Haemato-oncology and stem cell transplant unit for private patients

Welcome to The Christie Clinic The Christie Clinic is a joint partnership between made in both treatment and supportive care leading the world famous Christie NHS Foundation Trust to improved survival. It is vital patients are diagnosed and leading healthcare provider HCA International. early, seen by the right specialist and offered the Together they have created one of the world's most most effective treatment programme.
advanced cancer clinics for private patients. At The Christie Clinic we offer the highest standards Approximately 28,500 people are diagnosed with of care and most up to date treatments, delivered haematological cancers (leukaemia, lymphoma and by leading experts in a clean and comfortable myeloma) each year in the UK. For many of these diseases there has been considerable progress ContentsA world class facility for haematological cancers Our consultant team - leaders in the field Our haematology nursing team Our haematology unit Our leukaemia and myeloma service Our lymphoma service Our stem cell transplant service Our diagnostic and laboratory service Supportive and complementary care Making a referral Photography by David Oates

A world class facility for treatment of haematological cancersA new purpose built haematology and transplant unit has been established at The Christie Clinic and provides the only dedicated private bone marrow (stem cell) transplant facility in the UK outside London. We offer treatment for the full range of malignant haematological disorders and provide a fully comprehensive service including bone marrow (stem cell) transplantation to patients over 16 years old. The inpatient facility utilises state of the art infection control technologies and adheres to the strictest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. All rooms are HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filtered and specifically designed to accommodate the needs of patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy. World class haematologists and oncologists choose to treat their patients at The Christie Clinic. These consultants are supported by a highly accomplished multidisciplinary team of clinical nurse specialists, transplant co-ordinators and nurse clinicians. These specialists make up a team dedicated to our patients' needs. They are available to treat, advise and guide patients throughout their diagnosis and treatment programme, and to ensure patients are in a position to make informed decisions about their care. "Having my treatment here has changed my life."Caroline Whitfield

Our consultant team – leaders in the field Our consultant team has a strong national and international profile in the management of haematological malignancies and leads an active research programme.
The haematology and transplant unit is delivering a wide portfolio of clinical trials covering the range of haematological malignancies.
Dr Adrian Bloor
Consultant Haematologist
Dr Adrian Bloor is Lead Clinician in lymphoid malignancies at The Christie hospital, Director of The Christie Stem Cell Transplant Programme and Clinical Director of The Christie Clinical Trials Co-ordination Unit. He is a member of the National Cancer Research Network (NCRN) chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) trials group, secretary to the executive committee of the UK CLL Forum and a member of the medical advisory panel to the Lymphoma Association. Dr Bloor is a member of the clinical trials committee of the British Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation (BSBMT) and European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Dr Mike Dennis
Consultant Haematologist
Dr Mike Dennis was appointed as Consultant Haematologist at The Christie in 2004, and is Clinical Director of the haematology and transplant unit. He is a member of the British Society for Haematology, the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of Pathologists and the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). Dr Dennis is also a national committee member of the acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) NCRN working group, which is responsible for the development of clinical trials and governance for international multicentre trials in AML. In addition, he is a national committee member of the NCRN myelodysplasia (MDS) forum and clinical trials subgroup, responsible for UK clinical trial development.

Professor Tim Illidge
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Professor Tim Illidge is a member of the NCRN lymphoma clinical studies group and a member of the medical advisory panel to the Lymphoma Association. He is a member of the International Working Group on Non- Hodgkin Lymphoma and has represented the UK on numerous international steering groups, having published and lectured extensively in the field of lymphoma.
Dr Samar Kulkarni
Consultant Haematologist
Dr Samar Kulkarni has worked at The Christie since 2010 and has worked in the field of haemato-oncology and transplantation since 1992. He is a member of the American Society of Hematology, American Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Dr Kulkarni has published extensively in the field of leukaemia, myeloma and transplantation. His other areas of interest include treatment of young adult patients with haematological disorders.
Dr Ed Smith
Consultant Clinical Onocologist
Dr Ed Smith treats lymphoma and other haematological malignancies with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He has special interest in treating younger patients as well as research interests in advanced radiotherapy, patient support, monitoring and information giving in relation to the late effects of cancer treatment. Dr Smith is also The Christie survivorship lead for young people and a member of the Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) bone marrow transplant committee as well as a member of the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) specialist training committee.
Our haematology nursing team Our nursing team has many years of experience in haematology and stem cell transplantation. They are highly skilled in caring for patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy and are committed to providing the highest standards of treatment and support to their patients in a caring and friendly manner. Specialist nursing staff
The haematology unit is supported by a team of specialist
nursing staff.
Isobel Kearney leads the ward nursing team
and is the senior sister on the unit. She has an
outstanding record of ensuring that staff are
trained and work to the highest standards to
provide a friendly and caring environment
for both staff and patients.
Ann Davis is a nurse clinician who assists
in the care of our patients both on the ward
and in the clinic. In addition to her extensive
experience in haematology nursing, she
has undertaken further training as an
advanced practitioner.
Ruth Clout was appointed as Clinical Practice
Educator in 2011 to develop the educational
and training programme for the nursing
staff, ensuring that we achieve the highest
standards of care.
Our haematology unit The haematology unit at The Christie Clinic is centred upon patients' needs. We know that whilst some stays may be short others, particularly for our transplant patients, are likely to be longer. For this reason, every room is spacious and equipped to the highest standard. Stem cell collection facility
Stem cell collection is undertaken in a purpose built daycase facility
run by a dedicated team of experienced nurses utilising the latest
technology (CaridianBCT Optia).
Inpatient facility
Infection control is of the highest priority and each room is HEPA filtered
to ensure the cleanest air and optimal recovery. All staff follow strict
infection control policies to create a clean and safe environment
for our patients.
Each room has a personal entertainment system which is built into the wall to maintain infection control standards. This can be operated from the patient's bed and has a wide range of digital and satellite TVchannels, movies, radio and wi-fi internet access. Support during their stay
Through our partnership with The Christie NHS Foundation Trust,
our patients have direct access to advanced intensive and critical care
units and sophisticated operating theatres, as well as the extensive
infrastructure one would expect from such a large and innovative
NHS hospital. This provides our patients and their families with the
reassurance that should these facilities be required they are all
available on one site.
Research and training
Our team of highly skilled consultants, medical and nursing staff
is actively engaged in research and are able to provide a wide range
of clinical trials as well as offer the latest and most advanced haemato-
"The haematology unit at The Christie oncology treatment. These consultants are supported by a team of highly experienced nurses who all specialise in the haematology field. Clinic offers world class treatment We are continually investing in the training of our nursing team to for patients with haematological enhance their expertise as new treatments become available.
cancers in a state of the art facility." Dr Adrian Bloor, Consultant Haematologist and Director of Stem Cell Transplantation Our leukaemia and myeloma service Consultants treating leukaemia
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and
and myeloma at The Christie Clinic:
We are able to treat patients in either an inpatient
Dr Adrian Bloor
or day care environment depending on the level of Consultant Haematologist treatment required. We can provide simple treatment such as oral chemotherapy or more complex Dr Mike Dennis
treatment such as allogeneic stem cell transplants. Consultant Haematologist Treatment is determined by diagnosis, and by the stage of disease, under the direction of our Dr Samar Kulkarni
Consultant Haematologist Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
For patients with ALL, chemotherapy may be Dependent on the stage of disease, we offer a wide used as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a range of services. For those patients in early stages combined treatment with radiotherapy. At The of these diseases we offer treatments such as oral Christie Clinic we are able to offer both of these chemotherapy and targeted therapy. For patients services through our chemotherapy unit and who have been diagnosed at a later stage or have radiotherapy centre, both of which are on site. These an advanced form of disease, allogeneic treatments can be given as part of an inpatient transplants are available.
programme or as day care/outpatient treatment. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
At The Christie Clinic we offer a wide range of Alemtuzumab in combination with methylprednisolone is a Ofatumumab in advanced stage chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: At The Christie Clinic we offer treatment to help treatments for patients with myeloma including highly effective induction regimen for patients with chronic results of the UK named patient compassionate use programme. patients reach a stage of remission. We are able to chemotherapy, biological therapies, high dose lymphocytic leukaemia and deletion of TP53: Final results of Chowdhury O, Varghese A, Pattinson J, Carrington P, Bloor A, deliver chemotherapy through our inpatient, out chemotherapy with stem cell support, maintenance the National Cancer Research Institute CLL206 Trial. Pettitt AR, Follows GA, Hillmen P, Schuh A. Br J Haematol 2011;155:519 patient and day care facilities. We also provide a therapy and radiotherapy. The type of treatment Jackson R, Carruthers S, Dodd J, Dodd S, Oates M, Johnson GG, Schuh A, Matutes E, Dearden CE, Catovsky D, Radford European development of clofarabine as treatment for older fully comprehensive stem cell transplant service for required will be determined by the stage of JA, Bloor A, Follows GA, Devereux S, Kruger A, Blundell J, patients with acute myeloid leukemia considered unsuitable for patients where necessary. A full range of supportive illness and other contributing medical factors.
Agrawal S, Allsup D, Proctor S, Heartin E, Oscier D, Hamblin intensive chemotherapy. Burnett AK, Russell NH, Kell J, Dennis and complementary treatments are available to TJ, Rawstron A, Hillmen P. J Clin Oncol 2012;[in press] M, Milligan D, Paolini S, Yin J, Culligan D, Johnston P, Murphy help alleviate symptoms arising from J, McMullin MF, Hunter A, Das-Gupta E, Clark the disease and its treatment. Final results of a multicenter phase 1 study of lenalidomide R,Carr R, Hills RK. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:2389 in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Wendtner CM, Hillmen P, Mahadevan D, B Hler A, United Kingdom National Cancer Research Institute Uharek L, Coutr S, Frankfurt O, Bloor A, Bosch F, Furman Haematological Oncology Study Group. The impact of dose RR, Kimby E, Gribben JG, Gobbi M, Dreisbach L, Hurd DD, escalation and resistance modulation in older patients with acute Sekeres MA, Ferrajoli A, Shah S, Zhang J, Moutouh-de myeloid leukaemia and high risk myelodysplastic syndrome: the Parseval L, Hallek M, Heerema NA, Stilgenbauer S, Chanan- results of the LRF AML14 trial. Burnett AK, Milligan D, Goldstone Khan AA. Leuk Lymphoma. 2011;[Epub ahead of print] A, Prentice A, McMullin MF, Dennis M, Sellwood E, Pallis M, Russell N, Hills RK, Wheatley K. Br J Haematol 2009;145:318 Response of ETV6-FLT3-positive myeloid/lymphoid neoplasm with eosinophilia to inhibitors of FMS-like tyrosine kinase Some early phase II trials in previously untreated multiple 3. Walz C, Erben P, Ritter M, Bloor A, Metzgeroth G, Telford myeloma: The Royal Marsden experience. Sirohi B, N, Haferlach C, Haferlach T, Gesk S, Score J, Hofmann WK, Kulkarni S, Powles R. Semin Hematol. 2001;38:209 Hochhaus A, Cross NC, Reiter A. Blood 2011;118:2239 Our lymphoma service Consultants treating lymphoma
at The Christie Clinic:
The lymphoma service at The Christie Clinic is led and delivered by a team of highly skilled and Dr Ed Smith
experienced consultants who have national roles Consultant Clinical Oncologist advising on lymphoma management. Patients at The Christie Clinic also benefit from access to the Prof Tim Illidge
regional lymphoma diagnostic service based at Consultant Clinical Oncologist The Christie NHS Foundation Trust for accurate diagnosis of lymphomas and associated diseases.
Dr Adrian Bloor
Consultant Haematologist
Patient care is optimised via a review of all cases
The lymphoma service at The Christie Clinic is at weekly lymphoma multidisciplinary team (MDT) led and delivered by a team of highly skilled and meetings attended by consultant oncologists, experienced consultants who have national roles haematologists, radiologists and pathologists. advising on lymphoma management. Patient Therapeutic decisions are made after a careful care is determined through weekly lymphoma review of all diagnostic material and scans, and multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings. treatment programmes are regularly reviewed and refined by the team to ensure patients receive the Therapy decisions are discussed by a team of best possible treatment options.
experienced clinicians after careful review of all diagnostic material and scans. Treatment programmes are regularly reviewed and refined The lymphoma team offers comprehensive expertise to ensure the best possible treatment options. across all aspects of lymphoma and treatment The Christie Clinic offers an advanced and approaches. These include specialist modes such as comprehensive diagnosis service for accurate radio-immunotherapy (where we have access to the diagnosis of lymphomas and associated diseases.
widest experience in the UK), specialist adolescent Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of Chronic Reduced dose radiotherapy for local control in non-Hodgkin care and all forms of stem cell transplantation. In lymphocytic leukaemia. Oscier D, Fegan C, Hillmen lymphoma: A randomised phase III trial. Lowry L, Smith P, The lymphoma service offers comprehensive addition, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust hosts P, Illidge T, Johnson S, Matutes E, Milligan D, Qian W, Falk S, Benstead K, Illidge T, Linch D, Robinson expertise across all aspects of lymphoma and the supraregional cutaneous lymphoma service, Pettitt A. Br J Haematol 2012; [in press] M, Jack A, Hoskin P. Radiother Oncol 2011;100:86 treatment approaches. These include specialist giving our patients access to total skin electron approaches such as radio-immunotherapy (where therapy and extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP). Brentuximab Vedotin (SGN-35) in Patients with Relapsed or The future of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies: are we making we have access to the widest experience in the UK), Refractory Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Results of progress? Alduaij W, Illidge TM. Blood 2011;117:2993 specialist adolescent care, transplantation a Phase 2 Study. Pro B, Advani R, Brice P, Bartlett NL, Rosenblatt Rapid access clinic
J, Illidge TM, Kennedy D, Shustov A. J Clin Oncol 2012;[in press] Radioimmunotherapy of lymphoma – a treatment approaches and a cutaneous lymphoma service Through our rapid access lump clinic, developed in Guidelines on the investigation and management of follicular approach ahead of its time or past its sell by date? including total skin electron therapy. Through our collaboration with surgery, radiology and pathology, lymphoma. McNamara C, Davies J, Dyer M, Hoskin P, Tim Illidge, J Clin Oncol 2010;28:2944 Lump Clinic we are able to carry out biopsies with we offer a streamlined service to patients with a Illidge T, Lyttelton M, Marcus R, Montoto S, Ramsay A, a rapid results service which allows for prompt possible lymphoma diagnosis. Our rapid results Wong W, Ardeshna K. Br J Haematol 2012;156:446 Consensus conference: implementing treatment classification of lymphoma type. Combined with recommendations on yttrium-90 immunotherapy in service, combined with review by the MDT, allows for Teenage and Young Adults Cancer Survivorship Education clinical practice - report of a European workshop. Zinzani review by the MDT, accurate treatment can then prompt classification of lymphoma type so optimised Programme: Final Report of a Pilot for the CYP Stream of the PL, d'Amore F, Bombardieri E, Brammer C, Codina begin without delay.
treatment can be initiated without delay.
NHS Improvements Cancer Survivorship Initiative. A Hinton JG, Illidge T, Jurczak W, Linkesch W, Morschhauser F, and E Smith. National Cancer Survivorship Initiative, NHS Vandenberghe E, Van Hoof A. Eur J Cancer 2008;44:366 Improvements; Department of Health 2011 Our stem cell transplant service The transplant team:
maintain exceptional standards of care and education according to internationally set standards.
Dr Adrian Bloor
Consultant Haematologist & Director
Over the last five years The Christie Stem Cell of Stem Cell Transplantation Transplant Programme has undertaken 80-120 transplants (autologous and allogeneic) every Dr Mike Dennis
year, with a sustained increase in activity. In 2009 Consultant Haematologist it was awarded full JACIE (Joint Accreditation Committee for ISCT and EBMT) accreditation. Dr Samar Kulkarni
It is also fully licensed by the Human Tissue Consultant Haematologist Authority (HTA) and was commended for continued practice at the highest level at the Ann Davis
last inspection.
Patient care is directly supervised by one of our Isobel Kearney
highly accomplished consultants and patients have direct access to the fully trained transplant team through our collaboration with The Christie.
The Christie Clinic offers a comprehensive bone marrow transplant service with all aspects of care delivered on one site. The Christie Stem Cell A team of specialist nursing staff (two transplant Transplant Programme was established in 1982 and co-ordinators and two apheresis nurses) is over 1,500 transplants have been performed to date, responsible for donor identification and stem cell establishing the programme as one of the UK's collection. They also act as a point of contact to major transplant centres and the largest in the provide information regarding the progress of the T-cell-depleted reduced-intensity transplantation followed by Favorable long-term survival after reduced-intensity allogeneic donor leukocyte infusions to promote graft-versus-lymphoma transplantation for multiple-relapse aggressive non-Hodgkin's North West.The Christie Clinic is the first to offer transplant and details about the admission.
activity results in excellent long-term survival in patients with lymphoma. Thomson KJ, Morris EC, Bloor A, Cook G, a private haematology transplant unit within multiply relapsed follicular lymphoma.Thomson KJ, Morris EC, Milligan D, Parker A, Clark F, Yung L, Linch DC, Chakraverty the North West.
In addition to the consultants, we have a team Milligan D, Parker AN, Hunter AE, Cook G, Bloor AJ, Clark F, R, Peggs KS, Mackinnon S. J Clin Oncol 2009;27:426 of three nurse clinicians who assist with the care Kazmi M, Linch DC, Chakraverty R, Peggs KS, Mackinnon S. We have invested in the latest infection control of patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy J Clin Oncol 2010;28:3695 High response rate to donor lymphocyte infusion after technologies and our world class consultants and stem cell transplantation. allogeneic stem cell transplantation for indolent non-Hodgkin Impact of in vivo alemtuzumab dose before reduced intensity lymphoma. Bloor AJ, Thomson K, Chowdhry N, Verfuerth ensure patients are given the best possible conditioning and HLA-identical sibling stem cell transplantation: S, Ings SJ, Chakraverty R, Linch DC, Goldstone AH, Peggs treatment options.
Post transplant and late effects
pharmacokinetics, GVHD, and immune reconstitution. Chakraverty KS, Mackinnon S. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2008;:50 We have established links with consultants from R, Orti G, Roughton M, Shen J, Fielding A, Kottaridis P, Milligan Transplants are offered for both haematological other medical specialities to assist with any of the D, Collin M, Crawley C, Johnson P, Clark A, Parker A, Bloor A, An elective single autograft with high-dose melphalan: single- malignancies (leukaemia, lymphoma and complications arising from transplantation. We Pettengell R, Snowden J, Pettitt A, Clark R, Hale G, Peggs K, center study of 451 patients. Sirohi B, Powles R, Mehta J, Rudin Thomson K, Morris E, Mackinnon S. Blood 2010;116:3080 C, Kulkarni S, Horton C, Saso R, Singhal S, Treleaven myeloma) and bone marrow failure syndromes are able to offer extracorporeal photopheresis J. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2005;36:19 (myelodysplasia and aplastic anaemia). The (ECP) onsite for the treatment of graft versus The role of allogeneic SCT in primary myelofibrosis: a British programme is committed to developing and host disease (GvHD) in collaboration with the Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation study. Stewart Allogeneic blood and bone-marrow stem-cell transplantation delivering the highest quality of patient care in National Blood Service.
WA, Pearce R, Kirkland KE, Bloor A, Thomson K, Apperley J, in haematological malignant diseases: a randomised stem cell transplantation. We aim to develop and McQuaker G, Marks DI, Craddock C, McCann S, Russell N, trial. Powles R, Mehta J, Kulkarni S, Treleaven J, Millar Cook G, Kottaridis PD; British Society for Blood and Marrow B, Marsden J, Shepherd V, Rowland A, Sirohi B, Tait D, Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 2010;45:1587 Horton C, Long S, Singhal S. Lancet 2000;355:1231 Our diagnostic and laboratory service Through our partnership with The Christie we have access to a comprehensive haematology and blood transfusion department which is CPA accredited (Clinical Pathology Accreditation) and recognised by the Royal College of Pathology and the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM). External quality assessments ensure all aspects of the service are delivered comprehensively. The department comprises 14 biomedical scientists and three medical laboratory assistants.
Haematology and blood transfusion
is CPA accredited and is a founder member of the The haematology and blood transfusion Cancer Cytogenetics Group (UKCCG).
department provides diagnostic and laboratory services including: The comprehensive cytogenetics service is provided by a highly skilled team of dedicated scientists and - Routine investigation laboratory technologists who offer a timely, efficient and - Diagnostic immunophenotyping cost-effective analytical and genetic advisory service to clinicians to aid the diagnosis and monitoring of - Blood transfusion leukaemia. Haemato-lymphoid malignancies are often classified by their genetic abnormalities and Stem cell laboratory
certain cytogenetic tests are essential for the The stem cell laboratory, which is based on site, optimal diagnosis and treatment stratification of has full JACIE, HTA and MHRA (Medicines these tumours. Increasingly, cancer drugs are and Healthcare products Regulatory being developed that target specific genetic lesions, Agency) accreditation. The laboratory team which therefore require a predictive molecular test. is highly experienced and in 2009/2010 The laboratory is ideally placed to support The processed and transplanted 210 units of Christie Clinic's multidisciplinary team meetings and haematopoietic progenitor cells. to provide specialised testing for clinical trials.
The comprehensive diagnostic services which support these functions include immunophenotyping The haematopathology service is led by Dr Andrew as well as a wide range of other specialist Norton, who is the lead consultant pathologist diagnostic facilities and processes.
for the GMCHMDS, and joint lead for the Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Supraregional Network. He is on the national pathology panel for the UKCCG Oncology cytogenetics at The Christie is a specialist childhood lymphoma group and the writing regional service which provides genetic testing to aid committee for the Royal College of Pathologists' diagnosis of leukaemia and other tumours, mainly minimum dataset for lymphoma. Dr Norton to hospitals in Greater Manchester and the North has a national and international reputation West of England. Handling approximately 5,000 with over 20 years' experience as a consultant referrals per year, it is one of the largest in haematopathology. He has served as a specialist cancer genetics units in the UK. pathology representative to the UK Lymphoma The department is the nominated service for Group, expert pathologist to the British National leukaemia cytogenetic testing for two local Lymphoma Investigation and Imperial cancer networks and for the Greater Manchester Cancer Research Fund, as well as on a variety of and Cheshire Haematological Malignancy national and international studies/working parties.
Diagnostic Service (GMCHMDS). The department complementary care Making a referral The Christie Clinic provides all patients with access If you would like to refer a patient to one of our consultants please to the complementary therapists who visit The Clinic contact us through our referral helpline or fax a referral letter. weekly. They provide a range of holistic therapies including massage and reflexology.
If you have a general enquiry about our haematology unit at The Christie Clinic please do not hesitate to contact us at We have a dedicated dietician and physiotherapist available to patients onsite as and when required. The Christie Clinic, Wilmslow Road
Both the dietician and the physiotherapist take part Manchester, M20 4BX.
in the active management of our patients and help in achieving a speedy and organised discharge. Helpline: 0161 918 7296
Fax: 0161 446 8027

All patients and their families have access to a psychology counsellor if required and this service can be accessed through a member of the nursing team or the consultant leading their care. The first six sessions are free of charge and can be used at any time during the patient's illness. If further sessions are needed we are happy to liaise with insurers as required.


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Sgs hot source - nov 2013 - complying with quality, safety and sustainability requirements

HOT SOURCE EXPERT INSIGHTS INTO SAFE, SUSTAINABLE AND HIGH-QUALITY FOOD ISSUE 3 • NOVEMBER • 2013 UPCOMING CHANGES TO ISO 9001 AND ISO 14001 UNANNOUNCED AUDITS: A GUIDE TO THE NEW BRC REQUIREMENTSISOTOPE TESTING BREAKS NEW GROUND IN FOOD TECHNOLOGYGMO FOODS AND LABELING DEAR READER, Complying with quality, safety and sustainability requirements is an ongoing responsibility. To help you meet the challenge, this issue of Hot Source looks at forthcoming revisions to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and reminds us of the planned timetable. Many private label suppliers will also be affected by a major retailer's announcement that all suppliers must undergo BRC unannounced audits. We explain what you can expect and what will be expected of your team.