Resport february 2010

The Official Publication of the College and Association of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta (at date of publication) George Handley, Chris Allan Shemanko (Edmonton) Educational Forum Edgerton, Patty Wick- President Elect vacant son, Juanita Davis, Julie Mitchell, Janis Seville, Executive Secretary Jerry Spence (Calgary) Rena Sorensen, Meena Gregory Hind (Calgary) Kumar, Renee Sholes, Directors At Large Linda Fontaine-Tymchuk Mirette Dube, Connie Kadey, Jerry Spence, Brian Daudlin (Medicine Hat) Bryan Buell and Linda Julie Mitchell (Edmonton) Phil Lamont (Red Deer) We are putting to- Public Members Peter Murray (Wetaskiwin) gether a Comprehen- Robert Alexander (Calgary) sive Educational Pro- REGISTRAR
Bryan Buell (Calgary) gram and an Exciting, Director of Operations Linda Sutherland
Mind-Bending Social "Collaborative Practice - Evening. Many of our REGISTRATION COMMITTEE
colleagues from indus- The Way of the Future" Jeff Ung (Calgary) try will be joining us in the Exhibition Salon. Judy Duffett-Martin (Calgary) October 28-30, 2010 Brenda Grieve (Calgary) We will be highlight- Sheraton Cavalier Hotel ing how respiratory Dolores Rekunyk (Calgary) Calgary, Alberta therapists collaborate Will Cunnington (Calgary) inter-professional Esther Weathers (Everett) teams and roles of res- CONDUCT & COMPETENCY COMMITTEE
Keynote Presentation working to full scope Connie Brooks (Edmonton) Public Member Duane Berezowski (Cochrane) Please refer to the George Verghese (Cardston) "Heroes: Past, Present & CARTA Website for Linda Sutherland (Calgary) Future of Respiratory Care" developing details Tim Gill (Grande Prairie) Don't miss this fantastic opportunity! If you wish to share your great work or  Network and share exciting news have any ideas or que- with colleagues  Professional develop- ries please contact ment  Have a great time!! Linda at the CARTA Head Office or email: See You at Our Forum

Under the Health Professions Act, overlapping areas of RT Scope of Practice practice (scope) exist amongst regulated health profes- As a Registered Respiratory Therapist, in Alberta, sionals. Other regulated professions can perform you are within your Scope of Practice when per- these same restricted activities as well. forming the following *Restricted Activities: What can be confusing is that RRT's are authorized to per- 17 (1) (a) to cut a body tissue, to administer anything form these restricted activities but the employer may by an invasive procedure on body tissue or to per- not authorize these activities in their facility. For ex- form surgical or other invasive procedures on body ample RRT's can start intravenous therapy or intubate tissue below the dermis or the mucous membrane for patients but the employer may not authorize this activity the following purposes: in their institution. i) performing blood gas analysis; ii) assisting with cardiac procedures; Registered Respiratory Therapists Can iii) performing hemo-dynamic monitoring; Administer Medications by Injection iv) assisting with anesthesia; Pursuant with Section 17(1) (a) (v) of the Respiratory v) administering injections; Therapists Regulation, Registered Respiratory Therapists may administer medications by injection. vi) suturing (e.g. securing arterial catheters); vii) performing routine wound care (e.g.changing tra The following list has been compiled from the National cheostomy dressings). Competency Profile for respiratory therapists and the re-lated curriculum content from the approved programs in b) to insert or remove instruments, devices, fingers, or hands beyond the point in the nasal passages where they normally narrow and beyond the pharynx 1. Non volatile anaesthetics (e.g. propofol, ketamine), for the purpose of inserting or removing tubes (e.g. 2. Barbiturates (e.g. sodium thiopental), endotracheal intubation); c) to administer blood or blood products when assist- 3. Benzodiazepines (e.g. valium), ing with anesthesia; 4. Neuromuscular relaxants, depolarizing and non- d) to administer anesthetic gases, including nitrous depolarizing (e.g. succinylcholine and rocuronium), oxide, for the purposes of anesthesia or sedation 5. Narcotics (e.g. fentanyl), when assisting with the provision of anesthesia or bronchodilation. 6. Reversal agents for narcotics (e.g. narcan), "Assisting" means a regulated member of another college or a 7. Anti-cholinergic agents (e.g. atropine), physician is on-site directing the procedure being performed. 8. Cholinesterase inhibitor agents (e.g. neostigmine) *Authorized restricted activities (Section 17) Health Profes- 9. Hypotensive agents (e.g. nitroprusside), sions Act, Respiratory Therapists Profession Regulation. 10. Adrenergic agents (e.g. dopamine), Points to Ponder…. 11. Antihypertensive agents (e.g. verapamil) Did you know that RRTs can do allergy testing and 12. Cardioglycoside agents (e.g. digoxin), draw venous blood as these are not indicated as re-stricted activities in the Government Organization 13. Anti-arrhythmic agents (e.g. lidocaine) Act. Registered respiratory therapists can start IV's 14. Diuretic agents (e.g. furosemide) according to Section 17 (1) (a), as above. The cau-tion with any activity that RRTs can perform , as per 15. Corticosteroid agents (e.g. dexamethasone), CARTA's Standards of Practice, is that respiratory 16. Methylxanthine agents (e.g. theophylline), therapists must provide professional, safe and 17. Antimicrobial agents quality services, be accountable for their profes-sional practice, demonstrate competent applica- (e.g. pencillin). tion of professional knowledge and abide by con- tinuing competence requirements. These stan-dards speak to being competent in all activities we perform. Also these activities must be applicable to Continued on page 3. respiratory therapy practice areas. Outstanding Service Award
Purpose: To recognize a registered member of CARTA who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession in the past year or
Selection Criteria: Only registered members in good standing with CARTA are eligible. Candidates must be nominated by at least four
registered members in good standing with CARTA. Verifiable evidence must accompany the nomination with the curriculum vitae of the
nominee. Persons currently serving on the Council are not eligible. In the event that more than one person is nominated in any year, the
CARTA Council will make the decision who is most worthy of receiving the award. Council decision will be final in any selection.
We nominate: RRT for the CARTA Outstanding Service Award. Signature of nominator #1 _RRT Signature of nominator #2 _RRT Printed name of nominator #1 _ Printed name of nominator #2 _ Signature of nominator #3 _RRT Signature of nominator #4 _RRT Printed name of nominator #3 _ Printed name of nominator #4 _ Medications continued. Liability Insurance sponds even if a claim of action Registered respiratory therapists originates after the regulated mem- Section 8 of the Regulation speci- are also authorized to administer ber has resigned or retired from the fies an applicant for registration as the following inhaled medications: employer, and how long it will re- a regulated member must provide spond after resignation or retire- 1. Adrenergic agents (e.g. salbuta- evidence of having the type and ment. It is worth noting that com- amount of professional liability plaints cannot be made about a for- 2. Anti-muscarinic agents (e.g. ip- insurance required by the Council. mer regulated member's practice if The amount required by the Coun- two years have elapsed since the cil is a minimum coverage of 3. Corticosteroid agents (e.g. person was a former member $2,000,000 that responds to com- (source: section 54(3) Health Professions pensate patients in the event of a 4. Mucolytic agents (e.g. acetylcys- court order for compensation of Q: How do I assess value for the insurance premium charged? 5. Mast cell mediator agents (e.g. Regulated members are free to A: Assess your professional prac- sodium cromoglycate), choose who their insurance under- tice setting and situation. Assess the writer will be. The factors limiting 6. Artificial surfactant (e.g. berac- coverage your employer provides one's choice are the number of in- and assess whether it is sufficient surance providers willing to un- for your area of practice. Also ask 7. Airway provocation agents (e.g. derwrite one's activities and the yourself whether the employer's premiums an individual is willing insurance will respond exclusively 8. Oxygen (0.21-1.00 Fi02) to pay. Employer insurance cover- on your behalf or whether there is a age is acceptable as long as the hierarchy of response (e.g. em- minimum coverage is specified. ployer's interests first then the em- Pandemic Planning Q: When I decide to retire will I Thank you to all respiratory thera- still need liability insurance cover- Q: Does CARTA provide members pists across Alberta for your exper- liability insurance? tise and efforts in the Pandemic In- A: Typically employer insurance A: No, the possibility was investi- policies are very comprehensive gated and the premium was to be planning and action readied our and may provide such coverage. It approximately $160.00 per mem- healthcare system to face this pan- is best to check with the employer ber. Issues such as possible con- demic. Great teamwork!!! to assess whether the policy re- .continued on page 4

Calendar of Events
Alberta Respiratory Disease Symposium
"Change is in the Air", April 8-11, 2010, in Banff R ESPIR ATO R Y THER APISTS O F A LBER TA 2010 Canadian Respiratory Conference
#370-6715-8th Street NE "A Breath of Fresh Air" on April 29-May 1, 2010, in Halifax Calgary, Alberta T2E 7H7 Phone: 1-800-205-2778 CSRT Education Conference and Tradeshow
Fax: 403-274-9703 Email: denise.holmberg May 13-16, 2010, in St John's, Newfoundland We are always interested in receiving your Please let us know if you are planning an event that would be of interest articles or thoughtful opinions for place- to practicing RRTs. We would be pleased to add your event to our ment in the RESPORT. Share information website or our newsletter. and expertise with your colleagues. Liability Insurance continued . Hospital Cell Phone Use interest could exist if the College was providing insurance from Q: Is it really bad to use a cell members responding to College phone in the hospital? prosecution under the complaints A: The jury's out. There's a Is the official publication of the College and Association of Respiratory Therapists of Al- section of the Act. chance that a cell phone call in berta. Opinions expressed in the Resport are the wrong spot can cause ventila- those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, CARTA or it's tors, syringe pumps, or even members. Food for Thought pacemakers to pulse incorrectly, Send letters or enquiries to: according to a 2007 Dutch study. Editor—The Resport
Issues in Charting and But those findings countered a Mayo Clinic study a year prior Submissions are subject to editorial scrutiny Patient Documentation that found no instances of and may be edited for style, length and con- tent. Material from the newsletters may be Often in matters involving civil "clinically important" interfer- used without permission. Proper reference should be given. litigation or administrative tribu- ence between cell phones and nals the patient's chart or health medical machines. In fact, Mayo record is reviewed and segments researchers advised hospitals to of it may become admissible evi- revise or drop their cell phone dence. It is imperative for your professional practice to docu- Source: 22 Craziest ment clearly, concisely and noting Health Rumors; by the all pertinent information relevant editors of to the respiratory care provided The RESPORT is published 4 times a year; to the patient. This informa- in February, May, August and November. tion is very useful when chart audits are performed Beginning May, 2010, the RESPORT by managers or manage- will be available on our website only. ment consultants who are reviewing the service value Hard copies will no longer be sent by mail. each profession brings to To attain a copy simply access our website the patient care setting.


Nicd special communique november

Volume 8, No. 11 Additional Issue (1) Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) 2009: New case confirmed in a traveller to South Africa Although there has been a decline in local transmis- influenza A(H1N1) activity. Treatment with sion of pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 in recent oseltamivir and broad-spectrum antibiotics was weeks, it remains important for clinicians to continue

Antibiotic use in eastern europe: a cross-national database study in coordination with the who regional office for europe

Antibiotic use in eastern Europe: a cross-national database study in coordination with the WHO Regional Offi ce for Europe Ann Versporten, Ganna Bolokhovets, Lilit Ghazaryan, Vafa Abilova, Galina Pyshnik, Tijana Spasojevic, Irma Korinteli, Lul Raka, Baktygul Kambaralieva, Lidija Cizmovic, Angela Carp, Vesela Radonjic, Nargis Maqsudova, Hatice Demet Celik, Marina Payerl-Pal, Hanne Bak Pedersen, Nina Sautenkova, Herman Goossens, on behalf of the WHO/Europe-ESAC Project Group