Microsoft word - wcc-2012_4qtr_newsletter.docx

4th Quarter 2012
The following is Part 1 of a Series of 4 articles that we are including in the FWEA West Coast
Chapter newsletters.
°USF Career Roundtable
Your First Date: A Successful Career Path for Life
°New Luncheon Rates
by Rachel Cantor, President, RC Associates
°Membership Buttons Reminder & Raffle Prize Drawings
Rachel Cantor is the President of RC Associates, a boutique engineering recruiting firm that
°Day with the Rays
specializes in fulltime permanent placements nationwide. Rachel can be reached at 813-286-
°Annual Committee Positions Operations
2075 or [email protected].
You may ask what do dating and your career have in common? Well, much like
dating, many young professionals believe that it can be helpful to try out different
The FWEA West Coast Chapter and
things to figure out what makes you happy. In order to create a perfect career path
USF FWEA student chapter will join
and find a lifelong satisfying career in the engineering industry you have to start at
together to host a future happy hour which will provide an opportunity
the beginning with the First Date. But just like in dating, one who "has no staying
for students and other FWEA
power" gives the perception that they are indecisive and unable to commit.
members to socialize and tour the new labs at USF.
You may look around you and see many professionals happily committed to their careers and wonder why this bliss came so easy to them. This success didn't
happen overnight. The keys to a successful career begin with a first date: figuring out what you want, with careful consideration and not too many false starts, and
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam,
then creating a career plan to get there. Brainstorming, writing, implementing and
updating a clear plan are essential steps - ones to work on continuously throughout
is looking to hire a mid-level
engineer with experience in water and
a career in order to stay on track. It is truly a lifelong process.
wastewater applications for their Tampa office.
For additional details, contact Dan Glaser: 813.288.8221
[email protected] or check out:
FWRC 2012
The 2012 Florida Water Resources
Conference is planned for April 29
through May 4 in Orlando, FL
September 29 – October 3, 2012
New Orleans Morial Convention
Center, New Orleans, LA USA

4th Quarter 2012
Many young professionals come out of college and hit the ground running. They bury themselves in work and professional organizations. Often, they are so excited to land that first job, and to have the newfound freedom of a steady paycheck that they may never stop to take time to think about where they are headed with all of this effort. They may be working hard, but how do they know if they are working smart? How do they know if theirs is "a successful career path for life?"
Success can mean many things to different people, which is why it is so important to define it for yourself. Like a business plan for an entrepreneur that is starting his/her own business, your successful career path is an individualized plan, and should lay out your life goals on what you want to do "when you grow-up." It doesn't have to be formal or in report format as it is just for "you." However, it should be written, and it should include a key few elements.
Research: Spend some time on the internet reading through journals, newsletters, and websites. A good place to start is here at the
AWWA website. Educate yourself about new trends, technologies, and companies, and learn as much as you can about your field.
Getting more involved in AWWA can help give you enough ‘first dates' to better understand what you want and how you can get
there. Jot down notes and start educating yourself. Not only will this make you a better engineer, but it will also help you learn about
your likes/dislikes and help you start figuring out the direction you want to
Goals: Set specific, written, and measurable goals on where you want to be
each year with your career. Your goals can be anything you want. For
example, I have seen goals ranging from wanting to be a leader in a
professional organization, to sitting for your PE license, to opening-up your
own firm one day. There is no "right" or "wrong," it is purely about what you
Operating Plan: Take the goals that you have defined and lay out an
operating plan on how they will be accomplished. Do not be overwhelmed
here; you don't have to do it all at once. It will be easier if you take it one
step at a time. For all of us overachievers out there, be realistic on what can
be accomplished during any given year. Set clear steps that you will take to
implement your plan. Ask a friend or mentor to review your plan to make
sure it is
Review/Update/Maintain: Now it's time to set the wheels in motion.
Make sure that what you are doing is helping you to achieve your goals. Be
focused and purposeful. It is better to get really involved in one organization
than to spread yourself too thin with activities that might distract from the
goal. Periodically, dust off your plan to review your specific goals and make
alterations as needed. This is an ever evolving plan that will change over the
years as your personal and professional goals change.
Now go out there, start writing your successful career path for life and go on your first "date" with your career. I'll join you next time to talk about "Getting Engaged: Networking, Networking, Networking."

4th Quarter 2012
FWEA-USF Career Summary
By Rachel Cantor RC Associates, LLC
In order to ensure the future of our profession, it is essential to train our next generation of water/wastewater leaders. Last month, FWEA West Coast Chapter joined forces with the FWEA USF chapter to present a career panel to water/wastewater students. The panelists presented insightful thoughts on different career tracks and professions available in the water/wastewater industry. The event was packed, standing room only, and was a night enjoyed by all! A few takeaway tips from the night for students:
Don't forget when finding a job focus on
"networking, networking, networking."
Follow your passion in life. When you look back over your career years later, your
unique combination of skills, experiences and projects will define your career into a unique niche in the industry!
Students have an exciting journey ahead so go ahead
seize the day and enjoy embarking on your careers!
Presenters at the event were: Timothy Ware with the City of Tampa, Michael Smith with CDM Smith, Tommy Rawls with Hillsborough County, Joe Zaccardelli with Jacobs Air and Water, Rachel Cantor with RC Associates, Karen Lowe with CDM Smith, Vicki McGucken from DEP, and Clay Tappan with CDM Smith
4th Quarter 2012
NextGen, Sustainable Wastewater Treatment
by David Hagan, P.E. and Dimitri Katehis, P.E., PhD
Greeley and Hansen
We have all done a great job in Florida in meeting our increasingly stringent effluent requirements. Higher effluent standards have come at a price of greater energy demands and an increased use of resources. New processes are emerging at full scale that can transform our wastewater treatment plants to net energy producers, meeting all definitions of sustainability. This presentation describes these new technologies and presents how they may apply in Florida, using the City of Tampa as an example.
David Hagan is an Associate with Greeley and Hansen with over 35 years of experience on wastewater treatment issues. Mr. Hagan has been located in Greeley and Hansen's Tampa office for over 25 years and has provided engineering analysis and design of biological treatment systems, disinfection systems, and biosolids facilities. He has also headed master planning efforts for regional wastewater and reclaimed water facilities on the west coast of Florida.
Dr. Katehis has developed optimization plans for advanced wastewater treatment plants throughout the US, with a focus on minimizing the impacts of nutrient control on plants' carbon and energy budgets. In his Water Environment Research Foundation efforts, he has focused on greenhouse gas emission measurement and mitigation in large wastewater treatment plants. He has developed and is continuing to work on the adoption of innovative sidestream treatment processes for nitrogen and phosphorus control, serving as the lead author of new sidestream treatment chapters in the Water Environment Federation/American Society of Civil Engineers Design Manual (MOP-8) and BNR Manual, and similar books in Europe.
4th Quarter 2012
WANTED – West Coast Steering Committee Members
by Karen Lowe, P.E., CDM Smith
Wow, it is hard to believe that we are already approaching the end of the year! It has been another great year for the West Coast Chapter thanks to the awesome steering committee members that I have been so very fortunate to be able to work with over these last 5 years. Please be sure to take a minute to thank them for donating their time and making all of our events run so smoothly.
As we approach the end of the year, it is time once again to fill our steering committee positions. We are always hopeful that our current committee members stay involved but are always looking for new members to help guide our chapter. If you have a little time to spare and would like to work with an awesome team, please consider volunteering for the 2013-2014 steering committee. Please send me an e-mail ([email protected]) or reach out to any of our other committee members so we can be sure to invite you to our upcoming steering committee lunch.
Day with the Rays
by Joe Zaccardelli, P.E., Jacobs Air Water Systems
With another Rays season coming to a close, FWEA members were able to get together with friends and family to enjoy "America's Favorite Pastime". The 2nd annual "Day with the Rays" even was held on Sunday, September 23rd at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg. FWEA-West Coast Chapter sponsored discounted tickets to the game and a pregame tailgate. In all, 35 people were able to join in on the Fun which was capped off by a Rays victory of the Toronto Blue Jays. More importantly, the game was a way to network and enjoy some of the perks of being an active FWEA member. Thanks again for all those that joined in on the fun!
New Luncheon Rates and Registration Guidelines
by Ricardo Borromeo, P.E., Atkins
Columbia Restaurant
2117 East 7th Avenue
The Columbia Restaurant has been providing the West Coast FWEA with quality
Tampa, Florida 33605-3903
luncheons throughout the years. However, due to the increasing cost of meals, the
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Columbia Restaurant has implemented a price increase which we unfortunately have to
pass on to the luncheon attendees. The new luncheon rates are as follows:
Registration - 11:30 AM
Lunch - 12:00 PM
Members and Students
- Early registration with online payment - $22
- Regular registration and/or pay at the door - $25
1905 Salad - Crisp iceberg lettuce
Non-Members - $25
with julienne of baked ham, natural
Swiss cheese, fresh tomato, olives,
In addition to the price increase, the West Coast FWEA Steering Committee has
grated Romano cheese and garlic
decided to require pre-registration for FWEA luncheons. The is in response to
Columbia Restaurant's request for us to have a better estimate on the number of
attendees and avoiding adding extra tables and chairs or walk-ins during the luncheons.
Option 1 – Pollo Tropical:
Chargrilled breast of chicken
We thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, comments, or
marinated in fresh garlic, oregano
concerns, you may contact me by email at [email protected] or by
and orange juice. Topped with a
telephone at 813-281-8388.
mango and pineapple chutney.
Served with rice and vegetables.
Registration and Cost Information
Option 2 – Boliche "Criollo":
Pre-registration for this luncheon is mandatory using the FWEA website online
Roasted eye round of beef stuffed with
registration XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Deadline for early registration is Friday,
chorizo and roasted in a flavorful
November 2. Last day to pre-register for the luncheon is Wednesday, November 7.
gravy. Served with a black beans,
white rice and platanos.
Option 3 – Merluza "Russion Style":
Premium Atlantic Merluza, a tropical
white flaky fish, breaded with Cuban
bread crumbs and grilled. Garnished with a Russian sauce of lemon butter, parsley and hard boiled eggs. Served with yellow rice.
Full Members: $22 for those pre-registered, $25 at the door * Student Members: $22 for those pre-registered.
Send Check and Registration to:
Ricardo Borromeo
Pre-Registration Deadline: Friday, November 2nd (Also Register through
Please make checks payable to FWEA
4030 West Boy Scout Blvd., Suite 700,
Tampa, Florida 33607
Company/Affiliation: _
Tel: (813) 282 7275 Ext. 8388
Fax: (813) 636 8583
City: _State: Zip:
Phone: _Choice of Meal:
USF Civil & Environmental Engineering Teams Win Environmental Design Competition
Two University of South Florida teams competed in the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) national student design competition in New Orleans on September 29, 2012. Green Solutions, consisting of Micah Blate, Danielle Bertini and Lyudmila Haralampieva took first place in the Environmental Division. Emily Patrick and Gabriele Dionne contributed to the project but could not attend WEFTEC. The clients for the project were City of Tampa Stormwater and Parks and Recreation Departments. Regan Park in East Tampa had problems with flooded parking lots and grassed areas as well as excessive vegetation growth and odors in a stormwater pond. The students recommended a number of improvements, including the use of porous concrete in parking areas, construction of rain gardens. Dredging and installation of a fountain and floating wetlands were recommended to mitigate problems in the pond. The team worked closely with students from the USF anthropology
Green Solution's Micah Blate and Danielle Bertini at Regan Park
department who surveyed community members about their use of
Inset: Emily Patrick, Lyudmila Haralampieva and Gabriele Dionne
the park and amenities they would like to see there.
BioBull Solutions, consisting of Robert Gaylord, Matthew Munz, Yasmin Eskandari, Esteban Zajia Viera and Justin Terry, took third place in the Wastewater Division. Their team worked on improvements to the Hillsborough County Biosolids Management Facility (BMF). After an analysis of a number of different anaerobic digestion alternatives, the team recommended conversion of existing aerobic digesters to thermophillic anaerobic digesters. Biogas produced in the digesters would be used to fuel thermal dryers currently in use to produce class biosolids pellets. Savings would be accrued from reduced use of natural gas, aeration requirements, and biosolids volume. In addition, the implementation of anaerobic digestion is expected to reduce odors at the BMF and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Right: Bio Solution's Robert Gaylord, Matthew Munz, Yasmin Eskandari, Esteban Az ajia Viera and Justin Terry
Also show
n is the process flow diagram for their design
Membership Benefits:
by Nita Naik, Greeley and Hansen
Congratulations (name and company name) for winning our first raffle prize at the August Luncheon! As you all know, West
Coast Chapter has started raffling to maintain FWEA's objective to increase membership and also to provide value to the membership.
The remaining prizes are worth over $400. They include Visa gift cards worth $200, $150 and $75. Each member earns an entry in the
raffle for attendance at each luncheon or a special event. Remember – you receive an additional entry if you wear your membership
buttons! So wear them proudly – yours might be the ‘lucky' button! Join or renew: – ‘Membership' tab.
482586JBX18710.1177/1087057113482586Journal of Biomolecular ScreeningShadrick et al. Review Article Journal of Biomolecular Screening18(7) 761 –781 Discovering New Medicines Targeting © 2013 Society for LaboratoryAutomation and ScreeningDOI: 10.1177/1087057113482586 Helicases: Challenges and Recent Progress William R. Shadrick1, Jean Ndjomou1, Rajesh Kolli1,
MANUAL DE USO Y CUIDADO ESTE APARATO DE AIRE ACONDICIONADO ESTÁ EQUIPADO CON UN NUEVOCABLE ELÉCTRICO ESTÁNDAR CON UNA FUNCIÓN DE TEST-REPOSICIÓN LEA Y GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES APARATO DE AIRE ACONDICIONADO CONTROL ELECRÓNICO DE VELOCIDADES EN VARIOS PASOS GARANTÍA DEL AIRE ACONDICIONADO DE HABITACIÓNSu producto está protegido por esta garantíaSu electrodoméstico está garantizado por la empresa Electrolux. Electrolux ha autorizado a Servicios al Consumidor Frigidaire y a susservicios autorizados de otorgar servicio bajo esta garantía. WCI no autoriza a ninguna otra persona a cambiar o agregar a cualquiera de las obligaciones bajo esta garantía. Cualquier obligación de servicio y partes bajo esta garantía deben ser desempeñadas por ServicioFrigidaire para el Consumidor o un servicio Frigidaire autorizado.