Parkinson's Disease Information Sheet 1.4
Parkinson's A
a Medication Treatment Options
progressive neurological condition which
decarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa. Kinson® is
is related to a deficit of dopamine as a
the generic form of Sinemet®. Madopar®
result of degeneration of dopamine
producing neurons. Dopamine is a
neurotransmitter which conveys messages
between neurons to ensure effective
Both of these medications are available in
movement and planning of movement.
standard and controlled release forms and in
varying dosages. Madopar
® is available in a
As a consequence, most pharmaceutical
dispersible form where rapid action is
treatment options focus on restoring the
required. Sinemet
® may be dispensed in a
liquid form which must be refrigerated and
neurotransmitters by several means:
prepared freshly every 24 hours. These
preparations are less frequently used than the
Dopamine replacement therapy
standard tablet form.
Dopamine agonists
replacement therapy are:
MAO Type B Inhibition
Anticholinergic therapy
Nausea and vomiting
Dopamine Replacement Therapy
Postural hypotension
Increased dreams
Replacement of dopamine using levodopa
Dyskinesia (involuntary movements)
remains the gold standard treatment for
Pd providing maximum symptom control,
Nausea and vomiting may be experienced
particularly for bradykinesia (slowness of
with the introduction of levodopa. On
movement), muscle rigidity and to a lesser
commencement of therapy it is important to
extent tremor. A positive response to
take the medication with food however as the
levodopa will assist in confirming the
body adjusts this side effect may settle.
diagnosis of Pd.
Constipation may be experienced with the
As it is not possible to directly replace
introduction of and any change in medication
dopamine pharmaceutically, levodopa (a
regime. Extra fluids and a high fibre diet will
precursor) is used to cross the blood brain
address this problem.
barrier where it is converted into dopamine
Postural hypotension may present as
dizziness and unsteadiness on standing and
may result in falls. If this is experienced
consult your doctor.
Levodopa when taken orally is r ap id ly d est r o yed in the peripheral circulation
Increased dreams which may be vivid can
resulting in a greatly reduced p r o p o r t io n
occur with levodopa.
Hallucinations may occur as a result of long
term levodopa therapy. In some cases this
lessen the side effects of levodopa the
may require medication adjustment. If this is
addition of decarboxylase inhibitors is
experienced consult your doctor. In some cases
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Dyskinesia (involuntary movements) may
maximised thus, in theory, providing an
develop with long term levodopa therapy.
extended response to levodopa.
This can occur at various times in relation
to the drug cycle e.g. peak dose or end of
Currently, in Australia, the available
dose. Adjustment of medication may be
COMT inhibitors are:
necessary if the dyskinesia is problematic
for PWP. Dyskinesia may be increased by stress.
Comtan® (entacapone) designed to be
taken with a levodopa preparation. By
Dopamine Agonists
itself Comtan® has no action.
Medications of the dopamine agonist
family mimic dopamine and stimulate the
combination therapy of levodopa and
dopamine receptors. Dopamine and
levodopa are both taken up by the
dopamine receptors of which there are
several. Historically dopamine agonists
The introduction of COMT inhibitors may
were used in combination with levodopa
exaggerate existing levodopa side effects.
however with ongoing development of
In addition a harmless side effect is a
drugs practice is changing to initiate
change in urine colour (bright yellow or a
treatment with dopamine agonists.
reddish hue). A rare side effect is
diarrhoea which may commence several
Currently, in Australia, the available
months after initiation of therapy.
dopamine agonists are:
MAO Type B Inhibition
Cabaser® (cabergoline)
Permax® (pergolide mesylate)
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is an enzyme
Parlodel® (bromocriptine mesylate)
dopamine. Type B is found in the brain.
Kripton® (bromocriptine mesylate)
MAO type B inhibitors are reputed to
Apomine® (apomorphine
scavenge the free radicals formed by the
hydrochloride) (subcutaneous injection
oxidative metabolism of dopamine hence
or continuous subcutaneous infusion)
the unproven theory that they may protect
neurons from further damage.
Possible side effects of dopamine agonist
therapy are similar to those associated
Currently, in Australia, the available MAO
with levodopa with the additional rare side
type B inhibitors used in Pd are:
effects of pulmonary or peritoneal fibrosis
and cardiac valve changes.
® requires the use of Motilium
prior to introduction because of nausea
Possible side effects include sleep
and vomiting. Localised skin reactions at
disturbance hence it is important to take
the injection sites can occur.
this medication early in the day (preferable
no later than 12 noon.
COMT Inhibition
Drug interactions may occur when PWP
Catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) is
taking selegiline are given Pethidine® and
an enzyme which metabolizes both
certain types of antidepressants. It is
levodopa and dopamine. By inhibiting the
essential to check with your doctor before
action of COMT availability of levodopa is
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prescribed selegiline.
The previously discussed medications are
those which may be prescribed in the
Anticholinergic Therapy
management of Pd is complex and ideally
Prior to the discovery of levodopa this
should be managed by a Consultant
group of medications was the first line
(Neurologist or Geriatrician). Just as the
treatment of Pd. The mode of action of
symptoms of Pd vary from person to
the anticholinergic therapy is to correct the
person so to is the medication regime
prescribed to control those symptoms.
acetylcholine. They are useful in the treatment of tremor but may also address
bradykinesia, rigidity and sialorrhea in the
Medication Warning
Pd is complex and often associated with
Currently, in Australia, the available
other conditions. Many of the medications
anticholinergics are:
used in the treatment of other conditions
have the potential to alter or interfere with
Artane® (benzhexol hydrochloride)
the brain's dopamine system and maybe
Cogentin® (benztropine mesylate)
overlooked as having a detrimental effect
Akineton® (biperiden hydrochloride)
on the symptoms of Pd.
Possible side effects (especially in the
It is imperative that PWP and health
older PWP) include dry mouth, urinary
professionals involved in the care of PWP
retention, blurred vision and confusion.
are aware of drug contraindications.
medications which are contraindicated in
Amantadine is an anti-viral agent that has anti-Parkinsonian effects. This is
Pramin® (metoclopramide)
Symmetrel® (amantadine hydrochloride).
Stemetil® (prochlorperazine)
Possible side effects are insomnia,
Haldol® (haloperidol)
confusion and a mottled rash on the lower limbs.
If treatment for nausea is required,
Motilium at the minimum effective dose is a safe alternative.
(08) 9346 7373
(02) 9767 7881
(03) 9551 1122
(07) 3209 1588
Au st r alian Cap it al Ter r it o r y
(02) 6290 1984
(08) 8357 8909
(08) 9346 7373
(03) 6224 4028
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Source: http://ramsgate.org.au/PTAS/pubs/InfoSheet_1.4.pdf
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