Antimicrobial Treatment of
Andrej AurerDarije PlanËak
Periodontal Diseases
Department of PeriodontologySchool of Dental MedicineUniversity of Zagreb
Acta Stomat Croat2004; 67-72
This paper presents a critical evaluation of the use of systemic antimi-
crobial treatment in periodontal disease. Recognizing specific types ofperiodontal infections can significantly influence the choice of antimicro-bial treatment. Therapy should be tailored to differences in antibioticsusceptibility between various periodontal pathogens.
Many different antibiotic regimens have been described in the liter-
ature, making the choice in clinical practice difficult. Numerous stud-ies have examined the impact of systemic antibiotic treatment in stop-ping the progression of periodontal diseases. Major candidates forantibiotic therapy are patients whose disease continues to progressdespite conventional mechanical treatment. Antibiotics can also be usedin patients with localized aggressive or other early developed forms of
periodontitis, as well as in patients with systemic diseases affecting
Received: May 10, 2003
the course of periodontitis. They have proven to be beneficial as anadjunct to standard therapy. Serious side-effects of systemic antibiotic
Address of correspondence:
treatment, such as development of resistance and increase in opportunis-tic microorganisms, do not justify their use in the treatment of chron-
mr. sc. Andrej Aurer
ic, slowly-progressive forms of periodontal diseases.
Zavod za ParodontologijuStomatoloπkog fakulteta
Key words: periodontitis, antimicrobial therapy, antibiotics, subgin-
GunduliÊeva 5, 10000 Zagreb
gival pathogens.
related to active destructive periodontal disease.
Some of the periodontally pathogenic bacteria are:
Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two most
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyro-
common infectious periodontal diseases. Gingivi-
monas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Bacteroi-
tis occurs in almost all individuals. Advanced peri-
des forsythus, Peptostreptococcus micros, Campy-
odontitis is found in 10-20 % of the adult popula-
lobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens, Fusobacteri-
tion. Both diseases are primarily caused by supra-
um nucleatum, Treponema denticola, certain Enter-
and subgingival microbial plaque, possessing the
obacteriaceae species and staphylococci (1-3).
properties of a biofilm. Microbial composition of
Elimination or adequate suppression of periodon-
pathogenic plaque has been studied over the last two
tal pathogens in the subgingival microflora is essen-
to three decades. A higher percentage of certain
tial for periodontal healing to take place. Antimicro-
microbial species in the subgingival plaque has been
bial therapy in periodontology includes mechani-
Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 38, br. 1, 2004.
A. Aurer and D. PlanËak
Antimicrobial Treatment of Periodontal Diseases
cal debridement of the root surfaces, oral hygiene
bial periodontal therapy (24). Antibiotic therapy of
measures and local and systemic antimicrobial
severe periodontitis forms should be adapted to the
differential antimicrobial susceptibility of the peri-
Inflammatory periodontal diseases are primari-
odontal pathogens present (23, 25).
ly treated with supra- and subgingival scaling of the
Microbiological analysis revealed that subjects
affected tooth surfaces. Clinical improvement is
with the same clinical form of the disease have dif-
directly related to the reduction or removal of the
ferent bacterial composition of subgingival plaque,
subgingival pathogenic plaque (4-6). The majority
and that the same bacteria can be found in different
of subgingival bacteria is sensitive to the antimi-
clinical forms of the disease. Consequently, it is not
crobial effect of mechanical therapy (7). Mechani-
possible to relate specific bacteria to specific clini-
cal and surgical treatment, combined with proper
cal appearance, or discern between periodontitis
oral hygiene, in most cases arrests further periodon-
forms on the basis of microbiological isolates. This
tal attachment loss. However, despite well performed
conclusion is in accordance with modern under-
mechanical treatment, in some individuals the clin-
standing of periodontal disease as a result of the
ical attachment destruction cannot be stopped.
interaction between microorganisms and different
Refractory periodontitis and diminished immune
host factors. The same microorganisms can lead to
host response (8) can be related to residual subgin-
different clinical forms of the disease (26).
gival pathogens (9, 10). Numerous studies have
Starting with the first investigations in the late
shown that mechanical debridement cannot effec-
1970s, the use of antibiotics in periodontal therapy
tively eliminate A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gin-
has been controversial. The value of antibiotic ther-
givalis, P. intermedia, B. forsythus, P. micros, enter-
apy has often been misinterpreted, overestimated or
obacteria and some other bacterial species (5, 6, 11,
over-simplified. In this article we will survey mod-
12-14). The reason is the ability of the mentioned
ern concepts of systemic antimicrobial therapy in
bacterial species to invade gingival epithelial cells
the treatment of periodontal diseases.
and subepithelial connective tissue (15-18). Cer-tain periodontal pathogens possess the ability torecolonise the tooth surfaces from the tongue, ton-
sillae and buccal mucosa which act as reservoirs(19). Targeted antimicrobial therapy could perhaps
Microscopic studies at the beginning of the last
suppress or eliminate residual periodontal pathogens,
century revealed the presence of large numbers of
and thus serve as an adjunct to conventional mechan-
spirochetes and amoebas in subgingival plaque (27,
ical therapy (20).
28). These microorganisms were held responsible
Microbial composition of subgingival plaque can
for the initiation of periodontal disease, and subse-
differ greatly between individual patients (21, 22).
quently neo-salvarsan and ementin were used as
Recent studies have shown that some subgingival
treatment. These anorganic arsenic drugs had very
bacteria, including Actinobacillus actinomycetem-
dangerous side effects. After them appeared pron-
comitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis, relatively
tosil, chemotherapeutic derived from artificial dyes,
rarely occur in healthy periodontium, and are able
one of its metabolites being sulfonamide. Sulfon-
to stimulate production of specific antibodies in
amides are still being used in medicine. The begin-
patients with periodontitis. These bacteria are exoge-
ning of the antibiotic era was Flemming's discov-
nous microorganisms and could represent true peri-
ery of Penicillium notatum mould producing a sub-
odontal infections (23). Atypical (non-oral) patho-
stance which inhibits Staphylococcus aureus growth.
genic enteric bacteria were isolated from some peri-
Since then numerous antibiotics have been discov-
odontal lesions, and present superinfections. Peri-
ered, which are used in medical or dental practice.
odontal infections caused by oral microorganisms
Although the advantages of antibiotic use in fight-
can be considered endogenous periodontal infec-
ing bacterial infection are huge, unwanted effects
tions. Knowing the type of periodontal infections
such as resistance, toxicity, sensitivity and interac-
is important when choosing appropriate antimicro-
tion with other medications are often encountered.
Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 38, br. 1, 2004.
A. Aurer and D. PlanËak
Antimicrobial Treatment of Periodontal Diseases
Traditionally, in periodontics antibiotics were
Most of the clinical studies only tested one
prescribed to patients not responding to conventional
antibiotic, instead of comparing different kinds of
mechanical treatment, or as an adjunct for peri-
antibiotics. Therefore it is very difficult to give one-
odontal surgical procedures. Initially, the choice of
sided, on scientific evidence-based recommendation
antibiotics was based on clinical experience and
for the choice of antibiotic treatment of certain peri-
mostly penicillins were used. Tetracycline hidrochlo-
odontal clinical conditions (26).
ride became widely used during the 1970s, and theadvantages of its usage were its broad antimicrobialspectrum and low systemic toxicity. First controlled
Antibiotics in periodontal therapy
clinical studies testing the effectiveness of antibi-otic therapy started in the late 1970s. Despite numer-ous investigations, it is still not clear which is the
most effective antibiotic in periodontology. In the
Tetracyclines are a group of broad-spectrum, bac-
literature, many different forms of antibiotic thera-
teriostatic antibiotics. They are the first antimicro-
py have been described, making the choice of antibi-
bial drugs which have been scientifically investi-
otics very difficult.
gated in periodontology. This group includes tetracy-cline hydrochloride, minocycline and doxycycline.
The concept of antimicrobial therapy
In their double-blind clinical studies, Rams and
Keyes (36) and McCulloch et al. (37), showed that
The aim of antimicrobial therapy is to stop peri-
systemic intake of tetracyclines statistically signifi-
odontal attachment loss, and as far as possible, to
cantly reduced probing pocket depth. The risk of the
maintain the soft tissue esthetics. This includes
occurrence of periodontal destruction after 7 months
removal of bacterial plaque and calculus from the
was decreased by 43%, and destruction was not
root surfaces, surgical access if needed, and oral
stopped in more than one third of the patients. Some
hygiene instructions and removal of local plaque
authors described the reappearance of the disease
retention factors.
after systemic tetracycline therapy (38, 39). Possi-ble cause of further disease progression are microor-
Systemic antimicrobial therapy in periodontol-
ganisms inadequately suppressed by tetracycline,
ogy is based on the fact that specific bacterial species
such as A. actinomycetemcomitans (40). Tetracycline
cause periodontal destruction and that it is possible
therapy could lead to superinfection with enteric bac-
to achieve bactericidal or bacteriostatic concentra-
teria, staphylococci or with Candida albicans (41-43).
tions of the antimicrobial substance in the peri-odontal pocket (29). In comparison with mechani-
It seems that the older studies showed benefi-
cal treatment or local delivery, systemically adminis-
cial effect against A. actinomycetemcomitans, while
tered antibiotics have several advantages. Through
newer studies do not support this. This can partly be
serum it is possible to influence microorganisms
explained by the higher resistance to these antibi-
(Table 1) in the furcation area, or at the bottom of
otics. Besides this, positive effects were observed in
a deep periodontal pocket, perhaps even bacteria
studies conducted in North america, where different
present in the epithelial or connective tissue of the
A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes are present
gingiva (30), or bacteria colonising oral mucosa or
with different virulence factors, than in Europe. We
extraoral locations (31, 32). Disadvantages of antibi-
did not find studies in the literature by European
otic therapy are possible adverse effects (Table 2)
authors showing beneficial effect of tetracyclines
against A. actinomycetemcomitans.
Since periodontal disease is not caused by one
Concerning the choice of tetracyclines, the advan-
microorganism, antibiotic usage for elimination of
tages of doxycycline are one daily dosage, rare gas-
one pathogenic species is not possible. In the best
trointestinal adverse effects, as well as normal cal-
case, antibiotics will suppress some subgingival bac-
cium absorption. Especially interesting is the usage
teria over a limited period of time (35).
of low-dosage doxycycline (20-30 mg) during 6-9
Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 38, br. 1, 2004.
A. Aurer and D. PlanËak
Antimicrobial Treatment of Periodontal Diseases
months. Clinical attachment gain has been proved,
without resistance occurrence or changes in normal
A member of the fluorquinolones, it is used in the
periodontal microflora (44). Besides the antimicro-
therapy of urinary infections. Ciprofloxacin is also
bial effect, doxycycline inhibits collagenase and
effective in the treatment of periodontal superinfec-
other matrix metalloproteinases, enzymes respon-
tions caused by enteric bacteria, pseudomonas or
sible for collagen degradation during periodontal
staphylococci. Clinical isolates of A. actinomyce-
infection, so its efficacy is partly due to this mech-
temcomitans are highly sensitive to ciprofloxacin
(49). Another positive aspect is its inactivity towards
Minocycline, as an adjunct to mechanical thera-
streptococci, whose presence in the subgingival area
py failed to eliminate A. actinomycetemcomitans in
is associated with periodontal health. Heightened
all patients, and the disease reoccurred in 25% of
streptococcal counts can postpone recolonisation of
the test subjects, despite regular check-ups every 3
the pathogenic bacterial species (50).
months (46).
It seems that the effect of tetracyclines is opti-
mal in patients with ‘refractory' chronic periodon-
Azithromycin is an antibiotic from the macrolide
titis, while it is not the best choice for treatment of
group, it exerts bacteriostatic activity by blocking
localised aggressive periodontitis, due to the weak
of bacterial proteins synthesis. The spectrum is broad
effect on A. actinomycetemcomitans the antibiotics
and covers gram-negative bacteria, including enteric
from this group have.
bacteria. Assessment of availability in periodontaltissues showed extremely high values in periodon-
tal tissues, crevicular fluid and saliva. Periodontal-ly inflamed tissues exhibit concentrations signifi-
Metronidazole is a synthetic nitroimidazole. Its
cantly higher than healthy periodontal tissues, which
action is bactericidal, acting on anaerobic bacteria,
is a very convenient characteristic of this antibiotic
including gram-negative rods and spirochetes, through
(51). Data from clinical investigations support the
DNA synthesis blocking. Due to the susceptibility
use of azithromycin in the treatment of advanced
of the spirochetes, it is effective in cases of necrotis-
chronic, or aggressive periodontitis (52).
ing periodontal diseases. It seems relatively ineffec-tive in the suppression of A. actinomycetemcomi-
tans. Periodontal abscesses can be successfuly treat-
Clindamycin is a pyranoside antibiotic similar to
ed with metronidazole, while for aggressive peri-
macrolides, with a broad antimicrobial spectrum.
odontitis treatment its antimicrobial spectrum is not
Efficacy of clindamycin has been tested in several
wide enough (47).
clinical studies (53, 54). This drug has stopped attach-ment loss in a high number of patients and increased
the number of sites with the attachment gain, even
Penicillins inhibit bacterial cell-wall synthesis,
in patients who had already undertaken unsuccess-
and the antimicrobial spectrum of natural penicillins
ful antibiotic therapy. Resistance to clindamycin of
is narrow. Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin
certain A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis
with broadened antimicrobial spectrum, and is used
serotypes was described (55). Because of the pos-
in periodontology because it is effective against
sibility of dangerous side-effects, as well as the occur-
some subgingival bacterial species such as P. micros
rence of resistance of certain subgingival microor-
and A. actinomycetemcomitans as well. It can be used
ganisms to this medicaton, it is not the first-choice
in cases of acute infections, although it is most com-
antibiotic used in the treatment of periodontal dis-
monly used in combination with metronidazole.
Amoxicillin in combination with clavulonic acid is
It can be concluded that antibiotic monothera-
indicated in the presence of oral bacteria capable
py, with one medication as an adjunct to the mechan-
of producing β-lactamase (48).
ical therapy, has a favourable influence on the com-
Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 38, br. 1, 2004.
A. Aurer and D. PlanËak
Antimicrobial Treatment of Periodontal Diseases
position of bacterial microflora and reduction in the
apy, or in cases of disease reactivation during the
number of active periodontal pockets. Clinical im-
supportive phase of therapy, occurring despite good
provement is a result of the total bacterial load sup-
oral hygiene and repeated mechanical subgingival
pression, and the changes in the composition of the
instrumentation. One of the combinations effective
subginigival bacterial microflora. Due to the complex
in the prevention of recurrent periodontitis in high-
composition of the subgingival bacterial microflo-
risk individuals is doxycycline and metronidazole
ra, such a form of antibiotic therapy is often ineffec-
tive in eliminating exogenous bacterial pathogens.
Systemic antimicrobial therapy in periodontal
Combined and serial antibiotic therapy
Subgingival microflora in periodontal diseases
The main candidates for antibiotic therapy are
includes different pathogenic bacteria possessing
periodontal patients, in which conventional mechan-
differential sensitivity to antimicrobials, so the use
ical therapy does not arrest further disease progres-
of two or more antibiotics presents a useful option
sion. The use of antibiotics is also indicated in patients
in the treatment of these diseases. The advantages
with localised aggressive periodontitis or other forms
of combined antibiotic therapy are broadened spec-
of early-onset disease, as well as in patients with sys-
trum of antimicrobial activity, occurence od syner-
temic disease influencing the periodontitis. In patients
gistic activity (Table 3) (56) and prevention of bac-
with acute or recurrent periodontal infections, like
terial resistance development. Disadvantages of such
periodontal abscesses, acute necrotizing gingivitis
a treatment are elevated incidence of adverse effects.
or periodontitis (62) or periimplantitis (63), systemic
Metronidazole in combination with amoxicillin
medication of antibiotics can lead to clinical improve-
or ciprofloxacin has been successfuly used in the
ment. Patients with stable periodontitis can profit
treatment of advanced periodontitis, especially infec-
from antimicrobial therapy minimally or for a short
tions with A. actinomycetemcomitans (9, 39, 57, 58).
Metronidazole and amoxicillin in vitro act synergis-
Microbiological analysis should be performed
tically on A. actinomycetemcomitans. Combination
after conventional mechanical therapy has been fin-
of metronidazole with amoxicillin or amoxicillin and
ished, in order to assess the need for antibiotic ther-
clavulonic acid can eliminate A. actinomyctemco-mitans and other periodontal pathogens from the
apy. It should include antimicrobial susceptibility
periodontal pockets for at least two years (57, 59).
testing on specific antimicrobials. The microbial test-
Metronidazole and ciprofloxacin can be effective in
ing should be repeated 1-3 months after the antibi-
mixed periodontal infections, such as the presence
otic administration, not only to check if elimination
of anaerobes, A. actinomycetemcomitans, enteric bac-
or marked suppression of the pathogens occurred,
teria and pseudomonades (58, 59). As this combina-
but also to monitor for possible superinfections (23,
tion is ineffective against most gram-positive, fac-
ultative anaerobic bacteria, it can facilitate strepto-
Microbial sampling of individual or several com-
coccal colonisation of the pockets which have no
bined active pockets is conducted. The sample com-
periodontally pathogenic potential (60).
bined from more pockets gives a better insight in the
Serial use of antibiotics is indicated for a combi-
spectrum of periodontal pathogens that need to be
nation of antibiotics, in which one has bactericidal
acted upon through antimicrobial therapy. Repre-
and the other bacteriostatic activity. Combined admin-
sentative subgingival sample is obtained by com-
istration would lead to antagonistic effects and ther-
bining samples from the deepest pocket bleeding
apeutical failure. This form of systemic antimicro-
or showing suppuration, from each quadrant (66). The
bial therapy should be used in especially severe cases
samples can be taken by means of sterile curettes
of recurrent or refractory periodontitis, where attach-
or paper points, and the samples should immediately
ment loss was not arrested despite careful initial ther-
be put into the reduced transport media (67).
Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 38, br. 1, 2004.
A. Aurer and D. PlanËak
Antimicrobial Treatment of Periodontal Diseases
of the disease. Systemic antimicrobial therapy isindicated in cases of disease where the periodontal
The value of systemic antibiotic use in arresting
destruction continued, despite thoroughly performed
disease progression has been investigated in numer-
mechanical therapy. In patients from high-risk groups,
ous studies. It was shown that it can improve the
such as aggressive forms of periodontitis or peri-
treatment outcome, as an adjunct to therapy. Seri-
odontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease, the
ous adverse effects such as the development of antibi-
use of antibiotics is indicated as an adjunct to scal-
otic resistance and growth of opportunistic microor-
ing and root planing. Antibiotics are never indicat-
ganisms do not support the concept of routine use
ed in the treatment of chronic gingivitis.
of antibiotics in the treatment of chronic, adult forms
Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 38, br. 1, 2004.
Dental Research Journal Original ArticleTitanium nanotubes stimulate osteoblast differentiation of stem cells from pulp and adipose tissue Alfonso Pozio1, Annalisa Palmieri2, Ambra Girardi3, Francesca Cura3, Francesco Carinci21ENEA, IDROCOMB, C.R. Casaccia, Rome, 2Department of Medical-Surgical Sciences of Communication and Behavior, Section of Maxillofacial and
Program Abstracts included drowsiness/tiredness (3), increased appetite/weight gain (2), Background: Recent studies involving Theobroma cacao have shown mood swings (2) and worsening of headache (2). Flunarizine was promise in the treatment of a variety of disorders. However, most discontinued in 17: due to adverse effects in 8 and poor response in 9. research involving the beneficial effects of cocoa has been limited to