Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323 – 335
Incorporation and release behavior of hydrophobic drug
in functionalized poly(D,L-lactide)-block–poly(ethylene oxide)
Jaeyoung Lee, Eun Chul Cho, Kilwon Cho*
Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Environmental Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology,
790-784 Pohang, South Korea
Received 22 May 2003; accepted 9 October 2003
The poly(ethylene oxide) – poly(lactide) (PEO – PLA) block copolymers containing a small quantity of carboxylic acid in the
PLA block were synthesized. The microscopic characteristics of nanoparticles with carboxylic acid content in the copolymerwere analyzed, and the effect of specific interactions between the copolymer and the model drug on the drug loading capacityand the release behavior were investigated systematically. The sizes of nanoparticles prepared by a dialysis method are withinthe range of 30 – 40 nm. The nanoparticles prepared from functionalized block copolymers have a very low critical micelleconcentration (CMC) value as low as f10 3 mg/ml, which indicates a good stability of the nanoparticles in spite of thepresence of carboxylic acid. The drug loading efficiency of nanoparticles dramatically increased when carboxylic acid contentwas increased in the block copolymer. This result may be attributed to the increase of interactions between the copolymer andthe drug. The release rate of the drug was much slower from nanoparticles containing higher amounts of carboxylic acid in thecopolymer, which might be associated with the enhanced interaction between the carboxylic group of copolymers and the drug.
These experimental results suggest that the nanoparticles prepared from functionalized PEO – PLA block copolymers could be agood candidate for an injectable drug delivery carrier.
D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Block copolymer; Micelle; Nanoparticle; Drug delivery; Careboxylic acid
block copolymer has been the focus of researchespecially because of the nano-character in self-as-
Over the past few decades, biodegradable nano-
sembling systems This type of diblock copoly-
particles have attracted considerable interest as an
mer can form a spherical micelle structure in an
effective drug carrier device. Various polymers have
aqueous media. The hydrophobic blocks of the co-
been used in drug delivery systems. The amphiphilic
polymer form the core of the micelle, while thehydrophilic blocks form the corona or outer shell.
The hydrophobic micelle core serves as a microenvi-ronment for incorporating hydrophobic drugs such as
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (K. Cho).
anti-cancer drugs while the outer shell serves as
0168-3659/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
a stabilizing interface between the hydrophobic drug
a hydrophobic drug is needed with the functional
and the external medium. Since most drugs have a
group of core block.
hydrophobic character, the drugs can be easily incor-
To solve this problem and increase the drug load-
porated into the micelle by simple physical entrap-
ing capacity compared to unfunctionalized poly(eth-
ment through dialysis or by an oil/water emulsion
ylene oxide) – poly(lactide) (PEO – PLA) block
method. The solubility of hydrophobic drug in the
copolymer, we synthesized the PEO – PLA diblock
aqueous media is greatly increased by the use of
copolymers containing a small quantity of carboxylic
micelle. Thus, incorporating a drug in the micelle is
acid in the PLA block and prepared functionalized
an effective method of preparing an efficient drug
nanoparticles. This study analyzed the microscopic
delivery system. Biodegradable and biocompatible
characteristics of nanoparticles with carboxylic acid
polymers such as poly(lactide) (PLA) poly(q-
content in the copolymer and investigated the effect of
caprolactone) (PCL) poly(h-benzyl L-aspar-
specific interaction between the copolymer and the
tate) (PLBA) and poly(g-benzyl L-glutamate)
model drug on the drug loading capacity and the
(PLBG) have been used mostly for the core
release behavior systematically.
material of micelle. Moreover, poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO) is a non-toxic, highly hydrated polymer thatstabilizes the surfaces in aqueous systems, and it is
effective in preventing the adsorption of proteins andadhesion of cells. Therefore, PEO has been used as
the outer shell material of micelle for a long-circulat-ing drug carrier.
Methoxy terminated poly(ethylene oxide) (MePEO)
Studies on the polymeric micelles composed by
with molecular weight of 5000 was purchased from
the PEO as hydrophilic block and PCL, PLA, PLBA,
Fluka. LAC was supplied by Aldrich and recrystal-
PLBG as hydrophobic block have been carried out
lized from ethyl acetate. Stannous 2-ethylhexanoate
by many groups The size, stability, drug
was provided by Sigma Chemical and purified by
loading capacity, release kinetics, circulation time
and biodistribution of micelles are several key prop-
quinoline) hydrochloride was obtained from Sigma
erties that have been studied. These properties are
Chemical, and a papaverine free base (PAP) was
affected by the molecular weight, the composition,
prepared by increasing the pH of solution above 10.
and the chemical structure of diblock copolymer.
L-Aspartic acid and bromoacetylchloride were pur-
Therefore, these studies focused on correlating the
chased from Aldrich and Fluka, respectively. All
structure of block copolymer and the properties of
other chemicals used were of reagent grade and
micelle. The block copolymers developed so far
used without further purification.
either contain no functional groups at all in thehydrophobic block like as PCL, PLA or contain
2.2. Snythesis of functionalized monomer and diblock
excessive functional groups like as poly(aspartic
acid) When the functional groups are notcontained in the hydrophobic block of the copoly-
mer, no special interaction such as hydrogen bonding
2,5-dione (BMD) (5) was prepared from L-aspartic
can be expected between the copolymer and the
acid according to the following procedures
drug. Consequently, drug is not very well loaded
The synthesis of PEO – PLA diblock copolymer
into the micelle. And this copolymer has a relatively
containing carboxylic group (7) was also conducted
low drug loading efficiency. In the case of copoly-
according to the following procedures
mers containing excessive functional groups, the
PEO – PLA diblock copolymers containing benzyl
copolymers may be water-soluble and unable to form
moiety (6) were synthesized by ring-opening copoly-
the micelle in an aqueous medium. Thus, attaining
merization of LAC and BMD in the presence of
the amphiphilicity of the copolymer is encountered
MePEO homopolymer with stannous 2-ethylhexa-
with a problem—that is, the chemical conjugation of
noate as a catalyst. The weighed amounts of MePEO,
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
Scheme 1. Synthetic scheme of functionalized monomer (BMD).
LAC, BMD, and stannous 2-ethylhexanoate were
dispersed to this solution, the flask was evacuated,
placed in a 100 ml round flask equipped with a
connected to a hydrogen depot and filled with hydro-
vacuum cock. The flask, filled with nitrogen gas and
gen gas. The mixture was then stirred vigorously with
evacuated, was heated up to 160 jC, and the mixture
a magnetic stirrer and reacted with hydrogen for 15 h.
was stirred for 2 h. While the mixture was being stirred
After the theoretical amount of hydrogen had been
under these conditions, the viscosity of the product
absorbed, the mixture was filtered to remove the
increased gradually. The product was dissolved in 50
catalyst. The filtrate was condensed under reduced
ml of chloroform and precipitated in an excess amount
pressure and precipitated in a large excess of diethyl
of diethyl ether, which was filtered and dried in a
ether. The final product was filtered and dried in a
vacuum oven.
PEO – PLA diblock copolymer containing carbox-
ylic group (7) was obtained by the catalytic debenzy-
2.3. Preparation of nanoparticles
lation of its precursor (6) in the presence of hydrogengas. A solution of 4 g of (6) in 125 ml of ethanol/
The nanoparticles (micelles) containing a hydro-
dioxane (25:75) was poured into a flask of 500 ml.
phobic drug were prepared according to the dialysis
After 1 g of charcoal coated with palladium was
method Diblock copolymer (200 mg) was dis-
Scheme 2. Synthetic scheme of PEO – PLA block copolymer containing carboxylic acid.
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
solved in 10 ml of DMF followed by adding 150 mg
determined by a dynamic light scattering (DLS)
of drug (PAP) and stirred at room temperature. This
instrument (Brookhaven BI-9000AT) using an argon
solution was filtered to remove dust particles and
ion laser at 25 jC. The intensity of the scattered light
dialyzed for 24 h against 2 l of ultra-pure water using
was detected with a photomultiplier as a function of
cellulose dialysis membrane (Mw cut off: 6000 –
the scattering angle. The signal from the photomulti-
8000). The water was exchanged to fresh water once
plier was digitized via an amplifier-discriminator and
every 5 h. The nanoparticle solution was filtered to
was fed into a correlator. Intensity autocorrelation
eliminate the unloaded drug and aggregated particles.
function was fitted by using the second cumulant
The pore size of Teflon filter was 0.45 Am. A part of
method. The samples for DLS measurement were
nanoparticle solution was frozen and lyophilized by a
prepared by diluting the nanoparticles solution. And
freeze dryer system to obtain dried nanoparticles and
then, the solution was filtered through a 0.45 Am
also to calculate the concentration of nanoparticles
Teflon filter. The concentration of solution was about
solution prepared in this process. The remaining part
0.1 wt.%. This concentration is sufficiently diluted so
of the nanoparticles solution was frozen to prevent
that the multiple scattering due to high concentration
degradation of diblock copolymer. The nanoparticles
of nanoparticles may not occur.
that are not containing a drug were also preparedfollowing the same method as above.
2.5. Fluorescence measurements
2.4. Characterizations
In order to determine the critical micelle concentra-
tion (CMC) of diblock copolymeric nanoparticles in
The chemical structure of synthesized monomer,
distilled water, fluorescence measurements were car-
and the composition and the molecular weight of
ried out using pyrene as probe Pyrene pre-
the copolymers were determined by using a proton
dissolved in acetone was added to the test tube, and
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrument
the solvent was evaporated. Different amounts of
(Bruker DRX500). The molecular weight and its
nanoparticles solution and distilled water were added
distribution of diblock copolymer were characterized
to this tube and made a different concentration of
by using gel permeation chromatography (GPC)
diblock copolymer ranging from 10 6 to 10 1 mg/
(Waters 600E) calibrated using the standard poly-
ml. The concentration of pyrene used was 6.0 10 7
styrene at room temperature. Tetrahydrofuran was
M. The solution was incubated at room temperature
used as an eluent at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. The
with mild stirring for pyrene to equilibrate between the
thermal properties of the PAP and drug containing
nanoparticle and the aqueous phase completely. Fluo-
nanoparticles were determined by a differential
rescence excitation spectra were obtained as a function
scanning calorimetry (DSC) instrument (Perkin –
of the concentration of diblock copolymers using
Elmer DSC 7) at a scanning rate of 10 jC/min.
spectrofluorometer (Shimadzu RF-5301PC). Experi-
The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) instru-
ments were conducted with emission wavelengths of
ment (VG instrument) was used to investigate the
390 nm. Excitation and emission bandwidths were 3.0
surface chemistry of nanoparticles. The source was
and 1.5 nm, respectively. Excitation spectra were
a monochromated Al K-a X-rays.
obtained from the scanning excitation spectrum of each
Aqueous dispersion of nanoparticles was examined
sample from 300 to 360 nm, fixing the emission
by using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
wavelength at 390 nm. The CMC was determined by
instrument (JEOL). Specimens were prepared by
taking a mid-point of the copolymer concentration at
dropping the nanoparticles solutions onto carbon
which the relative excitation fluorescence intensity
coated EM grids. The solution on the grid was
ratio measured at 335 – 333 nm was varied.
refrigerated in liquid nitrogen and lyophilized by afreeze dryer. The nanoparticles on the grid were
2.6. Drug loading amount
stained by 20 wt.% of phosphotungstic acid. Speci-mens were vacuum dried before examination. Average
The drug containing nanoparticles were dissolved to
size of nanoparticles in the aqueous solution was
dichloromethane. The amount of papaverine free base
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
(PAP) entrapped was determined by measuring the UV
3.2. Synthesis of functionalized diblock copolymer
absorbance at 238 or 279 nm. A calibration curve wasconstructed using different concentrations of free PAP
BMD (5) has a ring-opening polymerizability
in dichloromethane. The weight % of the PAP content
comparable to glycolide and lactide The copo-
entrapped into the core of nanoparticles was calculated
lymerization of MePEO, LAC, and BMD was car-
from the weight of the initial drug loaded nanoparticles
ried out in bulk with stannous 2-ethylhexanoate. The
and the amount of drug incorporated.
MePEO/(BMD + LAC) weight ratio in the feed isfixed at 2/3, and only the BMD/LAC weight ratio is
2.7. Drug release experiment
changed from 5/95 to 15/85. When the diblockcopolymer has a large amount of carboxylic groups
Nanoparticles solutions containing a known
in the hydrophobic block, the diblock copolymers do
amount of drug were sealed in a dialysis bag (Mw
not form the nanoparticles in the aqueous solution.
cutoff: 6000 – 8000), and the drug was released into
Therefore, the weight ratio of BMD in the hydro-
250 ml of phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4, 0.01 M)
phobic block is restricted up to 0.15. The NMR
at 37 jC. The release medium (5 ml) was withdrawn
spectrum of PEO – PLA diblock copolymer contain-
at pre-determined time intervals and replaced with an
ing BMD (6) shows the peak at d = 7.28 owing to
equivalent volume of fresh buffer. The content of the
the benzene group in the copolymer, which indicates
drug released was directly determined from the ab-
that BMD should be introduced to the diblock
sorbance at 238 nm.
copolymer. However, the NMR spectrum of PEO –PLA containing carboxylic acid (7) does not nearlyshow the peak at d = 7.28, which means that the
3. Results and discussion
pendant benzyl ester can readily be removed bycatalytic hydrogenolysis after copolymerization to
3.1. Synthesis of functionalized monomer
yield a new carboxyl-functionalized PEO – PLAdiblock copolymer Also, GPC diagrams show
The synthesis of BMD (5) was carried out
only the single peak regardless of samples. These
according to The reactions of up to (4)
results confirm that PEO – PLA diblock copolymers
progressed well, and the yields of products were
containing carboxylic acid in the PLA block are
higher than 95%. However, the yield of BMD was
quite a low 20% because the reaction of the final
shows the results of the characterization for
step was progressed by the internal cyclization
diblock copolymers. The compositions and Mw of
between bromoacetyl group and carboxylic group
copolymers were determined by proton NMR spec-
of (4) whereas BMD with high purity could be
troscopy and GPC measurement. The molecular
obtained by a sublimation method because BMD
weight % of PLA block in the copolymers was
has the property of sublimation. The onset of melt-
obtained from the peak intensity of the methylene
ing peak of BMD synthesized is 150.8 jC (DSC
proton (d = 3.65) of the PEG chain and the methyl
thermogram of BMD is not shown here), which is
proton (d = 1.58) of the PLA chain. The Mw and the
quite consistent with the reference value (150 jC)
weight composition of each block copolymers are
The chemical structure of BMD is also ana-
controlled similarly, but the content of carboxylic acid
lyzed by a proton NMR method. Each hydrogen
is controlled differently Thus, it was pos-
atom of BMD is assigned to each peak of NMR
sible to examine only the effect of the carboxylic acid
spectrum. The integral area ratio of each peak
in the copolymer on the physicochemical properties of
corresponds accurately to the number of hydrogen
the nanoparticles. The probability of forming the
of each group in the chemical structure of BMD.
homo sequence of BMD is negligibly small at the
Especially, the observation of the characteristic quar-
present relatively low BMD/LAC ratios in the feed
tet at d = 5.0 – 5.1 ppm in the spectrum was good
composition. Consequently, the BMD unit sequences
proof for its cyclic structure Thus, BMD with
of PLA block are thought to be random The
high purity was successfully synthesized.
number of carboxylic acid introduced in the PLA
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
Table 1Characteristics of functionalized PEO – PLA diblock copolymers
a Mn, number-average molecular weight.
c Estimated from NMR spectrum.
d Weight % of BMD introduced in the hydrophobic block (PLA).
block was about 1 – 4, which indicated a small quan-
hydrophobic block does not give a large effect on the
tity of carboxylic acid.
formation of nanoparticles. Also, the sizes of nano-particles containing the drug were almost similar
3.3. Size of nanoparticles
compared to the ones containing no drug. This resultmay be attributed to the low content of drug in the
The size of functionalized diblock copolymeric
nanoparticles was investigated by a DLS method.
The size and morphology of nanoparticles were
The correlation function obtained from scattered in-
further observed by a TEM technique. shows
tensity was fitted by Eq. (1). The diffusion coefficient
the nanoparticles stained by the phosphotungstic
of nanoparticles (D) was obtained from the slope of
acid. Because the phosphotungstic acid is a negative
decay rate (C1) versus scattering vector ( q2) plot.
staining agent, the color of the stained region isshown as white brown on the TEM photograph
y ¼ A exp½C1t þ ðC2=2Þt 22 þ b
The size and the size distribution of the nanoparticlesare clearly investigated. TEM photographs show that
Also, the hydrodynamic radius of nanoparticles
the morphology of nanoparticles is of spherical type,
was determined by using the Stokes – Einstein Eq.
that the diameter of nanoparticles is about 20 nm,
and that its distribution is quite uniform. It is alsoobserved that even in the case of containing BMD
19.5 wt.% in block copolymer the nano-
particles are well formed. The diameter of nano-
where, k, Boltzmann's constant; T, absolute tempera-
particles observed by TEM is smaller than its
ture, and g, viscosity of the solvent. Generally, micelleformation occurs as a result of two forces. One is anattractive force that leads to the association of mole-
Table 2Characteristics and drug solubility of PEO – PLA nanoparticles
cules while the other one is a repulsive force thatprevents unlimited growth of the micelles. Therefore,
the micelle size is mainly determined by the relative
magnitude and balance of these two forces. The sizes
of nanoparticles obtained from DLS experiment were
about 30 – 40 nm which are suitable for an
injectable drug carrier. However, within the experi-
mental range of carboxylic acid content, there is no
special relation between the size of nanoparticles and
the carboxylic acid content in the copolymer. This
a Determined by a DLS experiment.
means that a small quantity of carboxylic acid in the
b The concentration of PEO – PLA nanoparticles used is 1 wt.%.
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
3.4. Critical micelle concentration
The CMCs of functionalized diblock copolymers
were determined by a fluorescence spectroscopymeasurement. Pyrene was chosen as a fluorescentprobe because of its photochemical properties suitablefor an effective probe Pyrene molecule had astrong hydrophobic character and a very low solubil-ity in water. Because pyrene preferentially solubilizeditself into the hydrophobic region of nanoparticles,the fluorescence intensity was greatly affected by theenvironmental change around pyrene. We can observethe shift of the peak at the excitation spectra with theincreasing concentration of block copolymer 2(a)). Specifically, the maximum peak for pyrene,which is at 333 nm in water, was shown to shift to335 nm upon addition of block copolymer. The CMCwas determined by taking a mid-point of the copol-ymer concentration at which the relative excitationfluorescence intensity ratio of I335 /I333 was variedThe CMC values of block copolymers areslightly increased with the content of carboxylic acidin the hydrophobic block This result maybe attributed to the increase in the hydrophilicity ofhydrophobic block with the increasing content ofcarboxylic acid. Because the absolute value of CMCis very low, however, the stability of nanoparticles isnot affected greatly by the content of carboxylic acidwithin this range.
The physical state of the inner core region of
nanoparticles was further characterized by the NMRstudy. The freeze-dried nanoparticles were dispersedinto the D2O, which were filtered to remove theaggregates, and then measured by using 500 MHzproton NMR instrument. shows the NMR
Fig. 1. TEM micrographs of PEO – PLA nanoparticles stained with
spectrum of nanoparticles (BMD 19.5 wt.%) mea-
phosphotungstic acid: (a) BMD 0 wt.%, (b) BMD 19.5 wt.%.
sured in the D2O solution. Due to the limited mobilityof PLA chains in the core of the nanoparticles, the
diameter obtained from the DLS experiment. The
intensity of proton peak (d = 1.55) originated from
diameter of nanoparticles obtained from the DLS
PLA was dramatically reduced compared to the one in
experiment reflects the hydrodynamic diameter of
the CDCl3 solution, where the formation of nano-
nanoparticles that are swelled by water molecules,
particles was not expected The small,
whereas the diameter of nanoparticles observed by
broad signals in the NMR spectrum indicate restricted
TEM shows that of dried nanoparticles. Therefore,
motions of these protons within the core of nano-
an increase in the nanoparticles size obtained from
particles. This suggests that the core of the polymeric
DLS compared to that of TEM is assumed to be
nanoparticles is a very rigid structure. This result also
caused by the hydration of the shell portion of
offers one of the evidences that functionalized PEO –
PLA diblock copolymers may associate to form
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
Fig. 2. Fluorescence excitation spectra (a) of pyrene as a function of PEO – PLA (BMD 19.5 wt.%) concentration (mg/ml) in water. (b) Plot ofthe intensity ratio from pyrene excitation spectra vs. log C. [Py] = 6.0 10 7.
stabilized nanoparticles in the water. This behavior of
(d = 3.65) originated from the outer corona region
PEO – PLA nanoparticles was in contrast with low
(PEO) of nanoparticles was very high like that of free
molecular weight amphiphiles, which typically
molecules. This result indicates that there is no
exhibited liquidlike cores and a relatively higher
difference on the mobility of the PEO chain between
mobility. On the other hand, the proton signal
nanoparticles and free molecules. Based on fluores-
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
Fig. 3. NMR spectra of PEO – PLA nanoparticles (BMD 19.5 wt.%) with different solvent: (a) D2O, (b) CDCl3.
cence spectroscopy and NMR measurement, it is
drug were dissolved into the DMF solvent together,
speculated that a small quantity of carboxylic acid in
and dialyzed against water, then the precipitate was
the PLA block does not have much effect on the
filtered out, which was unloaded PAP. It is estimated
formation and stability of nanoparticles.
that the aqueous solution was saturated with PAP, andthe PAP was loaded as a maximum content into the
3.5. Drug loading capacity
nanoparticles. Therefore, the content of the drugdetermined by this method indicates the drug loading
The amount of drug incorporated into PEO – PLA
capacity of nanoparticles. The drug loading capacity
nanoparticles was measured by UV spectrometer. The
of nanoparticles was greatly increased with the con-
freeze-dried nanoparticles were dissolved into CHCl3
tent of the carboxylic acid in the block copolymers
solvent, and then UV spectra were obtained. The
In the case of functionalized nanoparticles
content of drug loaded within the nanoparticles was
(BMD 19.5 wt.%), the weight % of the loaded drug
calculated from the absorbance of PAP at 279 nm.
into the nanoparticles was 14.9. This value is more
This wavelength was not interfered by the presence of
than four times the unfunctionalized nanoparticles,
block copolymer. When the nanoparticles solution
which do not contain carboxylic acid. In order to
was prepared, the copolymer and a large excess of
explain this result, we had to consider the physical and
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
drug Because the number of carboxylic acidin block copolymer was very low, direct evidence onthe existence of hydrogen bond between polymer anddrug could not be found by spectroscopic technique.
However, the drug loading results clearly show that asmall quantity of carboxylic acid in the block copol-ymer has a profound effect on the drug loadingcapacity of nanoparticles.
The compatibility between the loaded drug and the
core-forming block determines the efficiency of drugincorporation Polymer drug interaction suggeststhat the largest amount of drug loaded per micelle willbe reached when the core-forming block is mostsuitably matched with the drug to be loaded. There-fore, in order to enhance the encapsulation of thedrug, the compatibility between polymer and drugshould be increased. For example, the compatibilityincrease can be achieved by attaching a compatible
Fig. 4. Drug loading capacity of PEO – PLA nanoparticles as a
moiety such as fatty acid to the core-forming block
function of weight % of BMD in hydrophobic block.
In our study, we utilize the hydrogen bondingbetween polymer and drug as another method to
chemical state of the core of nanoparticles. Due to the
improve the drug loading capacity of nanoparticles.
rigid and glassy state of the core, which was estimated
So, we could anticipate that any kind of drug con-
from NMR study the carboxylic acid could
taining oxygen or nitrogen in their structure could be
be non-ionized, and the water content could be very
efficiently encapsulated in the nanoparticles contain-
low in the core of nanoparticles. The hydration of
ing carboxylic acid.
carboxylic acid was not sufficient to effectively block
Meanwhile, when only the drug without the co-
the hydrogen bonding between polymer and drug.
polymer was dialyzed in the same condition, the
This led us to speculate that the increase of drug
saturated concentration of drug was a very low
loading in the functionalized nanoparticles was main-
0.0287 mg/ml. However, when the block copolymer
ly attributed to the hydrogen bonding between the
was used for incorporation of drug, the solubility of
hydrogen of carboxylic acid in the copolymer and the
drug in water was greatly increased, especially in the
unpaired electron of nitrogen or oxygen atom in the
case of functionalized diblock copolymer
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram showing the interaction between PEO – PLA copolymer and drug (PAP).

J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
Therefore, in order to increase the water solubility of
the core of nanoparticles as an amorphous form and
hydrophobic drug, the use of PEO – PLA diblock
does not nearly exist at the surface of nanoparticles.
copolymer containing a small quantity of carboxylicacid would be a very useful method.
3.6. Degradation of nanoparticles
We further characterized the drug loaded nanopar-
ticles by DSC and XPS. shows the DSC
The degradation of nanoparticles in phosphate
thermograms of drug (PAP) and drug loaded nano-
buffered solution (pH 7.4, 0.01 M, 37 jC) was
particles (BMD 19.5 wt.%). Although the weight % of
monitored in a DLS experiment The concen-
drug in the nanoparticles was 14.9, the characteristic
tration of nanoparticles solution was 0.1 wt.%, which
melting peak of drug (160 jC) was not present at all.
is suitable for DLS measurement. As the degradation
Moreover, the XPS spectrum of nanoparticles does not
of nanoparticles progressed, the correlation function
show the peak of nitrogen from the included drug
of scattered intensity deviated from a single expo-
6(b)). These results indicate that the drug is dispersed in
nential decay. Because of the broad distribution ofparticle size, the correlation function could not befitted by Eq. (1). Thus, this point of time was takenas the time required for degradation of nanoparticles.
Although the degree of the degradation of nano-particles could not be quantified by using thismethod, it could be compared with the carboxylicacid content in the block copolymer. The timerequired for degradation of nanoparticles was de-creased with the content of carboxylic acid in theblock copolymer. In the case of functionalized nano-particles (BMD 19.5 wt.%), the time required fordegradation of nanoparticles is about 6 days. Where-as in the case of unfunctionalized nanoparticles(BMD 0 wt.%) it is about 20 days. It is attributedto the autocatalytic effect of carboxylic acid in thecopolymer on the degradation of nanoparticles That is, the rate of the degradation of core-formingblock was increased by the acidic catalyst in thehydrophobic block, which leads to a rapid collapseof nanoparticles. This result implies that the degra-dation rate of nanoparticles can be controlled by thecontent of carboxylic acid in the copolymer.
3.7. Drug release behavior
The drug release behavior of nanoparticles was
investigated using a dialysis membrane in phosphatebuffered (pH 7.4, 0.01 M, 37 jC). The concentration ofcopolymer containing the drug was fixed 0.5 wt.%. Asshown in nanoparticles without carboxylic acidexhibited a rapid release of 90% of drug within 10 h,whereas the nanoparticles containing carboxylic acidshowed controlled release of 50 – 90% for 7 days. In
Fig. 6. DSC thermograms (a) and XPS spectra (b) of drug (PAP)
addition, nanoparticles containing higher amounts of
and PEO – PLA nanoparticles (BMD 19.5 wt.%) containing drug(14.9 wt.%).
carboxylic acid in the copolymer showed a much
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
was reported that the diffusion of methyl red wassubstantially more retarded in a toluene solution ofpoly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) than in that of plystyrene(PS) The slower diffusion of MR in thepresence of a PVAc matrix was ascribed to thehydrogen bonding between the probe and polymer.
In our case, the release of drug from nanoparticleswas achieved by the diffusion of drug from the coreof nanoparticles to the aqueous medium because thenanoparticles are not degraded within the experimen-tal period. Thus, the hydrogen bonding between thecore-forming block and the drug retards the diffusionof drug, which plays an important role in the releaseof drug in nanoparticles.
Fig. 7. Release profiles of drug (PAP) from functionalized PEO –
The PEO – PLA block copolymers containing a
PLA nanoparticles in phosphate buffer solutions (pH 7.4, 0.01 M,37 jC). Solution concentration: 0.5 wt.%.
small quantity of carboxylic acid in the PLA blockwere successfully synthesized. The sizes of nano-particles prepared by a dialysis method are within
slower release rate. This implied that the carboxylic
the range of 30 – 40 nm, and they are suitable for an
group of copolymer enhances the interaction between
injectable drug carrier. The nanoparticles prepared
nanoparticles and drug, leading to a decrease in the
from the functionalized block copolymer have a very
drug release rate and in the amount.
low CMC value, which suggests good stability of the
Several mechanisms of drug release from biode-
nanoparticles in spite of the presence of carboxylic
gradable carriers have been proposed: Fickian
acid. The drug loading efficiency of nanoparticles was
diffusion through the polymer matrix, diffusion
dramatically increased with the content of carboxylic
through pores in the matrix, and drug liberation
acid in the block copolymers. This result may be
by polymer erosion. However, it is difficult to
attributed to the hydrogen bonding between copoly-
predict a drug release profile because this profile
mer and drug. The release rate of drug was much
is governed by various factors such as solubility of
slower from nanoparticles containing higher amounts
drug, degradation of polymer, and polymer – drug
of carboxylic acid in the copolymer, which might be
interaction. In this study, although the degradation
associated with the enhanced interaction between the
rate of nanoparticles is increased with the content
carboxylic group of copolymers and the drug. These
of carboxylic acid, the time required for degradation
experimental results suggest that the nanoparticles
is longer than 6 days even for nanoparticles con-
prepared from functionalized PEO – PLA block
taining BMD (19.5 wt.%). Therefore, it is specu-
copolymers should be a good candidate for an inject-
lated that the drug release from nanoparticles is
able drug delivery carrier.
carried out mainly through diffusion within thisexperimental period.
Diffusion of a material in a polymer matrix is
governed by the excluded volume, hydrodynamicinteraction, and specific interaction such as coulom-
The authors thank the Ministry of Science and
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Technology of Korea (National Research Laboratory
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Project), POSTECH BSRI Research Fund, Pohang
coefficient is affected significantly. For example, it
Steel Company, and Advanced Environmental Bio-
J. Lee et al. / Journal of Controlled Release 94 (2004) 323–335
technology Research Center for their financial
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