
Hepatitis C therapies
Irena Melnikova
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major cause of
the immune system of the host. Therefore,
Novartis), R803 (Rigel Pharmaceuticals),
liver disease worldwide and a potential source
protease inhibition could produce a double
XTL-2125 (XTL Biopharmaceuticals) and
of high morbidity and mortality in the future.
hit against the virus.
The World Health Organization estimates
Telaprevir (VX-950; Vertex/Johnson &
Nevertheless, several new polymerase
that approximately 170 million people,
Johnson/Mitsubishi) is the most advanced
inhibitors are progressing through the pipeline
3% of the world's population, are chronically
novel anti-HCV therapy in development.
(Table 1). Roche currently holds a lead position
infected with HCV, and 3–4 million new
In the clinical trials conducted so far,
with two compounds, R1626 and R7128; R7128
infections occur each year. According to the
telaprevir has demonstrated unprecedented
is licensed from Pharmasset. Experts suggest
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
antiviral activity, offering hope for improved
that out of the two, R7128 might have a more
over 3 million people have chronic HCV
efficacy and reduced duration of treatment
attractive profile as it has been well tolerated
in the US, and the current annual rate of
(24 weeks). Furthermore, telaprevir is the first so far, whereas R1626 has been associated
infection is around 30,000.
drug to demonstrate activity in patients who
with fairly significant haematological toxicity
The current standard of care for HCV
have failed prior therapy. Interim analysis
(neutropaenia). In treatment-naive patients,
is a combination of PEGylated–interferon
of the Phase IIb PROVE3 trial showed that
R7128 has produced a rapid virological
(PEG–IFN) and ribavirin. PEG-IFNs
52% of patients treated with a 24-week
response in comparison with telaprevir when
available on the market include PEG–Intron
telaprevir-based regimen maintained HCV
used in combination with standard of care:
(Schering–Plough) and Pegasys (Roche).
RNA levels that were undetectable 12 weeks
85% and 79% of patients, respectively, achieved
Marketed ribavirin includes Rebetol
post-treatment (SVR 12)3. Patients who
undetectable levels of HCV RNA after 4 weeks
(Schering–Plough), Copegus (Roche) and
have previously failed standard-of-care
of treatment4. Whether the potent antiviral
various generic versions. The overall clinical
treatment represent a significant market
activities of the new generation of polymerase
success rate, referred to as sustained virological opportunity, and Vertex plans to initiate
inhibitors will translate into a clinical benefit
response (SVR), of this combination therapy
Phase III development in this setting.
remains to be seen for a large majority of the
is only around 50%1. The treatment is lengthy
However, telaprevir is expected to be
compounds in the pipeline.
(48 weeks for genotype 1 HCV) and associated approved for the treatment-naive population
with frequent and sometimes serious side
first. A 24-week, Phase III trial of telaprevir
effects including neuropsychiatric events,
compared with current standard treatment
Similar to HIV, the future of HCV therapy is
flu-like symptoms and haematological
in treatment-naive patients with genotype 1
likely to involve combination therapy with
toxicities. It is also contraindicated for many
HCV is ongoing. If successful, approval in this novel drugs that have different modes of
patients1. Overal , it is estimated that only 10%
setting is anticipated in late 2010/early 2011.
action5. In the short-term, such drugs would
of patients with chronic HCV are successful y
Although telaprevir has the potential to be
be added to the current IFN-based regimen
treated with the current standard of care.
first to market, there is an increasingly large
(FIG. 1). With time, potent antiviral
number of competitive protease inhibitors
combinations could displace IFNs altogether.
HCV pipeline
in development — for example, boceprevir
However, lessons learned from the HIV
Over two dozen molecules are being studied
(Schering–Plough), ITMN-191 (InterMune/
epidemic suggest that owing to the high
for their potential to supplement or replace
Roche) and TMC435350 (Tibotec/Medivir)
heterogeneity and high mutation rate of
either or both elements of the standard
(Table 1) — that may offer better tolerability
HCV, drug resistance is likely to emerge
PEG–IFN/ribavirin combination2 (Table 1).
and more convenient dosing (once a day
during treatment with specific inhibitors
Most of the efforts have focused on antiviral
versus three times a day) compared with
of viral protease and polymerase even in a
therapies, specifically two viral enzymes:
telaprevir. However, superior efficacy and
combination setting5. Therefore, exploring
the NS3–4A serine protease and the NS5B
reduced duration of treatment are expected
additional targets that are vital for various
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
to remain major drivers for the adoption of
stages of the viral life cycle remains important.
As evidenced by a number of high-profile
Several cyclophilin inhibitors, such
partnerships with big pharma (Table 2),
as Debio-025 (Debiopharm), NIM811
the HCV field has generated multiple
(Novartis) and SCY-635 (Scynexis), are in
value-creation opportunities for smaller
The concept of polymerase inhibition for
Phase I/II clinical trials. Cyclophilin has been
biotech companies. Even preclinical
antiviral therapy has been successfully
demonstrated to be an important host factor
programmes have received economics that are
established for HIV, hepatitis B and herpes
that supports HCV replication. Another
more typical of Phase II programmes (Table 2).
viruses. Unfortunately, so far, tackling HCV
potentially promising approach to treating
polymerase has proved to be challenging.
HCV infections would be the inhibition of viral
Several polymerase inhibitor programmes
entry into the cel . XTL Biopharmaceuticals,
NS3–4A protease activity is required for
have been discontinued owing to lack of
Replicor, Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Samaritan
viral replication and is partial y responsible
efficacy and/or safety issues. These include
Pharmaceuticals and Trimeris have early stage
for the ability of HCV to evade clearance by
valopicitabine (Idenix Pharmaceuticals/
HCV fusion/entry inhibitor programmes. ▶
NATURE REVIEWS drug discovery
HEpATiTiS C THERApiES market indiCatOrs
▶ In the next 5–10 years, novel therapeutics are
expected to produce major breakthroughs in
the treatment of HCV, such as increased cure
Treatment duration (weeks)
rates, reduced duration of therapy, improved
tolerability/side effect profiles and more
convenient dosing schedules and routes of
administration (oral therapy). Furthermore,
response (SVR; %)
an increased number of patients is expected to
seek treatment owing to advances in therapy.
The current cost of 48-weeks of therapy is
approximately US$35,000. Introduction
Figure 1 evolution of Hcv therapy. IFN, interferon; PEG, pegylated; PI, protease inhibitor; PolI,
of novel anti-HCV drugs that wil be used
polymerase inhibitor; RBV, ribavirin.
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
in combination with PEG–IFN/ribavirin
could double or even triple the ful cost of
treatment. Therefore, the HCV market is
projected to grow from over $2 bil ion in
Table 1 selected HCV drugs in development
2007 to $10–15 billion in 2017.
Irena Melnikova, Ph.D., is a Senior Associate
at TVM Capital, 101 Arch Street,
Long-acting albumin–
Boston, Massachusetts 02110, USA.
interferon-a2b fusion
Long-acting, controlled
release interferon-a
1. Strader, D. B. et al. Diagnosis, management, and
Valeant Pharmaceuticals
Taribavirin (viramidine)
Pro-drug of ribavirin
treatment of hepatitis C. Hepatology 39, 1147–1171
Vertex/Johnson &
Telaprevir (VX-950)
Protease inhibitor
2. Jensen, D. M. & Ascione, A. Future directions in therapy
for chronic hepatitis C. Antivir. Ther.13 (Suppl. 1),
31–36 (2008).
Boceprevir (SCH503034)
Protease inhibitor
3. Vertex. Vertex Reports 52% SVR 12 Rate for a 24-week
Telaprevir-based Regimen in Genotype 1 Hepatitis C
Protease inhibitor
Patients Who Failed Prior Treatment. Vertex web site
Protease inhibitor
> (2008).
4. HIV and Hepatitis.com. R7128 Demonstrates Potent
Boehringer Ingelheim
Protease inhibitor
Anti-HCV Activity in Combination with Pegylated
Interferon/Ribavirin; Ongoing Trial to be Expanded.
protease inhibitor
HIV and Hepatitis.com web site [online],
Protease inhibitor
> (2008).
Polymerase inhibitor
5. Modi, A. A. & Hoofnagle, J. H. New therapies for
hepatitis C. Hepatology 46, 615–617 (2007).
Polymerase inhibitor
Polymerase inhibitor
Polymerase inhibitor
Medline Plus Health Topics Hepatitis c:
Polymerase inhibitor
All links Are AcTive in THe online Pdf
Sources: Company information.
Table 2 selected HCV partnerships
Partnership (date) Product
Mechanism of action stage
Long-acting albumin– Phase II
• Upfront $45million, milestones $507.5million
• 50:50 split on US profits
Novartis (June 2006)
• Royalties on ex-US sales
Vertex/Johnson &
NS3–4A protease
• Upfront $165million, milestones $380million
• Fund 50% of development costs
• Mid-20% royalties on ex-US sales, excluding Japan and Asia
NS3–4A protease
• Upfront $60 million, milestones $470 million
• Fund 67% of development costs
• 50:50 split on US profits, royalties on ex-US sales
NS3–4A protease
• Upfront $57 million, milestones $250 million for one compound, more
compounds inhibitor
milestones for additional compounds
• Double-digit royalties
• Option to fund 40% of development costs in exchange for 40% of profits
Sources: Company information
Source: http://www.fbae.org/2009/FBAE/website/images/pdf/imporatant-publication/Hepatitis_C_Therapies.pdf
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