Differential response to a selective cannabinoid receptorantagonist (SR141716: rimonabant) in female mice from linesselectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behaviourBrooke K. Keeneya, David A. Raichlenb, Thomas H. Meeka,Rashmi S. Wijeratnea, Kevin M. Middletona,*, Gregory L. Gerdemanb,wand Theodore Garland Jra
Exercise is a naturally rewarding behaviour in human
not time) as compared with control females. We conclude
beings and can be associated with feelings of euphoria and
that altered endocannabinoid signalling plays a role in the
analgesia. The endocannabinoid system may play a role in
high wheel running of female HR mice. Behavioural
the perception of neurobiological rewards during and after
Pharmacology 19:812–820
c 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health
prolonged exercise. Mice from lines that have been
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (high
runner or HR lines) may have evolved neurobiological
Behavioural Pharmacology 2008, 19:812–820
mechanisms that increase the incentive salience of
Keywords: artificial selection, endocannabinoids, exercise,
endurance-type exercise. Here, we test the hypothesis that
experimental evolution, genetics, hyperactivity, locomotor activity, mouse,
endocannabinoid signalling has been altered in the four
rimonabant, sex differences, wheel running
replicate HR lines as compared with four nonselected
aUniversity of California, Riverside, California and bUniversity of Arizona, Tucson,
control lines. After 18 days of acclimation to cages with
attached wheels, we injected mice with rimonabant(SR141716), a selective cannabinoid CB1 receptor
Correspondence to Dr Theodore Garland Jr, Department of Biology, University of
antagonist. During the time of normal peak running, each
California, Riverside, CA 92521, USAE-mail:
[email protected]
mouse received, in a randomized order, intraperitonial
injection of rimonabant (0.1 or 3.0 mg/kg) or vehicle, over 9
*Present address: California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino,
days. Drug response was quantified as wheel revolutions,
wPresent address: Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
time and speed 10–70 min postinjection. Rimonabant
decreased running in all mice; however, female HR mice
Received 7 April 2008 Accepted as revised 24 September 2008
differentially decreased running speed and distance (but
Demuth and Molleman, 2006). There are two primary
Voluntary wheel running is a classically self-rewarding
cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. The ECS is
behaviour in both rats and mice (Premack, 1964;
hypothesized to have a general modulatory effect on
Timberlake and Wozny, 1979; Sherwin, 1998). For
circuits of the reward system, and the perception of
example, Sherwin and Nicol, (1996) have demonstrated
neurobiological rewards associated with such behaviours
that mice are willing to cross an aversive water barrier,
as voluntary locomotion and food consumption (Thornton-
even as the barrier was increased in size, to receive
Jones et al., 2005; Maldonado et al., 2006). The ECS is also
a wheel-running reward. Moreover, several operant
involved in aspects of energy balance, lipid metabolism,
conditioning studies have shown that rats and mice are
nociception and the stress response, among other factors,
highly motivated to bar-press for a wheel-running reward
which are also relevant to the physiology of wheel running
(Belke and Heyman, 1994; Belke, 1996; Belke and
(Girard and Garland, 2002; Li et al., 2004; Rhodes et al.,
Garland, 2007). However, our current understanding of
2005; Pacher et al., 2006; Pagotto et al., 2006; Malisch et al.,
the neurobiological basis of apparently high motivation for
wheel running in rodents is limited.
Endocannabinoid signalling is activated by aerobic
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex
exercise in human beings (Sparling et al., 2003), and is
endogenous signalling system made up of transmembrane
associated with analgesia and the stimulation of locomotor
cannabinoid receptors (CB receptors), their ligands
activity in rodents (Lichtman et al., 1996; Wiley, 2003;
Hohmann and Suplita, 2006). Recent evidence indicates
that CB1 signalling facilitates dopamine release in the
(De Petrocellis et al., 2004; Cota and Woods, 2005;
shell of the nucleus accumbens, a neurochemical effect
c 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rimonabant affects wheel running in mice Keeney et al.
common to drugs of addiction (Kelley, 2004; Cheer et al.,
blockers found differential effects on wheel running in
2007), and the expression of drug-seeking, conditioned
HR and control mice (Rhodes et al., 2001; Rhodes and
behaviours (Cohen et al., 2005; DeVries and Schoffelmeer,
Garland 2003). This differential effect was attributed to
2005; Laviolette and Grace, 2006; Xi et al., 2006; Alvarez-
altered functionality in the D1 receptor system, although
Jaimes et al., 2008). Dietrich and McDaniel (2004)
apparently not in the D2 receptor, serotonergic or
recently suggested that CB1 signalling may account for
opioidergic systems (Rhodes et al., 2001, 2003, 2005;
exercise addiction that has been reported for human
Li et al., 2004). In addition, Fos immunohistochemistry
distance runners (Morgan, 1979). When injected directly
studies show a greater increase in activity in several brain
into brain reward centres of the rat, low doses of cannabinoid
regions implicated in reward and motivation when wheel
agonists enhance locomotor behaviours and promote self-
access is blocked, including the caudate–putamen
administration and conditioned place preference (Zangen
complex, lateral hypothalamus, prefrontal cortex, medial
et al., 2006), consistent with the idea that motivational
frontal cortex, NAc, piriform cortex and sensory cortex
properties of the ECS may be physiologically coupled to
(Rhodes et al., 2003). These differences prompt numer-
behavioural activation. Accordingly, cocaine-induced hyperlo-
ous questions about how reward and salience mechanisms
comotion can be blunted by either genetic deletion or
may have differentiated in HR mice over the course of
pharmacological blockade of the CB1 receptor (Cheer et al.,
selective breeding. However, because previous operant-
2007; Corbille et al., 2007; Gerdeman et al., 2008). Thus, CB1
conditioning, pharmacological and brain-imaging studies
signalling may ‘motivate' running behaviours, similar to
have involved only females, it is not known whether sex
motivation and conditioning induced by drugs of abuse.
differences in high wheel running (i.e. longer-durationrunning only in males) are related to differences in
This study examined the possible links between
reward or motivation.
endocannabinoids and voluntary exercise in mice fromlines that have been selectively bred for high amounts of
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that
voluntary wheel running. A 15-year selection experiment
mice from the HR and control lines would respond
to increase voluntary wheel running in laboratory house
differentially in voluntary wheel running when adminis-
mice (Mus domesticus) provides a unique opportunity to
tered a selective cannabinoid receptor antagonist/inverse
understand how neural incentives may evolve in real time
agonist. Moreover, we tested the hypothesis that the
to affect motivation for exercise. After 10 generations of
differential response would be sex specific. We used
selection, mice from four replicate high runner (HR)
rimonabant (SR141716), a selective CB1 receptor
lines, of both sexes, ran at least 70% more than four
antagonist (Carai et al., 2005), that has previously been
nonselected control lines (Swallow et al., 1998). After 16
used to block both cannabinoid reward and conditioned
generations, HR mice ran on average 170% more than
drug-seeking or food-seeking behaviours (DeVries and
controls (Rhodes et al., 2000). This differential response
Schoffelmeer, 2005; Thornton-Jones et al., 2005; Zangen
has been achieved primarily by an increase in running
et al., 2006; Ward et al., 2007).
speed, as opposed to duration of running, particularly infemale HR mice (Swallow et al., 1998, 1999; Rhodes et al.,2000; Girard et al., 2001; Koteja and Garland, 2001; Garland,
2003). In general, over the course of selection, male and
female HR mice have increased their total wheel revolu-
We studied 48 female and 48 male mice from generation
tions in different ways: female HR mice increased speed,
48 of a long-term selection experiment for high voluntary
whereas male HR mice increased both speed and, to
wheel-running behaviour (Swallow et al., 1998; Garland,
a lesser degree, the amount of time spent running per day.
2003). The original progenitors were outbred Hsd:
In addition to changes in locomotor behaviour, the selective
Institute for Cancer Research mice (Mus domesticus)
breeding regimen has led to changes in many morpholo-
purchased from Harlan Sprague Dawley (Indianapolis,
gical, physiological and behavioural traits (Garland, 2003).
Indiana, USA). Mice were randomly mated for two
For example, HR mice exhibit reduced body mass (Swallow
generations, then assigned to eight closed lines, four to
et al., 1999), reduced body fat (Swallow et al., 1999),
be selectively bred for HR and four to be bred without
differences in open-field behaviour (Bronikowski et al.,
regard to wheel running, hence serving as controls for
2001), differences in thermoregulatory nest-building beha-
founder effects and random genetic drift (control lines).
viour (Carter et al., 2000), increased predatory aggression
In each subsequent generation, mice were paired within
(Gammie et al., 2003) and higher plasma corticosterone
line, and offspring were toe clipped, weighed and weaned
(Girard and Garland, 2002; Malisch et al., 2008) and
from dams at 21 days of age. Mice were then housed in
adiponectin levels (Vaanholt et al., 2007).
same-sex groups of four until approximately 6–8 weeks ofage, at which point they began a 6-day wheel-access trial.
Rhodes et al. (2005) hypothesized that the motivation for
Mice were housed in standard cages with Wahman-type
voluntary endurance exercise has been altered in HR
activity wheels (1.12 m circumference, 35.7 cm diameter,
mice. Pharmacological studies with dopamine transporter
10-cm-wide running surface of a 10-mm mesh enclosed
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Behavioural Pharmacology
2008, Vol 19 No 8
by clear Plexiglas and stainless steel) attached through
off at 16.00 h, and injections began 2 h later, which was
a 5.5-cm-long stainless-steel tube inserted though a
during the time of typical peak wheel-running activity
7.7-cm-diameter hole in the side of the cage, allowing
(Girard et al., 2001; Girard and Garland, 2002; Rhodes
the mouse to continuously access the wheel. Wheel
et al., 2003; Malisch et al., 2008). Mice were then split into
revolutions were recorded daily in 1-min intervals by
three measurement batches for convenience, thus allow-
a photocell counter attached to the wheel and compiled
ing injections to be completed between 18.00 and
through customized software by San Diego Instruments
20.00 h. Intraperitonial injections were administered as
(San Diego, California, USA). In the four replicate
an experimenter held the scruff of the neck manually to
HR lines, the male and female from each family with
restrain the mouse.
the most total revolutions on days 5 and 6 of the 6-daytest were chosen to propagate the lines to the next
The acute locomotor response to treatment was mea-
generation. In the four control lines, a male and a female
sured as the total number of wheel revolutions in the
were randomly chosen from each family. Within all lines,
period from 10 to 70 min postinjection (Coimbra, 2001).
breeders were randomly paired, with the exception that
In addition, we analysed the number of 1-min intervals
sibling matings were not allowed. Throughout the
with at least one revolution (time spent running), the
selection experiment and for all studies described here,
average running speed (revolutions/active intervals), and
mice were routinely housed with free access to food and
the maximum speed (revolutions in the single highest
water, and maintained on a 12-h light-dark cycle.
1-min interval).
As top runners were unavailable in the HR lines (used as
breeders), we also excluded the lowest-running animals
Statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.1
in HR-line families. Of the remaining mice, one male and
(SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). Analyses
female were chosen from each available family, except
were first conducted separately by sex. The primary
when only one sex was available from a given family.
grouping factors were linetype (HR vs. C) and dose, and
As a part of the routine selection protocol (see previous
replicate line was a random effect nested within linetype.
paragraph), mice were tested for voluntary wheel running
Individual was the factor for repeated measures, and we
over a 6-day period. Placement of mice in wheel cages
assumed compound symmetry in SAS Procedure Mixed.
was randomized with respect to linetype (HR vs. control)
In this mixed-model analysis of covariance, the degrees of
and sex, and experimenters were blind to line and
freedom for testing the effect of linetype, relative to line,
is always 1 and 6. For dose and the dose linetypeinteraction [tested relative to the dose line (linetype)effect], degrees of freedom are 2 and 12, respectively.
Drug protocol and wheel running
This interaction term is of prime interest because, if
Rimonabant (SR141716) was obtained from the NIDA
significant, it indicates a differential response of the HR
Drug Supply Program (Baltimore, MD, USA). Several
and control lines to the drug dose. Wheel freeness
earlier pharmacological studies have used HR mice
(a measure of how easy it is to turn each wheel) was
(Rhodes et al., 2001; Rhodes and Garland, 2003; Li
measured before each experiment and was included as
et al., 2004). Following the design of Li et al. (2004), each
a covariate in statistical analyses, as was age. During the
individual mouse received vehicle injection, low-dose
course of the experiments, a total of three males and
rimonabant in a randomly determined order over the
(one male), injection problems (one female), wheel
course of 6 days, with 48 h between each injection to
malfunction (one male), or because they were observed
avoid carryover effects of the previous treatment. Vehicle
to exhibit twirling behaviour (running in rapid, small,
injections were solution of 20% DMSO, 10% Tween-80
stereotypic circles) in their cages (two females and one
and 70% physiological saline. This vehicle solution has
male). Thus, 45 males and 45 females were analysed
been previously described for the in-vivo delivery of
cannabinoid compounds including rimonabant and doesnot by itself influence open-field locomotor behaviour inmice (Gerdeman et al., 2008) or the firing of dopamine
Second, we performed combined analyses of both sexes
neurons (Wu and French, 2000). The doses of 0.1 and
using the difference between the running values of the
3.0 mg/kg rimonabant have been previously reported to
female and male within each family. In other words, we
maintain a physiologically effective blockade of CB1
analysed the sex difference within each family.
receptors in both mice and rats (Carai et al., 2005).
Injection solutions were prepared fresh each day, and
We also analysed wheel running of all of the mice from
injection volumes adjusted for dose and body mass of the
this generation that received the routine 6-day wheel test
animal. Mice received treatment at approximately the
(i.e. including those used in this study), with age and
same time of day for each injection. Lights were turned
wheel freeness as covariates.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rimonabant affects wheel running in mice Keeney et al.
HR males ran both faster (HR = 23.2 ± 1.1, control =
Baseline wheel running
9.5 ± 1.0 RPM, P < 0.001) and more minutes per day than
Considering all of the mice from generation 48 (n = 324
control (HR = 512 ± 40, control = 369 ± 39, P < 0.05).
females, 265 males) that received the 6-day wheel test,females from the HR lines (12 891 ± 285 revolutions/day;
As expected, and as shown in Fig. 1 for the three days
before injections, the 45 HR mice used in the drug trials
more than control females (4294 revolutions/day) on days
ran significantly more total revolutions than did the 45
5 + 6 (P < 0.001). For males, HR ran 11 026 (± 492) as
mice from the control lines. Figure 1 also shows that
compared with 3529 (± 551) revolutions/day for con-
females ran more than males within both the HR and
trol, yielding a 3.12-fold differential (P < 0.001). HR
control lines.
females ran faster than controls (HR = 24.8 ± 0.8,control = 9.3 ± 0.9 RPM, P < 0.001) but they did notrun significantly more minutes per day (HR = 520 ± 27,
control = 451 ± 28, P = 0.13). HR males ran both faster
Figure 2 shows the wheel running in 10-min bins of
(HR = 21.7 ± 1.0, control = 9.2 ± 1.1 RPM, P < 0.001)
female (top) and male (bottom) HR and control mice
and more minutes per day than control (HR = 503 ± 35,
during the 10–130 min postinjection, as well as average
control = 371 ± 36, P < 0.05).
revolutions per 10 min during the 30 min before injection.
Injections of both vehicle and rimonabant caused
Results were similar for the subset of males and females
a reduction in wheel running in all mice. For females,
used in the present experiment. Females from the HR
the reduction depended on dose (repeated-measures
lines (13 201 ± 584 revolutions/day) ran 3.07-fold more than
analyses of covariance, Table 1, all P < 0.001), and the
control females (4294 ± 547 revolutions/day) on days 5 + 6
effect of dose depended on linetype for total revolutions,
(P < 0.001). For males, HR ran 11 930 ( ± 615) as compared
average speed, and maximum speed (all P < 0.05), but
with 3631 ( ± 589) revolutions/day for control, yielding
not for the amount of time spent running (P = 0.7).
a 3.29-fold differential (P < 0.001). HR females ran faster
Adjusted means for females are shown in Table 2.
than controls (HR = 25.6 ± 1.2, control = 9.1 ± 1.1 RPM,P < 0.001), but they did not run significantly more minutes
For males, the reduction in wheel running also depended
per day (HR = 518 ± 36, control = 442 ± 35, P = 0.19).
on dose for revolutions and average speed (Table 1,
HR femaleHR maleControl female
Revolutions per 20 min 200
Daily pattern of wheel running (revolutions in 20-min bins) for mice from high runner (HR)(selected) and control lines during 3 days before the start ofrimonabant injections (28 April–1 May 2007). Note that females run more than males in both linetypes. Grey bars indicate lights off.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Behavioural Pharmacology
2008, Vol 19 No 8
Control 3.0 mg/kg
Control 0.1 mg/kg
Revolutions per 10 min
–30 –20 –10
90 100 110 120 130
Minutes postinjection
Control 3.0 mg/kg
Control 0.1 mg/kg
Revolutions per 10 min
–30 –20 –10
90 100 110 120 130
Minutes postinjection
Wheel running revolutions in 10-min bins during intraperitonial rimonabant injections (low dose = 0.1 mg/kg, high dose = 3.0 mg/kg). (First 10-minperiod after injection is omitted.) Values at – 15 min are pooled revolutions in the 30-min period before injections. Values are simple means andstandard errors. Points are centered on the 5-min mid-point (i.e. the point for the 11–20 min bin is located at 15 min). Rimonabant reduced wheelrunning acutely in all mice, but for females (top panel) the reduction was significantly greater for high runner (HR) lines than for control lines (seeTable 1, P for linetype dose interaction = 0.0227).
P < 0.05), but not for duration (Table 1, P = 0.10).
(P = 0.17), but a significant dose linetype interaction
Moreover, the dose linetype interaction was not statistically
(P < 0.05). Thus, the magnitude of the sex difference
significant for any measure of wheel running (all P > 0.5).
depends on the dose of rimonabant, and this effect
Adjusted means for males are shown in Table 3.
depends further on linetype. For the time spent running,the analysis indicated a significant effect of dose
The foregoing separate analyses of males and females
(P < 0.05), but a nonsignificant effect of linetype
suggest a significant interactive effect of sex and linetype
(P < 0.63), and dose linetype interaction (P = 0.28).
on the wheel-running response to rimonabant, and this is
Thus, the magnitude of the sex difference in running
supported by analyses of the difference in running
time depends on the dose of rimonabant. For average
speed, the analysis indicated no significant effect of
revolutions, this analysis indicated a significant effect of
dose (P = 0.19), linetype (P = 0.14) or dose linetype
dose (P < 0.05), a nonsignificant effect of linetype
(P = 0.30). Finally, for maximum speed, the analysis
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rimonabant affects wheel running in mice Keeney et al.
Repeated-measures analyses (SAS Procedure Mixed) of
Least-squares (adjusted) means and standard errors from
wheel running 10–70 min after injecting vehicle, low or high dose
repeated-measures analyses of wheel running 10–70 min after
injections, as reported in Table 1, for males
linetype interaction interaction
Time denotes number of 1-min intervals with at least one revolution; averagespeed is revolutions/time; maximum speed is revolutions in the single highest
All values are means per 10-min intervals. Time denotes number of 1-min intervals
1-min interval. Degrees of freedom are 2 and 12 for dose, 1 and 6 for linetype,
with at least one revolution; average speed is revolutions/time; maximum speed is
and 2 and 12 for the dose linetype interaction, respectively. All P values are for
revolutions in the single highest 1-min interval.
two-tailed tests. All analyses also included age and wheel freeness as covariates
HR, high runner.
(results not shown).
Least-squares (adjusted) means and standard errors from
repeated-measures analyses of wheel running 10–70 min after
It is important to emphasize that this interpretation is
injections, as reported in Table 1, for females
based on statistical analyses of the actual wheel-running
traits measured in control line versus HR females. If
posttreatment running responses are analysed as propor-
tional values, relative to baseline running behaviours
within each group, then differences between groups lose
statistical significance. For example, an analysis of the
ratio of revolutions after high-dose/sham injection
indicates no significant effect of linetype for either
females (P = 0.62) or males (P = 0.83). Thus, the
proportional response to rimonabant does not differ
between HR and control lines. However, analysis of
proportional responses can be quite misleading when the
groups being compared differ greatly in baseline values,
as is true in the present case, where HR mice run
approximately three-fold more than controls (see Figs 1
All values are means per 10-min intervals. Time denotes number of 1-min intervals
and 2). We believe that the repeated-measures analysis of
with at least one revolution; average speed is revolutions/time; maximum speed is
the actual values – not ratios to sham-injection values – is
revolutions in the single highest 1-min interval.
HR, high runner.
the most statistically sound way to analyse these databecause of physiological differences in wheel running
indicated no significant effect of dose (P = 0.11),
between the HR and control lines. The HR mice may run
linetype (P = 0.07) or dose linetype (P = 0.24).
voluntarily near their maximal aerobic speed (i.e. almostat their maximal rate of oxygen consumption), whereas
mice from the control lines do not (Girard et al., 2001;
Females from four replicate lines of mice that have been
Rezende et al., 2005). This means that HR and control
selectively bred (48 generations) for high voluntary
mice are operating under different physiological regimens
wheel-running behaviour (HR lines) showed altered
during the times of peak running every night, when this
responsiveness to a selective CB1 receptor antagonist as
study was conducted. Thus, an increase or decrease of,
compared with females from four nonselected control
say, 10%, in wheel running would not mean the same
lines. Males from the HR lines did not exhibit
thing physiologically to an HR and control mouse.
a differential response. Thus, aspects of the ECS, ora physiological system regulated by the ECS, seem to
have evolved in a sex-specific manner in response to
Earlier studies of these lines of mice have documented
selective breeding for high activity levels.
substantial sex differences in wheel running between HR
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Behavioural Pharmacology
2008, Vol 19 No 8
and control lines. In particular, female HR mice have
(De Vries and Schoffelmeer, 2005; Maldonado et al.,
evolved higher daily running distances almost entirely by
2006), and may therefore motivate increased high-speed
an increase in average (and maximum) running speed,
running in females. If high-speed wheel running increases
whereas males have shown increases in both speed and
CB1 signalling, then it could lead to conditioning through
duration of wheel activity (Swallow et al., 1998, 1999;
neurobiological rewards. Although these possibilities
Rhodes et al., 2000; Girard et al., 2001; Koteja and Garland,
require further testing, they suggest that the evolution
2001; Garland, 2003; this study). Baseline wheel-running
of high-speed (i.e. high-intensity) wheel running in
of mice in this study (Fig. 1) is consistent with the
female mice may be linked to CB1 signalling, whereas
activity profiles of mice from previous generations
the increased running duration observed only in HR
and studies. However, this is the first study to use
males may have other causes.
pharmacology as a means of understanding the neurobio-logical correlates of the sex differences. After injecting
Studies of rats suggest that sex-based differences in CB1
high dose of rimonabant, female HR mice differentially
signalling are common. For example, male and female rats
decreased total revolutions, and this was done through
show differential CB1 receptor expression in the brain
a reduction in running speed, with no statistical reduction
(Rodriguez de Fonseca et al., 1994; Gonzalez et al., 2000),
in the amount of time spent running (Table 1).
and several cannabinoids are known to be more potent, orshow greater effects, in females than males (Cohn, 1972;
One possible partial explanation for these results is that
Tseng and Craft, 2001; Craft, 2005; Fattore et al., 2007). It
the effects of rimonabant are stronger in females – at
is also possible that the expression or function of the CB1
least those prone to high activity – compared with males.
receptor itself is not directly related to the promotion of
However, there is little indication that the effects of
voluntary wheel running in female HR mice. For example,
rimonabant are sex dependent in other taxa. For example,
HR females could be more sensitive to potential negative
Foltin and Haney (2007) found few sex differences in the
effects of rimonabant administration (Pacher et al., 2006),
effects of rimonabant on appetite in baboons. In addition,
or have alterations upstream of the CB1 receptor that
human trials of rimonabant for weight loss report no sex
affect its functionality, such as in the synthesis, release or
differences in efficacy (Isoldi and Aronne, 2008).
degradation of endocannabinoids.
Therefore, the simplest interpretation of these results is
Finally, it is important to note that our results seem to
that selection for high voluntary activity has altered some
differ from a study by Compton et al. (1996), in which
aspect of CB1 functionality in female HR mice, but
intravenous injection of rimonabant in doses upwards of
apparently not in males. At a high dose of rimonabant
3 mg/kg is shown to produce locomotor stimulation for up
(3.0 mg/kg), HR females had the greatest proportional
to 4 h postinjection in male Institute for Cancer Research
response in terms of voluntary wheel running, which
mice. However, their measure of locomotion was taken
indicates that they are more sensitive to that dosage than
in a standard (novel) cage, during the day, 5–15 min
male HR mice or controls in general. These results
postinjection. It is likely that this sort of locomotion has
suggest that female HR mice may differentially utilize
little to do with voluntary wheel running, which occurs at
CB1 signalling during wheel running.
much higher speeds and over much longer time periods.
Of course, it is possible that if we had included a higher
We suggest two hypotheses to explain such enhanced
dose then we may have observed locomotor stimulation in
CB1 signalling in female HR mice. First, CB1 signalling
our mice, given that our highest dosage level (3 mg/kg) is
modulates pain perception and likely plays an important
at the lower bound of the range of doses used by
role in exercise-induced analgesia (Richardson, 2000;
Compton et al. (1996). Our maximum dosage level was
Sparling et al., 2003; Hohmann and Suplita, 2006).
chosen because it has been shown to be fully effective in
blocking many cannabinoid, or presumed endocannabi-
female HR mice to increase running intensity and,
noid effects, specific to CB1 receptors (Carai et al., 2005;
therefore, run longer distances than controls. A recent
DeVries and Schoffelmeer, 2005; Pacher et al., 2006).
study indicates that exercise-induced analgesia is inten-
Multiple studies have found this dosage of rimonabant to
sity dependent (Hoffman et al., 2004), suggesting that
have no effect on baseline exploratory behaviours in mice
exercise-induced increases in CB1 signalling may be
of the C57Bl6 strain (Tzavara et al., 2003; Patel and
intensity dependent, and are able to influence neural
Hillard, 2006; Gerdeman et al., 2008). Thus, rather than
systems of nociception. Although we have evidence that
stimulating behaviour, several studies have now found CB1
female HR mice do not differ in one measure of pain
receptor blockade to reduce locomotor activity that is
sensitivity (thermal tail-flick test: Li et al., 2004), it is
thought to reflect motivation (Introduction, and DeVries
possible that exercise-induced analgesia is under at least
and Schoffelmeer, 2005) or emotional affect (e.g. swimming
partly separate control. Second, CB1 signalling is thought
in the forced swim test: Tzavara et al., 2003; Steiner et al.,
to mimic the action of drugs of abuse, producing
2007), suggesting in both cases a blunting of internal
a rewarding sensation that can condition behaviours
reward or positive emotional mechanisms.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rimonabant affects wheel running in mice Keeney et al.
Our results suggest an important link between the ECS
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statistical analyses, two anonymous reviewers for helpful
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comments on the manuscript, and J. L. Wiley for advice
cocaine sensitization by the CB(1) cannabinoid receptor antagonist
during manuscript revision. U.S. National Science Foun-
Girard I, Garland T Jr (2002). Plasma corticosterone response to acute and
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Complex Spatio-Temporal Pattern Queries Marios Hadjieleftheriou, George Kollios Petko Bakalov, Vassilis J. Tsotras Computer Science Department Computer Science Department Boston University University of California, Riverside patterns and periodicities from spatiotemporal trajectories[17, 11]. This paper introduces a novel problem, what we This paper introduces a novel type of query, what