Nicd special communique november

Volume 8, No. 11 Additional Issue (1)
Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) 2009: New case confirmed in a traveller to South Africa
Although there has been a decline in local transmis-
influenza A(H1N1) activity. Treatment with
sion of pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 in recent
oseltamivir and broad-spectrum antibiotics was
weeks, it remains important for clinicians to continue
to suspect pandemic H1N1 infection in patients pre-
senting with influenza-like-il ness (ILI), especially in
As of 2 November 2009, a total of 12 619 cases and
individuals with a recent history of travel. In this
91 deaths have been laboratory-confirmed in South
special communiqué we provide an update on the
Africa. Fol owing the peak in case frequency during
international and South African situations, the
August, we have observed a decline in the number
vaccine for pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009, and
of newly confirmed cases (Figure). The last local y
advice to travel ers.
acquired infections were identified on 5 October
2009; and currently there does not appear to be
International situation update
local transmission of pandemic H1N1 virus in South
Worldwide there have been more than 440 000
Africa. There is, however, ongoing monitoring
laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza A
through the influenza surveil ance programmes (visit
(H1N1) 2009 and over 5 700 deaths reported to for details on the current situation).
WHO from April to 25 October 2009. In the
temperate zones of the northern hemisphere,
The recent case described here highlights the impor-
influenza transmission continues to intensify, mark-
tance of sustained vigilance by clinicians to maintain
ing an unusual y early start to winter influenza
a high index of suspicion for pandemic influenza A
season in some countries. In particular, significant
(H1N1), especial y in travel ers from the northern
numbers of cases are being reported from North
hemisphere. Pandemic influenza A(H1N1) must be
America, Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle-
included in the differential diagnosis of travel ers with
East, as wel as Western and Central Asia, where
pneumonia, and especial y in patients presenting
pandemic A(H1N1) 2009 virus is the predominant
with ARDS. Pregnant women, persons with chronic
cause of high rates of ILI (visit
cardiac and respiratory conditions, morbid obesity,
disease/swineflu/updates/en/index.html for a
diabetes, and those with immunosuppressive condi-
detailed update).
tions (including HIV) remain at increased risk for
South Africa situation update: New case
identified in a traveller to South Africa
Throat and nasal swabs (submitted in viral transport
Pandemic influenza A(H1N1) was confirmed on 1
medium and marked for influenza testing) should be
November 2009 in a female patient, resident in the
col ected from al inbound travel ers from the
United Arab Emirates, who travel ed to South Africa
northern hemisphere presenting with severe acute
on 29 October and presented with an ILI on 31
respiratory il ness (including ARDS), as wel as
October 2009. This patient is 33 weeks pregnant
those at increased risk for severe disease
and has a history of rheumatic heart disease. presenting with ILI. Treatment with oseltamivir must Pandemic influenza was suspected on the basis of
be started immediately in such cases if pandemic
the clinical presentation with acute respiratory
influenza is suspected — do not withhold treatment
distress syndrome (ARDS) and a history of inbound
while waiting for laboratory results. Antiviral treat-
travel from an area with a high level of pandemic
(Continued on page 2)
Volume 8, Additional issue
(Continued from page 1)
Advice to travellers
ment should continue to be limited to those with
Persons travel ing to the Northern Hemisphere
moderate to severe disease, and patients at
should be made aware of the risk of pandemic
increased risk of developing complications (see the
influenza A(H1N1) infection. They should be
Revised Health Workers Handbook on Pandemic
advised to practice hand and cough hygiene, and to
Influenza A(H1N1) 2009, version 3, 19 August 2009;
seek health care promptly should they develop ILI.
available from the NICD website).
Travel ers may be able to access the monovalent
vaccine against H1N1 pandemic virus at their
destination; however, should also be cautioned of
Vaccine for pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 is
the 10-14 day lag time to the development of
not currently available in South Africa. Vaccination
protective antibodies, during which they wil be
using a monovalent (adjuvanted or non-adjuvanted),
susceptible to infection. Antiviral prophylaxis is not
one-dose schedule vaccine for pandemic influenza
recommended for travel ers; however, individuals at
A(H1N1) commenced in a number of northern hemi-
high-risk for development of severe disease may be
sphere countries in October 2009, where pregnant
prescribed an appropriate course of antiviral
women and persons with chronic il ness have been
medication with instructions to begin taking the drug
prioritised. The proposed vaccine for the Southern
at the first signs of onset of il ness.
Hemisphere wil either be a trivalent vaccine (effective against the H1N1 pandemic virus, the seasonal H3N2 and influenza B viruses), or a bivalent seasonal vaccine with a separate
Source: NHLS: Epidemiology and Virology Divisions, NICD;
monovalent H1N1 pandemic vaccine. It is currently
Tygerberg Hospital; Groote Schuur Hospital; Universitas Hospi-
not clear when the vaccine wil be available in South
tal; Steve Biko Academic Hospital; Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital. Private laboratories: Ampath, Lancet, PathCare and
Africa, but this is likely to be within the first quarter of
Vermaak laboratories.
**Data is strictly preliminary. Laboratory-based surveil ance is subject to time delays. Total case counts for the most recent weeks is likely incomplete and wil increase with the reporting of new cases. Week calculated from date of onset or date of specimen col ection if onset is unknown.
Figure: Number of laboratory confirmed pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 cases and deaths by week, South Africa, updated 2 November 2009 (n(cases)=12 619, of which 25 with unknown date; n(deaths)=91, of 2 with unknown dates).
This communiqué is published by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) on a monthly
basis for the purpose of providing up-to-date information on communicable diseases in South Africa.
Much of the information is therefore preliminary and should not be cited or utilised for publication.
Glucuronidated Quercetin Lowers Blood Pressure inSpontaneously Hypertensive Rats via Deconjugation Pilar Galindo1, Isabel Rodriguez-Go´mez2, Susana Gonza´lez-Manzano3, Montserrat Duen˜as3, Rosario Jime´nez1, Carmen Mene´ndez4,5, Fe´lix Vargas2, Juan Tamargo4, Celestino Santos-Buelga3, Francisco Pe´rez-Vizcaı´no4,5, Juan Duarte1* 1 Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, University of Granada, Granada, Spain, 2 Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Granada,
Women's History Review The Women's Charter: American Communists and the Equal Rights Amendment debate View full textDownload full text Full access Denise Lynn* Publishing models and article dates explained Published online: 23 Apr 2014 Article Views: 8 Alert me Abstract The American Communist Party (CPUSA) opposed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), arguing that it failed to ameliorate class and racial inequality. In 1936 the CPUSA participated in the Women's Charter campaign, an alternative to the ERA crafted to protect labor legislation. This article argues that the Charter campaign and the CPUSA's opposition to the ERA demonstrate class-based visions of equality that amalgamated race and gender into the class struggle and highlights disagreements among women's rights activists about how to define women's equality. These disagreements prevented a unified single-issue women's movement after 1920.