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Protective effect of ethanolic extract of seeds of Coriandrum sativum l. in acetic acid-induced
ulcerative colitis in male wistar rats
S.Poojari , R.Bhargavi , M. Mohan1,2
PG Student; Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology, Priyadarshini College of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Narapally, Chowdaryguda (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.District, 500088, Andhra Pradesh
Objective: To evaluate the protective effect of ethanolic extract of dried seeds of
Coriandrum sativum L.
(C.sativum) in acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis in rats.
Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into various treatment groups (n=5). The animals were administered with
2ml of acetic acid (4% v/v) via intrarectal route to induce colitis. Prednisolone (2mg/kg) was used as a standard
drug and C.sativum was administered at a dose of 100 and 300 mg/kg p.o. Macroscopic scoring, colon weight to
length ratio, colonic superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation
(LPO), myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels and histopathological changes were recorded after the treatment regimen
of 11 days.
Results: Intrarectal instillation of acetic acid caused significant (P<0.05) increase in colon weight to length ratio,
LPO, and MPO levels; and significant (P<0.05) decrease in the levels of SOD, CAT and GSH levels. Pretreatment
with C.sativum (100, 300 mg/kg, p.o.) exhibited significant (P<0.05) reversal of all the above biochemical
parameters and significantly reversed the histopathological changes induced by acetic acid treatment.
Conclusion: The present investigation demonstrates the potent therapeutic value of C.sativum (100, 300 mg/kg,
p.o.) in the amelioration of experimental colitis in rats. The beneficial effect of C.sativum could be attributed to its
antioxidant effect.
Key Words: C.sativum, Acetic acid, Ulcerative colitis, antioxidant
patients unresponsive to or unwilling to take standard medicines. Among these alternative approaches is the
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an idiopathic Inflammatory
use of food derivatives, which have the advantage of
Bowel Disease (IBD) characterized by cycles of acute
being relatively nontoxic. However, limited scientific
inflammation, ulceration and bleeding of the colonic
evidence regarding the effectiveness of these natural
mucosa. IBD is a chronic, remitting relapsing
derivatives, in conjunction with a lack of mechanistic
disorder of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by
understanding of their actions has prevented their
inflammation and tissue damage. The etiology of the
incorporation into the mainstream of medical care.
disease although not well understood, is thought to be
During the last decade, a large number of dietary
multifactorial. Oxidative stress is one of the key
components have been evaluated as potential
biochemical features of the disease . Various
chemopreventive agents . IBD patients turn to
inflammatory mediators such as cyclooxygenases
alternative therapies for various reasons, including
(COX-1 and COX-2), tumor necrosis factor-alpha
side effects or lack of effectiveness of conventional
(TNF-a), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-12
therapies, fear of surgery, presumed safety and
(IL-12), the presence of highly activated
effectiveness of alternative treatments, or the simple
inflammatory cells such as neutrophils, dendritic
desire to regain control of their deteriorating health.
cells, macrophages, and excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implicated
Some medicinal plants reported to be effective in the
in the pathogenesis of the disease . The use of
treatment of UC include
Azadirachta indica ,
medicinal plants or their active components is
Moringa olifera Lam. ,
Ginko biloba ,
Hibiscus rosa
becoming an increasingly attractive approach for the
sinensis Linn and
Curcuma longa . Some traditional
treatment of various inflammatory disorders among
Chinese medicines aloe vera gel, wheat grass juice,
Boswellia serrata, and bovine colostrums enemas in
patients with ulcerative colitis have also been used .
The Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Vol 1 Issue 2 December 2013
Coriandrum sativum L. of family Umbelliferae, a
obtained from Mahavir Enterprises, Hyderabad,
glabrous aromatic, herbaceous annual plant is well
India. They were maintained at (24±1 °C), with
known for its use as an antioxidant. Essential oil,
relative humidity of 45-55% and 12:12 dark/light
flavonoids, fatty acids, and sterols have been isolated
cycle. The animals were acclimatized for a period of
from different parts of
C.sativum . It is a soft,
one week. Commercial pellet diet and water were
hairless plant growing up to 50cm in height and is
ad libitum. The experiments were carried
native to Southwestern Asia and North Africa. All
out according to the guidelines of the committee for
parts of the plant are edible but the fresh leaves and
the purpose of control and supervision of experiments
the dried seeds are the most eaten parts of the plant .
on animals (CPCSEA), New Delhi, India and
Coriander seed is a popular spice and finely ground
approved by the Institutional Animal Ethical
seed is a major ingredient of curry powder. The seeds
Committee (IAEC).
are mainly responsible for the medicinal use of
2.2. Plant material collection and preparation of
coriander and have been used as a drug for
indigestion, against worms, rheumatism and pain in
the joints .
C.sativum is reported to have a very
Dry seeds of
C.sativum were purchased locally and
effective anti-oxidant activity profile showing 2, 2-
authenticated from Department of Pharmacognosy,
diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical
Priyadarshini College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
scavenging activity, lipooxygenase inhibition, and
Hyderabad. Seeds were dried and made into fine
phospholidpid peroxidation inhibition, iron chelating
powder. The powdered material (100g) was first
activity, hydroxyl radical scavenging activity,
defatted with petroleum ether (60-80 ºC) using
superoxide dismutation, glutathione reduction and
Soxhlet apparatus. The marc was dried and again
antilipid peroxidation activities.
extracted using ethanol for 24h. The extract was then collected and air dried to obtain the product (4.5%
Phytochemical studies revealed the presence of
w/w). Appropriate concentrations of the extract were
constituents such as flavanoids (quercetin 3-
made using distilled water and polyethylene glycol
glucoronide) , linalool, camphor, geranylacetate,
(PEG) (1:1) as vehicle.
coriandrones . Caffeic acid, protocatechinic acid,
2.3. Preliminary phytochemical screening
and glycitin were characterized as major
The preliminary phytochemical screening of
polyphenolics of coriander . It has also been reported
ethanolic extract was tested for the presence of
to exhibit several other pharmacological effects such
flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins and
as antioxidant activity
, anti-diabetic , anti-
mutagenic , anthelmenthic , sedative-hypnotic ,
2.4. Standard drug
anticonvulsant , diuretic , cholesterol lowering ,
protective role against lead toxicity
Prednisolone was obtained as a gift sample from
activity , anti-feeding , anticancer , anxiolytic ,
Bafna Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Chennai) and all other
hepatoprotective , anti-protozoal , anti-ulcer ,
chemicals used were purchased locally.
post-coital anti-fertility and heavy metal
2.5. Induction of colitis
detoxification activities .
Rats were fasted for 24 h. 2ml of 4% acetic acid was
Several models of experimental colitis resembling
administered into the rectum of rats using 3mm
UC have been reported previously. The most widely
diameter catheter at a distance of 8cms into colon for
used models are induced by administering toxic
30s. After 30s acetic acid was withdrawn followed by
chemicals such as dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) ,
flushing of colon using 0.9% saline .
trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) and acetic
acid . In this a reproducible model of UC in male
2.6. Treatment protocol
Wistar rats was developed by intrarectal
The animals were randomly divided into following
administration of 2ml acetic acid (4% v/v). The role
experimental groups with 5 animals in each group.
C.sativum in the possible modulation of colon inflammation has not been verified. This prompted us
Group 1 - Vehicle treated animals: received 1ml
to study the potential effects of ethanolic extract of
of distilled water and PEG (1:1) for 11days.
seeds of
C.sativum extract on experimental acetic
Group 2 - Acetic acid control animals: received
acid-induced colitis in rats.
2ml of 4% (v/v) acetic acid solution, once
Group 3 - Prednisolone treated animals: received
2.1. Animals
Prednisolone (2mg/kg, p.o.) for 3days and acetic
Healthy adult male Wistar rats (180-200 g) were
acid (2ml of 4% v/v solution, once intrarectally).
The Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Vol 1 Issue 2 December 2013
Prednisolone and acetic acid treatment was
unit of SOD activity (mg/wet tissue) .
started on the same day. Catalase activity (CAT)
Group 4 – Drug treated animals: Pre-treated with
The reaction mixture consisted of 2ml of phosphate
C.sativum (100mg/kg, p.o.) for 7days and 2ml of
buffer (pH 7.0), 0.95ml of hydrogen peroxide
4% acetic acid solution intra rectally on 8 day.
(0.019M) and 0.05ml of supernatant in a final
Drug treatment was continued till 11 day.
volume of 3ml.Absorbance was recorded at 240nm
Group 5 - Drug treated animals: Pre-treated with
every 10sec for 1min. One unit of CAT was defined as
C.sativum (300mg/kg. p.o.) for 7days and 2ml of
the amount of enzyme required to decompose 1µmol
4%acetic acid solution intrarectally on 8th day.
of peroxide per min at 25 ° C .The results were
Drug treatment was continued till 11 day.
expressed as units of CAT U/g of wet tissue .
On the 11 day animals were sacrificed and colons Reduced Glutathione (GSH)
were collected for morphological and biochemical
1ml of homogenate is added to 1ml of 10% TCA and
assays. Portions of colonic specimens were kept in
centrifuged.1ml of supernatant is treated with 0.5ml
10% formalin solution for histopathological studies.
of Ellman's reagent (19.8 mg of 5,5'-dithiobisnitro
2.7. Assessment of colonic damage
benzoic acid (DTNB) in 100ml of 1% sodium citrate) and 3ml of phosphate buffer (pH-8). The color
2.7.1. Macroscopic scoring: The colon was excised
developed was measured at 412nm .
and opened longitudinally, rinsed with ice-cold normal saline and colonic damage was evaluated Lipid peroxidation (LPO)
according to scale ranging from 0 to 4 as follows :
In brief, 0.1ml of homogenate (Tris-HCl buffer, ph
0 - Normal appearance; 1 - Mucosal erythema only; 2
7.5) was treated with 2ml of (1:1:1) TBA-TCA-HCl
- Mild edema, slight bleeding or small erosions
reagent (Thiobarbituric acid 0.37%, 0.25N HCl and 15% TCA) and placed in water bath for 15 min,
3 - Moderate edema, bleeding, ulcers; 4 - Severe
cooled and centrifuged at room temperature for 10
ulcerations, erosions, edema and tissue necrosis
min at 1000 rpm. The absorbance of clear supernatant
2.7.2. Colon weight/length ratio (g/cm): After
was measured against reference blank at 535nm .
animals were sacrificed colon was removed, gently Myeloperoxidase (MPO)
flushed with ice-cold normal saline placed on ice cold plate, cleaned of fat and mesentery and blotted on
0.1ml of homogenate (Tris Hcl buffer, pH 7.5) was
filter paper to dry lightly. Each colon was weighed
treated with equal volume of potassium phosphate
and its length was measured . It was used as a
buffer (pH 7.5) and was centrifuged at room
parameter to assess the degree of colon edema which
temperature for 10 min at 10000 rpm. The supernatant
reflected the severity of colitis.
was treated with 0.5% tetramethylbenzidine. This mixture was oxidized by MPO in presence of
2.7.3. Estimation of colonic mucosal antioxidants
hydrogen peroxide and absorbance was measured at
(SOD, CAT, GSH, LPO) and pro-inflammatory
marker –MPO)
2.7.4. Histopathological examination Preparation of tissue homogenate
The colonic tissues were fixed in 10% formalin. The
The colon tissue was washed with ice-cold saline and
specimens were then processed for standard
homogenized with 0.1M tris buffer (pH 7.5) using
procedure and were embedded in paraffin wax in
Remi homogenizer to give 10% homogenate. The
Swiss roll model to expose the lesional and normal
homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20
areas of colon tissue. The blocks were then sectioned
min and supernatant was used for estimation of
according to hematoxylin and eosin method . Five-
antioxidant enzyme levels.
micrometer thick histological sections were obtained Superoxide dismutase activity (SOD)
from the paraffin blocks. The sections were examined under the light microscope and photographs were
The assay of SOD was based on ability of SOD to
taken under 40X.
inhibit spontaneous oxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome. 0.05ml supernatant was added to
2.8. Statistical analysis
2.0ml of carbonate buffer and 0.5ml of 0.01 Mm
All data were expressed as the mean ± SEM. For
EDTA solutions. The reaction was initiated by
statistical analysis of the data, group means were
addition of 0.5ml of epinephrine and autoxidation of
compared by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
adrenaline to adrenochrome was measured at 480nm.
followed by Dunnett's test
P<0.05 was considered
The change in absorbance for every minute was
measured against blank. The results are expressed as
The Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Vol 1 Issue 2 December 2013
dependent manner as shown (Table I). Acetic acid-induced colitis produced diarrhoea in all the animals
3.1. Preliminary phytochemical screening
whereas none of the animals in the vehicle treated
The ethanolic extract of
Coriandrum sativum L. was
group had diarrhoea. Administration of
found to contain flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides,
(100, 300mg/kg) reduced the frequency of diarrhoea
tannins and saponins.
in experimental colitis (data not shown).
3.2. Macroscopic results
3.3. Effect of colonic SOD activity
The acetic acid treatment induced severe
There was a significant (
P<0.05) decrease in colonic
macroscopic inflammation in the colon after rectal
SOD activity in rats given acetic acid treatment only
administration as assessed by the colonic damage
as compared to vehicle treated group. Pretreatment of
score (Table I). Treatment with Prednisolone significantly reduced the severity of the tissue
rats with
C.sativum (at doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg)
C.sativum (100, 300mg/kg) significantly
orally caused a significant (
P<0.05) increase in
reduced the intensity of inflammation in a dose-
colitis-induced reduction of SOD activity, (Table II).
Table 1 Effect of C.sativum (100 and 300mg/kg) on colon weight to length ratio (g/cm) and macroscopic
scoring of rats in acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis (n=5) (Mean±SEM).
Macroscopic Colon weight :
Vehicle (1ml/kg) 0.0±0.00
control (2ml of 4% v/v)Prednisolone
All data analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by
significantly (
P<0.05) decreased after induction of
Dunnet's test.
P<0.05 as compared to vehicle treated
colitis as compared to vehicle treated group.
P<0.05 as compared to acetic acid control
Treatment with Prednisolone (2mg/kg) or
(100 & 300mg/kg) showed a significant increase in the GSH levels. The increase was significantly
(0-normal appearance; 1- mucosal erythema only; 2- mild oedema, slight bleeding or small erosions; 3-
P<0.05) higher with
C.sativum at a dose of
moderate oedema, bleeding, ulcers; 4-severe
ulcerations, erosions, oedema and tissue necrosis)
3.6. Effect of colonic lipid peroxidation
3.4. Effect of colonic Catalase activity
Tissue LPO activity showed a statistically significant
Tissue catalase levels decreased significantly
P<0.05) increase in acetic acid treated group as
P<0.05) following intrarectal administration of
compared to the vehicle treated group. Treatment
acetic acid compared to vehicle treated group.
with Prednisolone (2mg/kg, p.o.) and C.sativum (100
Pretreatment of rats with
C.sativum (300 mg/kg)
and 300mg/kg) significantly reduced colonic LPO
orally caused a significant (
P<0.05) increase in
activity (Table II).
catalase activity as compared with acetic acid control
3.7. Effect on colonic myeloperoxidase
group. On the other hand the effect of
C.sativum (100mg/kg) was similar to Prednisolone control
Tissue MPO activity showed a significant (
(2mg/kg) (Table II).
increase in acetic acid treated group as compared to the vehicle treated group. Treatment with C.sativum
3.5. Effect of colonic GSH levels
(100 and 300mg/kg) significantly reduced colonic
Table II illustrates that tissue GSH levels was
MPO activity (Table II).
The Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Vol 1 Issue 2 December 2013
Table 2 Effect of C.sativum (100 and 300mg/kg) on colon weight to length ratio (g/cm) and macroscopic
scoring of rats in acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis (n=5) (Mean±SEM).
Reduced GSH
MPO (U/mg of
(U/mg of wet
(U/mg of wet
(ìg GSH/mg of (n moles/ mg of wet tissue)
wet tissue)
wet tissue)
All data analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by Dunnet's test. *P<0.05 as compared to vehicle treated group, #P<0.05 as compared to acetic acid group.
3.8. Histopathological examination
mucosal intestinal flora . The inflammatory response
Histopathological examination (40X) of colon tissue
initiated by acetic acid includes activation of
of rats treated with acetic acid (4%) showed
cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase pathways
significant cell inflammation with loss of mucosa
The most disabling feature of UC, is the episodic
(30%), whereas
C. sativum (100mg/kg) showed
acute exacerbation. During these periods, there is an
scattered round cell collection in mucosa and
association between acute inflammation (presence of
submucosa, and
C. sativum (300mg/kg) showed near
neutrophils), tissue damage and diarrhoea.
to normal architecture (Figure 1)
Administration of acetic acid significantly increased
colon weight and incidence of diarrhoea which is in
agreement with earlier reports
. Pre-treatment with
The use of plants with herbal healing properties is as
ethanolic extract of seeds of
C.sativum (100 and
old as mankind as they have been used since antiquity
300mg/kg) exhibited a decrease in the colon weight
in treating various diseases of man. The present study
and incidence of diarrhoea.
evaluated the protective effect of ethanolic extract of seeds of
Coriandrum sativum in acetic acid-induced
The gross morphological lesions characterized by
UC in male Wistar rats.
ulcer and necrotic area of various sizes, were healed depicting protection from the corrosive effect of
Acetic acid induced colitis model is similar to human
acetic acid by ethanolic extract of seeds of
ulcerative colitis in terms of histopathological
Oxidative stress also has been implicated in the
features. It affects the distal colon portion and
pathogenesis of UC in experimental animals .
induces non-transmural inflammation, massive
Excess production of reactive oxygen metabolites
necrosis of mucosal and sub-mucosal layers, mucosal
e.g., superoxide, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen
edema, neutrophil infiltration of the mucosa and sub-
peroxide, hypochlorous acid and oxidant derivatives
mucosal ulceration. The protonated form of the acid
are detected in inflamed mucosa and may be
liberates protons within the intracellular space and
causes massive intracellular acidification resulting in
pathogenic in IBD . Intestinal mucosal damage in
massive epithelial damage. Inflammation is the
the IBD is related to both increased free radical
pathogenesis of IBD, and several pathways are
production and a low concentration of endogenous
associated with inflammatory response in IBD due to
antioxidant defense .
The Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Vol 1 Issue 2 December 2013
Figure 1 Photomicrographs of histopathological examination (40X) of colon tissue. Section A) Control group treated with vehicle shows normal architecture, section B) group treated with acetic acid (4% v/v) shows significant cell inflammation, loss of mucosa (30%), section C) group treated with Prednisolone (2mg/kg) shows scattered round cell collection in mucosa and submucosa, section D) group treated with C.sativum extract (100mg/kg) shows loss of mucosa (10%), section E) group treated with C.sativum extract (300mg/kg) shows near to normal architecture.
We estimated SOD, Catalase, GSH, and LPO levels in
histopathological studies. Thus in conclusion,
addition to morphological changes in the colonic
ethanolic extract of
C.sativum (100 and 300mg/kg)
tissue as an index to assess the severity of oxidative
has ameliorated the effects of acetic acid in Wistar rats
damage. Pretreatment with
C.sativum (100mg/kg and
by way of normalizing the damaged tissue, resetting
300mg/kg, p.o.) exhibited significant (
the antioxidant levels and reversing the
reversal of all the above biochemical parameters and
histopathological changes induced by dose
reversed the histopathological changes induced by
dependent acetic acid.
acetic acid treatment. The colonic
MPO activity, an index of neutrophil activation and
The authors acknowledge the technical assistance
inflammation was increased in acetic acid-treated
provided by Dr.P.Uday kumar, Scientist E (Deputy
animals. Activated neutrophils pass out of the
Director) & HOD, Pathology Division, NIN (ICMR),
circulation and enter the inflamed mucosa and
Tarnaka, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India for
submucosa of the large intestine during acute
histopathology study and its critical evaluation.
inflammation, leading to overproduction of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that contribute to
intestinal injury . This increase in MPO activity was significantly reduced in rats treated with
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The Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Vol 1 Issue 2 December 2013
Multiple daily administrations of low-dosesublingual immunotherapy in allergicrhinoconjunctivitisVasco Bordignon, MD,* and Samuele E. Burastero, MD† Background: Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is an efficacious treatment for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.Objective: To investigate whether the number of daily administrations of SLIT can affect its efficacy.Methods: In an open study, 64 patients with allergic seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis to grass or birch pollens were assigned to
AUS KLINISCHER UND Petra Vetter Kontakt e-mail: [email protected] Inhalt Seite 2. Zur Begrifflichkeit.3 3. Probleme der diagnostischen Abklärung.4 3.1. Erklärungsansätze.4 3.2. Methoden.5 3.4. Conners Skala.5 4. Therapeutische Ansätze.6 4.1. Pädagogische Maßnahmen.6 4.2. Psychotherapien.6 4.3. Medikamentöse Behandlung.6