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Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research 2014;4(1):1-8 An Official Publication of Association of Pharmacy Professionals ISSN: 2249-6041 (Print); ISSN: 2249-9245 (Online)
Eby George* and Manju Maria Mathews
Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Muvattupuza-686 673, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
*E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] Tel.: +91 9249985184.
Received: December 18, 2013 / Revised: January 06, 2014 / Accepted: January 07, 2014
The objective of present work was to develop and evaluate a Minoxidil emulgel and compare its
properties with Minoxidil gels. When gel and emulsion are used in combination the dosage form is
referred as Emulgel. For preparing the emulgel, first, Minoxidil was dissolved in solvent system
comprising water and propylene glycol in ratio 35:15 with liquid paraffin as oil phase. The prepared
w/o emulsion was then mixed with carbopol gel solution in 1:1 ratio and finally neutralized with
triethanolamine to form emulgel. Total eight formulations were prepared of which four were gels
and other four were Emulgels. The gels were evaluated for physicochemical parameters, in vitro
drug release and ex vivo permeation study. Among developed formulations, F1 showed 56.30%
cumulative release after 8 h, whereas F6 showed 72.31% release after 8 h.
Key words: Minoxidil, Emulgel, Spreadability, Carbopol 934, Alopecia.
balding. Topically applied Minoxidil was shown
Androgenetic alopecia occurs in both men and
to improve blood flow in human balding scalp. A
women and is characterized by the progressive
topical formulation of Minoxidil then was
loss of hair from the scalp in a defined pattern.
developed to exploit this side effect (Gupta et al
Alopecia means hair loss which is the most
2012). This led to the development of a topical
common problem of modern societies, which
formulation of emulgels which are, emulsions,
create much economical and psychological
either of the oil-in-water or water in oil type;
effect; affecting about 70% males and 30%
gelled by mixing with a gelling agent. There is no
females. Recently, a great effort has been made
marketed formulation of minoxidil emulgel till
to treat hair loss or alopecia. One of the most
date. Therefore, present research has been
common types of alopecia is androgenic alopecia
undertaken with the aim to develop an emulgel
and alopecia areata (Kaur et al 2010).
formulation of minoxidil.
Chemically, Minoxidil is 2, 4-diamino-6-
piperidinopyrimidine-3-oxide, soluble in water
to the extent of approximately 2 mg/ml, is more
readily soluble in propylene glycol or ethanol,
Minoxidil (Yarrowchem Products, Mumbai),
and is nearly insoluble in acetone, chloroform, or
Carbopol 934 (Himedia laboratories Private Ltd,
ethyl acetate (Lowenthal and Affrime, 1980).
Mumbai), Propylene glycol, Triethanolamine,
Minoxidil was introduced in the early 1970s as a
Ethanol, Propyl paraben, Span 80, Light liquid
treatment for hypertension. Hypertrichosis was
paraffin and mentha oil were purchased from
a common side-effect in those taking Minoxidil
Nice Chemicals, Kochin. All other chemicals and
tablets and included the regrowth of hair in male
reagents used were of the analytical grade.
George and Mathews Bull. Pharm. Res. 2013;3(3) De-ionized distilled water was used throughout
formulations were prepared using varying
amount of gelling agent and penetration
The method only differed in the process of
Determination of solubility of Minoxidil
making gel in different formulations. The
The solubility studies were performed in
preparation of emulsion was same in all the
distilled water, by adding excess amount of drug
formulations. The gel bases were prepared by
in each case and keeping the flasks containing
dispersing Carbopol 934 in distilled water
excess amount of drug containing phosphate
separately with constant stirring at a moderate
buffer pH 7.4 on a rotary shaker for 24 h. After
speed using mechanical shaker. Formulations F5,
24 h, solutions were analyzed spectro-
F6, F7, and F8 were prepared by carbopol 934 as
photometrically at 275.6 nm, which was the
gelling agent. The pH values of all the
absorption maxima determined earlier and drug
formulations were adjusted to 6-6.5 using
concentrations were calculated.
triethanolamine (TEA). The oil phase of the
emulsion was prepared by dissolving Span 80 in
Determination of partition coefficient
light liquid paraffin while the aqueous phase was
n-Octanol and water were pre-saturated with
prepared by dissolving Minoxidil in purified
each other for 24 h before experiment. To the
water. Methyl paraben was dissolved in
pre-equilibrated buffer (10 ml), known quantity
propylene glycol and mixed with aqueous phase
of drug was dissolved. Ten ml of octanol was
added to equal volume of drug solution in a
Mentha oil was also mixed in oil phase. Both the
separating funnel. The system was kept for 24 h
oily and aqueous phases were separately heated
with intermittent shaking. Finally, water layer
to 70°C to 80°C, then the aqueous phase was
was separated, clarified by centrifugation and
added to the oil phase with continuous stirring
until it got cooled to room temperature
(Mohamed, 2004). The obtained emulsion was
Drug-Excipient interaction study
mixed with the gel in 1:1 ratio with gentle
The infrared (IR) spectra were recorded using an
stirring to obtain the Emulgel (Table 1).
FTIR spectrophotometer by the KBr pellet
method in the wavelength region between 7800
Evaluation of gels/emulgels
and 350 cm-1. The spectra obtained for Minoxidil
Following parameters were used for the
and physical mixtures of Minoxidil with polymer
evaluation of gels/emulgels:
were compared to check compatibility of drug
with carbopol 934.
Preparation of Minoxidil gels
All developed gels were tested for homogeneity
Required amount (1 g) of Minoxidil was
by visual inspection after the gels have been set
dissolved in solvent mixture (Ethanol:water::
in the container. They were tested for their
1:1). The required amount of carbopol 934 was
appearance and presence of any aggregates.
weighed and transferred to the solvent mixture.
Allow the polymer to swell completely without
constant stirring. After complete swelling, the
dispersion was constantly stirred at 500 rpm for
microscopically for the presence of particles. If
about 2 h. Later, the speed was reduced to avoid
no appreciable particulate matter is seen under
air entrapment. After 2 h, the hydrogel solution
light microscope, the gel preparation fulfils the
containing the drug was neutralized by the
requirement of freedom from particular matter
addition of the alkali triethanolamine to obtain
and from grittiness as desired for any topical
gel with maximum viscosity.
Preparation of Minoxidil emulgel
Measurement of pH
The emulgel was formulated in three different
The pH of Minoxidil gel formulations were
steps. Step 1 was formulation of emulsion either
determined by using digital pH meter. One gram
o/w or w/o. Step 2 was formulation of gel base.
of gel was dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water
Now, step 3 involves incorporation of emulsion
for pH measurement in triplicate and average
into gel base with continuous stirring. Different
values were calculated.
George and Mathews Bull. Pharm. Res. 2013;3(3)
Table 1. Formulation plan of Minoxidil gel and emulgels
Minoxidil gels
Minoxidil emulgels
(% w/w)
Propylene glycol
Light liquid paraffin
Drug content studies
with >50 mm but <70 mm. The results were
Minoxidil gel (500 mg) was taken and dissolved
expressed in terms of the spreading area as a
in 50 ml of phosphate buffer pH 7.4. The
function of the applied mass (Garg et al 2002).
volumetric flasks were kept for 2 h and shaken
well in a shaker to mix it properly.
In vitro drug release studies
The solution was passed through the Whatman
Before experiment, the cellophane membrane
filter paper and filtrates were analyzed for drug
was washed in the running water and then
content spectrophotometrically at 285 nm
soaked in distilled water for 24 h to remove
against corresponding gel concentration as
glycerin present on it. The in vitro diffusion
studies of prepared gels were carried out in
hollow tube diffusion cell using prehydrated
Viscosity studies
cellophane membrane and phosphate buffer pH
The measurement of viscosity of formulations
7.4 (100 ml) as receptor compartment. 500 mg
was done with a Brookfield Viscometer. The gels
of each of formulation was spread uniformly on
were rotated at 10 and Emulgels at 20 rpm using
the membrane (Yamaguchi et al 1996).
spindle no. 64. At each speed, the corresponding
The donor compartment was kept in contact
dial reading was noted (Martinez et al 2007).
with a receptor compartment and the
temperature was maintained at 37±0.5°C. The
solution on the receptor side were stirred by
The spreadability was determined by parallel
externally driven teflon coated magnetic bars. At
plate method which is widely used for
predetermined time intervals, 5 ml of solution
determining and quantifying the spreadability of
from the receptor compartment was pipetted
semisolid preparations. Various formulations
out and immediately replaced with fresh 5 ml
(1 g) were pressed between two 20 ´ 20 cm
phosphate buffer.
horizontal plates, the upper of which weighed
The drug concentration on the receptor fluid was
125 g. The spread diameter Φ was measured
determined spectrophotometrically at 285 nm
after 1 min. Under these experimental
against appropriate blank. Calculation of
conditions, the term semi stiff was applied to
percentage drug release was done using the
samples with <50 mm and semi fluid to those
(Conc. of drug (in mg) x Volume of receptor compartment) x 100
Label claim (amount of drug in donor compartment)
Ex vivo evaluation
house. The skin was then soaked in sodium
Ex vivo release study was conducted using
bromide solution for 5-6 h and washed with
preserved or fresh chicken skin from slaughter
water so as to remove adhering fat tissue. The
George and Mathews Bull. Pharm. Res. 2013;3(3) epidermis was thoroughly washed with water,
Higuchi Model
dried at 25% relative humidity, wrapped in
Ideally, controlled drug-delivery systems should
aluminium foil and stored in freeze until further
deliver the drug at a controlled rate over a
use. For ex vivo permeation studies, skins were
desired duration. It has been shown that in the
allowed to hydrate for 1 h before being mounted
case of hydrophilic matrices, swelling and
on the Franz diffusion cell with the stratum
erosion of the polymer occurs simultaneously,
corneum (SC) facing the donor compartment.
and both of them contribute to the overall drug-
The sample was applied on the skin and then
fixed in between donor and receptor
Higuchi tried to relate the drug release rate to
compartment of Franz diffusion cell. The
the physical constants based on simple laws of
receptor compartment contained phosphate
diffusion. Release rate from both a planar
buffer pH 7.4 an the temperature of the medium
surface and a sphere was considered. Higuchi
was thermostatically controlled at 37±1.0°C by
was the first to derive an equation to describe
surrounding water jacket and the medium was
the release of a drug from an insoluble matrix as
stirred with bar magnet using magnetic stirrer.
the square root of a time-dependent process
Aliquots, withdrawn at predetermined intervals
based on Fickian diffusion.
of time, were spectrophotometrically estimated
at 285 nm against their respective blank
formulation treated in the same manner.
where, Qt is the amount of drug released in time
Kinetic data analysis: Drug release models
t, and kH is the release rate constant for the
(Singhvi and Singh, 2011; Dash et al 2010;
Sharma et al 2011)
Zero order release kinetics
Determination of diffusion exponent
Zero order release kinetics refers to the process
To find out the mechanism of drug release, first
of constant drug release from a drug delivery
60% drug release data was fitted in Korsmeyer–
device such as oral osmotic tablets, transdermal
systems, matrix tablets with low-soluble drugs
and other delivery systems. In its simplest form,
zero order release can be represented as:
where Mt/M∞ is fraction of drug released at time
t, k is the rate constant and n is the release
exponent. The n value is used to characterize
where Q is the amount of drug released or
different release mechanisms as given in table
dissolved (assuming that release occurs rapidly
for cylindrical shaped matrices.
after the drug dissolves), Q0 is the initial amount
of drug in solution (it is usually zero), and K0 is
the zero order release constant. The plot made
Solubility and partition coefficient study
was cumulative % drug release vs time (zero
From the solubility studies, the drug
order kinetic model).
concentration was found to be 2.5 mg/ml in
water. The logarithmic value of partition
First order release kinetics
coefficient (log P) was found to be 1.25. The
The rate laws predicted by the different
results obtained also indicated that the drug
mechanisms of dissolution both alone and in
combination, have been discussed by Higuchi.
lipophilicity, which fulfils the requirements of
formulating it into a gel and emulgel formulation
(data not produced).
where, C0 is the initial concentration of drug and
Physicochemical properties
K is first order constant. The equation in
All formulations were found to be free of
resemblance to the other rate law equations,
predicts a first order dependence on the
concentration gradient (i.e. Cs - Ct) between the
preparation with a smooth homogeneous
static liquid layer next to the solid surface and
texture and glossy appearance (Table 2,
the bulk liquid.
Figure 1).

George and Mathews Bull. Pharm. Res. 2013;3(3)
Table 2. Physicochemical characteristics of formulations
Formulation Homogeneity Grittiness
Phase separation
White to cream in colour Slight separation of oil phase
White to cream in colour
White to cream in colour
White to cream in colour
Excellent +++, Good ++, absent -, present +
irritation. This may be due to the addition of
base triethanolamine to the resultant gel and emulgel solution during mixing so as to
neutralize the acidic groups present in the polyacrylate chains of carbopol polymer. There
was no significant change in pH values as a
function of time for all formulations. The
viscosity of gels and Emulgels were found to
increase with increase in the concentration of the polymer used. The viscosity of emulgels was
higher as compared to corresponding gels since the emulgels was formulated by finally mixing
emulsion with the carbopol gel in 1:1 ratio. The
Fig. 1. Prepared gels and emulgels of Minoxidil
emulgels showed comparatively high % drug
content than that of the corresponding gel
pH, viscosity and drug content
formulations. This indicated homogenous
The pH of the formulations was in the range of
distribution of drug throughout the emulgels
6.34 to 7.52, which lies in the normal pH range
which could be due to high entrapment of drug
of the skin and would not produce any skin
in the internal phase of emulsion (Table 3).
Table 3. Results of pH, viscosity and drug content studies
Drug content*
Formulation code
*Each reading is an average of three determinations
presence of oil phase in emulgels reduces the
As per results of spreadability studies, the
shearing stress (Table 4).
spreading area was found to decrease with
increase in viscosity, since spreadability and
In vitro drug release
viscosity are inversely proportional. The
The release of Minoxidil from the gels and
emulgels were found to show excellent
Emulgels was varied according to concentration
spreadability since they are less viscous and the
of polymer. The release of the drugs from gel
George and Mathews Bull. Pharm. Res. 2013;3(3)
Table 4. Results of spreadability studies
Spread diameter*
Formulation code
Spreading area (S)
*Each reading is an average of three determinations
formulations ranked in the order F1 > F2 >F3 >
F4, Where the amounts of the drug released after 8 h were 76.42%, 68.22%, 62.31%, 59.69%
respectively. Drug release from the emulsified gel formulation can be ranked in the following
descending order: F6 > F5 >F7> F8 where the amount of the drug released after 8 h were
64.35%, 53.96%, 52.32%, 51.32% respectively.
The progressive increase in the amount of drug released from the formulations attributed to
gradual decrease with increase in concentration of polymer. It has been concluded that, if we
increase the concentration of polymer, the
diffusion of drug through the membrane also
Fig. 3. Comparative drug release profiles of
decreases (Figure 2, 3).
formulations F5-F8
for F1 and F6 was 0.845 and 0.840 suggesting
that the Emulgel followed anomalous transport or non-fickian diffusion (Zero order release).
Determination of mechanism of release from Diffusion exponent (n)
The value of diffusion exponent, n = 0.845 and 0.840 for F1 and F6 indicated anomalous non-
Fickian diffusion of drug from both gels and emulgels. Fick's laws of diffusion describe the
spatial and temporal variation of the molecules in the aqueous solution. In Fickian diffusion, the
drug flux or the rate of permeation through a
Fig. 2. Comparative drug release profiles of
formulations F1-F4
concentration gradient. A fundamental criterion
for Fickian diffusion is that the surface
Kinetics of drug release
The release kinetics data indicated that the
immediately and remains constant throughout
release of drug from Emulgel F6 best fits to zero
the sorption process i.e. polymer chain at surface
order release model because the correlation
must instantaneously reach saturation. Although
coefficient values were higher in case of zero
Fickian diffusion theories have been thoroughly
order equation and the release from gel F1 fits to
developed, most of the polymer-solvent systems
Higuchi model. The release rate is independent
do not obey such a simplified description.
of the concentration of the drug. The release
Diffusion process in which the mean square
exponent value of Korsmeyer-Peppas Equation
displacement (MSD) of drug grows non linearly
George and Mathews Bull. Pharm. Res. 2013;3(3) with time are referred to as Anomalous or non-
of release is affected by the viscosity of swollen
Fickian i.e. the release pattern is irregular and is
polymers. This process is evident from the in
independent of drug concentration. In reality,
vitro drug release data of both gels and emulgels
the mean square displacement does not increase
i.e. the release of minoxidil profoundly decreased
linearly with time in anomalous diffusion and
with increase in polymer concentration. The
does no longer exist.
diffusion exponent calculated by Korsmeyer-
These complexities associated with the transport
Peppas plot signifies that the mechanism of drug
mechanisms are also associated with the
release from both gel and emulgel follows
physical properties of the polymers. The kinetics
Anomalous diffusion (Table 5).
Table 5. Regression co-efficients (R2) values of kinetic models for formulation F1 and F6
R2 values
Formulation code
Drug release mechanism
Anomalous transport (non-Fickian)
F2 (Emulgel)
Anomalous transport (non-Fickian)
Ex vivo permeation study
more promising than Minoxidil gels.
Best formulations (F1 and F6) selected were
subjected to ex vivo release study through
chicken skin using Franz diffusion cell. The ex vivo release displayed better estimate of drug
permeation characteristics through animal skin. Minoxidil emulsified in oil phase showed higher
release through skin as compared to minoxidil solubilized in hydrophilic gel matrix of carbopol.
The presence of oil phase enhanced the drug permeation through stratum corneum, which is
considered to be the main barrier to the permeation of drugs through skin. The amount
of drug permeated through skin after 8 hours
from F1 and F6 was 56.3% and 72.31% (Das and
Fig. 4. Comparison of ex vivo permeability study
Ahmed, 2007) (Figure 4).
The results of present studies confirmed the
We would like to thank Prof. Dr. S. Kuppuswamy
feasibility of using Minoxidil emulgels over
(Head of the Department, Pharmaceutics,
Minoxidil gels for developing an effective and
Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Muvattupuzha,
safe topical delivery system for the treatment of
Kerala) and Prof. John Joseph (Principal, Nirmala
androgenetic alopecia. Hence, an effective
College of Pharmacy, Muvattupuzha) for kind
Emulgel of Minoxidil is recommended as being
support and help in conducting research work.
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Calming Effects of Deep Touch Pressure in Patients with Autistic Disorder, College Students, and Animals TEMPLE GRANDIN, Ph.D. Many people with autistic disorder have problems with oversensitivity to both touch andsound. The author (an autistic person) developed a device that delivers deep touch pressure to help her learn to tolerate touching and to reduce anxiety and nervousness. The "squeeze
Canadian Pari-Mutuel canadienne du pari mutuel Schedule of Drugs Agri-Food Canada Agroalimentaire Canada © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, (2011), as represent-ed by the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system, without prior