Behind the
Amwaj Mermaid, newest
project launch on the islands

Letter from the
Explorer of the
Title: Al Kindi, Philosopher of the
The year 2015 started off with a
bang! On January 16, we were happy
Birth: 801
to host the ‘Color Me Bahrain' fun
Death: 873
run, with a turnout of more than
Region: Iraq
700 participants. The first of its
Main Interests: Astrology,
kind event in Amwaj and in Bahrain
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
proved a huge success for those
Psychology, Medicine, Islamic
who participated in the run as
Theology, and Music Theory.
well for the market vendors and
Notable Ideas: Al-Kindi took his view
people who just stopped by to
Explorer of the
of the solar system from Ptolemy,
enjoy the day. We are thankful for
who placed the Earth at the centre
the positive feedback we received,
of a series of concentric spheres, in
and we definitely look forward to
which the known heavenly bodies
hosting it again next year. We were
Mercury, Khalid
happy to see many of our residents
Al Mutawa
Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and the stars)
participating in the run and getting
are embedded.
splashed with colors; for those who
Position: Security
were unable to make it, see all the
Manager, Amwaj Islands
The Book of the Judgement of the
fun inside this issue.
On a final note, we would like to
Treatise on Secure
the Judgement of
wish you all a Happy Valentine's
Day- may the love be spread
Treatise on the Dominion of the
between you all and around the
Arabs and its Duration.
The Choices of Days.
Treatise on the Spirituality of the
The Amwaj Team
Behind the Name Amwaj Mermaid
A new project has been launched on apartments with high quality the islands, adding to the prestigious finishing, marble flooring and great portfolio of residential buildings sea views; now available for viewing. available. Amwaj Mermaid launched The building consists of 17 spacious last month with brand new show 3-bedroom apartments with modern
facilities and sea views. Sizes range from 167 sqm to 178 sqm and prices start from BD 114,000. Amwaj Mermaid also boasts a unique 1-bedroom penthouse, 102 sqm in size with a large terrace at the selling price of BD 93,840. The above prices are inclusive of Amwaj Maintenance and Capital Contribution fees.
Lena Monasava
M: + 973 38386365
E: [email protected]
Vanessa Diaz
M: +973 38386365
E: [email protected]
60 Seconds with. residents of this lovely island.
by covering all common areas in
How did you start? I started my Amwaj island and have a 24-hours
first a few days by building a hotline available for all resident
relationship with key people in and visitors.
the island and in the government When was Secure Services
to improve communication and established in Bahrain? Secure
relations for the future. As we Services is an ISO 9001 registered
all know, safety and security are company and was established
aspects in life that need constant in 2000 to provide a range of
improvement. This can only be met professional security related
by on-the-job learning and training services of international quality
so I have set several courses and to banks and financial institutions
training for my security team to be together with commercial and
held on a regular basis to polish private clients requiring asset
Name: Khalid Al Mutawa
their skills and abilities to be able protection, risk and liability
Position: Security
to handle any situation they come reduction.
Manager, Amwaj Islands
Do you have any advice for the
Company: Secure
What plans do you have to Amwaj residents with regards to
improve Amwaj Security? My goal safety and security? There are a
is to exceed resident expectations few major points I would like to
in providing a complete emphasize on this subject.
Can you tell us a little about your security solution through our
work background? I have over 21
1. Do not let others into your
international team of highly
years of experience in the aviation
trained and motivated security
industry working at Gulf Air and professionals. All of our operating 2. Do not put yourself at risk or in
Emirates Air for in-flight services procedures provide services that potentially dangerous situations.
and ground operations covering are flexible and tailored to the
Dubai and Bahrain airports.
3. Program your cell phone with
resident's requirements but not one touch- key for our security
How do you feel about being the compromised by implementing hotline or Police.
new Amwaj Security Manager? recognized industry standards.
I am very thrilled to be part of
4. If you have to walk late at night
What do you do in your spare time?
the well-run group of Amwaj
take all precautions to be safe.
I spend most of my time with my
Property Development and am family, wife and angel twin boys, 5. Finally, if you see something or
looking forward to contribute my also I love reading and sports.
someone suspicious, immediately
background experience courses
report it to security hotline or
and training to this respected What are Secure Services and what police. My main concern on that
organization. A great deal of do they currently do for Amwaj? subject is to be vigilant and know
improvement of safety and security Secure services are a contracted what's happening around you, the
was carried out by the previous company by Amwaj and are number of the emergency line of
Manager Mr. Abdulrahim and one of the oldest companies in the security which is available 24-7
the security team. Nonetheless, this field. Safety and security for everybody on the island.
there are still lots of areas for come first; they are based on the You have a big job ahead of
improvement to meet and exceed insurance of providing safe and you. Are you nervous?It's a new
the high expectations from the secure environment for residents challenge and a big responsibility,
which I am glad to accept.
Amwaj Security in Training
To increase internal awareness, prevention and readiness, The Amwaj Security team underwent training ensure our staff has the latest information in this area.
‘Color Me
Bahrain' Fun
Amwaj Islands was proud to host the
first of its kind event on January 16.
Organized by Bahrain Road Runners
and sponsored by Viva, the event saw
adults and kids all having a blast with
a splash of color, where after crossing
each kilometer participants were
showered with colored powder and
finish the race covered in five different
colors. The race ended with a variety of
family and kid's entertainment and an
outdoor market for everyone to enjoy.
interior featured furniture, while Sara Valente [spoon] and Reine Lahoud took
SPACE: Opens Doors lead on the Landscape side. On the curators'
on January 30th
front, Tarik Omar and Hasan Hujairi are consulting on the sound room equipment and developing workshop ideas related to
It is a place to give artists a space, tools,
First community hub in the Middle East music and studio production. Meanwhile, and intimacy to unleash their creative
to support and connect all types of Art in
Frances Stafford and Yasmin Sharabi art side. By mixing these different types of art,
the most innovative way. Nested under consultants, will manage the annual gallery Malja wants to offer the creative minds
the trees at the entrance of Amwaj Islands,
which will be held in Malja's main hall. with a unique experience and captivate
Malja, Bahrain's first open creative space A team of story tellers are documenting art aficionados with concepts that take
is set to open its doors on January 30th at
Malja's coming to life. Behind the camera,
their passion to a whole new level. On the
4 pm with it's first show Double tap and JEO's Productions team of producers and opening week (Jan 30th – Feb 4th), Malja's
live graffiti performances, followed by the
cameramen are capturing every moment program will feature several artists from
opening ceremony at 6:00 pm. After taking
from the construction to the people different disciplines who will give a sneak
over Al Osra's old supermarket, creative involved. In photos and writing, Noor peek into the type of programs to expect at
hands and minds have been working for Noorudin, Quentin de Pimodan, Melchior Malja. To learn more about the opening and
the past three months to transform this de Tinguy and Ali Haji are telling the story the full program visit: www.maljabahrain.
hidden place into a communal location to
of Malja, on the blog www.maljabahrain.
com and join the conversation on social
create, promote and support Arts in Bahrain
com designed by Maroon Frog. It will be media; Facebook:
and the Middle East: spoon Consultants are
a pace for creative minds to learn, create,
maljabahrain , Instagram: @maljabahrain
leading the design of the 350 sqm multi-
develop and perform by supporting and #Maljabahrain #Bahrainculture Malja
functional project space featuring their connecting all types of arts in the most is a non for profit venue and is opened
unique façade installation. The indoor innovative way. Part artist incubator, part from 12:00pm to 10:00pm 7 days a week.
and outdoor space is brought to light by
gallery and art cultural curator, Malja's For more information you can call: 32-
LumenArts Lighting Consultants who are core purpose is to give critical acclaim 323-000 Malja partners include: BMMI;
responsible for all the illumination. Jody to involved artists, while breaking down Amwaj Islands, Meritas, Batelco, Virgin
Peck [Artist] and Noof Al Refaei [Sikkeh regional barriers as well as financial and Megastore, Likwid Productions, Hala
Gallery] contributed with some of the institutional constraints between them. Bahrain Show and Time Out Magazine.
Think fresh,
cook local
Cook up a treat with the freshest ingredients!
Enjoy healthy living and help us support local
farming and regional produce.
At Alosra we've refined the art of fresh, healthy cooking through our ‘Think Local' initiative, supporting local farmers. Now we've teamed up with the famous Chef Suzy Massetti, to create a selection of delicious recipes using only fresh local produce. Pick up a recipe card at Alosra and enjoy cooking local!
Amwaj Photo
Upcoming Events Amwaj Notice
& Sessions
The Amwaj Security and
From Bahrain With Love
Maintenance teams are
23- Amwaj Book Club – resident
responsible for the below.
Maison du Maillot, meaning ‘House
book lovers are invited to
of Swimsuits' in French, was launched
attend, please contact Suzanne
For leaks or blockage in a
earlier in 2014 as an online boutique for
33109531 for more information
common area; contact Kamel
contemporary beachwear. Established by
and details on location
on 3666 6007. Beach and road
two sisters based in Amwaj, Leila and Fifi,
cleaning, damage on roads or
the e-boutique, offers a wide selection
Every Friday – The Muju
pavements, fallen signboards
of the most stylish swimsuits, beachwear
Jazzy Brunch. Midday-5pm,
or flags and garbage bins
and accessories. The latest designs and
this unique offer provides a
request, contact Niaz on 3315
key trends are chosen from a range of
splendid buffet selection, the
regional and international designers,
glamorous Sushi counter and
For construction site issues
ensuring customers have the sleekest
the extensive live cooking
contact Roger on 3909 4842.
beachwear looks at their fingertips. From
stations as well as choice of
For workers' gate pass,
free flowing kaftans to chic bright bikinis,
dining inside the lounge area,
contact Mohammed on 3943
the easy-to-navigate website gives you the
beside the private infinity pool
4809. For pest control issues
widest range of pool and beachside looks,
or relaxing on the sun filled
contact Verminex on 3920
ideal for our warm climate. Customers in
decking area, BD 25 net inclusive
Bahrain have access to private shopping
of food and beverages. For
Traffic accidents can be
appointments, free next day shipping
more information, contact
reported to police on with online
Muju Lounge and Restaurant on
199, medical emergency, orders and an
ambulance or fire can be
Every Saturday – Amwaj Marina
directed to 999, with the
Prize Night. Enjoy a beautiful
assistance of the Amwaj
Security team.
night by the Amwaj Marina
while savouring live BBQ
cooking, 8pm-12am. For more
information, please call 1601
beachwear and we hope you enjoy the shopping
Visit to enjoy
online shopping today.
The Rules & Regulations document for Residents and Visitors is available from the Management of Amwaj Islands.
Secure Services are responsible to manage the Security of the common areas of Amwaj. Mr. Khalid Al Mutawa, Head of Amwaj Security by Secure Services, can be reached on 36046147. Security Team's contact details are: 33 530 223 during working hours, Sunday
Congratulations to Sarah Alfadhel who won a BD25 shopping voucher from
to Thursday 8am-5pm. 24-hour
Alosra Supermarket for February's ‘Photo of the Month' Competition with
emergency telephone: 39 866 952
this picture! To participate, please send your photos to [email protected]
or email amwaj@secureservices.
Please make sure all photos entered for the competition are over 1MB in size to qualify
waterside residential
Inland residential
Residential & Commercial
Amwaj Islands' Security
Maya Beach Resort & Fitness, Meena 7
Emergency Numbers
Working Hours: 24 hrs
Tala Service Center -
Location: Amwaj Islands entrance
Working Hours: 6.30am - 10pm
Saturday - Thursday, 8am - 10pm on
E [email protected]
Properties and Facilities
Al Hidd Police Station
Amwaj Islands Main Office
Muju Lounge & Restaurant
Main Office - 69694000
Working hours: 8am – 5pm, Sunday
Samaheej Police Station
E: [email protected]
Location: Amwaj Islands entrance
Park & Shop Supermarket, Zawia 2
Closest Removal & Storage
Tala Island Security
Quest Realty, Meritas House
Takhzeen Self Storage
Nuetel Communications
Nearest Hospitals to Amwaj
Working Hours: 8am – 5pm, Sunday -
Thursday, 8am - 2pm on Saturdays
American Mission Hospital,
Amwaj Medical & Wellness
Tala Leisure Center
International School of Choueifat
Weekdays 6am - 10pm
Bahrain Specialist Hospital
Amwaj Marina Dive Club
Weekends 9am - 6pm
Robin BugejaM 39 671 748
Al Hilal Hospital
Baz Cargo Services
Bahrain International AirportT 17 339 339
Yara Beauty Lounge, Zawia 1
King Hamad Hospital
Closest Post Office to
Working Hours Everyday 9am - 8pm
Closest Vets to Amwaj
Al Hidd Post Office
The Dragon Beach Hotel & Resort
Zaman Studio, Meritas House
Dr Mohammed Hussain
Working Hours: 7am - 2pm
Saturday to Thursday
The Sea Loft Boutique Chalets
24-Hours Supermarket
Closest Pharmacies to Amwaj
ACES Taekwondo Academy, Tala Island
Bahrain City Center
Al Osra Supermarket
Ibn Sina Pharmacy
Everyday 7am - 11pm
Azizia Bird Kingdom
Black & White Laundry
Hunger Line (Papa Johns, Dairy Queen,
Costa Coffee, Tala Island
Burger King, Quiznos & Chilis)
Dance Studio, Tala Island
Aradous Travel and Tour
Environment Friends Society
Little Ceasars Pizza
Car Washing Services
Joz Salon & SPA, The Dragon Hotel & Resort Pizza Inn
Home Maintenance Services
La Contesse Beauty Center
M 36 558 817M 36 191 810
AXEM T 17 500 260
Wahid PastriesT 17 466 771
Intracranial hypertension Daniel Tibussek, MD • Case• Clinical presentation of pediatric PTC• Nomenclature, Definition – What is intracranial hypertension?– Diagnostic difficulties • Epidemiology of headache in PTC – Clinical course of headache– IIH without papilledema • Cases continued• Summary • 13 yrs, female, obese• History of intermittend headache, tension-
SEMINARIOS DE INNOVACIÓN EN ATENCIÓN PRIMARIA. INTELIGENCIA SANITARIA APLICADA A LA CLÍNICA: ¿POR QUÉ HACEMOS LO QUE HACEMOS? Javier Padilla BernáldezM.I.R. 3er año Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria.C.S. Castilleja de la Cuesta. Sevilla. ¿POR QUÉ HACEMOS LO QUE HACEMOS? "Ninguno de nosotros sabía que éramos