Revista forumul judecatorilor nr 2 201

My Pizza with Ninó
In this short speech, Alex Kozinski gives us an insider view on Associate Justice
to the Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia, focusing mainly on his originalist interpretation
of statutes. The speech also highlights Justice Scalia's notoriety for writing blunt
dissents but also how his strong opinions will shape the Supreme Court in the years
În acest scurt discurs, Alex Kozinski ne oferã o imagine din interior asupra unui
Judecãtor Asociat la Curtea Supremã de Justiþie, Antonin Scalia, concentrându-se în
principal pe interpretarea sa originalã a reglementãrilor. Discursul subliniazã, de
asemenea, notorietatea judecãtorului Scalia pentru scrierea opiniilor dizidente dure,
dar ºi modul în care opiniile sale puternice vor modela Curtea Supremã de Justiþie în
anii urmãtori.
Keywords: Associate Justice, Antonin Scalia, judicial dissents, Supreme Court
When Professor Rudenstine Scalia have
asked me to address you
tonight, remarks delivered at the opening
dinner for the Symposium on The
Jurisprudence of Justice Antonin Scalia,
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law,
Sunday, October 28, 1990. I told him
rather bluntly he could have done better.
What can I, a small cog in the great judicial
done dinner.
machine, say about the giant flywheel that
is Nino Scalia? Surely there are others
-constitutional law scholars, Supreme
Court observers, journalists - that could
right down to it, there's only so much dirt
you can get out of a guy when there's food
"No," Professor Rudenstine said, "we
on the table.
So I thought I'd talk to you about Jus-
want you. As you know the Justice
tice Scalia's approach to pizza. I mean,
personally, you'll be able to tell us about
anyone with a decent legal education can
Scalia, the man." "Oh, a fluff speech," I said;
read his opinions. But who among us here
"no problem. Fluff is my middle name."
can recite which toppings he likes? Well,
But when I got down to writing the
since I know I'm among friends and
speech, I realized that there wasn't all that
admirers of the Justice, I will let the cat
much fluff I could come up with. The sad
out of the bag on this most sensitive of
truth is, most of my contacts with Justice
425 E-mail contact profesional: [email protected].
Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 3/2012 75
when it comes to pizza, so I cut myself a
A body of law cannot be changed
hefty slice and took a bite.
And you know what? It wasn't that
overnight; doctrines established
great. The cheese was thin, the tomato
over decades of fuzzy thinking
sauce a bit too tart, and the crust slightlyon the soggy side. The pinnacle of
cannot be turned around through
pizzadom it was not.
the stroke of a pen. It takes work,
About a month later, I got a call from a
dedication and single-
friend of mine, Nina Totenberg, whocovers the Supreme Court for National
Public Radio. She wanted to meet Scaliaand asked if I would intermediate. Sure, I
It all started out when I was Chief
said. I'll set up lunch in my office - pizza,
Judge of the United States Claims Court
of course. And I thought to myself, this
and he was still a circuit judge. We agreed
will be a chance for me to educate Scalia
to have lunch and he said he'd come over
as to what pizza is all about. So this time,
to my office, so long as I'd provide the
I sent the hapless extern down to DuPont
circle, home of Vesuvio's, which regularly
"One thing, though," Scalia said. "The
gets the Washingtonian award for the best
pizza has to come from AV Ristorante."
pizza in town. To be candid, a side-by-
Well, folks, I have eaten at AV
side comparison of an AV Ristorante
Ristorante and it's not exactly a culinary
pizza and a Vesuvio's pizza would be like
oasis. In fact, it's more of a pit. But who
putting Peewee Herman into the ring with
am I to contradict a guy called Nino on
Mohammed Ali.
what's good Italian food? Some poor
I should have known things were off
extern got the job of trundling down to the
to a bad start when I fumbled the
combat zone where AV Ristorante is
introductions. "Nino meet Nina." Now, it
located to pick up the pizza.
takes a lot of talent to blow a line like that,
When Nino arrived, no sooner had he
but somehow I managed. I had hardly
spotted the pizza than his eyes lighted
recovered my composure when Nino
up. He approached it the way a wine
spotted the pizza.
connoisseur would approach a bottle of
"It's not from AV Ristorante," he said.
1961 Lafite. He brought the slice up to
His voice was grave.
his lips, but did not immediately taste it.
"No it's not. It's from Vesuvio's", I said,
First, he took in the aroma, half closing
a little unsure of myself. And then it sank
his eyes. I almost expected him to ask for
in - I had totally blown it. If there is one
the cork. Finally, he bit into it and let out a
thing near and dear to Scalia, it's plain
language. He had said it must be from
"Now, Alex, this is what I call pizza."
AV Ristorante. He didn't say it must be
Well, I happen to consider myself to
from AV Ristorante this time, but next time
be among the cognoscenti when it comes
go ahead and surprise me; he didn't give
to pizza. We have very similar food in
me a green light to get something similar
Romania, you know. It's usually made
to or better than an AV Ristorante pizza.
with cardboard since there's no flour, and
He had said it quite clearly. "It must be
ground styrofoam because there's no
from AV Ristorante." And this wasn't.
cheese. We call it a Domino's. In any
So he applied the usual judicial
event, while I consider myself an expert,
remedy. Suppression. No, he didn't
I am always willing to expand my horizons
suppress the pizza. He suppressed his
76 Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 3/2012
appetite. He looked me straight in the eye
He'll pull in 5 votes every time;
and said: "It's not from AV Ristorante. I
won't eat it." And he didn't.
Say it loud,
And so Scalia taught me an important
‘cause for life he's staying Say it soft,
lesson that day. From AV Ristorante
And you'll hear lib'rals praying;
means just that, from AV Ristorante. No
Scalia, I'll never stop saying Scalia. Scalia
more, no less. The question is whetherhe has managed to teach his colleagues
We know for a fact that Reagan did
on the Supreme Court any equally
not and could not sing the same song
significant lessons. No, I don't mean, are
when he nominated Robert Bork. It just
they ordering their pizza from the right
doesn't work.
place - which I still think is Vesuvio's, not
Boooooork, I just chose a judge
AV - but are they listening to Justice
Scalia when he tells them that what a
You see, it is important to have a lyrical
statute or the Constitution says is exactly
name when seeking a major appointment.
And so when Scalia joined the court
I think that this is a fair question to
everyone expected a conservative
ask, given all the fanfare that surrounded
consensus to develop around him. Well,
his appointment to the Supreme Court.
it's been four years now, and it just hasn't
When Justice Scalia came on the Court
happened. In major opinion after major
in 1986 (foto), all the commentators said,
opinion, Justice Scalia finds himself
"This is the guy who, through his charm
writing alone. The list is a long one - it's
and intellect, will forge a conservative
not a pretty sight. On separation of powers
consensus." It is a little known fact that
in Morrison v. Olson426, Scalia wrote
Ronald Reagan had such high hopes for
alone; again he was alone on the same
Scalia that when he named him to the
issue in Mistretta v. United States427; and
Court, Reagan actually sang a little song
yet again in Webster v. Doe428. He was
about him. Now, it took me a long time to
alone on whether to overrule Roe v. Wade
get my hands on this song; I won't explain
in Webster v. Reproductive Health
the covert operations it took to get it. So if
Services429. On the right to die in Cruzan
you promise not to tell anyone, I'll sing it
v. Director, Missouri Department of
for you. If I remember it right, it went
Health430 - alone. On the death penalty in
something like this:
Walton v. Arizona431 - alone. One kind of
[To the tune of "Maria" from West Side
expects that one of these days his
dissents will start out «Hello!! Hello!! Isanybody listening?»
Scalia, I just picked a judge named Scalia
This might not seem significant if these
And now the Court Supreme
were isolated instances, if most of the time
Won't cause Ed Meese to scream, at me;
he were in the majority and only
Scalia, I just picked a judge named Scalia
occasionally writing alone. But when other
His writing is so fine,
Justices join him, very often he falls one
426 487 U.S. 654, 697 (1988) (Scalia, J.,
429 109 S. Ct. 3040, 3064 (1989) (Scalia, J.,
427 488 U.S. 361, 413 (1989) (Scalia, J.,
430 110 S. Ct. 2841, 2859 (1990) (Scalia, J.,
428 486 U.S. 592, 606 (1988) (Scalia, J.,
431 110 S. Ct. 3047, 3058 (1990) (Scalia, J.,
Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 3/2012 77
or two votes short of a majority. For
guarantee of the Constitution against the
example, think about Maryland v.
tide of prevailing current opinion."433 Well
Craig432. There, the court examined a
Nino, why not just go ahead and call them
defendant's sixth amendment right to be
a bunch of lily-livered, yellow-bellied
confronted with the witnesses against
him. At issue was a Maryland procedure
And everyone knows about the barbed
that allows child molestation victims to
comments he directed at Justice
testify via closed circuit TV so they don't
O'Connor in Webster v. Reproductive
come face to face with the accused.
Health Services. Certain parts of
For Justice Scalia it was an easy,
O'Connor's opinion, he wrote "cannot be
although unfortunate case. Just as sure
taken seriously;"434 other statements he
as AV's pizza means AV's pizza, confront
labeled «irrational.»435 All things
means confront: "Look me in the eye and
considered, one cannot accuse Justice
say that" - it was good enough for John
Scalia of trying to curry favor with his
Wayne and it is good enough for Nino
colleagues by resort to false flattery.
Scalia. If the country wants to limit that
So what's going on? Has Justice
right to protect children from trauma, it can
Scalia alienated the rest of the Court? Is
- by amending the Constitution.
he destined to be relegated to the position
But Scalia found himself in dissent,
of perpetual dissenter, a thorn in the side
joined by Justices Brennan, Marshall, and
of his colleagues, a Cassandra -
Blackmun, not exactly the ones he was
ever-destined to make unheeded
sent there to lead, but okay. Except that
prophecies of doom, but largely irrelevant
he wasn't able to get the crucial fifth vote.
to the development of the law?
Other Justices are listening. But not quite
To any such suggestion, I have a
as many or as often as might have been
thoughtful and cogent answer.
So what's happening? Is it lack of
To fault Scalia for having failed to
energy or enthusiasm? Is he a boring
garner a consensus on a lot of issues is
writer? Does he threaten to put Sominex
like blaming a farmer because he has not
out of business as the antidote to
yet collected a harvest while he's still busy
sleeplessness? Hardly. Scalia's dissents
sowing the seed. The fact is a body of
have been labeled "verbal hand
law cannot be changed overnight;
grenades" and rightfully so. They are
doctrines established over decades of
explosive. And, like hand grenades, they
fuzzy thinking cannot be turned around
throw shrapnel at anyone near the blast
through the stroke of a pen. It takes work,
without attention to who they are - or how
dedication and single-mindedness.
they might vote in the next case.
In Justice Scalia's office there is a
Thus, in Craig, Scalia sided with the
plaque on the wall; it says "Nothing is
Court's liberals - Brennan, Marshall and
easy. - Antonin Scalia, 1985." What does
Blackmun - and accused the rest of the
it mean? Apparently, his law clerks kept
Court's conservatives of bending the
complaining that it was hard to come up
Constitution under public pressure:
with some grand theory in which to fit
"Seldom has this Court failed so
every case; it was much easier, they
conspicuously to sustain a categorical
argued, to decide each case as it came -
432 110 S. Ct. 3157 (1990)
434 109 S. Ct. at 3064 (Scalia, J., dissenting).
433 Id. at 3171 (Scalia, J., dissenting)
435 Id. at 3066 n.' (Scalia, J., dissenting)
78 Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 3/2012
by the seat of the pants - like some other
Now, has Scalia managed to persuade
Justices. Scalia's answer to such
his colleagues, or even most federal
complaints was "Nothing is easy," which
judges, to go cold turkey on legislative
I suppose is shorthand for "Nothing
history? Have lawyers stopped citing it?
worthwhile is easy."
Of course not. But the fact is, legislative
And that, it seems to me, is the Scalia
history just ain't worth what it was a few
philosophy; and that will be the source of
years ago. It used to be that you would
his legacy. Whether one agrees with his
get briefs and opinions that started and
views in particular cases or not, one thing
ended their analyses with legislative
can't be denied: He has ideas, grand
history, never once mentioning the text
ideas, about how the law and its
of the statutes they were purporting to
institutions should operate, and he has a
interpret. Such things are much rarer
clear, crisp, and somewhat bemused way
these days. Scalia's constant carping on
of expressing them. He may not make it
the matter has simply made it more
entirely impossible for his colleagues to
difficult for judges and lawyers to avoid
be fuzzy-headed - after all, life tenure
such annoying technicalities as the
means never having to say you're sorry -
statutory language.
but he makes it more difficult. In opinion
Another example is Justice Scalia's
after opinion, he sets the terms of the
quest to eliminate balancing as the prime
debate, forcing his colleagues, and
form of resolving constitutional issues. I
everyone else in the system, to deal with
mean who isn't onto the shell game
the force of his arguments.
involved in balancing? There is an easy
Tonight is obviously not the time or
trick to it: If you favor the interest, make it
place for an exhaustive review of Justice
sound big and glorious; if you disfavor it,
Scalia's jurisprudence, but I will offer a
make it sound narrow and trivial. If you
few examples. Scalia has already had a
want to permit cities to ban skateboards -
major impact on the way courts look at
excuse the example, but one does not sit
legislative history. As we all know, and
in California for five years and remain
as we will discuss further tomorrow
unaffected - you would describe them as
morning, Scalia takes a rather extreme
small wooden or fiberglass boards on
view of the matter - he refuses to look at
wheels which frequently cause serious
it at all because he considers it irrelevant
injuries on public streets and sidewalks.
and unreliable: It is irrelevant because
If you want to strike down an
Congress passes laws, not legislative
anti-skateboarding ordinance, you talk
histories - the law is what is written, not
about a personal means of locomotion
what some congressman said on the
that is known to enhance the user's health
stump; and it is unreliable because
and welfare, and which materially
congressmen knowingly litter the record
implicates the right to travel.
with comments saying one thing or
Justice Scalia has made it painfully
another about the meaning of the bill in
clear that as far as he's concerned,
the hopes that some unwary Supreme
balancing is out. Instead, decisions
Court Justice will glom on to their
should be based on or announce rules of
viewpoint, whether or not it truly
general applicability. As he pointed out in
represents an issue Congress had
"The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules"436
considered or decided.
rules have numerous advantages. They
436 Scalia, The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules,
56 U. Cm. L. REV. 1175 (1989).
Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 3/2012 79
are predictable; they constrain future
Today a petitioner before this Court
decisionmakers so they cannot introduce
says that a State sentencing court (1) had
their own personal preferences into the
unconstitutionally broad discretion to
decision; they enhance the legitimacy of
sentence him to death instead of
decisions because they make it clear to
imprisonment, and (2) had unconstitu-
the litigants that their case was decided
tionally narrow discretion to sentence him
through neutral application of a rule rather
to imprisonment instead of death. An
than on the basis of a judge's personal
observer unacquainted with our death
preference; and lastly, they embolden the
penalty jurisprudence (and in the habit of
decisionmaker to resist the will of a hostile
thinking logically) would probably say
these positions cannot both be right.439
To fully appreciate the force of Scalia's
He drives this last point home during
reasoning, it's worth quoting the last
the course of the concurrence:
paragraph of his dissenting opinion in
To acknowledge that "there perhaps
Maryland v. Craig, the confrontation
is an inherent tension" between this line
clause case in which he accused the
of cases and the line stemming from
majority of yielding to public pressure:
Furman . is rather like saying that there
The Court today has applied "interest
was perhaps an inherent tension between
balancing" analysis where the text of the
the Allies and the Axis Powers in World
Constitution simply does not permit it. We
War II. And to refer to the two lines as
are not free to conduct a cost-benefit
pursuing "twin objectives" . is rather like
analysis of clear and explicit constitutionalguarantees, and then to adjust their
referring to the twin objectives of good and
meaning to comport with our findings. The
evil. They cannot be reconciled.440
Court has convincingly proved that the
How can one ignore arguments like
Maryland procedure serves a valid
interest, and gives the defendant virtually
In politics, it has been said, you can't
everything the Confrontation Clause
beat somebody with nobody. In the law,
guarantees (everything, that is, except
you can't beat an idea with no idea. And
confrontation). I am persuaded, therefore,
what Scalia has plenty of are ideas. Is he
that the Maryland procedure is virtually
right every time? I don't think so; at least
constitutional. Since it is not, however,
he doesn't always persuade me. Will he
actually constitutional I would affirm the
eventually prevail as to his entire agenda?
judgment of the Maryland Court of
Probably not. But in the long run, he will
Appeals reversing the judgment of
win far more than his share of victories,
because he has a coherent theory and
Scalia has managed to spin equally
he is able to express his views so clearly
coherent theories in numerous other
and persuasively. If, as I believe is true,
areas of the law, and to set them forth in
ideas have consequences, Scalia's
an equally clear and persuasive way.
influence will grow and continue to be felt
Take, for example, his concurring opinion
for a very long time because of the sheer
last term in Walton v. Arizona438 His
volume and force of the ideas he puts out,
opinion starts out:
term in and term out.
437 110 S. Ct. 3157, 3176 (Scalia, J., dissenting)
439 Id. (emphasis in original)
440 Id. At 3063 (citations omitted).
438 110 S. Ct. 3047, 3058 (1990) (Scalia, J.,
80 Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 3/2012
It is for that reason that it really doesn't
Constitution, in the eye of the law, there
matter very much that Scalia's ideas are
is in this country no superior, dominant,
frequently expressed in dissents or
ruling class of citizens. There is no caste
concurrences. These are seeds placed
here. Our Constitution is color-blind, and
in the intellectual soil of the law, and
neither knows nor tolerates classes
many, perhaps most of them, will take root
among its citizens."443 I don't need to
name the case; and I don't need to tell
There is, after all, a time-honored
you that it took fifty-eight years before the
tradition in the Supreme Court of the
Supreme Court listened to Justice
powerful idea, expressed in an eloquent
Harlan's sage dissent and ordered a
dissent or concurrence, eventually being
disgraceful system of apartheid
vindicated, sometimes long after the
departure of the author.
Will Scalia take his place with
Justice Brandeis was in dissent when
Brandeis, Holmes, and Harlan? Only time
he referred to the "right to be let alone" as
will tell, but my bet is that he will. He knows
"the most comprehensive of rights and the
what he wants to accomplish and how to
right most valued by civilized men" in
accomplish it. "When the dealin's done,"
Olmstead v. United States441. I cannot
as Kenny Rogers would say, my guess is
help but wonder whether Justice Brandeis
that Scalia will take his place among theCourt's giants.
would have dreamed that those few words
But there are issues on which Justice
would be quoted so often, or that the right
Scalia will never, ever prevail. There are
to be left alone - the right to privacy - would
some issues on which even I draw the
someday form the basis of our
line. Pizza is one of them. He may be
jurisprudence regarding birth control and
Antonin Scalia, and I may be Alex
Kozinski from Romania, but Vesuvio's
Justice Holmes was in dissent when
was, is, and always will be a better pizza
he wrote "the Fourteenth Amendment
does not enact Mr. Herbert Spencer'sSocial Statics" in Lochner v. New York442.
Nota redacþiei: Articolul a fost publicat
I am not sure he would have contemplated
iniþial în 12 Cardozo L. Rev. 1583
the extensive regulation that has followed
(1990-1991), Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor
the demise of economic due process.
primind permisiunea autorului ºi a revistei
And Justice Harlan (the elder) was in
americane în vederea republicãrii exclusive
dissent when he wrote "in view of the
a studiului în România.
441 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928) (Brandeis, J.,
443 Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 535, 559
442 198 U.S. 45, 75 (1905) (Holmes„J„
(1896) (Harlan, J., dissenting).
Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 3/2012 81
The Power of Not Asking: How Do Generic Drug Substitution Laws Affect Patient's Demand for Generic Drugs? 1 Yan Song2 Douglas Barthold 3 Current Version: Nov/9/2015 Substituting generic for brand drugs whenever possible has been proposed as an effective way to control pre-scription drug expenditure growth in the United States. This work investigates whether mandatory switchingand presumed consent laws are effective in increasing generic drug use. The analysis uses plausibly exoge-nous changes in states' drug substitution policies for identification. The Difference-in-Difference regressionresults indicate that mandatory switching laws have little effect. However, presumed consent laws, wherebythe pharmacists could assume patients' consent to switch to generic drugs, reduce consumers' probability ofpurchasing brand drugs by 4.1 percentage points. We construct and estimate a bounded rationality modelto explain why presumed consent laws work. In the model, consumers in states with presumed consent lawsincur a cost when asking pharmacists for brand drugs. We find that presumed consent laws' effect in de-creasing brand drug use is equivalent to increasing the brand drug price by 3 dollars. The average marginaleffect of the policy is to reduce the probability of purchasing brand drugs by 6 and 11 percent. A welfarecalculation indicates that consumers' surplus loss exceeds the insurances' gain by 7.5 dollars per person perpurchase when states switch from explicit to presumed consent laws.
NEWSLETTER - MAY 2014 welcome to the may 2014 edition of the boys clubhouse newsletter. in this monthly publication we hope to share with you information on our activities, courses and projects. A LETTER RECEIVED: Dear Boys' Clubhouse,I can't believe I am actually writing this letter. I never ever thought I would. My parents threw me out of homewhen I was 21. A the time I was bitter but looking back it was not their fault - I must have been impossible to livewith. I spent some nights sleeping rough but then I heard that The Clubhouse had an emergency accommodationshelter so I contacted Ari and moved in. Initially I was feeling at an all-time low and spent all day in bed but slowly Igained some confidence and now I have a good job in the catering industry - which I always wanted to do and Ihave a reason to get out of bed each day.