
Issue 17, Winter 2003/4
Also in this Issue
AmigaOS 4: Hands On
We get to try a development version of the OS
everyone's been waiting for!
Plus: News of an OS 4 pre-release for
AmigaOne owners.

Amiga OS 4.0 to be
Spring 2004
Welcome to another issue of
page). As I write this Mick has
Total Amiga. It's been a while
just received a test version of
since we've been this late with
the CD which is very
Contents an edition so my apologies for impressive, especially the
keeping you waiting. Several
simple installation procedure,
other tasks were competing for
so hopefully many more people
my time during the production
will be enjoying OS 4 soon.
As you'll have read in this
documentation. Take a look at
be booted from the OS4 CD-
posted we will include an
of this issue which meant I just
It's been a quiet few months for
magazine and elsewhere,
Mick Sutton's OS 4 Hands on
ROM which leads you through
update sheet.
couldn't spare the amount of
their on-line shop (see the
software releases so we've
AmigaOS 4 on the AmigaOne
Feature in this issue to get a
a guided installation process
time each week I normally do.
news section for details).
For more information on
taken the opportunity to catch
is progressing well and has
feel for what the OS 4 pre-
including partitioning your hard
AmigaOS 4 On Tour & UK
These included pressures at
AmigaOS 4 visit the Amiga
up with a few existing
To complete this issue we've
now been in active use by
release will be like, however
disk with the new Media
Show Reports . 10
work and also completing work
programs that have never been got a solid set of tutorials for
developers and testers for
bear in mind that the version
Toolbox utility if required.
for an English A-Level I'm
reviewed in Total Amiga.
you to get your teeth into. Dave
several months. As this news
that is supplied with have many
taking at evening classes.
The pre-release CD distribution
Sometimes programs really
Pitcher is back with the second
spread, and OS 4 was
enhancements in reliability,
The official announcement
Fleecy Moss Column .9
is currently being tested and is
The other reason for the delay
surprise you and that was
part of his "C" programming
demonstrated in many parts of
speed and features over the
from Hyperion is available on:
expected to be available soon,
was that before Christmas,
definitely the case with StarAm
tutorial and Michael Carrillo
the world lots of AmigaOne
version Mick looked at. The
AmigaOS 4: Hands On . 12
perhaps even by the time you
Mick Sutton, several other
Plan which I review on page
has some suggestions for
owners posted to mailing lists
pre-release will also include
read this. If we hear that the
Timber Tower . 16
SEAL members and myself
26. At first it seemed rather
software to run on your Mac
and web forums saying they
development material such as
CD is ready before this issue is
attended several OS 4
simple and quirky. However as
would like to try a version on
source code, an initial version
Emulator. In my Image
demonstrations with Mick's
I used it more I found it
processing tutorial you can
their machines even if it wasn't
of the OS 4 SDK (software
PhotoFolio 2.4. 19
AmigaOne running OS 4. We
surprisingly powerful. find out
learn how to re-touch images
the final release.
developer kit) and native
were in the happy position of
what it can do in my review.
using the "clone" tool and a bit
compilers to allow
At the end of November, in an
giving the first ever such demo
Another excellent product we
about image sharpening.
programmers with an
interview with,
in the UK on the 9th of
hadn't covered is PhotoFolio, a
AmigaOne to start developing
Amiga Arena Games
Before I go, I'm sure you'll
Alan Redhouse revealed that a
November. You can find some
powerful picture cataloguer. If
for the new OS.
notice that Eyetech's normal
pre-release version of OS 4 will
short reports and pictures from
you got a digital camera for
advertising is missing this
be made available to early bird
We understand that OS 4 pre-
the various events on the
Christmas this is the review to
issue. There is nothing sinister
customers before the final
release will be supplied to each
about this, they are just so
release. This was confirmed by AmigaOne early bird owner on
Mac: Reloaded, part 2 . 36
I think many Amithlon owners
busy that they could not
Hyperion in an announcement
CD. Installation will require an
Having a development version
will be pleased to read about
Image Enhancement
prepare a new advert in time to
posted to their website on
update to the AmigaOne's U-
of OS 4 on his AmigaOne has
ArakAttack (reviewed on page
meet even our delayed
Christmas day! Since the
Boot BIOS, which, on most
Tutorial, part 2 . 38
allowed Mick to write a very
22), this strangely named
deadline and, unfortunately,
announcement we have heard
boards, is achieved by booting
C Programming Tutorial,
interesting feature on the new
driver enables you to use the
the existing adverts were too
that the OS 4 development
from a CD and issuing a simple
OS which you can find on page USB ports on your PC within
out of date to run again.
team is working hard in getting
command. A few very early
12 of this issue. Also of interest the emulation. Another piece of
the OS ready for the pre-
AmigaOnes have their BIOS
I hope you enjoy the issue and
to current and potential Amiga
good news is that the Poseidon
release. This includes
flash-ROM locked and will
we'll try to make the next one
One owners is the news that a
USB stack (used by
completing developments,
need to be sent to a dealer for
Colour screen-shots etc. 48
pre-release CD version of the
ArakAttack) can now be
fixing bugs and working on a
reprogramming. With the BIOS
new OS will soon be available
registered again and IOSpirit
Early Bird AmigaOne owners will soon have the pleasure of
slick installation procedure and
updated the machine can then
(see the news item over the
have a good value bundle in
booting Amiga OS 4.0 on their systems for the first time!
About Total Amiga
Total Amiga is published quarterly
Contact Us
Only Amiga Software
Photogenics 5 by Paul Nolan
The views expressed in this
If you wish to contact a contributor
by South Essex Amiga Link.
Final Writer 5 by Softwood
magazine are those of the author
send your message to one of the
If you have any queries
Made it Possible
The body text of Total Amiga is set
Ghostscript 8.00 from artofcode
of each piece, they do not
addresses in this section.
suggestions or want to contact us
Total Amiga is designed and laid
in Triumvirate Normal as supplied
LLC ported to AmigaOS by
necessarily reflect the views of
for any reason please use one of
Amiga is a registered trademark
with PageStream, the heading
the editor, other contributors or
and the Amiga logo, the "Boing
Contributors: Fleecy Moss
typeface is Forgotten Futurist by
There are also some essential
Ball" device, AmigaDOS, Amiga
Ray Larabie. Take a look at Ray's
Home built x86 PC
utilities we couldn't live without:
Please Note: Total Amiga is
Kickstart, Amiga Workbench,
huge range of freeware fonts at
AMD Athlon XP 2500+
Directory Opus 5, SGrab, MCP,
produced by the editor and
Autoconfig, Bridgeboard, and and
nVidia gForce 2 MX400
Turbo Print 7, MakeCD.
contributors in their spare time.
Powered by Amiga are
Nick Elliott
his commercial foundry at
512Mb RAM, 40Gb HDD. . 35
26 Wincoat Drive,
While we always strive to produce
trademarks of AMIGA Inc.
Our thanks to the creators of this
Proofreading: Mick Sutton
the magazine on time and include
AmiGBG show (Sweden) 25
and all the other great Amiga
"Amigan" is copyright by Bob
Amithlon by Bernie Meyer et. al.
all the advertised contents this is
software out there.
Scharp and used with his
Audio Evolution . 24
Cover Design: Robert Williams
Amiga OS 3.9 by Amiga
not always possible due to other
Total Amiga is entirely created
Fore-matt Home Computing
Telephone: +44 (0) 1268 569937
PageStream 4.1 by Softlogik
commitments. The price you pay
using Amiga software, no other
All other trademarks mentioned
ImageFX 4.5 by Nova Design
for Total Amiga covers our costs
platforms are used at any stage of
are the property of their
and nothing more, we don't make
Kicksoft . 18 & 47
UK time only please)
Perfect Paint 2.93
the design or layout process.
respective owners.
by Georges Halvadjian
a profit from it.

Bytes. Can That SPAM! Pegasos II Touches Down Bytes.
Amiga PoV
The first batch of Pegasos II
Amiga Point of View is a new
motherboards were shipped to
magazine concentrating on
AntiSPAM is a spam
users just before Christmas.
classic Amiga games, it is
(unsolicited commercial e-mail,
This new version of Genesi's
available as a free download
often characterised by adverts
PowerPC motherboard is
in PDF format. It includes
for pornography and Viagra)
based on the Marvell
game reviews, articles on
blocking tool which uses a
Discovery II system controller
aspects of Amiga gaming,
central database on an Internet
walk-throughs, hints and tips,
Dietmar Eilert has released a
which endows it with support
server to collect mails that
and many other features. The
slew of updates for his
for faster DDR-266MHz
have been marked as SPAM
first issue was released just
comprehensive text editor
memory and an additional
by all its users. The program
before Christmas and looks
package, GoldEd Studio AIX.
1Gb/s Ethernet port (not
runs in the background and is
excellent with a really nice
MorphOS is now fully
currently supported under
supplied with a number of
design and lots of interesting
supported, this means that
MorphOS). Apart from those
scripts to integrate it with the
articles including:
GoldEd runs properly on the
changes the Pegasos II is very
The Pegasos II
popular e-mailer, YAM. At start-
platform and the MorphOS
similar to the Pegasos I with
mother board has a
• 9 reviews including Sensible
up a fresh SPAM database is
developer material has been
features including:
similar design and the
Golf, Eye of the Beholder
downloaded and any mail
integrated into the C/C++
setting were changed.
same neat form factor as
and Balance of Power.
module. The C/C++ module
received is checked against it,
• Processor card slot with
Very quickly after their
its predecessor.
• A feature on Team 17.
was then further upgraded to
if a message is identified as
AntiSpam's remote utility can detect and delete SPAM
either a 600MHz G3 or
release a fix was made
• How comics inspired Amiga
fix bugs in the gcc/ndk
SPAM it is removed from the
messages before you download them.
1000MHz G4 PowerPC
available, but this should be
Native PPC MorphOS
installation. GoldEd's
incoming folder. If any SPAM
applied before any firmware
• Help on completing Quest
be downloaded from your ISP's SPAMs in one go before you
programs are also available.
WebWorld HTML publishing
messages get through you can
• Micro ATX form factor
settings are made, if you buy a
for Glory, Zak McKracken
POP3 server and identify any
have to download them.
For more details please take a
module has been enhanced
select them and run the
Pegasos II be sure to check
and Switchblade.
SPAMs. All the mails that have
look at Sam Byford's reviews
to include the latest version of
"AddSpammer.rexx" script from
AntiSPAM is freeware and can
the following web page for
been identified as SPAM are
of the Pegasos I and MorphOS
Tidy which checks your HTML
a menu item to add this mail to
be downloaded from its
This magazine looks excellent
listed and marked for deletion.
in issues 15 and 16.
code for errors and good
the database that will assist all
website which also has more
• 3 USB 1.1 ports
to me and if you are
You can then check through
style. These updates are
The recommended price for a
interested in classic games
of AnitSPAM's users.
information and detailed
• 2 Firewire ports
the mails and choose to keep
available free for registered
• 10/100Mb/s Ethernet port (in
Pegasos II board with a
it's well worth the 19.5Mb
owners, the complete GoldEd
Also included in the package is
any that have been incorrectly
Each Pegasos II is supplied
addition to the Gb port
1000MHz G4 processor is
Studio package costs
AntiSPAM Remote, this tool
identified. When you're happy
with a copy of MorphOS 1.4
499Euro (about £400 including
69.90Euro (about £50).
will scan the e-mails waiting to
AntiSPAM will delete the
which has had the necessary
• AC97 built-in sound with
VAT) and the 600MHz G3
changes made to run on the
If you don't own GoldEd or
microphone and line inputs,
model costs 299Euro (about
have an older version two
updated board. MorphOS is a
and line and S/PDIF outputs.
£250 including VAT). For more
new demo versions are
new PowerPC operating
• Standard ports including
details on the Pegasos,
Minor updates have been
available, a "small" trial (4Mb)
system that can run Amiga 68k
mouse, keyboard, parallel
MorphOS, a list of dealers and
released for IOSpirit's whole
contains the editor and
Amithlon Movin' On
programs under JIT emulation
an on-line shop visit Genesi's
family of graphics products for
extensions but lacks the full
With all the legal wranglings,
resolution and refresh-rate
and also supports WarpUp and
The initial batch of Pegasos II
AmigaOS, MorphOS and
C/C++ mode. The "full" trial
work on updates for Amithlon,
PowerUp PPC programs.
board were supplied with
Amithlon. VHIStudio 6.01 now
weighs in at 84Mb but
the x86 Amiga emulator, from
• Non-accelerated GeForce 4
supports MorphOS GUI skins
includes all the C/C++
the original author stopped
MX driver with full resolution
and has a speed increase on
functionality including
some time ago. While Amithlon
and refresh-rate support.
that platform. The update also
compilers giving a complete
itself works well one problem is • IDE DMA/UDMA now
Learn With eTeacher includes "support for new
integrated development
that PC hardware is moving all
functions on recent VIA and
If you have Amithlon and have
drivers" and bug fixes. fxScan
environment. The demos are
the time and it is getting
nVidia nForce 2 chipsets.
never managed to figure out
eTeacher is a multimedia
• More than 200 exercises.
minimum requirements being
4.05 also works with MOS
fully functional but limited to
increasingly difficult to find
how to install the updates
skins and now supports
small documents, however
training CD-ROM designed to
• 3 Hours of audio.
AmigaOS 2.0, a 68020
compatible components, in
available for the system then
loading and saving images in
Dietmar mentions that they
Gary has also released new
help you learn a language,
• 1000 Images.
processor and 4Mb of RAM.
particular motherboards and
there is a treat in store for you!
the PNG format, remembers
may well be enough to handle
Linux drivers for various
versions for English and
• Context sensitive grammar
graphics cards. However
Guido Mersmann (who wrote
eTeacher is available from
the file save format last used
web pages and the like.
motherboard features which
German are available. The
and has bug-fixes. In fxPaint
Amithlon is based on an open
the ArakAttack USB driver
FunTimeWorld's on-line shop,
update those found in the last
program features exercises
2.02 the fxAlbum utility has
source Linux kernel and this is
reviewed in this issue) has
the English and German
Amithlon updates package:
which are accompanied with
Modern Amiga systems with
been updated with improved
the part that contains most of
packaged all the updates
versions are available
images and recorded speech
graphics cards and sound
performance, a more intuitive
the hardware support. Gary
• A wide range of AC-97 audio
together with a neat installer
separately at 29.89Euro (£20
so you can learn how words
cards are supported and, of
delete function, support for
Colville has been working for
codecs including the
script which will update a
approx.) each or as a bundle
and phrases should be
course, a CD-ROM is required.
wheel mice and the ability to
some time on Amithlon kernel
ALC650, AD1890 and VIA
system installed from the
for 50Euro (£34):
pronounced. Several types of
However eTeacher will also run
ignore icon files. There are
updates and asked for
Amithlon CD to the latest
exercise are included which
on a more basic system, the
also several general bug-fixes
donations on the Amithlon
• Audio support functions in the version. The only manual
focus on vocabulary, grammar
in this update.
mailing list to enable him to
Intel ICH4, VIA 8235/8237
installation step is to copy the
and sentence structure. The
These three updates are free
purchase examples of the type
and nVidia MCP south bridge
new kernel onto your boot
level of difficulty can be
to owners of the VHIStudio 6,
of hardware users wanted to
adjusted so the program will
fxScan 4 and fxPaint 2
see supported. This work has
• Broadcom 44xx 100MBit LAN
Amithlon Update can be found
grow with you as you learn. It
respectively, if you have
lead to a new kernel version
eTeacher has a
has been designed to be
registered your purchase you
with new features and
• NVidia nForce2 integrated
simple interface
simple to use and is suitable
can log-in and download your
hardware support:
for both children and adults.
suitable for all
update from the IOSpirit
The updated kernel is available
ages, the teacher
• Hardware-accelerated
as a free download from Gary's
Version 6.2 has just been
sounds a bit strict
GeForce 4 Ti driver with full
released and features:

STFax Set Free Gorky17 for OS4 Nova's
DVD Writing Comes to Amiga
Simone Tellini has released STFax 4 as freeware.
Hyperion have announced that
game a Sci-Fi/horror theme
STFax can send and
they are working on porting
with many sub quests to
DVD writers have dropped
standard audio file formats
an NEC ND-1300A 4X drive
with your choice of drive.
receive faxes using a fax-
Gorky17 to AmigaOS 4 in
perform and secret areas to
dramatically in price over the
including the popular WAV.
and while dvdrecord wrote CD-
modem and also has the
Download the latest version of
addition to a Linux version
last few months with the
Rs successfully attempting to
Nova Design have made a new
facility to run an interactive
All these utilities are command
which is already under way.
cheapest units now available at
write a DVD-R disc produced
release of their image
telephone system complete
The first screen-shots of the
line driven and therefore have
Interestingly the Amiga version
around £50 so it's great to see
an error message. So if you
processor called ImageFX 4.5
with menus and voice mail.
OS 4 version have been
to be run from a shell, some
is being developed by the
that the first piece of DVD
plan to give this a go be careful
Studio. This release includes
STFax is a powerful
released and it has been
Linux developers who have
writing software has just been
full MorphOS compatibility and
program and was highly
demonstrated at some of the
documentation is available
recently been "converted" to
made available. This is a port
the PowerStation package
rated when it was released.
AmigaOS 4 On Tour events. A
along with some notes on the
the Amiga and thus is not
by "Schlonz" of the Linux
which was previously an
release date has not been
ports website which should be
taking development time from
package dvdrtools which
optional extra. PowerStation
announced but it seems
enough to get you going. If
AmigaOS 4 itself!
consists of the following
provides PPC native versions
reasonable to expect it soon
you're not a shell person then
from Aminet and then
of many processor intensive
Gorky 17 is described as
after the full OS 4.0 is
you'll be pleased to hear that a
ImageFX effects (listed below),
having a mix of strategy and
readcd - This utility reads data
simple GUI front end for this
the modules are compatible
RPG game play. The player
from a CD or DVD sector by
package has been written by
Read the full announcement on with Amiga PPC accelerators
sector into a track image file on Carsten Siegner and is also
Web Bytes. commands a small team of
the Hyperion website at:
(they use the PowerUp
NATO soldiers who are
your hard disk.
available from the port's
system) and MorphOS:
investigating the appearance of
dvdrecord - The most
mutant creatures in a small
important part of the package,
DVDRTools supports writing to
Polish city. This story gives the
this burns CDs and DVDs from
CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R and
an existing track image file.
DVD-RW but does not support
mkisofs - Creates image files
the DVD+ formats or DVD-
for data CDs from files on your
• JPEG loader and saver
RAM. The author states that
system, you would use this to
• Gaussian Blur
most MMC compliant DVD
prepare a data disk to be
drives should work which
written with dvdrecord. Both
AmigaFlame is one of the
would include most modern
the ISO9660 format for CDs
longest standing continuously
DVD writers, he has
and UDF for DVDs are
updated Amiga websites that
successfully tested it with a 4X
ImageFX Studio costs $129.95
I can remember, it's forte is
Toshiba DVD-R drive but
(£70 approx.), upgrades are
cdda2wav - Rips audio from
Amiga games. A regularly
reports that a LG 4020B 2X
available at $39.95 (£22) from
CD tracks and saves them in
The ToastDVD GUI is a front end for
updated news section carries
device did not work. I tried with
4.x, $59.95 (£32) from 3.x and
dvdrtool's commandline programs.
all the game related news and
$79.95 from 2.x. Pegasos
also other major Amiga
owners with the SuperBundle
related stories. Separate lists
ProTracker Comeback Get What You Want
can upgrade to the full version
are available of games in
for $99.95 (£54).
development for classic
A follow on to the classic
• Load: MOD, MOD2, DBM,
WallGet is a graphical interface GUI makes it easier to
Amigas and for the
Amiga family of sound tracker
XM, IT, S3M, MED and MT2.
Aladdin 4D, Nova's 3D
for the GNU wget utility which
understand than trying to work
AmigaOne once OS4 is
programs (SoundTracker,
• Save: MOD, MOD2, XM.
animation package has also
allows you to download files or
out the command line options.
released. These lists are
NoiseTracker, ProTracker) is
• 64 Tracks, 256 Patterns.
been given a new release, this
even whole websites from a
Downloads can be initiated by
bang up-to-date including
currently in development.
• Separate volume, panning,
time on CD-ROM. While the
command line. The GUI gives
calling an AREXX command
recent announcements such
Gorky17 running in a window on OS4.
Protracker II is a completely
and effects on each track.
core program has not been
you comfortable access to all
and an example script is
as Gorky 17. The site
new program which brings the
Protracker II is currently in
upgraded you do get
wget's features and enables
provided so WallGet can be
includes a history of games
Classic Painting for OS4 and MOS
classic tracker interface to
development for MorphOS and
everything you need on the CD
you to queue up files to be
integrated with your browser.
released for the Amiga from
modern hardware. Some of the Windows and versions for
downloaded, the maximum
In separate announcements
Inc. so they can develop a
including all the available
1993 to 2002 and a separate
features planned for the new
AmigaOS 4 and AROS are
WallGet has a MUI interface
number of files to be
list of recently released
Cloanto has confirmed that
PowerPC native OS 4 version.
updates such as advanced 3D
being considered. The
and is available in versions for
commercial games (which
downloaded at one time can be
Personal Paint 7.1 will be
The updated version will be
object loading which enables
estimated release date is
AmigaOS and MorphOS.
sadly only contains CrossFire
set. Wget is a powerful
available for both MorphOS
available as a free download
you to use objects distributed
• Familiar keyboard short cuts
March 2004. For more
Download the latest version
II). There are pages of game
program and this is reflected in
and AmigaOS 4. Personal
from both Amiga and Cloanto.
in other formats. Also included
and GUI layout.
information visit the program's
reviews and cheats which
WallGet's extensive range of
Paint is a classic palette based
are a complete set of
• AHI Support.
haven't been added to
Cloanto also announced that
download options, however
paint program in the mould of
"Aladdin's Lamp" news letters
• 32bit Internal mixing
recently but still contain
they are in talks with Amiga
having everything laid out in a
Deluxe Paint which has always
in HTML format along with
• High quality 8-tap FIR
useful information. The site is
Inc. about a new OS 4 native
been ideal for tasks such as
their accompanying demo and
completed with a selection of
version of Amiga Forever with
icon design and game
sample projects.
Amiga links and a listing of
the aim of allowing classic
Amiga game developers.
Amiga hardware dependent
Aladdin 4D costs $99.95 (£54)
Under the agreement with
programs to run seamlessly on
and users of 5.x can upgrade
Considering the slow pace of
Genesi, Cloanto will share the
the AmigaOne hardware under
to the latest release for $29.95
the Amiga game market in
Personal Paint source code so
recent years with very few titles released it's quite a
Genesi can assist with the
Read the full announcements
For more details and to order
surprise to find such an up-to-
port. When complete Personal
on the Cloanto site at:
either of these products visit
date site. Perhaps with the
Paint will be bundled with
the Nova Design website which
release of new hardware and
MorphOS. In a similar
now has a handy on-line shop:
OS 4 we'll see some more
agreement the sourcecode will
WallGet packs all wget's options
action and new releases.
be made available to Amiga
into a MUI interface.

Poseidon Update & Registrations Web Bytes.
Once again we can report that
Version 2.2 also marks the
IOUSB Scanner and IOUSB
Fleecy Speaks Amiga Inc.'s CTO
sums up 2003 and
Chris Hodges has been hard at reopening of the Poseidon
Digicam. The IOUSB products
looks forward to 2004.
work on his Poseidon USB
registration process so buyers
allow certain USB scanners
stack and has released a new
of Elbox's Spider USB 2.0 card
and digital cameras to be used
version. The major changes in
and Guido Mersmann's
with fxScan and VHIStudio
testers. Mick Sutton is one such
revised, the public AmigaOS4.0
is enough. People can read
this version are to the HID
ArakAttack Amithlon/OpenPCI
respectively. Medusa can be
Happy New Year to all Total community member - writer for beta distribution will be created. about it or attend a local user
(human interface device) class
USB driver can register
ordered through the IOSpirit
Amiga readers from
Total Amiga, User Group
We hope to provide this to all
group and see the latest builds
which now supports joypads
Poseidon and use their USB
on-line shop and is then
everyone at Amiga Inc.
stalwart, AmigaOne purchaser
AmigaOne owners. The beauty
for themselves.
mapping them to the
peripherals without the stack
released for immediate
Inspired by feedback from his
and now working with Amiga Inc
of this CD is that you just pop it
2003 started with a whimper - no
We will only announce the
lowlevel.library so they will
timing out. Poseidon can be
download from the website,
Mac: Reloaded column in
to demonstrate the new platform
into the AmigaOne and a few
evidence of AmigaOS4.0,
release date when we have
at shows and user groups.
minutes later, you have
work with many modern
registered by sending 25Euro
keyfiles for Poseidon and
Total Amiga issue 15, Michael
AmigaOnes but only running
actual shippable product in front
Carrillo has set up a website
AmigaOS4.0 on your new
games. Features such as
(£18 approx.) to the author in
ArakAttack are then supplied
Linux and hope running thin in
Although not privy to the latest
of us - CD, Manuals in a box (for
dedicated to Mac emulation
Amiga. (And about time too
analogue sticks and hat
cash or via a bank transfer.
by the programs' authors.
the community. The warmth of
versions (as he says, he needs
the CSPPC version) or shrink-
on classic Amigas. The first
shout all the AmigaOne owners
switches are also supported.
summer brought our platform
the most stable system to show
wrapped (for the AmigaONE
If you would prefer to register
Download the latest version of
section of the site deals with
who have lost hair whilst playing
Other HID improvements
bursting into life. AmigaOS4.0
off, not the latest), he has been
OEM version). The upside of this
using your credit card, IOSpirit
setting up your Amiga to run
with PPC Linux).
include support for feature
Workbench demonstrated
doing an awesome job,
is that you won't have long to
are selling Poseidon in a
the emulation including
items such as keyboard lights
running on a CSPPC A4000.
demonstrating exactly why the
At the same time, the marketing
wait between the announcement
package called MedusaUSB
information on what hardware
(caps lock etc.) and game
Leaks from beta testers about all
Amiga community is unique. As
effort for the AmigaOS4.0 launch
and the product being released.
for 34.99Euro (£25). In addition
you need and the emulators
the new systems and
a treat for Total Amiga readers,
will be started. New websites
controller rumble packs, and
For details of the Medusa USB
The last decade in the world of
to the USB stack Medusa
that are available. Then come
components that had been
Robert and he approached us
and a new name, the Amiga
improved keyboard mapping.
detailed pages on setting up
Amiga has been a nightmare.
includes a registered version of
released to them. AmigaOS4.0
and asked if they could do a
Power Platform (APP) will be
There have also been many
the two most popular
Plain and simple. Bad luck. Lack
ArakAttack and full versions of
demonstrated on an AmigaOne
preview and we obviously
unveiled to the world. The user
other improvements and bug
emulators, ShapeShifter and
of resources. Mistakes. Invaders.
at the Pianeta Amiga show in
agreed. This issue this presents
groups and dealers will be pulled
fixes, a few that stood out for
Fusion, these take you
All have conspired to throttle our
Italy. The AmigaOS4.0 roadshow
what is probably a world
into a more formal global
me are that memory card
through the process step-by-
platform. In the end, history will
organised by dealers and user
exclusive, the first preview of
structure, so that we can all work
readers built into Epson
step complete with plenty of
show that it was the community
groups that covered Europe and
AmigaOS4.0 running on an
together with the necessary
printers are now supported,
screen-shots. There is also
that saved it - the Hyperions, the
then spread to Australia and
resources to get the good news
some problems with certain
an FAQ covering Fusion.
Eyetechs, the magazines, the
North America. Over a thousand
about the rebirth of the Amiga
So what about 2004? This WILL
user groups, the dealers and the
Olympus digital cameras have
Having helped you get your
Amigans now having seen the
platform out to as many people
be the year that Amiga rises from
users. Far from having been
been worked around and
emulator up and running, the
future of the Amiga with their
as possible.
the ashes after so many false
destroyed, the community is now
"PsdDevLister" now outputs a
site moves on to setting up
own eyes and even played with it starts and promises. Even as I
Unfortunately we still don't have
sharper, tighter and more united
Google search string so you
your Mac hard drive, and
- AmigaOS4.0 on the AmigaOne.
type this, the AmigaOS4.0 beta
a final release date for you. Such
than ever, and playing an
can look for information on a
installing MacOS. Again both
At the heart of much of this work
tester CD is being given its final
a date ultimately becomes self
integral role in the future.
particular device (I had to
topics are covered in detail
are the hours of effort put in by
polish. This will be distributed
defeating because such a thing
mention that a I always smile
with screen shots. Finally
In the heart tingling words of
Poseidon's improved HID class supports joypads and
the community, from the
first to the closed beta test list
is highly unpredictable. The
a Poseidon's quirky features)!
there is a list of a few
Marc Almond and Dave Ball -
changes to the default keyboard mapping using this window.
AmigaOS4.0 developers to the
and then, when all that feedback
progress being made is obvious
essential Mac programs and
"Say Hello, Wave Goodbye".
AmigaOne dealers to the beta
has been taken and the product
and for many Amigans this itself
an FAQ answering common MacOS problems.
Plug-in to HD-Rec In addition to all this solid
Bringing you the latest comments and rumours
information you'll also find
Buzz Word.
links to useful sites, a gallery
from around the Amiga world.
A new beta demo version of
HDRec handles MIDI and
MIDI hardware or using the
of screen-shots and forums
Thilo Köhler's MIDI/audio
Audio tracks in the same time
internal soft synth where
BHello! Wuzz
ell it has been a while
and Marketing. The favourite
Eyetech and Hyperion are busy
since your snooping agent was
front runner for the position of
preparing the final push to the
here, this was necessary to
CEO is none other than the
AmigaOS Beta pre-release.
They say that imitation is the
avoid being exposed. I have to
Legendary Garry Hare as the
Expect this to be out soon, with
sincerest form of flattery, well
keep my true identity under
man to come in and take charge
where you can ask your own
sequencer has been released
line window enabling you to
effects can be applied. An
questions and discuss your
that includes many of the
combine the two. MIDI tracks
integrated audio mixer with 16
emulation experiences with
features of the final product.
can be played via external
stereo channels is included
other users.
and high quality effects can be
the final full release out before
just after announcing that they
This is a very handy site that
added to each channel. The
at the helm.
Issue 18 of Total Amiga
are not interested in the Amiga
brings together all the
0.9 archive contains:
Magazine hits your letter box.
and its community, a few sites
information you need to get
Jim Collas. A lot was made of
• Audio effects such as reverb,
have appeared with the
started in Mac emulation.
this story last time round, turns
Thendic vs Amiga Inc.
Genesi, appear to be cutting
delay, chorus, EQ, etc.
Amigaworld name, for example,
out my source was misinformed,
Court Case
back their Amiga community which is a
• Sweeper softsynth plug-in
don't worry though, he tells me
involvement on popular Amiga
German language site.
with General MIDI
he enjoys hospital food and the
It looks like Mr. Bill Buck has
sites such as and is aimed at the
he will be out by Easter.
pre-empted a Judge's decision, both webmasters of
Pegasos Machines, whilst not
• XR-49 virtual master
Amiga may have finally found
and put up his own version of
the afore mentioned sites no
an official Genesi website, it is
keyboard plug-in.
an investor with loads of cash
the final judgement prematurely
longer seem to be working for
interesting that the links to the
• AMixer pop-up plug-in.
and it's a well known name
on a Pegasos website. I don't
Genesi. The distancing of
Amiga Market remain. Nothing
• Demo songs.
apparently, rumours about this
think judges are very happy for
Genesi from the Amiga
like riding on the back of
has been around for a long time
petitioners to make their minds
community goes further than
another name is there?
The final product will be
though, so take this with a large
up for them in advance. This
one can imagine, a Genesi
shareware, to download
pinch of salt.
could mean that the Judge in
employee recently posted on a
Where have we seen that
charge of this case won't be
version 0.9 and get more
public forum that, Alan
Should this latest titbit prove
looking too kindly on Mr. Buck
information and screen-shots
Redhouse would be having a
correct, it looks likely that Bill
now, it may push the judgement
bad hair day at AmiGBG whilst
That's it for this issue, more
McEwen Will be moving within
towards Amiga's favour.
being worshipped by Fat Amiga
interesting titbits, in Issue 18.
HD-Rec's attractive GadTools based interface
Amiga to concentrate on Sales
Geeks. Charming.
showing some of the new plug-ins.
AmigaOS 4 On Tour & UK Demo Reports
filled with attractive subtle
ith a number of AmigaOS 4
gradients. The whole look is lighter
On Tour show happening
and more modern than the OS3.x
across Europe in the middle of
colour scheme. Opening
2003, many UK users were feeling
Workbench windows, even those
left out with no AmigaOS 4
with many icons such as Prefs,
demonstration near them. Because seemed pretty fast and responsive. none of the UK user groups (who
Another innovation is the
have organised shows in the past)
antialiased font support that is
had an OS 4 beta-tester as a
implemented in such a way that
member setting up a UK demo had
most existing applications also get
been a problem, but not any more!
antialiased text in their interfaces.
Mick Sutton, SEAL's Chairman,
The new features of AmiDock were
got his Amiga One-XE G4 in July
shown next including pop-up sub-
and when OS 4 running on the
docks and active "dockies" such as
new PPC hardware was
a clock icon that shows the time.
announced we finally had the
Robert Williams then took over to
The line-up: three out of at least eight AmigaOnes being
prerequisites to demonstrate the
show OS 4's RoadShow TCP/IP
demonstrated at AmigaOS 4 On Tour South West.
new OS. With some excellent help
stack and how some particularly
from Fleecy Moss and OS 4
disgusting colour effects could be
boot. Otherwise the demo was
Amigans who wanted to see OS 4,
developers and testers Mick was
achieved with the new GUI
similar to the ANT meeting
former Amiga users and a few
able to get the OS up and running
preferences (which controls the
although a couple of extra Amiga
punters interested to see
on his machine (read more about
look of Reaction programs and
applications were demonstrated,
something different.
his experiences in the OS 4 Hands
Intuition). RoadShow is loaded on
BlackIRC and Soliton.
On feature in this issue).
AmigaOS 4 On Tour South
start-up when a network interface
Micromart Computer Fair -
ANT - 9/11/2003
has been configured so there is no
West - 13/12/2003
need for the user to start the stack.
We wanted to get the first
Mick has been able to connect his
This event, organised by the South
demonstration off the ground
AmigaOne to the Internet via a
Mick Sutton and Robert Williams
West Amiga Group, was the first
quickly so, rather than organising
broadband router using the 3com
travelled up to Birmingham to
official UK AmigaOS 4 On Tour. It
an Amiga OS 4 On Tour event, we
Ethernet controller built into the
attend the MicroMart Computer
was held just outside Bath. SEAL
decided to start with demos at
Fair, a show organised by
members Mick Sutton, Robert
local usergroup meetings. The first
MicroMart, a weekly UK magazine
Williams, Dave Kennedy and Elliott
Various classic Amiga programs
meeting in the calendar was Amiga
which features an "Amiga Mart"
Bird travelled to the event with
were then demonstrated running
North Thames who meet in
column by Sven Harvey.
Mick's AmigaOne and copies of
under 68K emulation including:
Enfield, North London.
Total Amiga in tow.
Photogenics 5, Final Writer 5,
The show took place on a Sunday,
Mick Sutton and SEAL members
Amiga Writer, PhotoAlbum,
so bright and early they made their
At this show there were more
Robert Williams, Elliott Bird and
SnoopDos, IBrowse and
way to the National Exhibition
AmigaOnes running OS 4 in one
Dave Kennedy turned up early to
SimpleMail. SimpleMail and
Centre and got to the large hall
place than ever before (probably), I
set things up, this went quickly as
IBrowse showed MUI applications
where the show is held. SEAL
counted at least five machines up
Mick had already had a trial run. At
working under OS 4, Mick also
exhibited on a table within the
and running plus another three or
this event Mick had his AmigaOne
demonstrated the version of MUI
Eyetech/Stellar Dreams stand.
four running Linux. Despite the
loading the OS4 kernel image from
included which is release 3.9.
Stellar Dreams is Sven Harvey's
"competition" Mick was able to woo
a laptop PC via TFTP over an
company and they are taking over
the crowds with Quake 2 running
With the applications demoed it
Ethernet connection. A terminal
the role of distributing AmigaOne
with Warp3D on OS 4 for the first
was time to have some fun with an
emulator on the PC was also used
systems in the UK.
time. Although only the demos
OS 4 PPC native version of Quake
to display debug output from the
could be run reliably at this early
I. The game was launched from
On the SEAL table Mick set up his
AmigaOne's serial port. Once the
stage, the game ran very smoothly
the command line and loaded
AmigaOne-XE G4 system running
kernel image was loaded at the
with sound and looked great.
quickly. Running in 640x480 with
the development version of
beginning of the boot process the
software rendering it looked very
AmigaOS 4 which had been
Eyetech, Fleecy Moss and Stellar
AmigaOne was able to run stand-
impressive: fast and smooth. A
updated since the earlier demos.
Dreams attended the show to give
alone, loading the operating
later test with the timedemo
Also in attendance were Alan
an official presence. Eyetech has a
system files from its hard disk.
command showed that over 30FPS
Redhouse from Eyetech, Fleecy
similar display to the MicroMart
Mick explained the state of OS4 as
was being achieved.
Moss of Amiga Inc. and Carl
show so more people could see
it was installed on his AmigaOne;
Moppett (AKA JurassicCamper),
the MicroAmigaOne in the flesh.
It was great to see OS 4
he emphasised that it was an
another AmigaOS 4 tester who
Stellar Dreams had AmigaOne
demonstrated in the UK for the first
alpha development version
brought along his AmigaOne.
board and complete systems on
time and most of the visitors
meaning that bugs do exist and
sale at special show prices.
seemed impressed.
Eyetech had two MicroAmigaOne
some software could crash it.
(MiniITX sized, 170mm square)
Fleecy Moss opened the show with
When the AmigaOne had booted,
SEAL - 11/11/2003
motherboards displayed on their
a few encouraging word and
the initial OS 4 screen looked
table. One was mounted inside a
towards the end of the event Alan
much like any Amiga Workbench
A few days after the ANT event
DVD player case to show the
Redhouse gave a presentation on
but with a subtle gradient on the
was the next SEAL meeting so, of
flexibility of the small form factor,
the current status of the A1 and
title bar and a new-look AmiDock
course, Mick took the opportunity
and the other was up and running
with semi-transparent background
to show off OS 4 to our members
with Yellow Dog Linux. Among the
along the bottom of the screen.
on their own "turf". Since the ANT
Altogether this was a good little
applications demonstrated were
meeting Mick had been able to
show with plenty to see and do, it
Mick started by opening some
Mac-on-Linux and a Windows
setup his AmigaOne to boot from
was great to see so many OS 4
Workbench windows to show the
desktop via a remote desktop
an OS 4 kernel image located on
systems in one place.
new look of the window borders,
connection to a PC.
his hard disk so he could do
gadgets are in the classic
Report by Robert Williams
without the Windows laptop that
The Stellar Dreams stand was
AmigaOS layout but have a new
had been required for network
crowded for most of the show.
look and the window borders are
Visitors included dedicated
instructions will crash. I
available for specific cards and
slow PIO mode 0 IDE interfaces
computer is booted. For example
experienced this when trying to
motherboard features.
that achieve no more than 2
if you have a broadband
run image filters within Art Effect.
Mb/s. The AmigaOne
connection or connect to a LAN
A temporary solution is to install
The 3DFX Voodoo 3 graphics
motherboard has 2 UDMA 100
(Local Area Network) you can
Amiga OS 4
a non FPU version, if the
card is supported in 2D using the
IDE channels which offer a
use the network without having
program has one, but of course
Picasso 96 driver and in 3D via
theoretical maximum transfer
to manually connect. A new
FPU emulation will be added for
OS4 native Warp3D. The 3DFX
rate of 100 Mb/s and use DMA
"Internet" preferences program
the final version. Since I have
driver should also work on
(Direct Memory Access) to
enables you to configure multiple
Mick "Lucky" Sutton has been running OS 4 on his AmigaOne-XE since November.
had an OS4 kernel upgrade
Voodoo 4 and 5 cards with 3D
reduce CPU load during
network connections. The layout
many applications are more
support and on 3DFX Banshee
transfers. DMA capable drivers
of the interface will be familiar to
In this feature he gives us his thought on the early version he's tried. Check out the back cover for colour screenshots.
stable and general performance
cards in 2D only. Picasso 96 and
for OS4 are currently being
anyone who has configured
has increased. At the time of
parts of the graphics system are
tested and will be included in the
either Miami or Genesis. Unlike
I am in the fortunate position of
writing a further five kernel
currently running under 68k
final release. OS4 includes a
Genesis and standard Miami,
having an early development
upgrades have been released to
emulation, but graphics
new CD filesystem that also
Roadshow supports DHCP
version of Amiga OS4 on my
developers solving many of the
which is used on many networks
AmigaOne. My role within the
problems I have noted above.
to automatically configure
"OS4 will make all of us who use Amigas very
"team" has been to demonstrate
From what I've seen I am
computers and devices as they
the OS at several events around
confident that the release
happy bunnies indeed"
are connected. Some broadband
the UK. In this article I'm going to
version of OS4 will have
Internet connections require
try to convey the features and
excellent compatibility with
performance is already very
supports DVD discs. If you have
DHCP so Roadshow should be
more importantly the "feel" of
"classic" Amiga software. With
smooth and usable (faster than
a CD writer with Mount Rainier
compatible without the use of a
using the new OS in print for
my experience of 68k processors my A1200 with 060 and Bvision).
support then software is included
separate router. A new
those that were unable to attend,
on the classic Amiga I estimate
Support for the popular ATI
to use a CD-RW like a hard disk
connection "wizard" is provided
and of course update you with
that the interpreted emulation
Radeon series of graphics chips
for quick and easy back-ups.
to guide you through the process
the developments I know of.
achieves speeds similar to that
will be included in the developer
of setting up an Internet
Amiga OS4 supports the
of current classic 060 systems (a
pre-release using a Picasso 96
connection via either a dial up
driver from Forefront
AmigaOne motherboard's 3Com
Early Days for Me!
very useable speed), although
modem, cable/ADSL modem or
10/100 MB/s Ethernet controller
this does vary between
Technologies. In the final release
via a router. I was able to set up
with a standard SANA II driver
The version of OS4 I have on my
applications. I should reiterate
the SNAP 2D graphics system
my broadband connection within
which works with the new
AmigaOne is by no means the
that the JIT emulator will
will be integrated providing
a few minutes using the settings
Roadshow TCP/IP stack (more
latest development release, new
radically improve performance.
support for hundreds of graphics
from Miami on my "classic"
on that later). Drivers for the
and updated modules are being
chipsets including ATI Radeon
system! According to the
motherboard's USB ports are not
released on a daily basis but my
Even applications running under
and nVidia gForce series.
developers Roadshow is the
currently released, but the USB
machine needs to be in a stable
emulation use resources from
Hopefully 3D support can be
fastest TCP/IP stack ever
stack has been developed.
state for demonstration
the OS such as windows, menus
implemented when the 2D
developed on the Amiga.
Three USB control programs (to
purposes. Once all these
and requesters, with OS4 these
drivers are available.
control the stack), a preferences
modules have been tested by
resources have been improved.
On the sound front, cards are
program and USBInspector to
New Prefs
their developers and the small
Window borders are now filled
supported by an OS4 native
view attached devices are
group of alpha testers, then a
with subtle colour gradients
OS 4 is configured in the same
version of AHI, drivers are
included in readiness.
beta version will be released for
which give them a modern OS
way as OS 3.x, with a selection
available for SoundBlaster Live!,
wider testing, we understand that
look. Menus get a make-over
of programs in the Prefs drawer,
The default look of OS4 is instantly familiar but has a fresh modern feel.
Audigy, Audigy2 and Terratec
this should have happened by
with a coloured background and
most of which will be familiar to
Notice the pop-up "Multimedia" subdock and apologies for the AHI icon!
512i soundcards and many more
the time you read this. With this
a 3D look, the corners are
you. There are some brand new
cards will be supported in the
Until the release of OS 3.9
in mind the preview we are
rounded and they can pop-up
Entertainment All Rights
deep under the bonnet but will
routines that are executed many
preferences programs and
near future. For those of you who Amiga users had to pay for a
writing here is based on the
under the pointer. Requesters
Reserved", how long have we
be very helpful to developers.
times a JIT emulator offers much
others have been enhanced to
have been used to the "Classic"
TCP/IP stack (the software that
alpha status OS I have installed
have also been giver the fresh
waited to see those words? The
better performance, it's hard to
control the new features added.
Amiga's built in sound, could well connects to the Internet or other
on my machine, and any
OS look. All programs that use
icons look very similar to the
The aim of the OS4 project is to
say exactly what the speed
The changes I noticed are:
be surprised by the difference in
networks) such as Miami or
problems I mention are either
OS gadgets or Reaction for their
icons included with Amiga OS
have all parts of the OS running
improvement will be, but we
sound quality made by 16 bit
Genesis. OS 3.9 included
being resolved or could have
interface will get the make-over
GUI - We all know that no two
3.9, however, the text under the
natively on the PowerPC
expect a minimum increase of
soundcards, for example I found
Genesis but it was still an
been fixed already.
treatment, making them look
Workbenches look the same, but
icons (and in fact throughout
processor, OS4 also includes
five times with some applications
much more modern. At the
in Quake the sound was more
independent application. Amiga
now with OS 4's GUI
OS4) is antialiased and Truetype
built in 68k emulation which
vastly improved over that.
current stage of development (on realistic and immersive!
OS4 introduces a brand new
preferences there's a whole
Looks Like, Feels Like
fonts (as used on Windows and
enables the current Amiga OS
my machine) opening and
TCP/IP stack called Roadshow
range of visual options without
MacOS) are natively supported.
software to run and also those
I copied many 68k applications
Compared to modern PC's and
and is AmigaOS
moving windows, and interacting
which is integrated into the OS
the need to use hacks such as
Amidock also looks much slicker,
parts of the OS that haven't been and a couple of games from my
Macs the "classic" Amigas have
with GUI's already feels very
and available immediately the
Birdie and VisualPrefs. I couldn't
you will notice that the
ported. Currently I only have the
"classic" Amiga to my AmigaOne
Anyone familiar with Amiga
responsive and in most cases
hope to cover all the options
background is semi transparent,
interpreted emulator in my
so I could try them with OS4. I
OS3.0 and above will feel at
faster than my 060/BVision
here so I'll try to give you a feel
there are separator bars to
version of OS4, in the final
was pleased to find that almost
home with OS4 from the very
"classic" Amiga.
for the options which are
organise the dock into sections
release a JIT emulator (Petunia)
all of them ran "straight out of the
second they start using it! The
available. The options in GUI
and you will discover there are
will be included which will have
box" with no problems, see
windows have the familiar
preferences effect window
icons that pop up sub-docks with
much better performance. So
boxout for a list of the
Drivers to Date
arrangement of gadgets and the
borders, the screen title bar and
further icons. Amidock has lots of what's the difference between
applications I tried. The few
directory structure of the system
In my opinion a huge advantage
the look of applications using
improved functionality and many
these two methods of emulation? applications that cause problems
partition remains the same. The
of an AmigaOne is the fact that it
Reaction or GadTools for their
more options that we will cover
Interpreted emulation translates
with my version of OS4 are
title bar at the top of the screen,
uses generic PCI and AGP
interface (this includes all the
later. In addition to these visual
the instructions that make up a
Pagestream 4.x (has apparently
the RAM disk and partition icons
expansion cards. These cards
preferences and other programs
changes many parts of the OS
program from 68k to PPC code
been fixed), TV Paint and
and Amidock are all there too.
whether they be graphics cards,
included with OS 4). The window
have been ported to PPC,
each and every time they are
IBrowse 2.3 (works fine but
But, look a little closer and you
sound cards or other types are
title bar and borders can be a flat
elements have been improved
needed. JIT emulation
causes problems on exit but this
will see subtle changes and
widely available at reasonable
colour of your choice or a user
and new features have been
"remembers" sequences of
too is now sorted). 68881/68882
improvements. The title bar has
costs compared to Amiga
defined gradient. The gradient
added. Some enhancements are
recently translated instructions
FPU instructions are not
a 3D gradient, a boing ball at the
specific hardware (which is
manager is very powerful,
obvious straight away, you will
so repetitive code can be
currently emulated by the
left hand end and a message
produced in low quantities). At
gradients can be rendered at any
find others as you explore the
emulated much more efficiently.
interpreted emulator. As a result
reads "Copyright (C) 1985-2003
this stage of development only a
Internet preferences configures the built-in TCP/IP stack.
angle and both convex and
new OS and some are hidden
Because most programs contain
any program using FPU
Amiga, Inc. and Hyperion
limited number of drivers are
The network connection is available from boot up.
concave effects are possible
giving window borders and
you to enable or disable some of
functions, you may have seen
gadgets an enhanced "3D" look.
the new features of Intuition, (the
the screenshots we published in
There are various options for the
part of the operating system that
earlier issues of Total Amiga.
design and size of window
looks after screens and
These are the "classic" Amiga programs that I have tried and work
Currently I have an old IDE
border gadgets (for example the
windows) in OS 4. Windows can
fine, not exactly a long list but an initial installation to get myself
driver on my AmigaOne which
close and depth gadgets) and
now be dragged off the edges of
up and running using most programs I use on a daily basis.
means MediaToolbox cannot run,
the window title can be set to
the screen (to quickly make more
other AmigaOne betatesters are
appear in the centre of the drag
space), you can never drag a
now running a new driver which
bar. The edges of each window
window so it cannot be moved
Quake (OS4 native, software rendered)
works with MediaToolbox among
are subtly shaded which blends
back into view. You can opt to
Quake II (OS4 native, Warp3D)
numerous other improvements.
into the gradient finishing off the
keep the contents of a window
Soliton (68K Solitaire workbench game)
look perfectly.
visible as it is moved or re-sized,
I found this worked smoothly
The look of the various gadget
Amiga Writer 2.2 (68K Word Processor)
even with the early version of the
Ironically you can't use Partition
types used within program
Final Writer 5.03(68K Word Processor)
graphics library and Picasso 96 I
Wizard to partition your hard disk
windows (buttons, lists, cycles
Fiasco 2.2 (68K Database)
but it does provide many useful
etc.) are all configurable and the
Money Matters 4.02 (68K Finances/Money management program)
functions for both FFS and SFS
same settings apply to both
Palette - This preferences
TurboCalc 4.0 (68K Spreadsheet)
partitions. For both file systems
GadTools and Reaction
program is now used only to
Cybershow 9.5a (68K Image viewing program)
you can check the partition for
programs. Gadget borders can
define the colours available in
Photo Album 6.6 (68K Image management program)
corruption, repair any problems
be either flat, standard 3D or a
the Workbench screen palette,
Photogenics 5 (68K Image manipulation and painting program)
that are found, and recover
softer "Xen" look. All gadgets
the functions to set the colour of
previously deleted files. There is
can be given a gradient effect
window and screen items have
IBrowse 2.3 (68K Browser)
also an optimise (defrag) option
and by default have an almost
been moved to GUI preferences.
Simplemail 0.21 (68K and OS4 native versions Mail program)
for FFS partitions only. Partition
"brushed aluminium" look. The
The palette preferences editor
AmFTP 1.90 (68K FTP client)
Wizard brings some essential
options for scroller gadgets both
now has options to lock
BlackIRC 1.1 (68K IRC program)
data security functions to
in window borders and within an
particular colours in the palette
AmigaOS that were only
application's interface are
(similar to FullPalette if you have
previously available with third-
particularly extensive, you'll have used that utility) but you probably
ARcalc 2.0 (68K Calculator)
party software (if at all).
hours of fun tweaking your knob
will not need to use them on an
SnoopDos 3.0 (68K System snooper to help find your problems)
settings! One option you'll
AmigaOne (which has a graphics
SGrab 1.22 (68K Screen/Window image grabbing tool)
Key "Classic" Amiga applications (including those using MUI) run under emulation on AmigaOS 4.
Here I'm running my favourite Internet programs, SimpleMail and IBrowse.
immediately notice is that, in a
card by default).
AmiDiction 2.6a (68K on-line dictionary)
tabbed window, the active tab is
the look of public screens
There are also two other new
can be customised to your
on Amidock which gives you
The "Repertoire" window shows
The latest version of the Magic
now highlighted with a colour,
PopupMenu - From what I can
opened by applications. You can
prefs programs that are not yet
heart's content.
access to different screens
all the characters within a font
User Interface is included with
once again a gradient effect can
tell, this is the preferences
choose to give them the default
implemented on the relatively old
running. You may have for
and enables you to view different
AmigaOS 4 for backwards
program for PopupMenu.library
OS 4 look or a customised set of
version of OS 4 I have on my
Dockies either add a new
example Photogenics, Final
unicode character sets and
compatibility with the many
which is now included with OS 4.
GUI settings. There is also the
AmigaOne. Amigainput will, I
interactive icon to a dock or add
Writer and say Quake running on pages. For most users the
existing MUI applications. MUI
In OS 4 the system menus used
This library enables developers
facility to create your own screen
understand, enable gaming
new features, they are supplied
their own screens and by clicking important point is that OS 4 now
has had a few enhancements
by almost all Amiga programs
to implement pop-up menus in
definitions (including
devices such as joysticks and
as separate files in the
on the "Access" icon on Amidock
natively supports TrueType fonts
since the last public release (3.8)
receive a huge makeover. Many
their programs, an example of
screenmode, palette and GUI
joypads to be configured. The
tools/dockies directory. Several
you get a list up of all those
which are widely available both
these include splitting up the
of the options now available are
this is AmiDock where you can
style), perhaps so you could
other is USB prefs which I
dockies have configuration
screens, clicking on any of the
commercially and as freeware.
built-in and third-party
similar to the popular hack
use a pop up menu to configure
create additional screens for
mention in the drivers section.
options, these are accessible by
named screens takes you to that
preference options, more
MagicMenu, but, of course, now
individual items in the dock. In
applications and utilities that do
right clicking on the docky's icon.
screen. It's very simple, but good The other key feature of the new
configurable bubble help and
cleanly implemented in the OS.
the preferences program you can not have the option to open their
Some of the more interesting
to see something like this
font engine is anti-aliasing, this
several new options for pop-up
Menus can be set to appear at
configure the look and the
own screen. However, I was not
ones that come with OS4
included within the OS.
helps remove pixelisation from
and program menus. The
the top of the screen, under the
operation of these menus, this is
able to get this to work, I do not
As we mentioned earlier
include: Clock displays an
fonts making them easier to read
version of MUI supplied with OS
mouse pointer or at the top of
independent from the OS menus
know if the version I have is
Amidock has been vastly
analogue clock icon in the dock
at small sizes and look smoother
4 has been configured with a
the screen only when the pointer
used by most programs. Options
limited or if I've missed the point!
improved over the OS 3.9
which shows the current time,
at large sizes. Anti-aliasing
look that complements the
is in the screen title bar. The
include the spacing of menu
version, the improvements come
there is even a second hand that
The new TypeManager program
works by softening the edge of a
default settings in GUI prefs.
menu background can be
items, borders and text styles.
Time - This preferences program in two main areas, many more
moves in realtime. Lens is a
is used to make Truetype fonts
character with grey pixels
coloured and there is also a
now has the option to update the
configuration options and a
small icon that shows a
available to the operating system
(assuming black text on a white
transparency option. All that you
Screens - I think this program is
time from a network time server.
selection of plug-in "dockies".
magnified portion of the
and programs. For each installed
background) this fools the eye
could do with MagicMenu, OS 4
designed to let you customise
workbench screen under the
font you can bring up a "Sample
into seeing a smoother edge
Oh boy, I can't wait for this
adds the option to give the
In addition to the icon display
position of the mouse pointer, an
text" window which shows some
because the "jaggies" are
product to hit the masses! As I
menus rounded corners and to
from OS 3.9, Amidock now has
option allows a larger area to be
text in that font (the startup-
disguised. Anti-aliasing can be
stated earlier, it is a familiar
fill them with a gradient.
two other modes: text that shows
displayed within the dock. One of sequence by default), you can
disabled in the Font preferences
friend that has been given a
just the name of each item and
the most useful dockies is
program if you don't like it.
The options in the "Control"
change the size and experiment
massive speed increase, a new
button which has a border
"SubDocks", this adds an icon
section of the GUI prefs allow
with anti-aliasing and kerning
modern styling makeover and
around each name. These new
which pops up a new dock so
options. If you have a font fetish
extra functionallity. Amiga OS
modes are useful if you need to
you can organise your programs
you'll love the "Modify Font"
has at last got that "new" feel
fit many dock items in a small
into categories. Minimizer shows
window which gives you a huge
This is essentially an enhanced
about it, something I haven't
space. The font used for item
how dockies can add a new
amount of information about
version of Editpad, the simple
experienced myself since the
names can be changed and
feature to a whole dock, in this
each font. If you wish you can
text editor supplied with OS3.5
change from Amiga OS2.X to
antialiased fonts are used.
case it minimises the dock to its
create bitmaps of various font
and later. Notepad has new undo OS3.X, but even then I think the
Besides the different background
drag-bar after the pointer has
sizes but we found font rendering and redo commands and the find
change is much greater this
images a variable transparency
moved away from the dock for a
to be so fast on the AmigaOne
and replace feature has been
time. I don't know if it's going to
can be set which reveals the
few seconds (even the delay is
that you probably will not need
improved with backwards, from
put Amiga "back on the map" as
backdrop behind the dock. The
configurable). We understand
to. The attributes of the selected
top and wildcard options.
it were, as that depends on so
dragbar can be switched off
that third party developers will be font are displayed and you can
many other factors. OS4 will
GUI Preferences offers powerful
giving the dock a cleaner look,
able to program new dockies to
change them if you wish
make all of us who use Amigas
control over the look of windows,
you can also remove the border.
expand Amidock even further. A
(although they should already be
very happy bunnies indeed and
screens and programs using
All These settings can be applied
new tool "Access" now resides
set correctly by the designer).
Mediatoolbox is the replacement
that's a great start!
Reaction or GadTools interfaces.
to individual docks so each one
for HDToolbox which has many
Timber Tower
the case was complete. I cut
slots in the right hand side panel to allow some venting for the
I bought 3 toggle switches from
blizzard fan which would be right
Maplin, the large one replaced
up against the wood otherwise.
the push switch on the AT power
Unfortunately, I started off cutting supply. The modem's 12 volt
Nick Elliott wanted a tower that fitted his expanded A1200
the grooves too close together,
power lead is routed through the
perfectly, so he got out his carpentry tools.
and the wood broke! An extra
first small switch, the next is a
millimetre between the slots
spring-loaded switch attached to
seemed entirely appropriate for a
fixed that. Finally, the top side of
the reset point on the
hen I first tried to put my
‘retro' computer. So I built my
the top and bottom panels were
motherboard (see the boxout)
A1200 in a tower case, I
Amiga a wooden case, here's
rounded over with the router.
and the last is connected my
discovered that the motherboard
The front face panel was cut to
monitor switcher from Eyetech.
with a Blizzard 1240 attached is
size. I decided to use toggle
Happily, the switch on this
about 4cm longer than the
switches as they fitted the ‘retro'
already matched the other
standard ATX housing. No
look, but I felt they would be
switches, so there was no need
problem, however, as I managed
I decided to use ‘pineboard' as
vulnerable if they weren't
to replace it. Over sized recess
to squeeze the computer in on
the raw material, which is
recessed. To achieve this, I
holes were needed in the rear of
the diagonal. Unfortunately,
basically lots of thin strips of pine
marked out an area on the front
the wooden switch plate to allow
when I bought a Mediator and
glued together, cut into large
panel, drilled a hole inside it and, the switches to actually poke
Voodoo card a few years later,
sheets and planed flat. I chose it
using the jigsaw, cut from this
through the 18mm thick wood.
this somewhat clumsy solution
because it's cheap, gives a nicer
hole around the area. The edge
The LEDs that were originally
no longer worked and for the
end product than MDF, chipboard
was rounded over to finish.
fitted to the 1200 motherboard
next 2½ years, my Amiga
and the like, and, being a
Lastly, a door was cut and
were seated on their own mini
existed as a collection of circuit
softwood, is easy to work with. I
Nick custom built
rounded over to hide the drive
board with resistors in situ. To
boards, drives and cables
got mine from my local hardware
his tower to house his
bay and hinges, a catch and a
avoid the need for this, I ordered
spread out across my desk.
shop, although it's also available
A1200 system with Mediator
handle from the hardware shop
mini LEDs from Maplin with built-
Behind the door, a CD-ROM, CD writer and modem are
Eventually, the build-up of dust
(and more expensive) at DIY
PCI busboard.
were fitted.
in resistance which can be
installed. The floppy drive is behind the neatly routed slot.
and the risk of something getting
stores. The width of the design
connected direct to the
shielding in place as it gives
the floppy from an off-cut of ply-
damaged forced me to take
was dictated by the standard
motherboard pins. The 2 HD
do this because the side panel
I've said here has been
good protection to the underside
wood and after carefully
action. I'm sure the cases
drive bays plus the frame to
LEDs are of the same type. To
interesting and perhaps even
of the board. The 2 CD drives
measuring up, routed out a
designed for Amigas work well
support everything, plus the 2
find out where on the HD to
inspired you to create your own
were then bolted to the frame,
groove for the disk. The eject
but they always seemed a little
sides. The height was given by
Because I list carpentry as
attach them, I went to the
tower case. If you're unclear
starting at the top and working
button was made from a piece of
expensive, whilst normal PC
the motherboard plus
one of my hobbies, I had quite
manufacturers website and typed
about anything or have any
down. I had to recess the bolts
dowel. This face plate was
ones were never the right size. I
accelerator. I could have made
a few tools at my disposal.
the serial number into the search
The case is certainly sturdy and
questions, you can find me on
because I didn't have ones long
definitely the most fiddly bit of
do a little carpentry in my spare
the tower just deep enough to
Not all of them were
box. In both cases, a
offers good protection for the
the Total Amiga mailing list.
enough to go through the
the whole construction. With the
time anyway, and wood is
house the motherboard plus the
necessary but the more you
specification sheet listed the
computer. There is space for the
thickness of the frame. My
drive bay completed, I could
relatively cheap, easy to
CD drives, but I have several
can get, the easier it is to
connections. LEDs are diodes,
4th PCI slot to be used if I buy a
modem is coincidentally the
make the rest of the frame. A
construct to an exact size and
‘dongles' hanging off the back of
produce good results. I used:
which means they need to be
TV card in the future; a major
the motherboard such as my PC
same width as the CD drives and thin piece of wood was trimmed
connected the correct way
upgrade, however, might require
Reset Switch
Router - Probably the most
mouse adaptor and I wanted to
mounting it in the front enables
to size at the back to support the
round, but getting it wrong won't
a bit more thought. I doubt
specialist power tool, but it
hurt anything - they just won't
though whether much more
".my Amiga existed as a collection of
makes a huge difference to
light up, so I just fitted them by
money will be spent on my trusty
Whilst I had no problems,
The Exterior
what you can achieve. If you
trial and error. They were all
1200 - hopefully either a
everything you do is obviously
circuit boards, drives and cables
do get one, this more than
fitted in the front panel in the
Pegasos or AmigaOne will vying
Once the frame was built, I could
at your own risk.
anything is worth spending as
same way as the switches - a
for my cash. The insulating
for the first time take
spread out across my desk."
much as you can afford on -
You should ensure everything
3mm hole drilled through from
properties of 18mm thick wood
measurements and determine
accuracy is everything.
is unplugged before starting
the front and a larger one drilled
means that cooling could be a
the final size of the tower. I was
contain these within the case, so
me to see exactly what's ‘coming
any work on your computer. I
Jigsaw - Makes light work of
part way through from the rear. I
problem. The Voodoo card
then able to cut the top, bottom
I added an extra 100mm at the
and going'. It didn't have any
shouldn't think sawdust is
cutting curves but a small
had a spare 12v fan which I fitted seems to generate most of the
and side panels. The left side
A few years ago, I read in
back and added a false rear.
mounting holes but a piece of
very good for any bits of
hand saw will work just as
towards the rear to aid air
heat although I've had no
panel was cut 20mm taller than
Amiga Format about a hack
This meant I had to make extra
board cut to width and secured
computer, but hard disks,
circulation; more about this later.
problems from it so far. Although
the frame height and 10mm
you can make to a 1200
leads to take the connections in
beneath it held it securely.
floppy and CD drives are
it's all a bit subjective, my CD
deep grooves were routed in the
Circular Saw - Better for the
motherboard to fit a reset
to the motherboard, but I think
Attached to the underside of this
particularly sensitive – I left
writer seemed to perform better
left side of the top and bottom
straight cuts than a jigsaw, but
Round the Back
switch. There are several Test
the benefit of a clean enclosed
is a caddy from an old PC tower,
my drives in the kitchen and
when it was cooler. I find putting
pieces and corresponding rails
again a hand saw will be fine
Points (TP) around the board,
rear is worth it. I think these
containing my floppy and hard
went through to take
To save myself time, I fitted a
the CDR in the drive at the last
routed in the left panel, enabling
if you're careful.
presumably left over from
things look better if there are no
drives. I made a face plate for
measurements rather than
hacked off rear panel from an old minute and not performing a test-
it to be slid out for access once
development, and when the
screws on the outside, so that
bring them into the garage.
Drill/Driver - Essential, but
tower case I had. I could then fit
write helps, but I do seem to
left-most 2 pins on TP 1 (in
meant a frame construction, with
any old cheap one will do. A
some of the connections direct to have had more skippy audio
front of the PCMCIA socket)
If you are brave enough to
panels screwed on from the
Parts List
pillar drill is a nice luxury if
this, or in pre-drilled blanking
disks just lately! Perhaps when I
are connected, the computer
take a soldering iron to your
inside. That also enables a side
plates from Maplin. In addition to
upgrade to broadband, I will
resets. God knows how that
motherboard, heat sinks
panel to be removed without the
remove the modem, separate the
In addition to various off-cuts of wood I had laying around and
short carrier leads from the
was discovered! You have to
made from earthed crocodile
Soldering Iron - A small one
thing collapsing.
2 CD drives and put a fan
cables and the rear plate from an old tower case, I used:
motherboard, connections were
melt and remove the solder in
clips can help protect
for delicate work is better for
required for the power supply,
between them. I'm also
the 2 points, and then attach
sensitive components up- and
The Basics
1600x600x18mm pineboard
sound card, external SCSI
considering a 2nd fan in the case
either 2 bits of wire, or in my
down-stream from the area
2400x33x18mm pine
Chisels - Make sure they're
connector, modem power supply,
to provide some proper
case I attached a small 2-pin
you're workng on.
I started by constructing the right
Hinges, catch and door handle
sharp, or they'll do more harm
modem rj45 lead and network
circulation. Making the short
PCB header. Having a reset
side of the frame and attaching
Toggle switch large
Although safety goggles might
card. Actually, I still haven't
connecting leads to fix to the
switch is useful, but if you do
the motherboard to it. There are
Toggle switches small
look like the least important
made all of these yet; I'm getting
back plate is a hassle and adds
decide to give it a go, BE
enough holes in the latter to
Safety Goggles - They're the
item on my list of tools,
by just passing some of the
to the expense, but as I said, I
CAREFUL. It's a tense few
enable it to be securely screwed
cheapest item here, but
Bits to make connecting cables
there's no way I'd do without
leads into the case and
think it's worth it to have a clean
minutes whilst you reconnect
in place, and I left the lower
probably the one thing you
them, even for drilling holes.
enclosed design. Hopefully, what
connecting them directly. I can
everything to test it all works!
If you don't see what you want, just ask!
Our range is always growing!
Moovid PPC
PPC version with both WARPUP and POWERUP versions. Comes on CD
This excellent Graphics package avaliable one again!! Comes on CD and
includes Texture Studio & Image Studio.
Robert Williams thinks he's found just the program to
tame his gargantuan digital photo collection.
Play AVI, Mov and QT files on your Amiga. Comes on CD.
Photogenics 5
This excellent Graphics package by Paul Nolan. Comes on CD.
Frogger PPC
PPC MPEG player. Comes on CDwith example MPEGs.
Image Engineer
you want to buy the program for
a list view which is initially blank.
Great Image manipulation program. Add effects to images such as Jigsaw.
the first time you need to
You add directories you want to
With the advent of relatively
inexpensive digital
purchase the 2.0 CD from a
view to the list, but, as I
68k MPEG player. Comes on CD with example MPEGs.
Candy Factory Pro
cameras, scanners and also
dealer and then order the 2.3
mentioned before, it does not
Create 3D Text from any standard font and use them on web pages etc.
broad-band Internet connections
upgrade from the developers,
have to reflect the directory
2.0 on CD . E34.95
many computer users now have
this makes the total cost of
structure of your hard disk. Icons
The fastest 68k MPEG player on the Amiga! Comes on CD with MPEGs.
Art Effect 4
hundreds, if not thousands of
PhotoFolio slightly more than
at the bottom of the window
2.3 upgrade* by e-mail
Billed as "Photoshop® on the Amiga". Excellent graphic package. Comes on
image files stored on their hard
you might expect. Payment for
enable you to add a single
drives. Keeping all those images
the 2.3 upgrade is only accepted
directory, one level of sub
PPC AVI, QT and Mov player. On CD with example Movies.
in order and finding a particular
via the PayPal on-line payments
directories or all the sub-
one when you need it can be a
service. A PhotoFolio 2.0 serial
directories within the directory
*Upgrade available direct
With over 70 effects this is a superb addition to any software collection.
bit of a battle. This problem is
number is needed to purchase
you select. New sections can be
PPC Mpeg, CD-i and DVD player. The only way to play DVDs on the AMIGA.
from the developer only, you
made even worse if the images,
the upgrade so you'll have to
added to the list and associated
must own version 2.0.
Image FX4
like those that come from a
wait for the CD to arrive before
to a directory on disk or used to
THE image manipulation package !! 100s of effects.
digital camera, don't have
placing the order. Once your
organise existing directories. For
descriptive file names.
order has been processed
example you could create a
access is granted to the 2.3 and
section called "Holiday Photos"
Inet Dial
In this review I'm looking at the
2.4 upgrades. Free upgrades are
and add to it directories from
Home server on your Amiga., includes Apache and Geek Gadgets.
latest version of PhotoFolio from
still available taking the program
several hard disk partitions and
Australian developer Steeple
from version 2.0 to 2.2 so you
even from removable media
Test System
AWeb Upgrade
Software. PhotoFolio's main task
can stick there if you just order
such as a CD-ROM. PhotoFolio
Excellent web Browser. Upgrade from OS 3.5 or OS 3.9. Comes on Floppy.
is to make proofs (a small
the CD version, a full list of all
enables you to edit the names of
version of an image, more
the enhancements made in 2.3
directories after they have been
commonly called a thumbnail) of
and 2.4 is available on the
added to the list so you can be
images within a directory for
more descriptive than you might
easy reference; you browse
be with a directory name on disk.
through a directory of images
While PhotoFolio's installation
Once all the directories you want
rather than meaningless file
The fastest and safest file system avaliable, up to 300 times faster than FFS.
procedure is straightforward,
to browse have been added, a
names. This concept is also
there are at least three stages
project file can be saved so the
extended by enabling you to
because of the updates involved.
list can be loaded during another
create a "virtual catalogue" of
The best Clipart viewer on the Amiga. Comes on CD with clip art images.
The Feeble Files £35.00
All the installers seem to work
session. You can also click on
image directories that doesn't
well and do proper version
the saved project file's icon to
necessarily follow their position
checks on the libraries and other
load it straight into PhotoFolio.
on your hard drive or other
The best backup program on the Amiga. Comes on Floppy disk.
files installed, offering you the
Some free text fields are
storage media.
option to update older versions if
provided so you can add
PhotoFolio V2
you wish. The first step in
information to the project file
The main PhotoFolio window
installation is to install version
The professional way to view, catolouge and manipulate your images.
such as the subject, description
lists all the image directories you
2.0 from the CD. I then installed
and revision, you can also
Send Text Messages to mobile phones from your Amiga! Comes on CD.
have defined.
If you currently own PhotoFolio
version 2.2 and some updated
append the directories in one
2.x, version 2.3 is a paid
libraries from the website
The best Editor, Program Editor, HTML Generator on the Amiga.
Using the menus and buttons
project to another. The project
upgrade which then gives you
because I wanted to use the
you can perform many
file just contains the paths to the
access to 2.4. Rather oddly if
The only Scanner software that offers OCR on the Amiga today!!
program while I waited for my
operations from here.
selected directories and other
2.3+ update to come through.
settings, not the proof images
Use modern printers with 24 bit output!! The quality is astounding.
Once my order had been
Full £40.00
Latest operating system for the Amiga. Comes on CD.
processed I applied the 2.3 and
2.4 updates. These have to be
Make CD (DAO version)
run one after the other as 2.4
CD writing software.Compatibale with most CD writers/rewriters.
Latest Aminet disk or the latest series. Gigabytes of Amiga Software.
does not include all the updated
PhotoFolio uses MUI for its
Single £14.99
Series £29.99
files from 2.3.
interface and relies on several
Spitfire 2
features for its functionality. In
If you have a 3com Palm or compatible then you need this program! Comes
Connect digital Cameras to your Amiga and so much more
many windows context sensitive
menus are available by clicking
Amiga Forever 5
After all that faffing around I
the right mouse button over an
could finally run PhotoFolio for
Emulate a AGA based amiga on your PC.
item, and I'm pleased to see that
multimedia presentation tool on your Amiga.
Full Version £40.00
the first time. At this point a
their functionality is also
requester appears asking for
duplicated in the main program
your details and a serial number,
menus. These context menus
this personalises your copy. The
30 Whitegate Way,
are particularly handy in the
main PhotoFolio window then
directory list and also for the
opens, dominating the window is
proofs in the browse window.
Add £1.00 UK postage per item. Make cheques payable to Kicksoft Ltd.
Tel/Fax (01737) 219280
We accept Solo, Switch, Mastercard & Visa
Drag and drop is used to re-
three groups, Family, Work and
settings window. PhotoFolio can
organise the directory list and to
SEAL for my images. Within the
generate a list of the selected
enable intuitive moving of proofs
SEAL group I have categories
image files for those viewers that
between browse windows (and
for "Meetings", "Shows" and
need it to handle multiple file
thus directories).
"Total Amiga". Once your photos
names. The final option is to use
have been categorised you can
a built-in viewer which uses the
use the attributes panel (which
mysticview.library this offers
opens on the left of the browse
more scaling options, a handy
Double clicking on any directory
window) to filter the proofs
zoom feature and mouse
in your list brings up a browse
shown to a particular category or
panning but does not have the
window that displays a small
categories. Another attribute
image processing options of the
proof (thumbnail) for each image
option is to mark images as
alternative internal viewer.
in the directory. While PhotoFolio
"questionable", these can then
can generate the proof images
be hidden by default using a
You can use PhotoFolio more
on-the-fly when you open a
preferences option.
simply as an image browser and
browse window, a more efficient
viewer launched from a file
way of working is to generate
manager such as Directory Opus
proof files and save them to disk.
by calling it with a shell
Proofs can either reside within
Double clicking on a proof opens
command including the directory
the image directory (non-linked)
the associated image within an
you wish to view as the
or be placed elsewhere on your
image viewer, there are several
argument. A browse window
hard disk where they are linked
options so you can customise
showing that directory will then
to the original images (you can
The settings window is used to configure PhotoFolio.
the view to your preferences.
be opened without showing the
select a default path for proofs in
This page shows the options for the "Browse" windows.
The simple built-in viewer shows
initial list window. Another option
settings). An option is available
the image in a window scaled to
included is the directory viewer,
running the "Make Proofs" again
date was in the EXIF section of
to create proofs for all the image
fit on the current screen. If you
this window enables you to
will skip any images that already
the image information window)
directories you have added to
have multiple images selected,
explore a file system to find
have a proof and simply
and none of the selection or sort
your list. When linked proofs for
previous and next buttons
images, clicking on an image in
generate any new proofs
options work on dates.
a particular directory have been
appear at the bottom of the
the file list shows a thumbnail.
required. Secondly functions
Particularly when working with
created they appear in the main
window so all of the selected
Then you can get information on
allow you to find any proofs
digital camera photos the date
list under a new section called
images can be viewed in turn.
the selected image or open it
which no longer have an
can be important so this seems a
Browse windows are the key part of PhotoFolio, they enable you to view proofs of your images.
"Proofs". When you open a
Options in the image viewer's
fully in a view window. Strangely
associate images (called
strange limitation.
This one shows the "Attributes" panel, used to filter the proofs displayed.
linked proofs directory or a
menu can be used to change the
there is no way of transferring a
orphaned proofs in PhotoFolio)
directory for which non-linked
scale (to view the image full size
found directory to the path list or
and delete them if needed.
move between directories within
is made clear in the "are you
and several modes of operation
proofs have been generated the
for example), get image
opening a browse window.
Finally if you move a directory of
a browse window; however the
sure" message.
and that results in quite a
browse window loads the proofs
information or to perform some
images on your hard disk the
In addition to categorising your
program does offer some useful
complex program. The
much more quickly because they
simple image processing
The information window gives
directory of linked proofs can be
images or proofs in directories,
HTML Folios
file management tools. Images
separation of Proofs and their
are already saved scaled to the
operations. These include
you lots of extra detail about the
re-targeted at the new location.
PhotoFolio enables you to add
and proofs can be moved or
linked images does give more
correct size. Each proof "knows"
negative, flip, rotate, sharpen
HTML pages showing the proofs
selected proof and also the
several other levels of
copied between directories either
flexibility, but it does take some
the location of the full-size image
of images in a browser can be
At the top of the browse window
and gamma adjustment. If you
image to which it is linked. This
organisation to your collection.
using buttons on the tool bar or
time to fully understand. There is
so, for example, when you
generated using PhotoFolio's
is a toolbar with buttons for
have processed the image you
includes things you would expect
Each image can have an owner
using drag and drop (but see the
a detailed user guide, supplied in
double click on a proof the full-
"Export as HTML" feature.
common actions such as
can save your changes either
such as the dimensions in pixels,
(from 0 to 255, a name can be
note below). There are two ways
both HTML and PDF formats,
size image is loaded for viewing.
Options allow the page title and
selecting proofs, file operations
over-writing the existing file or to
file size and bit depth. However
associated with each owner),
of renaming an image, using a
which helps you learn the
One problem with the linked
information displayed with each
and running ARexx scripts. The
a new file name.
there is also an EXIF tab which
each owner then has up to four
context menu option the image
program. Once I'd got my head
proofs approach could be that
image to be customised. You can
body of the window is the area
shows additional information that
groups and each group can have
file name becomes editable,
around its way of working I now
the proofs directory would get
Two other viewing options are
decide how many columns and
where the proofs themselves are
is often recorded in the image by
up to 22 categories. This enable
using the rename toolbar button
use PhotoFolio regularly and find
out of sync with the real images.
available. The first is to use an
rows of proofs you want on each
displayed. Below each proof
a digital camera or other capture
PhotoFolio to be used by several
opens a new window allowing
it very reliable. Of its many
PhotoFolio provides two tools to
external viewer of your choice
page and PhotoFolio will
image is its file name, the size in
device. Here you can find out
people (owners) and each
you to rename all the selected
features I find the
overcome this problem, firstly
giving maximum flexibility, in this
generate multiple linked pages if
pixels and the file size in bytes.
information about the camera
person can categorise their own
images one by one.
comprehensive file management
case you need to specify the
required. The page can be set to
One or more proofs can be
used to take the photo (such as
images. As an example I have
options and the EXIF information
program you wish to use in the
link to the images in their current
selected by clicking on them and
Speed Test
When performing file operations
the model and manufacturer)
display the most useful and
location or for the full size
there is also the option to select
on linked proofs in PhotoFolio
and also the settings you made
unique. I should also mention the
images to be copied into the
based on a file name pattern
you need to be a little bit careful
(or the camera automatically
I've been a registered user of
powerful ARexx port that should
same directory as the HTML and
using wild cards. Proofs can be
as it isn't always clear whether
chose) to take the shot.
PhotoAlbum, an alternative
allow PhotoFolio's functionality
proof files for easy upload to a
sorted in a number of ways
just the proof or the proof and
picture cataloguing program)
to be extended even further. If
website. The HTML pages
including alphabetically, by size
the associated image will be
for many years and one thing
you have many images to deal
created by PhotoFolio are fairly
and by file type. Another option
effected. For example if you
that still impresses me about
with it will be well worth spending
plain looking and link directly to
is a natural sort which tries to
rename a proof both it and the
In my experience, PhotoFolio is
this program is its speed so I
the time getting to know
each full-size image (rather than
correctly sort numbered images
associated image are renamed.
by far the most feature rich
was interested to see how
providing a page for each image
without leading zeros (so
However if you drag and drop a
image cataloguing software on
PhotoFolio would stack up. To
with previous and next buttons).
2_holiday.jpg comes before
proof from one browse window to the Amiga. It has many features
test it out, I rendered
Because the HTML code uses
107_car.jpg, for example). The
another only the proof is moved
thumbnails of a directory
nested tables I found it tricky to
selected sort order is shown in
and the associated file remains
containing 84 mixed IFF and
modify the PhotoFolio generated
the status bar along the bottom
in its original location. I
JPEG files totalling 86Mb in
pages to integrate within the
of the browse window along with
understand the reasoning behind
management options.
both programs, the results
design of my own website. There
+ Catalogue off-line
images (CDs etc.).
the number of images and the
this (a proof directory can hold
is no option to use a customised
number selected.
proofs pointing to several image
template file.
directories so there's no way to
Oddly, as far as I can tell, there
know where the image should be
- Conceptually quite
is no way to show a file date in
moved to) but it is still rather
So while PhotoFolio is slower
the browse window of PhotoFolio
confusing. Deleting a proof also
it's not by an enormous
(The only place I could find a
Loads of information is available about each image, including
PhotoFolio isn't ideal for use as
deletes its original image but this
- Lack of date functions.
the EXIF information embedded by many digital cameras.
a disk browser as it's not easy to
Most motherboards have
multiple USB controllers, these
show up in Trident, Poseidon's
Fed up with having USB ports on your P
C that can't be used within Amithlon? Robert Williams tries Guido Mersmann's
strangely named driver for Poseidon that supports many motherboard USB cointrollers.
the emulation. Recent releases
ArakAttack's preferences that
controllers. The USB PCI card
respectively. We've discussed
mithlon gives you the
by Amithlon's author have
will make the driver try to turn
I tried has five ports and two
Poseidon in depth several
capability to run AmigaOS
enabled many more network
off Legacy mode itself. Now the controllers. Then the Poseidon
times in Total Amiga so I won't
on modern PC hardware in an
and sound cards to be used
Poseidon USB stack should be
stack is put on-line and the
go any further here.
almost seamless emulation;
and now the USB ports on
installed using its installer
USB controllers are initialised,
however its approach does
most PC motherboard are
followed by ArakAttack, both
where a controller is found for
To make USB Human Interface
mean that specific drivers are
about to be enabled with the
programs use the standard
devices, such as keyboards
needed before common PC
release of ArakAttack.
installer. If you are a registered
AmithlonUSB.device the "in
and mice, compatible with all
hardware can be used within
ArakAttack user you need to
use" flag changes to yes, any
Amiga programs Poseidon has
ArakAttack is a driver for the
select the appropriate option
entries that are not initialised
to patch into the Amiga's
Poseidon USB stack which
during installation and copy
can be deleted and the Trident
input.device which would
enables Poseidon to use
over your key file.
settings saved.
normally handle the built-in
standard UHCI and OHCI
keyboard and mouse. To work
compatible USB controllers,
With everything installed it's
properly this normally requires
most motherboard USB ports
time to setup Poseidon to use
an updated input.device to be
read image from my digital
perhaps this indicates that USB Amithon. My only real gripe
and many add-on PCI cards
the ArakAttack driver. This is
Because it works with
loaded by a line at the top of
camera's memory cards. An
2.0 support isn't far off!
with ArakAttack was the double
conform to one of these two
accomplished by adding
Poseidon, ArakAttack supports
the startup-sequence, this line
icon appears for the card on
registration I had to make but
standards. The current version
multiple units of
the same USB devices as
can be added by the Poseidon
Workbench as soon as it is
now you can buy it with
of ArakAttack only supports
Need for Speed
AmithlonUSB.device (or
other Amiga USB cards using
installer. According to the
inserted in the reader and
Poseidon direct from IOSpirit.
USB 1.1 and not the more
OpenUSB.device for OpenPCI
this stack. This includes mass
author of ArakAttack this
again this works flawlessly, I
ArakAttack seems to offer good Even if you register ArakAttack
recent (and faster) USB 2.0
update can cause problems on
have had no transfer errors or
performance for a USB 1.1
and Poseidon separately it is
(which uses an EHCI
"I'm really chuffed that ArakAttack
Amithlon so he suggests you
other problems.
controller although in my
still the cheapest way of getting
controller). However, All
remove it and use a new
experience it varies on the
USB on an Amithlon system by
systems which include USB 2.0
enables me to use Poseidon and my USB
USB device and type of
some margin. Hopefully USB
also support 1.1 and USB 2.0
ArakAttack . E20.00
peripherals on Amithon."
HIDClassPatch, supplied with
controller. With my Lacie
2.0 support will come in the
peripherals are backwards
Poseidon (req'd) . E25.00
ArakAttack, instead. I started
A simple preferences program
Hexadrive memory card reader
future but, from a personal
compatible so ArakAttack
out using this patch but I could
is supplied with ArakAttack.
and a 32Mb Compact Flash
point of view, my current mix of
should work fine but will be
systems) to the list of available
storage device such as
Medusa bundle from
not get my mouse to work
This enables you to adjust the
card I achieved a transfer rate
peripherals doesn't really
slower than a dedicated USB
USB controllers on the
memory card readers and
properly, in fact it worked just
amount of startup cache
of 776Kb/s (Kilobytes per
require it, especially as
2.0 driver. Both ArakAttack and
"Hardware" page of Trident
portable hard disks, human
the same with the patch
memory allocated and the
second) using the OHCI PCI
ArakAttack already offers high
Poseidon are shareware with
(Poseidon's preferences
interface devices like
installed or not. I found I had to
amount that is added when a
card and 472Kb/s with the
USB 1.1 speeds. Best of all
Poseidon USB stack.
demo versions which time-out
program). The reason for
keyboards and mice, printers
use the new input.device but,
new USB device is attached.
motherboard's UHCI controller.
ArakAttack continues the trend
quite quickly so you will need
adding multiple entries is that
and scanners (with third party
so far, I haven't had any
There are separate settings for
In contrast with a 20Gb USB
that Poseidon started of being
to register both to use your
most PC motherboards and
software). If you buy
stability problems.
OHCI and UHCI controllers.
hard disk the OHCI card
top-class reliable software from
PC Motherboard with USB
USB ports. The demo period
USB cards actually include
ArakAttack in the Medusa USB
Optimal values are explained in achieved 863Kb/s compared to
the first release, well done
controller or USB PCI card.
should give you enough time to multiple USB controllers,
bundle from IOSpirit you get
I found the ArakAttack and
the documentation, I did some
996Kb/s with the UHCI
PowerPCI.library 2.14+
ensure the drivers will work on
usually one for each pair of
their IOUSB drivers which
Poseidon combination to work
experimentation and found that
your system.
USB ports. For example my
enable certain USB scanners
very reliably with both the
VIA KT400 based board has
and digital cameras to work
changing the cache size did
systems I tried it on. For a
six USB ports and three
with fxScan and VHIStudio
not make a big difference to
good test I hooked up my
transfer rates. Two other
mouse via USB and have been
Poseidon is one of my favourite
An Amiga with PCI bus board
options are found in the
Please note that I don't have a
using it regularly for weeks with
pieces of Amiga software so
preferences program: "No
system on which to test
no ill effects (despite using the
OpenPCI.library 1.20+
Power Switching" is used to
I'm really chuffed that
ArakAttack with OpenPCI so
new input.device), I find it hard
work around a bug in some
ArakAttack enables me to use
this review is based on
to tell if I have the mouse
AMD USB controllers (I did not
it and my USB peripherals on
experience on Amithlon only.
connected via PS/2 or USB.
have an AMD controller to try
One positive effect is that the
Test Systems
Before installing and
this on) and "Legacy" can be
mouse wheel now generates
Amithlon with contrib3b and
configuring ArakAttack and
enabled if you have problems
proper wheel-up and wheel-
updated kernel.
Poseidon you need to make
disabling legacy support in
+ Works with many
down events rather than cursor
VIA KT266 motherboard
sure that your PC is correctly
your BIOS (see Installation
USB chipsets.
+ Good performance.
key presses as it does by
with USB 1.1.
configured. This means going
default in Amithlon (I believe
VIA KT400 motherboard
into the BIOS at start-up and
this is configurable but I'd
In the preferences program for
checking that USB is enabled
never taken the time to figure it
the latest version of ArakAttack
- Confusing HID patch
USB 1.1/2.0 PCI card
and USB legacy support is
out). My other main use is with
(as I type this) there are cache
Note: USB 2.0 modes are
disabled. If the latter causes
The preferences program is used to tweak cache memory
a card reader which I use to
options for EHCI controllers so
- No USB 2.0 support.
not currently supported.
problems there is an option in
settings for best performance.
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selected cell. If you begin to type the name of this field
changes to "Input" showing that you are entering data into the cell. The data you have typed does not appear in the cell until you press Return. You can edit the existing contents of a cell by clicking on it and then in the "Cont." field. Cells
There has been a bit of a drought of "office" applications for
Plan can hold several different types
the Amiga in the last few years, so Robert Williams is
of data including text, numbers, dates and times.
pleased to find a shareware spreadsheet still in active
English quick-start guide which
To enter a formula into your
t's been a while since you
will get you going; particularly if
spreadsheet first press the
could buy a commercial
you've used other spreadsheet
Escape key which enters a
spreadsheet program for the
programs before.
formula identifier character into
Amiga, but we shouldn't forget
the "Input" gadget. Formulas
some of the excellent
can use constant values (12,
shareware software that is
257 etc.) or references to other
available and is still being
As we've come to expect,
cells (A1, G357 etc.). You can
actively developed. StarAm
StarAm Plan uses the standard
use mathematical operators
Plan is one such application,
Amiga installer utility and
(add, subtract, divide, multiply
this spreadsheet has a wide
makes a drawer for itself during
etc.) and also any of StarAm
range of features and is
installation. If you install an
Plan's built-in functions. These
available for a very modest
updated version it lets you
are used to perform more
Multiple spreasheets and charts can be opened on the StarAm Plan screen.
shareware fee. StarAm Plan is
choose which (if any) settings
complex mathematical or other
Palette windows, such as the Chart and Worksheet managers, can be left open while you work.
a German program and
you have made should be
operations without the need to
although the user interface has
overwritten by the defaults. The
across. They all have three
categorises the functions by
you can use the "Worksheet
know exactly how they work. A
been localised for English
program's system
the cursor by pressing the
that is enabled using a menu
letter names and I guess they
their use and describes them in Manager" window, this shows
function takes the following
speaking users until recently
requirements are minimal, it
arrow keys or clicking on
item. By default StarAm Plan
originated from the German
English. Selecting a function
all the files loaded in past
form: "name(options)", where
there was no user guide in
should even run on a basic
another cell. This is because
does not show grid lines
meanings as most bear no
from this menu inserts it into
sessions (files can be removed
name is the name of the
English, which made it hard to
A1200 with some additional
StarAm Plan requires you to
around its cells, if you enable
relation to their function
the current formula at the
from the list). Files in the
function and options are the
learn. The package now
fast RAM. A dedicated version
manually set the area of the
described in English. Functions cursor position. Take a look at
window can be viewed, hidden
pieces of information it needs
includes a fairly detailed
for Amiga's with an FPU is
sheet; rows are added by
related to text rather than
the box-out for some of the
if they are already open, or
separated by hash (#) symbols
available, so be sure to
pressing Return and columns
then the grid shows the rows
numeric values start with a
commonly used functions
loaded if not. The "Worksheet
(not commas). StarAm Plan's
download the correct archive
by pressing Tab. Once you
and columns that have been
dollar ($) symbol so you can
available in StarAm Plan.
Manager" can be left open as
function names are almost all
for your system.
know this has to be done, rows
added to the sheet.
recognise them. Fortunately,
you work and there is an option
totally different to any
If the range of built-in functions
and columns can be added
there is a "Function" menu
to keep it in front of other
spreadsheet I have come
Although StarAm Plan is
is not enough, StarAm Plan
very quickly. There is also an
Near the top of each sheet
within the program which
StarAm Plan windows.
shareware there are no
enables you to create your own
option to add rows and
window is the "Cont." text field
.info limitations or nag-requesters if
functions by entering a formula
columns using the arrow keys
that shows the contents of the
So, what is a spreadsheet?
Making It Easier
you don't register; it's left
and defining the inputs it
entirely up to your conscience.
requires. These then appear in
Many features are included to
The spreadsheet was one of the first applications to make
The registration fee is very
the Function manager palette
make building your
personal computers very popular, especially in business
reasonable, so if you use the
(which holds only user defined
spreadsheet and analysing
circles. Suddenly there was a way of performing complex and
program please consider
functions). Named ranges can
data within it easier. While you
long winded calculations using a computer in an easy to
registering it and supporting
be defined for easy insertion of
are entering a formula you can
understand way. A spreadsheet consists of rows and columns
the developer.
cell ranges as can variables
click on a cell or range of cells
making a grid. Each box made by the grid is called a cell.
or StarAm_Plan881.lha
which hold a certain text or
in the sheet to insert that
Usually, columns are given a letter reference and rows a
value. Both of these lists have
reference into your formula at
number reference so you can refer to any cell using a letter
their own palette window.
the cursor position. A search
Shareware . E15.00
When StarAm Plan starts, you
and number code, for example the top left cell would be A1.
and replace function is
(approx. £10.50)
are presented with a small tool
Various types of information can be entered into cells including
Although it is not possible to
available and, like many
bar and a blank spreadsheet in
values (numbers) and text. Cells can hold formulae that
have multiple sheets within one requesters in StarAm Plan, it
a separate window. The
perform calculations based on the values of other cells, once a
StarAm Plan file, there is the
can pick up the current range
program allows multiple sheets
formula has been entered its result is shown in the cell. This is
option to group files within a
of cells selected in the sheet
to be opened at one, each one
where the spreadsheet becomes a powerful tool, because if
project. A project can then be
and search just that area.
has its own window. In the
you alter a value used by one or more formulae their results
set into "3D" mode which
Formulas and other cell
3Mb Hard disk space
spreadsheet window is blank
are automatically updated. This means a spreadsheet can be
enables one sheet in the
contents can be copied into
sheet with column and row
used to answer what-if questions and to experiment with
project to reference another by
Test Systems
other ranges and, if you specify
headings, cell A1 is marked by
different financial options.
way of a letter code (the first
it using the relocate option, any
a coloured cursor. If you are
sheet is AA, the second AB
Over the years' spreadsheets have grown in complexity and
cell references in the formula
used to other spreadsheets the
and so on). If you just want to
power, modern programs can draw charts, have a wide range
are updated relative to their
first thing you will notice is that
have easy access to your
of built-in formulae and have many formatting and printing
new position. A series of
you cannot immediately move
recently used spreadsheets
numbers, months or years can
Create number and date series with a few clicks of the mouse.
StarAm Plan's Functions
The chart options are powerful and allow different types to be
To give you an idea of the functions available in StarAm Plan,
here are the categories provided (in bold) with the number of functions in each (in brackets). Below the categories are some sample functions but this is only a small selection.
Average, Weighted average, Percentage.
Count (5)
Equal, Greater than, Less than.
Search (8)
Multiple worksheets can be added to a project.
Index, Column/Row Ref.
The 3D option allows referencing between sheets.
with other applications. By default the program saves
be generated in a range of
data is displayed in a cell.
spreadsheets in its own format
cells with a user-defined
Firstly you define what type of
Linear deprecation, Future value.
with the file extension ".sab".
interval. Another option
data is within the cell. The
Plain text or comma separated
transposes the selected range
options are text, number,
General log, Exponent, Square root.
values (called ".sdf" in StarAm
of cells between rows and
percentage, date, month,
Plan) are the only formats that
columns or vice versa, very
weekday and time. With that
can be imported or exported.
handy when dealing with
set additional options can be
Sine, Arc sine, Tangent, Arc tangent.
The exported files can be
imported data. A sort function
changed. Numbers can have
saved to disk or placed on the
for columns of data is provided
their number of decimal places,
Integer, Round.
clipboard for insertion into
but the options are limited to
currency symbol (and its
another application. Likewise
working on text or numbers
position), rounding, and sign
Boolean (5)
data can be imported from the
that opening charts on a 16 bit
ordinates" window enables you
printing, and if you choose a
and ascending or descending,
(positive or negative) set.
And, Or, Not.
clipboard or a file.
screen would cause the
to format the axes of the chart
scalable font the text in the
this is a feature which could be
Dates can be displayed in a
computer to hang. I set the
as you require and there are
printed output looks nice and
greatly expanded.
variety of formats, either
Weekday, Current date, Current time.
charts to open on a separate 8
options to show different levels
smooth. Formatting such as
numerically or in words. Finally,
Text (20)
bit screen which solved the
of grid behind the data. Some
text colour and borders are
there are protection options
This program has really grown
chart types have specific
retained and the output looks
that can be used to stop a cell
Find, Length, Upper, Lower.
on me as I used it, initially I
The data within a cell or cells
options so, for example, you
quite nice, the main limitation
from being edited or even from
Others (13)
On chart types with axes (all of
found the odd formula names,
can be formatted in a number
can set the spacing between
being that everything is printed
being read on the screen
If, Random, Decimals.
them except the pie chart type)
rather old fashioned looking
of ways. Basic text formatting
bars in a bar chart or add error
in the same font. I had some
multiple data sets can be
interface and differences from
options are available such as
The Format Manager palette
You can use this feature, for
concentrates on providing a
bars to a curve chart.
problems with the printed
overlaid and each data set can
the Windows spreadsheets I
left, right and centre
can be used to "pick-up" the all
example, to change all the
powerful set of calculation and
output appearing in the wrong
have its own chart type.
Your chart settings are saved
am used to at work quite off
alignments, bold, italics and
the formatting options of the
headings in your spreadsheet
graphing options.
position on the page but this
Stacked bar, curve and
with the sheet so the chart can
putting. However, once I had
underline. The width of each
selected cell, these are then
from blue to green.
could be peculiar to my set-up.
function charts can be
be recalled at any time,
looked at the example
column can be adjusted by
given an identifying name.
The main problem I had with
combined in this way, for
reflecting any changes made to
spreadsheets and learnt some
dragging its margin or entering
Selecting another cell and
While StarAm Plan has a good
StarAm Plan's printing is that
example you could overlay a
the data in the spreadsheet.
of the basics from the English
a pixel value. There is also an
double clicking on the format in range of formatting options, it's
Often a graph or chart can put
there is no print preview option
line over a bar chart. Both right
Charts can be saved as an IFF
Quick Start guide I was
automatic feature that sets the
the palette will apply those
not in the same league os
over information much more
so preparing a document for
and left "Y" axes can be used
file for insertion into other
pleased to find it has many
width to the widest contents
settings to the selected cell.
some of the Windows
effectively than a page full of
printing tends to need several
and you can choose to which
documents. You can also print
powerful functions and in
when you double click the
Even more cleverly, if you then
spreadsheets you might have
numbers. So it's good to see
trial runs before you get
axis a data set is mapped. In
a chart from within StarAm
general works very well. Even
margin. Text can be given a
change the options associated
used that have been designed
that StarAm Plan's charting
everything to fit properly. I
addition to plotting data from
Plan, but separately rather than
the printing options were much
colour from a choice of seven
with that format all the cells
to produce "presentation" type
options provide many ways to
would also be nice to have the
the spreadsheet it is also
as part of the data
better than they first appeared.
which are defined in an options given the format will change.
output. StarAm Plan
display your data in a more
facility of carrying a number of
possible to plot lines based on
So long as you don't expect a
window. Annoyingly the colours
graphical manner. There are
header rows or columns onto
a formula using the "function"
15Euro shareware product to
are only given a number in the
eight basic chart types
subsequent printed pages for
chart type. Axis values and be
be a complete clone of MS
formatting menu so I hope you
including pie, bar, line and
automatically generated or
Excel I think most home users
have got a good memory! A
area. StarAm Plan cannot
manually set and there are
StarAm Plan provides only a
(and many professionals) will
border can be added to one or
display a chart within the
separate Logarithmic options
limited set of printing options
find StarAm Plan will fulfil their
more sides of a cell but only
spreadsheet so any charts
for "X" and "Y" axes.
with two printing modes,
spreadsheet needs.
Unfortunately, StarAm Plan
one style, a single pixel black
(and you can have as many as
"Quality" or "Fast". Fast uses
only has a limited range of
line, is available. Borders can
you like) using the data in the
The chart formatting options
the font built into your printer
options for exchanging its data
be added quickly around a
sheet are listed in the chart
are pretty comprehensive, to
and basically does a text dump
range of cells but if you apply a
window. Like many windows
start with, as you would expect, of the spreadsheet, none of the
border to the top of one cell
within StarAm Plan, the chart
you can set a chart title and
formatting you set is taken into
and the bottom of the one
window can be left open while
add a legend to identify each
account. Header and footer
+ Powerful functions.
above it (for example) you get
you work. If a new sheet is
data set. The size and font of
text can be specified and is
+ Flexible charting.
a double line which makes
selected the window updates
+ Low price.
each of the text elements of
printed on each page, you can
neat formatting a bit fiddly. I
to display the charts for the
the chart can be changed to
enter place holders so StarAm
couldn't find a way to change a
currently active sheet. Charts
any Amiga font (bitmap or
Plan automatically inserts the
- Few "presentation"
cell's background colour.
can be viewed either in a
scalable) installed on your
page number, date and other
window along with the
- No print preview.
system. Bar and pie chart
variables. Quality printing
Other formatting options
spreadsheets or on a separate
types can have a 3D effect
enables you to choose any
- Little file compatibility.
enable you to change the way
These window handling options help control multiple sheets
screen. On my system I found
open on the StarAm Plan screen.
applied. The "System of co-
installed font and size for
of power-ups and weapons to collect, also winning races
No shortage of variety, two
.info Amiga Arena
earns you money to upgrade
highlights of Amiga Arena
your car. Rocketz - a two
Games Edition are
player variation of the classic
Dawnbringer's BabeAnoid and
game "Thrust" in which you
the classic adventure, Beneath
must guide your ship through a
a Steel Sky.
set of caverns fighting the
effects of inertia as well as
your enemy. Rocketz is slickly
Looking for some entertainment? With over 50 games Robert Williams thinks this CD
produced with a variety of
should brighten up those dark winter evenings!
levels and armament options
for your ship. Babeanoid - this
game takes the "bat and ball" genre to the extreme, you'll
never have seen so many brick
and developers. Some games
contents and a collection of
ver the last few years,
are supplied ready to be run
HTML files which list all the
Amiga Arena have been
straight from the CD, others
games included sorted by
coming to agreements with
must be installed and some are genre. Each game has some
types, power-ups and special
authors and publishers to
in ADF format so they can be
information including the
effects before! The graphics
make some of their commercial played on UAE or floppy disks
developer, subject, language
look great and have the hand-
and shareware software
can be created for use on "real" and many have an
Tested on A1200 and
pixeled style of many classic
products available freely from
Amiga hardware. ADF-Blitzer is accompanying screenshot. For
Amiga games. Both positive
Board and Puzzle
the Amiga Arena website. The
included in the "Tools" drawer,
some games additional
and negative "power-ups" fall
Test Systems
list of titles includes many
this is a GUI based utility which information such as cheat
down the screen to be
Another strong section, with
source and available for many
I'm informed by Amiga Arena
games, and with this CD,
can write an ADF file to a
codes or installation
collected and include multi-ball, plenty of puzzle games to keep platforms so you can compete
that the CD has been
Blizzard ‘030 50Mhz
Amiga Arena have collected
floppy disk. Some of the games instructions have been
bigger bat and a bizarre effect
the old little grey cells warmed
with players on other
upgraded since our review
together many of the games
which cannot be run from the
included on the CD.
where the whole screen waves
up. Doktor - what games
computers too. An Amiga client copy was produced so
into a convenient distribution.
CD can be installed on your
while the game continues!
collection would be complete
Supplied by
and server are supplied on the
hopefully these minor problems
The disc is supplied in a plastic hard disk with the shareware
At the top level of the CD the
without a Tetris clone? This
CD; the client has a neat MUI
have been cleared up. I should
DVD box with a professional
WHDLoad package. WHDLoad
games are arranged in
one has really nice graphics
interface with plenty of options.
also point out that most of the
looking printed insert; the CD
installers for many of the
categories based on their
and a two player option.
games on this CD are
itself is a recordable disc to
games on the CD are included,
distribution method, these are
This section includes two
Beambender - This is a fun
designed to use the Amiga
allow for frequent updates. In
as is a copy of WHDLoad
ADF, CD (games that were
commercial titles that most
game in which you must place
chipset for graphics, so if you
fact an updated version has
itself. A special deal has been
originally distributed on CD)
Amiga users will recognise
mirrors and other objects on a
Various management games
only have graphics card output
already been released since
arranged with WHDLoad's
and HD installable. The
immediately both of which are
board to guide beams of light
are included, you can be a film
or use Amithlon then very few
we got our review copy.
authors so owners of this CD
games in each of these
from Revolution Software who
to reach an exit door.
studio executive in Hollywood
can register for 10 Euro, half
drawers are then divided into
have produced some of the
Unfortunately this is one of the
Manager, a holiday organiser in
The games on the CD are
What's on the CD?
the normal price.
genres such as Action,
best graphical adventure
games with no English
Flamingo tours and, of course,
indexed on nicely formatted
Adventure and Platform. Some
games. Lure of the Tempress -
documentation but which a bit
a football manager in Samba
HTML pages. Some games
Over fifty games are included
Documentation on the disc
games appear in more than
In this game you're set the
of patience you should be able
Partie World Cup.
While many of the games on
have handy additional
on the CD which comprise
consists of a readme in each
one category, for example both
mission of saving your village
to work out what to do!
Unfortunately (for those of us
this CD can now be found
information too.
many different genres, ages
directory which describes its
CD and ADF versions of
from the evil tempress of the
who only speak English) these
freely on the Internet it's great
Beneath a Steel Sky are
title. This is a point-and-click
games are only available in
to have them all collected
adventure title with some real-
German. The only
together in one place. The
time fighting sequences. Lure
A variety of platform games
management sim supplied in
quality and depth of the titles
of the temptress is a quality
which provide different takes
English is Tactical Manager,
does vary quite a lot, however
production and worth playing
on this classic genre. I enjoyed
another Football game.
amongst the 50 or so included
With so many games on this
even if it isn't quite up to the
Monty the Wolf which is a
you're bound to find a few you
CD I couldn't possibly even
standards of Revolution's later
vertical platformer where the
really like. With the latest
mention each one in this
title. Beneath a Steel Sky -
aim is to collect jewels. Among
version of the CD even more
review, so here are some of
this classic adventure was
it's unusual features are a
Generally I found this CD to be
games have been added so
the highlights of each section
highly rated when it was
bouncy ball as a weapon and
well produced, however a
there's an even wider choice.
released and stands up well
items that can be picked up
couple of games did not work,
Amiga Arena Games Edition is
today thanks to its attractive
and moved around the levels
Burnout reported a missing file
a well put-together disc at a
cartoon graphics which have a
giving an additional puzzle
and the HD version of Lure of
very reasonable price.
hand painted look, amusing
element to the game play.
the Temptress was set-up to
The action category is packed
dialogue and reasonably
use the JST loader system not
with fun and diverting games
logical puzzles. The game has
included on the CD. However
and, in my opinion, is one of
a science fiction story line with
the strongest in this collection.
you cast as Robert Foster, an
Four games make up the
Some of the games included
exile who is trying to find his
strategy section these include:
are: RoadKill - a fast-paced
+ Wide range of games
origins in a totalitarian city
Imperium Terranum II - this
top-down view car racing game
while avoiding the police.
appears to be a space trading
+ Well Organised and
with a choice of vehicles. In
Amiga Arena provide both the
game in the style of Elite.
addition to your driving skills
CD32 (CD) and floppy versions FreeCiv - this is a turn based
you can also beat your
+ Low Price.
of BaSS on this disc, the CD32
strategy game in the style of
opponents by knocking them
version has the advantage of
the classic Civilisation, the
- Variable game quality.
off the track or with a variety of
full spoken dialogue which
difference here is that you can
weapons! The longevity of the
enhances the experience.
play on-line with opponents all
game is extended by a variety
over the world. FreeCiv is open
PD Paradise rxMUI 32.9/40.0Developer: Alfonso Ranieri License: Freeware
Reqirements: AmigaOS 3+, MUI 3.8+, various MUI custom classes.
Rexx is one of the hidden
Developer/Autodocs/ directory of
gems of AmigaOS, it is a
your MUI installation. An autodoc
flexible interpreted programming
reader such as Martin's Reader
language that allows simple
programs to be written in
text/misc/MartinsReader.lha) is
Developer: Pawel Stefanski License: Freeware
minutes. What makes ARexx so
useful for dealing with the MUI
great is its ability to integrate
Reqirements: AmigaOS 3+ or MorphOS, datatypes.
with programs with an ARexx
Even if you've programmed with
port and the option to add
ARexx before, the description of
function libraries which
s you might guess from the
rxMUI so far may sound a little
seamlessly add additional
name, this is a simple
daunting, and its true that getting
capabilities to the language. One
picture viewing utility; however it
started does require you to learn
feature lacking in the basic
is a bit different in having a file
One of my first scripts using rxMUI. A simple GUI like this doesn't
some new concepts. However,
ARexx distribution is the facility
browser as part of the interface.
take long to program and benefits from MUI's features.
there is a saving grace in the
to create graphical user
When you run MiniShowPicutre
number and variety of example
interfaces, so a user can
position and most have a flexible
palettes and utilities with minimal
it opens a MUI window
scripts provided which number
comfortably interact with the
size, this means your GUI will be
interfaces. MysticView.mcc
consisting of a large picture
no less than 75! The examples
ARexx program. Over the years
font-sensitive and resizeable with inserts a powerful image viewer
viewing area on the left and a file
provided range from very simple,
several solutions to this problem
no additional effort. rxMUI does
into your interface. TheBar.mcc
list on the right. At the top of the
with one or two objects, to
have been released and in this
not include a graphical interface
lets you create graphical toolbars
file list you can select a directory,
complete small applications
review I'm looking at rxMUI, an
builder so getting a GUI right can which can be repositioned within
and the list displays all the files
using multiple custom classes.
ARexx function library that
be a bit fiddly. I find it best to
the program window. When the
and sub-directories within it.
There seems to be at least one
allows an ARexx script to build a
plan out what I want on paper
GUI is completely defined a
Double clicking on a sub-
example using each custom
Magic User Interface GUI.
first, working out what groups are single function call causes rxMUI
directory opens it in the file list
class. In many cases you will be
required, and then commit the
to scan the tree you have
and a parent button are provided
When you add rxMUI.library to
able to base your GUI quite
design to code. As ARexx scripts
defined and build-up the
so you can browse to any
your script a range of new
closely on one of the examples
don't need to be compiled it's
directory on the current volume.
functions becomes available.
or at least use the basic
easy to run a work-in-progress
Images can be browsed entirely
One of the aims of rxMUI's
With the interface built the next
structure. If you do make an
script and make adjustments as
from the keyboard: the up and
programmer is to bring some of
job is to define what actions will
error in your script, rxMUI takes
down arrows select files and
MUI's object oriented
occur when the user interacts
care of things behind the scenes.
directories in the list, pressing
programming philosophy to
One of the best things about
with it. This is done using the
This means it should not be
the right arrow with a sub-
The file list enables you to quickly browse through your images.
ARexx, so a user interface is
rxMUI is that it supports all MUI's "Notify" function. Notifications
possible to crash the Amiga or
directory selected enters that
built from a collection of objects
features and many of the third
can be set on a gadget so that
corrupt memory, instead an error
Fortunately, there is a "are you
aspects of MiniShowPicture.
generally that doesn't bother
directory and left arrow opens
which have attributes (a piece of
party MUI custom classes that
when a specified attribute
requester pops up with a
the parent directory.
sure" message.
Here you can choose to open
me. For example, personally I
information related to an object,
have been released. Functions
changes an action will be carried
description of the problem and a
one or both of the "My best."
have no real need for the
for example the name of a
are supplied to create most basic out. The action could be to run a
line reference for debugging. If
When you click on an image in
The "My best pictures" window
windows and set that the
image processing features that
button) and methods (an action
objects (including buttons,
subroutine within the script or to
you are still having problems
the file list, it is displayed in the enables you to keep a list of
image should be scaled to fit in
are included in some image
they can be asked to perform, for labels, string gadgets and check
issue one or more ARexx
there is an rxMUI mailing list on
viewing area. MiniShowPicture
your most often viewed images
the viewing area. If scaling is
viewers. However, there is one
example a list could be
boxes) that you will need in your
instructions. It is possible to pick
Yahoo Groups which is read by
uses datatypes so all image
for easy access, regardless of
selected you can decide
feature missing from this
refreshed). To build a user
GUI using one line of code. More
up attributes within these
the author and several
formats that have a datatype
where they are located on your
whether the image's aspect
program that I find essential. If
interface you build up a tree-like
complex objects such as lists,
instructions so you can make
experienced rxMUI coders who
installed on your system are
hard disk. This feature works
ratio should be maintained or if
you choose to view the image
structure within interrelated
tabbed views, gauges and
one gadget effect another
should be able to answer your
supported. With the correct
rather like a web browser
it should be stretched to fit the
at full size it is not possible to
ARexx stem variables that
custom classes are created by
without loads of additional code.
datatype MSP can even be
hotlist, you simply click the
defining a new object of the
For example it is possible to
scroll, so images larger than
defines all the objects within
Of all the ARexx GUI solutions I
used to view icons and
".a great way of browsing the images on
interface. The tree is started with
required class and setting its
make a list view with the facility
the screen cannot be viewed
have used rxMUI is certainly the
Postscript files. The last two
an application object which has
attributes. Custom classes
to add, delete and move rows
properly. You can scale the
most powerful. Once I was used
enable powerful features to be
only with Notify commands.
buttons in the main window
your system that I've not seen in an Amiga
attributes that define the
image to view it all but,
to the methodology I found I
added to a GUI with all the
enable the selected image to
application. Then windows can
obviously, you don't get all the
Documentation for rxMUI is
could produce quite complex
be added and within each one
programming already take care
be deleted or copied to another
details. I would also like to see
supplied in HTML and
GUIs quickly and many GUI
groups of gadgets. Gadgets can
of. To give you an idea of the
directory. One quibble I had is
"Add" button while viewing a
space. Unusually you can
options to rotate and rename
AmigaGuide formats. It provides
actions could be handled by the
be arranged horizontally or
flexibility they offer here are
that delete has the keyboard
picture to add it to the list. Any
leave the preference's window
images within the program,
a useful reference guide but is
notifications system without
vertically within a group and
some of the classes supported
short-cut of spacebar which is
image in the "My best pictures"
open while viewing images and
rather lacking in tutorial content.
both of these options are very
needing lots of code. By using
groups can be nested within one
by rxMUI: CompactWindow.mcc
often the "next image" key in
window can be displayed by
the options I have mentioned
All the functions are described
handy for digital camera users.
MUI the GUI gets cool features
another making very complex
is a replacement for MUI's
other image viewers, so it's
clicking on its name. The
with examples and the basics of
so far take effect immediately
like customisation, font-
arrangements possible. Within
window class which creates
easy to press by mistake.
object creation, notifications and
contents of the list can be
MiniShowPicture has . In
they are selected. Other
sensitivity and resizeability
MUI gadgets do not have a set
small borderless windows for
object handling are explained.
without any additional
saved and loaded at any time
general, its simple design
options available include which
Each of the MUI classes
programming effort. Finally,
so you could have multiple lists
works well, but there are a
directory and "My best" lists
supported is listed and any
custom classes allow features to
based on different topics. In a
couple of areas that could
should be loaded at start-up
attributes and methods whose
be incorporated into an ARexx
very similar vein, is the "My
easily be improved: the delete
and the width of the file list
implementation differs in rxMUI
GUI that would normally be out
best directories" window that
function and the lack of scroll
(specified as a percentage of
are explained. However, to get a
of reach. Altogether I cannot
works in the same way but for
bars. The author has released
the main window).
complete listing of all the
recommend rxMUI highly
image directories on any disk.
several new versions recently
attributes and methods
The author of MiniShowPicture
enough, it makes a simple
so I hope he keeps up the
The My best pictures and
supported by a class you will
The preference's window is
has obviously aimed to keep
ARexx script look like a
directories windows bring
need to read the MUI
used to configure some
his program simple, and
hotlist functions to MSP.
documentation which can be
Another one of my scripts with some different gadgets.
PowerIcons 1.05 Developer: Elena Novaretti License: Freeware From:
Reqirements: AmigaOS 3.5/3.9, 16 or 24bit Workbench screen (graphics card).
options to spruce up the text of
icon is simply a 24bit image
PowerIcons works very well and,
he Amiga icons system has
the icon name, a border or a
saved in the PNG format and
with well-drawn icons, there is a
some unique features and
shadow can be added both of
renamed with a ".info" extension
very noticeable improvement in
over the years we have seen
which are rendered using
so you can make your own icons
quality. In addition to its basic
some brilliant icon designs
transparency for a smooth effect.
or download PNG icons
task, PowerIcons also has other
including Magic Workbench, New
designed for other platforms (see handy features to make standard
24bit icons do have a couple of
Icons and, most recently, Glow
the KDEView review in this
Amiga icons look and work
limitations compared to standard
Icons. However, even with a
section). The patch enables the
better. Whether these
Amiga icons. Firstly they only
graphics card icons have always
Workbench information window
improvements outweigh the
have one image so, when you
been limited to a maximum of
or alternatives such as RaWbInfo limitations I've noted is entirely
select a 24bit icon it is
256 colours. PowerIcons is a
to replace and existing icon with
up to you. At the end of the day
highlighted with a blueish tint
patch that adds support for 24bit
a 24bit one retaining tooltypes
this is eye candy and that's
(the colour is configurable) rather
icons with an alpha channel and
and other icon data. 24bit icons
important to some people and
than changing to another image.
improves the rendering of
do not contain a normal Amiga
less so to others. Fortunately,
This has the advantage of
traditional icons too.
icon image; so if you decide to
you can try out PowerIcons
making which icons are selected
stop using PowerIcons you will
without installing it by double
Each pixel of a 24bit icon can be
very clear but removes the
need to put all your original icons clicking on its icon and browsing
any one of over 16 million
possibility of the nice
back. Therefore, I suggest
through the sample 24bit icons
colours allowing smoother, more
"animations" found on some
making a backup before trying it.
detailed icons to be drawn. The
Amiga icons. The second
alpha channel means that any
limitation is that when a 24bit
pixel can be set to blend into the
icon is dragged it is displayed as
background making realistic
a rectangular dotted outline
shadows and smoothed edges
rather than the icon image,
possible whatever backdrop
apparently this is a limitation of
image you choose. Normally, all
Workbench that cannot be
the icons displayed on your
Workbench screen must be
To use PowerIcons you will need
rendered from the same 256
to be running Workbench with a
colour palette. With PowerIcons
16 or 24bit display (which means
this restriction is removed so
a graphics card is essential) and
even normal icons will look their
you will also need a reasonably
best. When you select "Show/All
fast machine as the 24bit icons
files" in Workbench, files without
are more processor intensive to
icons are given a default icon so
render. Unfortunately, the patch
you can see them, PowerIcons
does not work with Workbench
can show these default icons
replacements like Scalos or
with a user definable level of
Directory Opus 5, although it
transparency so you can easily
does with some utilities that use
see which files have an icon
icons such as Amidock. A 24bit
attached. Finally, there are two
Developer: Pietro Ghizzoni
KDEView License: Freeware
24 bit folder icons from the "Wasp" set used to replace
Reqirements: PowerIcons, dearchiver.
the standard Workbench drawer icons.
download. Each pack consists of
To use the program you first
(this is becoming a theme of this
s I mentioned in the
a number of PNG icons with
need to download an icon pack
PD Paradise) but if there are too
PowerIcons review, the PNG each image in a selection of
and de-archive it. Normally the
many icons to fit you can scroll
image format is already in use
sizes, all within an archive.
tar archive format is used with
with the cursor keys.
for icons on other platforms. One
KDEView is a handy utility which
either gzip (.tar.gz) or bzip2
Once you've found a 24bit icon
example of this is the KDE
enables you to view the icons
(.tar.bz2) compression. Both
you like then you can drag an
desktop manager commonly
within one of these packs without these formats can be handled by
icon from your Workbench onto it
used on Linux systems. At the
moving the files around or
the OS 3.9 UnArc utility, but you
and the Workbench icon will be
renaming them with .info so
will need to uncompress the .tar
replaced. This seems a bit
there are many quality icon
PowerIcons will display them.
file first and then de-archive it so
backwards but in practice it
packs available for free
it's a two stage process. With
works well. The icon
that done you simply Load
replacement procedure retains
KDEView and select one of the
the icon type, tool types, default
directories full of icons (.png
tool and other icon information.
files) in the location where you de-archived the icon pack. The
That's all there is to it, a simple
KDEView window shows all the
program that works well.
icons in that location and you
Perhaps in the future some scroll
can select the size you require
bars and the facility to handle
from a menu. For some reason
icon pack archives transparently
the icon display area in the
could be built in to make it even
window doesn't have scroll bars
KDE displays all the icons in a category for you to choose from.
baddies and work your way
Older Mac
through the levels meanwhile
Yes its asteroids on the Mac.
applications such
your opponents keep getting
Only this is one heck of a
as MacIRC are
nastier and tougher. The sound
conversion. Maelstrom does for
still very handy.
is okay, nothing out of this
the Mac what Super Sturdust did
Part 2 of Michael Carrillo's emulation series.
planet, but admittedly you feel a
for the Amiga. It takes the classic
good deal of satisfaction when
game asteroids and improves it
remember how bad the Amiga
you hear a Nazi opponent bite
in spades. Shoot all the
ollowing from my previous
version was. However Sim Tower
the dust. There's not much more
asteroids, and avoid a few
Mac Reloaded article in the
is a bit of a classic, good enough
to be said about this game,
unpleasant surprises. Having
last issue and after so much
to play at least the once. You
except that if you want a good
said that, this version has loads
the Classic Mac although its
information for getting on-line to
interest, I have decided to take it
start off with a bit of cash and
pass-time then you cant do
of power ups, bonuses. Add to
quite old and if has a few
an IRC channel.
a bit further by giving by giving
one star. Build a lobby, add some
much worse than loading this up
that the very witty special sound
features missing, its also the
you mini reviews of programs I
Offices or Condos above the first
and having a blast. Thank god
effects and the graphics which
only IRC client available that is
have found useful and work on
two floors, reserve the first two
for the save games too!
are superb considering their age.
Free! Development of this
the Amiga via Mac emulation.
floors for retail space. Make
program ceased years ago and it
If you want a quick shoot em up
money from building and selling
(Note: If your system is an
is now freeware. This is just one
Before I start, I got an E-mail
session, this is one hell of a
condos (one off) and getting an
040/25mhz or below you this
of the easiest ways for you to get
Where to Download
from someone wanting to know
game to do it with but be warned.
income every quarter from the
game will run in a small desktop
an IRC client running on your
how to change the awful drive
Maelsrom has the "one more go"
All games available from
Office Rentals. Add Stairs or lifts
window, you can change the
Amiga for nothing, its dead easy
icons that come with Fusion.
Play classic games that were never released for the Amiga.
factor, once you start, you cant
to connect them up, then watch
settings, but it could be
to set up and use (I did say some
Download Aaron (MacOS
people come in to your tower
(look in control - Windowshade).
challenges that will keep the
features were missing!). If you
system enhancer) which
MacIRC 68k available from
and spend money at your retail
most ardent Sim fan coming
Overall: 90% (This game still
feel you must have the "Bells
contains a nice drive icon you
Overall: 82% (Its no Quake III
(make sure you download the
outlets such as fast food.
Overall: 85% (in context for
stands the test of time despite
and Whistles" then check out
can use:
system it is running on and not
or whatever, but in context for
Ircle 3.1 which is still Shareware,
greg/aaron.html. (Aaron isn't
The game progresses as you
compared to present day)
Caesar is the sort of game that
the system it is running on, it
however you do get a 30 day
required if you are using system
add more people or floor space
cannot be rushed into, if you can
free trial offer with it so you can
8.0 or later, but you can still use
which increases your star rating.
MacIRC 68k
find a copy of the manual do so,
decide if its worth it.
Ircle 3.1 (68k Version):
the icon. Click on the drive icon
Eventually you can add Express
it will help tremendously. Don't
Maelstrom Game
and select from the apple pull
Elevators, Cinemas, meeting
Game Type: Sim
think that this is the sort of game
Tip! If you have never tried IRC
down menus FILE/Get Info. A
halls, restaurants and hotel
Aim of game:To become Caesar that you can pick up and run
Type: Arcade Shooter
and would like to, check out a
System window will pop up, click
rooms. Whilst down in the
of the Roman empire.
with, it isn't, but it is ultimately
Aim of the game: Destroy all
Mac IRC 68k is as the title says
previous issue of Total Amiga
on the Drive Icon, a border
basement you can add Waste
rewarding. However, if you want
an Internet Relay Chat client for
Magazine which contained all the
around it will appear and once
Recyling, Car Parking and an
to better it, look out for Caesar II.
more from the Pull down menu
Imagine Sim City set in Roman
Just as long as you check if will
select Edit/Copy. Click on Drive
times and you get an idea what
work on your system first!
you want to change icon with
Tip: Ensure every 15th floor is a
this game is all about! This time
UK. £1.50 (1 item)UK. £1 per item (2+)
FORE-MATT Home Computing
repeat the same process, but
lobby, and serve them by
though, you also have to deal in
Overall: 88% (in context for
this time do Edit/Paste. Close
Express Elevators only.
politics, keeping the citizens
(07792) 416254 • Dept. TA, PO Box 835, Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 8RX
system it is running on and not
We also accept PayPal
window and it's done. Look on
happy, making money, defence,
compared to present day)
Google for Mac Icons, "Steves-
Sim Tower is a game that you
attack etc. You Start of by
Icon-set" is a good start.
can while away many hours
looking for a place to begin a
playing and not realise, those
settlement so that you can build
with an 040/25mhz processor or
Sim Tower
a city, you add such things as
Game Type: 3D Shooter
lower will have to disable
walls, public baths, roads,
Aim of the Game: Shoot
Art Studio Pro £35
VHI Studio 5.7 £25
Game Type: Sim
animations and most background temples, housing etc. Once you
everything in sight and complete
Aim of the Game: To reach as
noises in order to keep this game have a population, you can start
your mission.
far up as you can go and get
going. Also you can get more
attending the Forum and start
your tower awarded 5 Stars.
speed by closing the main
wielding political power or
window during periods (double
checking on how you are doing
Ever played Doom? If so you
click on top Window bar) whilst
in terms of ratings, population,
may just love this, its incredibly
TurboPrint 7 £40
FXPaint 2 Upg. £25
This game was written by Maxis
you are waiting for something to
taxes, civic spending etc.
similar, but the graphics are
in 1990, yes them of SimCity
happen. Make sure you have this
more cartoon-ish, less realistic
Street Racer CD .£10
3DCD-1 Objects. £5
GlowIcons 2. £15
2000 fame or infamy if you
Adventurers Lair .£15
Gremlin Classix. £10
Strip Pot CD32.£5
17 Bit Level 6 . £10
Graphic Sensations. £10
option turned on your MacOS
Industry and water to all isn't half
and set in World War II. Having
Alfred Chicken CD32.£10
Guardian CD32 . £5
100% Colour Clips . £10
Guinness Records v2. £10
your problems in this game, it's
said that, its still worth a go as
Amiga Classix.£10
Super Methane Bros. £10
100% Mono Clips. £10
Hidden Truth . £10
about making your city a
even by today's standards the
Amiga Classix 2.£10
Imperator CD . £15
Syndicate CD32.£10
10,000 Amiga Cheats . £10
Hisoft Extend . £10
Amiga Classix 3.£20
Islona Collection . £20
Testament CD .£10
A-Z of Amiga Games . £15
Image Link . £10
successful viable economic
game play is still quite addictive.
Aminet Games.£15
Labyrinth Of Time . £10
Theme Park CD.£10
Aminet Set 4,5 7,9-11 ea . £25
In To The Net (2CD) . £5
powerhouse, without this you will
You are locked in the castle
Mad About Mahjong. £10
The Games Room .£10
Amos PDCD2 . £20
Junior Typist. £8
Arcade Classix Mk 2 .£10
Mad About Marbles. £10
The Strangers.£10
Key To Driving theory . £15
never move up. Build markets,
dungeon, you find a weapon and
Megaball Deluxe . £10
Time of Reckoning .£5
Art Studio Pro. £35
Learning Curve. £20
temples, theatres, in fact
decide to make an escape,
Bubba N Stix CD32 .£10
Total Carnage CD32.£5
LSD Compendium 2. £15
everything you need to make a
armed with a revolver at first,
Bubble Heroes.£8
MSX Nostalgia . £10
Total Tetris.£10
Blitz Basic 2.1 (ult.). £10
Mods Explosion . £10
C64 Classix .£10
Trivial Pursuit .£10
Converters Suite . £10
Multimedia Experience. £15
successful city. You can build
you exit your cell in a desperate
CDS Collection .£15
Myst (German) . £10
Turbo Racer 3D .£8
Coverdisk Collection . £10
Multimedia Toolkit. £10
more than one city as various
bid for freedom! Trouble is that
Pacman Attack. £10
Ultimate Gloom.£10
Desktop Video Vault . £10
Chuck Rock 2 CD32.£10
Ult. Super Skidmarks .£10
Digital Makeup . £15
Network CD . £10
terrains provide different
this castle crawling with Nazi
Civilization AGA/ECS .£10
Phoenix Fighters . £10
Ultra Violent Worlds.£10
Emulators Unlimited. £10
Network CD 2 . £15
resources for your industry, such
Guards who are hell bent on
Earth 2140 Mission Pack .£15
Epic Encyclopedia 97 . £10
Pagestream Addons. £10
Eat The Whistle .£10
Virtual Ball Fighters .£10
Epic Encyclopedia 98 . £20
Patchez HD Installers . £10
as wheat, Ivory, copper or glass.
making sure you don't leave the
European Superleague .£10
R-Type of Games . £10
Virtual Grand Prix .£20
Flashrom Vol 2 . £10
place feet first and in one piece!
Fightin Spirit .£10
Simon the Sorcerer. £10
Virtual Karting 2.£10
Fractal Pro Image Lib. £5
Photon Paint 2. £5
Tip: As with all cities, found
Final Odyssey.£10
Sixth Sense Invest'ns . £10
Vital Light .£10
fxPaint v2 upgrade. £30
Red Hat Linux 5.1 . £15
yours near a river.
There are the usual secret
Foundation Und.Land.£15
Speccy Classix. £10
Wasted Dreams .£10
Gateway v1 (netBSD) . £10
Games Attack .£10
Spherical Worlds . £10
Whales Voyage CD32 .£10
GFA Basic Interpreter . £5
entrances, food/health bonuses,
Giana Sisters Trilogy .£10
Sounds Terrific 2. £10
If you like a challenge then
extra ammunition etc or in other
Caesar, despite its poor
"The Amiga Online Superstore" - Visit our new 128 bit secure online shop at
words the usual fare for this type
graphics, (by today's standards)
Amiga Retro Classics Site:
of game. Keep shooting the
has tons of options and
Image Enhancement
task because there is quite a lot of detail the tool box, it is just above the palette
in the area behind the tree. I tackled this
area to the left of the boing ball. Now
by taking each area of a different colour
you need to select a brush to paint with, rubber stamp
or texture in the background in turn and
I found one of the soft round brushes
tool shows
filled over the tree to match the
from the selection at the top right of the
you where
neighbouring background. Remember
toolbox worked best. When you move
the image
Unsightly telegraph pole growing
that the object of the exercise is not to
your pointer over the image you should
will be copied
guess what the area behind the tree
now see two cursors, one "blob"
from (the
out of your head?
really looked like but to produce a
representing the area covered by the
Then why not visit Robert Williams'
convincing background. As with the sky,
brush you selected and a cross hair
and where
take care not to duplicate features, it's
which indicates where the image will be
your brush
image clinic!
art Two: Re-touching & S
easy to end up identical clumps of trees
copied from. The difference to ImageFX
will cover
which is a dead give-away! To avoid this
is that in Perfect Paint the cross hair
(the "blob").
image is copied from the source area.
I find drawing in small stages, even with
moves with your pointer all the time,
You can change the relationship
to copy from, to do this hold down the
single clicks of the mouse, is a good
even when you are not painting. To set
n the second part of this tutorial I'll be
"Alt" key and left click on the sky where
between source and destination areas
option. Drawing in this way also has the
the relationship between the source
explaining two more techniques for
you want to copy from. The sky has a
at any time by control-dragging on the
advantage that you can step back
(cross hair) and destination (blob) move
improving the look of digital images.
subtle vertical gradient from an intense
image. Remember you can use any of
through your work in small stages using
the blob over the area you want to copy
These processes can be applied equally
blue at the top to a milky blue/green at
Photogenics drawing tools and adjust
ImageFX's "UNDO" button.
from, hold down the left shift key, then
well to any image no matter how it has
the bottom so make sure you select an
the size and density of the brush while
click and drag out a line to the
been captured, whether through a digital
area in line horizontally with the area
using the clone tool. You can also rub
destination. The relationship between
camera, with a scanner or a video
you want to cover. When you click a
TIP: When doing this kind of work it
off any errors by drawing with the right
the two cursors should now be changed
digitiser. I'll be concentrating on Nova
small square should appear, this
can be useful to have some additional
mouse button.
to match your selection.
Design's excellent ImageFX but at the
indicates where pixels will be copied
undo steps. To set the number, click on
end of each section I'll mention how you
from. Release "Alt" and move the mouse
the "Prefs" button in the main toolbox
Art Effect - Art Effect's tool is called
can achieve similar effects in other
to the area you want to cover, now click
and increase the number of "Undo
"Cloner" and is represented by a rubber
Amiga image processing programs.
the left mouse button and start drawing
stamp icon in the main toolbox window
Most digitised images, no matter how
as normal. You should notice that the
(to the right of the airbrush). To use
they have been obtained, look
image is copied from the area you
As with the horizon you'll also need to
cloner, click on its icon then move your
somewhat softer than in "real life", this is
selected. Notice that as you draw with
treat the joins between the land and
pointer over the image. To set the
a natural result of the digitising process
It would often improve a picture if some
the mouse the square marker follows
water, and water and head with some
source area click on the image while
which splits the image up into pixels and
unwanted object could be removed. The
your movements so you can see exactly
care to get a realistic effect that blends
holding down the left "Alt" key. Now start
then takes the average colour and
classic example is a telegraph pole
what is being copied. However when
in with the rest of the image. If you have
to draw in the destination area and you
intensity for that pixel. Taking a simple
growing out of someone's head, but
you release the mouse button the
problems you can try lightly blurring the
will see a cross hair appear where you
example, if the area of the original
these sort of errors are perhaps less
marker does not move, this means you
edited area into the rest of the image. To Alt-clicked. If you want to move the
image covered by a pixel were half
likely with digital cameras because you
can copy the same area to several
do this open the "Drawing Options"
destination without changing the source
black and half white, the end result
can check the photo you have just
places without moving the marker
palette and set the "Style" to "Normal"
(to make another copy of a feature)
would be a grey pixel. In most digital
taken. On the other hand sometimes an
manually. It is usually wise to select a
and the "Mode" to "Blur" then paint over
move the pointer to the new area and
cameras this softening takes on another
immoveable object, for example an
new source area occasionally by "Alt"
the areas you want to blur with the air
click while holding the right "Alt" key.
dimension because each photosite (an
electricity pylon in a picturesque
this zooms in centred on the pointer
clicking on the image to avoid copying
individual light sensitive area on the
A section of
The clone tool draws with the brush you
landscape, spoils an otherwise well
one particular are en masse.
CCD chip that relates to one pixel in the
the original
have selected; to change brushes
composed image. My example image
image) on a CCD sensor can only pick
double click on the clone icon to open
for this part of the tutorial has a figure
Open the "Drawing Options" palette by
In ImageFX you can choose to
up one colour (usually red, green or
the "Brush Manager" window and click
with an unfortunately placed tree, but
double clicking on any of the drawing
When you a copying an area of an
have commonly used palette windows
blue). The photosites on the sensor are
on a brush image to select it.
you can use the technique to remove
tools except air brush or text then select
image with clone be careful not to
open when you start the program. To do
arranged in a Bayer pattern (see box-
errant tree!
any type of object. The technique we're
"Pantograph" from the "Style" cycle
duplicate prominent features. For
this open the "Prefs" window, click on
Photogenics 5 - "Clone" is also the
out) and a demosaicing algorithm in the
going to use will allow us to copy other
gadget. The pantograph drawing style
example in my sky their are a couple of
the "Interface" button then uncheck the
name given to this tool by Photogenics 5
camera's firmware converts this back to
areas of the image over the object we
will allow us to select and area of the
tiny clouds on the horizon, if you copy
"Close Child Windows Immediately"
and it is located in the main toolbar two
a full colour image, this again introduces
want to remove effectively hiding it. In
image and draw it onto another area
those it will be obvious the image has
option, click "Okay" and then "Use". Now icons to the left of the "Fill paint layer"
softness. Because modern digital
Tree. be.
ImageFX this uses the "Pantograph"
with any of the standard drawing tools.
been doctored.
open all the windows you commonly use icon. Click on the clone tool, notice that
cameras have such high resolutions and
drawing mode, in other applications it is
We want to create a subtle effect that
and arrange them on the screen. Finally
the clone options are now shown in
often have built-in sharpening this is an
As you work down the image you'll
commonly called "clone".
blends in with the rest of the image, so
open "Prefs" again, click "Save" and
"Tool" tab of the "Options" palette. Move
effect you may never have noticed.
the best drawing tool to use in this case
come to the horizon where the sky joins
choose "Default.prefs" in the file
your pointer over the image, hold down
result is quite
the hills, be careful in this area to leave
is the air brush, because it has a nice
the "Control" key, click on the source
All the images used in this
soft edge. To set up the air brush
a nice flowing line that blends into the
area and drag to the destination area.
If your digital camera offers a
tutorial can be downloaded from the
drawing tool, double click on its icon to
rest of the horizon. I found the best way
Other Uses for Pantograph/Clone
The offset boxes in the tool palette are
trickery is
user-selectable level of sharpening it is
Issue 17 page of the Total Amiga
open the "Airbrush Options" window. I
was to find another area of horizon with
populated with the relationship you have hard to spot worth experimenting with this setting.
found the default "Radius" and "Nozzle"
a similar profile and then copy it over in
Apart from removing unwanted objects
created. Now when you start to draw the
(I hope!).
Try reducing the level of sharpening and
settings of 5 and 50 respectively were
one piece by selecting it as my new
from an image, this technique can be
then sharpen in your software where
about right for my image but you can
used at any time when you want to
you have more control and can vary the
adjust them at any time if you need to
seamlessly copy part of an image. One
amount of sharpening to suit the particular image.
Start by opening the file you want to edit
cover a larger or smaller area. Make
common task would be to repair old or
As you work in ImageFX you may
in ImageFX by clicking on the "Open"
sure you check the "Realtime" option,
damaged images, you can use clone to
find that some garbage has built up on
If your images have been scanned from
button in the main toolbox. We're going
this causes ImageFX to update the
cover up tears or cracks with the
the image where the marker has not
printed matter (such as books and
to perform some quite detailed editing
image window while you paint which is
been re-drawn properly, this takes the
magazines rather than photographs)
so it's a good idea to zoom in on the
essential for this process.
from of small vertical lines. To clear
then the image will probably have been
object you want to remove so it almost
Now we're ready to begin covering up
these, and see the image as it really is,
softened in the scanning process. This
fills the image window. To do this you
that tree! I'm going to start with the sky
press the "R" key on your keyboard to
is because images on the printed page
can either click on the "+" button in the
Perfect Paint - The equivalent tool in
area, this is a smooth blue colour and,
redraw the image window.
are usually made up from dots of
bottom border of the image window and
Perfect Paint is called Rubber stamp
because it has no prominent features,
coloured inks arranged in a half-tone
then scroll to find the area, or point at
With the sky completed you can now
and works a little differently to
should be easy to copy over the tree.
pattern. When they are scanned the
the area you want to magnify with the
move on to the land and water, this is an
ImageFX's Pantograph. To activate the
First we have to select the area we want
scanner either picks up the individual
mouse pointer and press the "M" key,
example of a more complex retouching
tool click on the "Rubber Stamp" icon in
dots or, at lower resolutions, an
icon to the left of the "R", "G", and "B"
Art Effect Plug-ins Collection - If
unsightly moire effect can be produced.
TIP: Remember that you can scroll the
buttons in the main toolbox. In the
you're lucky enough to own the ArtEffect
The normal way to remove this is to
preview by clicking and dragging in the
"Layer Manager" click on the down
and the excellent plug-ins collection
scan at a higher resolution and then
top ("before") area.
pointing arrow at the top right of the
then, in my opinion, you have the best
scale the image down, this averages the
window to open a pop-up menu. From
sharpening tool on the Amiga in the
colour of the pixels in a similar way to
If the effect isn't quite what you want
the menu select "New Layer" to create a
form of the "Sharpen"/"UnSharpMask"
the original digitising process and
you can edit the values in the matrix; I
new, blank, layer. We won't be using this
filter. This tool is very similar to that
produces a softer image.
found that increasing the value in the
layer, but adding it switches ImageFX
found in professional applications on
centre box made the effect stronger and
into layer mode so the other options we
other platforms. Its main advantage is
Most image processing software offers
vice versa. Overall these simple
need become available. Click on the
that it gives you several different
several sharpening tools which can help
convolution effects are quite crude and
"Background" layer in the list (this is the
parameters to adjust so you can get just
improve the sharpness of an image. It is
probably won't be much use for
original image) and then choose "Clone
the effect required. When you select the
important to note that these tools cannot
improving photos, however you might
Layer" from the pop-up menu to create a
UnSharpMask filter you're presented
usually correct an image that is out of
find them useful for special effects.
copy. By default ImageFX offsets the
with a settings window with four sliders:
focus, what we are talking about here is
copy from the original; to correct this
"Radius" sets the area that will be
revealing a little more detail in an
double click on the new layer in the list
checked for contrast and has a direct
already well focused image. Sharpening
to open the "Layer Settings" window. Set
relationship on the strength of the
tools work by increasing the contrast of
This is a basic sharpening tool and
the "Offset X" and "Y" values to 0, then
resulting effect; "Amount" sets the
already high contrast areas of the
to process have a minimum of artefacts
produces a slightly cruder effect than
click "Okay".
amount of sharpening applied and
image. This works because detailed
sharpening to begin with by using the highest quality unsharp mask, although in all honesty I
"Threshold" sets how much contrast
areas of the image are usually
presets are setting on your digital camera and
can't see a huge amount of difference
there must be before an area is
represented by contrasts (by definition a
provided for
You must press return or tab
avoiding saving scans in a lossy format
myself. The effect is accessed from the
sharpened. A "Finetune" slider lets you
nearly flat plane of colour has little
out of each box for the settings to
such as JPEG.
"Sharpen" button on the "Convolve"
vary the final effect very slightly to get
detail) and if you enhance these it
window, set the "Power" of the effect
This example
palette. You can vary the strength of the
"stick". The image window should
just the look you want. While this
makes the detail more apparent and
image shows
In my experience the sharpening tools in
with the aid of the preview thumbnail
effect with the Amount slider with 1
update at once.
sounds complex, a decent sized
sharper looking.
the effects of
ImageFX are not particularly
(you can scroll the thumbnail by
being the weakest.
preview image is updated in real time so
Now select the layer you added first in
sophisticated compared to those on
dragging inside it). Now choose a
it doesn't take long to get the hang of
Negative Sharpening Results
the list ("Layer 1") and choose "Delete
The left side
other programs (both on the Amiga and
drawing tool with which you want to
how the sliders relate to one another. I
Layer" from the pop-up menu, it has
is original,
other platforms) however you can get
If you don't want to apply an
apply the effect, if you want to cover the
normally start by setting a low threshold
served its purpose. Now we can apply
whole image it's best to choose a filled
the middle
Sharpening an image can have negative
good results with a bit of ingenuity. Also
effect to the whole image image,
and then adjusting the "Radius" to
the sharpen effect. Make sure the top
box. Draw over the area you want to
section has
effects, these normally appear if you
take a look at my comments about the
remember you can select an area using
roughly the number of pixels of blur I
layer is selected then apply your chosen
effect, when you release the mouse
been slightly
sharpen an image too strongly. Because
other programs at the bottom of this
the region tools. To use these choose a
see (normally only 2 or 3). Then I use
sharpening effect (or any other effect
button the effect is applied and the
sharpened to
sharpening tools are increasing the
section because both Photogenics 5
region type from the cycle gadget in the
"Amount" to get the effect I want and
you choose) using any settings you
bring out the
contrast in areas of an image if you over
and the ArtEffect Plug-ins Collection
main toolbox (it shows "Full" by default)
finally "Finetune".
want. As we're going to tone down the
Here you can use the "Opacity" slider to detail and the
do them these areas become too
contain excellent sharpening tools.
and then draw out the region you want
effect you may want to apply a stronger
blend the effect into the background
right has
pronounced, this is indicated by white
on the image. To return to processing
Photogenics 5 - Photogenics'
effect than you need to have a wider
very much as we did with layers in
been over-
halos around bright areas and black
the whole image change the setting
"Convolve"/"UnSharpMask" paint mode
range of adjustment. Now you can use
halos around dark ones. Sharpening
back to "Full".
runs the ArtEffect Plug-ins Collection
the "Blend %" slider to vary the strength
leaving a
can sometimes emphasise unsightly
very close but is not quite so adjustable.
of the effect; as you move the slider to
Art Effect 4 - ArtEffect 4's sharpen tool
bright halo
areas of the image such as image
Unsharp Mask
To use it, open your image, fill the paint
the left more of the unprocessed
can be found in the "Filter"/"Sharpen"
effect around
compression and film grain artefacts. It
layer and then choose the
background image shows through.
submenu and is similar to Perfect Paint
its edges.
is wise to ensure that images you intend
Unsharp masking is the sharpening tool
"UnSharpMask" paint mode from the
Mask" effect
and ImageFX's tools in that its main
usually used in professional applications
pop-up list in the main toolbar at the top
has only one
control is a "Strength" setting. In
on other platforms. To use it open the
Bayer Filter
of the screen. The "Mode Options" are
addition there are two sharpening
"Convolve" palette and click the
shown in the "Options" palette and
but beware,
modes, "fine" or "coarse", the former
"Unsharp Mask" window. Like the
When you are happy with the image use
include "Amount", "Radius" and
the lower the
does allow a very subtle effect to be
Each photosite on a digital camera's
Nova Design's image processor has
"Shapen" effect an "Amount" slider is the
the "Flatten Layers" command from the
"Threshold" controls which work in the
setting the
achieved without resorting to blending
sensor can only detect one colour
three different sharpening tools which all only control over the process however
pop-up menu; then the image can be
same way as the ArtEffect filter (see
stronger the
with the original image. If you still wish
component of light, determined by a
have slightly different effects:
this time the lowest amount (1) has the
saved in a standard format such as IFF
above for a description). You can get
to reduce the effect you can do so using
filter placed above it. The filters are
strongest effect while 16 is the weakest.
ILBM or JPEG of use in other programs.
another level of control with the
ArtEffect's layers facility using the same
arranged in a Bayer pattern:
Custom Sharpen Convolves
If you think you might want to change
transparency option on the "Control" tab
technique as ImageFX.
the level of sharpening later, save the
which blends the effect layer into the
TIP: If you want to compare the effect
layered image as an INGF before
Three sharpen convolution matrices are
of sharpening with the original image
flattening to keep the effect editable and
supplied for use with the custom
open the "Buffer" palette and click "Copy
the original image layer.
convolution tool. To access these load
To Swap" to make a copy of the image.
the image you wish to sharpen, click on
With the techniques I've described in
the "Convolve" button and then
Lessening the Effect
these last two tutorials you should be
"Custom". In the window that opens you
well on the way to making big
will see a grid of boxes where you can
Perfect Paint - A simple sharpen tool is
Mask" from improvements to many digital images. In
enter a custom matrix. Fortunately the
If you're sharpening an already well
available as one of Perfect Paint's
the ArtEffect the next part of the tutorial I plan to
sharpening matrices have been defined
focused image or one with some
image processing effects. To use the
cover colour manipulation,
for us so click on the "Load" button. A
artifacts you may find that the built-in
tool click on the effects button
collection is concentrating on ImageFX's curves tool
file requester appears where you can
sharpening tools are too harsh and do
(immediately above the boing ball) in the
one of the
but covering the other applications too.
select a preset file, the three we are
not offer sufficient control. You can get
toolbar to open the "EFFECTS" window.
interested in are "SharpenLow",
over this by sharpening a copy of the
Choose "Other" from the cycle gadget
If you have any comments or
powerful on
"SharpenMedium" and "SharpenHigh".
image and then blending it with the
and click on "Sharpen" in the list. At this
suggestions for this series don't hesitate
the Amiga
There are twice as many green sites
Select one of the options and click "OK"
original using layers.
point it is useful to click the "Compose
to contact me using the addresses
with plenty of
as red or blue because the human
to load it, the matrix will be populated for
Requester" button and make sure
Start by opening the image you want to
inside the front cover.
eye is more sensitive to green. A de-
the effect you selected. Now try the
"Show Each Time" is checked in the
sharpen if you haven't already done so.
including the
mosaicing algorythm in the camera is
"Preview" button to see the effect in the
window that opens. Click on the "Prefs"
If you've already sharpened the image,
used to convert the captured data to
preview window.
button in the "EFFECTS" window to
close it and open the original. Open the
a full colour image.
open the sharpen effect's settings
"Layer Manager" palette by clicking the
Code to execute if expression is true.
that you understand them. They enclose (or
encapsulate if you are going to be posh)
printf("Argument %d is %s.»
"blocks" of code. Within that block of code
any variables that get created within it can
• Storing Information
Code to execute if expression is false.
only be accessed by the code in the block, or
• Variables, Symbols and Types
in a block that is created within that block.
The character "{" starts a scope and "}" ends
Create a file called tutorial6.c and type the
There are alternative formats, the simplest
a scope. Confused? Fair enough. Lets show
example above into it. Now compile it into a
• Decision making
file called "tutorial6":
• Loops
if (.expression.)
Work:Programming/Tutorial> dcc -o »
tutorial6 tutorial6.c
Code to execute if expression is true.
It will compile without error.
Also we have the possibility to insert other evaluations in the conditional statements:
Now run it passing it various strings and see
if the theory becomes clearer.
if (.expression.)
In Total Amiga'
s first major programming tutorial Dave Pitcher introduces
• Libraries in OS4
if (x == 14)
Work:Programming/Tutorial> tutorial6 »
Code to execute if expression is true.
"C", the most common progamming language on the Amiga.
} else if (.another expression.)
printf("Pigs might fly. n");
Work:Programming/Tutorial> tutorial6 »
Code to execute if this expression is
Work:Programming/Tutorial> tutorial6 »
} else if (.another expression.)
printf("Correct n");
"hi there mum" this is a bit of fun.
Code to execute if this expression is
Download DCC from Aminet at this
Some of the examples in this tutorial have
lines that are too long to fit in our
o far in part one we have introduced the
columns. For those lines we use the
concept of values being stored at
following symbol:
In this example a block of code is created
There are going to be few programs that you
Code to execute if none of the
addresses, the idea of the null terminated
Install it ( installation instructions, we
with an integer variable "x" being declared
write that do not require that you make some
expressions are true.
string and how basic data-types such as
know people never follow the readme ).
and then set to 14, a child block of code is
kind of decision within them. Whether it is
char, long and float are stored and
to indicate that you should continue on
created which declares a floating point
working out whether a player has no energy
manipulated by C in the computers memory.
the same line in your editor.
variable "y".which is assigned to 6.0. In the
or not or whether their sprite has reached the A list of useful operators to use in an
child block x is further modified to be equal
We now need to move on to how the
The example source code is also
boundaries of the screen, the "conditional"
expression can be found in the "Operators"
program is run by the operating system, in
available for download from the Total
statement is one of the most valuable in
this case AmigaOS to explain some of the
The lines in bold are what we have a
When the child block of code is complete it is
most important parts of a program - the
thorough understanding of, those that are
important to note that any variables declared
arguments you can pass to it.
not in bold are as yet unexplained.
The most popular conditional to use is the
#include <stdio.h>
within this scope are automatically deleted.
"if" statement. The if statement takes an
When you type the name of an executable
We spoke of the "main" entry-point in the
one of these words is a parameter
argument which is known as a logical
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
We are now back in the parent scope,
program, the operating system loads the
program - this is where the program starts
The operating system would set argc to 8
expression that must evaluate to true, or
modifications made to variables declared in
code and looks for an entry-point called
executing. The example so far shows a
and the array would be set as follows:
false. Enclosed in { } braces is the code to
if (56 > 4 && 12 < 22)
the parent scope are still kept current. So
"main". This is the starting address of the
version which accepts no arguments and
execute if the statement is true and the
when we start to continue in the parent
program and instructions will be executed in
returns a datatype called "int":
optionally you can have an "else" statement
printf("This is the code »
scope and we go into the condition what gets
this program until what is called the
followed by { } braces containing the code to
that gets executed when »
printed is "Correct" because x is now 20.
"stopping condition" is met. This can be
execute if the statement is false.
this is true n");
anything from the last instruction in the
Void indicates that no data is expected to be
To illustrate the point further (that "y" gets
program being executed, an unexpected
passed into the function call. Returning data
deleted and is not accessible from the parent
specific call to terminate or finally a
from the entrypoint is a place where the
scope) the following example will not
programming error which causes the
program is forced to interact with the
if (.expression.)
printf("This is the code that »
program to reboot the operating system in
operating system therefore it has to return an argv[7]="a"
gets executed when this is »
Recall one of our examples from part one of
This is all very well, but if you wanted to write Why 8 parameters and not the 7 that we
this tutorial (in Total Amiga issue 16):
a program that accepted "arguments" (that is
would expect? As you can see the first
parameter (argv[0]) is always the name of
Useful operations to use in an expression:
string data passed by parameter) from the
Create a file called tutorial7.c and type the
command line then you need a different main the executable that was called. If we
== Logical equivalence.
example above into it. Now compile it into a
#include <stdio.h>
renamed the executable "myprog" to "wibble"
file called "tutorial7":
we would get passed "wibble" as argv[0].
Not equal to.
int main(int argc, char * argv [])
Work:Programming/Tutorial> dcc -o »
The following example shows the number of
Greater than.
This accepts two parameters from the
tutorial7 tutorial7.c
arguments passed to the program, and prints
operating system itself - first the number of
if (x == 14)
out each one with its address in the array to
It will compile without error.
unsigned char fx;
parameters specified on the command line
&& Logical "AND" (for chains of
and an array of strings containing one
printf("Pigs might fly. n");
expressions where A must be true
parameter per array element. Confused?
and B must be true and C must be
It is important that you play with the
Lets have an example:
#include <stdio.h>
expression until get the message to print out
If we were to compile a program, called
"This is the code that gets executed when
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
Logical "OR" (for chains of
printf("Correct n");
"myprog" that accepted arguments (i.e. used
this is false".
expressions where A could be true
the second prototype with int argc and char *
printf("a==%d n",a);
OR B could be true or both).
[] argv) then we could call it like this:
printf("b==%c n",b);
What are the braces { } ?
printf("There are %d arguments.»
None of these operators should be used
printf("fx==%c n",fx);
Work:Programming/Tutorial> myprog each »
These litter C programs and it is important
The line that says "y=y+2.1;" causes a
compile error. That is because "y" was not
Start the block (with a {).
10 on symbol i we would use it as follows.
by passing in symbols or values that meet
know that we can use the "&" modifier to get
declared in the same block, or a parent block
the prototype definition. Above our example
the address of a symbol.
to the current block. This is known as "scope
Declare all the variables used within.
1. We want to initialise i to 0, therefore the
addTwoNumbers is expected to return a long
The answer is staring us in the face, we pass void modifyXWillWork(long * X)
initialisation instruction is i=0.
type and take in a long type followed by
the address into the parameter call, that gets
another long time.
Correct the following example so that it
2. We want to exit when i reaches 10,
copied and then use a pointer declaration to
End the block (with a }).
therefore the expression is i<10.
store the address on the other side. This
gets us so far. Let us illustrate with a new
All declarative statements, in C, have to start
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
3. Each time the block is run, we want to
example, function call "modifyX":
before the instructions. In C derivatives this
increment the value, therefore the value
rule is looser but it is still good practice to put
modification instruction is i=i+1.
void modifyX(long * X)
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
the declarations in one place.
.symbols example.
do something with X
Starting a child scope is an instruction, as
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
are conditionals and assignments.
So another illustrative code sample:
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
for (i=0; i<10;i=i+1)
There are two main types of loops - the first
printf("i=%d n",i);
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
is the simplest to understand in C and it is
So, in function modifyX, pointer to long type
if (j<14)
called the "while" loop. It uses the sample
At this time, you should be used to
"X" is going to be set to the address of the
"expression" clause as the "if" statement we
constructing your own code examples. Write
symbol "myx". We know the value stored at
printf("Oh no! n");
introduced to you before - in that it evaluates
Create a file called tutorial9.c and type the
a program that uses the "while" loop format
the address of symbol "myx" is 12, but how
an expression to true or false. Whilst the
example above into it. Now compile it into a
to count from zero to 200, and the for loop
Note here that the names of the symbols
do we get to it? At the moment all we have is
printf("%d n",i);
expression is true, it repeats the code in the
file called "tutorial9":
format to count back from 200 to 0. If you
filled in to a call to a function do not have to
a rather useless address. C comes with an
block that is put after it. Once it is false, it
call the symbol that contiains the number as
be the same as the names of the symbols
operator, designed specifically for this
Work:Programming/Tutorial> dcc -o »
proceeds to the instruction at the end of the
defined on the function prototype. This is
purpose, it is called the dereference operator
tutorial9 tutorial9.c
Create a file called tutorial8.c and type the
"i" then you can reuse the printf("i=%d n",i);
block of code.
because the symbols "number1" and
and its identity is * and must be used as a
example above into it. Now compile it into a
line as it stands above without modification.
"number2" are symbols that are used inside
prefix to the symbol you wish to dereference.
file called "tutorial8":
This is tutorial 8.
the implementation of addTwoNumbers and
It means treat the contents of this symbol as
The first function call (modifyXWontWork) is
Work:Programming/Tutorial> dcc -o »
only have visibility there. Remember rule 2?
a pointer to an address and allow me direct
an example off "pass by value". The second
tutorial8 tutorial8.c
Likewise addTwoNumbers has no idea of the
access to the data stored at the target
is an example of "pass by reference
A function call is an isolated subsection of a
symbols "x" and "y". It is given a COPY of
It will compile with an error, see if you can fix
program that only gets executed if it is
the VALUE OF the symbols passed on the
So lets implement modifyX to double the
If you implemented it as instructed, you
it with your new knowledge of scopes.
invoked, by name, in what as known as a
function call. In a logical way this looks like
value of whatever symbol is passed to it:
should see the following output:
The following example will never ever finish,
function call.
this is called an "infinite" loop.
void modifyX(long * X)
variable myValue is 40
We define a symbol called x and a symbol
A function call is divided into two parts, the
variable myValue is 40
In a child scope you can declare new
called y. We populate the value of x with 20
first part is the "prototype" (specification) and
variable myValue is 20
variables with the same name as ones you
and the value of y with 40. We make a call to
the second part is implementation.
have created in the parent scope. During the
addTwoNumbers passing in x and y. The
Remember we mentioned prototypes can be
Implementation is the same as any block of
child scopes life it will maintain the
computer takes a copy of the values of
This is a deliberately confusing example.
seperated from implementation? This is how
printf("i=%d n",i);
code that we have seen before except the
properties of the latest declaration and once
symbols "x" and "y" and places the copy into
From left to right:
we get round having to implement all
following extra rules apply:
it exits the scope the program reverts to the
the symbols "number1" and "number2". We
function calls before our "main" program. Try
old declaration and the old value of that
In order to use while loops the expression
*X will say allow me to use the data stored at
1. You cannot implement a function in the
then add "number1" and "number2" together
just cutting and pasting the two function calls
should relate to something that is made false
the address contained as the value of X.
middle of another block of code, it has to
and set this as our return value (the keyword
modifyXWontWork and modifyXWillWork to
when you want it to finish occuring:
be implemented outside any other block
return indentifies the value that is returned).
below the "main" program implementation
Adapt the previous example so that it uses
= is the assignment operator
of code (at the same level of coding as
The computer takes a copy of this returned
like in example 10:
the same variable symbol in both declared
the "main" function call).
value and places it in symbol "sum".
is the multiply operator
blocks of code (scope) but the child
redeclares the symbol to a different type.
Because the computer creates a copy of the
2. Only variables defined in the prototype
2 is the value 2.
data passed into the parameter ordinarily we
printf("i=%d n",i);
(called parameters) and variables
You will have noticed that the if statement is
would not be able to make a modification
Therefore the sentence translates to:
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
declared within the implementation block
followed by its own block. This is a useful
that directly effects the value of "x" and "y".
are available to the function.
Data stored at address contained in value of
observation, it means if blocks follow the
same rules for all blocks. These are called
Once symbol i exceeds the value 10 the loop
Functions are defined like so:
Recall from the first tutorial we can find out
scoping rules. The pattern for implementing
will exit. In fact if the expression were never
data_type_it_returns »
the address of something and use that with
true, the while loop would not execute its
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
name_of_function(comma delimited list »
what is called a pointer type? Keep this in
Data stored at address contained in value of
of declarations (the parameters))
The task we want to achieve is modifying the
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
value stored at the address repesented in
In our example, the data storead at the
You may be expecting C to initialise a
our program by symbol "x" in a function call.
address contained as the value of X is the
printf("I never get executed! n");
variable that you declare with a default
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
We know that we cannot use an ordinary
value of symbol myx which is 12. We are
value, such as "0" for an integer. Please
long addTwoNumbers(long number1, long »
prototype like we had before as this will just
directly modifying the contents of myx from
do not be fooled - this is far from the case.
The second style of loop is a "for" loop, this
result on data being copied and
the function call!
C does NOT initialise any variables with
includes the computation of when to stop in
modifications not made to the original. We
void modifyXWontWork(long X)
long addTwoNumbers(long number1, long »
any values, you need to do that yourself.
To illustrate, we have tutorial 9:
the expression statement. The syntax is:
know that we can use a pointer to look at the
A common programming error is to fail to
original data – because that is what printf
initialise a variable and then use it - each
for (initialisation instruction; expression; »
uses – a pointer to character that contains
time you run it you may end up with a
value modification instruction)
return number1 + number2;
the address of the start of the string. We
different value in that memory location -
void modifyXWillWork(long * X)
know that the computer will take a copy of
void modifyXWontWork(long X)
depending on what has run before!
If we wanted to count the numbers from 0 to
Functions are then called by their name and
whatever value is passed by parameter. We
If you don't see what you want, just ask!
Our range is always growing!
If you compiled this, the calls to modifyXWontWork and modifyXWillWork will
#include followed by the name of another file to place at this point
Up to 30 times faster!
cause a compiler error when it gets to
#include "myfunctions.h"
"main". To fix this, seperate the prototype
from the implementation and copy the
#define followed by a symbol to replace and its value
prototypes above the "main" program like in
Amiga Forever 5
#define HI_SCORE_MAXIMUM 200
#define MYNAME "David Pitcher"
The compiler works in a cycle like this:
void modifyXWontWork(long X);
• Check the file exists.
void modifyXWillWork(long * X);
Fast Amiga Emulator and
• Preprocess the file (handle any compiler directives - prefixed by #).
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
• Compile the preprocessed file into an object file.
Connectivity Package for Windows
• Link it to try to create an executable
• Fast JIT emulation, up to 30 times faster than previous
two files and put them in a new file called
This is because it has a special meaning to
versions of Amiga Forever.
the compiler. Using " " around the filename
printf("variable myValue is %d n"
you want to include indicates to the compiler
• Amiga runs in a window or in full screen mode.
void modifyXWontWork(long X)
it must search in the current directory, using
• Amiga Explorer for Amiga connectivity.
< and > indicates it should search what are
• Fully licensed Picasso96 software.
printf("variable myValue is %d n"
called "include paths". For now, using " and "
• All Amiga ROMs up to version 3.1.
with your own code should suffice.
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void modifyXWillWork(long * X)
Recall what we did above, seperating
printf("variable myValue is %d n"
(courtesy of GPSoftware), TurboText
prototype from implementation? Well
• MPEG-1 videos: The Deathbed Vigil and Jay Miner
normally the prototypes are seperated into a
Speech included on the CD.
seperate file (postfixed by .h - example:
void modifyXWontWork(long X)
myfuncs.h) and the implementation in
• Plus much more.
Now, even though they are no longer present
another (postfixed by .c) and the .c file
Upgrade from V. 4
in tutorial9.c we need to use them in order to
includes the .h file, allowing other
be able to successfully compile tutorial9. So
programmers to use the same prototypes but
we need to "include" that file. Add the
not see your implementation. They use your
void modifyXWillWork(long * X)
following include directive at the top of
implementation at link time.
You create myfuncs.h, which contains your
prototypes, and myfuncs.c which contains
your implementation ("includes" myfuncs.h,
This WILL work and it forms part of the
but has no "main") and compile this into an
grounding you need to understand how to
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
"object" file (myfuncs.o).
build a reusable function library.
PageStream 4.1
PageStream Extras
Then the third party programmer creates
their file, say, theirprogram.c, which
The Premier DTP program on the Amiga.
#includes "myfuncs.h" and compiles with that
There are bits in the code called "compiler
to produce theirprogram.o. In order to use
Mac & PC version also avaliable.
directives" or "preprocessor instructions",
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
your implementation they have to LINK with
these are prefixed by # as the first letter in
myfuncs.o in order to produce an
the line. What follows is an instruction to the
compiler to do something before it turns the
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
If that went over your head, don't worry as
program source into an "object" file.
Warp and bend any text into any shape you want !!
PageStream Upgrade
we press on through the next two tutorials it
The ones you will run across are shown in
printf("variable myValue is %d n"»
will all become clear - it just needs context!
Text effect 2 £50.00
the "Include Examples" box-out.
In Part 3, we will move onto a broad
From pagestream 2.xx to 4.1 £95
explanation of "printf", Reaction GUIs, the
So, lets look at #include. This allows
AmigaOS Exec design for running programs
From pagestream 3.xx to 4.1 £79
someone to pull together a list of prototypes
Now recompile this and you will see it will
that multitask, and get on with the Tetris
for functions you can use in a seperate
work OK. Now we can explain the "#include
From Pagestream 4 to 4.1 £39
location, and even the implementation, and
<stdio.h>" entry. You can deduce that it is
"include" them in your program by specifying
going to include a file called "stdio.h" but why
the filename. From example 9, chop out the
use < and > instead of " and "?
Cross upgrade
new tutorial you'd like to see? Let us know, contact details inside the cover.
Upgrade from Amiga version 4.0. to PC or Mac Complete collection of 120 scalable borders
• Making the Internet friendlier - our
feature helps you deal with SPAM e-
Issue 18 is due in:
The Total Amiga web site contains a whole
mail and browsing annoyances.
Basic & Geo Borders £55.00
host of features and regularly updated
June 2004
information about the magazine including
Note: Total Amiga is produced by
back issues for free download in PDF
• CrossFire II and much more.
volunteers and this means sometimes
issues run late and planned contents
change. If you're concerned about the
So why not pay us a visit at:
• Our C and image manipulation
status of the next issue please look at
30 Whitegate Way,
tutorials continue. Have ideas for a or contact us
Next Issue
(contact details inside front cover).
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AmigaOS 4 Hands On
Menu madness (above): create the look you want with OS 4's powerful GUI customisation features. Mick Sutton's OS 4 development version Workbench (right). One of the latest OS 4 screenshots released (below) show lots of 68K applications running under emulation.
Read more about Hyperion's up-coming port of
this sci-fi RPG for OS 4 in the news section.
Timber Tower Image Enhancement Tutorial
Here are the before and after images from Robert Williams' tutorial on page 38.
Above: the original image complete with excess vegetation. Right: As if by magic it's
Is this the ultimate "do it yourself" A1200
gone! Find out how we did it
tower? Find out how it was made in the
in ImageFX, Photogenics,
owner's feature on page 18.
PerfectPaint and ArtEffect.
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