







The Network
December 2009
Edition 20 Papua New Guinea
Millennium Development Goals:
Is Papua New Guinea meeting them?
What are the Millennium Development
Goals ? page 1
Goal 1: Eradicate Poverty and Hunger
Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary
Education page 12
Goal 6: Combat HIV/Aids and
Malaria & other diseases page 14
Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for
Development page 15
Disability Magazine
Editor's Desk
What a year 2009 has been for Disability in Papua
New Guinea!
Congratulations to all individuals, disability organizations,
stake holders, partners and others that have fought long
and hard for the rights and well being of Persons with
Disabilties and their families this year.
In June, the disability society marked another milestone,
when the National Disability Policy was launched. Show-
ing that disability issues in the country is finally getting
the attention it deserves from our National Government.
Also early this month, the PNG Assembly launched its
I would like to thank all individuals, organizations and
Strategic Plan. Congratulations to Chair Person of PNG
partners who contributed to this last issue. Especially to
ADP Ipul Powaseu and the team, and so let us look for-
Pacific Disability Forum, Save the Children, Institute of
ward to the fruition of both policies.
Medical Research, Alotau General Hospital and VSO as
In this last issue of TNW for 2009, we are looking at the
UN Millenium Development Goals and how far Papua New I would also like to appeal to our individuals and part-
Guinea is in its progress of achieving this 8 goals.
ner organizations please share your activities, news and
other interesting and so that we can all work to together
The goals were set in 2000 and are supposed to be
to improve and build our disability sector in Paapua New
achieved by 2015. We have only six years before the
deadline. Do we have enough time? Do we have the
capacity? Can we still make it?
May you all have a Merry Christmas and we look forward
to a more fruitful 2010 for Disability in PNG!
Find out in this edition our progress and how we as indi-
viduals, organisations and communities can contribute to
achieving the MDG's.
In this Edition
What is The Network
The Network started in 2004 is a quarterly magazine for all
people involved and interested in the disability sector in
Coverpage: HIV/Aids theater advocacy troupe holding up
condoms during World Aids Day and International Day of
PWDs on the 1st December.
The aims are to empower, share views, and spread accurate
and inpiring information about disability in the country and
Page 3: What are the MDG's?
The Network is one of the activities of the National Disabililty
Page 4: Eradicate Poverty and Hunger
Reource & Advocacy Centre. The magazine is free-of-charge,
Page 5: Dame Carol Kidu's Point of View
however we do like to encourage anyone who can to make
Page 6: Hello We Are.
The production of this national disability magazine is supported
Page 7: Making the MDGs Inclusive
in different ways by,
Page 8-9 News and Events
> Divine Word University
> Creative Self-Help Centre
Page 10: Personal Profile: Kurt Fearnley
> Voluntary Service Overseas
> Callan Services
Page 11: Physiotherapy; Paul Na'au.
> Government of Papua New Guinea
Page 12: Achieve Universal Education
National Disability Resource & Advocacy Centre
Page 13: Malaria Research
Divine Word University
Page 14: Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria & other diseases
Madang • Madang Province • Papua New Guinea
Page 15: Develop a Global Partnership for
Phone (+675) 854 1892 • Fax (+675) 852 2812
The Network • 20 • 2009
What are the MDG's?
By Bonnie Abola
During one of the largest gatherings of world leaders in The first seven goals are inter-related. Poverty and hunger
September 2000, the eight (8) Millennium Goals were born can be causes or effects of lack of education
out of the Millennium Declaration.
for children, as the main reason why children are not at
school is unpaid or unaffordable school fees.
Papua New Guinea was one of the 189 member states
that committed itself to the achievement of the Millennium Gender equality is also a continuously debated
Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. The aspirations that issue; boys and men are favored more than girls and
underscore the MDGs are consistent with development women and so they get the best of everything.
values enshrined in the Constitution of Papua New
For example, boys are sent to school, and girls are expected
to work and take care of the family alongside
But, PAPUA NEW GUINEA is lagging far behind in achiev- their mothers even if they are the eldest in the family.
ing the Millennium Development. Poverty is reported to be
increasing in both urban and rural areas. Some indicators, This culture is rapidly changing and many girls have been
particularly those for health, show deterioration, while given an opportunity for education, but many people among
in other areas, such as education and promoting gender the 80% of the population who live in the rural areas still
equality, there is little or no progress towards meeting the practice this form of discrimination against women. Papua
targets by 2015. For most indicators there is a significant New Guinea is an obviously male-dominated society, as
disparity between urban and rural areas and among is- shown in the Parliament where only 1 out of the 109
lands. One of the key issues is delivery of basic social ser- members is a woman, as National Politics is concerned.
vices, which often fail to reach the poorer
strata of society and rural areas.
Papua New Guinea has yet a long way to meet the MDGs.
According to Dr Mark McGillivary, chief economist of
Surprisingly though, during the information gathering AusAID, Papua New Guinea has failed to progress towards
and interviewing for the production of this edition of The meeting the United Nations Millennium Development
Network Magazine, a good number of interviewees and Goals in the South Pacific. But PNG is not alone; many
experts did not know about the Millennium Development other Pacific countries are off the track in achieving the
Goals as well. Dr McGillivray pointed out as well that PNG
could achieve better governance to make greater progress
This goes to show just how far behind we really are. For towards these goals.
those who need reminding and for those who do not know,
these are the 8 Millennium Goals that are to be achieved He advises that greater government effectiveness by
contributing towards higher incomes would lead to improved
health and education services. He said the country was
still struggling to address gender equality, and that PNG is
Goal 1. Eradicate Poverty and Hunger
among four other Pacific countries that had not addressed
poverty issues (Post Courier, Aug 19, p. 3).
Goal 2. Achieve Universal Primary Papua New Guinea's first National Report on the MDGs was
prepared in 2004, with help from the United Nations. This
showed the progress being made by the country towards
Goal 3. Promote Gender Equality
meeting these goals.
and Empower Women
Although much has been achieved, there is still more work
Goal 4. Reduce Child Mortality
to be done if PNG is to come anywhere near attaining the
MDGs by 2015.
Goal 5. Improve Maternal Health
Goal 6. Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and
other Diseases.
For more information about the MDGs or
the National Progress Report for
Goal 7. Ensure Environment
Papua New Guinea log onto:
www.adp.org or www.un.org
Goal 8. Develop a Global Partnership
for development.
The Network • 20 • 2009 3
Goal 1: Eradicate Poverty and Hunger
Sourced by: National MDG Progress Report, 2004
Papua New Guinea is really lagging behind in improving consumption are great and is indicated by the very high
and stabilizing its poverty situation.
Gini coefficient of approximately 0.50, the highest in the
South Pacific Region. This coefficient measures the ex-
Consultations conducted for Priorities of the Poor indicate tent to which the distribution of income (or consumption)
that the poverty situation has worsened in the last five among individuals or households within a country deviates
years. Poverty in urban areas is perceived to have increased from a perfectly equal distribution. A value of 0 represents
due to growing rural-urban migration mainly as a result of perfect equality, a value of 100 perfect inequality.
poor service delivery in rural areas. Other factors cited as
contributing to the rise of urban poverty were price in- Furthermore, in 1996, the richest quintile of the population
creases for food, rising school fees, higher unemployment, earned about 56 per cent of the entire national income.
population growth and the lack, breakdown of and/or in- Differences in poverty at the sub-national level are also
adequacy of traditional social safety nets that would pro- very large. The 1996 Household Survey suggests that
vide for the most vulnerable groups. In rural areas, service regional poverty lines and the percentage under that
delivery (transport, access to markets and services such as line in each region differ very widely. The Northern
education, health and safe water) is said to have declined Coastal Region has not only by far the lowest poverty
while unemployment among school leavers is rising.
line but also by far the highest proportion of people
below that line.
Based on a poverty line of US$350 (K800) per adult per
annum, 38% of the population lives below the poverty line. Unfortunately, no direct information on differences in
There are significant discrepancies between rural (41% the level of poverty at the provincial level is available.
below poverty line) and urban (16% below poverty line) However, the average life expectancy at birth can to
areas. 75% of the poor lives in the Highlands and Sepik re- some extent be considered as a proxy index of
gion. The poverty gap ratio was estimated at 33% in 1996. development and of poverty. The provincial distribution
The most affected groups are elderly people and widows, of this index suggests that differences in the degree of
single mothers, orphans and abandoned children and the poverty between provinces are very large indeed with
disabled whose relatives are unable to support them.
the highest levels in the provinces of the Northern
Coastal Region and in Gulf Province.
Also the share of income or consumption held by the Furthermore, the level of malnutrition also provides an
poorest 20% of the population was 13% in 1996. There indirect indication of poverty and hunger in PNG. Not
are great regional variations. Consumption levels in New surprisingly, the level of malnutrition of children under
Guinea Islands are only 52% and in the Highlands region age five is highest in those provinces that also have
only 70% of those in the National Capital District. The Gini by far the highest level of child (as well as overall)
coefficient (a measure of inequality of income or wealth) mortality, West Sepik and Gulf but also Milne Bay Prov-
in 1996 was 0.484 reflecting a moderate to high degree of ince.
inequality of consumption.There was a small im-
provement in reducing the proportion of malnour-
ished children from 35% in 1985 to 29% in 1997.
Again, there are huge regional variations. In the
Highlands region, for instance, children are 30%
more prone to stunting than the national average
and children from the Momase-North Coast region
are 50% more affected by wasting than the na-
tional average.
In spite of the continuing emphasis of the gov-
ernment on poverty reduction, the very limited
evidence suggests that the proportion of people
under thenational poverty line has not changed
significantly during the last two decades of the
20th century. (It should be noted that the popula-
tion of PNG has approximately doubled since that
In 1996, an independent Household Survey esti-
mated that 30 per cent of the people of PNG was
living below the lower poverty line of K 399 per
year. This baseline figure has been adopted in the "Based on a poverty line of US$350 (K800) per adult
Medium Term Development Strategies.
per annum, 38% of the population lives below the
Disparities in income and even more so, in
The Network • 20 • 2009
Dame Carol Kidu's Point of View
–Pacific Operations Centre, for
agreeing to jointly fund the Ministerial meeting.
Meanwhile, Head of the UNESCAP Pacific Operations Centre,
Iosefa Maiava acknowledged the Forum Leaders' support
and said: "It is important that those with disabilities which
constitute a significant proportion of the Pacific population
have access to greater and more equitable opportunities to
enhance their quality of life and fully enjoy all inalienable
human rights." Mr Maiava added that UNESCAP was very
pleased to assist the initiative as the Commission's goal is
to promote "inclusive and sustainable development".
The PNG delegation to the Regional Ministerial meeting
I am aware that this edition of the Network Magazine worked very hard and consisted of officers from the
is focusing on the Millennium Development Goals Department For Community Development, the President
and disability. It is important that everyone reminds of the PNG Assembly For Disabled Persons and myself.
themselves that the MDGs is a inclusive statement. The While at the meeting we also took the opportunity to
MDGs includes all people and so automatically is relevant enter into bilateral talks with Australian Parliamentary
to the percentage of our population that are living with Secretary Hon Bob McMullen (photo)
some type of disability. When we marginalize and neglect
the needs of 10% of our people living with disability then Readers will be pleased to know that these intitial bi-
we certainly lower our capacity to achieve the MDGs by lateral talks have been followed up with AusAID here in
PNG and I also had a special meeting with the Australian
Minister responsible for Disability recently when I was in
Fortunately disability has gained increasing prominence Canberra on other matters.
in regional forums during the last year and awareness
amongst leaders has improved accordingly. This was Documentation is now in progress for the provision of
made clear at the 40th Pacific Islands Forum leaders specialist technical and professional support to help draft
meeting held in Cairns in August at which the Pacific Prime the Disability legislation and also to guide the signing and
Ministers reaffirmed the need for more attention to be ratification of the Convention for the Rights of People with
directed to the people with disabilities in the region and Disabilities. The timeframe we hope to keep is to have
expressed strong support for the holding of a Ministerial the work completed by end of 2010. One very good thing
meeting to consider a Regional Disability Strategy.
is that there has already been a lot of consultation about
the disability legislation and the Convention so it is now
The meeting for Ministers with responsibility for persons time to get on with the task of preparing all the paper
with disabilities was held in the Cook Islands in October work necessary to bring these matters to Parliament.
this year with support from the Australian Government
and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission For me, the launching of the PNG Games on 19th November
for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). I was proud to lead has been another very significant event. I am proud that
the PNG delegation to this important Ministerial meeting this sporting event has grown to be the largest sporting
which for the first time combined civil society with the event in PNG in terms of participation and especially
Ministers and bureaucrats to discuss many disability issues proud that it is an inclusive Games including disabled
and to endorse a Regional Disability strategy.
sporting events as well as the able-bodied sportspeople.
I was really pleased to note that all of the provincial teams
In the final communiqué of the 40th Pacific Islands Forum, had their wheelchair sportspeople leading the team. A
the Leaders stated: "The Regional Disability Strategy special feature at the Games Opening ceremony was a
should focus attention on the need to address issues brief inspirational speech by Mr Kurt Feanley, a four times
facing persons with disabilities in the Pacific, to build paralympic marathon gold medal winner who had just
greater awareness on the importance of allowing those finished a 10 day walk (crawl) the Kokoda Track expedition
with disabilities access to greater and more equitable the day before the Opening. 2009 has been a very exciting
opportunities to enhance their quality of life and fully year for me because there have been many disability
enjoy all inalienable human rights."
activities throughout the year but I am disappointed that
I will miss World Disability Day this year because of some
"People with disabilities are among the poorest and international commitments that clash with that event. I
most vulnerable in the world. People with disability face hope that 2010 will be an even more exciting year with a
many barriers to full participation in society and this is no lot more work and a celebration before the end of the year
exception in the Pacific," Forum Leaders stated.
for a new legislation and the signing of the Convention.
Echoing the Leaders' sentiments, the Secretary General of I wish all readers a safe and happy Christmas and New
the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Tuiloma Neroni Slade year that focuses on relaxing and celebrating with family
said he was pleased with the Leaders' strong support for and friends.
the meeting. Mr Slade also thanked A
The Network • 20 • 2009 5
Hello We Are.
Save the Children in Papua New Guinea (SCiPNG) is
a joint programme of Save the Children New Zealand
(SCNZ) and Save the Children Australia (SCA), who are
members of the International Save the Children Alliance,
the largest global movement for children.
Save the Children fights for children's rights. The
improvements to children's lives worldwide.
Save the Children in PNG
Save the Children has been working in PNG for over 30 years, with programmes providing significant contributions to
improving the lives of women, children and communities. SCiPNG currently works in the areas of health, education,
HIV AIDS, adult literacy, disability, family violence and child protection; as well as promotion of the rights of children.
We are expanding with over 80 staff and operates from our country office in Goroka, as well as from project sites in
Wewak, Port Morseby, Lae and Madang.
HIV & AIDS Programme
Save the Children manages projects which support in a range of important areas of HIV prevention, treatment and
care, and alleviation. The intention is that component projects of the SCiPNG HIV and AIDS Programme will together
form a comprehensive response. Also it is aimed that the programmatic approach will facilitate collaboration between
projects, allowing lessons to be freely shared, and greater efficiency and effectiveness to be achieved. Save the Children
manages projects which support in a range of important areas of HIV prevention, treatment and care and alleviation.
The intention is that parts of the projects SCiPNG HIV and AIDS Programme will together form a broad response.
Save the Children implements targeted HIV prevention interventions, the Youth Outreach Project, and the Poro Sapot
Project and with three of the country's most at-risk groups: out-of-school youth, women in sex work, and men who
have sex with men. By reducing HIV transmission amongst the groups which are most vulnerable to its spread, Save
the Children helps with reducing the HIV epidemic's future impact on all children
Youth Outreach Project (YOP)
The Youth Outreach Project operates with an aim to improve and promote the availability
of educational materials on sexual health, relationship, and the prevention of HIV/
AIDS appropriate for urban and rural young people in PNG. The project focuses on peer
education in order to deliver right information on HIV/AIDS through formal and informal
networks. This way HIV/AIDS awareness will be carried out in schools, settlements,
villages and urban communities. Madang is one of the project locations of the YOP of
Saven the Children in PNG under the funding from Unicef. The project does awareness,
peer education and advocacy on HIV/AIDS to young people between the ages of 13 to
25. They work with volunteers that have been trained to do outreach work mostly in and around Madang town and near
by villages when invited.
The Youth Outreach Project in Madang also works in partnership with Povincial
AIDS Council, the Madang Youth Core Group, RD Tuna Canners and recently
with NDRAC. The project works with an aim to improve survival of young
people in PNG. This includes:- improvement of the availability of educational
materials developed for urban and rural young people on sexual health,
relationship and the prevention of HIV/AIDS; -young people having access to
information and materials (including condoms) from Youth-Friendly Outreach
Centers in three Provincial towns (Goroka, Kainantu, Madang) and a selected
remote area- Megabo in the Eastern Highlands of PNG; - selected young
people are trained and supported to provide information and education to
other youth through existing formal and informal youth networks; - increased
community awareness of young people's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS;-to ensure
the effective and efficient management of the project.
Youths during the Youth & Disability
Workshop in Madang at CWA
For more information on the Youth Outreach Project by Save the Children in PNG please contact:
Youth Friendly Centre Coordinator;
PH: 852 1211/FX: 852 3596
The Network • 20 • 2009
Making the MDGs Inclusive
By Soloveni Vitoso
Disabled Persons and the Standard A thriving approach to integrate per-
Pacific Disability Forum, Fiji
Rules on Equalization of Opportu- sons with disabilities in development
nities for Persons with Disabilities that is practiced in over 90 countries
"Empowerment of persons translated
Organization's around the world is community-based
with disabilities and their com- commitment into an international pol- rehabilitation (CBR). CBR is part of
munities around the world"
icy framework, which has been fur- the general community-development
The annual observance of the Interna- ther strengthened by the Convention strategy intended to reduce poverty,
tional Day of Persons with Disabilities on the Rights of Persons with Disabili- equalize opportunities and involve in-
on 3 December, aims to promote an ties, an international legal instrument, dividuals with disabilities in society.
understanding of disability issues, the to empower persons with disabili- CBR is a flexible, dynamic and adapt-
rights of persons with disabilities
able strategy to different socio-eco-
and gains to be derived from the
nomic conditions, terrain, cultures
integration of persons with disabil-
and political systems throughout the
ities in every aspect of the politi-
world. It includes access to health
cal, social, economic and cultural
care, education, livelihood, commu
life of their communities. The Day
nity participation and inclusion. Em-
provides an opportunity to mobi-
powerment of disabled people and
lize action to achieve the goal of
their family members are key com-
full and equal enjoyment of human
ponents of a good CBR programme.
rights and participation in society
by persons with disabilities, estab-
CBR provides a link between people
lished by the World Programme of
with disabilities and development
Action concerning Disabled Per-
initiatives. CBR is implemented
sons, adopted by the United Na-
through the combined efforts of
tions General Assembly in 1982.
persons with disabilities, their
Soloveni Vitoso during the Pacific
families, organizations and com-
Globally, almost one in ten people is Internet Conference, in September
munities, and relevant government
a person living with a disability and 2009 at Port Moresby.
and non-governmental organizations
recent studies indicate that persons
(NGOs) working in the development
with disabilities constitute up to 20 ties to better their lives and that of sector. CBR works to ensure develop-
per cent of the population living in their communities around the world. ment initiatives are inclusive of people
poverty in developing countries. Many
with disabilities and is increasingly
persons with disabilities continue to MDGs and persons with disabilities considered as an essential component
face barriers to their participation The United Nations and the global of community development. Through
in their communities and are often community continue to work for the community action it serves to empow-
forced to live on the margins of soci- mainstreaming of persons with dis- er persons with disabilities (individu-
ety. They often face stigma and dis- abilities in all aspects of society and ally and within groups) to realize their
crimination and are routinely denied development. Although many com- rights and promote respect for their
basic rights such as food, education, mitments have been made to in- inherent dignity, ensuring that they
employment, access to health and re- clude disability and persons with have the same rights and opportuni-
productive health services. Many per- disabilities in development, the gap ties as other community members.
sons with disabilities are also forced between policy and practice continues.
into institutions, a direct breach of Ensuring that persons with disabili- This year, new ideas and options may
the rights to freedom of movement ties are integrated into all develop- be further explored as to how CBR
and to live in their communities. ment activities is essential in order to can be used as a tool in operation-
achieve internationally agreed devel- alizing CRPD, Inclusive MDGs, simi-
The United Nations has a long his- opment goals, such as the Millennium lar national legislations and highlight
tory of promoting the rights and well- Development Goals (MDGs). The the crucial importance of the inclu-
being of all people, including persons MDGs can only be achieved if per- sion and participation of persons with
with disabilities. The Organization sons with disabilities and their family disabilities and their contributions in
has worked to ensure their full and members are included. This in turn the development of their societies.
effective participation in the civil, po- will ensure that people with disabili-
litical, economic, social and cultural ties and their family members benefit "A Partnership of Pacific Organiza-
spheres on an equal basis with oth- from international development initia- tion of and for People with Disabili-
ers in order to achieve a society for tives. Efforts to achieve the MDGs and ties"
all. The Organization's commitment implement the Convention are inter- Pacific Disability Forum
to the full and equal enjoyment of dependent and mutually reinforcing. Suva
all human rights by persons with dis-
abilities is deeply rooted in a quest for An Important Tool for Ac- Phone: (679) 331 2008/ 3307530
social justice and equity in all aspects tion:
Re- Fax: (679) 331 0469
of societal development. The World habilitation (CBR) a bridge Email: [email protected]
Programme of Action concerning between policy and practice Website: www.pacificdisability.org
The Network • 20 • 2009 7
News and Events
MADANG: White Cane and World Sight Day
Only 13 people took part in a walk from Laiwaden
that had curable and correctable eye diseases.
Sports field to the Modilon hospital marking Inter-
He said he supported Dr. Demoks concerns as well and
national White Cane Day.
said resources should be pumped into all health sectors.
Dr Steven Demok, Eyecare Specialist at the hospital
Jenny Kaidang, a visually impaired woman, challenged
raised concerns that eye care was not a priority with the
the Government Offices to look at visually impaired
health department. He said many equipment that was
persons as one of the priorities as many public servants
needed to test, correct and treat eye diseases weren't
and government leaders also had problems with their
available at the hospital. In replying to Dr Demoks
eyesight, or are bound to have problems eventually.
speech, Provincial Health Department representative,
The day was celebrated by a number of NGO's; Na-
Arthur Walgun thanked NGOs such as Fred Hollows
tional Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre, Creative
Foundation in the long serving dedication and efforts in
Self-Help Centre, Save the Children, and staff of the Eye
carrying out much needed operations to many patients
Clinic of Modilon General Hospital.
Jenny Kaidang with relative marching during the White
Youths, Gloria and Dayamo from Save the Children par-
Cane Day and World Sight Day
ticipating in the Youth and Disability Workshop.
MADANG:HIV/Aids & Disability Workshop
workshop for giving more insight, clarity and under-
standing to the youths so that they can identify more
14 Youths from Madang have something more
PWDs in the community.Partnership and Development
to teach their peers after completing a weeklong
Officer for NDRAC Marleen Nelisse says the main pur-
workshop on HIV/Aids Disability.
pose of the workshop was to quip and instill relevant
The youths were Peer Outreach Volunteers and Youth
information, skills and knowledge on disability issues in
Friendly Centre hosts who are under Save the Children's
order to share with the wider communities who are not
Youth Outreach Projects.The workshop was facilitated
aware of disability issues. Most of the participants were
by National Disability Resource and Advocacy Centre
youths who take part in the youth outreach project in
(NDRAC). Save the Children's Mactil Bais, praised the
which is developrd by Save the Children in Madang.
MADANG, Kranget Island:Youth Projects Work-
"Make Madang a model city!" were the words of
The youths told the Governor, in their address to him
Madang Governor Sir Arnold Amet whilst address-
that they were using this workshop to further establish
ing Madang districts youth representatives that
their organizational structure from Provincial to district,
attended the first ever Youth Project and Planning LLG and ward level as well.
Workshop on Kranget Island last week.
They also assured the governor that they would be using
The aim of the workshop was to equip youths with nec-
the workshop to put together their constitution in place
essary skills and knowledge on how to write up project
and to assess many other fundamental; issues that have
proposals, planning and prioritizing on projects in their
been left unattended to over the past 30 years such as
respective districts.The 50 Youth Participants came from
good governance, transparency, accountability and active
the 6 districts; Madang, Sumkar, Raicoast, Walium, Bo
participation by youths, and grassroots.
gia and Middle Ramu.
The Network • 20 • 2009
News and Events
MADANG: International Day of Persons with Dis-
abilities was celebrated with World Aids Day on
the 1st of December.
Disability sector organisations such as Creative Self-Help
He gave an example of many hotels and public build-
Centre and National Disability Resource and Advocacy
ings not having proper ramps and toilet facilities
Centre were present at the venue of the celebrations at
for persons using wheelchairs to access easily.
Madang's Bates Oval to advocate, carry out awareness
Other speakers were the Madang Governor, Sir Arnold
and relate the issue of Disability with HIV and Aids as
Amet and founder of Friends Foundation, Tessie Soi.
well. Peter Momo, a Person Living with HIV and Aids (PL-
The day-long event was attended by many other
WHA) and an active advocator for PLWHA's in Papua New HIV&Aids advocators and organisations; Madang Provin-
Guinea through Igat Hope, said that disability is a grow-
cial Aids Committee, NGOs such as People Living with
ing epidemic in the country. He said, a lot of Persons
Higher Aims, Save the Children, World Vision, Family
with Disabilities (PWDs) were deprived of their rights to
Health International, National Disability Resource and
be included in government services, such as education,
Advocacy Centre, Tingim Laip and its mobile Voluntary
accessibility into public buildings and facilities.
Counseling and Testing centre.
Madang residents marching during World Aids Day and
CSHC students performing at St Michaels Primary during
International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
MADANG: Universal Children's Day
also be in school as well" he said. So far in Madang,
Lutheran Day Primary School is the only school that has
Students of St Michaels Primary School were
enrolled students from Creative Self Help Centre to do
amazed at the talent and enthusiasm of the spe-
their Primary School education.Many visually, hearing
cial needs children of Creative Self-help Centre
and speech impaired children have not been included in
in Madang during Universal Children's Day last
mainstream schools as their parents are not aware that
they can and should be in school.
The special needs children visited the school to perform
Mr Jonz, also added that he had identified several
dramas and songs in sign language and left a lasting
children in his community that had impairments and
impression on the staff, students and parents who came
thus were not attending school. He says a good number
to attend the days events.Francis Jonz, Headmaster of
of his teachers have been through special training in
St Michaels who invited the special needs children to his
the Teachers Colleges that they attended and are well
school, first saw them performing during National Teach-
equipped to teach special needs children.
ers Day in October and decided to invite them over for
He and his teachers have identified a few students in
the occasion. "Our main aim was to show the students,
their classes with impairments as well and he is plan-
staff and community of St Michaels Primary School that
ning to propose to the school board to look into including
these children were like any other children and should
more special needs children.
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The Network • 20 • 2009 9
Meet Kurt Fearnley
Australian athlete Kurt Fearnly is the Marathon Man of
wheelchair sports. The two-time Paralympic champion has
won all around the world from New York and Chicago, to
Seoul, Paris and Sydney, he has conquered the globe.
In November Kurt Fearnley accomplished a great achieve-
ment by ‘crawling' the Kokoda Track in 10 days. This in-
credible achievement has made a devastating impression
on PNG. This is the first time that a Wheelchair person has
crossed the Kokoda Track.
: Carcoar, Australia
Marital status : Engaged
Profession : Athlete
: no lower spine (born without the
lower portion of his spine)
Kokoda Crawl
Kurt Fearnley is the world's leading wheelchair marathoner,
aiming for a third consecutive gold medal at the 2012 Par- in the river,'' Fearnley says. "If I wasn't crawling across
alympics in London. He admitted that Kokoda could break the paddock, they were dragging me. If I wasn't finding
him and end his racing career. It was a big risk, but the my way through a blackberry bush they were pushing me.
28-year-old prefers to focus on the rewards.
They're the blokes who made me the way I am, that made
Only a week since winning his forth following New York sure I wasn't a passenger, I was a participant.''
wheelchair marathon, Kurt Fearnley dragged himself on
the palm of his hands along the tough 96km track with the Fighting Airline Policies
support from 15 family members plus his team of porters After having crawled 96 km of the Kokoda Track, he
ended up doing the same through the airport terminal in
In burning heat, mud and pain, the group tracked through Brisbane after Airline Jetstar refused to allow him to use his
the Owen Stanley's Range's unforgiving mountains and own wheelchair. Fearnley was told the airline's policy was
dense jungle. "The people here are amazing' he said. to take some wheelchairs from PWDs to check in as bag-
‘What a few days! I am incredibly grateful for every posi- gage and offered him a less-mobile wheelchair. He did not
tive message of support. It has really helped. No matter want to be pushed around the airport. "I said there is not a
what has been said, a positive change has come for those chance that I am going to sit there and be pushed through
an airport. An able-bodied equivalent, a normal person's
Before he set off on November 8, Fearnley visited Cheshire equivalent would be having your legs tied together, your
Homes in Port Moresby for an inspiring talk with residents pants pulled down and be carried or pushed through an
with disabilities.
airport", was his comment.
Friends helping Friends
"I made a choice and that was to make my own way to the
Kurt Fearnley raised the idea of trekking Kokoda at a fam- gate," Fearnley said. "I jumped on to my brother's shoul-
ily member's wake who was a long time sufferer of de- der then I crawled."
pression. He used the trip to raise awareness for Beyond
Blue and Movember, both campaigns for men's health. He Fearnley talked about this incident in a speech at the 2009
wants to emphasise the point that friends helping friends National Disability Awards at Parliament House in Can-
can find solutions to almost every situation. Kurt Fearnley berra, during his duties as an ambassador and emcee for
is a big believer in the phrase that anything is possible.
the event. "I need to pick my battles here. I'm exhausted.
Kokoda has taken a very heavy toll. But I just want to see
"In some ways Kurt's crossing emalutes and honours the this one through.
memories of the Australian Soldiers who fought and suf-
fered great hardships along the Kokoda Track".
"Disability advocates hope the Paralympian Kurt Fearnley
can do what others are already trying to do in the courts:
force airlines to change the way they treat passengers with
Family has made Fearnley the man he is, simply by sdisabilities.
treating him no different to anyone else. As a kid, he would
flip himself over barbed wire fences and follow his brothers Sources consulted for story:
into the bush. He would be the test-pilot for a home-made kurtfearnley.com
go-kart. He won his first school athletics medal in the high The National, November 19 2009
jump."If we were playing footy they wouldn't let me sit on www.news.com.au/www.disabilitytelegraph.com
the sidelines. Whatever it was, going rabbiting or fishing
The Network • 20 • 2009
10 The Network • 20 • 2009
Paul Na'au, Physiotherapist, Alotau General Hospital
Paul Na'au is very strong and passionate about his job as
excellent results, efficient, with complete correction in 2
Physiotherapist at Alotau General Hospital.
months, and economical with no major surgery required.
He was a pioneer graduate of Divine Word University
Paul says that they have had their first two Club Foot pa-
Physiotherapy Department in 2006.
tients that have successfully been operated on and would
be renewed in January 2010.
"Recalling back, I am glad I chose to take up Physiother-
apy after completing year 12," he said.
Paul is now is now taking up a new challenge of treating
patients as well managing the Physiotherapy Department.
Paul got interested in taking up Physiotherapy at
the University as he saw that it was a new profession
"I'm not only attending to clinical needs here but I'm also
in Papua New Guinea but most importantly he saw that
helping to manage the Physiotherapy Department which
Physiotherapists would be needed in many hospitals in
is a great challenge and I'm enjoying that at the mo-
the country. He was one of the 10 first Physiotherapists
ment" he says.
of Papua New Guinea that graduated in 2006.
He updates the hospital statistics of the different
After graduating, he did his residency at Angau Memorial
Physiotherapy cases that get treatment at the hospital,
Hospital under the Supervision of VSO Physiotherapist
draws up schedules for its staff as well as reports
Michael Estanislao before moving to Alotau General Hos-
monthly to the CEO of the Hospital.
pital's Physiotherapy Department.
Paul wishes to increase the capacity of his colleagues
There he was part of a team of 4 Physiotherapists who
through more training as well as making the other hospi-
provide in-patient and out-patient assessment and treat-
tal staff such as nurses and Health Extensive
ment, Fracture management, fitness management where
Officers aware of the Physiotherapy services.
they now have forty clients.
Paul is also keen on furthering his diploma qualifications
He is also heavily involved in Community Based Rehabili-
in Physiotherapy by going back to Divine Word University
tations where home visits of patients and Outreach activi-
to receive his Bachelors Degree in Physiotherapy in the
ties are predominant.
near future.
He is also proud to be part of the newly introduced
He encourages, young men and women who are com-
concept of the Ponseti Treatment. Ponseti Treatment is a
pleting high school to take up Physiotherapy as he sees it
minor operation on children with Club Foot (a deformity
as a great need for more Physiotherapists in the country.
of the feet that cause the feet to point downward and
inward). If left untreated, persons afflicted often appear
"Working with disability is challenging especially when
to walk on their ankles, or on the sides of their feet.)
some patients are reluctant to let you help them, but very
fulfilling when you see someone gain his full mobility or
The Ponseti Treatment is a simple procedure performed
a child smiles at you when he can move around with
by Orthopedic Surgeons. By this technique a Club Foot
can be treated successfully by sequential manipulation
and plaster casting. The approach is easily performed in
the outpatient clinic, is effective, with 80% of good or
The Network • 20 • 2009
Goal 2: Achieve Universal Education
By Charlye Ramsey, Inclusive Education Advisor
and Anne Marie Gregory, VSO Volunteer
Is PNG meeting the Millennium Development
cation and expand their opportunities in life. For example,
Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Educa-
many teenage girls become pregnant and have in the past
not been allowed to return to school.
It is expected the Plan will address issues such as expan-
sion of school infrastructure, pre and in-service teacher
training, advocacy and awareness raising, water and sani-
tation facilities in all schools and provisions for remote and
Our leaders have also set themselves a tough challenge
in extending primary education up to the end of grade 8
(i.e. 9 years of schooling). This is longer than many other
countries, but necessary if PNG is to have a well-educated
workforce developing agriculture and commerce in this
country and competing with Asian and Pacific neighbours.
However, we need to provide more support to teachers in
rural areas if we want the majority of children (who live in
villages) to receive a quality education. Rural children have
Celebration of Universal Children's Day in Alexishafen 2009
the same rights as urban children and we should not con-
demn them to a second-class education because of where
Other countries are making great progress in expanding
they were born.
education opportunities to all their children. Yet PNG is
lagging behind poorer countries of Africa and Asia. The
If we are to achieve universal primary education then we
2007 school census reported 674,169 school-aged chil-
need to embrace diversity in schools: some children will
dren are out of school in PNG. But why?
speed through the education system and complete grade
Our government here simply faces a much tougher chal- 8 at age 14 then go on to secondary, others need educa-
lenge than others. PNG is a land of diversity: there are tional support to learn to read and write and others need
remote communities in isolated mountain valleys, others social support to help them stay in school. We must build
on tiny islands and many accessible after days' journey inclusive schools that respect diversity and encourage the
up river in a motor canoe. To build and maintain these participation of all children including street children, girls,
schools is a big undertaking: it is not simply a matter of children with disabilities, those from remote areas, and
constructing new classrooms. We also need to staff them children affected by HIV/AIDS.
with trained and motivated teachers, and provide the sta-
bility and support they need to develop the next genera- So what can we do? In order to achieve universal primary
tion. This is an enormous undertaking to ensure that all of education we need to make it our top priority, after all
PNG's children have access to a quality education that will it is our future. We also need to work together more ef-
enable them to fulfill their potential.
fectively, government, agencies, NGOs, parents, teachers
and communities. It's tough and costly, but one we cannot
Education Department officials, in collaboration with part- afford to ignore.
ners and donors, have developed a Plan to realize its in-
ternational commitments such as the Convention on the
Rights of the Child, Education for All and Millennium De-
velopment Goals. This Plan is titled ‘Achieving Universal
Education for a Better Future.'
Within the PNG context some children however never en-
ter the education system. The decision to abolish elemen-
tary school fees is a truly great moment in PNG's history.
Many children ‘lusim skul' due to school fee problems,
health problems, long and dangerous walks to school, ab-
sent teachers, overcrowding, textbook shortages and poor
school facilities. We all can cite appalling examples of why
children we know have had to drop out. Retention is a pri-
ority under the NEC's Papua New Guinea Universal Basic
Education Plan 2010-2019. Research in Africa found that
on average 15 years of education must be paid for to get
Children in Salagu Primary School, Madang
one child to complete primary school! Frequently those
children never again get the opportunity to receive an edu-
12 The Network • 20 • 2009
Malaria Research
PNG Institute of Medical Research
BY John Taime
Institute of Medical Research
Malaria, like many other deadly diseases was to investigate a new method for the prevention of malaria
thought to be caused by evil Spirits or "Sanguma" and anaemia in pregnant women, and low birth weight
in Papua New Guinea. But Communities have come in babies. Pregnant women are at a higher risk of getting
to realise that mosquitoes are causative agent for malaria being than other adults. The study will use a
malaria and other related diseases and disabilities. method called ‘Intermittent preventive treatment', whereby
pregnant women (whether they are sick or healthy) will
Around 1950-97 the Government of Papua New Guinea be given regular treatment with antimalarial drugs at the
introduced insecticides that were used to spray mosquito time of antenatal clinic visits, to help reduce the effect
dwelling places. This had very little impact on malaria of malaria on the mothers and her babies. This type of
morbidity and mortality. Maintenance of the insecticides intervention has been previously found in African countries
had failed also due to no government support and also due to greatly reduce the amount of malaria illness, anaemia
to the difficulties accessibility to the most remote districts and babies born with low birth weight.
Half of the women in the study will receive a medicine
Antimalarials Prophylaxis treatment (treatment whereby called azithromycin, combined with fansidar, and half of
tablets are taken weekly to kill malarial parasites) was the women will receive the standard treatment of fansidar
an alternative solution and was introduced to ensure and chloroquine. At the end of the study researchers hope
reduction of malaria morbidity and mortality focusing on to discover which treatment is a better option for pregnant
vulnerable groups. It was considered to be another means women in Papua New Guinea.
of reduction of malaria in endemic areas especially for
pregnant women and people from non malaria endemic The treatment with the medicine azithromycin may also
areas coming to malaria endemic areas.
help to treat sexually transmitted infections that pregnant
women may carry, which can cause severe effects in the
However, the Anti-malarial Prophylaxis treatment did not baby. All women enrolled in the study will have the option
really eradicate malaria in the most endemic areas.
to be tested for sexually transmitted infections and receive
In 2008 onwards the National Health Department began Women in the study will also have ultrasound scans
taking a new approach towards the reduction of malaria performed to check on the age and growth of the baby, and
in the general population by distributing mosquito nets as be given a treated bed net to sleep under to prevent new
a national strategic plan because malaria now is a nation malaria infections.Women and their babies will be followed
wide problem, including the Highlands provinces of Papua up by IMR staff throughout pregnancy and delivery, as well
as after delivery at 6 weeks and 3 months of age. Pregnant
women within the first six months of pregnancy, who plan
Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research to have their baby in Madang Province, were invited to
(PNGIMR) conducted research specifically in the Highlands take part in this study which will be conducted at several
Provinces and provided results of the findings and the antenatal clinics throughout Madang.
recommendation to National Department of Health.
Continual research conducted in different approaches by These sites include Modilon, Alexishafen, Jomba, Sisiak,
PNGIMR and other health institutions to find other means Town, and Yagaum clinics, with further clinic openings
and ways of controlling or reducing malaria and other anticipated at Danben and Mugil clinic later in the year.
diseases are on-going.
Women were particularly encouraged to present to
A new research study however, conducted by the PNG antenatal clinics early in their pregnancy, as the benefits
Institute of Medical Research, with help from scientists
of early pregnancy care for both Mother and baby have
in Australia, Spain and America, started in October, 2009
been well documented.
The Network • 20 • 2009 13
Goal 6: Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases
By Marleen Nelisse
Papua New Guinea (PNG) faces
disabilities are even more likely
alarming challenges in achieving
to be victims of violence or rape,
the targets of the Millennium
although they are less likely to
be able to obtain police
According to the Asian Development
intervention, legal protection
Bank, PNG ranks last among the
or prophylactic care (Groce and
Pacific developing member countries
Trasi 2004).
on both the Human Development
Index and the Human Poverty
According to International NGO
Index of the United Nations. Goal
Inclusion International there
6 of the Millennium Development
is a need to raise awareness
Goals is "Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria
about the relationship between
and Other Diseases". AIDS and
HIV& AIDS and Disability;
other infectious diseases can cause
organisations need to design
disabilities. On the other hand
accessible materials for PWDs
People Living with HIV and AIDS
effected by the epidemic and
(PLWHA) may develop impairments
have to work with governments
as the disease progresses and may
to ensure that policies and
be considered to have a disability
practices aimed at stopping
PLWHA Advocator Peter Momo speaking
when social, economic political or
the spread of HIV&ADIDS include
during World Aids Day & International
other barriers hinder their full and Day of PWDs in Madang
concerns affecting PWDs and
effective participation in society on an
their families.
equal basis with others.
Why are HIV information and
Moreover Persons with Disabilities
services not reaching people with
(PWDs) and PLWHA share many first goes along with being disabled, disabilities?
challenges in terms of discrimination and additionally by having contracted
and stigmatisation.
• Billboards do not reach blind
In PNG there is yet not much
known about the relationship
Because of certain assumptions • Radio spots do not reach deaf
between HIV&AIDS and disability? about why PWDs are not at risk people.
The roughly 600.000 individuals who of contracting STIs, PWDs are • Complex and vague messages do
live with a disability are among the therefore not included in HIV not reach persons with learning
poorest, least educated, and most prevention and AIDS outreach disabilities.
marginalized of PNG society. They effort.
• There is a lack of counsellors
are at serious risk of HIV&AIDS and
who are able to use sign
more attention need to be focussed
Myths about PWDs
• People with disabilities do not • Health staff is not sensitive
NDRAC has addressed this issue and feel the desire to have sex.
to the needs of people with
started to collaborate with HIV/AIDS • People with disabilities can disabilities.
stakeholders as Madang Provincial not be infected by HIV.
• People with disabilities are
AIDS Council and Save the Children • People with disabilities are no usually too poor to be able to
in PNG. With the latter, NDRAC has victims of (sexual) violence.
access HIV services.
facilitated a 4 day workshop on • People with disabilities do not
Disability and HIV/AIDS with their use drugs or alcohol.
youth volunteers. The aim of this • People with disabilities cannot HIV&AIDS prevention and care
workshop was to bridge a gap in
be homosexual.
is insensitive. In order to achieve
disability awareness education and • People with disabilities cannot universal access to HIV&AIDS
change attitudes and acceptance comprehend or are not
towards PWDs as well as to learn
interested in HIV prevention
and support by 2010 and the
about the HIV&AIDS impact on messages.
Millennium Development Goals
by 2015, HIV&AIDS policies and
The "Global Survey on Disability
programmes need to be made
Often PWDs are subject to whatknown and HIV&AIDS" conducted by
inclusive and accessible for
as the "Triple Burden" of disability, Yale University in the USA and people with disabilities.
poverty and HIV&AIDS. The most the World Bank has proven these
common causes are a lack of access to assumptions are wrong. PWDs
service provision, a lack of awareness have equal or greater exposure
of the disease, and the stigma that
to all known risk factors for HIV
infection. Men and women with
14 The Network • 20 • 2009
Goal 6: Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases
Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development
sectors or in any mainstream of life, Apparently, there were no persons
By Ian N. Apeit
within and abroad PNG for disability with a disability who attended the
inclusion. NDRAC believes partnership forum so we advocated for inclusion.
for development is about inclusion, We advocated too of making a Braille
Partnership for Disability &
which means inclusion of everyone- and audio visual versions of materials
counting persons with disabilities. on Stress management aspects so
Some progress has been made in The theme of this year's International persons with visually and hearing
meeting the Millennium Development Day of Persons with Disabilities impaired can have access to such
Goals (MDGs) in 2015, but major
information, knowing some of them
gaps are evident, for example in
are at the managerial positions.
official development assistance,
While we are doing this at our
market access (trade), debt
scale in PNG with other partner
relief, gender equality, access to
organizations working for, with
essential medicines and access to
and of persons with disabilities
technology. The global financial
for disability inclusion, the
crisis, rising food prices and
international community needs
climate change have significantly
urgently to act to mainstream
impacted achieving the MDGs.
disability in the MDG processes.
Thus there is a renewed need
This requires collective
for strategizing in international
efforts from wider stakeholder
as well as local partnerships to
consultation and collaboration.
realize the Goals and consider
This calls for the policy makers
what we need beyond them.
specifically tasked with the
programming, monitoring and
It is anticipated that MDGs will
evaluation of current MDG
not be achieved if their policies,
programmes to begin considering
programmes, monitoring and
disability so that the next phase of
evaluation do not include persons
Ian Apeit & Pauline Kleinitz at the
the implementation of the MDGs
with disabilities. The World Bank's ANTARES conference
will include disability as an important
findings states that "…persons with
component of its core mission.
disabilities make up ten per cent
of the world's population and that (3rd December) "Making the MDGs The former World Bank President
disability is associated with twenty Inclusive: Empowerment of PWDs Paul Wolfowitz said "People with
per cent of global poverty". Currently, and their communities around the disabilities are also people with
there are no references to PWDs world" is very clear. The MDGs do extraordinary talent. Yet they are too
either in the MDGs themselves or in not cater for the political, social, often forgotten. When people with
the accompanying body of guidelines economic and cultural life or needs disabilities are denied opportunities,
and policies, programmes and of persons with disabilities in their they are more likely to fall into poverty
conferences that are part of the on- communities. How far have we -- and people living in conditions of
going MDG efforts. In addition, the included persons with disabilities poverty are more likely to develop
new revisions of the MDGs currently while realizing the MDGs in PNG? disabilities. As long as societies
in process do not include PWDs. In efforts of realizing this and as exclude those with disabilities, they
will not reach their full potential and
The challenge is for the development well the Convention on the Rights the poor in particular will be denied
partners from across sectors and of Persons with Disabilities ensuring opportunities that they deserve…we
disciplines, and diverse communities societies are barrier-free, rights- cannot achieve these goals alone.
– academics and students within and based and disability inclusive, NDRAC
beyond the development studies, advocates and lobbies that this be We must work closely with our
development practitioners, business in PNG since its beginning in 2006. development partners to remove the
and policy makers – who will explore Lately, as part of our partnership barriers that exclude disabled people
ways to make change happen in a with international agencies, I was and ensure equality of opportunity
time of complexity by forming local among other humanitarian aid
and global partnerships that can workers who attended the 2009 for every member of society."
respond to current challenges as well Annual Forum organized by Antares TOGETHER IN PARTNERSHIP
as carry forward the implementation (the then Mandala) Foundation Inc.
momentum of the MDGs so far. The forum was about "The Science WE CAN CREATE AN
of Stress and the Art of Managing INCLUSIVE, BARRIER-FREE
As an information focal hub for Wellbeing for Humanitarian Aid PNG SOCIETY!
disability rights issues in PNG, workers" n Melbourne. Together with
National Disability Resource and Pauline Kleinitz-a Senior Capacity
Advocacy Centre (NDRAC) does Development Officer of CBM-Nossal
emphasize on networking and Institute, we ran a session and
partnership building across various advocated for disability inclusion.
The Network • 20 • 2009
Advertise in The Network!
The Network started in 2004,
is a quartely magazine for all
people involved and interested
Via The Network you can advertise your business, services, products or in the disability sector in Papua
any other information.The Network is widely received; currently we have New Guinea.
an estimated readership of over 2000 people and organisations in PNG and The aims are to empower, share
abroad.and our recipients list is growing with every issue!
views and spread accurate and
If you have any information to advertise targeting the entire society, use inspiring information about dis-
The Network! With your advertisement you will directly support disability ability.
advocating activities.
The flat rate for
This edition has over 2000 recip-
1/4 page is K 150.
ients and an estimate readership
Please contact The Network for more information.
Among the recipients are individ-
uals wiht and without disabilities,
government, media, business
houses, donor agencies, church
groups, NGO's wihtin PNG as wll
as overseas in the Pacific, Eu-
rope, Asia, America and Africa.
The production of The Network
is supported in different ways
by: DWU, Creative Self Help
Centre, VSO, Callan Services and
Government of PNG.
Editiorial and design team:
Bonnie Abola and Marleen Ne-
Printing: Divine Word University
Individual views expressed are
necessarily those of The Net-
The Network wants to include articles from all over the country and to have great work.
involvement from person with disabiliteis. Local knowledge of what is happening
on disability issues is easier to access through people who are living in that area. The Network encourages the
So we have established a promotors network team who are constantly sending us reproduction of articles for non-
information. Articles and information presented in this issue is the product of their profit uses. Please clearly credit
as the source and send a copy.
We have promotors in Mt. Hagen, Goroka, Lae, Madang, Alotau, Popondetta, Ki-
The editor will try to publish all
material received but reserves
unga, Port Moresby, Aitape, Wewak, Bougainville and Rabaul. Now we have David the right of refusal and to edit
Iriap in Markam, Nick Mark at Tabubil, Finley Tuoreke in Wewak, Lawrence Kaekae stories for space and clarity, as
in Central Province and Warian Wafie in Gulf Province.
The editor is reguarly in contact with all promotors and gives guidances if needed.
Our promotors are looking for inspiring stories and relevant information and they When you send original draw-
are encouraging other organisations and persons in their region to submit materials ings, pictures, etc. and you
to share with the National Disability Magazine.
would like them returned, please
mention this in the letter and
Is there no promotor in your area above? Do you want to be The Network promo-
give your return address.
tor in your area? Please contact the editor for more information on the duties and • Like to receive The Network
terms of reference.
• Got editorial material?
• Change of address?
• Wish to make donation?
We thank all who supported and contributed to the 20th edition of The Network. Please contact Bonnie Abola
Our special acknowledgement goes to the Divine Word University and the Creative National DRAC
Self Help Centre in Madang for their continuous and much appreciated support.
Divine Word University
Madang, Madang Province
We also thank all people who sent materials which unfortunately could not be pub- Papua New Guinea
lished in this edition.
Phone: 854 1892 Fax: 852 2812
The next edition will be published in March 2010.
ANZ Bank, Madang Branch
Do not forget to send in your news and views for the
Bank account number:
next edition before February 2010
16 The Network • 20 • 2009
Source: http://www.dwu.ac.pg/oldweb/home/publications/thenetwork/Edition%2020%20-%20Screen.pdf
PRISE EN CHARGE DU DONNEUR PÉDIATRIQUE Recommandations concernant La prise en charge et le monitoring des donneurs d'organes pédiatriques en néonatologie et dans les services de soins intensifs pédiatriques Version 3.0 / Avril 2014 © Copyright Swisstransplant / CNDO All rights reserved. No parts of the Swiss Donation Pathway or associated materials may be reproduced, transmitted or transcr ibed without prior written permission from Swisstransplant / CNDO. www.swisstransplant.org
HSS 250: The Social History of Mental Illness Hans Pols () Taught at the University of Pennsylvania, 1995, 1996 This course will explore the social construction of mental illness throughout American history, from the eighteenth century until the present time. It will consider changing definitions of insanity, as well as conceptions of the sane and normal, changing attitudes towards the mentally ill, and the development of institutional, medical, and cultural responses to the mentally ill. The course will start with the establishment of mental asylums in the 18th and 19th centuries in America as the prime method of dealing with mental illness. The rise of psychiatry as a medical specialty in relation the asylum care will be investigated as well.