Implementation of Water
Activity Testing to Replace Karl
Fischer Water Testing
for Solid Oral-Dosage Forms
Bob Snider, Peihong Liang, and Neil Pearson
For solid oral-
ost pharmacopeial monographs that have proce-
dosage forms, water
dures for the measurement of water are based on
testing usually is
the measurement of total water either by the KarlFischer titration or by loss on drying. Karl Fis-
performed to
cher titrations have dominated the measurement of water
control the
in pharmaceutical products for many years. Although the
technique is reliable under carefully controlled conditions,
it is subject to a variety of problems such as sample han-
properties of the
dling and side-reactions that cause erroneous results. Re-
sults commonly vary with changes in room relative humid-ity (RH). In addition, general models for describing the
effect of water on physical, chemical, and microbiological
total water as made with Karl Fischer (KF)
characteristics recognize that different types of water may
techniques is not needed and water-activity often
be present (1–3) and that the measurement of total water
will provide a better correlation with changes in
may not be the best approach for understanding the effects
chemical, physical, or microbiological properties
than KF techniques. In these cases, water activity
According to most common definitions, water can be pres-
ent in at least three forms: free water, adsorbed water, and
testing can easily replace KF testing.Water-
bound water.
Free water is present in the void volume or in
activity measurements are nondestructive,
the pores. Free water can serve as a dispersing agent, as a sol-
require little labor, and the equipment required is
vent for crystalline compounds, or for microbiological growth.
generally inexpensive. Only a few simple checks
Adsorbed water is located on the surface of the material.
are needed to ensure the validity of
water is defined as the water of hydration bound to the prod-
measurements. Strategies for implementing water
uct by strong H-bonds. Bound water relates to the monolayerof water molecules, whereas adsorbed water is present in the
activity testing are described.
form of multilayers in the matrices. Water also may be pres-ent as a crystal hydrate that effectively is the same as bound
At the time of the research,
Bob Snider, PhD,* was a
water. An example of another type of water is structural water
research advisor with Eli Lilly and Company, bobsnider@
associated with hydrogen bonding between helices of poly-
Peihong Liang is an analytical chemist
mer in a gel network (4). This explanation follows the the-
at Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company
ory of the BET isotherm describing vapor desorption or ad-
(Indianapolis, IN), and
Neil Pearson is a research
sorption isotherms (3).
scientist at Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly Canada,Inc. (Toronto, ON, Canada).
When water interacts with solutes and surfaces, it is un-
available for other hydration interactions. The term
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
activity (a ) describes the (equilibrium) amount of water
Submitted: July 13, 2006. Accepted: Oct. 11, 2006.
available for the hydration of materials. Water activity is unit-
Keywords: Karl Fischer techniques, solid dosage forms, water testing
less and a value of unity indicates pure water, whereas zero
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007

No microbial growth ,0.6 a
and capillary water
Relative humidity (%)
Figure 2: Typical adsorption isotherm for tablet formulation.
Relative humidity (%)
the humidity of the air is defined as 60% (a = 0.6) by the
Figure 1: Water sorption isotherm.
International Conference on Harmonization under ClimaticZones II, materials with lower a tend to gain water and those
indicates the total absence of water molecules. Water activ-
with higher a tend to lose water. Most solid oral-dosage
ity is the effective mole fraction of water, defined as:
forms are produced with water activities of 0.3 to 0.5 andthus gain water in stability studies.
a 5 l x = p/p
Use of water activity. The food industry has long used water
activity to control microbial growth and chemical stability.
in which l is the activity coefficient of water, x is the mole
Consistent with the US Food and Drug Administration's use
fraction of water in the aqueous fraction, p is the partial pres-
of water activity in controlling the microbial attributes of
sure of water above the material, and p is the partial pres-
food (7), water activity also is being used to control the mi-
sure of pure water at the same temperature (i.e., the water
crobiological properties of pharmaceutical products (8, 9).
activity is equal to the equilibrium relative humidity [ERH]),
The growth of most bacteria is inhibited below approxi-
expressed as a fraction. The relationship between water ac-
mately a 5 0.91. Similarly, most yeasts cease growing below
tivity and weight percent water is shown in a sorption
a 5 0.87, and most molds stop growing below a 5 0.80.
isotherm (see Figure 1). Figure 1 also shows the hysteresis
The absolute limit of microbial growth is approximately
observed when the sorption isotherm depends on whether
the water is added to the dry material or removed from the
The importance of water activity in controlling the micro-
wet material. This hysteresis is caused by nonreversible struc-
bial properties of pharmaceutical products was added to US
tural changes and/or kinetic effects.
Pharmacopeia (USP) Chapter 2023&, "Microbiological At-
The sorption isotherm for a formulated drug product is the
tributes of Nonsterile Nutritional and Dietary Supplements,"
result of the combination of the individual-component sorp-
and a new USP chapter was written: 1113& "Application of
tion isotherms. Sorption isotherms for excipients and the drug
Water Activity Determination to Nonsterile Pharmaceutical
substance may be used to model the sorption isotherm of the
Products." USP Chapter 1113& primarily describes the ap-
finished dosage form (5). Figure 2 shows an example of an
plication of water-activity measurement for the control of a
adsorption isotherm for a typical oral formulation. Two re-
nonsterile formulation's microbial attributes, but also men-
cently published studies present adsorption and desorption
tions the control of chemical degradation. The correlation of
isotherms for several common excipients (5–6).
water activity and chemical changes in food also has been in-
Materials of differing water activity exhibit time- and vestigated extensively (10). A correspondingly common prac-
temperature-dependent water migration from areas with
tice in pharmaceutical development is to equilibrate prod-
high to low a . For example, a gelatin capsule filled with a
ucts at different humidities (water activities) and study their
powder that has a different water activity will undergo water
degradation rates. Water activity also correlates with changes
migration and, at equilibrium, the capsule shell and powder
in chemical and physical stability (11, 12). The degradation
contents have the same a . For packaged products, the rate of several pharmaceutical products is well modeled by
moisture-vapor barrier properties of the packaging become
water activity using the BET function (rate is proportional
crucial in the rate of moisture loss or gain. In addition, des-
to 1/[1 – a ]) (11) as well as other approaches (12–15).
iccants inside a package change the initial water activity as
Measurement of water activity.Water activity is determined by
well as the subsequent rate of water activity change. Because
the measurement of water in the gas phase immediately sur-
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Table I: Examples of required changes in water activity to
double degradation rate.
Change in a
y 5 –0.0348x 1 76.148
Change in water
content to double
degradation rate degradation rate
Cephalosporin degradation (19)
y 5 –0.0298x 1 60.34
N-oxide formation (20)
Waterman aspirin degradation
y 5 –0.0574x 1 34.189
Hydrolysis of nitrazepam (22)
Asparatamine degradation (23)
y 5 –0.0014x 1 11.329
rounding the sample. The measurement of water activity in foodsis described by AOAC's Official Methods of Analysis, No. 978.18,
"Water Activity of Canned Vegetables" (16). The principal tech-
Temperature (°C)
niques are changes in electrical capacitance or resistance of poly-mer thin films and dew point by chilled mirror. Newer tech-
Figure 3: Relative humidity as a function of temperature for
niques include the measurement of water in the headspace either
saturated salt solutions used for calibration (only the magnesium
spectroscopically (17) or chromatographically (18).
nitrate standard is sensitive to temperature).
Method Number 978.18 also compares various types of
instruments. For sensor-type instruments, a typical instru-ment chamber would have a depth of approximately 1.3 cm
Although sample transfer can be performed rapidly to min-
and a diameter of 4.2 cm. Sufficient sample is needed to fill
imize changes to the sample moisture content, moisture still
the chamber to the appropriate level (one-half to two-thirds
must be absorbed or desorbed from the sample to equilibrate
full). Probes also are available for insertion into bulk mate-
the measuring chamber's headspace. For a typical sample, the
rials or possibly through product packaging. Measurement
change in the sample's moisture content during this equili-
time is controlled by sensor measurement time (usually a few
bration process will not have a significant effect on the accu-
minutes) and time for the headspace to equilibrate (the time
racy of the sample's final a reading. Air at a temperature of
for water activity in the headspace to come into equilibrium
25 8C contains approximately 0.023 mg/mL of water at 100%
with the material being tested). Typical equilibration times
RH. For a sample at 75% RH, with the external environment
vary from 5 to 30 minutes.
at 0% RH and a sample chamber headspace of 6 mL, the sam-
The rate of equilibration of the dosage form with the cham-
ple must replace only approximately 6 mL 3 0.023 mg/mL 3
ber's headspace depends on several factors, including:
(0.75 – 0.10) or 0.01 mg of water. With a sample weight of 2
• the difference in water activity between the dosage form
g in the chamber and a water content of 2%, the total amount
and the air in the chamber's headspace immediately fol-
of water in the sample is 40 mg. In this case, only a very small
lowing the sample-transfer process;
fraction of the total water is removed from the dosage form
• the headspace volume of the measuring chamber contain-
to equilibrate the humidity in the headspace (the water con-
tent of the sample would drop by less than 0.01%).
• the transfer rates of water within the sample and between
Samples that contain very little water or have a very shal-
the sample and the gas phase;
low slope for the sorption isotherm in the region of interest
• the gas-phase diffusion rate for water in the headspace.
will be problematic with regards to bias during equilibration
The gas-phase diffusion rate of water is not a significant
in the chamber. The use of laser-absorption spectroscopy
factor based on the configuration of typical sensor cells. The
(which can determine the water activity in the headspace of
gas-phase diffusion rate is approximately 0.1 cm2/s and the
a sample vial without breaching the seal) would be beneficial
largest distance in the chamber is approximately 4 cm. Be-
for these types of samples. An example of a product that could
cause the sample occupies most of the chamber, the largest
be difficult is a lyophilized cake with very low water content.
distance is actually closer to 0.5 cm (from the top of the sam-
Nonetheless, the typical capsule or tablet product generally
ple to the top of the chamber). The transfer rate of water be-
contains a large amount of water and is an excellent candi-
tween the sample and the gas phase is related to the specific
date for water-activity testing.
sample for evaluation. Depending on the sample, the trans-
For most solid oral-dosage forms, the range of interest for
fer rates within the sample and between the sample and the
water activity is 0.30–0.75. Water-activity measurements are
gas phase can vary significantly. Heterogeneous samples such
generally precise and accurate to 0.01–0.02 units. Thus, water
as intact capsules or coated tablets may have longer equili-
activity should be capable of providing 23 levels ([0.75 –
bration times than uniform powder samples.
0.30]/0.02) of distinction over this measurement range. Sev-
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Table II: Protective filters used with
Over-the-counter tablets of ibuprofen,
water-activity instruments from
naproxen, and enteric-coated aspirin
Novasina for Capsule B
were obtained from a local retail estab-
lishment for evaluation. Two develop-mental capsule formulations also were
evaluated. Capsule A was a starch-based
formulation and Capsule B contained
enteric-coated beads. The water-activity
Protects sensor from
particles of sample
instruments used were from the same
manufacturer (Novasina, Pfäffikon,
Protects sensor from
Switzerland) but obtained from Omn-
imark Instrument Corp. (Tempe, AZ).
General chemical filter
The names of the two models are theMs1 and the AW Lab.
Protects sensors from
Both instruments use the same meas-
uring cell and sensor. The AW Lab
Oxidizes, reduces
model has an additional capability of
interfering compounds
determining whether the measurementhas reached equilibrium by establish-
eral examples of degradation as a func-
ing a limit of the change in water activ-
tion of water activity are shown in Table
ity with time. All measurements were
I, and water activity changes of about
made using the mechanical prefilter, ex-
0.1–0.2 are needed to double the degra-
cept for those made for Capsule B. For
dation rate. In a case for which a 0.1
the Capsule B measurements, all of the
change in water activity is critical, tighter
protective filters listed in Table II were
controls of calibration may be needed.
In general, the water activity would be
Water-activity standards (saturated
controlled at a level well below when sig-
salt solutions) were obtained from the
nificant degradation occurs. Thus, the
instrument supplier. Both Novasina in-
examples in Table I represent mostly the
struments take into account tempera-
worst cases in terms of required accu-
ture during calibration as long as the
racy. Compared with Karl Fischer water
temperature is between 15 8C and 30 8C.
testing, water activity has particular ad-
The Novasina instruments do not
allow for temperature control. To obtain
• the sample is hygroscopic;
temperature-effect data, the measuring
• the sorption isotherm is relatively flat
chamber was placed in a plastic bag and
over the region where increased
immersed in a water bath. Measurements
degradation rates are noted (i.e.,
were only recorded after the sensor tem-
little change in water content);
perature reading agreed with the exter-
• the amount of total water is high (e.g.,
nal water-bath temperature.
hydrates) and variability in the meas-
Because it is not easy to predict the
urement makes discriminating
effect of test samples on the instrument
changes in water content difficult.
sensor, bracketing readings of water ac-
Calibration. Calibration is accom-
tivity standards were performed regu-
plished with the use of either saturated
larly (one low and one high standard
salt solutions or solutions with well-
reading during each period of use, typ-
characterized water activities. Saturated
ically 24 hours).
salt solutions that have reference values
The equilibration of dosage forms to
traceable to National Institute of Stan-
different water activities were per-
dards and Technology standards (24)
formed to ensure the validity of the
are available. Figure 3 shows the effect
water-activity measurement. In general,
of temperature on some typical water-
the same type of salt solutions used in
activity standards.
sealed desiccators also were used for cal-ibration. Intact tablets or capsules were
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Figure 4: Rate of equilibration of Capsule A.
Figure 5: Rate of equilibration of several solid oral-dosage forms.
equilibrated for 7–14 days. Crushed or
in a of .0.01 to 0.02 were not consid-
composited dosages were equilibrated
ered significant.
for 24 hours.
Sample temperature. If the sample and
Studies requiring RH control were
the equilibration chamber are at the
performed with a humidity-controlled
same temperature, then temperature has
glove box (Coy Laboratory Products,
a small effect on water activity within
Grass Lake, MI).
the temperature range of most labora-tories. The authors previously discussed
Results and discussion
the effects of temperature on the water
Key operating conditions that were in-
activity of the saturated salt standard
vestigated include the effects of sample
solutions used for calibration. Those ef-
temperature, equilibration time, and
fects are generally small and taken into
sample handling (in particular, the hu-
account by the instrument. The effect
midity of the environment in which
of temperature on solid oral-dosage
samples are transferred). In addition,
forms was studied for two samples: Cap-
the factors affecting the specificity of
sule A and naproxen. The observed ef-
the sensor must be considered to sup-
fects of temperature changes on water
port the validation of the technique.
activity were 0.003 and 0.004 a /8C and
Based on an earlier discussion, changes
were similar to those reported by a man-
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
ufacturer (25). The small effect of tem-
Table III: Effect of sample grinding on measured water activity.
perature is explained by the fact that thechange in the partial pressure of water
Error compared with
vapor (p) with temperature for the sam-
ple is similar (but not equal) to the mag-
Intact ibuprofen tablets (different lot than
nitude of the change of the saturation
Ibuprofen tablets crushed in a 80%
pressure (p ) above pure water. Any
relative humidity environment (2 min
change in the temperature of a hygro-
scopic product automatically causes the
Ibuprofen tablets crushed in a 10%
product to exchange moisture with the
relative humidity environment (2 min
air (or gas) that surrounds it. Moisture
is exchanged until the partial water-vapor pressure at the product's surfaceand in the air is equal. For this reason,a constant temperature is importantwhen measuring a .
Equilibration time. To understand the
time required for the headspace to comeinto equilibrium with the sample, wateractivity was measured as a function oftime for the products shown in Figures4 and 5. The results for Capsule A indi-cated that equilibration occurred within10 minutes and no significant changesoccurred over the subsequent 12 hours(see Figure 4). Figure 5, which includestwo typical tablet formulations and anenteric-coated aspirin tablet, shows thata 30-minute equilibration time was ap-propriate for the tablet formulations. Alonger equilibration time would beneeded with the enteric-coated formu-lation for the same degree of accuracy.
In general, the authors have used an ac-curacy of 60.02 a as being acceptable.
Another alternative would be to crushthe enteric-coated tablet, but this pro-cedure needs special precautions.
For some instruments, the equilibra-
tion time is not a concern. These instru-ments measure the rate of change of awwith time and will indicate a stablereading only when the rate of change isbelow a selected threshold. Other in-struments use a mathematical functionto estimate the final equilibrium value.
The advantage of measuring water ac-tivity on intact tablets is shown in TableIII, in which the water activity of intacttablets is compared with that of crushedtablets under 10% and 80% RH. Thetotal exposure time to the ambient RHwas approximately 2 min (including thetime to crush the tablets with a mortarand pestle). This time was used to sim-
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Table IV: Water activity after equilibration and absolute
error (measured a and theoretical a ).
Low relative humidity (10%)
Measured water activity and absolute error
High relative humidity (80%)
Table V: Replicate measurements of water activity.
Capsule B
Figure 6: Effect of ambient relative humidity during transfer on rate
of equilibration.
ulate rapidly crushing, weighing, and transferring tablets inalternative methods such as Karl Fischer. Whereas the low
humidity only created a small bias, the high humidity cre-
ated a large error. There was a larger difference between the
sample water activity and the ambient conditions for the
high humidity (45% RH higher) versus the low humidity
(22% RH lower). The rate of water uptake versus loss is not
expected to be the same. A technique for reducing water
changes during crushing is to use a device sold to home cus-
tomers that sandwiches the sample between two holders,
thus reducing contact with the ambient atmosphere.
Sample handling. The effect of ambient humidity on sam-
dards (one low and one high standard check) were used dur-
ple handling was assessed by transferring Capsule A in en-
ing each period of use (typically 24 hours) to ensure that any
vironments of 10% and 80% RH. As shown in Figure 6, the
changes in sensor response were readily detected. Potential
effect of high or low humidity is to increase the equilibra-
interferences also were removed through the use of prefilters.
tion time with little effect on the final measured value. An
Interferences from the enteric-coated beads in Capsule B
equilibration time of 30 minutes was considered adequate.
caused some difficulty. The problem appeared as a failure of
A second issue with sample handling is the equilibration of
the check standard and subsequent poor sensor performance
water within the dosage unit. For tablets, a blended powder is
with respect to drift. The sensor was replaced with a new sen-
compressed and there should be little inhomogeneity of water
sor, and the authors evaluated each of the chemical filters de-
content. For capsules, the powder fill will be at a different water
scribed in the experiment section for their ability to prevent
activity than the gelatin. A study was undertaken to measure
sensor failure. All filters were capable of removing the inter-
the time required for equilibration to occur between the fill
fering components, but the general chemical filter (activated
and the capsule. For dry contents (a 5 0.38) within a wetter
carbon) greatly reduced response time and required as much
gelatin capsule shell (a 5 0.54), approximately one hour was
as an hour for equilibration to occur. The interference arises
required to be within 0.01 of the final water-activity value.
from the degradation of the hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
The same contents within a very dry shell required approxi-
acetate succinate (HPMCAS) polymer to yield acetic and suc-
mately three hours to be within 0.01 of the final water-activ-
cinic acids. The acetic acid is a known potential interferant
ity value. Thus, equilibration within the dosage unit would
for this type of measurement cell (26).
only be a concern for in-process testing. For in-process test-
Linearity. The general calibration approach ensures a linear
ing, the capsule could be opened, and the capsule shell and
response to within 0.01 a over the operating range of the
powder could be placed within the testing chamber.
Validation. Specificity.For the Novasina instruments, the sen-
Accuracy. Accuracy at equilibrium is assessed by comparing
sor responds to any polar volatile component that affects the
the water activity of equilibrated samples with the theoreti-
resistance or the capacitance of the polymer used in the sen-
cal water activity (the RH to which the sample was equili-
sor. Most pharmaceutical tablets or capsules either will have
brated using a controlled humidity chamber). Samples were
no solvents or the solvents are removed during the process-
equilibrated over the same type of saturated salt solutions
ing and drying of the dosage form. Bracketing check stan-
used to calibrate the instrument. This approach was evalu-
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Table VI: Comparison of instruments for measurement of water activity.
Principle of measurement
Temperature control Equilibration detection Protective filter
Novasina, a division of
capacitance and resistance Axair Ltd. (Pfäffikon,
Rotronic Instrument Corp.
capacitance and resistance
(Huntington, NY)
extrapolation modes
Decagon Devices, Inc.
Lighthouse Instruments,
(Charlottesville, VA)
ated with an enteric-coated aspirin tablet and two other tablet
of the chamber seal integrity should be evidenced by a fail-
formulations as shown in Table IV with a general accuracy
ure of standards that are dissimilar from the RH of the room.
of 0.01–0.02 a . The same approach was taken by Mahajan
et al., with a similar degree of accuracy (17). As previously
Water activity as part of a control strategy
mentioned, a 30-minute equilibration time generally has
Water measurements as part of a control strategy generally
been adequate for capsules and tablets.
must be quantitative (correcting for water content in a drug
Precision. Replicate measurements were made for two tablet
substance) or must be related to a change in a chemical or
formulations and one capsule formulation (see Table V). The
physical property. For solid oral-dosage forms, water is usu-
relative standard deviations for replicate measurements were
ally measured because of an adverse effect of water on either
chemical stability or a physical attribute of the formulation
Instrument qualification of maintenance (Novasina Instrument).
such as drug release. Much of current measurement of water
Using the guidelines published in a recent white paper (27),
by Karl Fischer testing could be replaced with water-activity
water-activity instruments would be Class B, principally re-
testing because water activity is easier to measure, less sub-
quiring calibration to ensure performance. At the initial in-
ject to handling problems, and as good or better at correlat-
stallation and every 6 months thereafter, four standards are
ing to physical and chemical changes than total water.
checked (0.11, 0.33, 0.75, and 0.90). If the measured results
Additional advantages of water activity testing are:
are more than 0.02 a outside of the theoretical value, then
• One immediately knows whether the sample is likely to
the instrument calibration for that standard is changed. Note
add or lose water relative to the external environment.
that the 0.53 standard may be used for laboratories with ad-
• The risk of microbial growth is assessed readily based on
equate temperature control or the reading must be corrected
the earlier discussion in which a , 0.6 has no risk for mi-
for temperature (see Figure 3). The use of daily bracketing
crobial growth.
standards is recommended to ensure that the instrument con-
• Samples with water activities approaching the area of the
tinues to work properly and that the sample does not affect
sorption isotherm where "free" water is present are at a
higher risk of adverse chemical or physical effects.
The instrument is operated with the alcohol prefilter, and
Where water measurements are part of a regulatory com-
records are maintained for the installation of the prefilter.
mitment, water-activity results would need to be related to
The replacement of the prefilter depends on the type and
Karl Fischer measurements by the sorption isotherm. The
number of samples measured, but it should be replaced at
specification for water activity then could be set to correspond
least every six months. The standards themselves are avail-
to the Karl Fischer specification.
able from the vendor with a certificate, and the vendor rec-
The establishment of water activity as an analytical proce-
ommends a use period of several years. Some water activity
dure would generally involve:
standards will dry out over time, and some water must be
• determining which instruments are most suitable for the
added to maintain a saturated suspension. Aqueous, single-
intended application (see Table VI);
use solution standards also are available from some vendors.
• qualifying the instruments (using white paper [26], cate-
The stainless steel chambers also should be cleaned and
gory B, calibrate);
sanded periodically to remove any rust. The o-ring seal on
• using daily check standards;
the chamber should be inspected regularly and replaced if
• using protective filters for materials with expected volatile
any cracking or other defects are noted. A significant failure
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
• validating methods once they are being used for lot-release
Table VII: Options for implementing water-activity
testing as a function of registration status.
Table VI describes some differences in the types of instru-
ments. Only representative manufacturers are included.
Product registration status
The approach used by all of the instruments is nondestruc-
tive. The instruments vary in the cutoff at low RH, the con-
Establish water activity as an
trol of temperature, and the detection of the equilibration
alternate procedure with a limit based
end-point. Measurement time is faster for the laser absorp-
on sorption isotherm.
Marketed product with
tion and the instruments that extrapolate the detection of the
Karl Fischer water test
end-point; but, temperature control generally lengthens the
If actual water levels are close toregistration limit, then variations in
measurement time to 10–30-minutes for all the instruments.
isotherms should be considered.
The Lighthouse instrument would be especially useful forlyophilized formulations because the measurement can be
Marketed product with
Follow normal practices for changing
made on the headspace of the product vial. Reference 16 has
no registered Karl
more details about differences in cost and applicability.
Fischer water test
The control strategy also must be consistent with the reg-
1. Implement with the intent to use
ulatory strategy. Table VII summarizes options relative to the
water activity as an internal GMP
product registration status.
test (e.g., not registered).
Routine control of instrumentation. For the instruments that
registration stability or
2. Correlate Karl Fischer and water
activity tests to keep options open,
have sample contact with the sensor, bracketing readings of
but use water activity as the
the standard solutions should be used to ensure that the sen-
principal test.
sor is providing accurate results and that the samples did notcontaminate the sensor. The use of a protective filter should
salt suspensions also require some maintenance to replace
be tracked such that the filter is replaced at least as frequently
lost water from evaporation. These standards should be
as the manufacturer suggests. Standards that are saturated
checked each time they are used.
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
of Analysis (AOAC, Gaithersburg, MD, 1995), method number
Water activity is a valid alternative to total water measure-
17. R. Mahajan et al., "A Novel Nondestructive Approach for Measur-
ments (KF) in assessing the potential for water to adversely
ing Moisture Activity in Pharmaceutical Samples," Pharm.Technol.
affect the formulation's microbial or chemical quality. Water
29 (10), 88–104 (2005).
activity has been accepted in the food industry and widely
18. B. Duersch et al., "Monitoring the Headspace Inside Pharmaceuti-
discussed in the pharmaceutical industry as an appropriate
cal Packaging," presented at IIR conference on "Hydrolysis and Sta-
measurement for water to prevent microbial growth. Like-
bilization of Pharmaceuticals," Philadelphia, PA, July 2005.
19. B. Snider, "Mass Balance Issues with Low Dose Compounds," pre-
wise, water activity also can be used to evaluate the poten-
sented at Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharma-
tial effect of water on chemical and physical changes in the
ceutical Scientists, Indianapolis, IN, November 2000.
formulation. The Novasina ms1 and AW instruments in par-
20. Unpublished data.
ticular have proven to be sufficiently precise and accurate to
21. K.C. Waterman et al., "Hydrolysis in Pharmaceutical Formulations,"
measure the water activity of typical solid oral-dosage forms.
Pharm. Dev. Technol. 7 (2), 113–146 (2002).
22. D. Genton and U.W. Kesselring, "Effect of Temperature and Rela-
tive Humidity on Nitrazepam Stability in Solid State," J. Pharm. Sci.
66 (5), 676–680 (1977).
Thanks to Jim Farmer for his assistance.
23. L.N. Bell and T.P. Labuza, "Aspartame Degradation as a Function
of Water Activity," Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 302, 337–349 (1991).
24. L. Greenspan, "Humidity Fixed Points of Binary Saturated Aque-
ous solutions," J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. A. Phys. Chem. 81A, 89–96
1. M. Mathlouthi, "Water Content, Water Activity, Water Structure
and the Stability of Foodstuffs," Food Control 12 (7), 409–417 (2001).
25. Rotronic Instrument Corp.,"Water Activity Varies only by Roughly
2. C. Ahlneck and G. Zografi, "The Molecular Basis of Moisture Ef-
0.0005 to 0.005 A
fects on the Physical and Chemical Stability of Drugs in the Solid
w (0.05 to 0.5 %RH) when Temperature Changes
by 1 8C" (Rotronic Instrument Corp., Huntington, NY), http://
State," Int. J. Pharm. 62 (2–3), 87–95 (1990).
3. S. Brunauer, P.H. Emmett, and E. Teller, "Adsorption of Gases in
aw_define.htm, accessed Jan. 11, 2007.
Multimolecular Layers," J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 60, 309–319 (1938).
26. Novasina, "Water Activity Measurement," (Novasina, Pfäffikon,
4. J. Maques et al., "State of Water in Gelatin Solutions and Gels: An
1H n.mr. Investigation," Polymer 27 (7), 1103–1110 (1986).
5. Y. Li, Y.D. Sanzgiri, and Y. Chen, "A Study on Moisture Isotherms
Wasseraktivitaet.php, accessed Jan. 8, 2007.
of Formulations: the Use of Polynomial Equations to Predict the
27. S.K. Bansal et al., "Qualification of Analytical Instruments for Use
Moisture Isotherms of Tablet Product," AAPS Pharm. Sci. Technol.
in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Scientific Approach," AAPS
4 (4), article 59 (2003).
Pharm. Sci. Technol. 5 (1), article 22 (2004). PT
6. S. Airaksinen et al., "Role of Water in the Physical Stability of Solid
Dosage Formulations," J. Pharm. Sci. 94 (10), 2147–2165 (2005).
7. US Food and Drug Administration, Code of Federation Regulations,
Title 21 (FDA, Rockville, MD, 2006), Part 113.3(ii) and 113.81 (f).
8. R.R. Friedel and A.M. Cundell, "The Application of Water Activity
Call for papers
Measurement to the Microbiological Attributes Testing of Nonster-
Pharmaceutical Technology is seeking technical research and
ile Over-the-Counter Drug Products," Pharm. Forum. 24 (2),
6087–6090 (1998).
viewpoint articles on a variety of subjects related to applied
9. R.R. Friedel, "The Application of Water Activity (aw) Measurement
research and development, scale-up, and manufacturing
to the Microbiological Attributes Testing of Raw Materials Used inthe Manufacture of Non-Sterile Pharmaceutical Products," Pharm.
technology for the pharmaceutical industry.
Forum. 25 (6), 8974–8978 (1999).
Topics of interest include:
10. P.S. Taoukis, T.P. Labuza, and I.S. Saguy, "Kinetics of Food Dete-
rioation and Shelf-Life Prediction" in Food Engineering Practice, K.J.
• biotechnology/large-molecular processes;
Valentas, E. Rotstein, and R.P. Singh, Eds. (CRC Press, Boca Raton,
• analytical testing;
11. J.T. Carstensen and A. Li Wan Po, "The State of Water in Drug De-
• solid-dosage manufacturing;
composition in the Moist Solid State: Description and Modeling,"
• regulatory affairs;
Int. J. of Pharm. 83 (1–3), 87–94 (1982).
12. E.Y. Shalaev and G. Zografi, "How Does Residual Water Affect the
• validation and compliance;
Solid-State Degradation of Drugs in the Amorphous State?" J.
Pharm. Sci. 85 (11), 1137–1141 (1996).
13. K.C. Waterman et al. "Hydrolysis in Pharmaceutical Formulations,"
• drug delivery technology;
Pharm. Dev. Technol. 7 (2), 113–147 (2002).
• standards.
14. K.C. Waterman and R.C. Adam, "Accelerated Aging: Prediction of
Chemical Stability of Pharmaceuticals," Int. J. Pharm. 293 (1–2),
Author guidelines are available on Pharmaceutical
101–125 (2005).
Technology‘s Web site (www.pharmtech.com).Please send
15. L. Bell, "Water Activity and Reaction Rates/Physical Properties/
Shelf-Life," IFT Fundamentals of Water Activity Short Course pre-
submissions to Kaylynn Chiarello-Ebner,
sented at the 2002 Annual Conference of the Institute Food Tech-
nologists, Anaheim, CA, 2002.
16. AOAC, "Water Activity of Canned Vegetables" in Official Methods
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Pharmaceutical Technology FEBRUARY 2007
Source: http://optris.be/pdf/water%20activity%20vs%20moisture%20content.pdf
Final Draft of the original manuscript: Yang, X.; Zhao, L.; Almasy, L.; Garamus, V.M.; Zou, A.; Willumeit, R.; Fan, S.: Preparation and characterization of 4-dedimethylamino sancycline (CMT-3) loaded nanostructured lipid carrier (CMT-3/NLC) formulations In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2013) Elsevier DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.04.021
Keep Your Brain Young: Read, Be Bilingual, Drink Coffee Stephen Krashen Published in: Language Magazine, October, 2010 My grandfather told me about senility, I'm not worried about that. My grandfather said, "When you become senile, you won't know it." (Bill Cosby) There are three things you can do to stay young mentally and you can do all three at the same time. Read: Older people who read more do better on tests of mental ability. If fact they do a lot better. The standard test used to detect dementia is the MMSE, a short test of arithmetic, memory and spatial relations. A research team (Galluccia et al, 2009) found that older people (average age 84) who said they read novels and non-fiction averaged 27.3 on the MMSE, which is in the normal range (27-30). Those who said they only read newspapers averaged 26, which is just below normal (20-26 = "some impairment), but those who said they did no reading averaged 21, well inside the "impaired" range). Smith (1996) reported that in general older people do not do as well as younger people on reading tests. But older (e.g. age 65 and older) who said they wide variety of types of reading, or genres (e.g. fiction, current affairs or history, religion/inspiration, science/social science/) not only read better than their age-mates who read less widely, but read just as well as younger adults (age 19 to 24) who read just one type of reading material. Smith concludes that " …extensive reading practice may help to ameliorate possible cognitive declines later in life" (p. 217). A popular research design in dementia studies is to test older people who don't have any signs of problems, and then retest them years later, comparing those who develop problems and those who don't, called "prospective" studies. In one prospective study, Verghese et. al. (2003) reported that 68% of those who developed dementia five years after initial testing said they read books or newspapers frequently (at least several times per week), but 86% of those who did not were frequent readers, a significant difference. Geda and colleagues (2009) recently reported similar results.