Predictors of placebo response in pharmacological and dietary supplement treatment trials in pediatric autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis
Citation: Transl Psychiatry (2015) 5, e640; doi:10.1038/tp.2015.143
ORIGINAL ARTICLEPredictors of placebo response in pharmacological and dietarysupplement treatment trials in pediatric autism spectrumdisorder: a meta-analysis
A Masi1, A Lampit2, N Glozier1, IB Hickie1 and AJ Guastella1
Large placebo responses in many clinical trials limit our capacity to identify effective therapeutics. Although it is often assumed thatcore behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) rarely remit spontaneously, there has been limited investigationof the size of the placebo response in relevant clinical trials. These trials also rely on caregiver and clinical observer reports asoutcome measures. The objectives of this meta-analysis are to identify the pooled placebo response and the predictors of placeboresponse in pharmacological and dietary supplement treatment trials for participants with a diagnosis of ASD. Randomizedcontrolled trials (RCTs) in pediatric ASD, conducted between 1980 and August 2014, were identified through a search of Medline,EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and RCTs of at least 14 days duration,comparing the treatment response for an oral active agent and placebo using at least one of the common outcome measures, wereincluded. Analysis of 25 data sets (1315 participants) revealed a moderate effect size for overall placebo response (Hedges' g = 0.45,95% confidence interval (0.34–0.56), Po0.001). Five factors were associated with an increase in response to placebo, namely: anincreased response to the active intervention; outcome ratings by clinicians (as compared with caregivers); trials of pharmacologicaland adjunctive interventions; and trials located in Iran. There is a clear need for the identification of objective measures of change inclinical trials for ASD, such as evaluation of biological activity or markers, and for consideration of how best to deal with placeboresponse effects in trial design and analyses.
Translational Psychiatry (2015) 5, e640; doi:10.1038/tp.2015.143; published online 22 September 2015
spontaneously in children with severe ASD, randomized controlled
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by core deficits in
trials (RCTs) have found that up to 30% of child ASD participants
social communication and interaction, and the presence of
respond to placebo treatments.Outcome measures for children
restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities.
with ASD continue to be dependent on observer and informant
Prevalence is estimated to be as high as 1 in There are
ratings.Although it is widely recommended that both
currently no medication treatments approved for the core
independent and caregiver ratings are employed to reduce rating
symptoms of ASD. The US Food and Drug Administration has
biases, it is unclear how observer and informant ratings areindependently influenced by placebo effects and impact on the
approved two atypical antipsychotics for children with ASD,
evaluation of treatment outcome of trials in ASD. In a double-
risperidone and aripiprazole, for irritability symptoms, including
blinded, placebo-controlled randomized trial treating children
tantrums, aggression and self-injury behaviors. Established phar-
with autistic disorder, results for parent-rated outcome measures
macological and dietary supplement interventions have also been
were nonsignificant, whereas statistically significant improve-
trialed as treatments for behavioral symptoms, such as repetitive
ments were reported for clinician-rated scales.Conversely, in
behavior, aggression, hyperactivity and and for social
an RCT assessing the effects of oxytocin on social behaviors in
impairment.However, little evidence exists to support the
adolescents with ASD, parental beliefs moderated outcome,
efficacy for most of these treatments.Notwithstanding the lack
regardless of whether the child was actually assigned the active
of established evidence for medications, it has been estimated
drug condition.
that at least 25% of children with ASD take at least one
Previous reviews in psychiatric patient populations have
identified trial design factors and patient characteristics that
The assessment of treatment response within clinical trials
moderate the placebo response within clinical trials. In schizo-
presents a major challenge to establishing efficacious interven-
phrenia, shorter duration of illness, greater baseline symptom
tions to treat core symptoms of ASD and associated social and
severity, younger age and trials of shorter duration were
behavioral impairments. Inconsistent results from clinical trials for
associated with greater placebo response,and more recent
core social and communication impairment in ASD have been a
trials were associated with a greater placebo Antidepres-
noted feature that has limited drug development.Although it is
sant trials in adults showed response to placebo for outcomes
often assumed that core behaviors are unlikely to remit
rated by observers was significantly greatly than outcomes
1Autism Clinic for Translational Research, Brain and Mind Centre, Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia and2Regenerative Neuroscience Group, Brain and Mind Centre, Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia. Correspondence: DrAJ Guastella, Brain and Mind Centre, Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, 100 Mallett Street, Camperdown, NSW 2050, Australia.
E-mail: Received 12 June 2015; revised 4 August 2015; accepted 9 August 2015
Predictors of placebo response in autism
424 records identified through
23 additional records identified
database searching
through other sources
5 duplicate records removed
378 records excluded:
Title and abstract scan
Non-English (N=6) Diagnosis (N=151)
Publication type (N=109)
442 records screened
Trial design (N=65)
Number of participants (N=47)
28 full-text articles excluded:
64 full-text articles
Outcome measure (N=23)
assessed for eligibility
Intervention type (N=2)
36 studies included in
10 full-text articles excluded:
qualitative synthesis
Insufficient information available on raw data
26 Studies included in
quantitative synthesis
Figure 1. Flow of information through the stages of the meta-analysis, including reasons for excluding a full-text article.
completed by patients,and in pediatric trials higher baseline
keywords ((‘autism' or ‘asperger' or ‘pervasive developmental disorder')
severity was associated with lower placebo response.Similarly,
AND (‘placebo') AND (‘randomized')). After removal of duplicates, two
in a secondary analysis of baseline factors in a multi-site RCT in
reviewers (AM and Kerribeth Szolusha) independently screened search
ASD, lower symptom severity at baseline predicted increased
results based on title and abstract. The full text of remaining studies
response to placebo.
identified as meeting inclusion criteria, as described below, were then
There are few treatment options in ASD. It is imperative that
reviewed and agreement reached between researchers (Kerribeth Szolusha
design of, and recruitment for, RCTs is well informed. To our
and AM) on eligibility of each study. The reference lists of eligible studies
knowledge, there has been no systematic or meta-analytic review
were searched for studies meeting inclusion criteria. A flowchart detailingthe stages of the assessment of studies was constructed according to
evaluating the placebo response and its moderators in ASD to aid
identification of strategies to control these factors. Specifically,
Eligible studies included published, peer-reviewed articles reporting
whether the type of observer rating the outcome measure used to
results from double-blind RCTs comparing treatment response between
report treatment response has an impact on response to placebo
active agent and placebo using either parallel or crossover designs with
needs to be clarified. The aims of this study are to undertake a
at least 10 participants per arm, for at least 14 days. Participants were aged
systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs of pharmacological
3 to 20 years and diagnosed with autistic disorder, Asperger's syndrome
and dietary supplement treatments for symptoms associated
or pervasive developmental disorder according to the Diagnostic and
with the core deficits and associated symptoms in children with
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III or IV, Autism Diagnostic Interview-
ASD in order to evaluate the placebo response effect size and
Revised or Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. Interventions were
determine patient and trial characteristics that may predict
pharmacological or dietary supplement treatments, taken orally and
placebo response. Given prior considerations of how placebos
compared against placebo. Studies reported means and s.d. for each group
can influence caregiver perceptions and behaviors, we hypo-
at baseline and end point (defined as when the intervention was last
thesized that the mean change pre-post treatment with placebo
given). A recent review identified the most commonly used outcome
would be greater for parent or caregiver raters compared with
measures assessing treatment response in highlighting 289 unique
clinician raters.
measurement tools used to record response/outcome. Only three toolswere used more than 5% of the time across all studies to measurecognitive/behavioral symptoms/skills: Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC),
Clinical Global Impression rating scales (CGI) and the Vineland AdaptiveBehavior Scales. The ABC, CGI and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale were
The systematic review and meta-analysis were undertaken and reported in
the three most commonly used outcome measurement tools in
accordance with the PRISMA statement (Preferred Reporting Items for
pharmacological treatment trials. Therefore, trials using the ABC, CGI,
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis).
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales and Childhood Autism Rating Scale asoutcome measures to assess treatment response were included. In
Data sources and study selection
addition, the Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS)
MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Database of Systemic
and the CY-BOCS modified for Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Reviews and databases were searched for articles
(CY-BOCS-PDD) were included as a measure of change in repetitive
published in English from January 1980 to August 31 2014 using the
behavioBoth primary and secondary outcomes were considered.
Translational Psychiatry (2015), 1 – 9
Predictors of placebo response in autismA Masi et al
exception of one where the upper end of the age range
Baseline and endpoint data for outcome measures assessing treatment
was 20 years. presents study characteristics from the
response in active intervention and placebo groups were extracted into an
placebo-controlled trials. Nine studies reported the target of the
excel spreadsheet (mean, s.d. and sample size for each group and time
active intervention as whereas seven studies
point). Two reviewers (AM and Kerribeth Szolusha) independently
reported the target of intervention as The remain-
extracted all the data and ensured accuracy. In crossover design trials
ing studies reported the target of intervention as
only data for the first phase were extracted. When continuous data were
repetitive disruptive symptoms,autism severity,
reported in formats other than means and s.d., we contacted the authors
aggressionand the core symptoms of autism.There were 107
to request raw data.
In order to explore potential moderators of placebo response, we also
data points measuring effect size, representing an estimate of
extracted the following descriptive variables: type of rater, type of outcome
the magnitude of the difference in outcome measure between
measure (primary or secondary), type of active intervention, adjunctive
baseline and end point, for active intervention and placebo
treatment status (defined as a combination of pharmacological agent
treatment groups.
approved for use in ASD with another pharmacological agent or dietary
Using the Jadad scale, study quality scores varied between 8
supplement not approved for treatment in ASD), baseline severity (reported
and 13 with an average score of 11.6 (s.d. = 1.8). In all, 11 out of 25
as ABC-Irritability subscale), number of contact visits for assessment
studies scored a maximum of 13 points. Assessment of quality
purposes, trial duration, length of washout period, number of study sites,
using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool found 18 out of 25 studies
study location, study quality, publication year, mean age, gender (% males)
were judged to be ‘low risk' overall. Supplementary Table S1
and sample size. The type of rater was categorized as clinician (which
presents the risk assessment for each study across every domain.
included trained raters and evaluators), caregiver (which included parents)or clinician including caregiver interview. If it was not stated, and authors
The proportion of studies within each risk level is shown in
had not responded to a request for information, it was assumed that the
Supplementary Figure S1.
parent or caregiver of the participant completed the ABC as is
The Jadad and the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing
Overall effect size of placebo response
risk of biaswere used to evaluate methodological quality of each RCTincluded in the meta-analysis. Jadad is an 11-item instrument, with three
The size of the placebo response across studies was moderate and
items directly related to the control of bias and eight items related to study
statistically significant (k = 25, g = 0.45, 95% confidence interval (CI)
design and features. The maximum possible score is 13. The Cochrane
(0.34–0.56), Po0.001, The level of true heterogeneity
Collaboration's risk of bias tool requires an assessment of the risk of bias
was moderate (I2 = 62.89%), meaning that only about 40% of the
associated with specific features as ‘low risk', ‘high risk' or ‘unclear risk'.
heterogeneity was due to random error. The funnel plot showedsignificant asymmetry (Egger's intercept = 2.85, P = 0.02; Supple-
mentary Figure S2). In a trim and fill analysis, the adjusted effect
All analyses were performed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version 2
size after imputation of one study was g = 0.42 (95% CI (0.31–
(Biostat, Englewood, NJ, USA). The primary outcome was standardized
0.54)). In a subsequent sensitivity analysis, two notable outlier
mean difference (SMD, calculated as Hedges' g) from baseline to end point
studies were then removed from the analysis.The overall
between groups (active treatment and placebo, using a pre-post
effect size of placebo remained statistically significant (k = 23,
correlation of 0.7) as well as within the placebo group. SMDs of 0.2, 0.5
g = 0.39, 95% CI (0.31–0.46), Po0.001). The resulting heterogene-
and 0.8 were considered small, moderate and large, respectivelyIf a
ity across the remaining studies was small (I2 = 26.47%) and the
study reported baseline and endpoint data for multiple subscales, such as
funnel plot did not show significant asymmetry (Egger's
the subscales in the ABC,a single effect estimate per study was
intercept = 1.01, P = 0.33; Supplementary Figure S3). Nonetheless,
calculated based on mean SMD and variance across outcomes.
these two studies were included in all subsequent analyses.
Analysis of placebo response across studies was conducted by pooling
combined SMDs using a random-effects model. In order to explorepotential moderators of placebo response, we performed subgroup meta-
Moderators of placebo response
analyses using a mixed-effects model. A mixed-effects model uses a
Potential moderators of placebo response were then investigated
random-effects model to combine outcomes within subgroups and a
in subgroup analyses Initially, in order to address the
xed-effects model to compare subgroups.In addition, we performed
proposed hypothesis that the response to placebo would be
univariate meta-regressions to investigate the possible impact ofcontinuous moderators on placebo effect size across studies. Cochrane's
greater for caregiver ratings compared with clinician ratings, raters
Q-statistic was used to test between-subgroup heterogeneity.
were classified based on who completed the outcome measure.
Forest plots were used to identify outliers and potential sources of
For ratings categorized as clinician, the ratings were based on
heterogeneity. The impact of any identified outlier was assessed by
either direct observation by the clinician or on information
removing the study reporting the outlier and comparing the subsequent
obtained during an interview with the caregiver conducted by the
effect size and P-value to the initial result. The I2-statistic was used to
clinician, or a combination of both methods. One included
assess true heterogeneity across studies (that is, the proportion of
an outcome measure rated by teachers, which was excluded from
heterogeneity across studies that is not due to random error), with values
this analysis on the basis that teachers may not have been
of 25, 50 and 75% implying small, moderate and high levels of
specifically trained to assess change. There was a significantly
heterogeneity, respectively.Small study effect resulting from publication
higher placebo response for outcome measures rated by a
bias, insufficient reporting of outcomes, selective inclusion of studyparticipants or other sources was assessed by visually inspecting funnel
clinician compared with measures rated by a caregiver (Q-statistic
plots of SMDs against s.e.and tested using Egger's test of the
for between-subgroup heterogeneity = 9.72, df = 1, P = 0.002;
intercepts.A trim and fill analysis for random-effects models was used
The effect of rater was further explored by separating
to estimate the impact of small study effect on pooled
the assessments completed by a clinician with input from acaregiver through an interview, from those completed exclusivelyby a clinician or a caregiver. The significant effect for rater
remained, with moderate effect size estimates for both the
A total of 26 studies were assessed as eligible for quantitative
clinician-rated group and the group that was rated by a clinician,
analysis after 447 studies were identified in the initial search
which included input from a caregiver interview. Effect size
One studyreported on secondary outcome measures
estimates for ratings completed by a caregiver remained small
not included in the initial study, resulting in 25 unique data sets.
The data set comprised 1315 participants (N active treatment =
In addition, the effect of rater was investigated for Iran and the
661, N placebo = 654). Male participants comprised 80% of the
United States, the two countries where the majority of trials were
sample size, and age ranged from 3 to 18 years, with the
conducted. A significant difference in efficacy based on clinician
Translational Psychiatry (2015), 1 – 9
Predictors of placebo response in autism
Translational Psychiatry (2015), 1 – 9
Predictors of placebo response in autismA Masi et al
Study name
Hedges'g (95% CI), random
Hedges'g (95% CI)
et al. 2002 (34)
0.35 (0.14 to 0.57)
et al. 2004 (35)
0.62 (0.36 to 0.88)
et al. 2005 (3)
0.73 (0.29 to 1.17)
et al. 2005 (2)
0.62 (0.24 to 0.99)
et al. 2006 (51)
0.32 (–0.02 to 0.65)
et al. 2008 (48)
0.59 (0.23 to 0.94)
et al. 2009 (13)
0.30 (0.12 to 0.48)
et al. 2009 (41)
0.46 (0.23 to 0.68)
et al. 2010 (38)
1.35 (0.89 to 1.81)
et al. 2010 (42)
0.31 (–0.12 to 0.75)
et al. 2010 (39)
0.35 (0.01 to 0.68)
et al. 2011 (4)
0.15 (–0.25 to 0.55)
et al. 2012 (33)
0.26 (–0.12 to 0.64)
et al. 2012 (47)
0.62 (0.29 to 0.95)
et al. 2012 (49)
0.38 (0.09 to 0.67)
et al. 2013 (36)
1.59 (1.05 to 2.14)
et al. 2013 (32)
0.36 (–0.04 to 0.75)
et al. 2013a (5)
0.90 (0.50 to 1.30)
et al. 2013b (44)
0.23 (–0.08 to 0.53)
Ghanizadeh and Moghimi-Sarani
2013 (45)
0.25 (–0.09 to 0.58)
et al. 2013 (37)
0.37 (0.11 to 0.63)
et al. 2013 (50)
0.03 (–0.28 to 0.34)
et al. 2013 (40)
0.33 (–0.01 to 0.67)
et al. 2014 (46)
0.17 (–0.11 to 0.45)
et al. 2014 (43)
0.53 (0.19 to 0.87)
0.45 (0.34 to 0.56)
Worsening symptoms
Improving symptoms
Figure 2. Forest plot of efficacy of treatment with placebo. The arrow representing the study of Asadabadi et al. 2013 (ref. shows theconfidence interval spread further than the limit for the effect size range (−2.00 to 2.00). CI, confidence interval.
ratings remained for trials located in the United States compared
participants (β = 0.01, P = 0.15), trial duration (β = -0.002, P = 0.24),
with measures rated by the caregiver (Q = 7.44, df = 1, P = 0.006;
the severity of presentation at start of trial (β = 0.00, P = 0.84) and
There was a trend toward a significant effect for clinician
the study quality assessed using the Jadad scale (β = − 0.03,
ratings for trials located in Iran compared with measures rated by
P = 0.32) did not demonstrate any significant influence on the
a caregiver (Q = 3.44, df = 1, P = 0.06;
placebo response.
Trials of pharmacological interventions had a moderate placebo
To facilitate the examination of whether response to active
effect size significantly greater than the small placebo effect size
intervention is a predictor of the level of response to placebo, a
seen in trials of dietary supplements (Q = 5.02, df = 1, P = 0.03;
further meta-analysis of the efficacy of active intervention was
Trials of adjunctive interventions, which included both
undertaken. This resulted in a large and statistically significant
pharmacological and dietary supplement treatments, also had a
effect size for the overall treatment response to the active
moderate placebo effect size significantly greater than the small
intervention (k = 25, g = 0.96, 95% CI (0.79–1.14), Po0.001;
placebo effect size in monotherapy trials (Q = 5.26, df = 1, P = 0.02;
Supplementary Figure S4). Heterogeneity across studies was large
There was no difference in the placebo effect size for
(I2 = 96.45%). Meta-regression revealed the magnitude of placebo
primary outcome measures compared with secondary outcome
response was significantly influenced by the response to active
measures (Q = 3.20, df = 1, P = 0.07).
intervention (β = 0.31, Po0.001, The proportion of
We then examined the influence of trial location. A trend in the
between-study variation in effect size explained by the response
magnitude of placebo response was shown. Trials located in Iran
to active intervention was 49%. The ratio of the overall effect sizes
reported a moderate placebo effect size compared with a small
for the active and placebo treatment groups implies that 47% of
effect size for trials located in other countries and the United Sates
improvements in the active treatment group were attributable to
(Q = 5.64, df = 2, P = 0.06; The placebo response was
the placebo effect.
significantly greater in Iran than the United States (Q = 5.27, df = 1,P = 0.02;
The impact of continuous modifiers on placebo response rates
across studies was then investigated using random-effects meta-
This meta-analysis has demonstrated that the response to
regression analyses. The year of publication (β = − 0.01, P = 0.49),
treatment with placebo across the 25 trials in pediatric ASD is
the number of participants in the placebo group (β = 0.00,
moderate. This challenges assumptions that have often been
P = 0.49), number of contact visits (β = 0.01, P = 0.52), the age of
made about the lack of change in core behavioral features in
Translational Psychiatry (2015), 1 – 9
Predictors of placebo response in autism
P-value for
I2, % (95% CI)
Hedges' g (95% CI)
Hedges' g (95% CI) heterogeneitya
82.55 (73.19 to 88.64)
0.59 (0.48 to 0.70)
58.86 (25.77 to 77.2)
0.33 (0.21 to 0.45)
84.59 (73.33 to 91.09)
0.55 (0.41 to 0.70)
Clinician and caregiver interview
83.89 (69.87 to 91.38)
0.59 (0.43 to 0.76)
58.86 (25.77 to 77.2)
0.33 (0.21 to 0.45)
Rater - USA Only
66.41 (24.97 to 84.96)
0.51 (0.39 to 0.62)
46.7 (0.00 to 74.33)
0.30 (0.20 to 0.40)
Rater - Iran Only
89.39 (80.66 to 94.18)
0.81 (0.53 to 1.09)
51.17 (0.00 to 85.92)
0.34 (–0.07 to 0.75)
77.09 (57.87 to 87.54)
0.60 (0.44 to 0.77)
0 (0.00 to 85.44)
0.43 (0.18 to 0.68)
21.21 (0.00 to 60.39)
0.33 (0.19 to 0.48)
77.09 (57.87 to 87.54)
0.61 (0.43 to 0.78)
21.21 (0.00 to 60.39)
0.33 (0.18 to 0.49)
Type of intervention
Dietary supplement
20.68 (0.00 to 64.1)
0.26 (0.07 to 0.45)
65.38 (42.98 to 78.99)
0.52 (0.40 to 0.63)
18.19 (0.00 to 55.16)
0.36 (0.23 to 0.48)
77.09 (57.88 to 87.54)
0.60 (0.44 to 0.77)
Worsening symptoms
Improving symptoms
Figure 3. Subgroup analyses of moderators of placebo response in randomized controlled trials in pediatric ASD. aQ-test for between-groupheterogeneity, mixed-effects model. ASD, autism spectrum disorder; CI, confidence interval.
children with ASD over relatively short periods of time. Five factors
Response to active intervention was strongly associated with
predicted a greater placebo response: the rater of the outcome
the response to placebo. This interesting association has implica-
measure, the response to active intervention, the type of active
tions for sample size and design of phase-2 and -3 trials testing
intervention, an adjunctive treatment and the geographical
interventions that have had phase-1 trial success. Larger studies
location of the trial. Contrary to the hypothesis, ratings by
will be required to detect genuine differences between active
clinicians were associated with a stronger placebo effect. Similarly,
medications and placebos, if medications are indicating initial
a stronger response to the active intervention, the use of a
effectiveness from phase-1 study. In addition, this result suggests
pharmacological or an adjunctive treatment in a trial, and studies
that factors predicting the degree of placebo response in the trial
conducted in Iran, also predicted greater placebo response.
may be a major driver of the effect size within the active arm.
The role of the observer and rater of outcome measures used in
Placebo response is estimated to contribute up to 50% of the
RCTs in pediatric ASD is crucial, as evidenced by the inability to
response to pain medication, and up to 75% of the positive effects
identify any self-report outcome measures in all the qualifying
in trials for antidepressant In treatment trials for
studies of this meta-analysis. The significant effect of ratings by
patients with unipolar depressive disorder, improvements in
clinicians on placebo response may reflect rater bias driven by
placebo groups corresponded to 67% of the improvement in
underlying beliefs, motivations and enthusiasm for a potential
the active treatment groups.Using a similar methodology for
efficacious treatment.The potential for overestimation of
the trials included in this meta-analysis, 47% of the improvement
positive effects by clinicians would be supported by our results.
in the active treatment group could be attributable to the placebo
Alternatively, caregiver burden may diminish placebo effects and
effect. Factors that may have led to an improvement in both
thereby increase the differential between ratings by clinicians and
treatment and placebo arms include overall quality of care
caregivers. Previously, increased caregiver strain has been found
(although we note US trials had the lowest improvement),
to be associated with lower placebo response, potentially
multiple contact visits with clinicians and raters, the amount of
reflecting reduced hopefulness or optimism at the time of the
time spent with participants or the amount of additional support
child's entry into the
Translational Psychiatry (2015), 1 – 9
Predictors of placebo response in autismA Masi et al
Figure 4. Placebo response versus response to treatment with active intervention. The equality line has a slope equal to 1, where the responseto placebo is the same as the response to active intervention. The point above the line represents a trial where response to placebo wasgreater than response to treatment with the active intervention. A larger vertical divergence from the equality line represents a largerresponse to active intervention compared with response to placebo. The line labeled PR = 0.1432+0.3134 × AR represents the regression line.
AR, active response; PR, placebo response.
expectation about the potential benefits of an active intervention
The number of RCTs meta-analyzed was limited by the small
may have influenced the level of response in both groups. Further
size of a number of trials that did not meet inclusion criteria,
research investigating factors that are differentially associated
which subsequently prevented exploration of the interdepen-
with response to active intervention and placebo is required.
dence of potential contributors to placebo response. Specifically,
Rater expectation may have led to greater improvement in
we note that all trials of adjunctive treatments were located in
placebo response in RCTs of pharmacological interventions than
Iran, and therefore the effect of geography on placebo response in
for trials of dietary supplement treatments. This finding is
trials of adjunctive treatments could not be investigated. In RCTs
consistent with previous analyses of RCTs in major depressive
conducted in pediatric major depression, the strongest predictor
disorder, where it was proposed that participants in complemen-
of placebo response was the number of study sites.Only 4 out of
tary and alternative medicine trials, which included dietary
25 studies included in this meta-analysis were multi-site trials, so
supplements, may have more modest expectations than partici-
the effect of the number of study sites could not be adequately
pants in trials of pharmacological The use of
investigated. Few trials included a placebo washout-screening
risperidone, one of only two pharmacological interventions
phase, which prevented an investigation of whether blinded
approved for treatment of children with ASD, as the adjunctive
randomization to an initial phase of placebo treatment reduces
treatment in all included trials, may have influenced rater
the observed response to placebo.
expectations and led to a greater improvement in RCTs ofadjunctive treatments. Unlike previous placebo meta-analyses inmood there appeared no temporal trend in the
placebo response in RCTs for ASD. In addition, baseline severity
This meta-analysis has demonstrated a moderate placebo effect in
was also not associated with greater or reduced response to
RCTs of pediatric ASD, and identified five key factors that increase
placebo, in contrast to the single, but multi-site RCT study by King
the placebo effect size: outcome measures completed by
clinicians, the level of response to active intervention, a
This study has also shown that the level of response to placebo
pharmacological active intervention, adjunctive treatments and
varied depending on the geographical location of the RCT, with
the geographical location of the trial. The impact of these factors
response being greater for trials conducted in Iran compared with
should be considered in the trial design phase in order to
the United States. Differences in participant recruitment proce-
minimize the placebo effect, improve the detection of active
dures and characteristics, and cultural dynamics may have led to
treatment and placebo differences and subsequently improve
systematically greater placebo response in studies conducted in
identification of efficacious treatments for the symptoms of ASD.
Iran.Alternatively, there may be differences in age of diagnosis
Although it is generally accepted that both caregiver and clinician
and access to early intervention services across countries that may
ratings should be used as baseline and endpoint measures,
alter the susceptibility to the effects of expectancy on response to
findings also highlight the need for objective measures, such as
treatment with placebo. This requires further investigation.
evaluation of biological activity or markers, to ensure compre-
The results of this study highlight the urgent need to develop
hensive screening and assessment of response to treatment.
valid and objective measures of baseline assessment andtreatment response in ASD. Inclusions based on objectivemeasures, which are differentiated from the primary outcome
variable, are yet to be fully explored and identified. However, there
AL received in-kind research support in the form of no-cost software from BrainTrain
is preliminary evidence that suggests certain neuropsychological,
and HAPPYneuron for projects unrelated to this work. IBH is a Commissioner in
physiological or other neurobiological markers, driven by an
Australia's National Mental Health Commission. He has led projects for health
understanding of underlying biochemical, physiological and
professionals and the community supported by governmental, community agency
structural changes in ASD, should be considered for screening,
and pharmaceutical industry partners (Wyeth, Eli Lily, Servier, Pfizer and AstraZeneca)
and baseline and endpoint measures of response to intervention
for the identification and management of depression and anxiety. He has received
as a means to reduce placebo
honoraria for presentations of his own work at educational seminars supported by a
Translational Psychiatry (2015), 1 – 9
Predictors of placebo response in autism
number of non-government organizations and the pharmaceutical industry
16 Rief W, Nestoriuc Y, Weiss S, Welzel E, Barsky AJ, Hofmann SG. Meta-analysis of the
(including Servier, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly). He is a member of the Medical
placebo response in antidepressant trials. J Affect Disord 2009; 118: 1–8.
Advisory Panel for Medibank Private and also a Board Member of Psychosis Australia
17 Bridge JA, Birmaher B, Iyengar S, Barbe RP, Brent DA. Placebo response in ran-
Trust. He leads an investigator-initiated study of the effects of agomelatine on
domized controlled trials of antidepressants for pediatric major depressive dis-
circadian parameters (supported in part by Servier) and has participated in a
order. Am J Psychiatry 2009; 166: 42–49.
multicentre clinical trial of the effects of agomelatine on sleep architecture in
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NHMRC career development fellowship (APP1061922) and project grant (1043664).
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The remaining authors declare no conflict of interest.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
49 Lemonnier E, Degrez C, Phelep M, Tyzio R, Josse F, Grandgeorge M et al. A
International License. The images or other third party material in this
randomised controlled trial of bumetanide in the treatment of autism in children.
article are included in the article's Creative Commons license, unless indicated
Transl Psychiatry 2012; 2: e202.
otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons
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license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the
autism spectrum disorders: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Child Ado-
material. To view a copy of this license, visit
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on the Translational Psychiatry website (
Translational Psychiatry (2015), 1 – 9
Beck-Engeser et al. Retrovirology 2011, 8:91 An autoimmune disease prevented by anti-retroviral drugs Gabriele B Beck-Engeser1, Dan Eilat2 and Matthias Wabl1* Background: Both Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, a Mendelian mimic of congenital infection, and the autoimmunedisease systemic lupus erythematosus can result from mutations in the gene encoding the enzyme Trex1. In mice,the absence of Trex1 causes severe myocarditis. The enzyme is thought to degrade endogenous retroelements,thus linking them to autoimmune disease. However, inhibition of reverse transcription by the inhibitor zidovudine(AZT) did not ameliorate the disease, weakening the link to retroelements.
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