlled
that could be administered to children who present to an
Trials Register, MedLine, and EMBASE) were searched for RCTs
emergency department with migraine headaches.
that evaluated treatment of migraine in children (G18 years of age).
Because adolescents have a high rate of success of
Guidelines published on the subject were checked for missed
placebo in the treatment of migraine, it may be difficult to
references. Characteristics of the identified studies as well as
extrapolate results for adult studies to children.6 The
primary outcome (headache relief), other recognized primary out-
Canadian Headache Society proposed adult guidelines in
comes, and adverse events were abstracted. Quality of the RCTs was
1997 based on severity of the attack from mild to ultrasevere
evaluated using the Jadad score.
attack.7 In 2004, the French Society for the Study of
Results: Of the 14 trials included in the review, only 1 was
Migraine Headache also proposed some guidelines for the
performed in an ED after other treatments have failed. In that
treatment of migraine in both adults and children.8 The
situation, prochlorperazine was more effective than ketorolac in
American Academy of Neurology also published in 2004
relieving pain at 1 hour. Other treatments were evaluated by
pediatric practice parameters.9 They had previously issued in
neurologists on their outpatients who started the studied drugs early
2000 practice parameters in adults.10 However, none of these
at the beginning of the migraine without previous treatment. In that
guidelines were for children who presented to the emergency
situation, ibuprofen (n = 3) and acetaminophen (n = 1) were better
department. Similarly, a recent systematic review11 or other
than placebo for pain relief. The efficacy of intranasal sumatriptan
reviews on migraine treatment in children do not specifically
(n = 4), oral rizatriptan (n = 3), and oral zolmitriptan (n = 2) for pain
address the question of emergency department treatment.12Y15
relief was unclear. Oral sumatriptan (n = 1) and oral dihydroergot-
Two recent reviews present most of the available therapies
amine (n = 1) were not effective.
for the acute treatment of migraine that did not respond to
Conclusions: There is a lack of studies addressing the question of
outpatient management, but many more recent randomized
treatment in the ED for children experiencing migraine. Although
controlled trials (RCTs) were not mentioned especially
other treatments were found effective in children with migraine,
concerning the triptans.16,17 Thus, this lack of evidence-
none was evaluated in the ED except prochlorperazine and
based guidelines can explain the significant variation in
practice observed in the management of children withmigraine seen in 4 regional emergency departments in 1
Key Words: migraine, status migrainosus, adolescent
Migraine headaches are extremely common during child-
Thus, to evaluate which treatment for children with
hood and adolescence. The reported prevalence ranges
migraine and status migrainosus could be effective in theemergency department, we carried out a qualitative system-atic review of the literature in search of RTCs that evaluatedtreatment that could be used in that setting.
*Divisions of Emergency Medicine and yClinical Pharmacology and
Toxicology, Department of Pediatrics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Ste-Justine, Montre´al, Quebec, Canada.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Benoit Bailey, MD, MSc,
The literature was searched for potential studies using
FRCPC, Department of Pediatrics, CHU Ste-Justine, 3175 Chemin de la
different strategies with Ovid. Systematic reviews were first
Coˆte-Ste-Catherine, Montre´al, Quebec, Canada H3T 1C5. E-mail:
searched in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
second quarter of 2007 (performed February 2, 2007 and
Copyright * 2008 by Lippincott Williams & WilkinsISSN: 0749-5161/08/2405-0321
updated June 22, 2007), and the Database of Abstracts of
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
Reviews of Effects, second quarter of 2007 (performed
systematic reviews, guidelines, or other recent reviews on the
February 2, 2007 and updated June 22, 2007). These
subject.7Y14,17,19Y23 No attempts were made to obtain unpub-
databases were searched using the predefined keywords:
lished studies.
migraine or headache and children. The Cochrane ControlledTrials Register, second quarter of 2007 (performed February
2, 2007 and updated June 22, 2007), was also searched for
For this qualitative systematic review, only RTCs were
possible RTCs using the same strategies. The MedLine 1950
included because of the usual high rate of success of placebo
to June 2007 week 2 (performed February 5, 2007 and
in the treatment of migraine particularly in adolescents.6
updated June 22, 2007) database was searched using the
Thus, studies were included for review if they were RTCs of
predefined strategies: (1) exp randomized controlled trials/;
a medication for the treatment of acute migraine attacks in
(2) Brandomized controlled trial[.pt.; (3) Bcontrolled clinical
children (G18 years of age) regardless of the setting
trial[.pt.; (4) (random$ or placebo$).ti,ab,sh.; (5) ((singl$ or
departmentYinpatient or neurology clinicY
double$ or triple$ or treble$) and (blind$ or mask$)).tw,sh.;
outpatient). Studies were excluded if they were not RTC,
(6) or/1Y5; (7) (animals not humans).sh.; (8) 6 not 7; (9) exp
or if they evaluated a medication used for prophylaxis.
Migraine Disorders or headache/; (10) limit 9 to Ball adult (19plus years)[; (11) limit 9 to Ball child (0 to 18 years)[; (12)
Data Extraction and Methodological Quality
11 not 10; and (13) 8 and 12. The EMBASE 1980 to 2007
Data of all included studies were abstracted in duplicate
week 25 (performed February 5, 2007 and updated June 22,
using a predefined table. Data extraction was done for name
2007) database was also searched using the predefined
of author and year of publication, type of study, setting, how
strategies: (1) exp randomized controlled trials/; (2) (random$
the migraine diagnosis was made, inclusion and exclusion
or placebo$).ti,ab,sh.; (3) ((singl$ or double$ or triple$ or
criteria, age range of the enrolled children, treatment
treble$) and (blind$ or mask$)).tw,sh.; (4) controlled clinical
evaluated, the number of patients enrolled, what type of
trial$.tw,sh.; (5) or/1Y4; (6) (animal$ not human$).sh,hw.; (7)
measurement tool was used, the primary outcome, rate of
5 not 6; (8) exp Migraine or headache/; (9) limit 8 to adult
pain-free status at 2 hours, rate of recurrence, rate of use
G18 to 64 years9; (10) limit 8 to (child Gunspecified age9 or
of rescue medications, side effects, and author_s conclusion.
preschool child G1 to 6 years9 or school child G7 to 12
The Jadad score was used to evaluate the internal validity of
years9 or adolescent G13 to 17 years9); (11) 10 not 9; and
the studies, from 0 to 5, 5 being the study with the highest
(12) 7 and 11. The references of all relevant studies were
quality.24 We reported the primary outcome, usually pain
cross-checked for other relevant articles as well as identified
relief at 2 hours. When this outcome was not the primary
FIGURE 1. Flow of randomized control trials identified in the systematic review by various databases searches.
* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
Treatment of Children With Migraine in ED
TABLE 1. Level I Evidence Evaluating Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Zolmitriptan for the Treatment of Migraine Attack inChildren
Hamalainen et al27
Proposed revision IHSC42
Q2 attacks/mo lasting Q2 hPrevious medications not effectivePatients on prophylaxis excluded
APAP PO 15 mg /kg
IBU PO 200 or 400 mg
N (enrolled/analyzed) 106/66
5-face scale (severe to none)
4-point scale (severe to none)
4-point scale (none to severe)
, in pain by Q2 grade at 2 h
, in pain from severe or moderate , in pain from severe or moderate
if initial grade Q 3
to mild or none at 2 h
to mild or none at 2 h
APAP vs. P: OR 2.0 (0.9, 4.3)
IBU vs. P: 34/45 vs. 21/39,
IBU vs. P: 20/29 vs. 8/29, P G 0.05
IBU vs. P: OR 2.9 (1.0, 8.1)
ZOL vs. P: 18/29 vs. 8/29, P G 0.05
APAP vs. IBU: 0.7 (0.4, 1.1)*
IBU vs. ZOL: 20/29 vs. 18/29, NS
APAP vs. P: OR 2.0 (0.9, 4.3)
IBU vs. P: 20/45 vs. 10/39,
IBU vs. P: 14/29 vs. 2/29, P G 0.01
IBU vs. P: OR 3.5 (1.0, 11.9)
ZOL vs. P: 13/29 vs. 2/29, P G 0.01
IBU vs. APAP: OR 2.2 (1.1, 40)
IBU vs. ZOL:14/29 vs. 13/29, NS
APAP vs. P: 0/16 vs. 1/12, NS
IBU vs. P: 8/45 vs. 14/39,
IBU vs. P: 2/20 vs. 1/8, NS
IBU vs. P: 1/24 vs. 1/12, NS
ZOL vs. P: 4/18 vs. 1/8, NS
APAP vs. IBU: 0/16 vs. 1/24, NS
IBU vs. ZOL: 2/20 vs. 4/18, NS
APAP vs. P: 8/78 vs. 18/78, NS
IBU vs. P: 1/45 vs. 15/39,
IBU vs. P: 5/29 vs. 8/29, NS
IBU: 13/80 vs. 18/78, NS
ZOL vs. P: 2/29 vs. 8/29, P G 0.05
APAP vs. IBU: 8/78 vs. 13/80, NS
IBU vs. ZOL: 5/29 vs. 2/29, NS
More adverse effects of ZOL vs. P
Authors' conclusion
APAP and IBU are effective
ZOL and IBU are effective
IBU gives best relief (see comments)
ZOL has similar efficacy
Intent to treat analysis was performed More patients in IBU were
Low placebo response rate
with a different outcome (any , in
receiving prophylactic
pain), in that situation in both
treatment. IBU dose
APAP and IBU were better than P,
and there was no differencebetween APAP and IBU
*Estimation from the figure.
DBR indicates double-blind randomized; XOver, crossover; IHSC, International Headache Society Criteria; APAP, acetaminophen; IBU, ibuprofen; P,
placebo; ZOL, zolmitriptan; N, number of patients enrolled; NR, not reported; NS, nonsignificant; OR (95% CI), odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval.
outcome, we abstracted it to facilitate comparison as
trials chosen by the same subcommittee were sustained pain-
suggested by the International Headache Society Clinical
free defined as pain-free within 2 hours with no use of rescue
Trial Subcommittee.25 The 2 important outcomes of migraine
medication, and recurrence within 48 hours were also
* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
TABLE 2. Level I Evidence Evaluating Intranasal Sumatriptan for the Treatment of Migraine Attack in Children
Ueberall and Wenzel30
Neurologic clinic
2Y8 moderate-to-severe
1Y8 moderate-to-severe
attacks/mo 2 mo
attacks/mo 2 mo
Resistant to common
Failed Q1 medication(s)
No acute medications
from 6 h before and upto 1 h after study drug
Patients on prophylaxis
Prior no response to
Patients on prophylaxis
SUM IN 5 or 10 mg
, in pain of severe or
, in pain from severe or
, in pain of severe or
, in pain from severe or
moderate to mild or
moderate by 2 grade
moderate to mild or
20 vs. P: 74/118 vs.
SUM vs. P: 53/83 vs.
20 vs. P: 144/237 vs.
vs. 6/14, P = 0.031
69/131, P = 0.059
127/244, P = 0.087
10 vs. P: 85/133 vs.
5 vs. P: 132/250 vs.
5 vs. P: 84/128 vs.
20 vs. P: 161/237 vs.
142/244, P = 0.025
5 vs. P: 158/250 vs.
20 vs. P: 42/118 vs.
SUM vs. P: 26/83 vs.
20 vs. P: 104/237 vs.
vs. 2/14, P = 0.016
73/244, P G 0.001
10 vs. P: 45/133 vs.
5 vs. P: 33/128 vs.
20 vs. P: 19/118 vs.
SUM vs. P: 4/83 vs.
20 vs. P: 57/237 vs.
10 vs. P: 27/133 vs.
5 vs. P: 58/250 vs.
5 vs. P: 23/128 vs.
(continued on next page)
* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
Treatment of Children With Migraine in ED
TABLE 2. Continued
SUM vs. P: 0/14 vs.
20 vs. P: 31/118 vs.
SUM vs. P: 29/83 vs.
20 vs. P: 97/237 vs.
120/244, P = 0.063
10 vs. P: 29/133 vs.
5 vs. P: 105/250 vs.
120/244, P = 0.119
5 vs. P: 27/128 vs.
More taste disturbance
More taste disturbance
More taste disturbance
SUM IN is effective
SUM IN is effective
SUM may be beneficial
to some adolescents
Unusual results (low dose
effective not higher dosagesfor primary outcome)
*Estimation from the figure.
DBR indicates double-blind randomized; XOver, crossover; IHSC, International Headache Society Criteria; SUM, sumatriptan; P, placebo; APAP, aceta-
minophen; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; N, number of patients enrolled; NS, nonsignificant.
abstracted.25 Comments on the various studies were made
studies. The only comparative study with the triptans com-
when deemed appropriate.
pared zolmitriptan against ibuprofen and placebo (Table 1).28
Another study evaluated oral dihydroergotamine
(DHE) against a placebo (Table 4).38 Finally, 1 study
Odds ratio was not calculated because for most of the
compared intravenous ketorolac to intravenous prochlorper-
studies, they were impossible to compute considering the
azine (Table 4).39
crossover design of the study and the absence of raw data
All studies, except one, were neurology clinic-based,
presented in the articles. An attempt was made to contact the
and children with migraine that fit the International Headache
authors of these studies.
Society criteria (1988), its second edition (2004), or a
A summary of the RCTs that evaluated efficacy of the
proposed revision were treated initially with the study drug
medications used to treat children with migraine was
or the placebo at home.40Y42 The only study done in a
produced for each important outcome recommended by the
pediatric emergency department compared prochlorperazine
International Headache Society Clinical Trial Subcommit-
versus ketorolac in children that fit the Prensky and Sommer
tee:25 pain relief, pain-free, recurrence, and need for rescue
migraine criteria.39,43 Those patients were likely to have
medications. Medications considered effective for the out-
received other medications either at home or in the
come were those where the RCTs showed consistent positive
emergency department before being included in the study.39
results or where one RCT showed a positive result.
This was not the case in the other identified studies; the
Medications not considered effective for the outcome were
studied medications were used first and early after the
those with RCTs that showed consistent negative results or
migraine had started.
with one RCT that showed a negative result. Medications that
The quality of the trials was generally good as
were found inconsistent for the outcome were those that had
evaluated by the Jadad score, but most had large confidence
RCTs that showed both positive and negative results.
interval. There was an important number of lost to follow-upin most studies. Two studies29,38 evaluated responses to other
treatments in a population initially used for another.27 Most
The comprehensive search identified a limited number
studies had a priori power calculation: only 2 did not.26,30
of relevant RTCs (Fig. 1).
One study evaluated ibuprofen against a placebo,26
another evaluated both acetaminophen and ibuprofen against
Like all other systematic reviews or meta-analyses, the
a placebo,27 and another compared ibuprofen and zolmitrip-
quality of this qualitative systematic review is limited by the
tan, a triptan, against a placebo.28 Table 1 summarizes these
quantity and quality of the available evidence. Considering
that we wanted to evaluate which treatment for children with
Several studies evaluated triptans alone; 1 evaluated
migraine and status migrainosus would be effective in the
oral sumatriptan against a placebo,29 4 evaluated intranasal
emergency department, it was striking to find that in all but 1
sumatriptan against a placebo,30Y33 3 evaluated oral riza-
study, the patients were treated at home. What does this say
triptan against a placebo,34Y36 and 1 evaluated oral zolmi-
for patients seen in the emergency department? In patients
triptan against a placebo.37 Tables 2 and 3 summarize the 9
studied at home, the studied medication was the first agent
* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
TABLE 3. Level I Evidence Evaluating Oral Triptans for the Treatment of Migraine Attack in Children
Hamalainen et al29
Q1 and e8 attacks/
Q1 and e8 attacks/
Q2 and e10 attacks/
Moderate or severe
Previous unsatisfactory
response to acetamin-
prophylaxis excluded
RIZ PO 5 or 10 mg
RIZ PO 5 or 10 mgP PO
moderate (Q3) by at
least 2 grade at 2 h
RIZ vs. P: 159/233
ZOL vs. P: 263/480
RIZ vs. P: 71/96 vs.
2nd RIZ vs. P: 70/96
vs. 35/96, P G 0.001
RIZ vs. P: 98/148
Pain-free at 2 h SUM vs. P: 5/23
RIZ vs. P: 48/148
RIZ vs. P: 91/233 vs.
ZOL vs. P: 107/480
RIZ vs. P: 34/96 vs.
75/240, P = 0.053
2nd RIZ vs. P: 30/96
vs. 17/96, P = 0.037
RIZ vs. P: 84/233
RIZ vs. P: 17/96 vs.
2nd RIZ vs. P: 21/96
vs. 38/96, P = 0.017
More adverse events
More adverse events
Similar efficacy of
RIZ PO is effective
High rate of responders High rate of responders Same results with
DBR indicates double-blind randomized; XOver, crossover; IHSC, International Headache Society Criteria; SUM, sumatriptan; RIZ, rizatriptan; ZOL,
zolmitriptan; P, placebo; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; N, number of patients enrolled; NR, not reported; NS, nonsignificant.
* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
Treatment of Children With Migraine in ED
TABLE 4. Level I Evidence Evaluating DHE, Ketorolac, and Prochlorperazine for the Treatment of Migraine Attack in Children
Hamalainen et al38
Brousseau et al39
Prensky and Sommer criteria43
Enrolled when decision to treat IV
Patients on prophylaxis excludedMost patients participated previously in a
study comparing APAP and IBU to P27
PRO IV 0.15 mg/kg
DHE PO 40 2g/kgP PO
N (enrolled/analyzed)
5-point scale (severe to none)
9-face pain scale (1-9)
, of severe or moderate by 2 grade at 2 h
, by 50% or complete relief at 1 h
DHE vs. P: 7/12 vs. 2/12, P = 0.06
PRO vs. KET: 28/33 vs. 13/29, $30% (95% CI: 8, 52)
DHE vs. P: 5/12 vs. 0/12, NR
DHE vs. P: 2/5 vs. 0/0, NR
PRO vs. KET: 7/26 vs. 4/13, $ j4% (95% CI: j34, 27)
Use of rescue medications
DHE vs. P: 6/12 vs. 8/13, NR
Author's conclusion
DHE PO may be useful
PRO IV is superior to KET IV
Unusual low rate of responders in placebo group
Only ED-based studyMost children received medications before ED visit,
but there is no report of medications used beforestudy in the ED
DBR indicates double-blind randomized; XOver, crossover; PED, pediatric emergency department; IHSC, International Headache Society Criteria; KET,
ketorolac; P, placebo; PRO, prochlorperazine; APAP, acetaminophen; IBU, ibuprofen; N, number of patients enrolled; NR, not reported; ED, emergencydepartment.
used for a migraine attack and is likely to have been used
they wish and expect to be pain-free after a treatment.25
early after the onset of the headache as per the investigators_
Other important outcomes that need to be evaluated are use
instructions. In patients seen in an emergency department,
of rescue medication 2 hours after the intervention and
some, if not most, patients have tried other medications that
recurrence defined as any severity returns within 48 hours.25
were probably ineffective, and again, some, if not most,
This is why we reported all 4 relevant outcomes.
patients were seen well after the onset of the migraine. It is
Half of the identified RCTs were crossover trials. None
unclear if a medication found effective at home can also be
of them provided raw data preventing the calculation of odds
effective when another treatment has previously failed. Thus,
ratio when not reported and adequate pooling of the data. We
any conclusions for treatment in an emergency department
chose not to analyze the crossover trials as parallel trials like
need to take this limitation into account.
others have done.11 This could have led to a debatable
Furthermore, interpretation of the results is somewhat
conclusion considering the inconsistent results for some
complicated by the outcomes measured. Most studies used
pain relief measured 2 hours after the intervention as theirprimary outcome. This may not be the best outcome formigraine trials according to the International Headache
Society Clinical Trials Subcommittee.25 Instead, they recom-
Only a limited number of medications proposed in the
mend pain-free at 2 hours before any rescue medication as
guidelines of the Canadian Headache Society, the French
the primary measure of efficacy because patients indicate that
Society for the Study of Migraine Headache, and the
* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
American Academy of Neurology have been studied by
of its very rapid onset of action compared with the oral
RCTs in children.7Y10 Not surprisingly, the more recently
formulation (15 minutes compared with 30 to 60 minutes for
available medications, the triptans, are the most widely
oral sumatriptan).44 Furthermore, migraine-associated gastric
stasis has also been suggested to explain the difference of
From the studies that evaluated acetaminophen and
efficacy of oral triptans in children compared with adults.44
ibuprofen, it seems that ibuprofen was effective as initial
This hypothesis seems to be incorrect because acetamino-
treatment for pain relief (Table 5).26Y28 Acetaminophen also
phen, ibuprofen, and zolmitriptan administered orally were
seems to be effective for the same outcome, although the
found to be effective in children.26Y28
results are not as clear as with ibuprofen because of the way
Oral DHE did not seem to be effective but was
the analysis was done in the study (intent-to-treat analysis not
evaluated in only 12 children (Table 5).38 In any case,
used to report the primary outcome).27 When the results were
nausea associated with DHE could limit this option even if it
analyzed on an intent-to-treat basis, acetaminophen was
had been effective.7
found effective for pain relief but not pain-free. Neither
Intravenous prochlorperazine was the only treatment
acetaminophen nor ibuprofen prevented recurrence.26,27
that was evaluated and found effective for pain relief as
Ibuprofen decreased the need for rescue medications in one
treatment in the emergency department after other migraine
trial,26 but not in the others.27,28 Acetaminophen did not
treatment had failed at home (Table 5).39 If we include
decrease the need for rescue medications (Table 5).27
patients treated with prochlorperazine after ketorolac had
Several authors have concluded that oral triptans are
failed, the success of prochlorperazine was 85% (51/60). This
not as effective in children as they are in adults.19,44
was impressive considering that the attacks were present for a
However, nasal sumatriptan may be effective.19,44 Most of
median of 24 to 25 hours and that more than 80% of patients
the studies that evaluated oral sumatriptan, oral rizatriptan,
received pain medications before the visit to the emergency
and oral zolmitriptan found that these medications were not
department including 32% to 35% migraine-specific medi-
effective for pain relief (Table 5).29,34,35,37 The exceptions are
cations. The rate of success with ketorolac (55%) was close
2 recent studies that found oral rizatriptan and oral
to what might be expected with placebo (30%Y50% response
zolmitriptan better than placebo for pain relief, pain-free,
rate), although the possibility that ketorolac was effective,
and need for rescue medications.28,36 The difference may be
keeping in mind the severity of the migraine attack treated in
explained by high placebo response rate in previous studies
this study, cannot be excluded. We do not know if
with both medications. Interestingly, zolmitriptan was as
prochlorperazine is effective for the outcome pain-free or to
effective for pain relief, pain-free, and need for rescue
decrease the need for rescue medications. However, pro-
medications but not better than ibuprofen in the only
chlorperazine did not prevent recurrence (Table 5).
comparative study involving the triptans.28 None of the oral
From all this, it is difficult to draw conclusion for
triptans prevented recurrence (Table 5). Intranasal sumatrip-
emergency department treatment of mild or moderate attack
tan gave inconsistent results in 4 studies for pain relief, pain-
in children. In that situation, acetaminophen or ibuprofen
free, and the need for rescue medications (Table 5). However,
may be used to relieve pain, but patients are likely not to
none decreased recurrence (Table 5). It has been suggested
become pain-free (Table 5). In these situations, it is unclear
that nasal sumatriptan may be an effective treatment because
if any medications will be effective if the first one was
TABLE 5. Summary of the Efficacy of the Medications Used to Treat Children With Migraine
Need for Rescue Medications
Acetaminophen (n = 1)
Ibuprofen (n = 3)
Rizatriptan (n = 3)
Sumatriptan (n = 1)
Zolmitriptan (n = 2)
Intranasal medication
Sumatriptan (n = 4)
Intravenous medications
Prochlorperazine (n = 1)
Ketorolac (n = 1)*
*Used as a comparative agent against prochlorperazine.
+ indicates studies showing consistent positive results or a study showing positive result; j, studies showing consistent negative results or a study showing
negative result; +/j, studies showing inconsistent results; ?, not evaluated.
* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pediatric Emergency Care Volume 24, Number 5, May 2008
Treatment of Children With Migraine in ED
ineffective. Intranasal sumatriptan may be considered, but
9. Lewis D, Ashwal A, Hershey A, et al. Practice parameters: Pharmaco-
because of the discrepancy in the different studies, it is
logical treatment of migraine headache in children and adolescents.
Neurology. 2004;63:2215Y2224.
unclear if it is really effective for pain relief. The place of oral
10. Silberstein S. Practice parameter: Evidence-based guidelines for
triptans in the emergency department is unclear, as one study
migraine headache (an evidence-based-review). Neurology. 2000;6:
found oral zolmitriptan no better than ibuprofen. For severe
or ultrasevere attacks, intravenous prochlorperazine seems to
11. Damen L, Bruijn J, Verhagen A, et al. Symptomatic treatment of
be the medication of choice in the emergency department
migraine in children: a systematic review of medication trials. Pediatrics.
with a very good chance of success in relieving pain despite
12. Hamalainen ML. Migraine in children and adolescents: a guide to drug
previous failure with other treatment (Table 5). The rate of
treatment. CNS Drugs. 2006;20:813Y820.
adverse reactions, especially of extrapyramidal symptoms, is
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Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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* 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Univ.Prof.Dr. Daniela Kandioler MBA 03.03.2015 Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniela Kandioler MBA ORIGINAL Manuscripts (First Autor) ORIGINAL Manuscripts (Coautor) Univ.Prof.Dr. Daniela Kandioler MBA 03.03.2015 Univ.Prof.Dr. Daniela Kandioler MBA 03.03.2015 I. ORIGINALARBEITEN (Erstautor) 15) Daniela Kandioler, Sebastian F Schoppmann, Ronald Zwrtek, Sonja Kappel, Brigitte Wolf, Martina Mittlböck, Irene Kührer, Michael Hejna, Ursula Pluschnig, Ahmed Ba-Ssalamah, Fritz Wrba, Johannes Zacherl. The biomarker TP53 divides patients with neoadjuvantly treated esophageal cancer into 2 subgroups with markedly different outcomes. A p53 Research Group study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 148: 2280-2286
Bio/Bio News – January 2015 Mitochondria are structures found in the cells of all BIO/BIO FAC ULTY IN THE NEW S eukaryotes, organisms with one or more cells containing a nuclei and organelles that perform specific tasks. Enclosed in OLD DRUG MAY TEACH NEW TRICKS IN membrane, mitochondria are responsible for supplying the cell with energy and are connected to a cell's life and death.