Estimation of the burden of cardiovascular disease attributable to modifiable risk factors and cost-effectiveness analysis of preventative interventions to reduce this burden in argentina
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Estimation of the burden of cardiovasculardisease attributable to modifiable risk factors andcost-effectiveness analysis of preventativeinterventions to reduce this burden in Argentina
Adolfo Rubinstein1,2*, Lisandro Colantonio1, Ariel Bardach1,3, Joaquín Caporale1,4, Sebastián García Martí1,2,Karin Kopitowski2, Andrea Alcaraz1, Luz Gibbons1, Federico Augustovski1,2, Andrés Pichón-Rivière1
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the primary cause of mortality and morbidity in Argentinarepresenting 34.2% of deaths and 12.6% of potential years of life lost (PYLL). The aim of the study was to estimatethe burden of acute coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke and the cost-effectiveness of preventativepopulation-based and clinical interventions.
Methods: An epidemiological model was built incorporating prevalence and distribution of high blood pressure,high cholesterol, hyperglycemia, overweight and obesity, smoking, and physical inactivity, obtained from theArgentine Survey of Risk Factors dataset. Population Attributable Fraction (PAF) of each risk factor was estimatedusing relative risks from international sources. Total fatal and non-fatal events, PYLL and Disability Adjusted LifeYears (DALY) were estimated. Costs of event were calculated from local utilization databases and expressed ininternational dollars (I$). Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) were estimated for six interventions: reducingsalt in bread, mass media campaign to promote tobacco cessation, pharmacological therapy of high bloodpressure, pharmacological therapy of high cholesterol, tobacco cessation therapy with bupropion, and a multidrugstrategy for people with an estimated absolute risk > 20% in 10 years.
Results: An estimated total of 611,635 DALY was lost due to acute CHD and stroke for 2005. Modifiable risk factorsexplained 71.1% of DALY and more than 80% of events. Two interventions were cost-saving: lowering salt intake inthe population through reducing salt in bread and multidrug therapy targeted to persons with an absolute riskabove 20% in 10 years; three interventions had very acceptable ICERs: drug therapy for high blood pressure inhypertensive patients not yet undergoing treatment (I$ 2,908 per DALY saved), mass media campaign to promotetobacco cessation amongst smokers (I$ 3,186 per DALY saved), and lowering cholesterol with statin drug therapy(I$ 14,432 per DALY saved); and one intervention was not found to be cost-effective: tobacco cessation withbupropion (I$ 59,433 per DALY saved)
Conclusions: Most of the interventions selected were cost-saving or very cost-effective. This study aims to informpolicy makers on resource-allocation decisions to reduce the burden of CVD in Argentina.
annual deaths around the world, constituting 11% of esti-
Chronic diseases are increasing in developing countries
mates for the global burden of disease. It is estimated
and cardiovascular diseases account for 17.7 million
that mortality due to coronary heart disease (CHD) andstroke will increase by approximately 145% among menand women from 1990 to 2020 in Latin America, com-
* Correspondence: 1
pared with a 28% increase for women and a 50% increase
Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires,
for men over the same period in developed countries
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
2010 Rubinstein et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
In Argentina, chronic non-communicable diseases
populations, address high mortality and morbidity dis-
account for more than 50% of the overall morbidity and
eases, and include multi-level integrated efforts. Inter-
mortality. In fact, the age-adjusted mortality rate of car-
diovascular disease, including CHD and stroke was
cardiovascular risk subjects, are also cost-effective but
206.4 per 100,000 (265.4 for men and 161.8 for women),
usually require clinical involvement and more resources.
representing 34.2% of deaths and 12.6% of years of
Moreover, recent studies have consistently shown
potential life lost [Adjusted mortality rates for non-
the cost-effectiveness of interventions that lower
communicable diseases, as well as Potential Years of
the burden of cardiovascular disease in developing
Life Lost (PYLL) have declined steadily since 1987,
while mortality rates of communicable, maternal, perina-
The aims of this study were 1) to develop an analytical
tal and nutritional conditions have remained relatively
model to estimate the burden of acute CHD and stroke
constant in the same 20-year period. Still, the adjusted
attributable to modifiable cardiovascular disease risk fac-
rate for non-communicable chronic diseases has been
tors in Argentina, 2) to explore the costs of major cardi-
five to six times the rate of communicable diseases in
ovascular events, and 3) to calculate the cost-
Argentina, and the absolute number of deaths is increas-
effectiveness of different population-based and clinical
ing due to the increasingly elderly population
interventions in order to inform local policy makers on
In common with many other Latin American coun-
resource-allocation priority setting.
tries, Argentina falls into an intermediate mortalitygroup where the main risk factors for disease are hyper-
tension, an elevated body mass index (BMI), alcohol
We conducted a population-level comparative risk
abuse and smoking [Elevated BMI is due to excess
assessment for seven modifiable cardiovascular risk fac-
calories and insufficient activity, and a large proportion
tors to be included in a model to assess their impact on
of hypertension is due to these same lifestyle risks in
major cardiovascular events: acute myocardial infarction
addition to a poor diet quality. Primary data describing
(AMI), other non-infarction ischemic events and stroke.
the prevalence and distribution of cardiovascular risk
We also estimated the individual and aggregate effect of
factors in Argentina has recently been obtained through
population-based and clinical interventions that might
two different population-based sources: the 2005 Minis-
modify the risks associated to these risk factors. These
try of Health National Risk Factor Survey [and the
interventions are supported by evidence in the literature
Cardiovascular Risk Factor Multiple Evaluation in Latin
for clinical efficacy and population effectiveness esti-
America (CARMELA) [. There is strong evidence that
mates that take into account detection and patient com-
a 50% reduction in cardiovascular deaths can be attribu-
pliance. Cardiovascular risk factors and interventions
table to the reduction of just three modifiable risk fac-
were modeled for the adult population over 35 years old
tors, namely tobacco use, high blood pressure and
since they are the usual target for most clinical interven-
elevated cholesterol [In Latin America, the majority
tions. Finally, cardiovascular events, Disability Adjusted
of cardiovascular risk could be explained by tobacco
Life Years (DALY) and interventions costs were derived.
use, abnormal lipids, abdominal obesity and high bloodpressure as shown in the recently published INTER-
Selection of Risk Factors
HEART Latin American study [. Most cardiovascular
We selected specific risk factors that fulfilled the follow-
diseases are preventable and there is evidence that sup-
ing criteria: (1) Sufficient evidence was available on the
ports the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the
presence and magnitude of likely causal association with
burden of cardiovascular disease through strategies that
CHD and stroke from high-quality epidemiological stu-
reduce risk factors. Unfortunately, strategies to manage
dies, (2) available interventions existed to modify asso-
cardiovascular conditions have been largely developed
ciated risk, (3) data on risk factor prevalence was
for high-income countries which may not be affordable
available from the First Argentinean Survey of Risk Fac-
to most of the developing world Although there
tors (FASRF) or other nationally representative surveys
has been widespread recognition of the benefit of cost-
not subjected to selection bias.
effectiveness evaluation to inform national health sys-
The seven modifiable risk factors selected were: 1)
tems of priority settings, its potential has not been rea-
high blood pressure (HBP), 2) high cholesterol, 3) over-
lized in the vast majority of countries, including
weight and obesity, 4) elevated fasting glucose level and
Argentina . Nevertheless, cost-effective interventions
type-2 diabetes mellitus, 4) tobacco smoking, 5) physical
to prevent cardiovascular disease in developing countries
do exist, but have not been widely applied. Specifically,
Unfortunately, consumption of vegetables and fruits
population and community-based interventions appear
was ill-defined in the FASRF since the daily quantity of
to be highly cost-effective when they reach large
servings was not specified, for which we had to exclude
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
this measure for further analysis. Other specific indivi-
reduction in disease-specific deaths that would occur if
dual dietary factors that would meet criteria for causal
risk factor prevalence had been reduced to zero. This is
effects, such as intake of trans fat, low marine omega-3
known as the population-attributable risk (PAR) and
(seafood), and low polyunsaturated fat (exchanged for
measures the total effects of a risk factor (direct as well
saturated fat) were also excluded because of lack of reli-
as mediated through other factors). In order to estimate
able data on their respective prevalences, after a thor-
the PAR of each risk factor, we developed an epidemio-
ough search of local surveys.
logical simulation model in Microsoft Excel(r), contain-ing the prevalence and distribution of risk factors
according to each age and sex strata as observed in the
Risk Factors exposure
FASRF []. In this way, this matrix of 41,392 registries
We obtained risk factor prevalence and distribution for
from the FASRF, representing the Argentine population,
each individual enrolled in the FASRF is a nationally
was split into all possible combinations of risk factors.
representative survey including 41,393 subjects from all
Additional risk for each combination was assumed to be
districts of the country sampled through a probabilistic
the product (multiplication) of the relative risk of the
multi-stage process The prevalence of risk factors was
risk factors involved [Finally, the baseline absolute
obtained from self-reports obtained during an in-person
risks for both fatal and non-fatal events for people with-
interview that was subsequently validated with direct mea-
out any of the selected risk factors were derived consid-
sures in one district. For those subjects who reported not
ering the overall risk, prevalence and additional risk
to have ever measured her/his blood pressure (11.94%),
associated to each combination. The global risk of death
serum cholesterol (43.25%) or glycemia (23.49%) we con-
(across all combinations and age groups) was calibrated
sidered them as not having the risk factor in the survey.
against the overall number of deaths due to CHD and
As this assumption could have underestimated their pre-
stroke corresponding to Argentina in the year 2005
valence and population-attributable risk, we developed a
Finally, the number of non-fatal events for each death
logistic regression model to estimate the odds and prob-
from CHD and stroke was extrapolated using the lethal-
abilities for a subject with a certain demographic and risk
ity rate from the Public Hospital registry corresponding
factor profile to have an abnormal value in each of these
to the year 2000
three risk factors. These new set of risk factors prevalence
In addition to the estimation of the prevalence of
were used as an alternative scenario in the sensitivity ana-
cardiovascular risk factors and their associated relative
lysis. STATA v8.0 was used to run these models.
risk, the spreadsheet contained the cost and disutility
Etiological effects of risk factors on disease-specific
associated with each event in order to obtain a deter-
ministic estimate of the burden of disease, expressed in
We obtained the relative risk for CHD and stroke attri-
DALY and overall costs. A DALY is a summary mea-
butable to each risk factor for each exposure category
sure that combines years of life lost due to premature
(since all risks were measured in categories in the
death and years of life lived with disability One
FASRF), based on published observational studies, sys-
DALY can be thought of as one lost year of healthy
tematic reviews or meta-analyses of epidemiological stu-
life. DALYs were calculated based on the model devel-
dies. In previous observational studies used for effect
oped by Murray et al.
sizes, the majority had adjusted for potential confound-
The duration of disability was estimated by using the
ing factors. Each relative risk used in our analysis repre-
software DISMOD II Disability weights were
sents the best judgment of the evidence for the effect of
obtained from two Australian studies on burden of dis-
risk factor exposure on disease-specific mortality. The
ease []. For the calculation of years of life lost due
etiological effect sizes along different age-strata and gen-
to premature death, we used a life expectancy at birth
der are shown in Table
of 80 and 82.5 for men and women, respectively, as
Disease-specific deaths
recommended for global comparisons in the Global Bur-
The number of deaths by CHD (ICD-10 codes I20×, I24×
den of Disease study . Finally, years of life lost due to
and I25× for non-infarction ischemic events and I21×
premature death were obtained from National death
and I22× for AMI) and stroke (ICD-10 codes I60-I61,
registries and years of life lived with disability were
I63-I64) were obtained from the National Directorate of
obtained by multiplying the estimated number of non-
Health Statistics of the Argentine Ministry of Health
fatal events by each disability weight, for each age gen-der strata
Estimating mortality and disability attributable to risk
In order to estimate the PAR associated to each risk
factor, a new estimation of deaths, non fatal events,
For each risk factor and for each disease causally asso-
DALY and costs of CHD and stroke were calculated.
ciated with its exposure, we computed the proportional
These estimations were obtained multiplying the basal
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Table 1 List of relative risks included into the model
Relative risk for coronary heart disease
High blood pressure (m)
High blood pressure (w)
High glycemia (m)
High glycemia (w)
High cholesterol (m)
High cholesterol (w)
Current smoker (m)
Current smoker (w)
Former smoker (m)
Former smoker (w)
Non-sedentary life style (m)
Non-sedentary life style (w)
Relative risk for stroke
High blood pressure (m)
High blood pressure (w)
High glycemia (m)
High glycemia (w)
High cholesterol (m)
High cholesterol (w)
Current smoker (m)
Current smoker (w)
Former smoker (m)
Former smoker (w)
Non-sedentary life style (m)
Non-sedentary life style (w)
m: men; w: women.
absolute risk by the product of the relative risks involved
language , in which we performed 1,000 iterations of
in each combination stratum, assuming a relative risk
the prevalence for each combination of risk factors
equal to 1 for the index risk factor, weighted by its
assuming a binomial distribution. Therefore, a new abso-
respective prevalence. Overall deaths, non fatal events,
lute risk was obtained in each iteration, and new estima-
DALY and costs between the estimation for Argentina in
tions of total deaths, non fatal events, DALY and costs
2005 and the new estimation without the index risk fac-
were obtained. Finally, we used the empirical PAR distri-
tor, was assumed to be the PAR attributable to that parti-
bution to estimate the 95% confidence interval (95%CI)
cular risk factor. We programmed a macro using Python
using the percentile method.
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Definition and Selection of Interventions
selected cities in Argentina to make bakers reduce salt
Different population-based and clinical interventions to
in bread by using special salt dispensers . This inter-
reduce cardiovascular disease burden were explored con-
vention could imply a population-wide reduction of 1.33
sidering not only the evidence of efficacy and effectiveness
mmHg of systolic blood pressure per person and 1% of
but also the feasibility to be implemented in Argen-
the PAR of CHD and stroke
tina. Relative risk reductions of the interventions were
Mass Media Campaign to promote tobacco cessation
adjusted by population effectiveness measures taking into
This program of the National Ministry of Health
account target population coverage as well as patient com-
involves an annual campaign through four TV spots, six
pliance. All interventions have a time horizon of 5 years
radio spots and written material in major newspapers,
after which maximum population effectiveness is assumed.
magazines and public spaces. Costs were retrieved from
The evidence about population effectiveness of mass
data from previous campaigns of the National Ministry
media campaign targeted to the promotion of physical
of Health. This intervention would reduce the preva-
activity , salt reduction in food control of
lence of smoking by 7%
overweight and obesity and promotion of healthy
Individual (clinical) interventions
habits was non-conclusive, and hence these inter-
Treatment of high blood pressure Interventions
ventions were not included in the model. On the other
involved lifestyle change promotion and pharmacological
hand, evidence on the effectiveness of media campaigns
therapy to achieve blood pressure control (SBP/DBP less
against smoking was generally strong and local programs
than 140/90). Target population was composed of adults
had already been implemented [. Efficacy of inter-
over 35 years old with the diagnosis of high blood pres-
ventions were modeled as a relative risk reduction or by a
sure and no treatment (over 1.3 millions of Argentine
reduction on risk factor prevalence. Effect sizes and joint
population representing 8.2% people older than 35 years
effect of interventions used in the analysis were based on
old), estimating for this intervention a relative risk
systematic reviews of randomized trials and meta-analysis,
reduction of 44% for CHD and 49% for stroke ]. We
when possible. Intervention effects with their correspond-
assumed that 40% of the population would take one
ing relative risks estimates are shown in Table
drug, 40% two drugs and 20% three or more drugs. The
drugs and daily doses evaluated were hydrochlorothia-
Lowering salt intake in the population through redu-
zide (25 mg), atenolol (50 mg), enalapril (10 mg), and
cing salt in bread A program involving the cooperation
amlodipine (10 mg), and the treatment mix was 50% of
between the Government, consumer associations and
the population taking thiazides, 20% atenolol, 20%
the Bakery Chambers in an effort to reduce 1 gram of
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and 10% amlo-
salt per 100 grams of bread. Argentina has an average
dipine . The same efficacy for each drug category
individual consumption of 12 grams of salt per day, 3.4
was also assumed. Analysis indicated that these inter-
grams coming from bread. Local experiences showed
ventions, with a 50% rate of disease detection and 50%
that it is possible to reduce the amount of salt in bread
drug compliance as indicated by the Canadian Hyper-
without being detected as less palatable. At present,
tension Guidelines would reduce PAR of cardiovas-
there is a pilot training program implemented in
cular disease and stroke by 8%.
Table 2 Effectiveness of selected interventions
Population based interventions
Mass Media Campaign promote tobacco cessation
Reduction of current smoker
Reducing salt in bread
Clinical interventions
Bupropion treatment for tobacco cessation
Annual cessation rate: 28%.
Pharmacological high blood pressure treatment*
For CHD: RR = 0.66
For stroke: RR = 0.51
Pharmacological high cholesterol treatment with atorvastatin
For CHD: RR = 0.77
For stroke: RR = 0.81
Treatment with four drugs (Polypill strategy) for people with an absolute cardiovascular risk of
For CHD: RR = 0.34
more than 20% at 10 years
For stroke: RR = 0.32
CHD: Coronary Heart Disease, RR: relative risk.
* Include: atenolol, enalapril, amlodipine and hidroclorothiazide.
** Include: aspirine, enalapril, amlodipine and atorvastatin.
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Treatment of high cholesterol This intervention
therapeutic procedures) for AMI, other non-infarction
involved promotion of low-cholesterol diet and use of
ischemic events such as unstable angina and stroke were
statins (atorvastatin 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg for 50%,
first identified. For each event the quantities and unit
40% and 10% of the target population, respectively),
prices of inputs were retrieved from hospital databases
according to local estimates and assumptions. Target
and other local sources as well as expert opi-
population was adults over 35 years old with high choles-
nion when necessary. The quantities of each input iden-
terol and no treatment (almost one million people repre-
tified were assessed and multiplied by the unit price of
senting 5.2% of people older than 35 years old).
each item to obtain the unit cost of each resource.
Achieving a cholesterol target of less than 240 mg/dl, (6.2
Finally, the total cost of the acute event resulted from
mm/l) would provide an estimated reduction of 8% of the
the addition of all of the identified consumed resources
PAR of CHD and stroke with a 50% detection and 50%
in each category.
drug compliance rate according to ATP III
Costs of interventions
Tobacco cessation therapy Motivational interventions
Costs included program-level expenses associated with
from health professionals and drug therapy with bupro-
management of the interventions (i.e. administration,
pion for a 2-month period (300 mg per day) would
training and information, dissemination by multiple
result in an estimated reduction of 4% of the PAR of
media sources) and patient-level costs (i.e. primary care
CHD and stroke In most studies with bupropion
visits, ancillary tests and drugs). The quantities of each
for tobacco cessation, the annual quitting rate of smo-
input required were assessed and multiplied by the unit
kers was 28% vs. 12%, as compared to placebo
price of each input for the 5 year intervention imple-
According to a recent national survey of tobacco preva-
mentation period. The quantity of patient-level resource
lence, only 11% of total smokers in Argentina were will-
inputs for each intervention (i.e. inpatient hospital days,
ing to quit smoking and therefore were considered the
doctor visits, tests, drugs) were identified from local or
target population for this intervention []. According
international published data if available or expert opi-
to these estimates, the spontaneous annual cessation
nion should the former not be available. Costs of drugs
rate would be 1.32% (12% of the 11% of smokers willing
were calculated using a mix of blood pressure lowering
to quit) that would raise to 3.08% with bupropion (28%
drugs composed of 50% hydrochlorothiazide, 20% ateno-
× 11%), since we would expect a prevalence reduction
lol, 20% enalapril and 10% amlodipine, according to a
of 1.76% (3.08%-1.32%).
published local study Cost of blood pressure lower-
Treatment based on a population absolute risk
ing drugs, atorvastatin and bupropion as well as other
approach (Polypill strategy) Since the "Polypill" is not
input costs and expense data were extracted from local
yet in Argentine markets, we designed a pharmacologi-
sources [. Other cost data were obtained from the
cal therapy with 4 pills (hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg, ena-
Health Care Costs Database from the Institute of Clini-
lapril 10 mg, atorvastatin 10 mg and aspirin 100 mg),
cal Effectiveness and Health Policy ]. A list of costs
prescribed to people older than 35 years old with an
and sources of the interventions and selected health
estimated combined risk of a cardiovascular event over
events is depicted in Table
the next decade above 20%, based on the data from the
Cost of clinical interventions included, in addition to
FASRF. This intervention would imply a relative risk
their specific costs of visits, tests and drugs, 290 coun-
reduction of CHD of 66% (RR = 0.34) and of stroke of
trywide training workshops on cardiovascular risk detec-
tion, assessment and control targeted to 8,639 general
Assuming that at least 50% of the target population is
practitioners from the public and private health sector,
reached by the intervention, a 50% patient compliance
along the 5 year period of the intervention, with peri-
rate with treatment for this group, and 70% of provider
odic boosters through email and postal mail. Except
compliance due to a presumed raised awareness of risks
when explicitly stated, costs related to labor, equipment,
for both subjects, the Polypill strategy would result in a
capital, overhead or joint costs were regarded as exist-
population effectiveness of 17,5%. Relative risks for
ing, ongoing, or common to all interventions and there-
CHD and stroke for individuals from this high-risk sub-
fore were excluded in the calculation. We also excluded
group were estimated by using the beta coefficients
costs of accessing health interventions that would
from the Framingham Heart Study
include the resources used by patients and their familiesto obtain an intervention (transport costs) as well as
Estimating costs of acute cardiovascular events and
productivity gains or losses, as the study was conducted
from a purchaser perspective. All costs were calculated
Costs of acute events
in Argentine pesos for the year 2007, requiring in some
Cost categories (i.e. inpatient hospital days, doctor visits,
cases the use of Health and General CPI to adjust for
tests, drugs and ancillary services, and diagnostic and
annual inflation, and finally converted and expressed
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Table 3 Interventions and related health events summary
then compared to the estimation without the interven-
tion. In addition, the annual cost of the intervention was
Event cost per hospital admission
imputed for the year analyzed. For each intervention,
Coronary Heart Disease
the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of the
interventions compared to no intervention was mea-
sured as cost per averted DALY. Effect sizes and joint
Mass Media Campaign promote tobacco cessation*
effect of interventions used in the analysis were based
Reducing salt in bread†
on systematic reviews of randomized trials and meta-
Individual interventions (yearly cost per person‡)
analysis, when possible.
Pharmacological high blood pressure treatment
To translate changes in the risk of age and sex specific
Pharmacological high cholesterol treatment
cardiovascular disease events into changes in population
Bupropion treatment for tobacco cessation
health quantified in terms of DALY, we used a standard
Modified Polypill strategy
methodology described elsewhere
There is no universal criterion that defines a threshold
I$: international dollars. PPP conversion rate (2007) 1.55 Argentinean peso = 1I$,
cost-effectiveness ratio, above which an intervention
* Ten years duration of campaign, with discounting (3% annual rate).
would not be considered cost-effective. We chose to use
† Assuming 54 meeting of 30 bakers each (around 800-600 bakers), with
guidelines specifically intended for international compar-
discounting (3% annual rate).
isons, as proposed by the Commission on Macroeco-
‡ Includes health center visits, drug and lab test costs. Programmatic costswere not included (I$ 1,194,067.52).
nomics and Health, which defines interventions with an
Note: Cost of blood pressure lowering drugs, atorvastatin and bupropion as
ICER that is less than three times Gross Domestic Pro-
well as other input costs and charges data were extracted from local sourcesOther cost data were obtained from the Health Care Costs Database
duct per capita as a "cost-effective" intervention and as
by the Institute of Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy
"very cost-effective" if ICER is less than the GDP percapita [. Argentina's GDP per person in 2007 was
into international dollars using the Purchase Power Par-
estimated in I$ 13,255.09
ity conversion rate AR$ 1.55 = 1 I$ . The discount-ing of long term costs was performed at a 3% rate.
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
We also did a probabilistic, multivariate sensitivity ana-
Since Argentina's healthcare system consists of a multi-
lysis using Monte Carlo simulation of 1,000 ran-
tier system divided in three large sectors: public, social
domly selected sets of variables, to assess the effects of
security and private, we incorporated the perspective of
uncertainty in the prevalence of risk factors, population
the whole Argentine healthcare system as a purchaser of
attributable risk and effect sizes of interventions. In
health services.
addition, an undiscounted scenario was considered forcosts and DALY, and a non age-weighted scenario was
Calculating cost-effectiveness of interventions
also analyzed for DALY.
Cost-effectiveness analysis considers the costs andeffects of adding new interventions to current practice
or the cost of replacing an existing intervention with
We estimated a lethality rate of 11.9% in men and 18%
another targeting the same condition. In order to esti-
in women; and 17.4% in men and 18.9% in women, for
mate the reduction in disease burden related to the
CHD and stroke, respectively [According to these
reduction of cardiovascular disease, we built a model to
estimates, about 263,025 annual acute CHD and stroke
predict the burden associated with specific diseases or
events would be expected, representing an annual cost
risk factors to develop disease. We calculated the effect
of I$ 1,036,506,958. More than 60% of total events and
of interventions in our model, assuming that all reduced
costs are accounted by men. Table shows the estima-
the relative risk associated with the presence of each
tion of the overall number of annual cardiovascular
cardiovascular risk factor. In the case the effect of the
events in Argentina, burden of disease and costs of
intervention was a reduction of the prevalence (i.e.:
events. As observed, more than 600,000 DALYs and
tobacco cessation), a new relative risk was estimated as
almost 400,000 YPLL were lost in 2005 due to CHD
a proportional combination of the relative risk asso-
ciated with the risk factor (for the proportion of peoplethat were still smokers) and the relative risk of those
Burden of Disease attributable to modifiable
that no longer had that risk factor (i.e.: former smokers).
cardiovascular Risk Factors
Finally, the model translated these changes into a new
Population attributable risks, costs of events and DALY
estimation of cardiovascular events, overall costs and
lost to cardiovascular disease for the overall risk factors
DALY lost, specific for age and sex. This estimation was
and for each single modifiable risk factor selected, can
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Table 4 Estimation of total cases, costs and burden of
costs and costs per beneficiary, health effects in terms of
disease of acute CHD and stroke
DALY averted (non age-weighted and 3% discounted),
percent of DALY saved due to cardiovascular disease
Total AMI events [%]
and average cost-effectiveness ratio for each in I$ per
DALY averted. Two interventions were cost-saving: low-
Total non-infarction events [%]
ering salt intake in the population through reducing salt
in bread and treatment targeted to persons with an
Total stroke events [%]
absolute risk above 20% in 10 years (modified polypill
strategy). Moreover, the implementation of the polypill
strategy was also associated with almost a 2% decrease
Total costs* I$ [%]
667,728,147 368,778,811 1,036,506,958
in DALY lost to cardiovascular disease. On the other
hand, the impact of reducing salt in bread was more
Total DALY† [%]
limited (0.11% of decrease of DALY lost) due in part to
the lower extension and magnitude of this intervention.
Total PYLL‡ [%]
Two interventions had very acceptable ICER: 1) drug
therapy for high blood pressure in hypertensive patients
95%CI: 95% confidence interval, AMI: acute myocardial infarction, DALY:
not yet under going treatment with an ICER of I$ 2,908
disability-adjusted life years, I$: international dollars, PYLL: Potential Years ofLife Lost.
per DALY saved and an annual reduction of 2.3% of
* Only direct medical costs by hospitalization were considered. Costs are
cardiovascular disease burden; and 2) mass media cam-
measured in 2007 international dollars (I$).
paign to promote tobacco cessation amongst smokers,
† With discounting (3% annual rate), without age weight.
with an ICER of I$ 3,186 per DALY saved (0.11% of car-
‡ With discounting (3% annual rate).
diovascular disease burden). An additional intervention,
be seen in Tables and respectively. All risk factors
lowering cholesterol with statins (I$ 14,432 per DALY
together explained 75% of fatal and non-fatal acute
saved), was considered cost-effective according to the
CHD and stroke events, 82,4% of acute CHD events
guidelines mentioned above. Finally, one intervention,
(84.0% in women) and 62.4% of strokes (66,6% in men).
tobacco cessation with bupropion (I$ 59,433 per DALY
Similarly, modifiable risk factors explained 75,5% of
saved) was not found to be cost-effective. This is in part
costs of acute events and 70.7% of DALY lost. The most
because bupropion is much more expensive than blood
important single risk factor was high BP, explaining 37%
pressure lowering drugs and also because, as it is not
of all CHD and strokes and one-third of all DALY lost
currently covered in the public sector, the government
in 2005. The rest of the risk factors have similar attribu-
does not usually exert its purchasing power to get lower
table burden in term of CV events, ranging between
prices. Following local surveys, we assumed that only
13,9% (high glycemia) to 18,1% (physical inactivity). (see
11% of the population of smokers would be willing to
quit smoking each year and consequently start on a pro-gram, the population impact of tobacco cessation ther-
Cost-effectiveness of selected interventions
apy was much smaller than expected.
Table summarizes the results of economic evaluation
Figure shows the ICER of the six distinct interven-
of the 6 distinct interventions giving their total annual
tions along the cost effectiveness plane with their
Table 5 Proportional Burden of Disease and costs attributable to all cardiovascular risk factors potentially modifiable
Population-attributable Fraction % (95%CI)
Total AMI events (both fatal and non-fatal)
Total non-infarction events (both fatal and non-fatal)
Total stroke events (both fatal and non-fatal)
Total events (both fatal and non-fatal)
Results of 1,000 iterations, both sexes.
95%CI: 95% confidence interval, AMI: acute myocardial infarction, DALY: disability-adjusted life years, PYLL: Potential Years of Life Lost.
* Only direct medical costs by hospitalization were considered.
† With discounting (3% annual rate), without age weight.
‡ With discounting (3% annual rate).
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Table 6 Proportional Burden of Disease and costs attributable to each cardiovascular risk factor potentially modifiable
Population-attributable Fraction % (95%CI)
Total AMI events (both
22.5 (22.2 - 22.8)
20.9 (20.4 - 21.3)
38.5 (37.9 - 39.1) 25.1 (24.4 - 25.8) 13.9 (13.2 - 14.5) 20.9 (20.6 - 21.2)
fatal and non-fatal)
Total non-infarction events
18.5 (18.1 - 18.8)
18.6 (18.2 - 19.0)
40.9 (40.1 - 41.5) 26.2 (25.2 - 27.0) 14.8 (14.0 - 15.6) 21.6 (21.2 - 22.0)
(both fatal and non-fatal)
Total stroke events (both
10.8 (10.5 - 11.2)
11.7 (11.3 - 12.0)
32.7 (32.0 - 33.3)
13.2 (12.3 - 14.0) 13.0 (12.7 - 13.3)
fatal and non-fatal)
Total events (both fatal
16.9 (16.5 - 17.2)
16.7 (16.3 - 17.0)
37.0 (36.3 - 37.5) 18.0 (17.4 - 18.5) 13.9 (13.1 - 14.6) 18.1 (17.7 - 18.3)
17.3 (17.0 - 17.6)
17.1 (16.7 - 17.4)
37.3 (36.6 - 37.9) 18.9 (18.3 - 19.5) 13.9 (13.2 - 14.7) 18.4 (18.1 - 18.7)
16.1 (15.7 - 16.4)
13.8 (13.5 - 14.0)
36.6 (36.1 - 37.0) 13.4 (13.0 - 13.7) 13.6 (13.0 - 14.2) 15.5 (15.2 - 15.7)
16.6 (16.3 - 16.9)
15.1 (14.8 - 15.4)
37.5 (36.9 - 38.0) 16.6 (16.1 - 17.1) 13.9 (13.2 - 14.6) 16.9 (16.6 - 17.1)
Total AMI events (both
26.7 (26.2 - 27.1)
24.7 (24.1 - 25.2)
37.0 (36.4 - 37.6) 19.0 (18.3 - 19.6) 12.4 (11.8 - 13.0) 20.2 (19.8 - 20.6)
fatal and non-fatal)
Total non-infarction events
23.1 (22.6 - 23.5)
22.3 (21.8 - 22.8)
40.1 (39.3 - 40.8) 19.3 (18.6 - 20.0) 13.5 (12.8 - 14.2) 20.6 (20.2 - 21.2)
(both fatal and non-fatal)
Total stroke events (both
14.2 (13.7 - 14.7)
16.7 (16.0 - 17.3)
35.2 (34.3 - 36.0)
13.5 (12.6 - 14.4) 12.2 (11.7 - 12.6)
fatal and non-fatal)
Total events (both fatal
21.6 (21.1 - 22.0)
21.4 (20.9 - 21.9)
37.4 (36.7 - 38.1) 14.7 (14.1 - 15.2) 13.1 (12.4 - 13.8) 17.8 (17.4 - 18.2)
22.0 (21.6 - 22.5)
21.7 (21.2 - 22.2)
37.6 (36.8 - 38.2) 15.2 (14.7 - 15.8) 13.1 (12.4 - 13.8) 18.1 (17.7 - 18.6)
22.1 (21.6 - 22.6)
20.5 (20.1 - 20.9)
38.7 (38.1 - 39.3) 12.1 (11.7 - 12.6) 13.0 (12.3 - 13.7) 15.6 (15.3 - 16.0)
21.6 (21.1 - 22.1)
20.7 (20.2 - 21.1)
38.7 (38.1 - 39.3) 13.4 (12.9 - 13.8) 13.1 (12.4 - 13.8) 16.5 (16.2 - 16.9)
Total AMI events (both
11.9 (11.5 - 12.3)
11.0 (10.5 - 11.6)
42.4 (41.1 - 43.5) 41.0 (39.2 - 42.7) 17.7 (16.2 - 19.1) 22.6 (22.2 - 23.1)
fatal and non-fatal)
Total non-infarction events
10.5 (9.9 - 11.2)
42.5 (40.7 - 44.0) 41.1 (38.4 - 43.1) 17.7 (15.8 - 19.6) 23.7 (23.1 - 24.2)
(both fatal and non-fatal)
Total stroke events (both
29.9 (28.9 - 30.8)
12.8 (11.5 - 14.2) 14.0 (13.6 - 14.3)
fatal and non-fatal)
Total events (both fatal
36.2 (34.9 - 37.3) 23.8 (22.4 - 24.9) 15.2 (13.8 - 16.8) 18.6 (18.1 - 19.0)
36.8 (35.5 - 37.9) 25.5 (24.1 - 26.7) 15.5 (14.0 - 17.0) 19.0 (18.6 - 19.5)
10.5 (10.1 - 10.9)
34.5 (33.8 - 35.2) 14.5 (13.9 - 15.1) 14.1 (13.2 - 15.1) 15.3 (15.0 - 15.6)
10.4 (10.0 - 10.8)
36.0 (35.0 - 36.9) 20.7 (19.7 - 21.6) 14.8 (13.6 - 16.0) 17.3 (16.9 - 17.6)
Results of 1000 iterations, basal case, both sexes.
95%CI: 95% confidence interval, AMI: acute myocardial infarction, DALY: disability-adjusted life years, PYLL: Potential Years of Life Lost.
* Only direct medical costs by hospitalization were considered.
† With discounting (3% annual rate), without age weight.
‡ With discounting (3% annual rate).
respective probability distribution. The shaded area cor-
In all circumstances, the ranking as well as the magni-
responds to the cost-saving interventions.
tude of each intervention remained the same. Finally,the results of the probabilistic sensitivity analyses to
Sensitivity Analyses
estimate the uncertainty surrounding the central esti-
We examined the effect of a change in the PAR estimate
mates of each intervention is expressed through the 95%
of the overall risk factors selected along a reasonable
CI showed in Table
range of probabilities, by creating alternative scenarioswith different prevalence and distributions of risk fac-
tors. We also explored undiscounted and age-weighted
Our study analyzed the FASRF at individual level to esti-
DALY as compared to the base case scenario with
mate the burden of cardiovascular disease in Argentina
DALY discounted at 3 percent and non age-weighted.
attributable to modifiable risk factors in order to
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Table 7 Cost effectiveness analysis of selected interventions
Net Total costs *
Reducing salt in bread
Treatment targeted to persons with an absolute risk
above 20% in 10 years (polypill strategy
Pharmacological therapy for high blood pressure
Mass Media Campaign to promote tobacco cessation
Pharmacological therapy of high cholesterol
Therapy with Bupropion for
tobacco cessation
95%CI: 95% confidence interval, I$: international dollars - PPP conversion rate (2007) 1.55 Argentinean peso = 1 I$, DALY: disability adjusted life years, ICER:incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. The ICERs express the results of 1,000 iterations.
* Net Total costs are calculated as Total costs minus the corresponding averted event costs. All costs are measured in 2007 International dollars (I$).
‡ Derived from bootstrapping techniques.
model the impact of some preventive interventions to
factors explained between 14% and 18%. WHO
reducing this burden, as well as estimating their cost-
recently addressed the importance of chronic disease
effectiveness. Based on our data, the PAR of all the
prevention as a neglected health issue in LMIC;
risk factors analyzed explained more than 75% of the
achievement of the global goal to reduce chronic dis-
acute CHD events and strokes in men and women.
ease death rates by 2% every year would avert 36 mil-
Only high blood pressure explained more than one-
lion deaths between 2005 and 2015 Achieving
third of the events while each one of the other risk
this target would also save almost 10% of the expected
Figure 1 Interventions along the cost-effectiveness plane. Costs are expressed in International dollars (I$, 2007).
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
loss in national income in these settings . Consider-
above, partly because we only included a series of one-
ing the growing burden of cardiovascular disease and
off meetings with bread makers from large cities, and
costs in developing countries, especially for transitional
also because we used a lower effect size.
countries like Argentina, this study is critical to pro-
In regards to the intervention oriented to reduce high
vide local decision-makers with information about car-
blood pressure and high cholesterol our ICER were
diovascular disease burden. Furthermore, by comparing
remarkably higher than those reported by Murray et al.
the relative costs and health effects of interventions for
]. The causes of this apparent discrepancy are two-
preventing cardiovascular disease, we can focus policy
fold: firstly, the counterfactual scenario designed by
debate concerning the trade-offs or opportunity costs
Murray, based on the WHO-CHOICE methodology
of financing one intervention over another.
entails lifting the constraints of the current mix of inter-
Establishing the cost-effectiveness of preventive inter-
ventions, using a null scenario of no costs and no inter-
ventions for cardiovascular disease in developing coun-
ventions as a starting point, as opposed to our
try contexts is not straightforward, due to both the
assumption that almost half of Argentine population
paucity of existing evidence, and because there is no
were already receiving treatment; based on the data of
universally agreed threshold for considering the cost-
the FASRF; and secondly, our cost estimates are consid-
effectiveness of an intervention to be ‘too high' or
erably higher, which reflects the fact that key interven-
‘right'. What is acceptable to health and finance deci-
tion resource inputs in Argentina (including human
sion-makers depends largely on the country context.
resources, secondary care and drugs) are much more
The Disease Control Priorities Project (DCPP), has iden-
expensive than the regional average. The addition of
tified several chronic disease interventions as cost-effective
individual-level interventions with a multi-drug regimen
at a cost of below US$1,000 per DALY ]. However,
on the basis of opportunistic contact with the health
the affordability of interventions will vary significantly
service, as reported by Gaziano et al. [has been esti-
across countries, even among a group of interventions
mated at US$ 2.93 per capita in a country like Argen-
believed to be cost-effective in the global sense. More-
tina, but would save a further 50,000 lives over a
over, sensitivity analysis done as part of the cost effec-
10-year period.
tiveness analysis modeling for the DCPP showed that
Our analyses have shown that the multidrug regimen
the cost-effectiveness of public education campaigns at
of four highly effective drugs (polypill strategy, with an
the population level could be very good or far less
annual cost of I$ 101 or I$ 32 per capita in 2007) could
favorable depending on how much it cost to reach peo-
lead to cost-saving prevention and treatment for sub-
ple using a reasonable range of costs. In addition, even
jects with an absolute risk above 20% in 10 years, with
a very inexpensive intervention might not be worth
2% of reduction in DALY lost to cardiovascular disease
implementing if it targets a chronic disease with low
even considering a population effectiveness of less than
prevalence in a given country or region.
20% the potential targeted population. Other treatment
In an earlier analysis, Murray et al. modeled
cutpoints for this intervention, where ICERs would likely
selected population-based and individual health inter-
be far higher, were not evaluated, including subjects
ventions to lower high blood pressure and high choles-
with lesser CV risk or subjects over age 55 as originally
terol in the epidemiological contexts of developing
proposed by Wald and Law (53), The study of Gaziano
countries. The authors found that all interventions were
et al about the cost-effectiveness of the Polypill regimen
highly cost-effective in the sub-region of the Americas
modeled an ICER of less than US$ 900 for a similar
to which Argentina belongs.
risk population in the Latin American region.
More recently, Asaria et al., assessed the financial
According to the threshold adopted by World Health
costs and health effects of a voluntary reduction in the
Organization, an intervention that saves one DALY for
salt content of processed foods by manufacturers plus a
less than three times the gross domestic product (GDP)
mass media campaign to encourage dietary change in 23
per capita is considered cost-effective, while one that
selected low and middle income countries, including
saves a DALY for less than one GDP per capita is
Argentina. They estimated that a 15% reduction in diet-
deemed very cost-effective . As Argentina's GDP per
ary salt intake in Argentina would save 60,000 lives over
person in 2007 was I$13,255 (US$ 6,644) esti-
the period 2006-2015 at a cost of US$ 0.14 per capita
mated ICER of all interventions analyzed except tobacco
(equivalent to AR$ 16.7 million for a population of
cessation with bupropion (I$ 59,433 per DALY saved)
Argentina (38 millions in 2005)
fell well within the ‘very cost-effective' or cost-effective
As compared to these previous studies [our
category. In fact, two interventions - reducing salt intake
intervention to decrease salt intake in bread was cost-
in bread and the absolute risk approach therapy with
saving, although both our health impact and cost esti-
four drugs - were cost-saving. In an earlier study of
mates were appreciably lower than those summarized
cost-effectiveness of cardiovascular interventions in
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Buenos Aires, in which we used a counterfactual sce-
any benefit from the pharmacological interventions in
nario of no costs and no interventions, most of our
the population that is already receiving treatment, as if
interventions were very cost-effective [Should we
they were appropriately controlled, which is not true.
have used a counterfactual scenario based on what the
No matter that this is aligned with our conservative
public health sector was actually spending on the care
estimates, the ICER of high blood pressure or high cho-
of cardiovascular disease we would have obtained much
lesterol therapy look less attractive in terms of reduc-
lower ICER or even cost-saving interventions like we
tion of disease burden or cost-effectiveness; 6) as in all
have found in this study.
modeling studies, our study synthesized data from many
In addition, the potential budget impact of the imple-
sources and used several assumptions in the design of
mentation of the four cost saving or cost-effective inter-
the model. As real life decision making tools, these
ventions mentioned above was in the range of I$ 194
types of model-based studies are explicit analyses to
million in 2005. This expenditure would be partly offset
help health priority setting, and are not a "search of the
by the savings obtained through avoided cardiovascular
ultimate truth"; and 7) some inputs, as it is also com-
acute events. Moreover, the financing of these interven-
monplace in modeling studies, were derived from inter-
tions, even considering low population effectiveness
national sources. This was done mainly with relative
according to our conservative scenario, could reduce at
measures such as relative risks of different cardiovascu-
least 7% the cardiovascular disease burden with its con-
lar risk factors, or relative effects of interventions, which
sequent health, economic and social impact.
on the other hand, are widely thought to be more gen-
Some limitations of the present work are important to
eralizable from setting to setting.
be acknowledged. 1), the risk factors included in themodel were limited to those that were specifically
addressed in the national survey as they were specifi-
Overall, evidence exists to conclude that there are
cally defined. In this regard, concerning the intake of
important clinical as well as economic consequences of
fruits and vegetables, we were bound to the two defined
cardiovascular disease, consequences that are not only
options as posed in the specific question of the survey:
important to the individual and his/her family but also
more or less than five servings a week (rather than
to the economy at large. At the same time, there are
more or less than five servings a day), which is clearly
severe gaps in the evidence that call for more research
inappropriate based on WHO recommendations
into the avoidable burden of cardiovascular disease, in
This limitation prompted us to exclude this risk factor
particular for developing countries. Despite the increas-
for further analysis. Other risk factors related to diet
ing burden of cardiovascular disease in Argentina, rank-
such as trans fat, low marine omega-3, and low polyun-
ing first over the last decades as a cause of mortality
saturated fat were also excluded due to lack of popula-
and morbidity, national health programs and policies are
tion based data stressing the importance of obtaining
still focused on interventions aimed to tackle commu-
future national-level data on these and other dietary
nicable diseases or perinatal or childhood conditions,
risk factors for future analysis; 2) since the prevalence
overlooking actions and programs targeted to lifestyle
of risk factors was obtained from self-reports of partici-
and nutritional changes in the population at large or
pants and not from direct measures, they were defined
pharmacological interventions to reduce cardiovascular
dichotomously or categorically (as having or not having
disease burden in high risk people.
the risk factor) for the calculation of the PAR. This
In conclusion, most of the interventions selected were
implies that the risk of a particular risk factor behaves
cost-saving or very cost-effective according to WHO
like an "all or none" phenomenon, which is obviously
standards. Moreover, the financing of these interven-
not true given the continuous nature of this risk in all
tions could reduce at least 5% the cardiovascular disease
of the selected risk factors. In this regard, estimating
burden with its consequent health, economic and social
the theoretical minimum risk exposure distribution
impact. This study aims to inform policy makers on
would be a more appropriate method should this had
resource-allocation decisions to reduce the burden of
been possible; 3) we have just modeled interventions
CVD, especially for middle-income developing countries
that either had been tested in pilot studies (i.e.: reducing
like Argentina.
salt in bread) or were considered key data to model theintervention (i.e.: just 11% of total smokers in Argentina
as potential quitters to model the impact of tobacco
95%CI: 95% confidence interval; AMI: acute myocardial infarction; CEAC: cost-
cessation with bupropion); 4), we did nor model poten-
effectiveness acceptability curves; CHD: coronary heart disease; DALY:
tial side effects of the multidrug intervention. Ignoring
disability-adjusted life years; DCPP: Disease Control Priorities Project; GDP:Gross Domestic Product; I$: international dollars; ICER: Incremental Cost-
side effects in the analysis could overestimate the ICER
Effectiveness Ratio; LMIC: low and middle-income countries; PAF: Population
of the polypill strategy. 5) our study does not assume
Attributable Fraction; PYLL: Potential Years of Life Lost
Rubinstein et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:627
Rubinstein A, Belizan M, Discacciati
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contribution to this work.
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Performance Evaluation of Different Brands of Pantoprazole Tablets Submitted by Md. Rasel Mamun ID NO: 101-29-157 Department of Pharmacy Daffodil International University Supervised by Sharifa Sultana Department of Pharmacy Daffodil International University Pharmacy Department Faculty of Allied Health Science