







ISA_A1+3mmBleed_Aprill.pdf 1 25.03.2010 9:55:17
„Pabbinn" var frumsýndur í Iðnó þann 25. janúar 2007. Sýningin fékk strax gríðarlega góðar viðtökur hjá gagnrýnendum sem og áhorf-endum. Eftir rúmlega 50 troðfullar sýningar í Iðnó fluttist sýningin í Íslensku óperuna vegna vinsælda. Einnig hefur Pabbinn verið sýndur rúmlega 30 sinnum á landsbyggðinni. Yfir 30 þúsund Íslendingar hafa séð Bjarna Hauk Þórsson túlka föðurhlutverkið og hlegið sig máttlausa kvöld eftir kvöld. Nú gefst íslensku þjóðinni einstakt tækifæri að eignast Pabbann á DVD.
„Svo allt í einu einn góðan veðurdag stingur konan hvítum plastpinna framan í andlitið á mér og lífið tekur U-beygju. Áður en ég vissi af var ég farinn að fóðra endur um helgar. Og ég er ekki bóndi!"
Eitt mest sótta gamanverk síðustu ára!
Tekið upp fyrir fullu húsi
í Íslensku óperunni í apríl 2008.
Thorsson Productions og Sena kynna:
Mynddiskur þessi er eingöngu ætlaður til heimilis- og einkanota hér á landi, en ekki til opinberrar
birtingar. Opinber birting telst t.d. sýning í myndbandakerfum fjölbýlishúsa, verslunum, veitingastöðum,
vinnustöðum, fólksflutningabifreiðum, skipum, flugvélum o.s.frv., hvort sem sýnt er gegn gjaldi eður ei.
Fjölföldun á efni mynddisksins er með öllu óheimil.
SÝNING UM FJÁRMÁL ÍSLENDINGA Fyrst var það Hellisbúinn síðan Pabbinn og nú er það HVERS VIRÐI ER ÉG? Óborganlega fyndin sýning Bjarna Hauks Þórssonar
um fjármál íslendinga. Ekki missa af þessari frábæru
sýningu í leikstjórn Sigurðar Sigurjónssonar.
15/4 Forsýning - uppselt kl. 20
Mið 16/4 Forsýning - uppselt kl. 20Fös 18/4 Frumsýning - uppselt kl. 21Lau 19/4 Uppselt
Auktu ánægju þína með fjárhagslegri heilsuu
Sýnt í Salnum Kópavogi
Miðasala hjá Salnum í síma 5700 400 og á
Miðaverð 2000 kr. en helmingsafsláttur fyrir viðskiptavini Byrs.
ATH! Takmarkaður sýningafjöldi.
Thorsson Productions Ltd. is an intel ectual property based operating company. Thorsson Productions develops, produces and manages intel ectual properties which reach audiences through various platforms, including live, digi-
tal, broadcasting and licensing around the world. The company was founded
by Bjarni Haukur Thorsson in 1996 and has since then developed and produced
tel: +354 775 1119
more than 50 productions around the world.
Thorsson Productions
The one-Man show, wrITTen By BjArni HAukur THorsson, Is a huMorous
exPLoraTIon oF FaTherhood In Modern soCIeTy. The ProduCTIon has PLayed
To soLd-ouT TheaTres around The worLd.
The world wide premiere of THE DAD took place in
Becoming a parent is certainly one of the hardest and
January of 2007 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The production
most demanding jobs in the world. But it's also the most
instantly became a audience and critical success. Over
important, most giving and – at the end of the day –
10% of the Icelandic nation has seen and en joyed the
one of the main reasons why we are born. a play about
show. THE DAD has been licensed to 20 countries, trans
fatherhood couldn't be more important!
lated into 10 different languages and has been performed before hundreds of thousands of people around the world. In 2012 THE DAD will open in Belgium, Brazil,
"Brilliant acting and improvisation, which
Spain, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and UK.
held the audience in a constant state of
-helena Braut, Journal Croatia.
ABOUT THe PLAY: THe DaD is a humorous explora-
tion of fatherhood in modern society. The play is about
"The world needs to see The Dad"
the pregnancy, the birth, the first steps, the upbringing
and how relationships between men and women change after they become parents. This is all seen and explored
"Caveman as dad"
through the eyes of a father in the making. Fatherhood
-hamburger Morgenpost, Germany
has changed dramatical y over the past 20-30 years. Today's dads are very different from what they used to
"This baby has fans"
be. But have men changed? THe DaD also deals with
-Bild Zeitung, Germany
why we have children.
after a couple gets married, it's not long until they're asking themselves: "are we ready for children?", "When is the right time?". THe DaD wil give you the answer: "When you wake up one day and think - Gee you know what? I don't think I ever need to sleep or have sex ever again. Congratulations. You're ready to have children."
"Well known actor,
carrying a high dose
of viagra, arrested
The one-Man show, wrITTen By BjArni HAukur THorsson, Is The MuCh
awaITed FoLLow-uP To The sMash hIT The dad.
The world wide premiere took place at The Reykjavik City Theater on January 14th 2011 and the production
"You would have to be a dead man not
became a huge hit. THE GrAnDAD is played by Sigurdur
to laugh at The Grandad"
Sigurjonsson, one of Iceland's bestknown and most
beloved actors, directed by Bjarni Haukur Thorsson and produced by The Reykjavik City Theater (Borgar
"A wonderful show that will certainly
leikhusid) and Thors son Productions. THE GRAN DAD
tickle the audience for a long time"
will open in Slovenia and Germany in 2012.
-IT MBL, Iceland
ABOUT THe PLAY: a man decides, after years of
"Good recipe for a great night"
-Khh Frettatiminn, Iceland
working hard, to go on a holiday to The Senior Citizen Paradise Island. a few minutes after checking in a young woman asks her husband to stand up and offer the man his seat. On this moment the man realizes that he is at a point of no return. He has become old. and people are seeing this. In other countries! THe GranDaD is a hilarious and touching new play about the inevitable aging process. What happens when the kids leave home? What happens when the house starts fil ing up again with other people's kids? What happens when your daughter wants to marry a man who is incapable of girding himself?
wrITTen By BjArni HAukur THorsson, a sITuaTIon CoMedy For
TeLevIsIon aBouT The dIFFerenCes BeTween Men and woMen.
The sitcom has had successful runs in Norway (TV2),
On top of everything, elisabeth's recently divorced,
Sweden (TV4) and in Iceland (RUV). More than 90 thirty "snobbish" sister, Petra, moves into the basement and minutes MARTIN episodes have been produced so far.
emerges every day with feminine support for elisabeth, new boyfriends or the latest bul eting on her various
MARTIN, a restaurant owner and cook, likes to think
schemes included on her long list of things of how to
he is the head hunter of his brand new two-story "cave",
make human males real y suffer.
where he lives with his wife elisabeth. His sanctuary is the couch in front of his Dolby Digital 61" television set,
no matter how much love there is in the household,
applied with the most powerful amplifier available on
though, the domestic problems of the modern relation-
earth. But the wal s to Martin's cave are closing in! His
ship remains evident at all times and the show is fil ed
wife, a strong-wil ed and fairly opinionated woman,
with humorous explorations about the differences be-
wants things to look good on the outside, and has a
tween men and women. It's modern. It's true. It's heart
perfectionist attitude towards their relationship. But it
warming. and very, very funny!
can be difficult because Martin remains after al , inca-pable of opening up. Unless of course in the bedroom. Martin and elisabeth cling to their loving but stormy
"no TV programs in norway can compete
relationship to get them through, while trying to find
with TV2's new primetime comedy series
privacy and peace in their new house. Fortunately they
"Martin" - not in terms of viewers number
or percentage in market share."
both have jobs that get them out of the house, and
-aftenposten, norway
even though it doesn't provide them with as little time together as they would like, it does give each of them
"The sitcom comedy Martin with sven
the breathing room they need.
nordin, nils Vogt is a big hit! The first
episode premier had 758,000 viewers!!"
Martin's best friend, Lars, is a single, out of work actor,
-aftenposten, norway
an extremely self conscious and obnoxious fel ow. Lars is also a guy's guy, who acts in a very traditional way
"Comedy success on TV 2"
when it comes to women. Or at least he tries to.
-aftenposten, norway
world wide format & script rights: Thorsson Productions
Based on The hILarIous one-Man-show, The dad.
Thorsson Productions has sold the German film rights
plunges into taking care of his pregnant partner, who,
to Munchen based Blue Eyes Fiction. A German speak
as it turns out, is expecting twins. after the twins are
ing film is set to go into production in 2012, scheduled
born, Tryggve gets consumed by father duties and final y
for a 2013 German release. Territory: Germany, Switzer
surrenders to the nostalgia of his old bachelor days
land, Austria.
and the tempting of his fel ow writer Per. eva, with the twin-girls, moves out of Tryggve's apartment. Soon
ABOUT THe MOVIe: Tryggve is a successful crime fiction Tryggve realizes his loneliness and wants eva and the
writer in his forties, a selfish bachelor, convinced child-
girls back, but it is not that easy. This time, he real y has
less singleton, who is more attached to his stylish car
to make a significant effort. a coming-of-age dramatic
than to his own parents. at a book fair, he meets eva,
comedy about a man resisting to grow up.
a gal ery manager. By a random sequence of events, eva becomes pregnant and soon Tryggve and eva start living
Writers: Bjarni Haukur Thorsson & Olafur egill egilssonWorld Wide rights: Thorsson Productions
together. Tryggve postpones his writing deadlines and
SÝNING UM FJÁRMÁL ÍSLENDINGA!Fyrst var það Hellisbúinn, síðan Pabbinn og nú er það HVERS VIRÐI ER ÉG?Óborganlega fyndin sýning Bjarna Hauks Þórssonar um fjármál Íslendinga. Frábær sýning í leikstjórn Sigurðar Sigurjónssonar.
Auktu ánægju þína með fjárhagslegri hesli
Forsýning - uppselt
Mið 16/4 Forsýning - uppselt kl. 20Fös 18/4 Frumsýning - uppselt kl. 21
Sýnt í Salnum Kópavogi
Miðasala hjá Salnum í síma 5700 400, á og Miðaverð 2000 kr.
50% afsláttur er fyrir viðskiptavini Byrs (allt að 5 miðar) ef keypt er í miðasölunni í Salnum.
ATH! Takmarkaður sýningafjöldi.
The one-Man show, wrITTen By BjArni HAukur THorsson, Is a huMorous
exPLoraTIon aBouT Money and seLF worTh In Today's soCIeTy.
„And there was live music every where. Elton John in
critical and box office success. The show is a 70 minutes
the kitchen. Wayne Newton in the library. Spice Girls in
romp for one comedian (one actor), suitable and easily
the bathroom. I was starting to get dizzy. and realized
adaptable for theatrical producers in all countries.
I had very little in common with these people. So I walked outside. Just to get some fresh air. After a little while one
Writer: Bjarni Haukur Thorsson
of them is suddenly standing beside me. And I thought, World Wide rights: Thorsson Productions.
why do these guys all look like funeral directors? You know, black suit. Black tie. Black shoes. Black money. I knew I had seen him on the news. Wasn't sure if he
"The show is very funny. some parts
owned an Indian investment bank, Canadian cloth ing
are beyond hilarious."
chain or a Check Republic travel agency. Probably al
-Frettabladid, Iceland
of the above." -What Am i Worth?
"Bjarni is so funny and his human
ABOUT THe SHOw: Finances are a serious matter.
observations are so clever."
respecting money and its impact is something most
-Frettabladid, Iceland
of us are born with. The nature of financial debate has seldom or never been as current as in today's society
"This comedy has rich, funny and truthful
and for a comedy writer it is an oasis of material. The
characters, among them: a shoe lusting
chal enge lies not least in the fine art of capturing the
woman, a confused teenager, an
comical in a sincere and honest way, because after al
ignorant wealthy businessman,
the entire western world is more or less suffering from
a narrow minded financial adviser,
and not to forget a couple of opera
years of excessive spending and greed. again, money
singers that can't seem to
is a serious matter. Therefore a show like "What am I
stop singing."
worth", a hilarious exploration about money and self
-Pressan, Iceland
worth in today's society, has probably never been as important. The one person show opened in 2008 in reykjavik, Iceland, just a few months before the actual economical col apse of the country. The show played to packed houses for several months and enjoyed both
From Vikings to Björk and from bankers to wankers,
Bjarni Haukur Thorsson focuses his "Human observa-
Bjarni Haukur Thorsson is at his best when focusing on
tion brand of comedy" on the existence of Icelanders.
the Icelandic human condition, their attitudes, struggles
There simply must be something special about a nation
and everyday life, to understand why Iceland suddenly
that has been one of the wealthiest, cleanest and most
became one of the least popular nations in the entire
educated nations in the world for years.that is, until it
world. HOW TO BeCOMe ICeLanDIC In 60 MInUTeS
suddenly wakes up one day facing 100 Bil ion Dol ars in
is a show performed in english which will open in
national gross debt.
May 2012 at the brand new concert hall Harpa at the reykjavik harbor. The show is a tour-de-force theatrical
Much more than a stand up comedy, HOW TO Be-
comedy show of international standards that nobody
COMe ICeLanDIC is a hilarious blend of incisive and
visiting the troubled island should miss.
visual observation, theatrical story tel ing and sharp commentary.
Writer: Bjarni Haukur Thorsson Director: Sigurður Sigurjónsson World Wide rights: Thorsson Productions OPenInG MaY 2012 aT HarPa COnCerT HaLL reYKJaVIK, ICeLanD
after having his second child a man, who is an actor,
goes on paternity leave to stay at home for six months
nursing his and his wife's newborn baby. He soon is
overwhelmed by the responsibility and misses his job
at the theater. The man begins to act out his years as a
kid and teenager, purely for educational reasons, for his
newborn baby and starts to discover how much certain
events from his childhood have marked him and his
adulthood. THe KID is a hilarious and heartwarming
story that completes THe DaD trilogy.
author: Bjarni Haukur Thorsson.
World Wide rights: Thorsson Productions In DeVeLOPMenT. OPenInG 2013
In THe DAD BOOK, Bjarni Haukur Thorsson shares his
observations on parenting, relationships and being
a 40 year old single parent on the brink of a midlife
crisis with the wit, warmth and humor that he's so wel -
known for from his plays. From the first experience,
becoming a father, to the separation from the child's
mother, entering another rol ercoaster relationship
and raising other people's children to becoming, yet
again, a single father experiencing loneliness and the
resentment that comes with it in an empty house while
realizing that he is not 19 anymore. The story speaks a
universal truth about life, parenting, love and relation-
author: Bjarni Haukur ThorssonWorld Wide rights: Thorsson Productions Publication Date: november 2012Publisher: random House Inc.
a man decides after years of hard work to go on a holiday with his wife to the Canary Islands. The trip turns out to be catastrophic and on returning home, disastrous news await him. Hilarious comedy with serious undertones about the aging process.
Writers: Bjarni Haukur Thorsson & Olafur egill egilssonBased on THe GranDaD a play by Bjarni Haukur Thorsson World Wide rights: Thorsson Productions In DeVeLOPMenT
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations Epidemiology & Statistics Unit, Research and § 2.125 [Amended] I. Background Scientific Affairs, January 2009. 10. Mannino, D. M. et al., ‘‘Surveillance for ■ 5. Effective December 31, 2013, in A. Statutory Provisions. Asthma—United States, 1980–1999,''
The outsourcing of R&D through acquisitions in the pharmaceutical industry† Matthew J. Higgins Department of Finance J. Mack Robinson College of Business Georgia State University Atlanta, GA 30302-3991 [email protected] Daniel Rodriguez Department of Organization & Management Goizueta Business School, Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2710