Facsimile di programma

MAGGI STEFANIA, nata a Montichiari (BS), il 14.4.1958 Qualifica
Possibili qualifiche:
DIRIGENTE DI RICERCA CNR-Istituto di Neuroscienze - Invecchiamento Padova 1. Docente con titolo ufficiale 2. Esperto professionale
Istruzione e formazione
Indicare i titoli posseduti; indicare
solo le voci indispensabili a
Nome e tipo d'organizzazione stabilire la competenza
Titolo della qualifica erogatrice dell'istruzione e (ad es. se si è in possesso di titolo conseguimento rilasciata formazione di laurea non è necessario indicare il diploma di scuola superiore conseguito) Diploma di scuola superiore Diploma professionale Diploma universitario Medicina e chirurgia Università di Padova Laurea specialistica Specializzazioni Geriatria e gerontologia Università di Padova Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, US Dottorato di ricerca Fisiopatologia Clinica Università di Padova Presidente, Sezione Clinica, Società Italiana di Gerontologia e
Geriatria, dal Gennaio 2015
Presidente, Società Europea di Geriatria
European Union of
Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) (sede a Vienna) 2016-2017
Member, Board of Directors, American Federation for Aging
Research (AFAR), dal 2001 (sede a New York, NY, US)
Member, Program Committee IAGG world congress, 2017 San
Esperienza professionale
Francisco (USA), 2014-2017 Iniziare con le informazioni più recenti ed elencare separatamente ciascun impiego Member, Evaluation panel for the Swedish Research Council
ricoperto solo se pertinente ai
contenuti del corso specifico
Medicine & Health, dal 2010 (se necessario aggiungere delle Member, Evaluation panel IMI-JU-9- 2013
Director, Academic Board EUGMS, dal 2010-2013

Direttore Scientifico, Fondazione Dieta Mediterranea (Ostuni, BR)
Dal 2010
Presidente, Sezione Veneto-Trentino Alto Adige della Società
Italiana di Geriatria e Gerontologia (2006-2008)
Membro eletto del Comitato d'Istituto dell'Istituto di Neuroscienze
del CNR, dal 2000 al 2008

Membro, Consiglio Scientifico,
Fondazione Leonardo per le Scienze
Mediche, dal 2006 (sede a Abano Terme)
Membro, board of Directors, European Society for Cardiovascular
Prevention (secretary), dal 2004 (sede a Genova)

, core management group, Share project, European
Commission Research Directorates General, shared cost, RTD, dal
Membro, Board of Directors, Mediterranean Society for
Osteoporosis and other Skeletal Diseases, dal 2000 (sede a Roma)
Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione e Direttore
Consorzio di ricerca Luigi Amaducci, dal 2000 (sede a

MIUR, DAL 2011
Attività scientifiche e
Iniziare con le informazioni più recenti ed elencarle solo se
Progetti europei
pertinenti ai contenuti del
corso specifico

, core management group, Share project, European
Commission Research Directorates General, shared cost, RTD
(Project QLK6-CT-2001-00360 e SHARE-I3, RII-CT-2006-062193)

Principal Investigator, EPOSA project
Coordinated by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2009-2013

, NUTRAGE, Nutrition in old age – The State of art
Accompanying measure European Commission, Proposal n° QLAM-
2001-00007, 2001-2002 (6.11.2001 prot. MW/GK/da D (2001)

Project leader, Progetto Europeo
"Cross-national determinants of
quality of life and health services for the elderly". European
Commission Research Directorates General, shared cost, RTD
proposal form QLRT 2000-00664, 2001-2004.
Coordinatrice Progetto Finalizzato Sanità
" L'anziano nella rete
dei servizi: l'uso dei dati amministrativi per l'integrazione e la
continuita' dell'assistenza geriatrica" (SISAV2) Ministero della
Salute, 2005-2006

Responsabile Scientifico, Progetto Finalizzato Sanità
" Creazione
di un sistema di Indicatori dello stato di salute della popolazione
anziana " (SISAV), Ministero della Salute, 2004-2005

Responsabile Scientifico, Unità di coordinamento del progetto
"Registro delle Fratture del femore: dall'ospedalizzazione
all'assistenza domiciliare"2002-2005

Coordinatrice, Unità di coordinamento generale del Progetto
"Fattori biologici predittivi di invecchiamento patologico in una
coorte di anziani italiani di 65-94 anni", 2001-2004

Responsabile Scientifico, Progetto Finalizzato Sanità
" Registro
delle demenze: valutazione della fattibilità", Ministero della Sanità,

Responsabile Scientifico, Unità Operativa del Progetto Strategico
: Strategie di prevenzione delle disabilità e delle patologie
croniche invalidanti di rilevanza sociale:
"Fratture osteoporotiche":
"Creazione di un registro nazionale delle fratture del femore",
Ministero della Sanità - Dipartimento della Programmazione,
Programma per la ricerca finalizzata 1999-2001, su incarico Istituti
Ortopedici Rizzoli di Bologna
Responsabile, Unità di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica del Progetto
Finalizzato Sanità
: "Veneto Elderly care" Ministero della Sanità -
Dipartimento della Programmazione, Programma per la ricerca
finalizzata 1998-2001
Coordinatrice, Programma Triennale della Regione Veneto per
lo Studio dell'Invecchiamento e della Longevità
(DG 1721 del 24
Giugno, 2008-2011)

Coordinatrice, Progetto Finalizzato Sanità Regione Veneto
Studio di fattibilità della creazione di un registro regionale delle
demenze", 1999-2001 (contratto Reg. Veneto, prot. 11492/145.21
del 1.9.2000)

Responsabile Scientifico, Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata su "Il
servizio Ospedaliero nel Nuovo Sistema Sanitario - L'assistenza
all'anziano", 1997 (contratto Reg. Veneto, prot. 2666/RG del
Coordinatrice, Progetto di Ricerca Regionale
su "Qualità della vita
dell'Anziano nel Veneto" , 1988-1990 (contratto regione Veneto,
Ass. politiche sociali del 12.6.1988)

membro dell'editorial board di:
Aging. Clinical and Experimental Research (Editor in Chief ),
Springer ed.
Ageing and Aging, Oxford University Press

Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Osteoporosis International, Springer-Verlag (London) Iniziare con le informazioni più The Journals of Gerontology, Oxford University Press Sindrome Metabolica e Malattie Cardiovascolari, Kurtis ed. (MI) Giornale Italiano di Gerontologia e Geriatria, Pacini ed. (FI) Demenze, CIC ed, Roma Giornale di Neuropsichiatria Geriatrica, CIC ed, Roma Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità Metabolismo Oggi, Elsevier Masson ed Member, International Advisory Board of the Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine, 3rd edition, 2014 Dichiaro di essere informato ai sensi e per gli effetti dell'art. 13 del D.lgs 196/2003, che il presente curriculum verrà allegato al programma dell'evento formativo XXXXXXX e pubblicato nella banca dati presente nel sito http:// ecm.regione.veneto.it, a tal fine presto il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ivi contenuti. Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Mazzola P, Rimoldi SM, Rossi P, Noale M, Rea F, Facchini C, Maggi S, Corrao G, Annoni G. Aging in Italy: The Need for New Welfare Strategies in an Old Country. Gerontologist. 2015 Nov 9. pii: gnv152. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26553737. van Schoor NM, Zambon S, Castell MV, Cooper C, Denkinger M, Dennison EM, Edwards MH, Herbolsheimer F, Maggi S, Sánchez-Martinez M, Pedersen NL, Peter R, Schaap LA, Rijnhart JJ, van der Pas S, Deeg DJ. Impact of clinical osteoarthritis of the hip, knee and hand on self-rated health in six European countries: the European Project on OSteoArthritis. Qual Life Res. 2015 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26547441. Veronese N, Maggi S, Noale M, De Rui M, Bolzetta F, Zambon S, Corti MC, Sartori L, Musacchio E, Baggio G, Perissinotto E, Crepaldi G, Manzato E, Sergi G. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Osteoarthritis in Older People: The Progetto Veneto Anziani Study. Rejuvenation Res. 2015 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:26540555. Zambon S, Siviero P, Denkinger M, Limongi F, Castell MV, van der Pas S, Otero Á, Edwards MH, Peter R, Pedersen NL, Sánchez-Martinez M, Dennison EM, Gesmundo A, Schaap LA, Deeg DJ, van Schoor NM, Maggi S; EPOSA Research Group. Osteoarthritis, comorbidity and pain: Their role in determining functional limitations in older populations (European project on Osteoarthritis). Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2015 Oct 16. doi: 10.1002/acr.22755. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26474272. Timmermans EJ, Schaap LA, Herbolsheimer F, Dennison EM, Maggi S, Pedersen NL, Castell MV, Denkinger MD, Edwards MH, Limongi F, Sánchez-Martínez M, Siviero P, Queipo R, Peter R, van der Pas S, Deeg DJ; EPOSA Research Group. The Influence of Weather Conditions on Joint Pain in Older People with Osteoarthritis: Results from the European Project on OSteoArthritis. J Rheumatol. 2015 Oct;42(10):1885-92. Gonnelli S, Caffarelli C, Rossi S, Siviero P, Maggi S, Crepaldi G, Nuti R. The Trochanteric Localization is a Mediator of Slower Short-Term Functional Recovery in Overweight and Obese Elderly Women with Recent Hip Fracture: The BREAK Study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2015 Dec;97(6):560-7. Veronese N, Cereda E, Solmi M, Fowler SA, Manzato E, Maggi S, Manu P, Abe E, Hayashi K, Allard JP, Arendt BM, Beck A, Chan M, Audrey YJ, Lin WY, Hsu HS, Lin CC, Diekmann R, Kimyagarov S, Miller M, Cameron ID, Pitkälä KH, Lee J, Woo J, Nakamura K, Smiley D, Umpierrez G, Rondanelli M, Sund-Levander M, Valentini L, Schindler K, Törmä J, Volpato S, Zuliani G, Wong M, Lok K, Kane JM, Sergi G, Correll CU. Inverse relationship between body mass index and mortality in older nursing home residents: a meta-analysis of 19,538 elderly subjects. Obes Rev. 2015 Nov;16(11):1001-15. Strandberg T, Pietikäinen S, Maggi S, Harkin M, Petermans J; EUGMS. Against age discrimination. Lancet. 2015 Jul25;386(9991):337-8 Angleman SB, Santoni G, Pilotto A, Fratiglioni L, Welmer AK; MPI_AGE Project Investigators. Multidimensional Prognostic Index in Association with Future Mortality and Number of Hospital Days in a Population-Based Sample of Older Adults: Results of the EU Funded MPI_AGE Project. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 29;10(7) Herbolsheimer F, Schaap LA, Edwards MH, Maggi S, Otero Á, Timmermans EJ, Denkinger MD, van der Pas S, Dekker J, Cooper C, Dennison EM, van Schoor NM, Peter R; EPOSA Study Group. Physical activity patterns among older adults with and without knee osteoarthritis in six European Countries. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2015 Jul 20. doi: 10.1002/acr.22669. Reginster JY, Reiter-Niesert S, Bruyère O, Berenbaum F, Brandi ML, Branco J, Devogelaer JP, Herrero-Beaumont G, Kanis J, Maggi S, Maheu E, Richette P, Rizzoli R, Cooper C. Recommendations for an update of the 2010 European regulatory guideline on clinical investigation of medicinal products used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and reflections about related clinically relevant outcomes: expert consensus statement. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2015 Jul 14. pii: S1063-4584(15)01231-5. Review. Noale M, Veronese N, Cavallo Perin P, Pilotto A, Tiengo A, Crepaldi G, Maggi S. Polypharmacy in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes receiving oral antidiabetic treatment. Acta Diabetol. 2015 Jul 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26155958. Pilotto A, Panza F, Copetti M, Simonato M, Sancarlo D, Gallina P, Strandberg T; MPI_AGE Project Investigators. Statin Treatment and Mortality in Community-Dwelling Frail Older Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Observational Study. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 25;10(6):e0130946. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331,288 participants. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015 Aug;3(8):624-37. Arden N, Richette P, Cooper C, Bruyère O, Abadie E, Branco J, Brandi ML, Berenbaum F, Clerc C, Dennison E, Devogelaer JP, Hochberg M, D'Hooghe P, Herrero-Beaumont G, Kanis JA, Laslop A, Leblanc V, Maggi S, Mautone G, Pelletier JP, Petit- Dop F, Reiter-Niesert S, Rizzoli R, Rovati L, Tajana Messi E, Tsouderos Y, Martel-Pelletier J, Reginster JY. Can We Identify Patients with High Risk of Osteoarthritis Progression Who Will Respond to Treatment? A Focus on Biomarkers and Frailty. Drugs Aging. 2015 Jul;32(7):525-35. PubMed PMID: 26085027; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4516900. Veronese N, Bolzetta F, De Rui M, Maggi S, Noale M, Zambon S, Corti MC, Toffanello ED, Baggio G, Perissinotto E, Crepaldi G, Manzato E, Sergi G. Serum uric acid and incident osteoporotic fractures in old people: The PRO.V.A study. Bone. 2015 Oct;79:183-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2015.06.005. Epub 2015 Jun 12. PubMed PMID: 26079996. Veronese N, De Rui M, Bolzetta F, Zambon S, Corti MC, Baggio G, Toffanello ED, Maggi S, Crepaldi G, Perissinotto E, Manzato E, Sergi G. Orthostatic Changes in Blood Pressure and Mortality in the Elderly: The Pro.V.A Study. Am J Hypertens. 2015 Oct;28(10):1248-56. PubMed PMID: 25767137. Veronese N, De Rui M, Bolzetta F, Toffanello ED, Coin A, Zambon S, Corti MC, Baggio G, Perissinotto E, Maggi S, Crepaldi G, Manzato E, Sergi G. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and the Incidence of Peripheral Artery Disease in the Elderly: The Pro.V.A Study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2015 Jul 23;22(7):726-34. doi: 10.5551/jat.28134. Epub 2015 Jan 31. PubMed PMID: 25739824. Abbatecola AM, Bo M, Barbagallo M, Incalzi RA, Pilotto A, Bellelli G, Maggi S, Paolisso G; Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG), Florence, Italy. Severe hypoglycemia is associated with antidiabetic oral treatment compared with insulin analogs in nursing home patients with type 2 diabetes and dementia: results from the DIMORA study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2015 Apr;16(4):349.e7-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2014.12.014. Epub 2015 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 25669671. Maggi S, Gabutti G, Franco E, Bonanni P, Conversano M, Ferro A, Lazzari M, Rossi A, Scotti S, Vitale F, Volpi A, Greco D. Preventing and managing herpes zoster: key actions to foster healthy aging. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2015 Feb;27(1):5-11. doi: 10.1007/s40520-015-0314-7. Epub 2015 Feb 5. PubMed PMID: 25652328. Gabutti G, Franco E, Bonanni P, Conversano M, Ferro A, Lazzari M, Maggi S, Rossi A, Scotti S, Vitale F, Volpi A, Greco D. Reducing the burden of Herpes Zoster in Italy. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015;11(1):101-7. doi: 10.4161/hv.34363. Epub 2014 Nov 1. PubMed PMID: 25483522; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4514152. Bernabei R, Bonuccelli U, Maggi S, Marengoni A, Martini A, Memo M, Pecorelli S, Peracino AP, Quaranta N, Stella R, Lin FR; For the participants in the Workshop on Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults. Hearing loss and cognitive decline in older adults: questions and answers. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2014 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25281432. Noale M, Nardi M, Limongi F, Siviero P, Caregaro L, Crepaldi G, Maggi S; Mediterranean Diet Foundation Study Group. Adolescents in southern regions of Italy adhere to the Mediterranean diet more than those in the northern regions. Nutr Res. 2014 Sep;34(9):771-9. Valentini E, Giantin V, Voci A, Iasevoli M, Zurlo A, Pengo V, Maggi S, Pegoraro R, Catarini M, Andrigo M, Storti M, Manzato E. Artificial Nutrition and Hydration in Terminally Ill Patients with Advanced Dementia: Opinions and Correlates among Italian Physicians and Nurses. J Palliat Med. 2014 Oct;17(10):1143-9. Marseglia A, Xu W, Rizzuto D, Ferrari C, Whisstock C, Brocco E, Fratiglioni L, Crepaldi G, Maggi S. Cognitive functioning among patients with diabetic foot. J Diabetes Complications. 2014 Jul 15. pii: S1056-8727(14)00205-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2014.07.005. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25127250. Gabutti G, Franco E, Bonanni P, Conversano M, Ferro A, Lazzari M, Maggi S, Rossi A, Scotti S, Vitale F, Volpi A, Greco D. Reducing the burden of Herpes Zoster in Italy. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2014 Aug 7;11(1). [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25115196. Gennaro N, Maggi S, Pellizzari M, Carlucci F, Pilotto A, Saugo M. Early implementation of home care and 30 day readmissions in >65 years Veneto region patients discharged for heart failure and with disability. Assist Inferm Ric. 2014 Apr- Jun;33(2):67-73 Edwards MH, van der Pas S, Denkinger MD, Parsons C, Jameson KA, Schaap L, Zambon S, Castell MV, Herbolsheimer F, Nasell H, Sanchez-Martinez M, Otero A, Nikolaus T, van Schoor NM, Pedersen NL, Maggi S, Deeg DJ, Cooper C, Dennison E. Relationships between physical performance and knee and hip osteoarthritis: findings from the European Project on Osteoarthritis (EPOSA). Age Ageing. 2014 Jun 10. Limongi F, Noale M, Crepaldi G, Maggi S; ILSA Working Group. Prevalence of diabetes and depressive symptomatology and their effect on mortality risk in elderly Italians: The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Diabetes Metab. 2014 May 28. Franco E, Gabutti G, Bonanni P, Conversano M, Stefano Valente ME, Ferro A, Icardi G, Antonio Volpi ML, Maggi S, Rossi A, Scotti S, Vitale F, Greco D. Herpes Zoster and its prevention in Italy. Scientific consensus statement Ig Sanita Pubbl. 2014 Jan-Feb;70(1):111-27 Pilotto A, Noale M, Maggi S, Addante F, Tiengo A, Perin PC, Rengo G, Crepaldi G. Hypoglycemia is independently associated with multidimensional impairment in elderly diabetic patients. Biomed Res Int. 2014:906103. Ferrarini L, van Lew B, Reiber JH, Gandin C, Galluzzo L, Scafato E, Frisoni GB, Milles J, Pievani M; IPREA Working Group (Italian PRoject on Epidemiology of Alzheimer's disease). Hippocampal atrophy in people with memory deficits: results from the population-based IPREA study. Int Psychogeriatr. 2014 Jul;26(7):1067-81. Maggi S, Siviero P, Brocco E, Albertin M, Romanato G, Crepaldi G. Vitamin D deficiency, serum leptin and osteoprotegerin levels in older diabetic patients: an input to new research avenues. Acta Diabetol. 2014 Jun;51(3):461-9. Giantin V, Valentini E, Iasevoli M, Falci C, Siviero P, De Luca E, Maggi S, Martella B, Orrù G, Crepaldi G, Monfardini S, Terranova O, Manzato E. Does the Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI), based on a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), predict mortality in cancer patients? Results of a prospective observational trial. J Geriatr Oncol. 2013 Jul;4(3):208-17. Noale M, Limongi F, Zambon S, Crepaldi G, Maggi S. Incidence of dementia: evidence for an effect modification by gender. The ILSA Study. Int Psychogeriatr. 2013 Aug 2:1-10 Baldereschi M, Inzitari M, Di Carlo A, Bovis F, Maggi S, Capurso A, Solfrizzi V, Panza F, Scafato E, Inzitari D; ILSA Working Group. Vascular factors predict polyneuropathy in a non-diabetic elderly population. Neurol Sci. 2013 Jun;34(6):955-62. Iasevoli M, Giantin V, Voci A, Valentini E, Zurlo A, Maggi S, Siviero P, Orrù G, Crepaldi G, Pegoraro R, Manzato E. Discussing end-of-life care issues with terminally ill patients and their relatives: comparisons among physicians, nurses and psychologists. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2012 Jun;24(3 Suppl):35-42. Maggi S, Noale M, Pilotto A, Tiengo A, Cavallo Perin P, Crepaldi G; Metabolic Working Group. The METABOLIC Study: Multidimensional assessment of health and functional status in older patients with type 2 diabetes taking oral antidiabetic treatment. Diabetes Metab. 2013 May;39(3):236-43. van der Pas S, Castell MV, Cooper C, Denkinger M, Dennison EM, Edwards MH, Herbolsheimer F, Limongi F, Lips P, Maggi S, Nasell H, Nikolaus T, Otero A, Pedersen NL, Peter R, Sanchez-Martinez M, Schaap LA, Zambon S, van Schoor NM, Deeg DJ. European project on osteoarthritis: design of a six-cohort study on the personal and societal burden of osteoarthritis in an older European population. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2013 Apr 18;14(1):138. Pilotto A, Gallina P, Fontana A, Sancarlo D, Bazzano S, Copetti M, Maggi S, Paroni G, Marcato F, Pellegrini F, Donato D, Ferrucci L. Development and validation of a Multidimensional Prognostic Index for mortality based on a standardized Multidimensional Assessment Schedule (MPI-SVaMA) in community-dwelling older subjects. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013 Apr;14(4):287-92. Danaei G, Singh GM, Paciorek CJ, Lin JK, Cowan MJ, Finucane MM, Farzadfar F, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Lu Y, Rao M, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group. The global cardiovascular risk transition: associations of four metabolic risk factors with national income, urbanization, and Western diet in 1980 and 2008. Circulation. 2013 Apr 9;127(14):1493-502 Solfrizzi V, Scafato E, Frisardi V, Seripa D, Logroscino G, Kehoe PG, Imbimbo BP, Baldereschi M, Crepaldi G, Di Carlo A, Galluzzo L, Gandin C, Inzitari D, Maggi S, Pilotto A, Panza F; Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging Working Group. Angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors and incidence of mild cognitive impairment. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Age (Dordr). 2013Apr;35(2):441-53. Gonnelli S, Caffarelli C, Maggi S, Rossi S, Siviero P, Gandolini G, Cisari C, Rossini M, Iolascon G, Letizia Mauro G, Crepaldi G, Nuti R; BREAK Study Group. The assessment of vertebral fractures in elderly women with recent hip fractures: the BREAK Study. Osteoporos Int. 2013 Apr;24(4):1151-9. Solfrizzi V, Scafato E, Frisardi V, Seripa D, Logroscino G, Maggi S, Imbimbo BP, Galluzzo L, Baldereschi M, Gandin C, Di Carlo A, Inzitari D, Crepaldi G, Pilotto A, Panza F; Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging Working Group. Frailty syndrome and the risk of vascular dementia: the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Alzheimers Dement. 2013 Mar;9(2):113-22. Noale M, Maggi S, Zanoni S, Limongi F, Zambon S, Crepaldi G. Lipid risk factors among elderly with normal fasting glucose, impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The Italian longitudinal study on aging. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Mar;23(3):220-6. Cederholm T, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Maggi S. Sarcopenia and fragility fractures. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 Feb;49(1):111-7. Noale M, Limongi F, Scafato E, Maggi S, Crepaldi G. Longevity and health expectancy in an ageing society: implications for public health in Italy. Ann Ist Super Sanità. 2012;48(3):292-9. Scafato E, Galluzzo L, Ghirini S, Gandin C, Rossi A, Solfrizzi V, Panza F, Di Carlo A, Maggi S, Farchi G; ILSA Working Group. Changes in severity of depressive symptoms and mortality: the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Psychol Med. 2012 Dec;42(12):2619-29. Giantin V, Siviero P, Simonato M, Iasevoli M, Pengo V, Andrigo M, Storti M, Valentini E, Pegoraro R, Maggi S, Crepaldi G, Manzato E. Physicians' and nurses' experiences of end-of-life decision-making in geriatric settings. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2012 Oct;24(5):537-47. Bellelli G, Noale M, Guerini F, Turco R, Maggi S, Crepaldi G, Trabucchi M. A prognostic model predicting recovery of walking independence of elderly patients after hip-fracture surgery. An experiment in a rehabilitation unit in Northern Italy. Osteoporos Int. 2012 Aug;23(8):2189-2200 Noale M, Maggi S, Gonnelli S, Limongi F, Zanoni S, Zambon S, Rozzini R, Crepaldi G; ESOPO Study Working Group. Quantitative ultrasound criteria for risk stratification in clinical practice: a comparative assessment. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012 Jul;38(7):1138-44. Solfrizzi V, Scafato E, Frisardi V, Sancarlo D, Seripa D, Logroscino G, Baldereschi M, Crepaldi G, Di Carlo A, Galluzzo L, Gandin C, Inzitari D, Maggi S, Pilotto A, Panza F; Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging Working Group. Frailty syndrome and all-cause mortality in demented patients: the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Age (Dordr). 2012 Apr;34(2):507-17 Zambon S, Maggi S, Zanoni S, Romanato G, Noale M, Corti MC, Sartori L, Musacchio E, Baggio G, Sergi G, Crepaldi G, Manzato E. Association of single measurement of estimated glomerular filtration rate and non-quantitative dipstick proteinuria with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the elderly. Results from the Progetto Veneto Anziani (Pro.V.A.) Study. Atherosclerosis. 2012 Jan;220(1):201-7 Noale M, Maggi S, Crepaldi G. Osteoporosis among Italian women at risk: the OSTEOLAB study. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(6):529-33. Pilotto A, Panza F, Sancarlo D, Paroni G, Maggi S, Ferrucci L. Usefulness of the multidimensional prognostic index (MPI) in the management of older patients with chronic kidney disease. J Nephrol. 2012;25 Suppl 19:S79-84. Panza F, Solfrizzi V, Logroscino G, Maggi S, Santamato A, Seripa D, Pilotto A. Current epidemiological approaches to the metabolic-cognitive syndrome. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;30 Suppl 2:S31-75. Review. Toffanello ED, Perissinotto E, Sergi G, Zambon S, Musacchio E, Maggi S, Coin A, Sartori L, Corti MC, Baggio G, Crepaldi G, Manzato E. Vitamin D and physical performance in elderly subjects: the Pro.V.A study. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e34950. Schaap LA, Peeters GM, Dennison EM, Zambon S, Nikolaus T, Sanchez-Martinez M, Musacchio E, van Schoor NM, Deeg DJ; EPOSA research group. European Project on OSteoArthritis (EPOSA): methodological challenges in harmonization of existing data from five European population-based cohorts on aging. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 Nov 28;12:272. Buja A, Scafato E, Baggio B, Sergi G, Maggi S, Rausa G, Basile A, Manzato E, Ghirini S, Perissinotto E. Renal impairment and moderate alcohol consumption in the elderly. Results from the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging (ILSA). Public Health Nutr. 2011 Nov;14(11):1907-18. Panza F, Solfrizzi V, Frisardi V, Maggi S, Sancarlo D, Adante F, D'Onofrio G, Seripa D, Pilotto A. Different models of frailty in predementia and dementia syndromes. J Nutr Health Aging. 2011 Aug;15(8):711-9. Review. Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lu Y, Singh GM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, Lin JK, Farzadfar F, Khang YH, Stevens GA, Rao M, Ali MK, Riley LM, Robinson CA, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Blood Glucose). National, regional, and global trends in fasting plasma glucose and diabetes prevalence since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 370 country-years and 2•7 million participants. Lancet. 2011 Jul 2;378(9785):31-40. Pilotto A, Maggi S, Noale M, Franceschi M, Parisi G, Crepaldi G. Association of upper gastrointestinal symptoms with functional and clinical charateristics in elderly. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jul 7;17(25):3020-6. Maggi S, Siviero P, Gonnelli S, Caffarelli C, Gandolini G, Cisari C, Rossini M, Iolascon G, Mauro GL, Nuti R, Crepaldi G; Break Study Group. The burden of previous fractures in hip fracture patients. The Break Study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2011 Jun;23(3):183-6. Noale M, Maggi S, Zanoni S, Limongi F, Zambon S, Crepaldi G; ILSA working group. The metabolic syndrome, incidence of diabetes and mortality among the elderly: the Italian Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Diabetes Metab. 2012 Apr;38(2):135-41. Resmini G, Migliaccio S, Dalle Carbonare L, Sala U, Brama M, Fornari R, Maggi S, Siviero P, Malavolta N, Iolascon G. Differential characteristics of bone quality and bone turnover biochemical markers in patients with hip fragility fractures and hip osteoarthritis: results of a clinical pilot study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2011 Apr;23(2):99-105 Fusaro M, Crepaldi G, Maggi S, D'Angelo A, Calo L, Miozzo D, Fornasieri A, Gallieni M. Bleeding, vertebral fractures and vascular calcifications in patients treated with warfarin: hope for lower risks with alternative therapies. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2011 Nov;9(6):763-9. Review. Gonnelli S, Caffarelli C, Maggi S, Guglielmi G, Siviero P, Rossi S, Crepaldi G, Nuti R; EOLO study group. Effect of inhaled glucocorticoids and beta(2) agonists on vertebral fracture risk in COPD patients: the EOLO study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2010 Aug;87(2):137-43 Carli V, Roy A, Bevilacqua L, Maggi S, Cesaro C, Sarchiapone M. Insomnia and suicidal behaviour in prisoners. Psychiatry Res. 2010 May 24. Rozzini R, Sleiman I, Ranhoff A, Maggi S, Trabucchi M. Decision making in patients affected by severe dementia and pneumonia. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2011 Apr;26(4):440 Fusaro M, Crepaldi G, Maggi S, Galli F, D'Angelo A, Calò L, Giannini S, Miozzo D, Gallieni M. Vitamin K, bone fractures, and vascular calcifications in chronic kidney disease: an important but poorly studied relationship. J Endocrinol Invest. 2011 Apr;34(4):317-23. Carli V, Jovanović N, Podlesek A, Roy A, Rihmer Z, Maggi S, Marusic D, Cesaro C, Marusic A, Sarchiapone M. The role of impulsivity in self-mutilators, suicide ideators and suicide attempters - a study of 1265 male incarcerated individuals. J Affect Disord. 2010 Jun;123(1-3):116-22. Scafato E, Gandin C, Galluzzo L, Ghirini S, Cacciatore F, Capurso A, Solfrizzi V, Panza F, Cocchi A, Consoli D, Enzi G, Frisoni GB, Gandolfo C, Giampaoli S, Inzitari D, Maggi S, Crepaldi G, Mariotti S, Mecocci P, Motta M, Negrini R, Postacchini D, Rengo F, Farchi G; I.PR.E.A. Working Group (Italian PRoject on Epidemiology of Alzheimer's disease). Prevalence of Aging- Associated Cognitive Decline - AACD in an Italian elderly population: results from the cross sectional phase of the Italian PRoject on the Epidemiology of Alzheimer's disease (I.PR.E.A.). Aging Clin Exp Res. 2010 Apr 9. Maggi S. Vaccination and healthy aging. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2010 Mar;9(3 Suppl):3-6. Review. Berto P, Maggi S, Noale M, Lopatriello S. Risedronate versus alendronate in older patients with osteoporosis at high risk of fracture: an Italian cost-effectiveness analysis. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2010 Apr;22(2):179-88. Negrini G, Liverani S, De Biasio V, Maggi S, Maurizi P, Nardacchione V, Turri V, Volpe L, Zanolla G, La Pietra L. [Quality of the documents requesting and reporting CT scans: a retrospective study in four Italian hospitals]. Ig Sanita Pubbl. 2010 Jan-Feb;66(1):9-32 Siviero P, Tonin P, Maggi S. Functional limitations of upper limbs in older diabetic individuals. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2009 Dec;21(6):458-62. Solfrizzi V, Scafato E, Capurso C, D'Introno A, Colacicco AM, Frisardi V, endemiale G, Baldereschi M, Crepaldi G, Di Carlo A, Galluzzo L, Gandin C, Inzitari D, Maggi S, Capurso A, Panza F; for the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging Working Group. Metabolic syndrome, mild cognitive impairment, and progression to dementia. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2009 Dec 30. Solfrizzi V, Scafato E, Capurso C, D'Introno A, Colacicco AM, Frisardi V, Vendemiale G, Baldereschi M, Crepaldi G, Di Carlo A, Galluzzo L, Gandin C, Inzitari D, Maggi S, Capurso A, Panza F. Metabolic Syndrome and the Risk of Vascular Dementia. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009 Dec 3. Buja A, Scafato E, Sergi G, Maggi S, Suhad MA, Rausa G, Coin A, Baldi I, Manzato E, Galluzzo L, Enzi G, Perissinotto E. Alcohol consumption and metabolic syndrome in the elderly: results from the Italian longitudinal study on aging. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009 Nov 25. Rozzini R, Sleiman I, Maggi S, Noale M, Trabucchi M. Gender differences and health status in old and very old patients. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2009 Oct;10(8):554-8. Perissinotto E., Buja A., Maggi S., Enzi G., Manzato E., Scafato E., Mastrangelo G., Frigo A.C., Coin A., Crepaldi G., Sergi G., for the ILSA Working Group: Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular risk factors in older lifelong wine drinkers: The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 19695851, Aug 18, 2009 March A., Aschbacher R., Dhanji H., Livermore D.M., Böttcher A., Sleghel F., Maggi S., Noale M., Larcher C., Woodford N: Colonization of residents and staff of a long-term care facility and adjacent acute-hospital geriatric unit by multi-resistant bacteria. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 19686277, Aug 17, 2009 Franceschi M, Di Mario F, Leandro G, Maggi S, Pilotto A. Acid-related disorders in the elderly. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2009;23(6):839-48. Pilotto A., Maggi S., Noale M., Franceschi M., Parisi G., Crepaldi G., on behalf of the IPOD Investigators: Development and Validation of a New Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms in the Elderly Population: A Multicenter Study. J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. [Epub ahead of print] Jun 15, 2009 Maggi S., Siviero P., Wetle T., Besdine R.W., Saugo M., Crepaldi G., for the Hip Fracture Study Group: A multicenter survey on profile of care for hip fracture: predictors of mortality and disability. Osteoporos. Int.May 5, 2009 Michel J.P., Chidiac C., Grubeck-Loebenstein B., Johnson R.W., Lambert P.H., Maggi S., Moulias R., Nicholson K., Werner H.: Coalition of advocates to vaccinate of Western European citizens aged 60 years and older. Aging. Clin. Exp. Res. 21 (3): 254- 7, 2009 Maggi S., Siviero P., Gonnelli S., Schiraldi C., Malavolta N., Nuti R., Crepaldi G., EOLO Study Group: Osteoporosis Risk in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The EOLO Study. J. Clin. Densitom. 12 (3): 345-52, 2009 Michel J.P., Chidiac C., Grubeck-Loebenstein B., Johnson R.W., Lambert P.H., Maggi S., Moulias R., Nicholson K., Werner H.: Advocating vaccination of adults aged 60 years and older in Western Europe: statement by the Joint Vaccine Working Group of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society and the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics-European Region. Rejuvenation Res. 12 (2): 127-35, 2009 Maggi S., Limongi F., Noale M., Romanato G., Tonin P., Rozzini R., Scafato E., Crepaldi G., ILSA Study Group: Diabetes as a risk factor for cognitive decline in older patients. Dement. Geriatr. Cogn. 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Psychiatry 17 (2): 144-54, 2009 Nuti R., Siviero P., Maggi S., Guglielmi G., Caffarelli C., Crepaldi G., Gonnelli S.: Vertebral fractures in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the EOLO Study. Osteoporos. Int. 20 (6): 989-98, 2009 Scafato E., Galluzzo L., Gandin C., Ghirini S., Baldereschi M., Capurso A., Maggi S., Farchi G., for The ILSA Working Group: Marital and cohabitation status as predictors of mortality: A 10-year follow-up of an Italian elderly cohort. Soc. Sci. Med. 67 (9): 1456-64, 2008 Panza F., D'Introno A., Colacicco A.M., Capurso C., Del Parigi A., Caselli R.J., Todarello O., Pellicani V., Santamato A., Scapicchio P., Maggi S., Scafato E., Gandin C., Capurso A., Solfrizzi V.: Depressive Symptoms, Vascular Risk Factors and Mild Cognitive Impairment. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Dement. Geriatr. Cogn. 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Res. 19 (5): 344-8, 2007 Maggi S., Noale M., Zambon A., Limongi F., Romanato G., Crepaldi G., for the ILSA Working Group: Validity of the ATP III diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome in an elderly Italian Caucasian population The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Atherosclerosis 197: 877-882, 2007 Maggi S., Noale M., Gonnelli S., Nuti R., Di Munno O., de Feo D., Giannini S., Varenna M., Rossini M., Gandolini G., Isaia G., Adami S., Crepaldi G., for the ESOPO Study Group.Quantitative Ultrasound Calcaneous Measurements: Normative Data for the Italian Population. The ESOPO Study. J. Clin. Densitom. 10 (3): 340-6, 2007 Maggi S., Noale M., Gallina P., Bianchi D., Marzari C., Limongi F., Crepaldi G., ILSA Working Group: Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in an elderly Caucasian cohort: the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 61 (5): 505-10, 2006 Maggi S., Scafato E.: Is there a role for real life observational studies in integrating knowledge provided by randomized clinical trials? Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 18 (4): 274-6, 2006 Inzitari M., Di Carlo A., Baldereschi M., Pracucci G,. Maggi S., Gandolfo C., Bonaiuto S., Farchi G., Scafato E., Carbonin P., Inzitari D., for the ILSA Working Group. Risk and predictors of motor-performance decline in a normally functioning population- based sample of elderly subjects: the italian longitudinal study on aging. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 54 (2): 318-24, 2006 Maggi S., Noale M., Giannini S., Adami S., de Feo D., Isaia G., Sinigaglia L., Filipponi P., Crepaldi G.: Quantitative heel ultrasound in a population-based study in Italy and its relationship with fracture history: the ESOPO study. Osteoporos. Int. 17 (2): 237-44, 2006 Crepaldi G., Maggi S.: Sarcopenia and osteoporosis: A hazardous duet. J. Endocrinol. Invest. 28 (10 Suppl): 66-8, 2005 Noale M., Maggi S., Marzari C., Limongi F., Gallina P., Bianchi D., Crepaldi G., for the ILSA Working Group: Components of the metabolic syndrome and incidence of diabetes in elderly Italians: The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Atherosclerosis 187: 385-392, 2006 Di Francesco V., Zamboni M., Zoico E., Bortolani A., Maggi S., Bissoli L., Zivelonghi A., Guariento S., Bosello O.: Relationships between leisure-time physical activity, obesity and disability in elderly men. Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 17 (3): 201-6, 2005 Sergi G., Perissinotto E., Pisent C., Buja A., Maggi S., Coin A., Grigoletto F., Enzi G., ILSA Working Group: An adequate threshold for body mass index to detect underweight condition in elderly persons: the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging (ILSA). J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med .Sci. 60 (7): 866-71, 2005 Maggi S.: Review: depression may increase mortality in coronary heart disease. Evid. Based Ment. 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Depressive symptoms and development of CHD events: The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 60 (1): 85-9263, 2005 Noale M., Minicuci N., Bardage C., Gindin J., Nikula S., Pluijm S., Rodríguez-Laso A., Maggi S., CLESA working group. Predictors of mortality: an international comparison of socio-demographic and health characteristics from six longitudinal studies on aging: the CLESA project. Exp. Gerontol. 40 (1-2): 89-99, 2005 Baggio B., Budakovic A., Perissinotto E., Maggi S., Cantaro S., Enzi G., Grigoletto F., for the ILSA Working Group: Atherosclerotic risk factors and renal function in the elderly: the role of hyperfibrinogenaemia and smoking. Results from the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging (ILSA). Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 20: 114-123, 2005 Cacciatore F., Abete P., Maggi S., Luchetti G., Calabrese C., Viati L., Leosco D., Ferrara N., Vitale D.F., Rengo F.: Disability and 6-year mortality in elderly population. Role of visual impairment. Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 16 (5): 382-8, 2004 Maggi S., Noale M., Gallina P., Marzari C., Bianchi D., Limongi F., Crepaldi G., for the ILSA Group:. Physical disability among older Italians with diabetes. The ILSA Study. Diabetologia 47 (11): 1957-62, 2004 Inelmen E.M., Maccari T., Enzi G., Gasparini G., Fuson F., Davanzo B., Tiozzo F., Ancona F., Sergi G., Maggi S.: Helicobacter pylori infection diagnosis in hospitalised elderly patients: the stool antigen test (HpSA) in comparison with other methods. Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 16 (5): 349-55, 2004 Maggi S., Lauretani F., Ferrucci L., Gallina P., Bianchi D., Marzari C., Noale M., Crepaldi G.: The quality of bone: a "magic natural alloy". Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 16 (Suppl. 3): 3-9, 2004 Solfrizzi V., Panza F., Colacicco A.M., D'Introno A., Capurso C., Torres F., Grigoletto F., Maggi S., Del Parigi A., Reiman E.M., Caselli R.J., Scafato E., Farchi G., Capurso A., for the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging Working Group: Vascular risk factors, incidence of MCI, and rates of progression to dementia. Neurology 63: 1882–1891, 2004 Sergi G., Bonometto P., Franchin A., Salmaso R., Militello C., Barbon B., Maggi S.:A case of cutaneous horn in a 99 years old woman. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 52 (10): 1779-80, 2004 Ferrucci L., Guralnik J.M., Studenski S., Fried L.P., Cutler G.B., Walston J.D. and the Intervention on Frailty Working Group: Designing randomized controlled trials aimed at preventing or delaying functional decline and disability in frail older persons: a consensus report. J. Am. Geriatr. 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Res. 15 (4): 328-35, 2003 Brescianini S., Maggi S., Farchi G., Mariotti S., Di Carlo A., Baldereschi M., Inzitari D., for The ILSA Group: Low Total Cholesterol and Increased Risk of Dying: Are Low Levels Clinical Warning Signs in the Elderly? Results from the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J. Am. Geriatr 51 (7):991-996, 2003 Di Carlo A., Baldereschi M., Gandolfo C., Candelise L., Ghetti A., Maggi S., Scafato E., Carbonin P.U., Amaducci L., Inzitari D., for the ILSA working group: Stroke in an elderly population: incidence and impact on survival and daily function. Cerebrovasc. Dis. 16: 141-150, 2003 Adami S., Giannini S., Giorgino R., Isaia G., Maggi S., Sinigaglia L., Filipponi P., Crepaldi G., Di Munno O.:The effect of age, weight, and lifestyle factors on calcaneal quantitative ultrasound: the ESOPO study. Osteoporos. Int. 14 (3): 198-207, 2003 Noale M., Maggi S , Minicuci N., Marzari C., Destro C., Farchi G., Scafato E.,. Baldereschi M, Di Carlo A., Crepaldi G., for the ILSA Working Group: Dementia and Disability: impact on mortality. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. (ILSA).Dement. Geriatric Cogn. Disord. 16: 7-14, 2003 Antonelli Incalzi R., Bellia V., Maggi S., Imperiale C., Capparella O., Catalano F., Carbonin P., Rengo F., Salute Respiratoria nell'Anziano Study Group. Mild to moderate chronic airways disease does not carry an excess risk of cognitive dysfunction. Aging Clin. Exp. Res. 14 (5): 395-401, 2002 Antonelli Incalzi R., Bellia. V, Maggi S., Imperiale C., Capparella O., Pistelli R., Grassi V., Sa.R.A Study Group. Reversible bronchial obstruction and disease-related health status in COPD. Qual. Life Res. 11 (6): 517-25, 2002 Di Carlo A., Baldereschi M., Amaducci L., Lepore V., Bracco L., Maggi S., Bonaiuto S., Perissinotto E., Scarlato G., Farchi G., Inzitari D.: Incidence of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and vascular dementia in Italy. The ILSA Study. J. Am. Geriatr. 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Chest 120 (3): 734-742, 2001 Maggi S., Minicuci N., Langlois J., Pavan M., Enzi G., Crepaldi G.: Prevalence rate of urinary incontinence in community-dwelling elderly individuals: The Veneto Study. J. Gerontol. Med. Sci. 56A (1): M14-18, 2001 Maggi S., Minicuci N., Harris T., Motta L., Baldereschi M., Di Carlo A., Inzitari D., Crepaldi G., for the ILSA Group: High plasma insulin and lipids profile in older individuals. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J. Gerontol. Med. Sci. 56A (4) M1-M7, 2001 Baldereschi M., Di Carlo A., Rocca W.A., Vanni P., Maggi S., Perissinotto E., Grigoletto F., Amaducci L., Inzitari D.: Parkinson's disease and Parkinsonism in a longitudinal study: two-fold higher incidence in men. Neurology 55 (9): 1358-1363, 2000 Langlois J.A., Maggi S., Crepaldi G.: Report of the Workshop on Hip Fracture Registries in Europe. Aging (Milan, Italy) 12 (5): 398-401, 2000 Benagiano G., Maggi S.: Osteoporosis in men: an emerging problem. Aging Male 3 (2): 59-64, 2000 Di Carlo A., Baldereschi M., Amaducci L., Maggi S., Grigoletto F., Scarlato G., Inzitari D.: Cognitive impairment without dementia in older people: prevalence, vascular factors, impact on disability. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 48 (7): 775-782, 2000 Inelmen E.M., Jimenez G., Gatto M., Sergi G., Maarcari T., Gonzales A., Maggi S, Peruzza S., Pisent C, Enzi G.: Dietary intake and nutritional status in Italian Elderly subjects. J. Nutr. Health Aging 4 (2): 91-101, 2000 Zamboni M., Turcato E., Santana H., Maggi S., Harris T., et al.: The relationship between body composition and physical performance in older women. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 47 (12): 1403-8, 1999 Di Carlo A., Baldereschi M., Maggi S., Scarlato G., Inzitari D.: Body-mass index and all-cause mortality in older people: the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. (Letter) 47 (8): 1035, 1999 Di Carlo A., Candelise L., Gandolfo C., Grigoletto F., Volonnino G., Baldereschi M., Maggi S., Scarlato G., Amaducci L.: Influence of different screening procedures on the stroke prevalence estimates. The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Cerebrovasc. Dis. 9 (4): 231-237, 1999 Baldereschi M., Di Carlo A., Maggi S., Grigoletto F., Scarlato G., Amaducci L., Inzitari D. for the ILSA Working Group: Dementia is a major predictor of death among the italian elderly. Neurology 52 (4): 709-713, 1999 Schwartz A., Kelsey J., Maggi S., Tuttleman M., Ho S., Jonsson P.V., Poor G., Sisson de Castro J.A., Xu L., Matkin C.C., Nelson L.M., Heyse S.P.: International variation in the incidence of hip fractures: cross-national project on Osteoporosis for the World Health Organization Program for Research on Aging. Osteoporos. Int. 9 (3): 242-253, 1999 Cacciatore F., Abete P., Ferrara N., Calabrese C., Maggi S., Rengo F.: Congestive heart failure and cognitive impairment in an elderly population. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 46 (11): 1343-1348, 1998 Amaducci L., Maggi S., Langlois J., Minicuci N., Baldereschi M., Di Carlo A., Grigoletto F.: Education and the risk of physical disability and mortality among men and women aged 65 to 84: The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J. Geront. Med. Sci. 53 (6): 484-490, 1998 Maggi S., Minicuci N., Martini A., Langlois J., Siviero P., Pavan M, Enzi G.: Prevalence rates of hearing impairment and comorbid conditions in older people: The Veneto Study. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 46 (9): 1069-1074, 1998 Blanchard F., Papapoulos S., Compston J., Maggi S.: Osteoporosis strategies for prevention. Aging (Milan, Italy) 10 (2): 161- 162, 1998 Baldereschi M., Di Carlo A., Grigoletto F., Lepore V., Bracco L., Maggi S., Scarlato G., Amaducci L.: Estrogen replacement therapy and Alzheimer's disease in the italian longitudinal study on aging. Neurology 50 (4): 996-1002, 1998 Langlois J., Harris T., Davidovic L., Maggi S., Visser M., Li G.: Hip fracture risk in older men is associated with change in body weight from age 50 to old age. Arch. Intern. Med. 158: 990-996, 1998 Acanfora D., Trojano L., Maggi S. et al.: Development and validation of an anamnestic-clinical score for the diagnosis of congestive heart failure. Aging (Milan, Italy) 10 (1): 39-47, 1998 Maggi S., Langlois J., Minicuci N., Grigoletto F., Pavan M., Foley D., Enzi G.: Sleep complaints in community-dwelling older persons: prevalence, associated factors, and reported causes. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 46 (2): 161-168, 1998 Crepaldi G., Maggi S., Rozzini R., Trabucchi M.: Reducing disability among the elderly in Europe (Letter). Lancet, Jan 31, 351 (9099): 375, 1998 Di Carlo A., Baldereschi M., Maggi S., Amaducci L.: Human studies: the longitudinal approach. Aging (Milan, Italy) 9 (6): 442-443, 1997 The ILSA Group. Prevalence of chronic diseases in older italians: Comparing self-reported and clinical diagnosis. Int. J. Epidemiol. 26 (5): 995-1002, 1997 Maggi S. and G.C. Myers: Measuring health care quality. Methodological challenges (editorial) Aging (Milan, Italy) 9 (3): 161- 163, 1997 Cacciatore F., Abete P., Ferrara N, Paolisso G., Amato L, Canonico S., Maggi S.: The role of blood pressure in cognitive impairment in an elderly population. J. Hypertens. 15 (2): 135-142, 1997 Langlois J.A., Maggi S., Harris T., Simonsick E.M., Ferrucci L., Pavan M., Sartori L., Enzi G.: Self-report of difficulty in performing functional activities identifies a broad range of disability in old age. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 44: 1421-1428, 1996 Bacon E., Maggi S., Looker A., Harris T, Nair CR, Giaconi J., Honkanen R, Ho S., Peffers KA, Torring O., Gass R, Gonzales N.: International comparison of hip fracture rates in 1988-89. Osteoporosis International 6: 69-75, 1996 Maggi S., K. Steel.: Planning home care services: which data do we need? Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr. (Suppl 5): 493-498, 1996 Maggi S., Zucchetto M., Grigoletto F., Baldereschi M., Candelise L., Scarpini E., Scarlato G., Amaducci L. for the ILSA group. The Italian longitudinal study on aging (ILSA): design and methods. Aging (Milan, Italy) 6 (6): 464-473, 1994 Baldereschi M., Amato M.P., Nencini P,.Maggi S., Katzman R.: Cross-National interrater agreement on the clinical diagnostic criteria for dementia. Neurology 44: 239-242, 1994 Maggi S.: Researching the health of the elderly. World Health Forum 47(4): 26, 1994 Maggi S.: WHO Program for Research on Aging. In Feinleib M.,ed. Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Data on Aging. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital and Health Statistics 5 (7): 43-50, 1993 Steel K., Maggi S.: Aging - the global issue. Age and Ageing 22: 237-239, 1993 Myers, G., Maggi S: Worldwide population aging: implications for health research. (editorial) Aging (Milan, Italy) 5 (2): 77, 1993 Maggi S., Sorenson A, Steel K.: The need for a strict methodology in dietary surveys: the experience of the WHO osteoporosis project. Aging (Milan, Italy) 5 (2), suppl.1: 23-28, 1993 Ho S., Bacon E., Harris T., Looker A., Maggi S.: Hip fracture rates in Hong Kong and the United States, 1988 through 1989. Am. J. Public Health 83 (5): 694-697, 1993 Fung J., Maggi S., Steel K.: For the good health of senior citizens. World Health Forum 14 (2): 145, 1993 Maggi S. World-Health-Organization - Program For Research On Aging. Conference Information: XVth Congress Of the International-Association-of-Gerontology: Recent Advances In Aging Science, Jul 04-09, 1993 Budapest, Hungary. Recent Advances In Aging Science, Vols I and II: 31-33, 1993 Litvak J., Maggi S.: Aging. Infect Dis Clin North Am 5 (2): 353-63, 1991 Maggi S., Bush T.L., Enzi G., Crepaldi G.: Quality of life among the elderly in Veneto, Italy: a cross national study. Vital and Health Statistics; Series 5 (6). Hyattsville, the National Center for Health Statistics: 211-214, 1991 Maggi S., Kelsey J.L., Litvak J., Heyse S.: Incidence of hip fracture in the elderly: a cross-national analysis. Osteoporosis International 1: 232-241, 1991 Amaducci L., Baldereschi M., Amato M.P., Lippi A., Nencini P., Maggi S., Litvak J.: The World Health Organization cross-national research program on age associated dementias. Aging (Milan, Italy) 3 (1): 89-96, 1991 Maggi S., Bush T.L., Hale W.E.: Diabetes mellitus and other cardiovascular risk factors in an elderly population. Age and Ageing 19: 173, 1990 Bush T.L., Linkins R., Maggi S., Hale W.E.: Blood pressure changes with aging: evidence for a cohort effect. Aging (Milan, Italy) 1 (1): 39, 1989
Selected Book chapters

1. Maggi S, Busetto L, Noale M, Limongi F, Crepaldi G. Obesity: definition and epidemiology. In Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity. From assessment to treatment. Edited by Lenzi A et al, Springer Pub, 2014 2. Destro C, Maggi S, Crepaldi G. Epidemiology of gastrointestinal disorders in the elderly. In Pilotto A, Malfertheiner P, Holt P: Aging and the gastrointestinal tract. Karger Publisher, 2003 3. Crepaldi G, Maggi S, Scafato E, Zanovello L., Theofilatou. The Nutrage Project. Nutrition and Age. Quaderno 1 del CNR Sezione Invecchiamento. Il Poligrafo ed, 2003 4. Maggi S: Epidemiologia delle Malattie Cardiovascolari. Trattato di Medicina Interna: Malattie del cuore e dei vasi. A cura di G. Crepaldi-A. Baritussio, Piccin Editore, 2002 5. Maggi S., Langlois J., Harris T.: Peso corporeo e longevità. In Obesità, edited by O.Bosello, ed.Kurtis , 1998 6. Maggi S.: Osteoporosis. In "Epidemiology of old age", Shah Ebrahim & Alex Kalache eds., British Medical Journal Publications, 1995 7. Maggi S., Litvak J: WHO Program for Research on Aging. Facts and Research in Gerontology. B. Vellas, J.L. Albarede Editors, Springer Publishing, 271:1992 8. Crepaldi G., Maggi S., Baggio G: Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Older Individuals. In: Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease, Edited by Gotto, Lenfant, Paoletti, Soma, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 39-48, 1992

Source: http://www.progettoinvecchiamento.it/uploads/assets/risorse_eventi/Curriculum_Maggi.pdf


L'ABC de l'autorisation judiciaire de soins Je me renseigne, ASSOCIATION DES GROUPES D'INTERVENTION EN DÉFENSE DES DROITS EN SANTÉ MENTALE DU QUÉBEC L'Association des groupes d'intervention en défense des droits en santé mentale du Québec « L'ABC de l'autorisation judiciaire de soins : Je me renseigne, je me prépare »

Rejuvenation of gene expression pattern of aged human skin by broadband light treatment: a pilot study

Rejuvenation of Gene Expression Pattern ofAged Human Skin by Broadband Light Treatment:A Pilot StudyAnne Lynn S. Chang1, Patrick H. Bitter Jr2, Kun Qu1, Meihong Lin1, Nicole A. Rapicavoli1,3 and Howard Y. Chang1,3 Studies in model organisms suggest that aged cells can be functionally rejuvenated, but whether this conceptapplies to human skin is unclear. Here we apply 30-end sequencing for expression quantification (‘‘3-seq'') todiscover the gene expression program associated with human photoaging and intrinsic skin aging (collectivelytermed ‘‘skin aging''), and the impact of broadband light (BBL) treatment. We find that skin aging was associatedwith a significantly altered expression level of 2,265 coding and noncoding RNAs, of which 1,293 became‘‘rejuvenated'' after BBL treatment; i.e., they became more similar to their expression level in youthful skin.Rejuvenated genes (RGs) included several known key regulators of organismal longevity and their proximallong noncoding RNAs. Skin aging is not associated with systematic changes in 30-end mRNA processing. Hence,BBL treatment can restore gene expression pattern of photoaged and intrinsically aged human skin to resembleyoung skin. In addition, our data reveal, to our knowledge, a previously unreported set of targets that may leadto new insights into the human skin aging process.