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ERT Conditions for Productive Learning in
Networked Learning Environments:
Leadership Report
Main author: Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld (UAalborg)
Nature of the milestone: Report
Dissemination level: Public
Planned delivery date: November 2007
No part of this document may be distributed outside the consortium / EC without
written permission from the project co-ordinator
Prepared for the European Commission, DG INFSO, under contract N°. IST 507838
as a deliverable from WP28
Submitted on 19.12.07
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 1 of 54
About the deliverable. 3
Statement on Sustainability. 3
Delivery according to Milestones . 5
Contributions to VDS, TeLearn. 7
Indicators of esteem and publications core ERT participants 2004 – 2008. 11
APPENDIX – list of esteem and publications core ERT participants . 12
Peer reviewed international and national journal papers . 12
Conference papers. 17
Contribution to handbooks. 27
Books / Chapter in edited book. 27
Research project reports. 33
Presentations in seminars/workshops . 38
Research projects . 38
Invitation as expert outside EC . 42
3.10 Conference organisation . 42
3.11 Editorial Board. 43
3.12 Invited talks. 44
3.13 Research Project Reports . 46
3.14 Expert/ consultancy. 47
3.15 External Examination/Course Evaluation/ Doctoral Students. 47
3.16 Miscellaneous . 49
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 2 of 54
1 Introduction
1.1 About the deliverable
M28.1.4: (T0+47) ERT 2007 Leadership Report
(Month 48)
This milestone report provides a concluding account of the ERT activities
in the period 2004 – 2008, and a special account for year 2007-2008.
D28.5.4: (T0+47) Book: Analyzing Networked Learning Practices in
(Month 48)
Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development.
This deliverable provides a permanent and public record of the research
activities. The contract for the book has been signed and the deliverable is
available in Draft form for review from November 2007 with the final
first draft due in December 2007.
1.1.1 Statement on Sustainability
We are exploring ways of sustaining the work. Besides the informal ways of working
using each others for committees, writing joint papers etc., we are in the process of
setting up a formal framework building on multilateral MoUs between the labs. 9 labs
have confirmed to sign the MoU. Further more, we work to integrate the ERT in the
coming association on technology enhanced learning. Further more, we plan to continue
growing in numbers of excellent european research groups dealing with networked
learning (one new member in 2007) as well as plan to continuing the research in various
constellations of ERT members.
1.1.2 Highlights
integrating multiple European labs and disciplines (Human Centered
Informatics, educational science, educational psychology, sociology) and
disseminating their research within and outside the ERT (several joint
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 3 of 54
workshops/symposia in international conferences, paper writing and
cross-cultural studies)
esteem factors and excellence in research: During the four years of
Kaleidoscope the ERT-members have contributed significant to the
national and international research on networked learning (see appendix
3). Some of these publications have been produced direct in relation to
the ERT work, while others have been produced in relations to projects
in general. However, it's not always so easy to identify in which context
the publications have been produced. We bring the overview here,
because it gives a view to the work the ERT-partners are doing and to
their indirect and direct contributions to Kaleidoscope.
PhD student education: series of joint workshops (funded by VDS and
other means), lab visits and exchange of junior and senior researchers,
and joint supervision of PhD students. The integration of ph.d. students
into the activities. The Ph.D. students have really gained a lot from
Kaleidoscope network: the international spirit of excellence in research,
network of peers, network of seniors and a kind of "apprenticeship. For
all ph.d.students, but especially the ones coming from overseas
Kaleidoscope has been the window to European research.
advancement of the TEL field with respect to networked learning and
productive learning. Especially the focus on conceptualization of
important issues and challenges within networked learning should be
mentioned: technology as learning infrastructure, indirect design, space
and place, pedagogical design, and the whole notion of networked
learning. Further more the ERTs focus on meso-level analysis is a major
contribution to CSCL. The joint work has been published in a number of
reviewed conferences – and journals, for example the first number of the
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning,
Klüver, and in the edited book
: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L., Jones, C., &
Lindström, B. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Analysing networked learning
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 4 of 54
practices in higher education and continuing professional
development.Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
1.2 Delivery according to Milestones
M28.1.6: (T0+37 + 47) ERT steering committee meeting (Alpine RDV, Berlin)
M28.1.7: (T0+37, 39, 39, 47) Executive meeting (Alpine RDV, London, Malaga, Berlin)
M28.1.8: (T0+39 + 47) Review III & IV (Malaga, Berlin)
All meetings have been held as foreseen
M28.2.4: (T0+37) Open University is integrated as partner
The Open University has been fully integrated in the ERT as a partner, leading the CSCL
workshop at the Rutgers CSCL conference in July 2007 and taking a full part in the
editorial work for the book, and in the development and delivery of an ERT based VDS
in Skagen Denmark, November 2007.
M28.2.6: (T0+47) MoUs are signed
The discussions of MoU will take place at the ERT-meeting at the Berlin Symposium,
and signed immediately after.
M28.3.2: (T0+37) workshop on Networked Learning (Alpine RDV)
The workshop recruited successfully and achieved the aims the organizers set for it in
particular re-energising contributors and ensuring that the momentum behind delivering
the edited book was maintained and increased.
M28.3.3: (T0+40 + 45) participation in the Networked Learning Conference Seminar
Series - Advanced Research Seminars on Networked Learning (Workshop I and
ERT participants took part in both workshops (Jones and Ryberg) and they are both
involved in the delivery of ERT related papers in two symposia accepted for the NL
Conference to be held in Thessalonika in Greece in May 2008.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 5 of 54
M28.3.4: (T0+43) proposal: workshop in relation to the International Conference on
The workshop proposal was successful and the workshop ran in July 2007 and recruited
successfully. Attendance included participants from Japan and the USA, helping to take
the work of the ERT to a world audience. Chris Jones organised and ran the workshop
and ERT respresentatives attended Jones and Engeström.
M28.3.5: (T0+47) proposal: symposium in relation to KAL international Conference
The workshop proposal was accepted and will run on the 26th November 2007. Two
international discussants have agreed to participate, one from Europe, Prof Vivien
Hodgson (Lancaster University, UK) and Dr Tim Koschmann from the United States
(Southern Illinois University, USA). Due to private circumstances, Tim Koschmann will
participate through virtual means.
M28.3.6: (T0+46) proposal: symposium in relation to International Conference on
Networked Learning 2008.
Symposium organized by Jones accepted for the Conference including three ERT
members, Jones, Ryberg and Bonderop-Dohn.
Paper accepted for presentation including two ERT-members: Mayela Chotto Coto, Lone
M28.3.7: (T0+44) contribution to the Special Issue on Networked Learning in Journal of
Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL). Special section organised by Jones has been
accepted and is forthcoming. Papers include contributions from ERT paprticipants Jones,
M28.4.2: (T0+40) implementation and use of vLAB
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 6 of 54
The vLAB has been adjusted to support special activities in relation to the ERT. The
doctoral course on networked learning (e-learning 2.0) are using the vLAB. The use will
be reported in the evaluation of the course.
1.2.1 Contributions to VDS, TeLearn
A proposal for a VDS workshop on Networked Learning was accepted. The workshop
takes place in Skagen, Denmark 13 – 16 November 2007. The workshop recruited
successfully with attendees from across Europe. (see a full evaluation report at
M28.4.3: (T0+43) contribution to TeL Open Archive
Numbers of contributions submitted into the TeL Open Archive on networked learning
(target number: 20). 37 publications to TEL archive
We have reached the goal. Moreover, we have negotiated with Sense Publisher to upload
the chapters from our book. Following contributions from members of the ERT is
available at TeLearn (Follow the hyperlink to read more about the publications):
The Kaleidoscope Scientific Vision for Research in Technology Enhanced Learning
By Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Marise Ponti, Thomas Ryberg et. al
New and changing teacher roles in higher education in a digital age By Olga Dysthe, Stig
Mjelstad et. al.
Designing for Collaboration and Mutual Negotiation of Meaning Boundary Objects in
Networked Learning By Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld
Networked Learning, a relational approach – weak and strong ties.
By Chris Jones et. al.
Comprehensive Object-Oriented Learning: The Learner's Perspective By Anita Fjuk et.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 7 of 54
Affordances – a Merleau-Pontian Account By Nina Bonderup Dohn
Digital case methodology: A study of student teachers' co-construction of professional
knowledge By Trond Hauge
Portfolios and ICT as means of professional learning in teacher education By Trond
Networked Management Learning for Managers of Small and Medium Enterprises By
Implementation of ICT in Higher Education as Interacting Activity Systems By Tom
Networked Identities: Understanding Different Types of Social Organisation and
Movements Between Strong and Weak Ties in Networked Environments By Thomas
Reuse of Digital Learning Resources in Collaborative Learning Environments By Ola
Report on theoretical framework on selected core issues on conditions for productive
learning in network learning environments. By Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Marisa Ponti,
Berner Lindström and Brian Møller Svendsen
Læring i praksis - fremstruktureringen af et handlingsorienteret perspektiv By Nina
The conditions of learning in networks By Chris Jones
Academic Use of Digital Resources: Disciplinary Differences and the Issue of
By Chris Jones et. al.
Designing to facilitate learning through networked technologies: factors influencing the
implementation of digital resources in higher education By Chris Jones et. al.
Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Conflicting Paradigms or Perfect Partners? By
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 8 of 54
The Metaphor of Networks in Learning: Communities, Collaboration and Practice By
Chris Jones et. al.
Theory and the practices of learning technology. By Chris Jones
Rethinking virtual space as a place for socialisation: Theory and design implications By
Marisa Ponti and Thomas Ryberg
Initial queries into the notion of Power Users of Technology By Thomas Ryberg
Small company attitude towards ICT based solutions: some key-elements to improve it
By Giovanni Fulantelli and Mario Allegra
Learning Object-Oriented Programming By Anita Fjuk, Ola Berge et. al.
Socio-cultural Perspectives on Object-oriented Learning By Anita Fjuk and Ola Berge
Categorisation in Knowledge building By Sten Ludvigsen et. al.
From ER to VR: Analysing interaction in a Collaborative Virtual Environment By Stig
Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi i gymnasiet - i et læringsperspektiv. By
Is There a Policy for Networked Learning? By Chris Jones
Understanding the task: How is agency distributed between tools, students and teachers
in technology-rich learning environments? By Sten Ludvigsen et. al.
Roles of the Body in Learning By Nina Bonderup Dohn
Networked Computers' Incorporated Role in Collaborative Learning By Anita Fjuk et. al.
The Complexity of Distributed Collaborative Learning: Unit of Analysis By Anita Fjuk
and Sten Ludvigsen
Collaboration and Problem Solving in Distributed Collaborative Learning By Sten
Ludvigsen et. al.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 9 of 54
Knowledge in practice By Nina Bonderup Dohn
Developing nursing expertise in simulation-based learning environments
By Berner Lindström
Making Distance Education Collaborative through Internet By Ola Berge
M28.5.4: (T0+39) Editors work meeting in London
The meeting was held in Lancaster in September 2007. Moreover editors have been
meeting regularly by Skype and e-mail.
M28.5.5: (T0+44) Draft of book
Included in this deliverable. The book is progressing on time with chapters delivered and
reviewed and final copy being received at the time of this deliverable. Editorial sections
also in draft and to be concluded in the next month according to a timetable agreed by the
editorial group and the ERT Executive.
M28.5.6: (T0+47) Book completed and submitted to an international publisher
Full first complete and final draft of the book to be completed as agreed in December
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2 Indicators of esteem and publications core ERT
participants 2004 – 2008
Peer reviewed international and national journal articles
Peer reviewed international conference papers, conference papers,
chapters in books, scientific reports
Finished Ph.D, assessment committees and external examiner
Invited experts & steering
Editorial Boards for International Journals
Note: Please see the Appendix for list of esteem and publications from core ERT
participants. The numbers are a little different from the reported publications because
some partners only sent in the numbers.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 11 of 54
3 APPENDIX – list of esteem and publications core ERT
3.1 Peer reviewed international and national journal papers
Arrigo, M. Giuseppe, O.Di, Fulantelli, G. Gentile, M. Seta, L. and Taibi, D. (2006),
"Supporting situated learning through mobile", IADAT
Journal of Advanced Technology
on Education, Bilbao, Spain, Vol 2. Number 3. September 2006
Ake, J. D., Dysthe, O., & Mjelstad, S. (2007). New and changing teacher roles in a digital
Educational Technology & Society 10(1).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L (forthcoming), 'Problem Based Learning in developing context -
Innovating Problem Based Learning through ICT',
The International Journal of
Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
Dohn, N.B. (2007): "IT-baserede læreprocesser – nogle muligheder og nogle
begrænsninger" ("IT-based learning processes – some possibilities and some
restrictions"). Danish.
Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift, nr. 4.
Dohn, N.B. (2007): "Knowledge and Skills for PISA – Assessing the Assessment",
Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 41, No. 1.
Dohn, N.B. (2006): "Karaktergivning – intuitiv ekspertise eller 'viden i praksis'?"
("Evaluationmarking– intuitive expertise or 'knowledge in practice'?")
Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift, nr. 1, s. 38-46.
Dysthe, O., Engelsen, K. S. & Lima, I.: Variations in higher education portfolio
assessment. Discussion of quality issues based on a survey in Norway across institutions.
Accepted for publication in
Assessing Writing.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 12 of 54
Dysthe, O. & Engelsen, K. S. (2004) Portfolios and assessment in teacher education in
Norway: a theory-based discussion of different models in two sites.
Assessment &
Evaluation in Higher Education. Vol 29, no 2, 239-258.
Dysthe, O. (2006) Bakhtin og pedagogikken. [Bakhtin and education]
Norsk Pedagogisk
Tidsskrift (no 6). [Norwegian Educational Journal].
Dysthe, O., Samara, A., Westrheim, K. (2006) Multivoiced supervision of Master's
students: a case study of alternative supervision practices in higher education.
Studies in
Higher Education, 31 (3), 299-319.
Dysthe, O. (2007) How a reform affects writing in higher education.
Studies in Higher
Education. Vol 32, No 2
Ferreday, D., Hodgson, V., and Jones, C. (2006) Dialogue, language and identity: critical
issues for networked management learning.
Studies in Continuing Education. 28(3)
Fulantelli, G., Gentile, M., Taibi, D., Allegra, M. (2007) "Open Learning Object: una
nuova prospettiva per un utilizzo efficace delle risorse didattiche digitali", atti del
convegno Didamatica 2007,
Informatica per la Didattica, Società Editrice Asterisco,
Cesena, Italia, Maggio, 2007, pp. 1006-1015.
Gentile, M., Taibi, D., Allegra, M. And Fulantelli, G. (2006),"A collaborative "open
Learning Objects" managements system", in
WSEAS Transactions on Advances in
Engineering Education, Issue 6, Vol. 3, ISSN:1790-1979, June, 2006, pp. 586-592
Goodyear P, Jones C, Asensio M, Hodgson VE and Steeples C, 2005, 'Networked
learning in higher education: students' expectations and experiences',
Higher Education,
vol 50(3), pp 473-508
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 13 of 54
Gray, C., Hagger-Vaughan, L., Pilkington, R., & Tomkins, S.-A. (2005). The pros and
cons of interactive whiteboards in relation to key stage 3 strategy and framework.
Language Learning Journal, 32(Winter), 38-45.
Guldberg, K., & Pilkington , R. (2007). Tutor roles in facilitating reflection on practice
through online discussion.
Educational Technology and Society, 10(1), 61-72.
Guldberg, K. K., & Pilkington, R. M. (2006). A community of practice approach to the
development of non-traditional learners through networked learning.
Journal of
Computer Assisted Learning, 22(3), 159-172.
Hedestig, U., Kaptelinin, V. (2005) Facilitator's roles in a videoconference learning
Information Systems Frontiers. 7 (1),
Hodgson VE and Reynolds PM, 2005, 'Consensus, difference and 'multiple communities'
in networked learning',
Studies in Higher Education, vol 30(1), pp 11-24
Hodgson VE and Watland P A , 2004, 'Researching networked management learning',
Management Learning, vol 35(2), pp 99-116
Hodgson VE, 2002, 'Issues for democracy and social identity in CMC and networked
learning', in
Networked Learning: Perspectives and Issues, (eds) Jones C and Steeples C,
Springer, Berlin, pp 229-242, ISBN: 1852334711
Hodgson VE, 2002, 'The EU and e-learning: an examination of rhetoric, theory and
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, vol 18 (3), pp 240-252
Hodgson VE and Asensio M, 2002, 'Virtual communities in education: culture or cultural
Trends in Communication, vol 8( ), pp 65-74
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 14 of 54
Jones, C. (forthcoming) Networked Learning: weak links and boundaries.
JCAL special
section editorial
Jones, C. Ferreday, D., and Hodgson, V. (forthcoming) Networked Learning a relational
approach – weak and strong ties.
JCAL special section
Jones, C, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Lindström, B 2006, 'A relational, indirect, meso-level
approach to CSCL design in the next decade',
International Journal of Computer-
Supported Collaborative Learning, vol. 1, nr. 1, s. 35-56.
Jones, C. (2005) Who are you? The experience of working through an avatar.
Vol 2 (4) 414 -425. Available at:
Jones, C. (2004) Networks and learning: communities, practices and the metaphor of
networks. ALT-J,
The Association for Learning Technology Journal. Vol. 12 No. 1 pp
Jones, C. (2004) Networks and learning: responding to Bruce Ingraham. ALT-J,
Association for Learning Technology Journal. Vol. 12 No. 2
Kaptelinin, V. (2005) The object of activity: Making sense of the sense maker. Mind,
Culture, and Activity:
An International Journal, 12 (1), 4-18.
Kaptelinin, V. (2003) Learning with artifacts: Integrating technologies into activities.
Interacting with Computers, 15 (6).
Kaptelinin, V. (2003) UMEA: Translating interaction histories into project contexts.
Letters, 5 (1).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 15 of 54
Kemp, B., Jones, C. (2007) Academic Use of Digital Resources: Disciplinary Differences
and the Issue of Progression revisited.
Educational Technology and Society. Volume 10,
Issue 1. pp 52 – 60. Online, available from:
Lillejord, S. & Dysthe, O.: Productive Learning Practice - A Theoretical Discussion.
Accepted for publication in
Journal of Education and Work.
McConnell, D. (2006) Editorial (2): Special Issue on Advances in Researching Adult E-
Studies in Continuing Education, 28(3), 201-202
McConnell, D. (2006) Editorial (1): Special Issue on Advances in Researching Adult E-
Studies in Continuing Education, 28(2), 79-81
McConnell, D. (2005) Examining the Dynamics of Networked E-learning Groups and
Studies in Higher Education, 30(1), 23-40
McConnell D, Hodgson VE, Goodyear P and Banks S, 2003, 'Advances in research on
networked learning',
Instructional Science, vol 31(1-2), pp 1-6
Reynolds PM, Perriton L and Hodgson VE, 2005, 'Editorial',
Studies in Higher
Education, vol 30(1), pp 5-10
Ryberg, T, Koottatep, S, Pengchai, P & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2006, 'Conditions for
productive learning in networked learning environments: a case study from the
VO@NET project',
Studies in Continuing Education, vol. 28, nr. 2, s. 151-170.
Taibi, D., Gentile, M., Seta, L. and Fulantelli, G., (2006), "Wiki and Moodle to teach
programming languages at university", IADAT
Journal of Advanced Technology on
Education, Bilbao, Spain, Vol 2. Number 4. December 2006.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 16 of 54
Selwood, I. & Pilkington, R. (2005). Teacher workload: using ICT to release time to
Educational Review, Volume 57(Number 2), 163-174.
Watland P A and Hodgson VE, 2004, 'The social constructionist case for researching
networked management learning: a postscript and reply to Arbaugh and Benbunan-Fich',
Management Learning, vol 35(2), pp 125-132
Zenios M and Hodgson VE, 2003, 'Designing networked learning to support dialogical
learning', in
Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments, (eds) Hoppe U,
Ludvigsen S and Wasson B, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp 405-409, ISBN:
Zenios, M., Goodyear, P., and Jones, C. (2004) Researching the impact of the networked
information environment on learning and teaching.
Computers in Education. Vol 43 pp
Zhao, J., & McConnell, D. (2007). Collaborative knowledge building in an online
learning environment.
Journal of Computer Assisted Foreign Language Learning, 23 (3),
38-46. (In Chinese)
Zhao, J., & McConnell, D. (2007) Collaborative e-tutoring in an intercultural e-learning
course: a case study. In H. Li, G. Shi, Q. Wang, & Y. Zhao (eds.),
Research in IT and
Education: A Mult-disciplinary Perspective. pp: 254-259 Beijing: Beijing Normal
University Press.
3.2 Conference papers
Allegra, M., Gentile, M., Taibi, D., Fulantelli, G., (2007) "An integrated Learning Object
Management System to simplify the use of the SCORM standards", in
Proceedings of
the 4rd IADAT-e2007 International Conference on Education, Palma de Mallorca,
Spain, ISBN:978-84-935915-0-2, July 5-7, pp. 35-39.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 17 of 54
Arrigo, M., Gentile, M., Taibi, D., Fulantelli, G., Di Giuseppe, O., Seta, L., Novara, G.,
(2007) "Experiencing Mobile Learning: the MouLe project", in
Proceedings of the 7th
WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS AND
COMMUNICATIONS (AIC'07), Vouliagmeni, Greece, ISSN:1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-
8457-96-6, August 24-26, pp 40-45.
Arrigo, M., Di Giuseppe, O., Fulantelli, G., Gentile, M., Novara, G., Seta, L., Taibi, D.,
(2007) "A collaborative mlearning environment", in
Proceedings of the 6th international
conference on mobile Learning (MLearn 2007), Melbourne, Australia, October 16–19.
Asensio M, Hodgson VE and Saunders M, 2006, 'The presence of evaluation in the
ELAC project', International Virtual Education Conference (San Jose, Costa Rica)
Asensio M, Hodgson VE and Saunders M, 2006, 'Developing an inclusive approach to
the evaluation of networked learning: the ELAC experience', Networked Learning
Conference (Lancaster)
Banks, S., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Kemp, B., McConnell, D., & Smith, C. (eds)
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006.
Lancaster:Lancaster University ISBN 1-86220-182-X also available at:
Banks, S., Goodyear, P., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Lally, V., McConnell, D and Steeples,
C. (Eds) (2004) Networked Learning 2004: Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Networked Learning 2004. Lancaster: Lancaster University and
University of Sheffield.
Banks, S., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Kemp, B., McConnell, D., and Smith, C. (eds) (2006).
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006.
Lancaster: Lancaster University
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 18 of 54
Banks, S, Lally,V. Liu, B. & McConnell, D. Intercultural e-learning: Reflections on
Developing a Collaborative Approach to Pedagogy and Educational Technology in a
Sino-UK Context. In Banks, S., Hodgson, V.,Jones, C., Kemp, B., McConnell, D., &
Smith, C. (eds)
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networked
Learning 2006. Lancaster: Lancaster University ISBN 1-86220-182-X. Available at:
Cook, J and D. MCCONNELL (2003) Research Proceedings,
ALT-C Conference 2003.
Di Giuseppe, O., Arrigo, M., Novara, G., Taibi, D., Gentile, M., Seta, L., Fulantelli, G.,
(2007) "Using Concept Maps to foster m-learning", in
Proceedings of the 4rd IADAT-
e2007 International Conference on Education, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, ISBN:978-84-
935915-0-2, July 5-7, pp. 10-14.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Zurita, L 2006, 'About VISCA: The Problem of Pedagogy
Oriented Problems (POPP) in virtual communities', In
The Use of Information and
Communication Technologies in Higher Education: International Experiences. Memoirs
of the 1st ELAC International Conference, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-
Azcapotzalco, México, D.F., s. 65-70.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2006, 'Designing for Collaboration and Mutual Negotiation of
Meaning: Boundary Objects in Networked Learning Environments',
In Proceedings of
the Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006: Symposium: Relations
in Networks and Networked Learning, organised by Chris Jones, Lancaster University,
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Segura, O 2006, 'Aprendizaje virtual: Retos para las
universidades, el caso VISCA', In
El uso de las Technologías de Comunicación e
Información en la Educación Superior: Memoria de la 1ra Conferencia Internacional
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 19 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2006, 'Using ict: transforming the university - designing for
innovative teaching and learning: Problems, visions and realization', In
Memoria III
Conferencia Internacional ELAC, Universidad National, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Ryberg, T 2005, 'Power Users of Information and
Communiaction Technology: an emerging research agenda', In
First International Power
Users of Information and Communication Technology Symposium, August 6 - 11th. 2005,
Educational Development Center, San José, Costa Rica.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2005, 'Continuing Professional Education and Local
Development', In
ICT and Local Development, 24th of February 2005, Universidad
CentroAmericano., Managua, Nicaragua.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Konnerup, L & Petersen, K 2004, 'Face-to-Face Training of
Participants with Aphasia through Distance Learning. ICT and learning in regions.
Concluding conference for the Digital North Denmark', Institut for Kommunikation,
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Sorensen, EK, Ryberg, T & Buus, L 2004, 'A Theoretical
Framework for Designing Online Master Communities of Practice', In
Proceedings of the
Forth International Networked Learning Conference (NLC2004), held April 5-7, at
Lancaster University, UK, s. 267-273.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Sorensen, EK, Ryberg, T & Buus, L 2004, 'A Theoretical
Framework for Designing Online Master Communities of Practice', In
Proceedings of the
Forth International Networked Learning Conference (NLC2004), held April 5-7, at
Lancaster University, UK, s. 267-273.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Ponti, M, Lindström, B & Svendsen, BM 2004, Conditions for
Productive Learning in Network Learning Environments, Paper presented at
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 20 of 54
2004, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and
Higher Education, November 1-5, 2004, Washington, DC, USA, USA.
Dohn, N.B. (2006): "Affordances – a Merleau-Pontian Account", Proceedings of the
Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006, s. 1-8.
Dysthe, O., Engelsen, K.S., Sjo, A. K.,Allern, M: Variations in higher education
portfolio assessment. Discussion of quality issues based on a survey in Norway across
institutions and disciplines. EARLI 2007, Budapest 28 Aug -1 September.
Dysthe, O.: Portfolios as a pedagogical tool: the importance of learning theory.
Presentation at the conference "
Scaffolding learning - web 2.0 and e-portfolios",
University of Southern Denmark ,Odense May 7-8. 2007
Dysthe, O. What do(n't) we know about productive feedback?
Symposium at 4th
Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing. 30.6- 2.7,
2007 Ruhr- Universität Bochum, Germany
Dysthe, O.: Dialogic postgraduate supervision – characteristics, constraints and
affordances. "Perspectives and Limits of Dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin: Applications in
Psychology, Art, Education and Culture" The University of Crete, Rhetymnion, 25.-27.
Ferreday DJ and Hodgson VE, 2007, 'Role of emotion in online learning and knowledge
production', Ideas, Cyberspace and Education Symposium (Lock Lomond, Scotland) -
Fulantelli, G., Gentile, M. Taibi, D. Allegra, M. (2007) "The Open Learning Object
model for the effective reuse of digital educational resources", in
Proceedings of the
openlearn 2007: Researching open content in education, Milton Keynes, UK, October
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 21 of 54
Gentile, M., Taibi, D., Seta, L., Arrigo, M., Fulantelli, G., Di Giuseppe, O., Novara, G.
(2007) "Social knowledge building in a mobile learning environment", in
Proceedings of
the 2rd International Workshop on MObile and NEtworking Technologies for social
applications (MONET´07), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, Nov 29-30.
Gentile, M., Taibi, D., Allegra, M. and Fulantelli, G. (2006), FreeLOms: supporting the
collaborative evolution of "open learning objects", in
Proceedings of the 3rd
Vouliagmeni, Greece, ISSN:1790-5117, ISBN: 960:8457-47-5, July, 2006, pp. 239-244
Fibiger, B, Nielsen, J, Riis, M, Sorensen, EK, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Danielsen, O,
Sørensen, B & Et al 2004, Master in ICT and Learning: project pedagogy and
collaboration in virtual e-learning: Proceedings,
ECEL 2004 Paris.
Harr. R. and Kaptelinin, V. (2007). Unpacking the Social Dimension of External
Interruptions. Proceedings GROUP'2007 (Sanibel Island, Florida, November 2007).
Hedestig, U., Kaptelinin, V. (2003) Facilitator's invisible expertise and supra-situational
activities in a telelearning environment. Track "Computer Supported Collaborative
Learning Requiring Immersive Presence" at HICCS 36 (Hawaii, January 2003).
Jones, C., Ferreday, D., and Hodgson V. (2006). Networked Learning, a relational
approach – weak and strong ties. In S. Banks, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, B. Kemp, D.
McConnell and C. Smith (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Networked Learning 2006. Lancaster: Lancaster University.
Jones C, Ferreday DJ and Hodgson VE, 2006, 'Networked learning a relational approach
- weak and strong ties', Networked Learning Conference (Lancaster)
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 22 of 54
Jones, C. (2004) Theory and the practices of learning technology. In Banks, S.,
Goodyear, P., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Lally, V., McConnell, D and Steeples, C. (Eds)
Networked Learning 2004: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Networked Learning 2004. Lancaster: Lancaster University and University of Sheffield
Jones, C. (2004) Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Conflicting Paradigms or Perfect
partners? In Banks, S., Goodyear, P., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Lally, V., McConnell, D
and Steeples, C. (Eds) Networked Learning 2004: Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Networked Learning 2004. Lancaster: Lancaster University and
University of Sheffield pp 106 – 112.
Jones, C., Zenios, M and Griffiths, J. (2004) Academic use of digital resources:
Disciplinary differences and the issue of progression. In Banks, S., Goodyear, P.,
Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Lally, V., McConnell, D and Steeples, C. (Eds) Networked
Learning 2004: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networked
Learning 2004. Lancaster: Lancaster University and University of Sheffield pp 222 –
Jones, C. and Esnault, L. (2004) The metaphor of networks in learning: Communities,
collaboration and practice. In Banks, S., Goodyear, P., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Lally, V.,
McConnell, D and Steeples, C. (Eds) Networked Learning 2004: Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference on Networked Learning 2004. Lancaster: Lancaster
University and University of Sheffield pp 317 – 323.
Jones, C, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Et al. 2004, CSCL
The next ten years: a European
perspective, Taiwan.
Kaptelinin, V., Nardi, B., Carroll, J., Bødker, S., Hollan, J., Hutchins, E., Winograd, T.
(2003) Post-cognitivist HCI: Second-wave theories. In Conference Companion.
CHI'2003 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida, April 5-10, 2003).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 23 of 54
Kaptelinin, V. (2005). Managing project contexts: Interaction history as a resource.
1st International Workshop on Exploiting Context Histories in Smart Environments.
(Munich, Germany, May 11, 2005).
McConnell, D. & Zhao, J. (2006) Chinese higher education teachers conception of e-
learning: Preliminary Findings. In Markauskaite, L., Goodyear, P., & Reimann, P. (eds)
Proceedings of the 23rd annual conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in
Learning in Tertiary Education: Who ís learning? Whose technology? Sydney, 3-6
December 2006 pp Sydney. University Press, Sydney. pp 513-524 ISBN: 1-920898-46-8
CDROM ISBN13 978-1-920898-46-5
McConnell, D., & Zhao, J. (2006) Teachers Conception of E-Learning in Chinese Higher
Education. Workshop 4 In Lee, FK., & Lee, J. (eds)
ICCE2006 Workshop Proceedings
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, December
McConnell, D., Lally, V., Banks, S. (2004) Theory and Design of Networked Learning
Communities. In: Banks, S., Goodyear, P., Hodgson, V., Jones, C., Lally, V., McConnell,
D., Steeples, C. (2004) Networked Learning 2004: A Research based conference on e-
learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning. Lancaster University and Sheffield
University, ISBN 1-86220-150-1
Pierroux, P., Bannon, L., Kaptelinin, V., Hall, T., Walker, K., and Stuedahl, D. (2007). A
framework for designing for visitors' augmented activities in museums.
ICHIM 2007
(Toronto, Ontario, Vanada, October 24-26, 2007).
Pilkington, R., Meek, J., Corlett, D., & Chan, T. (July 5-7, 2006). Openness to Electronic
Professional Development Planning: Evaluating the Interactive Logbook Project. In
Research proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 24 of 54
Pilkington , R. M., & Gray, C. (2004, 14-16 September 2004). Embedding ICT in the
Modern Foreign Language Curriculum: Pedagogy into Practice. In
Research Proceedings
of ALT-C 2004 'Blue skies and pragmatism: learning technologies for the next decade'.,
University of Exeter.
Pilkington, R. ESCALATE. "
VLEs for Higher Education conference" Nottingham
Ryberg, T & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2005, Challenges to Work and Education in the
Knowledge Society: Studying Power Users of Technology,
First International Power
Users of Information and Communication Technology Symposium, Educational
Development Center, San José, Costa Rica. 6. - 11. August.
Ryberg, T, Buus, L & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2004, 'Different Modes of Development
and Change in Educational Settings Mediated by Information and Communication
Paper to the International Research conference on ICT and Learning in
Regions, Aalborg Hallen 1-2. June, 2004'
Ryberg, T, Svendsen, B.M. & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2005, The VO@NET project,
Paper presented at
CSCL 2005, Taipei, Taiwan. 30. maj - 04. juni, 2005.
Semey, I, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Riis, M 2006, 'Method to select an e-learning
platform and discussion of features supporting problem oriented project based learning',
Memoirs of the 3rd. ELAC International Conference, Universidad National, Heredia,
Sorensen, EK, Fibiger, B, Riis, M, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Nielsen, J, Danielsen, O &
Sørensen, BH 2006, 'Promoting Collaborative Quality in eLearning at a Global Arena', In
Proceedings from the International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL2006),
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 25 of 54
Taibi, D., Gentile, M., Arrigo, M., Seta, L., Di Giuseppe, O., Novara, G., Fulantelli, G.,
(2007) "Social tagging in a mobile learning environment", in Proceedings of the IEEE
2007 International Workshop on Web 2.0 and Multimedia-enabled Education (W2ME),
Taichung, Taiwan, December 10-12.
Taibi, D., Gentile, M., Fulantelli, G., Allegra, M., (2007) "Revealing semantic relations
in learning object structure", in Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference
Greece, ISSN:1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-96-6, August 24-26, pp 248-253.
Tickner S, Hodgson VE and Gustafson J, 2004, 'Identity construction and dialogue genres
- how notions of dialogue may influence social presence in networked learning
Networked Learning Conference (Lancaster)
Zhao, J. & McConnell, D. (2006) Students Understandings and Attitudes Toward Group
learning: an Empirical Study. Mizoguchi, R., Dillenbourg, P., & Zhu, Z. (eds)
Proceedings of the ICCE Conference, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China,
December 2006. pp 205-208 IOS Press, Amsterdam. ISBN 1-58603-687-4
Zhao, J. & McConnell, D. (2005). An Analysis of the Contents of an Online Discussion
Forum. In the
Proceedings of GCRA 2005, pp: 216 222, 12 14 Dec, Guangzhou, China.
30-31/3 2006 "Nordisk konferanse om handlingsboren kunnskap", arranged by
Department of Psychology, University of Aarhus and Norsk Handverksutvikling (NHU).
Lillehammer, Norge. Paper "Handlingsbåren viden som kropsligt inkorporeret situeret
viden" ("Actionborne knowledge as bodily incorporated situated knowledge")
10-11/11 2005 "Relationer og vidensformer i aktionsforskning", arranged by Danish
Network for Action Research. Roskilde Universitetscenter. Paper "Fordrer adækvat
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 26 of 54
intervention i praksis 'viden i praksis'?" ("Does adequate intervention in practice require
'knowledge in practice'").
29-30/9 2005 "Handlingsbåren viden", arranged by Department of Psychology,
University of Aarhus and NHU. Paper "Handlingsbåren viden som kropsligt inkorporeret
situeret viden" ("Actionborne knowledge as bodily incorporated situated knowledge").
24-26/6 2005 "11. Internationalen Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik".
Frankfurt a.O., Tyskland. Paper "Scientific Style – What is it and how do we learn it?"
27-28/4 2005 "E-læring og anvendelsen af Blackboard". Syddansk Universitet. Paper
"Anvendelsen af digitale porteføljer" ("The use of digital portfolios").
11-13/3 2004 "32. Kongres i Nordisk Forening for Pædagogisk Forskning". Reykjavik,
Island. Paper "IT-baserede læreprocesser – nogle muligheder og nogle begrænsninger"
("IT-based learning processes – some possibilities and some restrictions").
3.3 Contribution to handbooks
Pilkington, R. (in press). Measuring the Impact of IT on Students' Learning. In J. Voogt,
G. Knezek & M. Cox (Eds.),
The International Handbook of Information Technology in
Primary and Secondary Education (pp. to appear in section 10.3). The Netherlands:
3.4 Books / Chapter in edited book
Asensio M, Jones C, Hodgson VE, Steeples C and Goodyear P, 2004, 'Undergraduate
students' experiences of networked learning in UK higher education: a survey-based
study', in
Advances in Research on Networked Learning, (eds) Hodgson VE, Banks S,
Goodyear P and McConnell D, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp 91-121,
ISBN: 1-4020-7841-2
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 27 of 54
Banks S, McConnell D, Hodgson VE and Goodyear P, 2004, Advances in Research on
Networked Learning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN: 1-4020-7841-2
Banks, S., Lally, V., and D. McConnell (editors) (2003) Collaborative E-Learning in
Higher Education: Issues and Strategies. School of Education, University of Sheffield.
pp141. ISBN: 0 902831 43 7
Christiansen, M. & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L .2005, IT-videnregnskab om e-læring: AMU-
skoleprojektet "IT-videndeling om e-læring - fra teknik til pædagogik", E-Learning Lab,
Aalborg University, Aalborg.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Jones, C & Lindström, B (forthcoming), Analysing Networked
Learning Practices in Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development, Sense
Dirckinck-holmfeld, L 2004, 'Et europæisk perspektiv på e-læring', I Anne Marie
Kanstrup (red.),
E-læring på arbejde, Roskilde, Roskilde Universitetsforlag, s. 15-29.
Dirckinck-holmfeld, L & Dalum, B 2004, 'Konklusion', I Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & EA
(red.), Det Digitale Nordjylland. IKT og omstilling til netværkssamfundet?, Aalborg
Universitetsforlag, Aalborg, s. 245-259.
Dirckinck-holmfeld, L 2004, 'Sociale eksperimenter og dialog forskning:
følgeforskningens metode', I Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & EA (red.), Det Digitale
Nordjylland. IKT og omstilling til netværkssamfundet?, Aalborg Universitetsforlag,
Aalborg, s. 33-48.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2004, 'Designing new learning environments for Power Users of
Technology Rationale for research'.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 28 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2004, Baggrunden for informationsteknologi (ikt) og læring på
Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & 2004, Virtual Learning Environments and new ways of
Learning, E-Learning Lab, Aalborg University, Aalborg.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Dalum, B, Ulrich, J & Boisen, E (red.) 2004,
Det Digitale
Nordjylland: IKT og omstilling til netværkssamfundet?, Aalborg Universitetsforlag,
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2004, 'Contributions to chapter 6 & 12', I Illeris, K & Andersen,
V (red.),
Læring i arbejdslivet. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, Copenhagen.
Dohn, N.B. (in press): "Learning science – acquiring a style of being-in-the-world" in
Robering, K. (red.):
Stile des Wissens – Styles of Knowledge, Nodus Publikationen,
Dysthe, O. (2007) The challenges of assessment in a new learning culture. In A. Havnes
& L. McDonald: Balancing Dilemmas in Assessment and Learning in Contemporary
Education. Routledge.
Dysthe, O. & Tolo, A. (2007) Digital portfolios and feedback practices in a traditional
university course. In M. Kankaanranta & P. Linnakylä (Eds): Perspectives on e-
Portfolios. Jyväskylä , Fi: Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä Press.
Dysthe, O. (2006) Mappevurdering som opplæringsform. [Portfolio assessment in
education] In S. Tveit (ed)
Vurderingssystemet i norsk skole. [The assessment system in
Norwegian Education] Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 133-142.
Fulantelli, G. (in press). Blended Learning, Systems Thinking and Communities of
Practice: a case study. In L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, C. Jones & B. Lindstroem (Eds.),
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 29 of 54
Analyzing Networked Learning Practices in Higher Education and Continuing
Professional Development. The Netherlands: Sense.
Goodyear, P, Jones, C, Asensio, M, Hodgson, V & Steeples, C (2004) Undergraduate
students' experiences of networked learning in UK higher education: a survey-based
study, Chapter 5 in Goodyear, P., Banks, S., Hodgson, V., McConnell, D (eds) Advances
in Research on Networked Learning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic pp 91 – 121.
Goodyear, P., Banks, S., Hodgson, V., and D. MCCONNELL (2004) Advances in
Research on Networked Learning. Springer Verlag, Germany (ISBN 1-4020-7841-2)
Goodyear, P., Banks, S., Hodgson, V., and D. MCCONNELL (2004) Research on
Networked Learning: An Overview (pp1-9) in Goodyear, P., Banks, S., Hodgson, V., and
D. MCCONNELL Advances in Research on Networked Learning. Springer Verlag,
Hodgson VE, 2005, 'Participative assessment and the learners' experience', in
Higher Education: The Development of Learning and Teaching, (eds) Ashwin P,
Routledge, London and New York, pp 33-46, ISBN: 0415341299
Jones, C. (2007) Designing for Practice: Practicing Design In the Social Sciences. In
Beetham, H. & Sharpe, R. (eds) Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: designing and
delivering e-learning. RoutledgeFalmer. Pp 166 – 179.
Jones, C., Cook, J., Jones, A., and de Laat, M. (2007) Collaboration. Chapter 12 in G,
Conole and Oliver, M. (eds) Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research. London:
RoutledgeFalmer. pp 174 – 189.
Jones, C., Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L., and Lindström, B. (2005) CSCL The next ten years –
a view from Europe. In T. Koschmann, Suthers, D., and Chan, T-W. (Eds) Computer
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 30 of 54
Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: The Next Ten Years! Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Jones, C. (2005) Nobody knows you're a dog: what amounts to context in networked
learning. In Land, R. and Bayne, S. (Eds)
Education in Cyberspace. London:
Kanstrup, AM, Dirckinck-holmfeld, L & Buus, L 2004, 'Nye læreprocesser og små
fyrtårne: IKT og kompetenceudvikling i Det Digitale Nordjylland', In Dirckinck-
Holmfeld, L & EA (red.),
Det Digitale Nordjylland. IKT og omstilling til
netværkssamfundet? Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Aalborg.
Kaptelinin, V., Boradman, R. (2007). Towards integrated work Environments:
Application-centric vs. workspace-level design. In V. Kaptelinin and M. Czerwinski
Beyond the Desktop Metaphor: Designing Integrated Digital Work Environments.
Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Kaptelinin, V. and Czerwinski, M. (2007). Introduction: The desktop metaphor and new
uses of technology. In V. Kaptelinin and M. Czerwinski (eds.)
Beyond the Desktop
Metaphor: Designing Integrated Digital Work Environments. Cambridge, Mass: The
Kaptelinin, V., Nardi, B. (2006).
Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction
Design. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Kaptelinin, V., Czerwinski, M. (eds.) (2007).
Beyond the Desktop Metaphor: Designing
Integrated Digital Work Environments. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Lally, V and D.McConnell (2005) Networked professional development. Pp122-134 In S.
Fallows & R. Bhanot (eds) (2005)
Quality Issues in ICT-Based Education. Routledge-
Falmer, London. ISBN 0-415-33521-3
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 31 of 54
Ludvigsen, S., Lund, A., Rasmussen, I. & Säljö, R. (Forthcoming). Learning across sites:
New tools, infrastructure and practices. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Pilkington, R. M., & Guldberg, K. R. (in press). Conditions for productive networked
learning among professionals and carers: the WebAutism case study. In L. Dirckinck-
Holmfeld, C. Jones & B. Lindstroem (Eds.),
Analyzing Networked Learning Practices in
Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development. The Netherlands: Sense.
Pilkington, R. M. (2007). Learning and ICT: The future schools and embedding ICT in
the curriculum. In Graham Butt, Helen Gunter & H. Thomas (Eds.),
Schools: People, Learning and Organisations. (pp. 119-132). London: Continuum.
Pilkington, R. M., & Kuminek, P. A. (2004). Using a role-play activity with synchronous
CMC to encourage critical reflection on peer debate. In M. Monteith (Ed.),
ICT for
Curriculum Enhancement (pp. 69-85.). Bristol: Intellect.
McConnell, D. (2006) E-Learning Groups and Communities. Maidenhead,
Press (pp 209) (ISBN 0 335 21280 8)
McConnell, D (2004) Networked Collaborative E-Learning, pp222-257 in "Advances in
Electronic Business: Vol. I" Li, E. and T.C Du (eds) Idea Group, Inc. ISBN 1-59140-382-
McConnell, D. (2006) Sustaining networked e-learning through collaborative pedagogies.
pp85-96 in:
Changing Higher Education: The Development of Learning and Teaching
(editor P Ashwin) Routledge (Staff and Educational Development Series)
McConnell, D., Banks, S. & Lally, V. (2007) Developing a Collaborative Approach to
eLearning Design in an Intercultural (Sino-UK) Context. in H. Spencer-Oatey (ed.)
eLearning in China : eChina Perspectives on Policy, Pedagogy and Innovation. Hong
Kong University Press.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 32 of 54
Tolsby, H, Nyvang, T & Dirckinck-holmfeld, L 2004, 'E-læringssystemer og
projektpædagogik: pædagodikkens krav til systemdesign og funktionalitet', In Marianne
Georgsen (red.),
Fleksibel læring og undervisning, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Aalborg,
Walker, A., & Pilkington, R. M. (2005). Using computers to assist in developing key
litercy skills. In M. Monteith (Ed.),
Teaching Secondary School Literacies (pp. 71-96).
Maidenhad, UK & New York: Open Univeristy Press, McGraw Hill Education
Vines, A. & Dysthe, O. (forthcoming) Productive learning in the study of law:The role of
technology in the learning ecology of a law faculty. L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, C. Jones, B.
Lindstrøm (Eds) Analysing networked learning practices in higher education and
continuing professional development. Sense Publishers.
3.5 Research project reports
Buus, L, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Ryberg, T & Svendsen, B.M. 2006, Report on
Integrating Activities and Models for Collaboration: Master and Ph.D. activities within
Networked Learning, Aalborg Universitet.
Corlett, D., Pilkington, R. M., Chan, T., & Meek, J. (2006). Interactive Logbook Project
Final Report: JISC.
Derycke, A, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Peter, Y & Ryberg, T 2006, 'D7.9.1 (Final) Reports
and recommendations for a collaboratory for kaleidoscope', Prepared for the European
Commission, DG INFSO, under contract N°. IST 507838. Deliverable from WP7.
Kaleidoscope, European Union Framework 6, Network of Excellence (Deliverable;
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 33 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, López, M & Thygesen, N 2005, Future Workshop. Using ICT:
The transition towards virtual universities and innovative teaching and learning.
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
Nicaragua., Aalborg University, Aalborg: e-Learning Lab - Center for Userdriven
Innovation, Learning & Design. Department of Communication and Psychology (e -
Learning Lab Publication Series; 1).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Solís, V & Thygesen, N 2005, Future Workshop. Using ICT: The
transition towards virtual universities and innovative teaching and learning.: Universidad
Centroamericana, Nicaragua., Aalborg University, E-Learning Lab, Department of
Communication (e - Learning Lab Publication Series; 2).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Vargas, L & Thygesen, N 2005, Using ICT: The challenge for
Universities in the Learning Society.: Future Workshop. Universidad Nacional, Costa
Rica, Aalborg University, Aalborg: e-Learning Lab - Center for Userdriven Innovation,
Learning & Design. Department of Communication and Psychology (e - Learning Lab
Publication Series; 3).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Garrido, C & Micheli, J 2005, Using ICT: The Transition
Towards Virtual Universities and Innovative Teaching and Learning: Future Workshop.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Aalborg University, Aalborg (e - Learning Lab
Publication Series; 4).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Ryberg, T 2006, 'Conceptual framework of innovative teaching
and learning methods', I Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Rodriguez Illera, JL (red.), Conceptual
framework of the innovative teaching and learning methods. Deliverable 4.1 within the
ELAC project, ELAC & e-Learning Lab. Center for Userdriven Innovation, Learning and
Design, Aalborg, s. 9-28 (e-Learning Lab Publication Series. Center for Userdriven
Innovation, Learning and Design; 6).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 34 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Rodríguez Illera, JL 2006, Establishment of a virtual learning
laboratory for the assessment of applicable concepts and tools. Deliverable 4.2 for the
ELAC project, ELAC and e-Learning Lab. Center for Userdriven Innovation, Learning
and Design, Aalborg (e-Learning Lab Publication Series. Center for Userdriven
Innovation, Learning and Design.; 7).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Rodríguez Illera, JL 2006, Training and implementation plan.
Capacity building of key personnel in Pedagogic Design, Development and Practice in
Virtual Learning Programmes, ELAC & e-Learning Lab. Center for Userdriven
Innovation, Learning and Design, Aalborg University, Aalborg (e-Learning Lab
Publication Series. Center for Userdriven Innovation, Learning and Design; 8).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Rodríguez Illera, JL 2006, Pilot courses and workshops for
educators: Deliverable 4.5 within the ELAC project, ELAC & e-Learning Lab. Center for
Userdriven Innovation, Learning and Design, Aalborg (e-Learning Lab Publication
Series. Center for Userdriven Innovation, Learning and Design; 9).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Møller Svendsen, B & Buus, L 2005, CSCL ERA Research
Agenda, Kaleidoscope (Kaleidoscope, Deliverable; 11.9.1).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Lindström, B, Svendsen, BM & Ponti, M 2005, Report on
theoretical framework on selected core issues on conditions for productive learning in
network learning environments: Kaleidoscope, Deliv. No. 24.3.1, 2nd revision. Jointly
Executed Integrating Research Projects (JEIRP) on "Conditions for Productive Learning
in Network Learning Environments", EU Framework 6 Network of Excellence
Kaleidoscope. Prepared for the European Commission, DG INFSO, Kaleidoscope & e-
Learning Lab, Aalborg University, Aalborg.
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Svendsen, BM & et al 2004, Theoretical framework on selected
core issues on conditions for productive learning in networked learning environments,
Aalborg, Aalborg University/Kaleidoscope (Kaleidoscope Deliverable; 24.3.1).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 35 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Lopez, M, Segura, O & Solis, V 2004, VISCA Virtual Learning
and Sustainable Development in Central America: Final Report, Aalborg University,
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Esnault, L, Gustafson, J, Hodgson, V, Lindström, B, Jones, C,
Ponti, M, Ryberg, T & Tickner, S 2004, EQUEL Position Paper (2004) - Special Interest
Group 6: the Theory and Practice of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning,
Coordinated by Lancaster University, EU Commission e-learning initiative -
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Sorensen, EK, Ryberg, T & Buus, L 2004, EQUEL Position
Paper (2004). Special Interest Group 3. E-Learning Communities and Collaborative
Learning, Coordinated by University of Sheffield, UK In Association with Aalborg
University, EU Commission e-learning initiative.
Dohn, N.B. (2006): "Learning for Tomorrow's World – Assessing What?" in
Network for
Non-scholastic Learning, Working Papers.
Konnerup, U, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L & Nielsen, K 2004, Evalueringsrapport. Ansigt til
Ansigt: fjernundervisning af afasiramte, E-Learning Lab, Aalborg University, Aalborg.
Pilkington , R., Naismith, L., Lee, B.-H., & Weeden, P. (2007). ECOWiki - Evaluating
Collaborative and Constructive Learning with Wikis: Final Project Report. Birmingham,
UK.: University of Birmingham.
Pilkington , R., & Evans, G. (2006 -2007). E-Mark: Online Assessment of Written
Assignments (HEFCE funded Project Reports: Deliverable 1. Literature Review;
Deliverable 2. Needs Analysis; Deliverable 3. Scenarios of Use and Final Report).
Birmingham, UK: School of Education, The University of Birmingham, UK.
Ponti, M, Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Lindström, B & Svendsen, BM 2004, 'Conditions for
Productive Learning in Network Learning Environments: Conceptualising case studies:
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 36 of 54
What are the important elements', I Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L., Svendsen, B.M. et. al. (Eds.)
(red.), Theoretical framework on selected core issues on conditions for productive
learning in networked learning environments. Aalborg, Aalborg University/Kaleidoscope
(Kaleidoscope Deliverable; 24.3.1.).
Ryberg, T & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2006, Project Component 2 - Conceptual
Pedagogical Framework: Final Report Virtual Open-Access Network for Education and
Training – Enhancing Interconnectivity between European and Asian Universities, e-
Learning Lab, Aalborg Universitet.
Svendsen, B.M, Ryberg, T, Semey, IP, Buus, L & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L 2004,
'Institutional and pedagogical criteria for productive open source learning environments',
I Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L, Svendsen, B & et. al. (red.), Theoretical framework on selected
core issues on conditions for productive learning in networked learning environments –
Kaleidoscope Deliverable 24.3.1. Aalborg, Aalborg University
Thomas, H., Butt, G., Fielding, A., Foster, J., Gunter, H., Lance, A., Pilkington, R.M.,
Potts, L., Powers, S., Rayner, S., Rutherford, D., Selwood, I. D., Szwed, al. (2004).
The Evaluation of the Transforming the School Workforce Pathfinder Project (Research
Report No. 541): Department for Education and Skills.
Interactive LogBook Evaluation, 2005-06, JISC Fuded, Lead (Rachel Pilkington)
ECO-WIKI project, 2005-2006, Microsoft Funded, Lead (Rachel Pilkington)
E-Mark project, 2006-2007, HEFCE Funded, Lead (Rachel Pilkington)
MUSTEL (Technology-enhanced learning in museums), NoE Kaleidoscope, 2007
ERT on Conditions for Productive Network Learning, EU Network of Excellence
"Kaleidoscope" (2004-2007)
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 37 of 54
3.6 Presentations in seminars/workshops
Implications for E-Learning GLIDE workshop (international network, invited speaker)
Birmingham University, UK. June 2006.
Presentation at Knowledge Lab London, ‘Technology and Change' International
Conference Workshop;
CSCL SIG Alpine Rendevous, Switzerland - International Kaleidoscope Conference
3.7 Editorship
Pilkington , R. (2004). Developing discussion for learning (Guest Editor).
Special Issue
of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20. Blackwell Publishing.
3.8 Research projects
2004 – 2006 European Commission funded E-Learning Programme project, ENSEL,
(Engaging Networks for Sustainable E learning). (Vivien Hodgson)
2003 – 2006 A DfES/ Centre for Excellence in Leadership funded project on the theory
and practice of networked management learning for educational leaders. Grant. (Vivien
2003 – 2006 Programme @lis: Alliance for the Information Society - an EU funded
grant to the European Latin Americana Consortium (ELAC) project. (Vivien Hodgson)
Member of the research group Knowledge and values at Institute of Philosophy,
Education and the Study of Religions, University of Southern Denmark (Nina Bonderup
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 38 of 54
Member of the research group Actionborne knowledge. Other participants are from the
Department of Psychology, University of Aarhus and NHU (Nina Bonderup Dohn)
Participant in the research project Reflectiion in practice, Research Unit for
Multidimensional - Learning (RUML), Department of Philosophy, University of Aarhus
(Nina Bonderup Dohn)
European Commission funded Leonardo Da Vinci Programme project, SLOOP: Sharing
Learning (Giovanni Fulantelli)
Objects in an Open Perspective (2005-2007) (Giovanni Fulantelli)
Ansigt til Ansigt - fjernundervisning af afasiramte
Owner of license: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Asian University for Women
Project participants: Bygholm, A.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Kanstrup, A. M.
Project leader: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Project participant: Larsen, M. C.
Start year: 2006 Expected end year: 2006
Facilitering af COMmunity-baseret Blended Læring i Europa (Comble)
Community of Integrated Blended Learning in Europe (Comble)
Project leader: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Project participant: Riis, M.
Start year: 2008 Expected end year: 2010
Den Digitale Bro/Digital Bridge
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 39 of 54
Project leader: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Project participants: Georgsen, M.; Nielsen, J., EUC Nord; Korgaard, B., HK
Vendsyssel; Grønsund, M., NextNet; Pilskog, E., NextNet; Petersen, M., Industry Supply
Start year: 2006 Expected end year: 2007
Eksperimental Laboratorium for Produktionsudvikling (ELP-projektet)
Project participant: Buus, L.
Owner of license: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Start year: 2002 Expected end year: 2004
European and Latin American Consortium for IST Enhanced Continued Education in
Environmental Management and Planning (ELAC)
Project participants: Remmen, A.; Zurita, L.; Semey, I. P.; Sorensen, E. K.; Ryberg, T.
Owner of license: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Start year: 2003 Expected end year: 2006
Flexnet-projektet - udvikling af fleksibel, netbaseret uddannelse
Project participants: Sorensen, E. K.; Borch, O. M.; Øhrstrøm, P.; Nielsen, J. N.;
Georgsen, M.; Helbo, J.; Jensen, L. P.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Knudsen, M. H.; Jæger,
Start year: 2002 Expected end year: 2004
Forskernetværket, Læring og Interaktive Multimedier, som teori og metode
Project participants: Sorensen, E. K.; Bygholm, A.; Raudaskoski, P. L.
Owner of license: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Start year: 2000 Expected end year: 2002
IT-Indsatsen på AAU
Project participants: Nyvang, T.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Bygholm, A.
Start year: 1998 Expected end year: 2003
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 40 of 54
IT-videndeling i AMU – fra teknik til pædagogik
Project participants: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Cassøe Christiansen, M.
Start year: 2004 Expected end year: 2005
Project participants: Raudaskoski, P. L.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Sorensen, E. K.;
Ryberg, T.; Buus, L.; Øhrstrøm, P.; Bygholm, A.; Nyvang, T.; Larsen, M. C.; Vargas
Brenes, R.; Coto Chotto, M.
Start year: 2004 Expected end year: 2007
PlaceME: Place, Mediated Discourse and Embodied Interaction
Project leader: McIlvenny, P.
Project participants: Raudaskoski, P. L.; Horsbøl, A.; Lassen, I. M.; Kärkkäinen, E.,
Department of English, Oulu University; Kuure, L., Department of English, Oulu
University; Saarenkunnas, M., Department of English, Oulu University; Jensen, O. B.;
Trads, S. F.; Ryberg, T.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Jeppesen, M. K.; Klausen, J. Z.;
Thomsen, B. S. Piirainen-Marsh, A., Department of Languages, University of Jyväskylä;
Haddington, P., Department of English, Oulu University; Thibault, P., Agder University
College; Broth, M., Stockholm University; Tenjes, S., Tartu University; Lindström, B.,
IT University of Gothenburg; Ponti, M., IT University of Gothenburg
Start year: 2006 Expected end year: 2009
Power Users of Technology
Project participants: Ryberg, T.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Start year: 2005
E-quality in E-learning research Laboratoire (EQUEL- projektet).
Project participants: Ryberg, T.; Sorensen, E. K.; Buus, L.
Owner of license: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Start year: 2002 Expected end year: 2004
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 41 of 54
Netværket IKT og Læring/The Network on ICT and Learning
Project leader: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.
Coordinator: Larsen, M. C.
Start year: 2006 Expected end year: 2008
Virtual Open-Access Network for Education and Training – Enhancing (VOANET)
Project participants: Ryberg, T.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Zurita, L.; Svendsen, B. M.;
Start year: 2003 Expected end year: 2005
Virtuelle Læringsformer og Læringsmiljøer (ViLL)
Project participants: Sorensen, E. K.; Svendsen, B. M.; Georgsen, M.; Grønkjær, P.;
Bygholm, A.; Nyvang, T.; Andersen, H.; Ryberg, T.; Bojesen, J. C.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld,
L.; Stoltenberg, G.
Start year: 2002 Expected end year: 2004
Workplace Learning
Project participants: Kanstrup, A. M.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L.; Stoltenberg, G.
Expected end year: 2004
3.9 Invitation as expert outside EC
Invited to present at and review the work of LRDC (Learning Research and Development
Center) University of Pittsburg, USA
National Science Foundation (USA) (Victor Kaptelinin)
3.10 Conference organisation
Review for ICALT (international conference on advanced learning technologies) (Rachel
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 42 of 54
"Multimodality and Academic Writing Practices in the 21st Century", University of
Bergen, Norway, June 14th 2007 (Olga Dysthe)
"E-portfolios in international and Norwegian contexts" , Norgesnettrådet, Nov, 20.-21.
Raddison SAS hotel, Gardermoen (Olga Dysthe)
ALOIS 2005-2008 (program committee) (Victor Kaptelinin)
DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) 2006 (program committee) (Victor Kaptelinin)
NordiCHI 2006 (program committee) (Victor Kaptelinin)
e-Society 2004, 2005 (program committee) (Victor Kaptelinin)
CSCL (Computer Support for Collaborative Learning) 2003 (program committee, paper
session chair) (Victor Kaptelinin)
E-CSCW (European CSCW) 2003 (program committee) (Victor Kaptelinin)
CHI (Computer-Human Interaction) 2003 (panel organizer, panel chair) (Victor
Networked Learning Conference Organising Committee, 2004, 2006 and 2008 (Chris
3.11 Editorial Board
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Rachel Pilkington)
International Journal of Web Based Communities (Rachel Pilkington)
Management Learning (Vivien Hodgson)
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 43 of 54
International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies. (Vivien
JCAL (Journal for Computer Assisted Learning). (Vivien Hodgson)
The Journal of the Learning Sciences. (Victor Kaptelinin)
Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal. (Victor Kaptelinin)
The International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET). (Victor
Information Research, an International Electronic Journal. (Victor Kaptelinin)
3.12 Invited talks
General Teaching Council Conference invited presentation on developing e-learning
strategy (Rachel Pilkington)
January 31st 2007: Learning Communities Thames Valley University (David
January 18th, 2007: The E-Learning Community, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
(David McConnell)
July 13th 2006: Researching e-learning groups and communities.
World Wide Universities Network ESRC Research Seminar on Researching
Dialogue and Communities of Enquiry into eLearning in Higher Education,University of
Sheffield (David McConnell)
June 21st 2006: Overcoming problems of motivation in online distance learning courses
through the use of collaborative groups and communities 2006 Fellows Conference:
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 44 of 54
Research-based teaching for flexible and distance learning. Centre for Distance
Education, University of London. (David McConnell)
May 2006: Groups and Communities in E-Learning: Why are they important? China
International Forum of Teacher Education, Zhejiang Normal University, China (David
2oth June, 2005: Collaborative assessment in e-learning. Conference on E-Assessment:
latest tools, techniques and practices Bristol University, Bristol (David McConnell)
Groups and communities in e-learning: why are they important? ITTE Conference,
Dundee University, Dundee, 12-14th July 2005 (David McConnell)
March 21st-23rd 2005: Applying social constructionist principles to the design of e-
learning material. Sino-UK e-Learning Workshop, Beijing Foreign Studies University,
Beijing, China. (David McConnell)
June 21st, 2004: Learning and Teaching and Their Relationship to Designing Networked
E-Learning. LTSS 4th Annual National VLE Conference: THINKING OUTSIDE THE
VLE BOX: Innovative and creative ideas for improving the student experience.
University of Bristol (David McConnell)
December 2003: Networked E-Learning in Higher Education: South China Normal
University, China. (David McConnell)
14/04/2005. Invited speaker CeTADL, Birmingham University, video streamed to Lund
and Bergen Universities. (Chris Jones)
22/03/2005. Invited speaker e-LRC workshop at the Higher Education Academy, York.
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 45 of 54
22/02/2005 Invited speaker e-LRC-Manchester University. (Chris Jones)
3.13 Research Project Reports
Pilkington , R., Naismith, L., Lee, B.-H., & Weeden, P. (2007). ECOWiki - Evaluating
Collaborative and Constructive Learning with Wikis: Final Project Report. Birmingham,
UK.: University of Birmingham.
Pilkington , R., & Evans, G. (2006 -2007). E-Mark: Online Assessment of Written
Assignments (HEFCE funded Project Reports: Deliverable 1. Literature Review;
Deliverable 2. Needs Analysis; Deliverable 3. Scenarios of Use and Final Report).
Birmingham, UK: School of Education, The University of Birmingham, UK.
Corlett, D., Pilkington, R. M., Chan, T., & Meek, J. (2006). Interactive Logbook Project
Final Report: JISC.
Thomas, H., Butt, G., Fielding, A., Foster, J., Gunter, H., Lance, A., Pilkington, R.M.,
Potts, L., Powers, S., Rayner, S., Rutherford, D., Selwood, I. D., Szwed, al. (2004).
The Evaluation of the Transforming the School Workforce Pathfinder Project (Research
Report No. 541): Department for Education and Skills.
Interactive LogBook Evaluation, 2005-06, JISC Fuded, Lead (Rachel Pilkington)
ECO-WIKI project, 2005-2006, Microsoft Funded, Lead (Rachel Pilkington)
E-Mark project, 2006-2007, HEFCE Funded, Lead (Rachel Pilkington)
MUSTEL (Technology-enhanced learning in museums), NoE Kaleidoscope, 2007
ERT on Conditions for Productive Network Learning, EU Network of Excellence
"Kaleidoscope" (2004-2007)
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 46 of 54
3.14 Expert/ consultancy
e-drama project, 2003-07, PACCIT ESRC/EPSRC/DTI Funded, Consultant (Rachel
3.15 External Examination/Course Evaluation/ Doctoral Students
University of Nottingham, MA in ICT in Education and University of Leeds, MA.
Examination of UK doctoral students since 1999. (Rachel Pilkington)
PhD: Anne Hewling Culture in the Online Classroom. Open University, 11th October
2006 (David McConnell)
PhD: Khalfan A. Al-Masuri A study of the factors effecting the introduction of web-
based learning in Oman. Manchester University, 7th July 2005 (David McConnell)
PhD: Hilary Anne Cunnigham-Atkins - The Influence of Learning Style on the Effective
use of Text-Based Computer Conferencing. Leeds Metropolitan University, January 2004
(David McConnell)
PhD: Chris Steeples: Networked Learning in Higher Education. Lancaster University,
2003 (David McConnell)
MPhil: Robert Alan Hope-Hulme: Open University Computer Mediated Communication
and Communities of Discourse: Learning Together Online. February 2003 (David
PhD supervision (awarded)
Teresa McConlogue (graduated): An investigation into the educational beliefs and
knowledge of distance education online tutors. PhD (David McConnell)
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 47 of 54
Jianhua Zhao (graduated) Group knowledge building in a blended learning environment
in Chinese higher education: Modelling, implementation and evaluation. (David
C.F. Popovic (Mar 2007 - successful completion of doctoral thesis) Why do medical
Currently supervising independent research of 8 doctoral students and teaching research
skills to an additional 20 doctoral students (Rachel Pilkington)
Supervisor for phd candidate Arne Vines 2003-2007 (Transform project) (Olga Dysthe)
2005 –2007 External supervisor Judith Guevarra Enriquez, Tracing the constitutions of
‘Learning as a Network': Discourses and Practices of Networked Learning in Higher
Education.Ph.D. Registered as a student with the University of Aberdeen. (Chris Jones)
2003 – 2006 Kevin Brosnan. Initial Participation In a Learning-Object Exchange
Network: A Practice Theoretic Perspective. PhD. (Chris Jones)
2002 –2004 Mary Meldrum Information Systems and the Changing Nature of Academic
Work (Joint supervision with Prof Peter Goodyear) PhD. (Chris Jones)
2002 – 2004 Linda Drew. The Experience of Teaching in Art, Design and
Communication (Joint supervision with Prof Peter Goodyear) PhD. (Chris Jones)
International external examiner for 2 doctoral examinations. 1 Ph.D Aalborg University,
Denmark and I 1 PhD for Sydney University, Australia. (Chris Jones)
External examiner MSc in Multimedia and E-learning, University of Huddersfield 2005 –
date. (Chris Jones)
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 48 of 54
UK external examiner for 7 Doctoral examinations at Southampton University (PhD),
Sheffield University (3 PhD), Bristol University (EdD), Lancaster University (PhD) and
Nottingham University (PhD). (Chris Jones)
3.16 Miscellaneous
Named international collaborator (with Mike Spector and Pierre Dillenbourg) for an
Australian Research Council research fellowship held from Jan 2008 – December 2009
by Peter Goodyear at Sydney University. (Chris Jones)
Awarded an ESRC grant for a project The Net Generation encounter e-learning at
university. ESRC RES-062-23-0971 (Total value £359909), start date January 2008.
E-pedagogy experts group for Joint Information Systems Committee, 2004 – date. Also
advice to JISC on pedagogy with regard to the JISC-DNER/ Information Environment.
2004 - 2006. I was co-director with Vivien Hodgson of a research project (Total budget
over 30 months £218,384). The Networked Learning for Educational Leaders research
project was funded by the Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL) [url]. (Chris Jones)
2004 – 2005. I was a researcher on the evaluation of the Scottish Higher Education
Funding Council (SHEFC) quality enhancement framework and led the workpackage
surveying student representatives in the academic year 2004/5. (Chris Jones)
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Expert Communication: Information and communication
technology as pedagogical tool: Expert communication with Information officer, Jørgen
Madsen regard a new initiative on ICT and "drop outs" within The Danish Board of
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 49 of 54
Technology (12. okt 2006). The Danish Board of Technology, Copenhagen, Danmark.
(Rådgivnings- og konsulentvirksomhed).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Asian University for Women - Ceremony of signing the
MOU between Aalborg University and Asian University of Women (10. okt 2006).
(Konference, workshop, kursus, seminar).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Problem based learning and considerations on a MSc. In
Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology. Oplægsholder.
Asian University for Women - Ceremony for the signing of the MOU between Aalborg
University and Asian University for Women, Aalborg, Danmark, Aalborg University, 10.
okt 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Kaleidocope: Future Workshop on Sustainability.
Oplægsholder. Kaleidoscope: Workshop on Sustainability, Paris, Frankrig, Kaleidoscope,
02. okt 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Design Research Methods: Ph.D. course within the Doctoral
School on Human Centered Informatics (26. sep 2006 - 28. sep 2006). (Ekstern
undervisning, fagkoordinering og censoraktivitet).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. UNAN-AAU VIDEO CONFERENCE: Hospital Virtual (25.
sep 2006). (Konference, workshop, kursus, seminar).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Hvor er e-learning på vej hen?. Oplægsholder. Temadag:
Evaluering af e-læring i organisationer – et fremtidsperspektiv, Aalborg, Danmark, e-
Learning Lab, Center for It Anvendelse, Videnskabsministeriet, 11. sep 2006. (Foredrag
og mundtlige bidrag).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 50 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. ELAC Steering Committee meeting: Presentation: learning
approaches, Year 3 report. (06. sep 2006 - 08. sep 2006). (Konference, workshop, kursus,
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Bæredygtig it i udviklingslandene. Hvordan kan AAU være
med til at gøre en forskel?. Oplægsholder. Åbent Hus, Aalborg, Danmark, Aalborg
University, 02. sep 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. E- learning i staten?. Oplægsholder. Personalestyrelsen,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Personalestyrelsen, 30. aug 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Sustainable IT Development. Oplægsholder. Boston, US,
Asian University for Women, 25. aug 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Sustainable IT Development. Oplægsholder. Managua,
Universidad National Autonoma, CINET, Universidad National Autonoma Nicaragua,
22. aug 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Workshop on Problem Based Learning: PBL in Virtual
Learning - the Aalborg Model Design for PBL (16. aug 2006 - 17. aug 2006).
(Gæsteophold ved andre institutioner).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Bedømmelsesudvalg, Adjunkt i Medier, Læring og IT,
Bedømmelsesudvalg (14. aug 2006 - 14. sep 2006). (Medlemskab af
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. 1.opponent doctoral thesis, Doctoral Committee Ola Berge
(14. jun 2006 - 29. sep 2006). (Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 51 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Innovating Problem Based Learning through Information
and Communication Technology. Keynote speaker. International Seminar on Innovating
Problem Based Learning through Information and Communication Technology,
Aalborg University June 8th. 2006 , Aalborg, Danmark, 08. jun 2006. (Foredrag og
mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. International seminar on Innovating Problem Based Learning
through Information and Communication Technology (08. jun 2006). (Konference,
workshop, kursus, seminar).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. 2. opponent Doctoral Committee, Doctoral Committee -
Patricia Bermúdez (15. maj 2006 - 22. sep 2006). (Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Why ICT and How ICT -in the innovation of teaching and
learning. Keynote speaker. UNA virtual Inauguration, Universidad National, February
2006 , Heredia, Costa Rica, 28. feb 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. USING ICT: Transforming the university - designing for
innovative teaching and learning: Problems, visions and realization . Keynote speaker.
III International ELAC Conference Costa Rica, February 22nd. 2006, Heredia, Costa
Rica, 22. feb 2006. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Judging Committee, Judging Committee (24. aug 2005 - 24.
sep 2005). (Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Kaleidoscope, CSCL SIG Future workshop on scientific
research agenda, Oberhausen 6 - 8th of July, 2005. Oplægsholder, 05. jul 2005. (Foredrag
og mundtlige bidrag).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 52 of 54
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. CSCL The next ten years – a view from Europe.
Oplægsholder. The International CSCL conference, Taipee, Taiwan, 01. jun 2005.
(Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Continuing Professional Education and Local Development.
Oplægsholder. ELAC International Conference, 24 February 2005, Managua, Nicaragua,
24. feb 2005. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Judging Committee, Judging Committee (24. feb 2005 - 24.
apr 2006). (Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Panel World Summit on Information SocietyWSIS Action
plan - Challenges and Opportunities for Universities. Opponent/discussant. ELAC
International Conference, ICT for Local Development and Environmental Management,
24 February 2005 , Managua, Nicaragua, 24. feb 2005. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Bestyrelsesmedlem Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet,
Bestyrelsen for Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet (03. jan 2005). (Medlemskab af
nationalt/internationalt udvalg, råd, nævn).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Power Users of Technology - Rationale for research.
Power Users of Technology and United Nation, 12. dec 2004. (Foredrag og mundtlige
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Judging Committee professor, Judging Committee professor
(24. okt 2004 - 01. jan 2005). (Medlemskab af bedømmelsesudvalg).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. VIRTUAL LEARNING:Challenges for Universities, The
VISCA CaseIRTUAL LEARNING:Challenges for Universities, The VISCA Case.
Oplægsholder. International Conference: "The use of ITC in Higher Education -
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 53 of 54
International Experiences", UAM-Azcapotzalco, Mexico D.F.,2 february 2004, Mexico
D.F., Mexico, ELAC, 02. feb 2004. (Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Member of Kaleidoscope Core Group, Kaleidoscope Core
Group (01. jan 2003). (Medlemskab af nationalt/internationalt udvalg, råd, nævn).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Member of Technical Advisory Panel, Tecnical Advisory
Panel for InfoDevelopment (01. jan 2003 - 01. jan 2006). (Medlemskab af
nationalt/internationalt udvalg, råd, nævn).
Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone. Bestyrelsesmedlem Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet,
Bestyrelsen for Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet (28. sep 2001 - 31. dec 2005).
(Medlemskab af nationalt/internationalt udvalg, råd, nævn).
Kaleidoscope, Milestone report No. 28.1.4, Final 19.12.07 Page 54 of 54
A Guide to the City of Greater Sudbury Smoke-Free Public Places and Workplaces Un guide du règlement 2002-300 de la Ville du Grand Sudbury interdisant l'usage du tabac dans les endroits publics et les lieux de travail To make an appointment with a By-law Enforcement Officer, please call Smoke-Free By-law Enforcement • 688-7726. Pour prendre rendez-vous avec un agent d'Exécution
VOL 10, NO. 8, August 2004 Patents related to non patentable status of living Of the 600 applications, 96 organisms changed with the applications relates to fermentation bacteria, virus and landmark decision of the Supreme (fig 1). Main applicants are CSIR fungi - the Indian Court, USA in Diamond vs. (13), Gist Brocades (8), Biocon India