February 2015 newsletter final

הרוםמה תרשרש
"Chain of Tradition"
The Newsletter of Traditional Congregation
February-March 2015
Shevat-Adar 577
‘ שת ןסינ ט
Mark Your Calendars
"Lunch and Schmooze with Rabbi Gordon"
Tuesday, February 10 12 noon
Wednesday, March 11 12 noon
Join Rabbi Gordon for a relaxed lunch and schmooze—anything Jewish goes! See page 10
Knosh & Knowledge Brunch & Program
"The New Pioneers"
with Ezra Ravins, JNF Israeli Emissary
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Details on page 6
David & Liz Holden
Shabbat, February 28, 2015
Services at 9:00 AM followed by kiddush luncheon
Celebrate at Traditional, March 4-6
See page 8 for info
The Newsletter of Traditional Congregation
February/March 2015
3 Message from Rabbi Seth D Gordon
4 Message from President Cyndee Levy
7 Knosh & Knowledge Program
8 Rededication Shabbat
9 Post-Purim Shabbat Dinner
1 Scholar in Residence Preview
1 Lunch & Schmooze with Rabbi Gordon
1 Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry
1 New Fundraiser—Walmart Savings Catcher
1 Family Chanukah Spectacular Wrap-Up
1 Winter Outerwear Drive a Success
1 Adopt-A-Student
1 Purim Halachah
1 February/March Birthdays and Anniversaries
1 Tribute Donations
1 Leah Soibel Selected for Algemeier Award
2 Letters to the Editor
2 EZ Life from Rabbi Ephraim Zimand
2 February Calendar of Events
2 March Calendar of Events
2 Schedule of Services and Candlelighting
From the Desk of Rabbi Gordon.
Exodus Revisited
T he Exodus narrative is so familiar to Jews forts. I was struck on my recent trip to Israel by
(and others) that "ho-hum" is more often
how many signs which used to be in Hebrew,
than not our reaction to it. But in fact, it is
English, and Arabic now include Russian as a pri-
arguably the greatest historical narra-
mary language. And these Russians who came to
tive ever recorded. When and where else has
Israel a generation ago, many of whom were ac-
an entire enslaved nation, along with some fellow
complished scientists and outstanding artists in
travelers, defied a tyrant, been liberated en
the former Soviet Union, who entered into their
masse, survived a wilderness, and been brought
post-liberation wilderness reduced to street-
to the Promised Land? And, it is our story, our
sweepers and other unskilled work in Israel –
foundational story, composed in the Hebrew lan-
have now produced another generation of scien-
guage amidst a Jewish culture. It has been kept
tists and artists who are enriching our beloved
alive, generation after generation, through our
Jewish state immeasurably.
public Torah reading, private study, seders, and
in the thinking and actions
And while visiting Israel, so too
of Jews shaped by it.
did I see the Ethiopian Jews,
who, like the Russians, came
Moreover, it is the spiritual
to the Promised Land to be re-
foundation of the greatest
united with their fellow Jews –
modern history – a people
and who experienced their wil-
who kept alive the dream
derness of radical relocation
of returning to the Prom-
and impoverishment in a new
ised Land, despite cruelties
and unfamiliar modernity. To-
day, they are integrated in a
other people – economic
grand normalcy that is the
promise of the Promised Land.
murder, rape, expulsions,
and mass murder – to build a strong, free, vibrant,
The Torah narrative, as the Haggadah empha-
and generous nation which continues to withstand
sizes, celebrates not only the Exodus historically,
verbal and military assaults unlike any other.
but God's role in history – our Redeemer. We
praise God as our Redeemer – modeled from the
Furthermore, this ancient sacred narrative was
Exodus in our services – in the third paragraph of
foundational to America as well (read America's
the Shema, before the Amidah, and in our Kid-
Prophet by Bruce Feiler): the Pilgrims sailing from
dush. The laws and teachings following the Exo-
England, colonial times, George Washington, the
dus speak about caring for strangers—just as we
revolutionary war and the establishment of the US
were once strangers in a foreign land.
constitution, and through the American Civil War
(the end of whose 150th anniversary we com-
So how did the Exodus narrative become so flat
memorate this year). The Exodus narrative was
for so many?? Au contraire! Our world is infused
with it. Perhaps we might consider not so much
how Torah should be made relevant to us, but
The Exodus narrative is also the foundational
rather re-consider how we should make ourselves
story for approximately 800,000 Russian Jews (as
relevant to Torah.
well as a number of non-Jews) who left the former Soviet Union in the 1980's, in part due to our ef-
From the President
A year (and a half) in review:
Isabel Boniuk was invested and our line of credit was paid off. In addition, for the past 2 years we
A great deal has been happening here at
have been making monthly reimbursements to our
Traditional in the past 18 months. It
endowment fund in order to reduce the debt that
seems appropriate as we move forward
was the result of numerous capital improvements
into the coming months to provide a quick update,
that were necessary over the past several years.
a "State of Traditional," if you will.
5. Repairs and improvements were made at the
As you read through this list, please keep in mind
Guest House as routine upkeep and in order to
that so many people are working tirelessly to
prepare the property for full-time rental.
bring about capital improvements, advance pro-grammatic changes and enhancements, review
6. The Board voted to begin rental of the Guest
and advise on issues related to finance, develop-
House on a full-time basis. A full-time renter was
ment, marketing, recruit-
secured through August 2015.
ment and retention, the
7. A major cleaning and reorgan-
50th year celebration, and
izing project was done involving all
of the storage spaces in the shul as
1. In August of 2013 the
well as both large kitchens and
Board voted to extend
food service areas. Next up: The
Rabbi Gordon's contract for
an additional 15 years at
8. Updated computers were pur-
the conclusion of the cur-
chased for the Rabbi and Executive
rent contract. This ensures
our rabbinic/spiritual lead-
Our newly-accessible reader's platform
ership for a solid future.
9. On the social media front,
we've increased our Facebook presence, website
2. Through the vision and generosity of Carol
copy has been written, and website development
Max, in memory of her granddaughter Hannah,
is nearing completion. This is a major priority for
we have fully replaced our siddurim for Shabbat
the next few months.
and daily use. For many, the new siddur already seems so comfortable and familiar.
10. We've transitioned to an on-line, bi-monthly newsletter and weekly Shabbat Bulletin email
3. We secured a $5,000 Anything Grant through
blast, as well as a large-format printed Shabbat
the Jewish Federation, and successfully solicited
the required $5,000 matching contribution through generous member donations. The new,
11. The broken cement sidewalk at the east of-
accessible reader's platform is in place and has
fice entrance has been repaired.
become a wonderful addition to the main sanctu-ary.
12. New fundraisers included a gold & silver sell-ing party and our electronics recycling project
4. Through the work of the Endowment Fund
which is currently underway.
Committee, a substantial donation made possible through the vision and wisdom of Isaac z"l and
13. An assessment of shul cleaning/maintenance needs resulted in a move to contracted services
From the President
for cleaning and a reduction of total hours from
2. We need volunteers in the following ar-
40 plus per week to approximately 30 hours per
eas: Chesed Committee, core Board committees,
and the committees forming for the 50th year cele-brations.
14. We are preparing to send off a final Torah for repairs.
3. Purim is right around the corner…consider participating in the shul-wide Mishloach Manot
15. New doors have been ordered to replace the
project, newly expanded, now offering an oppor-
warped and broken entrance doors in the sanctu-
tunity to have additional packages made for you
ary and social hall.
to distribute to friends and family outside of shul.
Thank you to everyone who has played a role in
4. New 1st Fridays Shabbat Dinner project. We
helping with these efforts and many more that
hope many of you will plan to join us as we begin
have not been highlighted.
these "about" once a month Friday
In addition to all of the wonderful
night dinners. Everyone is welcome to
"A great deal has
new projects, we've had a year filled
bring potential new members and other
with fantastic on-going programs and
non-member guests free of charge. This
some really special new efforts. A
offers an opportunity for guests to meet
few stand-outs include: Knosh and
us and experience our community in a
Knowledge programs, Scholar-in
special way. Please consider joining us
tional in the past
Residence, Israel Bonds Dinner, High
and inviting a friend or two. First up:
Holydays speakers' series, Anna's
Friday, March 6—Post-Purim Shabbat
Soup Kitchen, and a community Cha-
Dinner (details in February Newsletter).
5. An exciting SIR program featuring
The board has been working under an experimen-
Reb Mimi Feigelson. Watch for additional infor-
tal new model focused on development of working
mation. Save the date!! April 24th – 26th.
committees in key areas. The committees have
Don't be shy…get involved, there is a lot going
been charged with the development of
on. Please feel free to call me, 314-503-2899, at
"generative questions" that will be brought for-
any time. I would love to hear from you and
ward for consideration through committees made
would love to help you find a nice match between
up of board members and shul members who are
your interests/talents and a committee or project
interested in working in key areas. The core com-
mittees include: Membership/Development, Fi-
nance/Fundraising, Ritual/Education, Visioning/
Strategic Thinking. Some exciting work and key recommendations have already come forward in the first two months of this effort.
What's coming up??
1. We are writing four new grants: Inclusion Grant (Jewish Federation), Anything Grant (Jewish Federation), Yom Ha'Atzmaut (CAJE), and Building Security (Homeland Security).
Board of Traditional Cyndee Levy, President Steve Bell, Executive VP
Mishloach Manot order forms have been mailed out. We
Ellis Frohman, Financial VP
hope everyone will participate in this wonderful project,
Marty Levy, Ritual VP
which helps you to fulfill the mitzvah of Purim as well as
support our congregation. You asked, we listened: You can
now purchase gift packages for people outside of our con-
Education Co-VP Elaine Farkas,
gregation (you are responsible for pick-up and delivery).
Don't wait, paid orders are due by February 11.
Ken Bohm, Administrative VP Marty Levison, Building
Please pay special attention to:
Lori Tesser, Treasurer
Mimi Levy, Secretary
Members at Large
Please print out these pages, RSVP or donate as requested, and let us know we can count you in. We look forward to hearing from
Tobie Hupert Steve Puro Florence Schachter
Amazon's Rewards program is so easy to use. Just log in to
http://smile.amazon.com when you're ready to shop at Ama-
zon and choose Traditional Congregation of Creve Coeur as the
Rabbi Seth D Gordon
charity you want to support. One-half percent of the amount of
Rabbi Ephraim I Zimand,
your eligible purchases will go to Traditional—at no cost to you!
That makes us smile!
Marian S Gordon,
Executive Manager
Knosh & Knowledge Brunch & Program
Sunday, February 15, 2015, 9:45 AM
Ezra Ravins, JNF Israeli Emissary
"The New Pioneers"
Please join us Sunday, February 15th for a Knosh & Knowledge that is not to be missed! Brought to us by JNF (Jewish National Fund), Ezra Ravins will speak about "The New Pioneers." Ezra Ravins can be described as one of a "new generation of pioneers" because of his leader-ship in developing Israel's last frontier, the Arava. He was a farmer and served as Mayor of the Central Arava Regional Council from 1980 until 2013. Additionally, he led the Arava Agricul-tural Research and Development Department at the Central Arava Regional Council. During this time, he also served the Israeli Foreign Ministry as the manager of the Arava Medfly Eradication Project.
Laying dirt during the cornerstone ceremony for the
Central Arava Medical Center is former regional
Mayor Ezra Ravins.
He was involved in the peace negotiations with Jordan in 1996 and helped develop solutions to the region's water deficiencies. Ravins has spoken throughout the US and Israel, inspiring those who plan to visit Israel to include a trip to the Arava to support the region and to experience its beauty and diversity. He was born in the US, and emigrated to Israel in 1962. He and his wife Debbie, a native of the United States, have five children and one grandchild. A delicious brunch will be served at 9:45, with the program at 10:45. A suggested donation of $6 per person helps to support all of Adult Education's great programming.
Please RSVP to Marian, [email protected] or 314-576-5230, by February 6. For more in-formation, contact Liz Holden, 314-469-5003 or 314-435-1202.
We are delighted to announce that the honorees for this year's Rededication Shabbat are David & Liz Holden. In a relatively short period of time, they have become indispensable assets to our Traditional family.
Desi, Liz, Ilya, Evie, Leo and David Holden
Please join us on Shabb
8 as we pay tribute to Liz and David and
thank them for their many hours of hard work and creativity on behalf of our congregation. Services begin at 9:00 AM and will be followed by a lovely Kid-dush luncheon.
Something to celebrate in
The Newest Leaf on Our Tree.
your family or circle of
Purchase an everlasting leaf
on our Simchah Tree
Contact Annette Heller
[email protected]
Wednesday, March 4:
Ta'anit Esther/Fast of Esther
Arvit and Megillah Reading 5:30 PM
Thursday, March 5:
Shacharit and Megillah Reading 6:30 AM
Friday, March 6:
Post-Purim Shabbat Dinner
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 PM
Shabbat Dinner 6:30 PM
Registration form below
Count us in for the Post-Purim Shabbat Dinner on March 6:
# Adults @ $12/each = $ ; #Adult guests _ (*no charge)
# Children 5 & under no charge *First-time guests are no charge; after that
prevailing adult rate applies
Total enclosed $
# Vegetarian meals needed
Please send registration form and check by February 23 to:
Traditional Congregation, 12437 Ladue Rd, 63141
April 24—26, 2015
A very special weekend of learning
and inspiration with
Reb Mimi Feigelson
Reb Mimi Feigelson is an Israeli orthodox rabbi and scholar of Chassidic Thought. She received smicha from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach in 1994. In 2001 she was re-cruited to serve as the Mashpi'ah Ruchanit (spiritual mentor) and Lecturer of Rab-binic Literature and Chassidic Thought at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. In her work at the American Jewish University she primarily teaches and counsels the rabbinical students but also regularly teaches Chassidic thought and Liturgy for the Fingerhut School of Education. Internationally she has taught in Canada, England, the Former Soviet Union and engaged in interfaith dialogue for many years in India. When returning home to Jerusalem she continues to teach there as well. In 2010, Reb Mimi was recognized by The Forward as one of the fifty most influential female Rabbis in the USA. We'll be sending out additional information about Reb Mimi and her presentations, so stay tuned. Editor's note: Rabbi Gordon and I were privileged to hear Reb Mimi in Los Angeles last summer. She is one of the most spiritual and charismatic individuals I have had the pleasure of meeting, and I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet and learn with her. Mark your calendar for April 24-26 and treat yourself to a wonderful adventure. For additional information, contact Liz Holden at 314-469-5003 or 314-435-1202.
"Lunch and Schmooze with Rabbi Gordon"
Have questions? Rabbi Gordon's got answers. Join him for a relaxed lunch and schmooze—anything Jew-ish goes! We'll rotate the day each month to give as many people as possible a chance to participate. The first three sessions have been great—don't miss out!
Next up are Tuesday, February 10 and Wednesday, March 11, both at 12:00 PM. There is no charge for members, but please RSVP 3 busi-ness days prior (314-576-5230 or [email protected]). Guests are $8/person.
The Jewish Food Pan
try Needs Our Help
For the month of February, the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these specific items in order to provide well-balanced nourishment for the community in need:
1. Canned Pasta with Meat
2. Canned Tuna Fish
3. Peanut Butter
4. Canned Fruit
5. Canned Chili/Beef
6. Any Type of Canned Vegetables
7. Kosher Foods
For March, the Food Pantry is looking for:
1. Peanut Butter & Jelly
2. Canned Chili/Beef/Pasta with Meat 3. Kosher Foods
4 . Canned Tuna Fish
5. Any Type of Canned Vegetables 6. Healthy Cereal (Hot or Cold)
Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry is feeding over 8,000 individuals in a month. The need is great so please help in any way you can. Thank you. Items should be brought to the food
pantry basket in our lobby. For further information, please contact Louise Levine, 636-227-
Have you discovered Walmart Savings Catcher? If not, get thee to a computer! Go to: savingscatcher.walmart.com and sign up.* After each Walmart shopping trip, login and enter your receipt number—it takes less than 30 seconds! (you have 7 days from purchase to submit a receipt). If a local competitor offers a lower adver-tised price on an item you purchased at Walmart, you'll get back the difference on a Walmart Rewards eGift Card or a Bluebird by American Express Card. Amounts credited to these Cards can be used to make purchases in-store at Walmart or online at Walmart.com. No more running around comparison shopping—Walmart does it for you! In two shopping trips, I've earned $8.88 in Reward Dollars—just for doing my weekly shopping. Not so much, you say? If you're a regular Walmart shopper, it adds up. And I'm going to donate 50% of what I earn in reward dollars to Traditional. Will you join me? It's a win for you and a win for Traditional. You can send in your do-nation monthly, quarterly—whatever works best for you—and it's tax-deductible so your savings go farther. Thank you for your support! Marian Gordon *No computer? No problem! You can register your phone number using the Walmart card reader located at in-store checkout. Then each time you check out at a Walmart store, enter your phone number and your receipt will be submitted to Savings Catcher for you.
Well, We Tried…
Thank you to everyone who brought electronics, etc. to our recycling containers. Unfortunately, the company we were working with reneged on their agreement with us and will no longer be providing recycling services to us.
So for now, hold onto your old electronics. Cecilia Soibel is looking for another company we may be able to use—we'll keep you posted!
Our Chanukah party was a spectacular success thanks to the hard work and cooperation of everyone involved. I want to thank many people for assisting in the event:
Renée Kohn, Shelah Feldman, Suzanne Gilden, Diann J. Bank, Tobie Hupert, Marty Levy, photographer Dina Rinder, Justin Zeid, Marian Gordon – thanks to you all!
A special todah rabah to Gail Tullman who transformed a Traditional Chanukah event into a festival by lighting up the synagogue with her fabulous decorations. Many thanks to Barbara Gaponoff Berson for playing guitar, which got children and adults to sing Chanukah songs, and for bringing the Israeli Dancers which made the end of the pro- gram fun for all the dancers. Thanks to Barbara's daughter, Eliza-beth, for entertaining the children and helping to decorate cookies.
Here is some feedback I received by the end of the party:
"You should have seen the children, their eyes wide open full of ex-citement. I couldn't help but smile seeing adults trying to squeeze inside the room for the entertainment! It was indeed a magical day!" - Diann Joy Bank
"Kudos for Cecilia Soibel and her committee for a wonderful Chanukah celebration! The pup-peteer and magician mesmerized the children. The adults had a good time, too!" – Jerry &
"Thank you Cecilia Soibel and her committee for a wonderful Chanukah Party. The dancing was fun and we really enjoyed watching the children faces as they sat spellbound during the magic and the puppet show. We saw many creative young art-ists. It was a truly lovely afternoon." – Nanci and Bill Gold I hope I didn't forget anybody, thanks to all!
Photos courtesy of Diann Bank and Dina Rinder
JSAN Fall Outerwear Drive Provides Record number of Coats
to Immigrants and Refugees
For recent immigrants in Saint Louis, many of whom have emigrated from a warm climate, the local winters pose a challenge. Not only are these immigrants not acclimated to cold weather, but many do not have and cannot afford to buy warm outerwear for themselves or family mem-bers.
In response to this challenge, the Jewish community has come forward for the past ten years to help clients served by the International Institute of Saint Louis. For six of those years, the Jew-ish Social Action Network (JSAN), a collaborative network of Jewish congregations, coordi-nated by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), has organized this effort. This year's drive, which just ended on December 5, reached a record number of collected items. Over 600 coats and over 400 other outerwear items were received and distributed to the Inter-national Institute. For the first time this year, shoes and boots also were collected as well, with close to 100 pair donated.
"We are so grateful to the congregations and Jewish organi-
zations that placed collection bins in their buildings and publicized this project to their members," said Lesley Levin, Chair of JSAN. "We flooded the staff at the International Institute with our weekly deliveries." Noted Kelly M. Moore, Community Relations & Program Development Supervisor at the International Institute, thanks to the efforts of the JSAN volunteers, the Institute's warm weather distribution room "is overflowing with warm winter wear."
Beverly Fogelman of Congregation B'nai Amoona and Robyn DeMott of Temple Emanuel chaired the 2014 Outerwear Drive. Other JSAN congregations participating included Bais Abraham Congregation, Central Reform Congregation, Congregation Shaare Emeth, Kol Rinah, Temple Emanuel, Temple Israel , Traditional Congregation and United Hebrew Congrega-tion. Both locations of the Jewish Community Center and the JCRC office also were collection sites.
In addition to Fogelman and DeMott, Jennifer Bernstein of Central Reform Congregation and JSAN Chair Lesley Levin assisted with deliveries. Shaare Emeth B'nai Mitzvah students Ethan and Nicole Kalishman also contributed to the drive by doing a coordinated collection effort at their synagogue's religious school as their Mitzvah Project. The Kalishmans also had an oppor-tunity to visit the International Institute to see how the outerwear is collected and distributed.
For more information about JSAN, visit http://www.jcrcstl.org/JSAN.php#two or call 314-442-3894.
Please complete the form below to help support Ethiopian
Jewish Israeli Students
For the past 23 years, Traditional has proudly participated in the Adopt-A-Student pro-
m sponsored by NACOEJ (North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry). This program supports
promising Ethiopian Israeli Jews who need financial help to continue their studies.
While tuition is covered by the Israeli government, students must pay for living expenses. Due to their
own financial difficulties, the students' parents are not able to help. In many cases, the financial burden
causes Ethiopian students to drop out of school. The support we provide our adopted students helps
them stay in school and earn a degree. Ultimately, this education provides them a profession and helps
them break the cycle of poverty.
Traditional adopted two Ethiopian students last year:
Yehudit Elyani - Yehudit studies mechanical engineering at Tel Aviv University, and plans to graduate in
February. Gail Tullman corresponds with her, and Yehudit recently wrote with some sad news:
"A week before starting the semester, my mother was hospitalized with pneumonia. I did not leave her for a moment. Unfortunately she died two weeks ago. I'm still in shock. I cannot imagine my life without her and I cannot see my father alone. This week I try to pick myself up and go back to univer-sity despite all the difficulties. Life is not going to be the same without her, but we must continue to be strong for my father. Wishing you peace and happy Hanukah and thank you for everything."
Sara Mola - Sara studied optometry at Bar Ilan University and graduated last August. Dina Rinder corre-
sponded with her. In her letter to Dina last June, Sara shared some great news:
"I am excited to tell you that at the end of August I will finally finish my studies after four years!! It is a great experience, it wasn't always easy but I passed everything with optimism and with the amazing friends that I have met. The last day was moving, we projected a presentation that concluded our years at the university and we gave gifts to the lecturers. I will continue to study for the license exams, and probably continue to work as an optometrist at my current work place. I hope to fill my free time with interesting, enriching and beneficial fields of inter-est that are connected to the area of my occupation, or not necessarily."
Traditional would like to continue this worthwhile project by adopting two new students.
Please send your contribution to: Traditional Congregation Chesed Committee
and mark it for "Adopt-A-Student "
Purim Halachah (Rambam, Hilchot Megillah)
Rabbi Seth D Gordon
The four mitzvot of Purim are: (1) To read the me-
brew, or in a language that they understand. (2:4)
gillah, (2) to send mishlo'ach manot, (3) to send
The ten sons of Haman should be recited in one
matanot l-ev'yonim, and (4) to enjoy a Purim se'u-
breath. The custom is to spread out the scroll like
dah (festive meal). The halachot detail the mitz-
a missive. (2:12)
It is forbidden to offer anguishing eulogies or to
All are required to read the Megillah -- men and
fast on Purim or Shushan Purim (15th of Adar).
women, and children are to be educated in the ob-
servance of mitzvot. In fact, all mitzvot are set aside for the reading of the Megillah, except for
There is a mitzvah to give mishlo'ach manot (food
met mitzvah (burial of an unattended corpse). gifts) to at least two people (but one can send (1:1) Reading or hearing the Megillah read fulfills
more—our Mishlo'ach Manot project will help you
one's obligation, as long as it is heard from one
fulfill this mitzvah), and another mitzvah to give
who is obligated for its reading.
matanot l-ev'yonim (gifts to the poor)
to at least two people (but one can
send more). Since Purim is a joyous
The mitzvah is to read (or hear
festival, we are enjoined to bring joy
read) the entire megillah at night
to others, especially to those who are
and in the morning. We recite
in difficult situations. (2:14, 2:15,
three berachot before reading the
megillah and one berachah after
the reading of the Megillah. (1:3)
Although work is permitted on Purim,
it should not be done; to discourage
The Megillah is read on the 14th of
work the Sages teach that one will not
Adar, except in those cities that
receive a blessing from his/her labor done on Pu-
were walled during the time of Joshua bin Nun,
where it is read on the 15th (Shushan Purim).
(Yerushalayim is one such city.) (1:4-1:5)
The Purim se'udah (festive meal) must take place while it is still day. (2:14, 2:15) Join us for a post-
In a leap year, when there are two Adars, the me-
Purim Shabbat Dinner on Friday, March 6.
gillah is read on II Adar. (1:12)
Rambam concludes (2:18): All the books of the
The megillah is not read on Shabbat, due to the
Prophets and the Writings will be annulled in the
prohibition of carrying on Shabbat and the concern
era of the Mashi'ach except for Megillat Esther
that people would carry the megillah. (1:13)
which will attain the status of the Five Books of Moses and the Oral Law, which will never be an-
The megillah must be read in its proper order, and
nulled. And even when all troubles are gone, Pu-
directly from the scroll and not by heart. In public
rim will not be discontinued, as it is written,
readings the reader should stand. (2:1, 2:3, 2:4) "These days of Purim will not pass from the Jews,
One can fulfill his/her obligation by reading it in
and their remembrance will not cease from their
Hebrew, whether or not he/she understands He-
descendants." (Esther 9:28)
Show You Care with a Card from Traditional
The following members of our Traditional Family will celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in February and March. Sending a tribute card is a great way to acknowledge someone's special day. Cards are available for a minimum donation of $5 each to either Traditional Congregation or Sisterhood. You'll save time, postage, and get a tax deduction—what could be better? All you have to do is call Marian Gordon (314-576-5230) for a shul tribute or Gloria Friedlander for a Sisterhood tribute (314-469-3274), and we'll take care of the rest.
February Birthdays
March Birthdays
Mr. Jeffrey Schnitzer
William Rosenfeld
Benjamin Schwartz
March Anniversaries
Eric & Elaine Farkas
Lenny & Renee Kohn
Boaz & Jane Roth
Shelby Kopp & Suzanne Mosher-Kopp March 8
Adam & Jennifer Bell
Did you know…?
Phil & Christy Brick
Birthdays, anniversaries and yahrzeit obser-
Robert & Shirley Becker
vances for the coming week as well as names of
Leib Krut & Esther Abramson-Krut
those who are ill in our community are now listed
Michael & Noemi Neidorff
in our weekly Shabbat Bulletin. Send a tribute card or give someone a call—it means a lot!
Vladimir & Lucy Pugachev
Thank you to our contributors!
Tribute donations are a wonderful way to show you care by making a charitable gift to our congregation, The following donations were received recently by the Congregation/Sisterhood. Please send recipient information and your donation (minimum of $5 per card) to Marian Gordon at Traditional Congregation, or to Gloria Friedlander for Sisterhood tributes, 14284 Forest Crest Dr, Chesterfield MO 63017.
William H. Sherr
Mike & Sylvia Schwartz
Gray & Beth Golden
Rabbi Gordon's lunch program
sponsored in memory of Rose
Joel & Francine Schraier
Camins, Samuel Comins, and Sara
Bill & Nanci Gold
Joel & Francine Schraier
Dick & Dianna Fine
Max Nissenbaum, brother of Libby
Marty & Marilyn Levison
Tullman and uncle of Jerry Tull-
Jerry & Gail Tullman
Bill & Nanci Gold
Dick & Dianna Fine
Richard & Joyce Becker
Bill & Nanci Gold
Warren G. Friedlander Fund
Stan & Erika Greenberg
Hal & Ellen Rosen
David & Gail Berwald
Norton & Shirley Lieber Kronemer
Norton & Shirley Lieber Kronemer
Jeffrey & Sharon Rosenblum
Benjamin & Susan Schwartz
Norton & Shirley Lieber Kronemer
Warren G. Friedlander Fund
Norton & Shirley Lieber Kronemer
Nancy Movshin, mother of Mau-
Judy & Stan Becker's 50th anni-
Neal & Pamela Neuman
Gary & Marilyn Ratkin
Michael & Noémi Neidorff
Bernard Tischler
Appreciation to Congregation
Hannah Lowentritt
Sidney & Sylvia Rosen
Marty & Mimi Levy
Ronald Fagerstrom
Karen, Arthur & Nate Noss
Marty & Mimi Levy
Family of Simon Kohn
Engagement of Akiva Gordon &
Edward Weinstein
Paul & Nikki Goldstein
Paul & Nikki Goldstein
Joseph & Florence Schachter
Henry & Marlene Diamant
Stan & Erika Greenberg
Marty & Linda Bell
Henry & Marlene Diamant
Bill & Nanci Gold
Dick & Dianna Fine
Birth of Steve & Sandy Bell's new
Mauricio & Marcia Lisker
Barry & Evelyn Witten
Mike & Sylvia Schwartz
Birth of Ceil & Bernie Tobin's
new great-grandson
Stan & Erika Greenberg
In Honor of Speedy Recovery for:
Dear Ms. Leah Soibel,
Stanley & Erika Greenberg
We are pleased to inform you
that you have been selected by
Lester & Joan Schwartz
The Algemeiner newspaper to
Warren G. Friedlander Fund
‘JEWISH 100' list of the top
Stanley & Erika Greenberg
100 people positively influenc-
ing Jewish life.
You have been chosen by
Richard & Joyce Becker
The Algemeiner editors for Leah Soibel and proud mama Cecilia Soibel
Warren G. Friedlander Fund
your impactful work on be-
half of the Jewish people and/or the state of Israel. The full
list of awardees will be announced and published on the night of
February 3rd and will be publicized widely. Following the enthusi-
Jerry & Gail Tullman
astic reception that greeted last year's list, our annual J100 list is
Roseline Sonnewirth
becoming a global staple helping reflect on the people and trends
shaping the Jewish future.
Jack & Annette Heller
As a JEWISH 100 awardee, you and your spouse are cordially in-
vited as our personal guests to attend our gala awards ceremony in New York on February 3rd, where you will be formally recog-
Warren G. Friedlander Fund
nized. A red carpet for awardees and other honorees will take
place at 6pm and dinner will begin at 7pm. The event will be at-
Shivah Fund Donation
tended by Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, Melissa Rivers, Donald
Trump, Israeli Consul General Ido Aharoni and many other distin-
In memory of Monroe Levy
guished guests, and will take place in New York City, at Capitale,
Ken & Cyndee Levy
located at 130 Bowery. If you plan to attend please RSVP to my-
In memory of Nancy Movshin
self or Chana Yemini.
In memory of Max Nissenbaum
It is a distinct honor for us to be able to showcase your ongoing
service for which we commend you, and wish you continued suc-
cess in your work. Please be advised that only you have been in-
Frank & Ilse Altman Torah
formed of your selection. Due to the integrity of this high profile
list, the honorees will remain confidential until their announce-ment at the gala. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Please let us know if we can provide you with any additional infor-
mation or be of any further assistance. A formal letter is at-
Seudah Sh'lishit Donation
Marty & Mimi Levy
We hope you can join us in what promises to be a memorable
Packs of tribute cards pur-chased by:
Marty & Mimi Levy
Mel & Bettina Weinberg
For more information about the JEWISH 100 list, please see the following report from last year's list: http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/04/25/
Bernie & Ceil Tobin
Our dear Traditional family,
Thank you to all our traditional family for all the phone calls, cards, e-mails, visits, and de-licious meals to the love while Jerry was ill and recuperating.
Hello, everyone,
We are so appreciative and feel so blessed to
I'm a charter member of the St. Louis Wind Sym-
have you all in our lives.
phony. Now in our 16th season, the St. Louis Wind Symphony performs four concerts of high quality
Here's to a healthy and safe 2015 for all of us.
wind literature per year. Our upcoming concert is a special treat. On Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 3:00
Love, Jerry and Zeta
p.m. at the Skip Viragh Performing Arts Center at Chaminade College Preparatory School we will feature a guest conductor and guest alto saxophone soloist. Admission to the concert is free. Full details are avail-
Please convey my thanks and gratitude to
able at www.stlwindsym.org.
Traditional Congregation, Sisterhood and
Chesed Committee for extending their
sympathies to me and my family on the
[email protected]
death of my mother, Nancy Movshin.
314-365-5687 (cell)
At a time when sadness engulfs you, the knowledge of the concern and friendship
I'd like to thank all my friends at Traditional for the many tributes,
of our Traditional community is very com-
cards, calls and the food you sent
or delivered during my recent recov-ery from surgery. They all cheered
me to a full, speedy recovery. Thanks so very much. Mel Weinberg
Dear Traditional Family,
We want to thank Sisterhood for the tributes in honor of our speedy recoveries and all of our fel-low congregants who so graciously and generously sent Stan tributes for a speedy recovery and so much soup and foods and desserts to help him get healed and healthy. We also appreciate all of your visits and very thoughtful and supportive calls and cards.
Having you all in our lives has kept us positive and on our way to continue to enjoy all of the wonderful things life has to offer. We feel surrounded by love and support.
Judy & Stan Becker
nic minorities almost by definition do not enjoy (How many times have we felt uncomfortable when
P rior to this Knesset's recent dissolution the religion of the American majority is given major
and the heading to new elections, it was
prominence in the public space?-ez) – and its ab-
considering enacting a new Basic Law
sence does not undermine the legitimacy of Israeli
(definition: a law that it is intended to be
part of a constitution for the State of Israel, should
determination doesn't mean that all the population
we ever get one). This Basic Law in essence would
of a country belongs to one ethnic or national
officially recognize Israel as the nation-state of the
group. It means…this country does have a specific-
Jewish people. In all the versions that were being
ity and that specificity is the materialization of the
considered, all of Israel's citizens were guaranteed
right of a specific people with a specific culture,
complete civil rights – though not necessarily na-
with a specific history, to self-determination, to
tional rights. The opponents to enacting this legisla-
enlisting the power of the state to protect them-
tion claimed that it would negatively impact the de-
selves physically, culturally, and, in terms of iden-
mocratic aspect of the State of Israel which strives
tity, against the forces of assimilation or liquidation
to be both Jewish and democratic.
or attack by other groups around them.' (p. 131)
In considering your own opinion of this legiti-
"What Gavison has in mind…is not pure liberal
mate debate, i would ask you to take into account
democracy (but) approximates "ethnic democ-
the unique nature of the State of Israel as expressed
racy"…described by Professor Sammy Smooha (as)
by Daniel Gordis in his book, Saving
that (which) ‘combines the extension of
Israel (copyright 2009. If you haven't
civil and political rights to permanent
read it, i do recommend it.)
residents who wish to be citizens with the
" …the Jews (are), first and foremost,
bestowal of a favored status to the major-
a people (p.36)…The most urgent task
ity group,' a system in which ‘the state
facing the Jewish people…(is the) need
belongs to the majority and serves it
to speak about Israel not in terms of the
more than the minority;' it (is, according
Shoah or even of enduring anti-
Semitism,…but about the purpose of the
‘diminished' form of democracy…Yet
Jewish state, about what sovereignty enables the
even Smooha, a critic of ethnic democracy and a
Jews to do and to become. (p.215)
(Jewish) passionate defender of the rights of Is-
"…the Jewish state…brought security and restored
rael's Arabs, admits that ‘the democratic frame-
hope to Jewish life…allow(ing) the Jews to reclaim
work is real, not a façade.' (p. 132)
their role in history…The purpose of the Jewish
"Israelis are…going to have to ask themselves if
state is to transform the Jews. (p.216)…Israelis
Israel is the ‘Jewish state' because a plurality of it
need to wrestle with the question how the Jewish
populace is Jewish, or whether, alternatively, what
state should be Jewish. (p. 218)
is Jewish about the state is the content of its citi-
"Professor Ruth Gavison(:) ‘… the real tension
zens' worldviews, the fingerprints on its cul-
is not between Israel's "Jewish" and "democratic"
ture…" (p.200)
aspects, but between competing ideas within de-
i am pretty certain this law will come up again in
mocracy, which are forced to find a balance be-
the next Knesset. i hope when it does you will now
tween complete civic equality, and freedom for the
have information that will enable you to draw a fair
majority to chart the country's course…Non-Jews
opinion between the legitimate competing points of
may not enjoy a feeling of full membership in the
majority culture; this, however, is not a right but an interest – … it is something which national or eth-
Calendar of Events
Candle lighting 5:10 PM
General Board Candle lighting Sheldon Oren-
Candle lighting Shabbat hon-5: 33 PM
Calendar of Events
Fast of Esther Purim
Candle lighting
gillah Read- Megillah
ing 5:30 PM Reading
Shabbat Din-ner 6:30 PM
General Board Candle lighting
Candle lighting 6:54 PM
Candle lighting 7:01 PM
Traditional Congregation of Creve Coeur
12437 Ladue Rd, St Louis MO 63141
Rabbi Seth D Gordon Rabbi Ephraim I Zimand, Emeritus
Cyndee Levy, President
Marian S Gordon, Executive Manager
Dated Material Please Deliver Promptly
Monday, March 16
Shabbat Services & Candle Lighting
Shacharit Services:
Monday– Friday
9:00 AM Shabbat,
Sundays and Holi-
Arvit Services:
5:45 PM Fridays through March 6; as
of March 13, Fridays
Source: http://traditional-congregation.org/sites/default/files/February-March_2015_Newsletter.pdf
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Self-Reported History of Manic/Hypomanic Switch Associated With Antidepressant Use: Data From the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) Christine J. Truman, M.D.; Joseph F. Goldberg, M.D.; S. Nassir Ghaemi, M.D., M.P.H.;Claudia F. Baldassano, M.D.; Stephen R. Wisniewski, Ph.D.; Ellen B. Dennehy, Ph.D.;