"E" - Medical Centers:

Articulos pubmed ao 2005

ARTICULOS PUBMED AÑO 2005 1. ASUNTO: RIÑONES TRANSPLANTE RENAL EN NIÑOS CON DISFUNCION VESICAL SEVERA Autores: Mendizábal S; Estornell F; Zamora I; Sabater A, Ibarra FG y Simón J, del Servicio de Nefrología Pediátrica y Urología Pediátrica del Hospital La Fe de Valencia. Fuentes: Entrez-Pubmed, J Urol, enero de 2005. OBJETIVO: El transplante renal en niños con disfunción vesical conlleva un riesgo para el injerto renal. Nosotros informamos de nuestra experiencia con el transplante en 15 pacientes de 6 a 18 años con anormalidades severas del tracto urinario inferior. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Un total 18 transplantes renales se realizaron en 15 niños con disfunción vesical secundaria a mielomeningocele (3); espina bífida oculta (1), malformación/agenesis del sacro (5), válvulas uretrales posteriores (4), hipospadias femenino (1) y extrofia vesical (1) entre 1979 y 2003. La cirugía urológica se realizó antes del transplante en 14 casos- 7 aumentos vesicales, 5 conductos o reservorios urinarios incontinentes y 2 vesicostomías. El vaciado se obtenía mediante la cateterización intermitente en 9 casos y mediante ostomías incontinentes en 6. El implante de injerto se realizó por vía extraperitoneal con anastomosis ureteral a la vejiga nativa en casos de aumento vesical. La immunosupresión consistió en tiple terapia con anticuerpos policlonales y monoclonales. RESULTADOS: Las complicaciones urológicas consistieron en obstrucción uretral debido a hipersecreción mucosa (1), fístula urinaria (1), obstrucción ureterovesical (1), formación de piedras (3), incrustación del tracto urinario mediante la bacteria corine (1) y pielonefritis (2). Las proporciones de supervivencia del injerto fueron a los 1 y 5 años del 77% y 62%, respectivamente, con una media de 79 meses (95% CI 51 a 107). 3 pérdidas de injertos se relacionaron con enfermedades urológicas. CONCLUSIONES: El transplante renal en niños con severa disfunción vesical puede lograr resultados similares a aquellos obtenidos en la población en general. La selección meticulosa de los pacientes y las técnicas reparativas quirúrgicas que aseguran el vaciado y control adecuado de las infecciones urinarias son obligatorias. El aumento cistoplástico y la cateterización intermitente son técnicas apropiadas actualmente utilizadas para lograr este resultado.

Diario oficial de la república de chile

DIARIO OFICIAL DE LA REPUBLICA DE CHILE Nº 40.549 Viernes 3 de Mayo de 2013 Cuerpo I - 3 Contacol, en orden a prorrogar la fecha de cumpli- Que, la elaboración del anteproyecto de la norma investigación astronómica, permitiendo a esta zona miento de lo dispuesto en el artículo 45 del decreto ha de iniciarse mediante resolución dictada al efecto


AÑO XXXII Núm. 84 2 de mayo de 2013 III.- OTRAS DISPOSICIONES Y ACTOS Consejería de Empleo y Economía Orden de 18/04/2013, de la Consejería de Empleo y Economía, por la que se aprueba la convocatoria para el ejercicio 2013, de las ayudas recogidas en el Decreto 97/2012, de 19 de julio, por el que se establecen en el


Gum Disease - In-Depth Report - NY Times Health Gum Disease In-Depth Report Periodontal disease refers to a group of problems that arise in the sulcus, the gap between the gum and the tooth. WHAT IS THE PERIODONTIUM? The part of the mouth that consists of the gum and supporting structures is called the periodontium. It is made up of the following parts:

Regularities in data from factorial experiments

Regularities in Data from Factorial XIANG LI,1 NANDAN SUDARSANAM,2 AND DANIEL D. FREY1,2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1Department of Mechanical Engineering; and 2Engineering Systems Division, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 This paper was submitted as an invited paper resulting from the "Understanding Complex Systems" conference held at the University of Illinois–Urbana Champaign, May 2005


RESOLUCIÓN 05-03-ARCOTEL-2016 EL DIRECTORIO DE LA AGENCIA DE REGULACIÓN Y CONTROL DE LAS Que, el artículo 226 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador dispone que: "Las instituciones del Estado, sus organismos, dependencias, las servidoras o servidores públicos y las personas que actúen en virtud de una potestad estatal ejercerán solamente las competencias y facultades que les sean atribuidas en la Constitución y la Ley. Tendrán el deber de coordinar acciones para el cumplimiento de sus fines y hacer

Antiobesity pharmacotherapy: new drugs and emerging targets

nature publishing group state art Antiobesity Pharmacotherapy: New Drugs and Emerging TargetsGW Kim1, JE Lin1, ES Blomain1 and SA Waldman1 Obesity is a growing pandemic, and related health and economic costs are staggering. Pharmacotherapy, partnered with lifestyle modifications, forms the core of current strategies to reduce the burden of this disease and its sequelae. However, therapies targeting weight loss have a significant history of safety risks, including cardiovascular and psychiatric events. Here, evolving strategies for developing antiobesity therapies, including targets, mechanisms, and developmental status, are highlighted. Progress in this field is underscored by Belviq (lorcaserin) and Qsymia (phentermine/topiramate), the first agents in more than 10 years to achieve regulatory approval for chronic weight management in obese patients. On the horizon, novel insights into metabolism and energy homeostasis reveal guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) signaling circuits as emerging targets for antiobesity pharmacotherapy. These innovations in molecular discovery may elegantly align with practical off-the-shelf approaches, leveraging existing approved drugs that modulate cGMP levels for the management of obesity.


SPINE Volume 28, Number 17, pp 1978–1992©2003, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Muscle Relaxants for Nonspecific Low Back Pain:A Systematic Review Within the Framework of theCochrane Collaboration Maurits W. van Tulder, PhD,*† Tony Touray, MD,* Andrea D. Furlan, MD,‡Sherra Solway, MSc, BSc (PT),‡ and Lex M. Bouter, PhD* Study Design. A systematic review of randomized


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European Journal of Medicine, 2014, Vol.(6), № 4 Copyright © 2014 by Academic Publishing House Researcher Published in the Russian Federation European Journal of Medicine Has been issued since 2013. E-ISSN: 2310-3434 Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 226-240, 2014 DOI: 10.13187/ejm.2014.6.226 Diabetes and Antidiabetic Herbal Formulations: An Alternative to Allopathy


Table of Contents Ⅰ. Overview of Training Program -------------------------------1 1. Purpose of Training Program -------------------------------1 2. Principles of Training Program ----------------------------1 3. Session Overview ------------------------------------------2 4. Training Period -------------------------------------------2 5. Weekly Schedule for In-service Training -------------------3


Buss-SMS-Canzler is a leading inter- More than 500 dryers national supplier of thermal separa- tion solutions for difficult products For more than 50 years we have sup- and mixtures. plied different types of dryers, adap- We are the world's leading supplier ted to a large variety of applications of thin film evaporation technology, throughout the world, currently more

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor Ziprasidone-Induced Angioedema: A Case Report direct potential y life-threatening immunologic response to zipra- sidone. A limitation of our report is the absence of an intradermal Sir: Ziprasidone is an antipsychotic agent that is general y well skin test that could have conclusively implicated ziprasidone as the


Crusted Scabies in Remote Aboriginal Communities2014 EDITIONChronic disease case management of crusted scabies to break the cycle of recurrences and transmission Document prepared by: Program design and people empowerment CRUSTED SCABIES AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE A severe form of scabies, caused when an individual's immune system is not able to control mite Hyper-infection develops, often with up to a million or more scabies mites. This is compared with 5-10


Regions Working for New Zealand across the economy Photo: Rob Tucker table of contents Natural Resources The sky's the limit - Southland's innovative space programme Southland's rich mineral deposits Rotorua adding value to forestry Oil and gas in Taranaki Education and Skills Taranaki educating for Health and Safety Priority One is supporting coastal sciences

Microsoft word - 09-2013 cbmanaplasmosis

Be on the lookout for anaplasmosis in cattle Carla L. Huston, DVM, PhD, ACVPM Dept. of Pathobiology and Population Medicine Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine Submitted to Cattle Business Magazine, Sept. 2013 For most of the southeastern US, this has not been an unusually hot or dry summer;


THE GLOBAL PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Sarah Holland* and Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo** The case looks at the development of the ethical pharmaceutical industry. The various forces affectingthe discovery, development, production, distribution and marketing of prescription drugs are discussedin terms of their origins and recent developments. Readers are then invited to consider trends for thefuture.


PARASITIC MITES OF HUMANS M ichael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist M ites are very small arthropods which are closely Persons walking in chigger-infested areas can be related to ticks. M ite larvae have six legs whereas the protected by treating clothing (cuffs, socks, waistline, nymphal and adult stages have eight. M ost species of sleeves) or exposed skin with tick repellents. Some


Gastroenterol. latinoam 2009; Vol 20, Nº 4: 301-307 Gastritis necrotizante: Caso clínico Francisco Barrera M.(1), Paulina Cuevas M.(2), María Eugenia Morales F.(1),Carlos Wong A.(3), Vania Van der Linde(4), Gonzalo Méndez O.(4),Sergio González B.(4) y Arnoldo Riquelme P.(1) NECROTIZING GASTRITIS: CASE REPORT Necrotizing gastritis is an infrequent severe pathology. The rich vascular supply and

Srh annual report 2015

KINGDOM OF SWAZILAND MINISTRY OF HEALTH ANNUAL NATIONAL SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH PROGRAM REPORT Monitoring & Evaluation Unit Strategic Information Department This publication was produced with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of MEASURE Evaluation cooperative agreement AID-0AA-L-14-00004. Views expressed are not necessarily those

Microsoft word - shahab ijicsv9.doc

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND SYSTEMS VOL. 14, NO. 1, MARCH 2009, 33-40 Understanding the Role of Liver Zonation in Toxin Elimination Shahab SHEIKH-BAHAEI, Sean H. J. KIM, Shahriar SHEIKHBAHAEI and C. Anthony HUNT Abstract- Using game theory and reinforcement learning, we responsible for eliminating toxins and xenobiotics (includ-


European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 3(1), 49–59 © European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity, 2010 FREEZING OF GAIT IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE: IMPACT ON FALLS RISK, WALKING AIDS UTILIZATION, AND ASSISTANCE-SEEKING BEHAVIOUR Ehab Georgy Senior Physiotherapist, Hampshire Community Health Care, United Kingdom


Acoso Moral o Psicoterror Laboral y sus repercusiones en las personas y la productividad laboral. Resumen: El acoso moral o psicoterror laboral es una de las patologías que más daños producen a las personas trabajadoras así como al rendimiento de las compañías, instituciones y organizaciones, que permiten este tipo de estrategias de abuso


the year in science Two of the biggest breakthroughs of this leap year relied on breathtaking amounts of data. The ENCODE project has generated 15 terabytes of data over the past five years to uncover the functions of human DNA sequences; CERN has stored 26 petabytes of data this year alone from its Large Hadron Collider, as physicists worked to prove the existence

Mema non-wood forest product baseline survey cowi april 20…

MEMA - Natural Woodlands Management Project Iringa, Tanzania Non-Wood Forest Product Baseline Survey COWI in association with Danish Forestry Extension Regulus Consult MEMA - Natural Woodlands Management Project Iringa, Tanzania Non-Wood Forest Product Baseline Survey Henry Joseph Ndangalasi and Lars Wollesen Søren Skou Rasmussen Morten C. Andersen

Ta115 drug misuse - naltrexone: full guidance

Issue date: January 2007 Review date: March 2010 Naltrexone for the management of opioid dependence NICE technology appraisal guidance 115 NICE technology appraisal guidance 115 Naltrexone for the management of opioid dependence Ordering information You can download the following documents from www.nice.org.uk/TA115


IJREAS VOLUME 5, ISSUE 8 (August, 2015) (ISSN 2249-3905) International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IMPACT FACTOR – 5.981) King of Desert (Prosopis) : A source of potential medicinal values in Arid Zone of India: Review Dr.Surbhi Rajvanshi1, Dr.Veena Garg2


Les 7 centres de vaccination (27-31.10 ) Halte à la grippe a (H1n1) Die 7 impfzentren os 7 centros de vacinação Centre scolaire et sportif 9a, av. nicolas Kreins Première phase de vaccination réservée aux personnes prioritaires du 27 au 31 octobre 2009 Centre culturel Aal Seeërei rue de l'industrie Pourquoi se faire vacciner ?


Evaluación de DocuMenea, sistema de promoción social de noticias de biblioteconomía y documentación Evaluación de DocuMenea, sistema de promoción social de noticias de biblioteconomía y documentación Por Daniel Torres-Salinas y Javier Guallar Resumen: Uno de los servicios más populares de la Web 2.0 son las plataformas de promoción social de noticias. En el en-torno hispanoamericano quizá el más conocido sea Menéame; utilizando su código abierto se creó DocuMenea con las mis-mas características pero circunscrito exclusivamente al ám-bito de la Biblioteconomía y Documentación. En este trabajo se presenta una evaluación de este servicio desde su creación en noviembre del año 2006 hasta diciembre de 2008. Como resultados se obtiene que se envió un total de 2.166 noticias de las que 1.610 fueron publicadas. El servicio cuenta con 582 usuarios con una participación desigual ya el 74% nunca ha enviado ninguna noticia y el 91% no ha votado en ninguna ocasión. Temáticamente se identificaron cuatro ejes: Google, bibliotecas, redes sociales/web 2.0 y el libro. Finalmente se Daniel Torres-Salinas es


This Accepted Manuscript has not been copyedited and formatted. The final version may differ from this version. Research Article: New Research Sensory and Motor Systems Effects of fluoxetine and visual experience on glutamatergic andGABAergic synaptic proteins in adult rat visual cortex Effects of fluoxetine in adult rat V1 Simon Beshara , Brett R Beston

Microsoft word - blue_laws_120109.docx

Do Consumers Exploit Precommitment Opportunities? Evidence from Natural Experiments Involving Liquor Consumption B. Douglas Bernheim Stanford University and National Bureau of Economic Research Texas A&M University We are grateful to Jennifer Doleac, Mark Hoekstra, Michael Lovenheim, Harvey Rosen, Jeremy West, and William Gui Woolston for valuable comments. Numerous state alcohol board agents, law librarians, and legislative assistants contributed clarification on data issues. Jillian Carr, Ma-rio Garza, Mustafa Karakaplan, Xander Slaski, and Zhihao Zhang provided able research assis-tance.

Following evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance in real time

Following evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance in real timeAdam Z Rosenthal & Michael B Elowitz A new study reports the development of the ‘morbidostat', a device that allows for continuous culture of bacteria under a constant drug selection pressure using computer feedback control of antibiotic concentration. This device, together with bacterial whole-genome sequencing, allowed the authors to follow the evolution of resistance-conferring mutations in Escherichia coli populations in real time, providing support for deterministic evolution of resistance in some situations.


Prevention of Type 2 DiabetesInsulin Resistance and ␤-Cell FunctionJ.-L. Chiasson and Re ´ mi Rabasa-Lhoret Type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide in epidemic pro- (2– 4). Type 2 diabetes will certainly be one of the major portions. Its associated morbidity and mortality is impos- diseases of the 21st century and should be recognized as a

Haloperidol in palliative care

Pal iative Medicine 2004; 18: 195¡/201 Haloperidol in palliative careJane Vella-Brincat and AD (Sandy) Macleod Nurse Maude Hospice, Christchurch Haloperidol is one of 20 'essential‘ medications in palliative care. Its use is widespread inpalliative care patients. The pharmacology of haloperidol is complex and the extent andseverity of some of its adverse effects, particularly extrapyramidal adverse effects (EPS),may be related to the route of administration. Indications for the use of haloperidol inpalliative care are nausea and vomiting and delirium. Adverse effects include EPS and QTprolongation. Sedation is not a common adverse effect of haloperidol. It is important thatpalliative care practitioners have a comprehensive understanding of the indications, doses,adverse effects and pharmacology of haloperidol. This review is intended to address theseissues. Pal iative Medicine 2004; 18: 195¡/201


Yonsei Med J 53(4):842-848, 2012 pISSN: 0513-5796, eISSN: 1976-2437 Fluoxetine Protects against Big Endothelin-1 Induced Anti-Apoptosis by Rescuing Kv1.5 Channels in Human Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cel s FeiFeng Dai, ZhiFu Mao, Jun Xia, ShaoPing Zhu, and ZhiYong Wu Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

Low-dose naltrexone for disease prevention and quality of life

Medical Hypotheses xxx (2008) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at Medical Hypotheses Low-dose naltrexone for disease prevention and quality of life Norman Brown a,*, Jaak Panksepp b a Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, United Statesb Department of VCAPP, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, P.O. Box 646520, Pullman, WA 99164-6520, United States

Eneonatal review newsletter, volume 10, issue 7

eNeonatal Review VOLUME 10, ISSUE 7 TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR GERD IN NEONATES In this Issue. Length of Activity Gastroesophageal reflux (GER), the passage of gastric contents into the esophagus, is 1.0 hour Physicians common in neonates and infants. Regurgitation with clinical y significant sequelae 1.0 contact hour Nurses


Job Creation and This Report has been prepared by the Competitiveness Working Group of the European Round Table, inspired by the findings of an ERT Colloquium on "Job Creation through Innovation and Competitiveness" hosted in Brussels on 19 May 1998 by Baron Daniel Janssen on behalf of the ERT. The Colloquium addressed a distinguished audience of senior decision-makers drawn from governments,


ANNUAL REVIEW 2015 EUROPEAN CASE-LAW © ELZABURU, S.L.P. Madrid 2016 ANNUAL REVIEW 2015 EUROPEAN CASE-LAW E L Z A B U R U Estab 1865 Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives (by-nc-nd) This work is provided under the terms of Creative Commons AttributionNonComercial-No-Derivs 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/)


FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Arrives In Dubai Healthcare CityHair loss can be upsetting, embarrassing and even distressing, and it is a problem shared by both men and women, although manifesting itself in different ways. Over the years many solutions have been developed to combat hair loss and to restore thinning areas of hair, each with a greater or lesser degree of success. However, contemporary hair transplantation employing FUE technology has been demonstrated to produce the most satisfying and permanent results.


Disponible en ligne sur www.sciencedirect.com Gyne´cologie Obste´trique & Fertilite´ 36 (2008) 176–182 Psychosomatique et sexualite´ Facteurs associe´s a une initiation sexuelle pre´coce chez les filles : donne´es franc¸aises de l'enqueˆte internationale Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)/OMS Factors associated with early sexual initiation: French data from the

G09-066 912.918

Identifying commercially relevant Echinaceaspecies by AFLP molecular markers Luigi Russi, Chiaraluce Moretti, Lorenzo Raggi, Emidio Albertini, and EgiziaFalistocco Abstract: The rising interest in medicinal plants has brought several species of the genus Echinacea to the attention ofmany scientists. Echinacea angustifolia, E. pallida, and E. purpurea are the most important for their immunological prop-erties, well known and widely used by the native Americans. The three species are easily distinguishable on the basis oftheir morphological characteristics, but it would be difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish them in commercial prepara-tions of ground, dry plant parts of E. purpurea (the most valuable species for chemotherapeutic properties) mixed with theother two species. Species-specific molecular markers could be useful to address this issue. In the present work, usingfresh material collected from cultivated Echinacea spp., AFLP analysis was used to discriminate the three species and todetect species-specific DNA fragments. By using 14 primer combinations it was possible to detect a total of 994 frag-ments, of which 565 were polymorphic. Overall, 89 fragments were unique to E. purpurea, 32 to E. angustifolia, and 26to E. pallida. E+CAC/M+AAT or E+CAC/M+AGC alone provided 13, 9, and 4 or 7, 5, and 5 specific fragments forE. purpurea, E. angustifolia, and E. pallida, respectively. A validation trial to confirm the results was carried out onbulked samples of 23 accessions covering most of the genetic diversity of the three species. The results are discussed interms of practical applications in the field of popular medicine, detecting frauds, and implications for the genus Echina-cea.

Probation focus cover october 2014_layout

OCTOBER 2014 Secretary of State The Essex CRC Newsletter for the Courts Minister of Justice Second partnershipevent takes place inBasildon Look who's taking the‘Ice Bucket Challenge' Statistics show amarked rise in drugsdeaths Page 1 OCTOBER 2014 Notes from MARY ARCHER, OBE

Easyangin lutschtabletten

Gebrauchsinformation: Information für Patienten easybronchial STOP JUNIOR 1,5 mg/ml Sirup Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen. Nehmen Sie dieses Arzneimittel immer genau wie in dieser Packungsbeilage beschrieben bzw. genau nach Anweisung Ihres Arztes oder Apothekers ein.


Extracts from the following websites have been used in compiling this • Cardiac Infarction information. Web links are provided below, however, original textsare zipped up into this file: • Heartbeat (irregular) Liver (fatty degeneration) • Lungs (reduces bronchial spasms) • Intestines (regulates activity)• Stomach Ulcers (normalizes gastric juices) The Budwig Diet by


Relations Homme-Animal Quoi de neuf ? Glasgow en Ecosse est depuis des siècles un lieu de rencontres et d'échanges, centré notamment autour de son université (1450) et du célèbre Collège de Médecine Vétérinaire (1863), devenu faculté en 1949. Glasgow fut aussi l'un des centres importants de l'Art Nouveau, grâce à ses architectes-décorateurs, dont le célèbre Mackintosh. La ville, qui porte toujours les traces de son riche passé industriel (notamment naval), se donne peu à peu un nouveau visage, à grands coups de rénovations urbaines. Ainsi en est-il du « Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre », bâti sur les anciens docks le long de la rivière Clyde et dont la structure audacieuse ne va pas sans rappeler celle de l'Opéra de Sydney. C'est là que s'est tenue, du 6 au 9 octobre dernier, la 10ème Conférence Internationale sur les Relations Homme-Animal, avec pour thème


Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 58, No. 19, 2011 © 2011 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 Published by Elsevier Inc. Heart Rhythm Disorders Cardiovascular Outcomes in theAFFIRM Trial (Atrial FibrillationFollow-Up Investigation of Rhythm Management) An Assessment of Individual Antiarrhythmic Drug TherapiesCompared With Rate Control With Propensity Score-Matched Analyses

Ensuite - kulturmagazin // kulturagenda.ch 2010

Zürcher Kulturagenda Zürcher Kulturagenda 39 Agenda-Titelseite: Club x-tra, Zü rich 7. Februar, 21:00 h ensuite - kulturmagazin Nr. 86 Februar 2010 40 Zürcher Kulturagenda level the vibes casa bar, münstergasse 30, zürich BÜHNE / THEATER stall 6, gessnerallee 8, zürich / 21:00 jugendkulturhaus dynamo, wasserwerk-


JOURNAL OF GINSENG RESEARCH AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS Journal of Ginseng Research (JGR) is an official, open access journal of the Korean Society of Ginseng and is the only international journal publishing scholarly reports on ginseng research in the world. The journal is a quarterly peer-reviewed publication featuring high-quality studies related to basic,


APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Mar. 2008, p. 1394–1401 0099-2240/08/$08.00⫹0 doi:10.1128/AEM.01463-07Copyright © 2008, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Two Different Tetracycline Resistance Mechanisms, Plasmid-Carried tet(L) and Chromosomally Located Transposon-Associated tet(M), Coexist in Lactobacillus sakei Rits 9䌤


A Patient This guide aims to outline why antidepressants(or other treatments) may be recommended by yourdoctor and also provides information about how theyshould be used. What is depression?Feeling unhappy and depressed is part of the range of normal andunderstandable human emotions, often as a result of difficultcircumstances and happenings in our lives. Everyone knows how it feelsto feel sad and low. Some people find that their low mood becomes sosevere that it affects their usual ability to function, for example look afterthemselves, in their home or at work. Normally pleasurable activities feeldifficult and are not enjoyed. Sleep may be disturbed and appetite oftenreduced. Similarly the ability to concentrate on simple tasks like readingor watching the television can be difficult. Everyday thoughts are oftenbleak and thoughts of hopelessness and even suicide may be present.If such symptoms last for over a couple of weeks it is quite likely thatthe person is suffering from depression.

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Heavy-Duty Camera Solutions MVRD1000Digital Radio System Digital Radio SystemMVRD1000 The MVRD1000 digital communication unit is a robust transmitter/receiver system for wireless image transmission. The compact units trans-mit the digital signals from a camera quickly andwithout delay to the monitor over long distances. Up to 10 device pairs operated in parallel offer high vehicle adaptation and visibility fl exibility.

Diabetes: a therapeutic framework

DIABETES MELLITUS Understanding Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and Disease Progression Buge Apampa PhD MRPharmS Some Questions to start off! 1. How many people are expected to have diabetes in the UK by 2025? [5m] 2. What is the estimated hourly cost of diabetes to 3. How many diabetic patients are dying avoidably each year? [24,000]


Federal State Scientific-Industrial Company for Immunobiological Medicines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation MICROGEN is a first-rate company in Russian medical industry with leading role in development and production of immunobiological preparations, diagnosticums and drugs. Priority in company's work is given to production of vaccines for dangerous infectious diseases,


16th October 2015 / Issue 131 About this bulletin This bulletin contains important information for practice managers, including requests for information and deadlines, as well as updates on issues relating to GP contracts. Copies of the bulletins and attachments are available on our website – If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback, please contact the Primary Care Team for Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Devon Cornwall and Isles of Scilly by emailing:


CASE REPORT online © ML Comm J Neurocrit Care 2012;5:30-32 Olanzapine-Induced Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy: Hyo Jeong Kim, MD, Dong Wook Kim, MD, Dong Joo Yun, MD, Gun-Sei Oh, MD and Sang Hyun Jang, MD Department of Neurology, Eulji University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea Antipsychotic medications are associated with increased risks of metabolic abnormalities. We present a 44-year-old woman with under-lying bipolar disorder who had been treated with atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine. After taking 50 mg olanzapine to commit suicide, she developed altered mentality. The serum glucose level was 15 mg/dL and she was treated with glucose infusion immediately. Brain MRI findings were compatible with hypoglycemic encephalopathy. Olanzapine may induce serious hypoglycemia, even in the absence of any risk factors of hypoglycemia.


El coaching somático la inteligencia del cuerpo en movimiento © Éditions Valeurs d'Avenir, 2012 Le Code de la propriété intellectuelle n'autorisant, au terme de l'article L 122-5, 2e et 3e art, d'une part, que les « copies et reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective » et, d'autre part, que les analyses et courtes


Mol Biol Rep (2013) 40:681–686 Structural biology of mite allergens Received: 1 August 2012 / Accepted: 3 October 2012 / Published online: 9 October 2012Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012 Mite allergens contribute to a significant pro- of allergens The production of therapies against these portion of human allergic symptoms, including asthma and allergens, to alleviate or eliminate allergic symptoms,

Microsoft word - dew point enquiry a0330 - wash in schools review

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in schools DEW Point Enquiry No. A0330 A DEW Point Report March 2010 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in schools Sue Cavill, DFID Water and Sanitation Team Client contract No: DEW Point, The Old Mill • Blisworth Hill Barns • Stoke Road • Blisworth • Northampton, • NN7 3DB • UK


Activating Digital Opinion Leaders How the Internet, Social Media and Mobile Channels are Changing the Key Opinion Leader and Advocate Environment A guide for pharmaceutical communicators and marketers Activating Digital Opinion Leaders © 2012 Creation Healthcare Activating Digital Opinion Leaders Introduction Earlier this month I presented a session at KOL & MSL Best Practice conference in Basel, Switzerland. The conference focused on pharmaceutical companies' work with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and the role of Medical Science Liaisons, and I had been invited to speak on how new channels like the Internet, social media and mobile are changing the KOL environment.


NCIC Missing Person File Agency Case # Data Collection Entry Guide PRINT or SAVE form before clicking RESET. Table of Contents Categories for Entry into the Missing Person File 2 NCIC INITIAL ENTRY REPORT MEDICAL INFORMATION Authorization to Release Medical Records PERSONAL DESCRIPTORS