Britton, SD 57430
Telephone: (605) 448-2234 ext. 1
Steve Benson-Superintendent
Carrie James-Principal
Sheila Anderson- Counselor
Brian Freeman- Activities Director
The mission of the Britton-Hecla School District is to promote a positive, challenging and safe
environment for every student. Our goal is to provide all students with the life skills necessary for
continuous growth as productive global citizens through a cooperative effort of school, family, business
and community.
We welcome you as a member of the Britton-Hecla student body. As a citizen of this school, you are
expected to follow the rules that are established for all students. Your success in this school will be
directly proportional to your efforts. Please call on your teachers for the help that you need to be
Sheila Anderson
K – 12 Counselor
Computers/Tech Coor.
Jennifer Carlson
Gretchen Christenson Math/English
Joleen Christianson
Travis Santistevan
Industrial Technology
SPED/Soc. Studies
Stephanie Symens
Janel Smith
Stephanie Symens
1st Period
Grading System = the school year is divided into two semesters, each semester worth 1/2 credit. Each
semester is divided into two 9-weeks periods. Report cards are issued to students every nine
weeks. Student deficiency/ progress reports may be sent any time to parents of students who are in
need of some type of attention. The following grading system is used in academic classes:
Honor Roll = An honor roll will be made at the end of each nine week period and at the end of each semester. In order to be on the honor roll of merit, a student must have a 3.0 G.P.A. and not receive any D's or F's in an academic class. In order to be on the honor roll of excellence, a student must have a 3.7 G.P.A. and not receive any C's, D's, or F's in an academic class. Honor Graduation = At the end of four years of high school, students with a G.P.A. of 3.3 will graduate with honors, a G.P.A. of 3.5 with high honors and a G.P.A. of 3.7 with highest honors. Students who earn a 4.0 GPA or higher are considered to be ranked #1. This policy was instituted to allow for the mathematical inequity that occurs for students who take weighted classes, earn A's and take a full load of classes each year.
Graduation Requirements
A student's Personal Learning Plan must document a minimum of 22 credits that include the following:
(1.) Four units of Language Arts – must include:
(5.) One unit of the following-any combination:
a. Writing – 1.5 units
a. Approved Career & Technical
b. Literature – 1.5 units
(must include .5 unit of American
b. Capstone Experience or Service
c. Speech or Debate – .5 unit
c. World Language
d. Language Arts elective – .5 unit
(6.) One unit of Fine Arts
(2.) Three units of Mathematics – must include:
a. Algebra I – 1 unit
(7.) One-half unit of Personal Finance or
b. *Algebra II – 1 unit
c. *Geometry – 1 unit
(8.) One-half unit of Physical Education
(3.) Three units of Lab Science – must include:
a. Biology – 1 unit
(9.) One-half unit of Health or Health
b. Any Physical Science – 1 unit
c. *Chemistry or Physics – 1 unit
(4.) Three units of Social Studies – must include:
a. U.S. History – 1 unit b. U.S. Government – .5 unit c. World History – .5 unit d. Geography – .5 unit
*With school and parent/guardian approval, a student may be excused from this course in favor of a more appropriate course. A student may be excused from Algebra II or Geometry, but not both. A student is still required to take three units of Math. If a student is excused from Chemistry or Physics, the student must still take three units of Lab Science. A waiver needs to be signed by the parents and the school administration. Classes taken that do not meet college entrance requirements such as Consumer/Intermediate Math and Basic English have a weighted GPA scale with an "A" (3.5). The principal and counselor will determine appropriate weighted grading scales for classes taught with alternative delivery styles. Advanced placement and dual credit classes will have a weighted scale with an "A" (4.5).
Students may take online, distance learning and AP courses. All online, AP and distance learning courses
must have administrative approval and may not be taken in lieu of courses offered at BHHS. If a student
fails or drops one of these courses they will need to pay for all expenses associated with the course,
including the books.
Dual Credit Classes – Students may also take dual credit classes but students will have to pay for all fees
associated with dual credit classes.
Summer Courses- Any school accredited by the SD Department of Education shall accept transfer credits
earned by a student for any course taken by the student from another school accredited by the SD
Department of Education outside the regular school term. However, Britton-Hecla School is only
required to accept the transfer credits if the student notifies a school administrator of the credits sought
prior to taking the course. If the students fails to provide the advance notice, the school may refuse to
accept the credits. Coursework must meet the district and state graduation requirements to be
accepted by the Britton-Hecla School.
Online Classes and Distance Learning Grading Policy:
Final/Semester Grades will be assigned per the course instructor. In the instances where an instructor
does not suggest a grade, the course percentage will be assigned via Britton-Hecla's online grading scale.
Quarter Grades will be given as suggested by the course instructor. In some instances, the course is
graded as a final grade. For such instances, the Britton-Hecla e-mentor will use the Britton-Hecla
School's online course grading scale to assign a quarter grade.
For all online courses, quarter grades are a progress grade. The final grade is based on overall
performance for the semester.
Apex grading follows the Britton-Hecla School District 7-12 grading scale.
Online Course Grading Scale: A 100 – 90; B 89 – 80; C 79 – 70; D 69 – 60; F 59 and below
Semester tests, end of the semester projects, speeches, etc. will be given at the discretion of the
classroom teacher. The semester test or project grade will be calculated with the 9 week grade and will
not be a standalone grade. The semester grade will be calculated by averaging the two 9 weeks grades.
When calculating the semester grade, a numerical value of no less than 65 percent will be used for
averaging an "F" letter grade.
Students will be placed in various grades according to the following criteria. To be enrolled in: Grade 10
- 6 credits; Grade 11 - 12 credits; Grade 12 - 16 credits.
The amount of homework varies with the grade level, the teacher, and the subject involved. It helps if
students have a set time and place at home to study. Showing interest in your child's homework
provides the opportunity to share in their learning experiences. Bringing home large amounts of
homework may mean your child is not using his/her school time properly. You are invited to consult the
teacher if a problem arises in this matter.
Make Up Work/Late Work
For any absence from school, students will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Request
for teacher assistance is encouraged but shall be scheduled at the convenience of the instructor. The
time period allowed for makeup work shall be one school day times the number of days
missed. Students who missed the day of test reviews will take the test with their classmates the
following day. It is the student's responsibility to get all work made up.
Any late work must be turned in, on or before the next regularly scheduled class. It will be assessed a 10
percent penalty. After that, work will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher.
The Britton-Hecla School wants to help students succeed and provide opportunities for students to improve their grades and complete missing work with the help of a teacher available. The following plan has been put into place to give students this opportunity.
If students are receiving failing grades, they will be required to attend the after school study hall that is held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday until they are passing their classes. Grades are checked on these days and students receive notification if they are failing a class and need to stay after school. If that day does not work for the student they need to report to the principal's office and plan an alternate time to come in and work on their grade. They also may visit with the teacher and get their grade up before the end of the day, and then report this change to the office. If students do not show up for the after school study hall, they will be required to report for lunch study hall the following two days. They will report to lunch study hall and will be required to work on school work while they are eating. Juniors and seniors forfeit their open campus lunch privilege on these days. Students may also report to school at 7:30 to work on the failing grade if they notify the principal's office and the teacher.
Students at Britton-Hecla High School must attend a minimum of 3½ years unless the fourth year is
spent as a foreign exchange student. An early graduation means completing the following criteria:
Letter of intent is submitted by February 1 of junior year Early graduation form is filled out and signed by student, parent, and school official Student has a 2.5 grade point average Student has completed 22 credits Required classes are completed
Early graduates will be considered graduates of the Britton-Hecla School at the time the school board
confers such status upon them. Therefore, early graduates will no longer be considered members of the
Britton-Hecla School student body and will forfeit those rights and privileges accorded students.
However, early graduates may participate in the graduation ceremony held at the end of the school
The following guidelines will be used when determining eligibility for activities. A student must be
passing six classes. Eligibility will be determined at midterm and the end of each nine week period. If a
student is deemed ineligible he/she will not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities for a
one week period (Seven days – Monday to the next Monday). Ineligible students will have grades
checked at weekly intervals (each Friday) until the student becomes eligible. During academic
suspension, students may practice and travel with the team as long as no school time is missed. In
addition to midterm and quarterly eligibility requirements, all students must follow SDHSAA
requirements for eligibility. If a student is not passing six classes at the end of a semester, he/she will
not be eligible until the following mid-term. If the student is still not passing six classes at mid-term,
he/she will not be eligible until the end of the nine weeks.
Students participating in extra-curricular activities are required to abide by the following activity rules from August 15, 2015 – August 15, 2016 1) No consumption or possession of alcohol 2) No use or possession of tobacco products 3) No use or possession of illegal (controlled) substance 4) In-school or out-of-school suspension
Violation of these rules will result in the following:
1) First violation – One event or one week, whichever is greater
2) Second violation – Six weeks of non-competition or 4 weeks of non-competition if student
completes an approved drug and counseling program.
3) Third violation – One year of non-competition, or six months of non-competition if student
completes an approved drug and counseling program.
4) When a student goes 12 months without an additional violation, he/she will move back one
level in the consequences. In order for a student to successfully finalize a penalty, the student must complete the activity season.
Reporting – All violations are reported to the administration in the following ways:
1) The athlete may admit the infraction to the administration. If he/she reports to the coach or
athletic director, that person must report it to the administration.
2) The sheriff's department or probation officer may inform the administration.
3) An adult or staff may report the infraction through a signed statement, which will be shared with the accused.
The administrator and the student need to discuss the infraction on a weekday with the penalty
beginning on the first contest following that discussion. Students participating in music and drama
events sanctioned by the SDHSAA are also to uphold these rules. All students are to follow the South
Dakota High School Activities Association Code of Ethics and the states eligibility rules for extracurricular
activities. These are on file with the athletic director, coaches and administration.
BAND & CHORUS EXCEPTION: Student participation at ball games and concerts is part of their grade.
Therefore Band & Chorus members will be excluded from the Academic Eligibility policy in these
Practice/Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities
In order for students to be eligible to practice or compete in extra-curricular activities after school, they
must be in school the afternoon on the day of the practice or competition. Exceptions to this rule may
be doctor appointments, family emergencies or situations beyond the control of the student.
TAT – Teacher Assistance Team
Students struggling with academics or behavior issues may be referred to our
Teacher Assistance Team (TAT). Our team generally consists of teachers, administration, counselor,
school psychologist. The team will meet and brainstorm ideas for assisting teachers who work directly
with the student.
Suspension After School-SAS-3:20-4:00
Students assigned to SAS will serve the suspension in the room assigned.
Teachers supervise the suspension in their rooms.
Suspension Before School-SBS-7:30-8:15
Students assigned to SBS will serve the suspension in the office. Students are to report by 7:50 and are
dismissed when the first bell rings.
Suspension During Lunch-SDL
Students assigned to SDL will serve the suspension in the office. Students are to report to the office and
will be allowed to get their lunch when the other students have gotten their lunch. Students assigned
SDL will bring their tray back to the office to eat. Students are dismissed when the bell rings.
In-School Suspension-ISS
Students assigned to ISS will serve the suspension in an assigned room. ISS rules are posted in each
room. Students will be permitted to use their computers when directed by the classroom teacher.
Students will receive full credit for all work completed and submitted on time to the teacher. Parents
will be notified when ISS is assigned to a student. If a student is put on in-school or out-of-school
suspension, he/she will NOT be able to participate in extracurricular activities for that time.
Out-of-School Suspension-OSS
OSS is the denial of the opportunity to attend school for a period of time usually one to ten days and is
assigned by the Principal or in some situations the Superintendent. Students are expected to complete
all work assigned by the due date and will receive 70% credit if turned in by the due date. If a student is
put on in-school or out-of-school suspension, he/she will NOT be able to participate in extracurricular
activities for that time.
Short Term Suspension
When a student is suspended from school for a period of three days or less.
Long Term Suspension
When a student is suspended from school for four days or more.
Long Term Removal from Class
When a student is removed from a class for behavior reasons for the remainder of a semester, the
student will be given a withdrawal grade from the class and no credit given.
Alcohol Use/Drug Abuse/Chemical Abuse by Students
(Narcotics, Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages, and Controlled Substances)
Student and parent members of the school community are expected to be aware of and understand
these policies and comply with them. A copy of the policy will be provided to all students and parents
through our student handbooks or posted on the school website.
This policy is in effect on property owned, leased, or maintained by Britton-Hecla School
District, within 1,000 feet (drug free zone statute), at all school sanctioned activities on and off campus,
and in vehicles parked on school property.
A student shall not possess, use, transfer, conceal, sell, attempt to sell, deliver, nor be under the
influence of narcotics, drugs, or alcohol, materials/substance represented to be a drug or controlled
substance, or chemical substances which affect psychological functions or affect the educational system
of the school. Students shall not engage in drug use/abuse nor possess paraphernalia specific to the use
of illegal drugs. Students who use prescription drugs authorized by a licensed physician do not violate
this policy if the students conform to the prescription and appropriate school policies.
The building principal or designee may use a Passive Alcohol Sensor (PAS) if there is reasonable
suspicion of alcohol consumption or possession.
If the PAS indicates probable consumption, the student will be asked to take a breathalyzer test given by
a law enforcement official to refute or confirm alcohol consumption. Consequences for violations of this
policy are found on the discipline grid.
Procedures include, but are not limited to, notification of parents, short-term/long-term suspension,
expulsion, notification of law enforcement, and recommendation for professional help for the student.
Refer to School Board Policy JFCH/JFCI
Bus drivers are in charge of students riding on their buses going to and from school or activities. The bus
service is a privilege, not a right. Students abusing their riding privilege shall have bus riding suspended.
The Britton-Hecla School Board supports a secure school climate, conducive to teaching and learning
that is free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior.
The purpose of this policy is to promote consistency of approach and to help create a climate in which
all types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable.
Bullying is defined as any written or verbal expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof,
which is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school environment.
Bullying can include the use of electronic devices. This kind of bullying often-times begins in times
outside the school day, but for those instances that either occur during the school day, or have
disruptive effect during the school day, school officials will take action to remedy the situation.
For purposes of this policy, the school environment includes school buildings, grounds, vehicles, bus
stops and all school sponsored activities and events. A student who engages in any act of bullying is
subject to appropriate disciplinary action including suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law
enforcement authorities. The severity and pattern, if any, of the bullying behavior shall be taken into
consideration when disciplinary decisions are made. The Superintendent, or designee, shall develop a
comprehensive program to address bullying at all school levels. The program shall be aimed toward
accomplishing the following objectives:
1. To send a clear message to students, staff, parents and community members that bullying will not be tolerated. 2. To train staff and students in taking pro-active steps to prevent bullying from occurring. 3. To implement procedures for immediate intervention, investigation, and confrontation of students engaged in bullying behavior. 4. To initiate efforts to change the behavior of students engaged in bullying behaviors through reeducation on acceptable behavior, discussions, counseling, and appropriate negative consequences. 5. To foster a productive partnership with parents and community members in order to help maintain a bully-free environment. 6. To support victims of bullying by counseling. 7. To help develop peer support networks, social skills and confidence for all students. 8. To recognize and praise positive, supportive behaviors of students toward one another on a regular basis.
Students shall not carry or possess guns, knives, or any other instruments, which may be construed as
weapons while on school property or at any school activity. Any student bringing a dangerous weapon
to school shall be expelled for not less than twelve months and will be referred to law enforcement
authorities. The superintendent shall have the authority to recommend to the school board that this
expulsion requirement be modified on a case by case basis.
The Britton-Hecla Board of Education seeks to maintain a school climate conducive to learning and
protective of the safety and welfare of staff and students. The school system does not allow any
behavior that will threaten the safety of the school. Threats, harassment and the use of profanity will be
dealt with in an expedient manner with appropriate steps taken.
School officials have a right to confiscate or ask students to remove any items that would endanger the safety of other students in school. Students wearing any of the items listed in the dress code as inappropriate will be given a warning on the first offense. In the case of gang related items, law enforcement officials will be notified on the first offense. On the second offense, parents/guardians will be contacted and a short-term suspension may occur (1-10 days). The school board will handle repeated offenses.
All employees, students and guests should be able to enjoy a work and learning environment free from all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment or bullying. Copies of these policies are available upon request. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, continual/ongoing name calling, making inappropriate comments, gestures or noises, pushing, shoving, etc.
All incidents reported will be investigated with all parties involved interviewed. If the event warrants parental and sheriff involvement, both parties will be notified. The policy as noted in the Britton-Hecla School Board Handbook will be made available to students at the beginning of the school year
The Britton-Hecla School District #45-4 does not discriminate in its employment policies and practices,
or in its educational programs (including career and technical education programs) on the basis of race,
color, creed, religion, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or other human
differences. Inquiries specifically concerning the application of Title VI, Title IX, or section 504 may be
referred to:
Title VI (discrimination based on national origin/race) Special Services Director
Title IX (discrimination based on gender) Activities Director
Section 504 (discrimination based on disability) Special Services Director
Both Special Services and Activities Director can be reached at:
Britton-Hecla School District
Please note: This is a "public notice"
announcement published prior to the beginning
Britton, SD 57430
of each school year.
605-448-2234 Kansas City Office U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037 Kansas City, MO 64114-3302 Phone: 816-268-0550 Fax: 816-823-1404; TDD: 877-521-2172 E-mail:
The basic responsibility for regular school attendance lies with the students and with the parents. Attendance is a part of
each student's permanent record. It is the duty of the school officials to know the whereabouts of students during the
school hours. Students may be excused for specific purposes only through the principal's office. Absences are
categorized as Exempt, Excused or Unexcused.
When students are enrolled in school, they are expected to be in attendance for all classes.
Students should consider school their number one priority and if they are absent from class, they are missing out on
information that is presented.
Any student who is absent more than 9 (nine) class periods per semester will not be given credit for that class. When the
student has reached the area of 4-5 absences, a letter will be sent home notifying parents of our absence policy. Sick
days will not be counted towards the six absences, if a medical excuse is returned to the principal's office. School
sponsored activities for which students are absent are not counted.
After the 9th (ninth) absence, the student may request an attendance review by a committee comprised of the principal,
counselor, and one faculty member. In cases with extenuating circumstances, this review committee may provide
options for the student to make up time for regaining credit.
This includes all absence for sickness and for some serious emergencies, where the circumstances were not known in
advance. Other absences are excused, only if they are made up by the student in advance. Pre-existing assignments are
still due on the date assigned, even if the student missed school in between. Steps to follow when absent:
1. Have a parent/guardian call the office or write an excuse giving name, days absent, and reason for absence. 2. Obtain absence pass from the principal's office 3. Present absence slip to each of your teachers for assignments missed. 4. Make up all work and have teachers sign absence slip when work is completed. Student will have two days to make up work for the first day missed and an extra day for each consecutive day missed after that. 5. Return signed absence slip to the office of the principal by due date.
Types of Absences
The basic responsibility for regular school attendance lies with the students and with the parents. Attendance is a part of
each student's permanent record. It is the duty of the school officials to know the whereabouts of students during the
school hours. Students may be excused for specific purposes only through the principal's office. Absences are
categorized as either: Exempt Excused or Unexcused.
Exempt Absences
These absences will be marked in the attendance record but won't count against the number of days you can miss in a
These include:
All School sponsored activities Doctor/Dentist Appointments verified by note from doctor Doctor ordered absences verified by note from doctor Funerals/Religious Observations College Visit (during Senior year)
Excused Absences
These are absences that are known about by staff and parents. These will count against the number of days you may
miss a class each semester. When your absence is recorded as
"Excused" you will be allowed to do whatever make-up work is available, and you will receive full credit for the quality of
the work you do, provided it is completed within the time frames established by your teachers.
These include:
Doctor/Dentist Appointment not verified by note from doctor Doctor ordered absences not verified by note from doctor Illness Parent Request Weather Related absences
Unexcused Absences:
These are absences that are not approved by the staff and/or known by parents. Students needing to leave the school
for any reason during the day must first receive permission from the office.
Failure to follow this procedure will result in an unexcused absence. Any portion of the day counts as one violation.
These include:
Skipping School for any amount of time Oversleeping
If a student arrives late to school, he/she reports to the office for a late slip. If a student arrives late to class, the teacher
will mark the offense in the attendance system. If a student has been detained in the office or by another teacher, the
student should ask for a slip from the person who detained them before going to your next class. If a student earns five
tardies, the student will be required to make up time either during lunch period or before or after school. Each success
five tardies will result in additional make up time.
Students are entitled to due process under the law and Britton-Hecla does provide a process of appeal on judgments
made by those in authority. Grievances should be filed through the proper channels according to board policy JFH in the
Britton-Hecla Policy Manual in the Principal's office.
All students have the option to purchase activity tickets for $20.00. Activity tickets give entrance to all regular season
athletic events held at our school. Tickets may be purchased at the office. Lost tickets are replaced for $1.00. All
student athletes are required to buy an activity ticket to participate in athletics. No uniform will be issued until an
activity ticket is purchased. Activity tickets/season passes are available for adults too, contact the high school office for
more information.
The school owns many of the higher priced instruments. The band director issues these instruments. Students and
parents are responsible for the care of the assigned instrument. An instrumental rental fee is charged and is due at the
beginning of the school year.
1. Absolutely NO pop/energy drinks will be allowed in school during the school day! 2. Only clear containers will be permitted in the classrooms. 3. Only beverages that are sold in the vending machines are permitted in the classrooms. Vending machines
are available all day.
4. In the event of a spill, please notify the custodian or the office immediately.
Doors will be open to students at 7:45 AM if the student is under the supervision of a faculty member. In case of
extreme weather conditions, students who arrive early will be admitted to the building. Students are not to be in the
building after 3:45 PM unless supervised by a teacher.
Breakfast and hot lunches are served to students daily. Meals may be purchased at a reduced rate after the required
papers have been fill out and approved. Seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grade students are required to eat in the
lunchroom. When students are done eating they will remain in the lunchroom until dismissed. Juniors and Seniors may
eat in the cafeteria or leave the building and eat elsewhere. If juniors and seniors return to the school before the bell
they will report to the lunchroom and remain with other students until the bell rings. Abusing this option can result in
losing the privilege of open campus during lunch.
Do not tamper with the fire alarms, fire extinguishers, or any electrical systems.
Anyone, who willfully destroys school property through vandalism, arson, or larceny or creates a hazard to the safety of
others, will be referred to the proper law enforcement authorities and face suspension and/or expulsion.
Students should leave their coats in their lockers during the school day. Book bags should be used for school related
materials only. Any item deemed as contraband may result in the confiscation of a student's bag. Coats maybe hung in
classrooms with coat hooks in them (for example room 106 on the bottom floor).
The administration of the school system is well aware that if we are to have a good school system we must have a fair
and efficient system of discipline. We hope that by proper administration of school rules and regulations, we will be
able to teach our students the necessity of obeying proper authority, whether it is parental, civil, or school. Please see
the Britton-Hecla Discipline Guide, Bus Referral Form and Office Referral Form located at the end of this handbook for
a more detailed outline.
In most cases, the individual teacher will handle discipline. Teachers shall use their own discretion as to routine disciplinary measures to be taken regarding any student. These measures are necessary to maintain order and a stable learning atmosphere. Good behavior rewards itself through better peer and student/teacher relations and is ultimately reflective in the student's grades. Support of the teacher's decisions by the parents is important and appreciated. Parents should encourage good behavior at home. Only in the case of serious disrespect for authority or disregard for rules and regulations will the student be sent to the principal's office.
It is important to remember that we are preparing students for an occupation, not only academically, but also socially.
There are group standards and students will be expected to follow them and be responsible to other people.
Generally it is the prerogative of parents to determine what is appropriate dress and grooming for their children in
accordance with the age and grade of these students. It is hoped that decisions made by parents and student in these
matters will reflect favorably upon the individual student, the school, and the community. In the interest of cleanliness,
decency, and good taste, Britton-Hecla reserves the right to place restrictions on a student's dress and grooming, as
necessary, when they create a danger to the student's health and safety, interfere with the educational process, or
cause a disruption in school. Appearance should be nonrestrictive, nondisruptive, and respectful. The following are some guidelines:
1. For health and safety reasons, shoes are to be worn at all times in the buildings. 2. Caps, head scarves, bandanas, and hats are not appropriate and are not to be worn in the school building
3. No apparel or articles that promote or suggest alcohol, tobacco products, or drugs are allowed in school.
Apparel or articles containing messages, lettering, markings or pictures that could convey profane or offensive meanings or may relate to sex, race, guns, gangs, or cults will not be tolerated if worn in school.
4. Students may not wear immodest clothing, which includes clothing that exposes undergarments or
inappropriately exposes the body. No bare midriff tops, spaghetti straps, strapless tops, and low cut tops are allowed. Wide strapped tank tops and halter tops are allowed only if worn over or under appropriate shirts and undergarments are not showing. As a general rule, if in doubt, it's probably not appropriate.
5. Ripped or excessively baggy or tight clothing is prohibited. No skin should be showing from the knees up. 6. Leggings are permitted, however, shirts should be worn long enough to cover the student's behind. 7. Undergarments should be covered. 8. Chains hanging from pants are not permitted. 9. All coats and/or jackets are to be left in your locker and not worn in class. There are a few classrooms with
coat hooks in them and students are welcome to hang their coats there if they do not fit in their lockers.
10. Shorts and skirts are permitted. They should reach mid-thigh length.
If in question, it will be the administration's discretion whether or not a student has violated the dress code. If a student is dressed offensively any staff member has the right to ask the student to:
1. Turn the garment inside out 2. Exchange it for share-wear from the office 3. Cover it up (holes in blue jeans)
In keeping with Board Policy, there are to be no school activities scheduled on Wednesday evening after 6:00 p.m. and
no formal practices or rehearsals will be regularly scheduled on Sundays or other legal holidays. Any deviation from this
standard procedure must be cleared through the principal's office. Teachers will also make an attempt to keep
homework assignments to a minimum on Wednesday nights.
The school does not assume the responsibility for accidents, which may occur during school hours. Student insurance is
available to all students for a nominal fee. The school does not approve claims. Its role is to distribute information
relative to the program and assist in any way necessary. Students are encouraged to participate in the program or carry
their own accident insurance policy.
Students may only leave school for appointments or have had arrangements made between a student's parents and
principal. Students must inform someone in the principal's office when they are leaving. If someone in the office area is
not notified and the student leaves without checking out, the absence may be unexcused. All underclassman are
required to stay in the school building during school hours unless class is outside.
Each student is assigned a locker for the storage of books, school supplies, and coats.
It is the student's responsibility to see that his/ her locker is kept locked and in order at all times. Students should not
share their combination with anyone. Lockers are school property and subject to search at any time. Students have no
expectation of privacy with respect to all items placed in the school's lockers. Damage to lockers may result in a fine to
the student.
All students, except juniors and seniors, will remain on campus during the lunch period. They will eat in the lunch room
area and be only in areas designated by the administration. Juniors and seniors will have open campus for lunch but may
have that privilege taken away if they violate other school rules. With special exception and prior permission from
parents and the principal's office, underclassmen students may be excused during lunchtime in rare circumstances. If
this is violated, underclassmen put their junior and senior open campus lunch privilege in jeopardy. During the period of
time when lunch is being served, in accordance with federal regulations, no carbonated beverages will be sold or
consumed in the area where lunch is being served.
All medication should be kept in the principal's office. Students are not to keep any medication including prescriptions,
Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, etc. with them or in their lockers. Parents should send a note and/or a marked bottle for their
student with instructions as necessary.
Open campus is defined as two open periods in a senior student's schedule, when they are not required to register for a
class during second semester. Students must leave campus or go to an approved area in the building during this time.
Open campus is a privilege to be earned by BHHS seniors who wish to have two open periods, and it is not a right
granted to every senior. Students must achieve three of the following competencies during the prior semester to be
1. Students must not have failing class grades in any class. 2. Students must have no office referrals. 3. Students must not have excessive tardiness or unexcused absences.
The administration reserves the right to evoke open campus privileges for any student at any time for any misbehavior
during school or at any school function, whether at home or away.
The parking lot located to the east of the Arena entrance is for student parking. Students are expected to follow all
parking rules and regulations. These rules are as follows:
1. Students should park between the painted lines. If there is not a line on both sides of the vehicle, it is parked illegally. 2. Students may not park in areas marked for the disabled. 3. Britton-Hecla reserves the right to search student vehicles parked on school property at all times. 4. Parking lot hours are from 7:45 – 3:45. Students not staying for school related activities must move their vehicle. There is no loitering in the school parking lot. 5. Vehicles parked in the school parking lot should not have vulgar or offensive content displayed on them.
Students who park illegally or in unauthorized areas will be subject to towing.
Towing charges will be the responsibility of the vehicle's driver.
In the event of severe weather or mechanical breakdown, school may be closed or starting time delayed. The same
conditions may also necessitate early dismissal. School closing, delayed starting time, or early dismissal can be found on
the school website, announced over the One Call Service and also the following TV and radio stations: KSFY, KDLT, and
KELOLAND and on their web sites. If no report is heard it can be assumed that school will be in session. PLEASE DO NOT
High school students and their dates are welcome to attend all high school dances. Students may have dates no younger
than a high school freshman and no older than 21 years of age or 3 years past their intended graduation date. All dates
not attending Britton-Hecla High School must be registered ahead of time with the principal. Junior high students are
not able to attend 9-12 dances and will have separate dances scheduled during the school year. BHHS junior high
students may only attend junior high dances.
The Junior/Senior Prom is intended for high school juniors and seniors and their dates. Students may have dates no
younger that a high school freshman and no older than 21 years of age or 3 years past their intended graduation date.
All dates not attending Britton-Hecla High School must be registered ahead of time with the principal. BH students and
dates attending the prom must fill out, sign, and return the Britton-Hecla School prom contract.
The student council will consist of a student body president elected by the student body and representatives from each
class. The student body will elect the president in the spring. He/she must be a member of the junior class at the time of
the election and a senior in the fall.
Student records are on file in the principal's office. Parents and students who are 18 years of age or older may view the
contents of the student's accumulative record by making arrangements with the building principal or counselor. A
request for a hearing on the contents of records may be made through the office of the superintendent.
Students will not be called from their classes to answer the telephone, except in emergencies. The telephones in the
office and classrooms are not for student use.
Cell phones – Cell phones may be used during a students' lunch session and between class sessions. Cell phones are
limited to use in the cafeteria area and halls. Cell phones will be permitted in class rooms upon teacher request of the
principal for academic purposes and teacher request for discretion.
Personal music players are permitted in the lunch area and in the hallways. Personal music players are permitted also at
teacher discretion in classrooms. Cell phones are not to be used as music players in class. Any use of personal music
players without permission or in a restricted area will result in the confiscation of the device to the office. A second
offense will result in the device returned only to a parent/guardian. A third offense will result in the student checking
his/her cell phone in at the office daily.
The teachers' lounge is off limits to students. If you need to see a teacher who might be in the work room, please knock
on the door and wait for someone to answer.
Students planning to transfer to another school or withdraw from school should receive instructions from the office
regarding the proper procedure. "Checking out" cannot be accomplished in a few minutes. All outstanding obligations to
the school must be satisfied before the student's withdrawal is complete.
Britton-Hecla Discipline Guide
1st Offense
2nd Offense
3rd Offense
Level 1 Minor Offenses
-Student warning and/or office
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form
documented classroom
referral form signed by parents
signed by parents
depending on severity
-Phone call home to parents to
-Time after school by discretion
discuss next offense involving
of the administration
-PST/Behavior Plan
-ISS/OSS-Up to discretion
behavior, lying, fighting,
-ISS/OSS-Up to the discretion of
of administration
inappropriate language,
-Time after school by discretion
-Time after school by discretion
cheating, inappropriate
of administration
of administration
computer usage, public
-ISS/OSS-Up to the discretion of
-ISS/OSS-Up to the discretion of
displays of affection,
inappropriate dress
Cell Phones-may be
Cell phone will be taken by the
-Cell phone will be taken by the
-Cell phone will be taken by the
-Cell phone will be taken
used during lunch and
principal and returned after
principal and returned to parents
principal and returned to the
by the principal and
between classes --
-Office referral form signed by
returned to the parents.
during class time they
-Office referral form signed by
-ISS/OSS-Up to discretion
will be shut off except
of administration
for when used at
-Cell phone will be checked in
-Office referral form
teacher discretion
and out of office daily for the
signed by parents
remainder of the year
Student meets with principal and
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form
is given a warning
signed by parents
-1-5 days off of the bus
-Number of days off of
bus is up to the discretion of the administrator -PST/Behavior plan implemented
Level 2 Moderate Offenses
Skipping class, Tobacco
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form
use or Possession,
signed by parents
-Phone call home to parents
-Phone call home to parents
-ISS/OSS 1-3 days
-ISS/OSS-1-3 days
administration meeting/
-Contact Law Enforcement
-PST/Behavior plan
Behavior plan reassessed
-OSS-Up to the discretion
of administration
-Contact Law Enforcement
-Contact Law Enforcement
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form signed by
-Office referral form
Destruction of property,
signed by parents
Harassment, Gang signs
-Phone call home to parents
-Phone call home to parents
-Parent/teacher/ administration
or symbols, Severe
-ISS/OSS-1-3 days
administration meeting/
-Contact Law Enforcement
-PST/Behavior plan
Behavior plan reassessed
-OSS-Up to the discretion
of administration
-Contact Law Enforcement
-Contact Law Enforcement
Level 3-Severe Offenses—Law Enforcement will be contacted
Alcohol/Drug use or
- Office referral form signed
- Office referral form signed
possession, Endangering
-Parent/teacher/administration meeting
the lives of others,
meeting and PST/Behavior Plan
-Contact Law Enforcement
-Contact Law Enforcement
-OSS up to the discretion of administrator
-OSS up to the discretion of
-Behavior plan reassessed
Selling or distribution of
- Office referral form signed
drugs, Bomb threat,
Parent/teacher/administration meeting
***This guide is intended to serve as a helpful tool to
Endangering the lives of
-Contact law enforcement
parents. Please understand that all offenses are dealt with
others, Possession of
-OSS up to the discretion of administrator
weapons, Assaulting
-Behavior Plan Implemented
staff, Combustibles
This form must be filled out completely by a parent within 15 days of the date the student or when parent first knew of the decision or action giving rise to the complaint or grievance.
1. Student Name _
2. Parent/Guardian Name _
3. Date of Incident _
4. Please write a brief description of the incident
5. Has this incident been reported to anyone else? _ If so, who? _
6. Resolution/action (filled out be building principal)
Date of meeting/phone call _
Student/Parent Signature _
Britton-Hecla School District 45-4
Office Discipline Referral Form
Follow-up Agreement
Student(s): _Referring Staff:
Grade: _ Date: _ Time:
Classroom Cafeteria Bus loading zone Other:
Playground Bathroom Parking lot
Commons Gym On bus
Hallway Library Special event/assembly/field trip
Problem Behavior (check most intensive):
Computer violation Tardy Tobacco Bomb threat
Abusive/inappropriate language Skip/truancy Alcohol/drugs Arson
Fight/Physical aggression Forgery/theft Combustibles Weapon
Harassment/tease/taunt Lying/cheating Public display of affection Vandalism
Defiance/disrespect/insubordination /non-compliance Dress code Other:
Possible Motivation:
Obtain peer attention Avoid task/activity Don't know
Obtain adult attention Avoid peer(s) Other: _
Obtain item/activity Avoid adult(s)
Others Involved:
None Peer(s) Staff Teacher Substitute Unknown Other:
Administrative Decision:
Time in office In school suspension Referral to counselor Behavior Plan
Loss of privilege Parent contact Individualized instruction Out of school suspension
Conference with student Other:
What expectations did you not meet? (circle):
Be… Responsible
Always Respectful Valuable Environmentally Safe
Student signature:
Parent signature:
Britton-Hecla School District 45-4
School Bus Discipline Referral Form
Student(s): _Referring Bus Driver:
Grade: _ Date: _ Time:
Problem Behavior (check most intensive):
Inappropriate language/conversations Alcohol/drugs Continues to stand/walk when given warning
Fight/Physical aggression Theft Weapon
Harassment/tease/taunt Vandalism of bus Other: Littering
Defiance/disrespect/insubordination /non-compliance
Administrative Decision:
1st offense: Student meets with principal and is given warning
2nd offense: Referral form is sent to parents
3rd and subsequent offenses: Bus suspension as determined by administration
**Administration has the right to suspend bus riding privileges immediately for safety purposes.
Time in office In school suspension Behavior Plan
Loss of privilege Parent contact Out of school suspension
Conference with student Other:
Follow-up Agreement
What expectations did you not meet? (circle):
Be… Responsible Resourceful
Always Respectful Valuable Environmentally Safe
Student signature:
Parent signature:
We have read and understand the policies of the 2016-2017 handbook as presented online at for Britton-Hecla Schools. If you would like a hard-copy of the handbook, please notify the 7 – 12 principal's office.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
SAFETY DATA SHEET TE002 Tungsten Electrodes Electrodes (Thoriated) Version number: 1 Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23 Issued: 2014-01-21 Not for sale in the USA Section 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING 1.1 Product identifier
London Knee Clinic Partial Knee Joint ReplacementPatient information brochure New mobility with a partial knee replacement This brochure has been written for patients, family mem-bers and all those who wish to know more about the partial replacement of a knee joint. It will answer basic questions, explain the principle of the implantation of a partial knee joint as well as the procedure, and relieve you of any misgiv-ings or fears you may have.