
Peter F. Drucker defines innovation as "change that creates a "messy rather than Innovation is change that new dimension of performance." No matter what organizations orderly," and innova- creates a new dimension do, whether they are in business, government or the social sec- tion requires "courage of performance.
tor, they must continuously develop new ideas and initiate as well as imagination." change. In today's turbulent and fast-paced society, innovation To create an environ- is more important than ever. But, how do we lead for innova- ment that encourages tion? The authors in the Drucker Foundation's 2001 book, innovation, "leaders must create cultures in which experiments, Leading for Innovation, offer some guidelines: questions, and challenges to prevailing models are not just forthe courageous few but become the norm for the many." We must change how we think about leadership and innovation.
Jim Collins writes that leading for innovation, "does not mean The leaders in this issue of New Century Philanthropy provide leading the creation of innovations per se or being a towering us with insights into the breadth of innovation in corporate phi- innovative genius yourself. Rather, it means being innovative in lanthropy. We celebrate their efforts in this essential field, and the way you lead, manage, and build your organization." wish for their communities a "new dimension of performance." We need to lead the people who can make innovation happen. Max De Pree writes a leader first makes "a personal commitment Rob Johnston, President & CEO to be hospitable to creative people and a broader commitment Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management to be open to contributions from many quarters." We must create an environment that encourages innovation. This issue of New Century Philanthropy examines innovative Rosabeth Moss Kanter states that the innovation process is practices of corporate philanthropy and citizenship. CONVERSATIONS ON INNOVATION
As part of our on-going commitment to invest in the future of our communities, we nurture, cultivate, and develop programs thathelp to enhance everyone's quality of life. Our philanthropic mission to the communities we serve is an integral part of Verizon'scorporate initiative. More than two-thirds of our foundation's $75 million budget is aimed at developing and promoting literacy,technology, and work skills programs across the country. I believe our unyielding commitment eventually helps our customers,community partners, and employees make a tangible difference in our society.
Charles R. Lee is Chairman of Verizon Communications, Inc., and is a Director of the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. Roth on CREATIVITY
People are the most valuable assets we have. The most powerful People are the most valuable tool we have is to get people to be creative. Fiscal discipline and lim- assets we have.The most powerful ited financial resources should not diminish innovation. A certain tool we have is to get people to level of tension can spark creativity. At The MONY Group, wefocus on identifying community needs, and creating forward-look- be creative.
ing programs to anticipate future community needs. Michael I. Roth is Chairman and CEO of The MONY Group, and is a Director of the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. Schacht on COMMUNITY
I come from a background that believes corporations are made up of many stakeholders. The corporate community, then, is theorganization itself and the various stakeholders it touches. And the corporation itself needs to be responsive to the communi-ties upon which it is dependent. Itis central for the CEO to set thetone at the top to cause the IN THIS ISSUE
organization to behave in waysthat are central to its long-term CONVERSATIONS ON INNOVATION Charles R. Lee, Michael I. Roth, Henry B. Schacht LEADING WITH MEASUREMENT Henry B. Schacht is Chairman of Lucent Technologies, Inc., Making Non-Financial Attributes Count, James E. Copeland, Jr. in corporate philanthr and is a Director of the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. Sustainability Strategies, Charles O. Holliday Prudential Brings Self-Reliance to Life, Arthur F. Ryan Employee-Driven Corporate Philanthropy, Sanjay Kumar Corporations must be responsive to Bold Solutions for Global Health Challenges, JP Garnier the communities upon which they aredependent.

Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy
Robert H. Benmosche Douglas H. McCorkindale Seymour Sternberg Pharmacia Corporation Gannett Co., Inc.
New York Life Insurance Company Ken Derr*Chevron Corporation Frank A. Bennack, Jr.
Alan G. Hassenfeld Eugene R. McGrath Barry S. Sternlicht* The Hearst Corporation Hasbro, Inc.
Consolidated Edison, Inc.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.
Paul Newman*Newman's Own Harold W. McGraw, III David A. Stonecipher Lincoln Financial Group FPL Group, Inc.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Lord John Browne of Madingley Charles O. Holliday, Jr.
Henry A. McKinnell Eli Lilly and Company Steve CaseAOL Time Warner, Inc.
Daniel P. Burnham Thomas S. Johnson C. Stephen McMillan G. Kennedy Thompson GreenPoint Financial Corp.
Sara Lee Corporation First Union Corporation Ralph S. LarsenJohnson & Johnson Michael E. Campbell William G. Jurgensen Arch Chemicals, Inc.
Applied Materials, Inc.
StanCorp Financial Group, Inc.
Charles R. Lee*Verizon Communications, Inc.
Marilyn Carlson Nelson John P. Morgridge Charles L. Watson Carlson Companies, Inc.
The Gillette Company Cisco Systems, Inc.
Henry B. Schacht*Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Warburg Pincus Ventures, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation Bunge North America, Inc.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Citigroup Inc.
Walter V. Shipley Arthur D. Collins, Jr. Charles F. Knight Philip J. Purcell The Chase Manhattan Corporation Medtronic, Inc.
Conseco, Inc.
David H. Komansky Franklin D. Raines Charles R. Williamson The Boeing Company Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Unocal Corporation James E. Copeland, Jr.
Richard M. Kovacevich Robert G. Wilmers Wien & Malkin, LLP Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Wells Fargo & Company Dover Corporation M&T Bank Corporation David Rockefeller Stephanie Kugelman Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Young & Rubicam Advertising The MONY Group, Inc.
John C. Whitehead* Computer Associates International, Inc.
Xerox Corporation Jean-Pierre Garnier GlaxoSmithKline, plc Johnson & Johnson The Prudential Insurance Company of America American General Corp.
Robert H. Forrester* Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
Leonard A. Lauder Payne, Forrester & Associates, LLC International Business Machines Corporation The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.
Kmart Corporation Charles K. Gifford Marjorie Scardino Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Exxon Corporation (retired) FleetBoston Financial Corporation Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Raymond V. Gilmartin George A. Schaefer, Jr.
Douglas W. Leatherdale Merck & Co., Inc.
Fifth Third Bancorp The St. Paul Companies, Inc.
Earl G. Graves, Sr.
Steven J. Malcolm Charles R. Schwab Thomas S. Murphy Black Enterprise Magazine Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.
Maurice R. Greenberg H. Marshall Schwarz William C. Steere, Jr.
American International Group, Inc.
US Trust Corporation Daniel P. AmosAFLAC Incorporated William B. Harrison, Jr.
Samuel K. Skinner Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
Legg Mason, Inc.
*Committee Board of Directors New Committee Members Join CECP
Frank A. Bennack, Jr.
John W. Madigan
Frank Bennack is President and Chief Executive Officer of The Hearst John Madigan is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tribune Company. He is Corporation. He is a Director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., American Home also Chairman of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Chairman of The Products Corporation and Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation. He is Chairman of McCormick Tribune Foundation, a Director of the Associated Press, MorganStanley the National Magazine Company Limited of Great Britain and Governor and and AT&T Wireless Services. He is a member of the Board of Overseers of the Hoover Vice Chairman of New York Presbyterian Hospital and its Healthcare System.
Institution, and serves as a Trustee of Northwestern University, Illinois Institute of He is a Managing Director of the Metropolitan Opera of New York, Director of the Lincoln Center Technology, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center and The Museum of Television & Radio.
for the Performing Arts, and Chairman of The Museum of Television & Radio.
Steven J. Malcolm
Daniel P. Burnham
Steven Malcolm is President and Chief Executive Officer of Williams. He is a Board mem- Daniel Burnham is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Raytheon ber of Tulsa Area United Way, Tulsa Community Foundation, St. John Medical Center, and Company. He is Chairman of the President's National Security Boy Scouts of American Indian Nations Council. He is a member of the YMCA Executive Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC), a member of the Defense Committee, Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce Board of Advisors, Gas Processors Policy Advisory Committee on Trade (DPACT), a Trustee for Xavier Association, Southern Gas Association and University of Tulsa Board of Trustees.
University, a member of The Business Council and a Director of FleetBostonFinancial Corporation.
Henry A.McKinnell,Jr.
Henry McKinnell is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer Inc. He is
Arthur D. Collins, Jr.
a member of the Board of Directors of Moody's Corporation and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. He Arthur Collins is President and Chief Executive Officer of Medtronic, Inc. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Business Roundtable and the Business-Higher serves on the Board of Directors of U.S. Bancorp and Cargill. He is also a member Education Forum. Dr. McKinnell is a Director of the Business Council, the Royal Shakespeare of the Board of Overseers of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Company America and the Japan Society. He serves as Chairman of the a member of the Executive Board of AdvaMed and numerous civic organizations, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and the Stanford University Graduate School of including the Walker Art Center.
Business Advisory Council. Lex Fenwick
C. Stephen McMillan
Lex Fenwick is the Chief Executive Officer of Bloomberg L.P. He joined Stephen McMillan is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sara Lee Bloomberg L.P. as a salesperson in 1987. In 1996, Fenwick was named Managing Corporation. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Pharmacia, Monsanto and Director for Bloomberg business in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In Bank of America Corporations. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the 2000, his responsibilities continued to increase until Michael Bloomberg was Stedman Nutrition Center of Duke University Medical School, and the boards of the elected Mayor and Fenwick was named CEO in May 2002. He is also a Trustee J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and the of the Whitechapel Art Gallery.
Grocery Manufacturer's Association. He also serves on the Boards of the Economic Club of Chicago, the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and Catalyst, is a member of the Business Charles K. Gifford
Council, The Business Roundtable, Executives' Club of Chicago, Commercial Club of Chicago and Civic Charles Gifford is President and Chief Executive Officer of FleetBoston Financial Committee of Chicago.
Corporation. He is a Director of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company andNSTAR Corporation. He is Chairman of the Boston Plan for Excellence in the Public Schools Philip J. Purcell, III
and serves on numerous boards of non-profit organizations including Northeastern University, Philip Purcell is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MorganStanley. He is a Boston Symphony Orchestra, WGBH Public Broadcasting, Junior Achievement, the Dana- Director of American Airlines. He is a founding member and current Chairman of Farber Cancer Institute, and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
the Financial Services Forum, and is a Trustee for the University of Notre Dame. Lewis Hay, III
Thomas L. Reece
Lewis Hay is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of FPL Group, Thomas Reece is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Dover Inc. Prior to joining FPL, he was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Corporation. He serves as a Director of The Manufacturers Alliance and the Officer of US Foodservice. Mr. Hay was previously Senior Vice President and National Association of Manufacturers. He is Chairman of Booker T. Washington Partner at Mercer Management Consulting where he led the firm's Washington, Learning Center Advisory Board.
DC-based strategy practice. He is a Director of Utilities, Inc., and a memberof the Council on Finance at Carnegie Mellon University.
Charles R. Williamson
Charles Williamson is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Unocal Corporation.
He is Chairman of the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council. He is a Board member of the Stephanie Kugelman is Vice Chairman, and Chief Strategic Officer of Young & U.S.-China Business Council, California Asia Society, U.S.-Indonesia Society, Los Rubicam Advertising. She is a member of the Advertising Board. She serves on Angeles World Affairs Council and the American Petroleum Institute. He also serves the Board of Advisors of UPromise, and as Director on the Boards of Gilda's as Director of the American Geological Institute Foundation, Stanford University Club and Safe Horizon.
Earth Sciences Advisory Board, and the University of Texas (Austin) GeologyFoundation and College of Natural Sciences Advisory Board.
Companies & Communities: Building the Measures
Earlier this year, the Committee entered into a strategic partnership with the Center for manage corporate contributions to communities at home and abroad. In the issues to fol- Corporate Citizenship at Boston College, The Corporate Citizenship Company, and the low, this page – Leading with Measurement – will be used to lead a dialogue on measures American Productivity & Quality Center, to collaborate with leading corporations to and metrics, and to share knowledge, ideas and learnings about measuring corporate com- develop a user-friendly, widely-accepted, common global standard to track, record, and munity involvement.
Making Non-Financial Attributes Count
Recently, the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy spoke with Mr. Copeland about the growing need of businessorganizations to measure their non-financial attributes. Here are a few excerpts from that conversation. A Conversation with James E. Copland, Jr.
CECP: How is measurement of a company's non-financial attributes innovative?
worker relations, and social responsibility – that comprise a signifi-cant part of the organization's enduring values. At Deloitte & Mr. Copeland: Such measurement is a relatively new way to meet growing market-
Touche, we've found that our values are inextricably linked to our place demand for accountability. Recent events have shown quite dramatically that ability to create long-term value for our clients. I'm happy to say that non-financial attributes such as culture, honesty, and integrity can carry a range of living those values in our communities contributes mightily to financial implications. If a company chooses to approach its non-financial attributes as another non-financial attribute of ours that's priceless – our reputa- a source of competitive advantage, measurement becomes the next logical step. That tion and good name. will become increasingly important, because in today's expanding Network Economy,virtually anyone with access to the Internet can become a client or customer.
CECP: Organizations can provide value by measuring their non-financial attributes.
Companies which measure and report their non-financial attributes will present a more Can organizations also gain value in the process? complete picture of their performance to potential stakeholders. I expect further glob-alization to spur continued innovation in this area, and result in internationally-recog- Mr. Copeland: Measuring non-financial attributes helps set a high standard for sus-
nized standards to measure, audit, and benchmark a company's non-financial attrib- tainable excellence. The real breakthroughs come when measurement drives an organ- ization to identify the actions its people need to take every day to achieve and exceedthe standard for excellence – which often provides the organization with a blueprint for CECP: Why the growing interest in measuring and reporting an organization's non-
future leadership. For example, more than a decade ago, women were leaving our firm financial attributes, such as community involvement? in numbers vastly disproportional to men. We began to think about our "gender gap,"and found that there were many things about our firm's culture that were causing our Mr. Copeland: Effective business leadership doesn't stop at the bottom line. As lead-
women to leave. In 1993, we launched the Initiative for the Retention and ers, we need to look beyond our front doors and out into the communities in which Advancement of Women, and instituted a rigorous set of metrics so we could identify we operate. There's a strong business case for building an environment that can help the problems, establish benchmarks, and chart real, quantifiable results. Today, our your business thrive. Good things happen in communities where clients, employees, firm has ascended to a position of undisputed leadership. Of our partners and direc- and their families are healthy, educated, and happy to live and work. Measuring and tors, 16 percent are women – once again leading the profession and exceeding its aver- reporting our community involvement helps encourage our people to participate in age by almost 300 basis points! their communities. Interestingly, it's many of an organization's non-financial attrib- James E. Copeland, Jr., is Chief Executive Officer of Deloitte & Touche, LLP, and is a mem- utes – from community involvement to others such as environmental management, ber of the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. CORPORATE LEADERS JOIN COMMITTEE BOARD OF
The Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy is pleased to announce the elec- The Board of Directors of the Committee to Encourage Corporate tion of four new members to its Philanthropy resolved to create the John C. Whitehead Education Board of Directors: Charles R. Lee, Leadership Program. The Education Program honors and celebrates Chairman of Verizon, Michael I.
founding Director and Honorary Chairman John C. Whitehead for his Roth, Chairman and CEO of The outstanding leadership in corporate philanthropy. MONY Group, Henry B. Schacht,Chairman of Lucent, and Barry S.
The first initiative of the Program will be to launch an annual John C.
Sternlicht, CEO and President of Whitehead Intern Leadership Program this summer. This program honors Mr. Whitehead and offers a business school student the opportunity to work closely with the Committee Worldwide. The addition of the four to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. new Board members is effective The Committee collaborated with NetImpact, to identify students at leading MBA pro- grams. NetImpact is a network of emerging business leaders committed to using the Committee Board of Directors from left to right: power of business to create a better world. It is also the most progressive and influential "We are extremely pleased to welcome Henry B. Schact, Michael I. Roth, Steven Stamas, Charles network of MBAs in existence today. Henry, Chuck, Michael and Barry as R. Lee, Robert H. Forrester, Ken Derr, Paul Newman, Directors on the Committee's Board and Peter L. Malkin. Missing from photo, Barry S.
Sternlicht and John C.Whitehead.
of Directors," said Ken Derr, Co- Leading Organizations Join Together to Pilot Collective Chairman of CECP. "These CEOsare recognized leaders in their field and they bring new vision and direction to the Corporate Initiative Committee. Their choice to join our Board is a strong vote of confidence in the The Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy has entered into a strategic part- Committee and reaffirmation of their commitment to corporate philanthropy." nership with The Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College, The CorporateCitizenship Company, and the American Productivity & Quality Center, to create a CITIGROUP HOSTS CECP'S THIRD ANNUAL
framework of ideas, definitions and systems to present a fuller and more complete accountof US corporate contributions to communities at home and abroad. This initiative will leverage the work and experiences of the London Benchmarking Group On May 1, Ken Derr and Paul Newman will welcome members of the Committee to build a measurement-management framework for US companies. The project will con- to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy at the Committee's Third Annual Members tinue over the next eighteen months, working together with founding sponsors, including Meeting. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Steve Case, AOL TimeWarner, will be Applied Materials, AOL Time Warner, Bank of America, Bristol-Myers Squibb, among the speakers at the afternoon meeting at the Citigroup Center in New York.
ChevronTexaco, Cisco Systems, Consolidated Edison, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Members will review and discuss the progress of the Committee including: mem- DuPont, Eli Lilly, FleetBoston Financial, Hasbro, IBM, J.P. Morgan Chase, Johnson & bership development and engagement; measuring and reporting corporate giving; Johnson, Merrill Lynch, The MONY Group, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, US partnerships and collaborations; and communication and advocacy. Freightways, and Verizon.
CECP Best Practices
by Charles O. Holliday, Chairman and CEO, DuPont Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review. [Excerpt] From Sustainable Growth, The DuPont Way by Charles O. Holliday, Sept. 2001 Copyright 2001 by the Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, all rights reserved. A Business Purpose
course, we hope to see that numberincrease, but we must be accomplish- If one is looking for a new definition of As a business practice, sustainable growth seeks to make more of the world's people our cus- ing such growth sustainably – and corporate social responsibility, sustain- tomers – and to do so by developing markets that promote and sustain economic prosperity, able growth is it, and it is directly related social equity, and environmental integrity. In no way should we in industry be apologetic to business self-interest.
about increasing our customer base. Sustainable growth benefits millions of people, but it is Ultimately, real business growth – that Charles O. Holliday not altruism. We pursue sustainable growth because it benefits our businesses and our share- is, sustainable growth – represents the holders. Although protecting the environment should be a core value of every business – and only effective way to use the wealth and for many companies, that's the first place to start – companies will make the biggest contri- resources of the world's largest companies to help the world's smallest economies develop in a butions to sustainability by doing what they do best: making markets work globally while also sustainable fashion. At the same time, we can expect that these ventures will result in lessons in protecting the environment. If one is looking for a new definition of corporate social respon- sustainability that developed countries also need to implement. Sustainability does not pertain sibility, sustainable growth is it, and it is directly related to business self-interest.
to just those societies where people are poor. In fact, by working with developing countries toavoid the environmental failures of developed nations, multinational companies can learn valu- At the same time, we should not forget our greater role and responsibility. Companies will able lessons for implementing sustainability everywhere they do business.
not succeed in the twenty-first century if the world's eco-systems continue to decline and ifsocieties fail. So at DuPont we have set various stretch goals for 2010, including a reduction A Focus on Value Creation
of greenhouse gas emis-sions by two-thirds Sustainability strategies will fail unless they create or increase shareholder value. Specifically, while holding our ener- companies must continually demonstrate that business practices founded on sustainable gy use flat (using 1990 as growth are generating tangible financial gains. Early successes, even small ones, can be critical a base year). We also for establishing and maintaining momentum.
plan to increase our useof renewable resources At DuPont, many of our early wins have resulted from higher efficiencies and improved mar- to 10% of our global gins. Through better packaging design and increased factory productivity, a DuPont plant in energy needs – a big step Brazil saved $340,000 per year and reduced annual waste by for a company that has more than 100 tons. At DuPont Canada, conservation ini- depended almost exclu- tiatives since 1990 have resulted in a 28 % reduction in ener- sively on oil, natural gas, gy per unit of production – equivalent to an annual savings and coal as its primary of $12 million. And a peelable lid system developed by a sources of energy.
DuPont team in Europe decreased the materials needed forpackaging and reduced the use of methyl acetate solvent by Chairman and CEO Chad Holliday speaks to children attending the To hit such ambitious more than 1,000 tons each year.
dedication of a new education center at the 1884 Power Plant at targets while continu- DuPont employee Clint Britnell Hagley on July 19, 2001.
ing to grow as a compa- Furthermore, a focus on sustainability has helped DuPont of El Paso,Texas, working withstudent using donated equip- ny, we have had to reexamine many of our fundamental assumptions. For example, our old identify new products, markets, partnerships, and intellectu- ment in a local high school.
business models did not tell us how to operate in markets where gross margins are slim, unit al property – all of which can lead to substantial business sales are high, and people are poor. When I was the head of DuPont's business in Asia, for growth. In many instances, we have developed new business models to take advantage of example, we had a rule of thumb that we would not invest in building a local infrastructure to these opportunities. sell in a market until the per capita GDP was at least $1,000. In Africa, Southeast Asia, andmany other parts of the world, economies are much weaker – hundreds of millions of people A Test of Leadership
live on $1 per day or less.
Sustainable growth should be viewed not as a program for stepped-up environmental per- Today we realize that we can succeed in these markets if we carry out a substantial portion of formance but as a comprehensive way of doing business, one that delivers tremendous eco- our business operations there. So we hire local people who understand their economy, we site nomic value and opens up a vast array of new opportunities. Capitalizing on these benefits our production facilities near the markets they serve, and we've begun to do research and test- may require relentless determination and tenacity, but ultimately companies will find that they ing locally. For instance, when we developed Avaunt, an insecticide for combating a caterpil- can generate substantial business value through sustainability while both enhancing the qual- lar that feeds on the flower buds of cotton plants in West Africa, we solicited the expertise of ity of life throughout the world and protecting the environment.
20 entomologists from the cotton companies of seven African countries, and our local dis-tributor conducted a series of seminars for farmers and supervisors to educate them about the Charles O. Holliday is Chairman and CEO of DuPont, and is a member of the Committee to product. Currently, DuPont's total sales in Africa amount to about $100 million annually. Of Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. Prudential Brings Self-Reliance to Life
by Arthur F. Ryan, Chairman and CEO, Prudential Financial, Inc., and Gabriella E. Morris, President of The Prudential Foundation,and Vice President of Community Resources of Prudential Financial, Inc. The concept of "community" is at the very heart of Prudential. That's because we're INVESTING IN YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS
all about helping people. We do this in many ways: through our businesses, whichassist individuals and families as they build secure futures, and through Prudential Orlando Green knew a lot about design when he started to dream about starting his Community Resources, which coordinates grants, social investments, employee own graphics firm. But although he had mastered his art, Orlando hadn't yet mas- volunteerism and strategic partnerships that build more productive, self-sufficient tered the art of entrepreneurship. Fortunately, Orlando found a solution. He now towns and cities nationwide.
owns a thriving graphics firm specializing in Web design. The secret behindOrlando's success is the Prudential Young Since our founding in 1875, our premise has been to help strengthen our neighbors Entrepreneur Program, an innovative, com- and communities. Our continued focus on helping children and families improve prehensive development and job creation the quality of their lives and contribute to the growth and betterment of cities and initiative for young adults between the ages neighborhoods where they learn, work and live will undoubtedly help ensure that all of 18 and 30. Launched in 1999, the pilot of us have the opportunity to build the tomorrows of our dreams. program is funded by a four-year $2.5 mil-lion grant from The Prudential Foundation.
A clear example in action is the Prudential Young Entrepreneur Program, a multi- Prudential's goal was to create economic faceted grant initiative focused on enabling enterprising young adults to learn valu- opportunity for young adults in targeted able business skills and become eligible for start-up business loans. We believe the urban areas where entrepreneurship may program is a great vehicle to train a young, new cadre of entrepreneurs and is an not otherwise have been an option. A graduating class of the Prudential important component to increasing economic development and improving the stan- Young Entrepreneur Program.
Continued on page 8 dard of living in our targeted neighborhoods. by Sanjay Kumar, President & CEO, Computer Associates International, Inc. As more corporations realize that philanthropy creates value for all stakeholders – from The company has benefited enormously. Employees have formed cross-departmental customers to shareholders – it becomes increasingly apparent that corporate giving teams to encourage dialogue within our businesses, and have strengthened relation- cannot fall solely to the responsibility of an anonymous committee. And while philan- ships with clients during charitable events and initiatives.
thropic efforts must involve the chiefexecutive and chairman, engaging Volunteer programs are as diverse as our 17,000-person international company. And employees is key. The best corporate while employee volunteerism may not sound innovative, consider the effect of philanthropic efforts often involve the actively empowering thousands of individuals through a structured program, to sup- extended company, including employees, port worthwhile causes. A CA-sponsored initiative called KaBOOM! designs partners and their families. Such broad- and builds playgrounds in communities lacking safe, accessible places for chil- based efforts typically create greater good for the recipients, and a stronger,closer-knit and more responsible organi- Through the KaBOOM! program, CA championed a campaign to build "7 CA employees taking part in the creation of a zation for the givers.
Playgrounds in 7 Days Around the World." In one week, CA employees construct- KaBOOM! playground.
ed playgrounds to serve over 7,500 children. Employees involved in building these playgrounds strongly agree that participation was a positive experience and that Volunteer Program (EVP) is an innovative and successful approach to corporate phi- other employees could benefit from supporting this type of program. Employees lanthropy. Computer Associate employees drive the company's volunteer and philan- enjoy a renewed sense of teamwork, personal responsibility and satisfaction work- thropic initiatives, which are fully supported by the company. These programs often ing with a committed group of volunteers. In addition, employees' involvement in serve strategic employee development requirements as well. Employee-driven philan- the company's community programs strengthens and reinforces their opinion of the thropy has strengthened employee morale, fostered team-building skills, motivated team members and helped to build professional and personal bonds among employees.
Continued on page 8 Bold Solutions for Global Health Challenges
by JP Garnier, President and CEO, GlaxoSmithKline plc GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) global quest is to improve the quality of human life by Global efforts to get rid of LF began in enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. Its strategic intent is to become May 1997 when the World Health Employees want to work for the indisputable leader in its industry – not Assembly called on governments to a company that makes them simply in terms of size, but in how it uses support plans to eliminate the disease that size to achieve its mission. Through its as a public health problem. In feel proud, and being a suc- Global Community Partnerships depart- December 1997, GSK collaborated cessful commercial business ment and Corporate Donations committee, with the World Health Organization GSK partners with and supports organiza- (WHO) to spearhead efforts to elimi- is just part of the equation.
tions whose goals and objectives reflect its nate LF. GSK would donate albenda- mission of improving the quality of human zole, one of the three essential anti- parasitic drugs, for as long as necessaryuntil the disease was eliminated. Best estimates put the total scale of this commitment at The business of preventing and treating dis- around six billion treatments, a commitment that was described by The Financial Times ease is inspiring and innovative in itself.
as "the biggest single act of corporate philanthropy in any industry." With each generation, humankind is forcingback the onslaught of disease with newer Since then, the program has evolved into a major public-private partnership known and more effective medicines. Because of its as the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis. In addition to donating central role in this endeavor, the pharmaceu- free albendazole tablets, GSK provides significant financial support for coalition- tical industry has always been a rewarding building, workshops and communications, place to work. Research, development and and dedicated GSK staff expertise.
GSK expects to donate around 6 billion innovation drive this industry. But beyond treatments to eliminate LF, a commitmentdescribed as 'the biggest single act of cor- the billions of dollars spent on research and WHO recommends that LF infection can porate philanthropy in any industry.' development, the millions of doses of vac- be prevented by treating entire endemic cines administered each day, and the never- communities once a year with two co- ending battle with disease, there is another, lesser-known aspect to the work of the phar- administered antiparasitic drugs. In maceutical industry – community partnership.
African countries the drugs are albenda-zole and Mectizan (ivermectin, donated by For GSK, taking a leading role in community activities is a proud tradition. GSK was Merck &Co., Inc), and for the rest of the formed in 2000 by the merger of SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome. Both lega- world, albendazole and diethylcarba- cy companies had a long track record of playing an active part in the community, but the mazine (DEC, a generic drug).The com- creation of GSK created the opportunity to reaffirm that commitment and enshrine it as munity treatments must be repeated each Indian man with LF holding newspaper a part of what makes this new company unique - the GSK spirit.
year for four to six years until the parasite announcement of the elimination program.
Employees want to work for a company that makes them feel proud, and being a suc-cessful commercial business is just part of the equation. Employees also want to feel a Interrupting transmission of LF means reaching even the most secluded rural com- part of something that is special, a company that is committed to making a difference.
munities or overcrowded urban shanty dwellings, and ensuring that people actually For external observers, it may take a little longer to begin to recognize the new name of take the tablets. As a result, the LF program is also helping to build primary health- GSK, but when they do, it is important that they associate that name with a creative and care infrastructure at the country level. Early indications are that the program can successful organization that is a powerful force for innovative and positive change, both integrate well with some other disease control efforts such as malaria bednets, in healthcare and in the community.
school de-worming, river blindness prevention and schistosomiasis treatment. Italso seems to be helping to build or enhance a local network of medical services, GlaxoSmithKline and the Global Alliance to Eliminate
non-governmental organizations and community health leaders.
For centuries LF was a neglected disease because there was little hope for treatment The program to eliminate lymphatic filariasis (LF) is an initiative with a bold objective: or prevention. Now, there is new hope for both the control of the disease and for to eliminate LF as a public health problem by the year 2020. With more than one billion those afflicted with it.
people at risk in about 80 countries, LF is one of the leading causes of disability in theworld. It is estimated to cause economic losses of billions of dollars each year through JP Garnier is President and CEO of GlaxoSmithKline plc, and is a member of the disability, illness and lost work days. By breaking the cycle of infection between mosqui- Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. toes and humans, the medicines given as part of the program will spare the next genera-tion from grotesque manifestations of LF.
Microcredit: Powerful Financial Tools to Address World Poverty
by Sam Daley-Harris, Director, Microcredit Summit Campaign The Microcredit Summit Campaign was founded on the idea that giving a poor woman a small In the past, Baji received her handbag supplies on credit from retailers, and net income per bag loan to help in income generation activities such as starting a small business will help her climb was only 9 cents. After securing the loan from Kashf, however, she was able to purchase her out of poverty with dignity and also improve the well-being of her family. The Microcredit own raw materials, and returns per bag have doubled to 18 cents. In addition, Kausar Baji notesthat her husband has become more supportive, "he has come to realize that we have to worktogether, as a husband-wife team, to meet the needs of our five children." Since 1996, the Microcredit Summit Campaign has taken on corporate partnerships in an inno-vative venture to forever change the field of microfinance. Major sponsors include theCitigroup Foundation, the Monsanto Fund, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and theSummit Foundation. In addition, the Campaign receives support from Deutsche BankAmericas Foundation, Mastercard, American Express, JP Morgan Chase, and Johnson &Johnson. It is women like Kausar Baji that inspire partnerships in this endeavor. Corporations engaged in developing solutions to global hunger and poverty extend theirworldwide outreach through partnerships with the Campaign. The Microcredit SummitCampaign currently has over 4,600 member institutions spread across fifteen differentCouncils – the largest of which is the Council of Microcredit Practitioners, with 2,800 institu-tions representing over 140 countries. Partnerships with the Campaign fund visionary and strategic initiatives, reaching theworld's poorest families, especially the women of those families. These families com-prise nearly half of the 1.2 billion people who live on less than $1 a day. These strategicpartnerships commit to bring new ideas to the field through a unique learning agendafocused on four core themes: 1) reaching the poorest, 2) empowering women, 3) build- A client of Kashf Foundation pictured here displays the bangles she will sell at market preceding local ing financially self-sufficient institutions, and 4) ensuring a positive, measurable impact celebration of Eid.A small loan from Kashf has enabled her to supplement her weaving business with on the lives of clients and their families.
this new venture.
Summit Campaign is working to ensure that 100 million of the world's poorest families, espe- The Microcredit Summit Campaign has caught the attention of business leaders. Bob cially the women of those families, receive credit for self-employment and other financial and Shapiro, former Chairman of Monsanto, speaks about Microcredit as "a powerful tool business services by 2005. Nearly three thousand microcredit organizations, from Nairobi to that genuinely helps the poorest families in the world emerge from poverty. And by New York City and from Bosnia to Bolivia, have joined the Campaign to provide small loans extension, it has the potential to help create a more inclusive world economy that actu- and other financial services to women. 19.3 million of the world's poorest families were bor- ally works for billions and billions of people." Shapiro suggests "that every business in rowing from one of these organizations by the end of 2000, and these borrowers have proved the world should be in the process of learning about this new tool." to be credit-worthy entrepreneurs. More than anything, Microcredit is a business approach to ending poverty that unleash- One of those borrowers is Kausar Baji, who lives in a very poor area in Lahore, Pakistan. She is es the human spirit. Corporations have recognized the value of this strategy in combat- a mother of five children. Her husband, Javaid, a driver, earns US $45 per month, which does ing poverty, and their borrowers are inspired by their contributions to the Microcredit not meet the needs of their family. Kausar Baji's neighbor told her about Kashf Foundation, a Summit Campaign. microfinance program working in Lahore. She decided to take a loan of US $75 to invest inher handbag making business.
Transforming Problem Real Estate
by Jay Grab, President, Realty Restoration Gift Fund
Countless billions of dollars have been spent over the years at all levels of government In a typical transaction involving TRC and and by corporations and individuals to address the daunting challenge of remediating AIG, a donor contacts RRGF with a pro- thousands of brownfield properties across the country. Unfortunately, many of the posed real estate donation. TRC, working dollars have, in fact, been spent litigating liability. Meanwhile, the problem festers. The with a real estate consultant, evaluates the Realty Restoration Gift Fund program addresses the problem of environmentally- proposed donation and advises RRFG as impaired properties, facilitates the reintroduction of the newly-clean property into to whether the property meets RRGF's commercial or community benefits through the resulting sale, and provides a new acceptance criteria. If the proposed dona- source of philanthropic funds.
tion meets the criteria, TRC prepares anenvironmental risk management plan, The goal of the Realty Restoration Gift Fund, a qualified 501(c)(3) public chari- which includes environmental assessment, ty, is to employ the time-tested philanthropic techniques of donor-advised funds remediation plans and regulatory responses.
and traditional grantmaking while (1) creating new avenues for restoring problemreal estate to productive use and (2) putting the sales proceeds of the restored TRC and AIG prepare an Exit Strategy ® proposal for the Donor and RRGF to review and properties at the disposal of leading American charities. This approach provides a approve. Guidelines for the gift are established and the donor donates the property along number of winning results: with the funds necessary to complete the remediation plan to RRGF, and secures the result-ing charitable deductions. An appropriate end-user of the remediated property is then iden- • Corporations meet their corporate philanthropic goals, reduce future exposure to tified and a sale concluded. Under the typical donation agreement, a portion of the gift pro- environmental risk, gain goodwill and, simultaneously, see positive impacts to ceeds will be distributed to other charities subject to advice from the donor. Finally, the their bottom lines. insurer, in our example AIG, underwrites the environmental compliance plan and provides • Communities see impacted properties restored and economic revitalization oppor- remediation insurance coverage offering substantial protections to all of the parties involved tunities increased.
in the transaction.
• Charitable institutions, confronting ever-increasing needs and insufficient resources, find a new and substantial source of philanthropic support.
The RRGF program will result in grants to worthy charities across the country and the phil-anthropic spectrum. However, as a result of a collaborative agreement, a large beneficiary of To deliver these results, RRGF collaborates with real estate consulting companies RRGF grants will be The Conservation Fund. The innovation offered by the RRGF pro- and companies specializing in environmental remediation. Often, RRGF will uti- gram and the development resources and stellar reputation of The Conservation Fund, one lize the services of TRC, Inc., to perform environmental assessment and remedi- of the nation's most respected charities, offer both the hope and the promise of tapping a ation, and AIG, providing comprehensive environmental risk insurance. TRC and vast, underutilized source of corporate philanthropy to meet the growing demands on AIG have developed a unique environmental risk management plan called the Exit America's charities. Venture Philanthropy: High Impact
Through High Engagement

by Mario Morino, Chairman, Venture Philanthropy Partners There's an old saying that when you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you can be sure it didn't get our goal of assembling an outstanding portfolio of 10-14 nonprofit investments and fully and effec- there on its own. The same thing goes for top corporate executives. As fiercely competitive as the tively deploying up to $35 million of investment capital.
business world is, no one builds a successful enterprise without a major boost from others. Our investments usually kick off with an involved strategic planning process. Drawing upon the The reason why many of us are now exploring the potential services of high-quality firms like McKinsey & Co., the process takes about five months and about of new high-engagement models of philanthropy is because 1,000 person-hours. The resulting plan provides insight into the key organizational challenges that nonprofit executives serving the needs of America's children the nonprofits' leaders face – and that we want to help them address.
and families face a very different reality. As these nonprofitexecutives work day in and day out, they're often left to How do we help meet these challenges? First, we invest significant financial resources. We are pro- struggle along with precious little of the management and viding each of our nonprofit partners with up to several million dollars, distributed over a three- to leadership support that their for-profit counterparts take for five-year period. Beyond the scale and duration of funding, what makes our approach unusual is that we provide this money not for program development or delivery but rather for "capacity build-ing." That is, for building the infrastructure of the organization behind the programs. Having worked in both the for-profit and nonprofit worlds,I've seen how big the gap really is. In the 1970s and '80s, Second, we invest significant human resources. We have general partners on staff, flanked by a team when I was helping build a software firm called Morino of other advisors, who work with our nonprofit partners on an almost daily basis to help them think Mario Morino, Chairman, Venture Associates and then LEGENT Corporation, I had invalu- through problems strategically and develop new ways of "managing to outcomes." Unlike founda- Philanthropy Partners able support from a network of friends, partners, and strate- tion program managers, who are often involved with 50 or more grantees, our general partners will gic advisors. One of the most important of these relation- work with only four or five different organizations even when we have assembled our entire port- ships was with executives from the investment firm General Atlantic Partners. They helped me to folio of partnerships.
prioritize better and recruit the right people as we were becoming a larger, more complex organiza-tion. They pushed me, as Peter Drucker would say, to focus on doing the right things, not just on Finally, we leverage the resources of our network and those of our investors. For example, one of doing things right.
our nonprofit partners is working to build stronger ties to six local universities. We have investorswho sit on the boards of each of those universities. I have come to believe that if we want to see nonprofit executives achieve ever-greater results forever-greater numbers of children and families, they need to have access to analogous forms of finan- Despite the sharp downturn in the economy, analysts predict that the United States is on the verge cial and non-financial support. "Venture philanthropy" and "high-engagement philanthropy" are the of a new golden age of philanthropy, with giving expected to exceed $6 trillion in the next two terms that we and others have used to describe models for providing this support.
decades alone. Just imagine if we could join together to make sure that this staggering stream ofmoney is invested strategically, not just granted generously, and that nonprofit leaders have the sup- Like the majority of venture philanthropy organizations, Venture Philanthropy Partners, the organ- port they and their missions deserve. If we do so, we will indeed witness a golden age of philan- ization I co-founded two years ago with a remarkable group of families in the National Capital thropy. Even more important, we will be active participants in a transformative age of community, region, is still in its infancy. So far, we've initiated long-term partnerships with three nonprofit helping to lift the lives of millions who have been relegated to the periphery of our economy and organizations that are serving the educational and development needs of children, moving toward Network For Good:
Taking e-Philanthropy to the Next Level

by Ken Weber, Chief Operating Officer, Network for Good Last year was a breakthrough year for e-philanthropy. Impelled, in large part, by the events At the same time, nonprofit organizations can capitalize on the Internet's vast reach, and on of September 11th, scores of Americans took advantage of the Internet to contribute hun- the widespread presence of Network for Good's founders. "We want the philanthropic sector dreds of millions of dollars to causes and organizations they care deeply about. In a dramat- to realize the full benefit of the Internet's multiplier effect," says John Morgridge, Chairman ic expansion of a movement that began just a short time ago, people have increasingly turned of Cisco Systems, Inc. "Network for Good makes nonprofits more central to more people's to the online medium to help improve the quality of life in communities across the country lives, while helping con- and around the world. sumers easily and conve-niently connect to the In 2001, Network for Good was established by the AOL Time Warner Foundation and AOL, causes they care about the Inc.; the Cisco Foundation and Cisco Systems, Inc.; and Yahoo! In partnership with more than 20 nonprofit foundations and associations, Network for Good encourages the use of theInternet for philanthropy and civic participation, and helps nonprofit organizations become By using Network for more effective and efficient. Good's unique nonprofitportal, organizations can "By combining the passion, expertise and grass-roots affiliations of our nonprofit partners tap the full potential of the with the reach, resources and Internet capabilities of our corporate founders," says Steve Case, online medium, including: Chairman of AOL Time Warner, "we are able to make giving, volunteering and speaking out • online tools that let non- on issues as central a part of the Internet as shopping or using e-mail." profits receive contribu-tions through Network Our founders and partners recognize, too, that for e-philanthropy to be truly effective the for Good – or through process must be open and easy to use. That is why we allow visitors to access the GuideStar their own Websites by database, where they can research more than 850,000 nonprofit organizations. When they adding a "Donate Now!" have made up their minds, they can then make safe, secure and private contributions imme- button – as well as recruit diately through their browsers, with assurance that 100 percent of their donations go to the charities they select.
• educational information on technology planning and training, buying discounted hardwareand software, creating affordable Websites and the most effective ways to enhance fundrais- For all of 2001, Network for Good and Helping.org raised about $22 million, including $15 ing efforts; and million in response to September 11th. The average individual donation ranged between $115 • readily available advocacy resources such as tips on how to start an online newsletter or how and $250 – which was higher than average donations offline. Visitors also can find local vol- to organize and execute an e-mail lobbying campaign.
unteer options on Network for Good by using VolunteerMatch, the Web's largest databaseof more than 33,000 volunteer opportunities. Each week, an average of 700 volunteer match- With Network for Good, we have leveraged the most valuable assets of the Internet – es are made through our site. Moreover, we provide a database of local and national govern- communications, community, content and commerce – to create a powerful philanthropic ment and media contacts so users can communicate directly with elected officials or invite the resource. And we urge both nonprofits and donors to integrate it with their offline strategies press to cover an event.
and activities to ensure that they have every possible opportunity to make a real difference.
CECP Best Practices Continued
PRUDENTIAL Continued from page 4
ness thinking to develop their final project: a comprehensive business plan. Student businessideas range from high-tech, such as a business that scans documents and stores them digitally,to basic businesses such as day care and retailing. Business professionals review business plans.
What distinguishes the Prudential Young Entrepreneur Program from other entrepreneurship And after completing training, students enter into the traditional business incubator.
programs? It combines training, technical assistance, and business financing in one program.
These services are provided through innovative partnerships with the country's leading entre- Measuring Results and Impact on People
preneurial curriculum development, business incubation and microenterprise organizations.
The program is currently running as a three-year pilot project in two sites: Newark, New Jersey Classes were first offered in May 1999 in Newark and Philadelphia. Since then, program partners and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. continue to refine and improve the program. With greater numbers of participants wishing toenroll in each cycle, the program has the potential to be sustained beyond the pilot program end- Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Economic Development
ing in June 2002. As a result, the numbers of businesses and jobs have grown each year. Administered by the Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO), the program is current- The success of the program goes beyond creating businesses. Students benefit from training and ly offered in Philadelphia at the Enterprise Center, which is affiliated with the University of technical assistance, even if they chose not to start a business. Program training helps them to Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, and at the New Jersey Institute for Technology.
become better employees and also refines career goals.
The curriculum was developed by the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship.
As program manager, AEO provides complete program and "They opened my eyes about how I was thinking about things backwards. I would have invested fiscal management for the Prudential Young Entrepreneur in someone else's business more so than I would my own," Curtis Walker of Consigning for Program on behalf of The Prudential Foundation. It also Designing Men, a Newark Graduate 2001, comments on technical assistance provided by the leads the team of partners involved in the program, includ- Greater Newark Business Development Center. ing the curriculum developer, incubators and microlenders. The most obvious goal of the Prudential Young Entrepreneur Program is to help young people The training component of the program takes place in a develop business skills so they can strike out on their own. The program also hopes these young business incubator at each site. Over the course of the pilot entrepreneurs will revitalize their communities, one business at a time. Participants who decide to program, the curriculum has been revised and modified work for other companies also benefit. They have the ability to develop a business idea, a skill that based on feedback from incubator sites. Each site offers can help them get promoted at their current jobs or give them access to new opportunities. three training cycles per year, with approximately 15 personsparticipating in each session. Local microlender and business "The program is geared toward people who probably wouldn't have this opportunity to make a Cherri Dashields, owner of incubator organizations guide participants through business dream become a reality," comments Denean Jacob-Eme, owner of Sunshine Daycare Center, a Simply the Best Events, is a 2000 plan development, and also provide business financing Newark Graduate 1999.
PYEP Graduate. "At the end of (between $1,000 – $15,000 to qualified candidates) and post- the party, the client gave me a loan technical assistance. check for $1,500. I said to Through their accomplishments, program graduates will serve as role models for other young myself, ‘Somebody is actually people in the community. When neighborhood youngsters point to Orlando Green, they see going to pay me to do this?'" To aspiring entrepreneurs who participate in the free pro- proof positive that education, training, and a good idea can change a life. gram, everything is strictly business. They attend nine weeks of classroom instruction, totaling 54 hours, where they learn basic business and workplace Arthur F. Ryan is Chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial, Inc., and is a member of readiness skills. They are taught and mentored by business professionals and successful mem- the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. bers of the business community. Students use this instruction, discussion, and infusion of busi- COMPUTER ASSOCIATES Continued from page 5
CA works with a select number of charitable organizations, which share a vision of munities. CA supports employees through forward-thinking initiatives, such as employ- empowering children to succeed. Rather than CA aligning with a single organization, ee release time that allows company employees to volunteer, during company time, for CA is able to succeed through a comprehensive approach benefiting Employees' involvement in the several charitable groups. CA con- Employee involvement is critical to a successful partnership with these organizations.
tributes cash, executive support, CA honors outstanding employee volunteers four times per year through the company's community pro- hardware and software, and paid "Distinguished Corporate Citizenship Award." The CA employee receives company- grams strengthens and rein- employee volunteer support. CA wide recognition and the charitable organization receives a donation made in the employ- forces their opinion of the supports, among others, Habitat for ee's name. Organizations benefit from employee volunteerism as well. CA's volunteer Humanity, Junior Achievement, recognition program, CA CARES, was established KaBOOM!, Digital Schoolhouse, to encourage and recognize the essential contribu- Sanjay Kumar Computer Associates Foundation, tion of volunteer service. We acknowledge our the National Center for Missing and employees' generous investment of time and expert- Exploited Children and the Smile Train. These are examples of programs that truly ise by providing a financial grant to eligible organi- impact children at all levels. In addition to corporate-sponsored activities, CA encourages zations for which employees have a continuing, and supports other charitable giving programs suggested by our employees. active involvement.
CA employees responded to our nation's recent tragedy by immediately organizing the As an international organization, CA's employee- NY KIN (Kids in Need) Fund. The Fund provides a range of long-term support for chil- driven activities are organized and directed locally, dren who lost a parent or caretaker, or whose parent was seriously injured, in the World across our global network. Employee-driven activ- Trade Center disaster. CA pledged $2 million to the Fund and continues to match ities have contributed to local charities and associ- employee contributions two for one. Our employees are supported with resources, and ations throughout the world: walk-a-thons, bike- are also encouraged to innovatively develop ways that can make a difference in their com- a-thons, blood and food drives, Volleyball chal-lenges, school send-offs and Web-based volunteeropportunities. Collectively, CA employees also Students learn to use the Internet as helped to fund charitable organizations, including taught in CA's Digital Schoolhouse the March of Dimes, BBC Children in Need, Barnardo's Australia, the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, Outward Bound Trust andUNICEF.
New Century Philanthropy is published by Editorial Advisory Board:
As a technology company, philanthropy enables CA to serve and support communi- the Committee to Encourage Corporate Michele Courton Brown FleetBoston Financial Foundation ties by deploying our expertise, products and services. Community involvement offers CA strategic opportunities to increase brand recognition and uniquely show- AOL Time Warner Foundation case the corporation's abilities. CA's corporate philanthropic activities provide Address: 140 East 45th Street, 3rd Floor
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. employees a stronger sense of community, morale and self-satisfaction to compliment New York, NY 10017 Robert H. Forrester and transcend work and customer engagements. Community engagement motivates Payne, Forrester & Associates, LLC CA employees to seek out activities that will ultimately benefit Computer Associates Johnson & Johnson and the community we serve.
Web Site: www.corphilanthropy.org
Mary Pickard The St. Paul Companies Foundation Sanjay Kumar is President & CEO of Computer Associates International, Inc., and is a member of the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. Newsletter produced by Exxon (retired)Robin S. Tryloff Sara Lee Foundation MARKETING COMMUNICATIONSSPECIALIZING IN NOT.FOR.PROFITS Curt Weeden Contributions Academy

Source: http://cecp.co/pdfs/corporate_philanthropist/CECP_Spring2002.pdf

Presentation title times new roman bold 45/48 points

Assessment and Management of Psychiatric Issues in the HIV Positive Patient Carrie L. Ernst, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai March 26, 2014 Disclosure Author/royalties: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc Speaker's Bureau (spouse): AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Objectives


VOL 10, NO. 8, August 2004 Patents related to non patentable status of living Of the 600 applications, 96 organisms changed with the applications relates to fermentation bacteria, virus and landmark decision of the Supreme (fig 1). Main applicants are CSIR fungi - the Indian Court, USA in Diamond vs. (13), Gist Brocades (8), Biocon India