G09-066 912.918
Identifying commercially relevant Echinacea
species by AFLP molecular markers
Luigi Russi, Chiaraluce Moretti, Lorenzo Raggi, Emidio Albertini, and Egizia
Abstract: The rising interest in medicinal plants has brought several species of the genus
Echinacea to the attention of
many scientists.
Echinacea angustifolia,
E. pallida, and
E. purpurea are the most important for their immunological prop-
erties, well known and widely used by the native Americans. The three species are easily distinguishable on the basis of
their morphological characteristics, but it would be difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish them in commercial prepara-
tions of ground, dry plant parts of
E. purpurea (the most valuable species for chemotherapeutic properties) mixed with the
other two species. Species-specific molecular markers could be useful to address this issue. In the present work, using
fresh material collected from cultivated
Echinacea spp., AFLP analysis was used to discriminate the three species and to
detect species-specific DNA fragments. By using 14 primer combinations it was possible to detect a total of 994 frag-
ments, of which 565 were polymorphic. Overall, 89 fragments were unique to
E. purpurea, 32 to
E. angustifolia, and 26
E. pallida.
M+AAT or
M+AGC alone provided 13, 9, and 4 or 7, 5, and 5 specific fragments for
E. purpurea,
E. angustifolia, and
E. pallida, respectively. A validation trial to confirm the results was carried out on
bulked samples of 23 accessions covering most of the genetic diversity of the three species. The results are discussed in
terms of practical applications in the field of popular medicine, detecting frauds, and implications for the genus
Key words: Echinacea pallida,
E. purpurea,
E. angustifolia, AFLP, species identification, commercial frauds.
Re´sume´ : L'inte´reˆt croissant pour les plantes me´dicinales a attire´ l'attention de plusieurs chercheurs sur le genre
cea. Les espe ces
E. angustifolia,
E. pallida et
E. purpurea sont les plus importantes pour leurs proprie´te´s immunologiques,
bien connues et largement utilise´es par les ame´rindiens. Les trois espe ces sont faciles a distinguer sur la base de leurs ca-
racte´ristiques morphologiques, mais il serait difficile, voire impossible, de les distinguer au sein de pre´parations commer-
ciales compose´es de parties se ches broye´es de l'
E. purpurea (la plus prise´e des espe ces pour ses proprie´te´s
chimiothe´rapeutiques), meˆle´es avec celles provenant des deux autres espe ces. Des marqueurs mole´culaires permettant de
distinguer les espe ces seraient utiles dans ce cas. Dans le pre´sent travail, a partir de mate´riel frais d'e´chinace´es cultive´es,
des marqueurs AFLP ont e´te´ employe´s pour diffe´rencier les trois espe ces et pour de´tecter des amplicons spe´cifiques des
chacune. A
l'aide de 14 combinaisons d'amorces, 994 amplicons ont e´te´ de´tecte´s au total, dont 565 e´taient polymorphes.
Globalement, 89 amplicons e´taient uniques a l'
E. purpurea, 32 a l'
E. angustifolia et 26 a l'
E. pallida. Les combinaisons
M+AAT et
M+AGC ont permis, a elles seules, de fournir respectivement 13, 9 et 4 ou 7, 5 et 5 mar-queurs spe´cifiques des espe ces
E. purpurea,
E. angustifolia et
E. pallida. Un travail de validation pour confirmer ces re´sul-tats a e´te´ mene´ sur des e´chantillons me´lange´s de 23 accessions couvrant l'essentiel de la diversite´ ge´ne´tique au sein de cestrois espe ces. Les re´sultats sont discute´s en fonction des applications pratiques dans le domaine des me´decines douces, dela de´tection des fraudes et des implications pour le genre
Mots-cle´s : Echinacea pallida,
E. purpurea,
E. angustifolia, AFLP, identification des espe ces, fraudes commerciales.
[Traduit par la Re´daction]
past the genus was known as
Brauneria and
Rudbeckia,while the name
Echinacea appeared for the first time in
The genus
Echinacea Moench (Compositae) is native to
1762. The classification of the taxa within the genus is con-
the prairies of North America, from which it spreads from
troversial. McGregor (1968) distinguished 9 species and 4
southern Canada to Texas and Georgia, but the greatest di-
varieties, while Binns et al. (2002), on the basis of a mor-
versity of species is found in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri,
phometric multivariate statistical analysis, supported 2 sub-
and Kansas (McGregor 1968; Urbatsch et al. 2000). In the
genera containing 4 species and 8 varieties.
Received 21 April 2009. Accepted 7 August 2009. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at genome.nrc.ca on 21 October 2009.
Corresponding Editor: P. Gustafson.
L. Russi,1 L. Raggi, E. Albertini, and E. Falistocco. Dipartimento di Biologia applicata, Universita degli studi di Perugia, Borgo XX
Giugno 74, 06121 Perugia, Italy.
C. Moretti. Dipartimento di Scienze agrarie e ambientali, Universita degli studi di Perugia, Borgo XX Giugno 74, 06121 Perugia, Italy.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:
[email protected]).
52: 912–918 (2009)
Published by NRC Research Press
Russi et al.
Echinacea angustifolia D.C.,
Echinacea purpurea (L.)
mer was used for selective PCR. The AFLP analysis was
Moench, and
Echinacea pallida Nutt. are the most wide-
carried out on single plants, using 14 primer combinations
spread and most known species because of their commercial
as listed in Table 1.
importance due to immunological properties. The use ofthese species as medicinal plants dates back several centu-
Trial 2: validation
E. angustifolia was widely used by the indigenous pop-
To validate the results of the first trial, seeds of 23 acces-
ulations of North America for healing injuries, to treat
sions (4, 11, and 8 for
E. angustifolia,
E. pallida, and
snakebites, or to counter infectious diseases (Gilmore 1919).
E. purpurea, respectively) received from the USDA, ARS,
In recent years many studies have been carried out to better
National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) were used. The
explore the pharmacological activities of the most common
accessions, all natural populations, were chosen randomly
species of
Echinacea and to identify the chemical com-
from the NPGS germplasm collection list. The information
pounds that confer such properties (Barrett 2003). However,
available in the Germplasm Resources Information Network
in the past, in popular medicine these species were probably
(USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program 2007) in
used indifferently for the same medical treatments, either
terms of collection sites, source history, and improvement
because they have similar properties or because it was diffi-
status ensured the sampling of sufficient genetic diversity
cult to distinguish one from the other. Although the three
for the validation trial. Seeds were germinated in Petri
species have some of the same pharmacological activities
dishes, and seedlings were transplanted in pots in the green-
owing to the presence of active compounds that act synerg-
house and grown in the same conditions described above. In
istically, each species shows slight variations in the amount
May 2008, similar leaf segments (of approximately 1 cm2)
of individual active compounds (Percival 2000; Speroni et
from 6 plants of each accession were sampled and bulked
al. 2002). Efforts are being made to analyze the type and
(Table 2). DNA extraction from bulked leaves was carried
amount of the chemical compounds of each species, to opti-
out using the GenElute Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit
mize their use for proper therapeutic application (Barrett
(Sigma). Also, an equal amount of DNA from each bulk
2003). Following intense research activity on these species
was used to prepare a single bulk for each
Echinacea spe-
in the medical and pharmacological fields, interest in their
cies and, from these, a whole bulk was prepared with all
genetic characteristics and phylogenesis has greatly in-
species together. The AFLP analysis was carried out as de-
creased in recent years. On the contrary, knowledge about
scribed above, except that for the validation experiment only
their cytology is scant, being limited to the chromosome
one primer combination (
M+AGC) was used. Am-
E. angustifolia and
E. purpurea are diploid, with
plifications were performed in a 20 mL reaction mix contain-
n = 22, while
E. pallida is tetraploid, with 2
n = 44
ing 1/100 of the pre-amplified DNA, 50 ng of 6-FAM-
(McGregor 1968; Mechanda et al. 2004
a; Qu et al. 2004).
E+CAC primer, 50 ng of unlabeled
M+AGC primer,
In this study, AFLP (amplified fragment length polymor-
2 mL of 10 PCR buffer (Invitrogen), 0.2 mmol/L dNTPs,
phism) molecular markers were used to characterize the
and 0.4 U of
Taq polymerase (Invitrogen). Samples were de-
three species, investigate their genetic similarities, and gain
natured and run on an ABI 3130
xl genetic analyzer (Applied
insight into their genetic relationships. Cytological investiga-
tions were also carried out to confirm their chromosomenumber. The main objective of the study was to look at the
possibility of distinguishing them using AFLP markers, a
For determination of the chromosome number, actively
field with potential practical applications and where litera-
growing root tips were excised when they were about
ture is scarce.
1.5 cm in length, pretreated in a saturated solution of a-bromonaphthalene for 3–4 h, and then fixed overnight in 3:1ethanol – acetic acid. Somatic chromosomes were stained
Materials and methods
using the Feulgen procedure. Squashes were performed in
Trial 1: plant material, DNA isolation, and marker
1.5% acetic orcein and attached to a cover slip with glycer-
ine albumen.
The first trial was conducted in 2005 on seed samples of
E. angustifolia,
E. purpurea, and
E. pallida provided by
Aboca S.p.A. (Arezzo, Italy), a company growing, process-
AFLP fragments were scored as dominant markers, and
ing, and marketing medicinal plants. The seed lots of the
individual profiles were considered as phenotypes (Me-
three species were originally imported by Aboca in 1999
chanda et al. 2004
b). In trial 1, fragments that could be un-
from the USA in a commercial quantity. Seeds were germi-
equivocally scored (1 for presence and 0 for absence) across
nated in Petri dishes, and some of the seedlings were uti-
all individuals were included in the analysis; the scores were
lized for cytological preparations; the remainder were
used to prepare a data matrix based on 30 individuals (10
transplanted in Jiffy pots, transferred to a greenhouse, and
plants per species). The binary data were analysed by tabu-
grown at a constant temperature of 21 8C and a day length
lation and frequency procedures using SAS software (SAS
of 16 h. The molecular analysis was carried out on 10 plants
Institute Inc. 1999) to inspect for the presence of specific
per species. Young, newly formed leaves were collected for
fragments and polymorphism within and between species.
total genomic DNA extraction based on the protocol de-
The binary data were also used to prepare a matrix of ge-
scribed by Dellaporta et al. (1983). AFLP marker analysis
netic similarity by using the coefficient of Jaccard (1908).
was carried out according to Vos et al. (1995), as modified
The similarity matrix was used in clustering the individu-
by Cnops et al. (1996). A fluorescently labeled
E+CAC pri-
als by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic
Published by NRC Research Press
Genome Vol. 52, 2009
Table 1. Number of total, polymorphic, and species-specific AFLP fragments, scored over 14
primer combinations, in three
Echinacea species from trial 1.
Primer combination*
E. angustifolia
E. pallida
E. purpurea
Table 2. Accession number from the USDA, ARS, NPGS catalogue, geo-
graphic coordinates, and state of the collection sites of three species of
Echinacea used in the validation trial.
Accession No.
E. angustifolia
PI 631268
E. pallida
Ames 26351
E. purpurea
Ames 27338
mean (UPGMA) (Sneath and Sokal 1973). Cophenetic ma-
matrix. The results of the cluster analysis were also vali-
trices derived from the dendrograms were compared with
dated by principal coordinate analysis (Gower 1966) by dou-
the original similarity matrix by the test of Mantel (1967)
to estimate the goodness-of-fit of the clustering to the data
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and displaying the relation-
Published by NRC Research Press
Russi et al.
ships among individuals in 3 dimensions. Estimation of ge-
M+AAT, able to provide 13, 9, and 4 specific fragments for
netic distances, cluster analysis, the Mantel test, and princi-
E. purpurea,
E. angustifolia, and
E. pallida, respectively.
pal coordinate analysis were carried out by NTSYS-pc
The UPGMA dendrogram in Fig. 1 indicates a high simi-
software (Rohlf 1993).
larity within each species and clear differences among spe-
AFLP fragments in the validation trial were scored by
cies. The goodness-of-fit of the analysis was validated by
GeneMapper 4.0 software (Applied Biosystems). An AFLP
the high and significant correlation coefficient between the
locus in the bulked samples was considered to be polymor-
similarity and cophenetic matrices (
r = 0.997, Mantel
t =
phic if the amplified band was present in some accessions
P < 0.001). All individuals of
E. purpurea are
and absent in others, species-specific if the band was shared
grouped together, apart from the rest of the individuals, at a
between all accessions belonging to one species and absent
similarity value of 0.623. The rest of the individuals are then
in all other accessions, and monomorphic if the band was
split into 2 other groups at a similarity value of 0.728,
present in all samples. To avoid an underestimation of the
clearly distinguishing
E. angustifolia and
E. pallida and con-
genetic similarities, all loci, polymorphic or not, were con-
firming that they are phylogenetically closer to one another
than to
E. purpurea. Although the three species share a largepart of their genome, as shown by the high number ofmonomorphic fragments, peculiarities do exist, thus allow-
ing distinctiveness. This is confirmed by the pattern of clus-
ters, with no individuals being mis-classified into different
The analysis confirmed the chromosome number typical
species. A further statistical validation of these results is
of each species:
E. angustifolia and
E. purpurea are diploid,
provided by principal coordinate analysis, where the projec-
with 2
n = 22, while
E. pallida is tetraploid, with 2
n = 44.
tion of individuals plotted against the axis representing themost significant eigenvectors shows low within-species vari-ability and consistent variability between species (Fig. 2).
Trial 1: AFLP analysis of cultivated Echinacea spp.
Individuals of each species were tightly grouped together,
The scoring of AFLP gels showed the presence of 994
confirming the clustering pattern. The first 3 eigenvalues
fragments. Of these, 429 (43%) were monomorphic, found
were able to explain as much as 0.82 of the total variation
in all plants of all three species, while 565 (57%) were poly-
(0.51, 0.28, and 0.02, respectively), with the first 2 able to
morphic (Table 1). Of the latter group, 147 fragments were
significantly explain more variation than expected under the
discriminant, that is, unique to all plants of a single species.
broken stick model (Joliffe 1986).
The analysis showed that 89 fragments were unique to
E. purpurea, 32 were unique to
E. angustifolia, and 26
Trial 2: validation
were unique to
E. pallida. However, discrimination among
The primer combination
M+AGC, used for vali-
species was also possible by using combinations of frag-
dation analysis, produced a total of 76 amplification prod-
ments. For instance,
E. angustifolia and
E. purpurea were
ucts, a value very close to the 74 found on cultivated
found to share 28 fragments that were absent in all individu-
Echinacea spp. in trial 1; 31 of these amplicons (41%) were
als of
E. pallida.
Echinacea angustifolia and
E. purpurea
polymorphic. Of these, 10 amplicons were species-specific
could, in turn, be distinguished from one another by 103
(3, 2, and 5 for
E. angustifolia,
E. pallida, and
E. purpurea,
bands, 69 present in the former and absent in the latter and
respectively), while 4 amplicons were common between
34 absent in the former and present in the latter (data not
E. angustifolia and
E. pallida and absent in
E. purpurea.
The remaining polymorphic fragments were specific to
Discrimination properties shown by each primer combina-
some accessions within the same species rather than to the
tion are of particular interest. For instance, the primer com-
whole species; in particular, 3 amplicons were found in
E. angustifolia, 3 in
E. pallida, and 11 in
E. purpurea. The
M+AGA, and
M+AGT did not
species-specific amplicons were also easily found in the
produce any AFLP fragment specific to
E. angustifolia,
bulked samples of all accessions of the same species and in
M+AAT alone was able to generate 9 specific
the bulk comprising all 23 accessions. A duplicate lane of
fragments. In
E. pallida the best primer combinations able
one sample confirmed the correctness of the profile.
to generate specific fragments were
M+ACG (6
The numbers of species-specific AFLP fragments detected
fragments) and
M+AGC (5 fragments), while for
by the
M+AGC primer combination in the valida-
E. purpurea the best primer combinations were
tion trial were lower than those found in the cultivated sam-
M+AAT and
M+AGT, with 13 and 12 fragments,
ples (3, 2, and 5 vs. 5, 5, and 7 in
E. angustifolia,
E. pallida,
E. purpurea, respectively), and this could be due to the
The primer combination that gave the highest number of
high number of accessions used in the validation test. Most
fragments was
M+AAG, while
likely, some of the bands scored as species-specific in trial 1
gave the lowest. It is interesting that the former also gave
might belong to those classified as accession-specific in the
the highest number of polymorphic fragments, but was not
validation trial (i.e., bands present in only some of the ac-
the most effective in terms of species discrimination. Five
cessions of a given species). The sizes of the species-
primer combinations were able to detect fragments specific
to each of the three species, namely
M+AGC are as follows: 75, 160, and 200 bp for
E. angustifolia; 127 and 212 bp for
E. pallida; and 38,
M+AGG. Of these, the most powerful was
53, 73, 153, and 155 bp for
E. purpurea.
Published by NRC Research Press
Genome Vol. 52, 2009
Fig. 1. Dendrogram of individual plants belonging to
E. angustifolia,
E. pallida, and
E. purpurea, generated by UPGMA cluster analysis of
Jaccard's similarity coefficients calculated from AFLP marker data.
Fig. 2. Principal coordinate analysis of individual plants belonging to
E. angustifolia,
E. pallida, and
E. purpurea, based on AFLP markers.
tion and highlight several differences with few primer com-binations. Moreover, results from AFLP data sets have
Echinacea purpurea,
E. angustifolia, and
E. pallida are
proved to be concordant with those from other molecular
the most known species of the whole genus, especially for
markers (Powell et al. 1996). Most, but not all, AFLP frag-
their immunological properties.
Echinacea purpurea in par-
ments of a specific size can be considered to represent the
ticular is the most significant for its medicinal use (Tyler1997; Percival 2000; Oomah et al. 2006). The objective of
same loci (Cervera et al. 2001; Peters et al. 2001), although
the present study was to investigate the genetic similarities
this likelihood apparently decreases with an increase in ge-
of the three species and look at the possibility of distin-
netic distance between species (Still et al. 2005). Large data
guishing them using AFLP markers. Characterization of ge-
sets can offset the assumption of orthology simply by in-
nomes using molecular markers has developed rapidly and a
creasing the number of independent loci sampled across a
vast literature is available. Useful applications of molecular
genome and establishing ‘‘correct'' phylogenetic relation-
markers include genetic control of plant reproduction, ge-
ships among species (Rokas et al. 2003). Still et al. (2005)
netic mapping, marker-assisted selection, cultivar character-
reported that AFLP methodology largely fulfills this require-
ization, estimates of genetic distances, analysis of gene
ment and any non-orthologous fragments detected among
expression, and cloning. In the last decade the fields that
populations should be overcome by the much higher number
have benefited the most from extensive use of molecular
of orthologous fragments.
markers are those connected with phylogenetic studies, cul-
AFLP analysis has been found to be useful in predicting
tivar characterization, and marker-assisted selection.
The use of AFLP technology for these purposes has be-
E. purpurea germplasm (Baum et al. 2001). Twenty-four
come very popular because of its unique ability to detect
AFLP primer combinations were used to construct a genetic
polymorphisms within the genome without requiring prior
map of this species via individual pollen DNA fingerprinting
sequencing information (Still et al. 2005). This technology
(Aziz and Sauve 2008), with 104 scorable markers in 11
can faithfully generate many fragments per primer combina-
linkage groups. RAPD markers were successfully used by
Published by NRC Research Press
Russi et al.
Kapteyn et al. (2002) to investigate the genetic relationships
using only a single combination of primers, as confirmed
and diversity of the same three
Echinacea species studied in
by the validation trial based on
the present work; they found 17 diagnostic markers useful
A sequence characterized amplified region assay carried
for distinguishing among taxa. They did not find any spe-
out on DNA from the three
Echinacea species of the same
cies-specific marker, and postulated as discriminant those
origin as in the present study showed that the expected
found with a frequency of at least 0.95 in a taxon and absent
band (330 bp) was present in
E. purpurea and not in the
in other taxa, or present with a frequency of less than 0.05.
other two species (Adinolfi et al. 2007). The same approach
The results of the present research show that in
applied to our species-specific fragments and verified exper-
AFLP markers seem to be much more effective than RAPD
imentally would provide a simple tool able to distinguish
markers in distinguishing among species, firstly because of
each of the three species.
the higher number of polymorphisms detected (Table 1) and
The present study focussed on the most commercially im-
secondly because many of the fragments were found to be
portant species and has no contribution to make in the dis-
specific to a single species. AFLP analysis was also success-
pute on the origin of the tetraploid
E. pallida. However, the
fully employed by Kim et al. (2004) and Mechanda et al.
results indicate a closer genetic similarity between
E. pallida
a) in studying the genetic diversity of the whole
E. angustifolia than between
E. pallida and
E. purpurea,
nacea genus, and the former pointed out the superiority of
in line with most of the published literature based on molec-
AFLP versus RAPD markers in phylogenetic studies, in
ular markers. McGregor (1968) supposed
E. pallida to de-
terms of the number of polymorphic fragments per primer
rive from a chromosome doubling of the hybrid between
pair. In the present study the average number of polymor-
E. simulata and
E. sanguinea. On the basis of morphometric
phic fragments per primer pair was 40, significantly lower
analysis based on 74 characters, Binns et al. (2002) revised
than the 66 fragments reported by Kim et al. (2004), 62 by
the genus
Echinacea and included 4 species rather than 9.
Mechanda et al. (2004
a), and 82 by Still et al. (2005), but
According to Binns et al. (2002), 5 botanical varieties
consistently higher than the 4.6 fragments obtained by
E. pallida var.
pallida, var.
angustifolia, var.
RAPD analysis. Independently of the type of marker used,
simulata, and var.
sanguinea) belong to
E. pallida, but
the results from cluster analysis are in perfect agreement
the tetraploidy of
E. pallida var.
pallida and the diploidy of
with those presented by Kapteyn et al. (2002), who analyzed
angustifolia and/or the other 3 varieties would be in
natural and cultivated populations from several sources and
contrast with the accepted definition of a species (a group
found low variability within species. Kim et al. (2004) also
of individuals able to interbreed and give rise to fertile prog-
reported similarities within species of the same size as those
enies). The work of Binns et al. (2002), while confirming
in the present study. The explanation suggested by Kapteyn
the similarities of
E. pallida and
E. angustifolia, also shows
et al. (2002) is that the high genetic uniformity among pop-
high similarities of these species with
E. sanguinea and
ulations within species is the result of a continuous gene
E. simulata,
sensu McGregor (1968), thus giving support to
flow, particularly in
E. purpurea, the most widespread spe-
cies, and in
E. pallida. The differences found among popula-
tions of
E. angustifolia were ascribed to a discontinuousdistribution and a consequent difficulty of gene flow. How-
Adinolfi, B., Chicca, A., Martinotti, E., Breschi, M.C., and Nieri, P.
ever, it is also possible that the genetic base of the materials
2007. Sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) analysis
used in the above studies was narrow, or that this is the re-
on DNA from the three medicinal Echinacea species. Fitotera-
sult of using dominant types of markers (such as AFLP and
RAPD). Large within-population variation was also found
by Mechanda et al. (2004
a) and by Still et al. (2005) in
Aiello, N. 1998. Echinacee, guida al riconoscimento. Erboristeria
2: 53–57.
Aziz, A.N., and Sauve, R.J. 2008. Genetic mapping of
The results of the present study have a practical applica-
purpurea via individual pollen DNA fingerprinting. Mol. Breed.
tion. Single specimens belonging to any of the three species
are easily and distinctly classified correctly on the basis of a
Barrett, B. 2003. Medicinal properties of
Echinacea: a critical re-
number of morphological and physiological characters
(McGregor 1968; Aiello 1998; McKeown 1999), but with
ground, dry plant parts, as in some commercial preparations,
Baum, B.R., Mechanda, S., Livesey, J.F., Binns, S.E., and Arnason,
it is difficult to detect and (or) quantify the amount of
J.T. 2001. Predicting quantitative phytochemical markers in sin-
E. purpurea (the most valuable species) mixed with the
Echinacea plants or clones from their DNA fingerprints.
other two species (with poorer chemotherapeutic properties)
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(Wolf et al. 1999). RAPD analyses have been successful in
Binns, S.E., Baum, B.R., and Arnason, J.T. 2002. A taxonomic re-
some cases (Wolf et al. 1999; Nieri et al. 2003), but less so
vision of
Echinacea (Asteraceae: Heliantheae). Syst. Bot.
in others (Kapteyn et al. 2002), certainly because of the dif-
ferent primers used. RAPD analyses are simple and inexpen-
Cervera, M.T., Storme, V., Ivens, B., Gusma˜o, J., Liu, B.H., Hos-
sive, but have been shown to be difficult to reproduce from
tyn, V., et al. 2001. Dense genetic linkage maps of three
one laboratory to another (Jones et al. 1997). AFLP markers
lus species (
Populus deltoides,
P. nigra and
P. trichocarpa)
could then be useful in detecting commercial frauds. In the
based on AFLP and microsatellite markers. Genetics,
present work, exploring a rather high number of primer
combinations, it has been shown that this is achievable by
Cnops, G., den Boer, B., Gerats, A., Van Montagu, M., and Van
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Powell, W., Morgante, M., Andre, C., Hanafey, M., Vogel, J., Tin-
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Published by NRC Research Press
Source: http://www.emidioalbertini.com/pdf/echinacea.pdf
Juna Amagara Ministries International Mission Team Juna Amagara Ministries Post Office Box 2384 Glen El yn, IL 60138 630-248-9472 [email protected] Contents: Short Term Mission Trip Participant Information --------------------------- 3 Travel Insurance Sources ------------------------------------------------------- 3 Timeline for Traveler ------------------------------------------------------------ 6 Quick Guide to Rukiga / Runyankole ------------------------------------------ 7 Documents to be Filled out and Submitted to JAM Prior to Departure Application ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Waiver of Liability --------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Personal Covenant ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Mattie Lou Koster, 1912-2001 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BEBRF Founder MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD Q What are the early symptoms of benign essential blepharospasm? Botox ® (onabotulinumtoxinA) Mark Hallett, M.D., Chair . . . . . Bethesda, MD Xeomin ® (incobotulinumtoxinA) Brian D. Berman, M.D., M.S. . . . . .Denver, CO A • Dry eyes