
Clin Proc Third Intl Symp FOP 1(1), July 2001
Frederick S. Kaplan, M. D.1,2
David L. Glaser, M.D.1
Eileen M. Shore, Ph.D.1,3
Deanna Mitchell, M.D.4
Stephen Emerson, M.D., Ph.D.2
The International Clinical Consortium of
The Third International Symposium
on Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
From the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery,1 Medicine,2 and Genetics,3
The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104;
and DeVos Children's Hospital,4 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Corresponding Author:
Frederick S. Kaplan, M.D.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Silverstein Two
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
Phone 215-349-8726/8727
Fax: 215-349-5928
EmailReprint Requests:
[Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Mitchell D, Emerson S, et al: The medical management of
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: current treatment considerations. Clin Proc Third Intl Symp FOP
1(1):1-52, 2001]
TABLE 1. 49
TABLE 2. 50
FIGURE 1. 52
FIGURE 2. 53
FALLS . 53
The ultimate goal of research on fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is the development of
treatments that will prevent, halt, or even reverse the progression of the condition. In order to achieve that
goal, it is imperative to determine the molecular and genetic cause of the disease, and to integrate those
molecular and genetic insights into the developmental, metabolic and physiologic pathways through
which the putative damaged gene causes progressive and disabling heterotopic ossification.
Despite great strides during the past decade in understanding the molecular pathology and
pathophysiology of FOP, few tangible advances have yet been realized in the treatment of FOP or in the
prevention of its disabling complications. At the present time, there are no therapies with scientifically-
proven benefits for the prevention or treatment of FOP. The present lack of effective therapy for FOP
arises primarily from the lack of definitive knowledge about the primary genetic damage that causes FOP
and that orchestrates the complex developmental changes of the condition both pre-and postnatally.
Additionally, the erratic natural history of the disease, the inability to obtain diagnostic biopsies at defined
stages in the evolution of the disease, the lack of a genetically relevant animal model for drug testing, the
lack of multi-generational families to study natural disease variability, and the lack of randomized double-
blinded placebo-controlled studies further confound the efforts to establish a basis for rationale therapy in
this complex disorder with genetic, developmental, post-traumatic, and autoimmune features.
Despite these daunting obstacles, the therapeutic horizon is infinitely brighter than it was a decade ago.
Through the efforts of a collaborative international FOP research team dedicated to the eventual cure of
FOP, major and fundamental advances have been made in understanding the molecular basis of the
condition, and in understanding the detailed genetic, cellular, molecular, physiologic, and developmental
changes that lead to the panoply of clinical changes that characterize FOP, and underlie the suffering of
those who have it.
Profound insights in lymphocyte and mast cell biology, angiogenesis, apoptosis, BMP molecular cell
biology, osteogenic induction, and endochondral bone formation, have lead to the development of
treatment strategies that are at various stages of pre-clinical development, some of which will soon
emerge into the arena of clinical testing. Identification of the gene that causes FOP will propel the
development of a relevant genetic animal model that, when available, will dramatically accelerate the
pace of drug testing and provide insight into the potential relevance of treatments such as bone marrow
transplantation and definitive gene therapy with BMP antagonists.
In the meanwhile, work continues in parallel on both the basic science and treatment fronts to advance the
therapy of FOP. Despite the lack of definitive treatments at the present time, there have been numerous
anecdotal reports of limited symptomatic benefit with various medications based on the results of
uncontrolled studies. Further insight into some of these already available medications will await the
design of randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical studies, the most accepted method of
obtaining truly useful information on the safety and efficacy of potential treatments.
In this article, we will review the scientific basis for considering various treatment and prevention options
based upon the known pathology and molecular pathophysiology of FOP, while at all times keeping in
mind that there are presently no proven preventions or treatments for the condition. Nevertheless, this
document will attempt to present rationale guidelines for the use of medications in the symptomatic
treatment of FOP based upon the current state of knowledge. This report is not intended to present the
only approach for FOP, but rather is intended to represent a view, statement, or opinion of the authors
which may be helpful to others who face similar situations.
Further advances in therapeutics await the unequivocal identification of the FOP gene, the development of
relevant genetically-based animal models for drug testing, and the inception of urgently needed, well-
designed, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled studies to assess the various treatment and
prevention options in a rigorous scientific manner. At the present time, we have focused our urgent
attention in each of these areas.
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue
characterized by congenital malformation of the great toes and by progressive post-natal heterotopic
ossification of soft tissue.8,31,32,43,58,59 Heterotopic ossification usually appears within the first decade of
life following spontaneous or trauma-induced flare-ups.7,8,20,31,32,50,58,59 These flare-ups are often
misdiagnosed as tumors and characterized by large painful swellings in soft connective tissues including
tendons, ligaments, fascia and skeletal muscle.17,43 Pre-osseous swellings, especially those involving the
trunk, occasionally regress spontaneously.31,58 Most often, however, the swellings progress through an
endochondral pathway to form mature heterotopic bone.28,29 Progressive episodes of heterotopic
ossification lead to ankylosis of all major joints of the axial and appendicular skeleton, rendering
movement impossible.50,55 Most patients are confined to a wheelchair by their early twenties and require
lifelong assistance in performing activities of daily living.7,50 Severe restrictive disease of the chest wall
places patients at increased risk of associated cardiopulmonary problems.34,55 Surgical trauma associated
with the resection of heterotopic bone, and intramuscular injections for immunizations or dental work lead
to new episodes of heterotopic ossification.35,39,55 Conductive hearing impairment is a common and
poorly-understood associated feature of the condition.37
Flare-ups of FOP are sporadic and unpredictable, and there is great interpersonal and intrapersonal
variability in the rate of disease progression.8,23,25,50,52,62 Several large studies on the natural history of
FOP have confirmed that it is impossible to predict the occurrence, duration or severity of an FOP flare-
up, although a characteristic anatomic progression has been described.7,8,59 The rarity of the disease and
the unpredictable nature of the condition make it extremely difficult to assess any therapeutic
intervention, a fact recognized as early as 1918 by Julius Rosenstirn:52
"The disease was attacked with all sorts of remedies and alternatives for faulty metabolism; every
one of them with more or less marked success observed solely by its original author but
pronounced a complete failure by every other follower. In many cases, the symptoms of the
disease disappear often spontaneously, so the therapeutic effect (of any treatment) should not be
unreservedly endorsed."
These words ring true today in 2001 as they did when they were written nearly a century ago.
At the present time, there is no proven effective prevention or treatment for FOP. With better
understanding of the pathology of FOP, new pharmacologic strategies are emerging to treat FOP. Thus,
physicians are faced with an increasing number of potential medical interventions. Unfortunately, clinical
experience using these medications for FOP is mostly anecdotal.
The gold standard for all medication studies is a double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled study.21,47
Although such studies would be extremely difficult to conduct in the FOP community considering the few
patients afflicted with the disorder, the erratic natural history of the disease, and the extreme interpersonal
and intrapersonal variability of FOP, such a design still remains the best approach for obtaining
unambiguous answers to our most perplexing dilemma - the proper assessment of true therapeutic utility.
Future studies urgently need to consider this approach although, like any approach, it too has its pitfalls.
FOP's extreme rarity, variable severity, and fluctuating clinical course, pose daunting uncertainties when
evaluating experimental therapies.
Another major factor that has impaired exploration of effective therapy for FOP has been the lack of a
genetically-based animal model for the condition. Although heterotopic ossification can be induced in an
animal by the injection, surgical implantation, or genetic overproduction of bone morphogenetic proteins,
or proto-oncogenes, there are no naturally occurring animal models of heterotopic ossification that
accurately reproduce the clinical features of FOP.46 Although we continue to search for such models and
are working assiduously to produce them artificially, the fastest route to success in this difficult area may
be to identify the genetic damage responsible for FOP and then attempt to reproduce that exact genetic
damage in an animal model.
The purpose of this report is to review the major classes of medications that have been used (and are
being considered) in the treatment and management of patients who have FOP, and to provide a
perspective on indications and contraindications for the use of such medications until more rigorous
controlled studies can be instituted, hopefully in the very near future.
We emphasize that this report reflects the authors' experience and opinions on the various classes of symptom-modifying medications, and is meant only as a guide to this controversial area of therapeutics. Although there are common physical features shared by every person who has FOP,
there are differences among individuals that may alter the potential benefits or risks of any
medication or class of medications discussed here. The decision to use or withhold a particular medication must ultimately rest within an individual patient and his or her physician.
A wealth of emerging knowledge on the molecular genetics, pathology, and pathophysiology of FOP has
provided potential targets for therapeutic intervention (Figure 1).
Lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from patients with FOP overexpress bone morphogenetic protein 4
(BMP4) and underexpress potent BMP antagonists (such as noggin and gremlin) in response to a BMP
stimulus.27,54 BMP4 attracts mononuclear cells, induces angiogenesis, stimulates fibroproliferation (from
putative mesenchymal stem cells) and apoptosis, and provokes endochondral bone induction which results
in the formation of mature ossicles of heterotopic bone that replace skeletal muscle and other connective
tissues.reviewed in 54,57,58
Biopsies from patients with early FOP lesions, obtained prior to the definitive diagnosis of FOP, have
demonstrated an intense peri-vascular B-cell and T-cell lymphocytic infiltrate which subsequently
migrates into affected skeletal muscle.18 Massive death of skeletal muscle fibers is noted in early biopsy
specimens.18 Intermediate stage lesions are microscopically indistinguishable from aggressive juvenile
fibromatosis and exhibit an intense fibroproliferative reaction with profound neovascularity and
angiogenesis.17,28 The fibroproliferative cells express robust amounts of BMP4 and smooth muscle
proteins but the exact origin of these cells remains uncertain.17 An abundance of tissue mast cells has
been identified at every stage of the disease process.19 Mast cells can induce cell-mediated processes
including fibroproliferation, edema and angiogenesis, and can potentiate severe soft-tissue swelling.
While the stages of bone formation in FOP closely resemble those in embryonic skeletal induction and
post-natal fracture-healing, there are some important differences. The inflammatory infiltrate in early
FOP lesions is predominantly lymphocytic, while the inflammatory infiltrate in early fracture healing is
predominantly neutrophilic and monocytic. As a further contrast, there is no inflammation associated
with embryonic skeletal induction.
While the developmental progression of an FOP lesion follows the general pattern of lymphocytic
infiltration, skeletal muscle death, fibroproliferation, angiogenesis, chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, all
stages of the developmental process are present in the FOP lesion within days of its induction, providing
evidence that different portions of the FOP lesion mature at different rates.18 For example, the outer
portion of an FOP lesion appears to mature at a much more rapid rate than the internal portion.28,31 In
reality, all stages of an FOP lesion are present very soon after its induction, and any attempt to
successfully inhibit the maturation process will likely entail the inhibition of multiple stages in the
developmental process. Thus, the earlier a lesion can be inhibited, the greater likelihood there may be in
preventing heterotopic bone formation. In theory, the best approach would successfully prevent the
induction of heterotopic ossification. As June Osborn from the University of Michigan stated in a
different context about the benefits of prevention, "If prevention is done absolutely right, absolutely
nothing happens."51
The optimal treatment of FOP will likely be based upon integrated knowledge of the cellular and
molecular pathophysiology of the condition. An abbreviated outline of our current knowledge is
presented in Figure 1.
Gene Correction
FOP is a genetic disease, and the ultimate treatment will likely involve a gene correction or gene bypass
approach in the cells and tissues involved in the disease process.8,9,10,31,58 The single most important piece
of knowledge currently missing in the FOP puzzle is the identity of the FOP gene.8,15,27,66 Such
knowledge will immediately provide insight into the most promising therapeutic approaches for FOP, and
will propel development of the most genetically relevant animal models for rapid testing of potential
therapies. Much of the present laboratory effort in FOP is focused on this area of research, and detailed
accounts of the work and progress can be found in the Tenth Annual Report of the FOP Collaborative
Research Project.27
Bone Marrow (Stem Cell) Transplantation
Recent advances in basic and clinical research suggest that stem cells may lie at the heart of a cure for
FOP.1,16,17,22,54 Hematopoietic cells have been found in biopsies of lesions, and stem cells have been
recently found to give rise to multiple mesenchymal tissues, including muscle and bone.2,3,18,19,22,40,44,48,63
Given these new insights, it is rational to ask whether we should treat patients with FOP by replacement
of their hematopoietic stem cell pool, via bone marrow, peripheral blood or umbilical cord blood stem cell
transplantation. To answer this question, it is necessary to consider how stem cell transplantation might
cure FOP, how it might fail, and the clinical risks that patients would necessarily undergo to obtain the
chance for cure via current stem cell transplantation techniques.13
How Might Stem Cell Transplantation Successfully Treat or
Cure Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva?
In light of the data indicating that Epstein-Barr Virus transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients
with FOP express abnormally high levels of mRNA and protein for bone morphogenetic protein 4, it is
hypothetically possible that an abnormal hematopoietic cell, most likely a lymphocyte, could trigger the
pathophysiology of FOP.54 Although there is no evidence that the white blood cells themselves secrete
bone matrix proteins, cells such as fibroblasts, myoblasts, pericytes, or other mesenchymal cells could lay
down the bony exoskeleton in response to abnormal osteoinductive signals from white blood cells.2,3,5,48
If FOP is triggered by abnormal osteogenic proteins produced by white blood cells, then complete
replacement of the hematopoietic (blood-producing) compartment by stem cell transplantation would
permanently eliminate the pathogenic FOP cells. Although the genetic abnormality would still be present
in the patient, the cells capable of expressing the abnormality would be removed. Moreover, even if a
small percentage of abnormal hematopoietic cells remained immediately after the transplant, they would
be eliminated over several months by the new immune system arising from the transplanted cells. Thus,
FOP would be essentially cured by the stem cell transplantation procedure.
Even if abnormal blood cells do not trigger bone induction in patients with FOP, stem cell transplantation
could still cure the disease. We now know that cells found in the stem cell compartment within the bone
marrow and blood are capable of giving rise to endothelial cells, perivascular cells, muscle cells, cartilage
cells, and even nerve cells.2,48,63 Moreover, transplanted stem cells from the bone marrow have recently
been shown to contribute cardiac muscle cells to repairing myocardial infarcts, and to partially correcting
neurological defects following cerebral ischemia.48 Therefore, it is conceivable that stem cell
transplantation procedures could lead to amelioration or cure of FOP even if the pathogenic cell were of
muscle, endothelial or other connective tissue origin. Over months to years, turnover of patient tissues by
new cells derived from the transplanted stem cells would gradually reduce the burden of diseased
connective tissue.
Why Might Stem Cell Transplantation Fail to Successfully Treat or Cure
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva?
At this time, although studies show that stem cells can generate soft tissue cells from many lineages, this
appears to be a very low-efficiency process. In vitro, fewer than one bone marrow cell in five million has
the potential to generate mesenchymal (connective tissue) cells, and the number of cells produced from
each mesenchymal stem cell is finite. Following current stem cell transplantation protocols, only very
small numbers, probably less than 0.1 per cent of total mesenchymal cells of any lineage, can be found to
be donor-derived even months to years following stem cell transplantation. Therefore, without new
advances in stem cell transplantation techniques, this process is not likely to be efficient enough to replace
most of the abnormally responding myoblasts, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, pericytes, or other connective
tissue cells.40,48,63
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, most often replaces all of the hematopoietic cells, so this should
cure the disease. However, turnover is not instantaneous. Immediately following traditional allogeneic
transplantation, there is a tremendous inflammatory response to the chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy,
which could cause the remaining abnormal hematopoietic cells to activate and trigger promiscuous and
catastrophic heterotopic ossification. Even over the following six to twelve months, residual host
lymphocytes could trigger heterotopic bone. While the frequency and severity of such episodes would in
theory decline over time, the patient might die of complications before a cure could be effective.
Whatever the cellular genesis of FOP, to cure the disease by stem cell transplantation requires that the
patients survive the extremely dangerous stem cell transplantation itself. Allogeneic transplantation is
accompanied by a prolonged period of immunodeficiency in which the patients are at heightened risk for
viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Patients with FOP have severe restrictive chest wall disease with a
dramatically increased risk of pulmonary compromise and pneumonia, even during childhood.34 In
addition, the engrafting immune system often recognizes the patient's tissues as foreign and attempts to
reject them, so-called "graft-versus-host disease." Overall, the mortality of allogeneic bone marrow
transplantation as currently performed, in any scenario, is always greater than 10-15 per cent, and can be
50 per cent or greater in some settings.
Without knowing the exact cellular and molecular cause of FOP, we could still be missing the true
therapeutic target of the underlying pathophysiologic process.31 We could perform a non-toxic,
successful allogeneic stem cell transplantation for a patient, and still not cure the disease. This creates a
serious dilemma.
Stem cell transplantation is theoretically a very attractive approach to cure FOP, but it could be
dangerous, without any guarantee of cure, or even benefit. To compound the problem, if a patient failed
to be cured, or died during a transplant, we might not even know why the treatment had failed. Without an
abnormal gene or cell to follow, the clinician and patient would be entering a dangerous trial, like trying
to fly an airplane blindfolded without navigational equipment. Given that most patients with FOP are not
in a truly life-threatening clinical condition, and that severely affected patients would be at the highest
risk for transplant morbidity and mortality, stem cell transplantation at present would be extremely risky.
What Would Favor the Therapeutic Index in the Direction of Stem Cell Transplantation for
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva?
Fundamentally, the therapeutic index for bone marrow stem cell transplantation in patients with FOP must
be improved by decreasing the risk of the transplant procedure and/or improving the likelihood of success.
Several approaches to decreasing the risk of the transplant procedures include:
· Non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation, which may decrease transplant morbidity by decreasing
inflammation and encouraging gradual, progressive chimerism.38,44
· Artificial thymic organoids, which might be used to prevent post-transplant immunodeficiency and
graft-versus-host disease.49
· Novel pharmaceuticals to prevent graft-versus-host disease, such as anti-granzyme and anti-Fas
reagents, and anti-dendritic cell antibodies.6,14,41,56
Increasing the likelihood of therapeutic efficacy, on the other hand, requires the identification of the
cellular trigger of FOP and, of course, the genetic defect itself. This will allow pre-clinical investigations,
perhaps in a xenogeneic stem cell transplantation model where stem-cell enriched peripheral blood cells
from patients with FOP are transplanted into Non-obese Diabetic/Severe Combined Immmunodeficiency
Mice, so that treatment modeling for FOP can be investigated before the first clinical transplant is
performed in humans. Thus, much research remains to be done before stem cell transplantation can be
considered in the treatment of FOP.
Injury Prevention
Prevention of soft-tissue injury and muscle damage, as well as prevention of falls remain a hallmark of
FOP management. Intramuscular injections must be assiduously avoided.8,35 The one exception to this
rule may be flu shots in older patients who have already experienced joint ankylosis, but who have
substantial risk of cardiopulmonary complications from influenza infection.64 Routine childhood
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunizations administered by intramuscular injection cause a substantial
risk of permanent heterotopic ossification at the site of injection, whereas measles-mumps-rubella
immunizations administered by subcutaneous injection and routine venipuncture pose no significant
Permanent ankylosis of the jaw may be precipitated by minimal soft tissue trauma during routine dental
care. Assiduous precautions are necessary in administering dental care to anyone who has FOP.
Overstretching of the jaw and intramuscular injections of local anesthetic must be avoided. Mandibular
blocks cause muscle trauma, and local anesthetic drugs are extremely toxic to skeletal muscle.39,45
Falls suffered by FOP patients can lead to severe injuries and flare-ups. Patients with FOP have a self-
perpetuating fall cycle. Minor soft tissue trauma often leads to severe exacerbations, which result in
heterotopic ossification and joint ankylosis. Mobility restriction from joint ankylosis severely impairs
balancing mechanisms, and causes instability, resulting in more falls (Figure 2).20
Falls in the FOP population may cause severe head injuries, loss of consciousness, concussions, and neck
and back injuries, compared to people who do not have FOP due to the inability to use the upper limbs to
absorb the impact of a fall. FOP patients are much more likely to be admitted to a hospital following a
fall and have a permanent change in function because of the fall. In a group of 135 FOP patients, 67% of
the reported falls resulted in a flare-up of the FOP. Use of a helmet in young patients may help reduce the
frequency of severe head injuries that can result from falls.20
Measures to prevent falls should be directed at modification of activity, improvement in household safety,
use of ambulatory devices (such as a cane, if possible), and use of protective headgear. Redirection of
activity to less physically interactive play may also be helpful. Complete avoidance of high-risk
circumstances may reduce falls, but also may compromise a patient's functional level and independence,
and may be unacceptable to many. Adjustments to the living environment to reduce the number of falls
within the home may include installing supportive hand-railings on stairs, securing loose carpeting,
removing objects from walkways, and eliminating uneven flooring including doorframe thresholds.20
Prevention of falls due to imbalance begins with stabilization of gait. The use of a cane or stabilizing
device may improve balance for many patients. For more mobile individuals, the use of a rolling cane or a
walker will assist in stabilization. Augmentation of the patient's protective functions should be performed
to minimize injury when a fall does occur.20
When a fall occurs, prompt medical attention should be sought, especially when a head injury is
suspected. Any head injury should be considered serious until proven otherwise. A few common signs
and symptoms of severe head injury include increasing headache, dizziness, drowsiness, obtundation,
weakness, confusion, or loss of consciousness. These symptoms often do not appear until hours after an
injury. A patient should be examined carefully by a healthcare professional if a head injury is suspected.20
The rational use of corticosteroids early in the course of an FOP flare-up is based primarily upon its
potent suppressive effect on lymphocytes, cells which are seen in the earliest FOP lesions.18,31,32,58
Widespread anecdotal reports within the FOP community suggest that a brief 4 day course of high-dose
corticosteriods begun within the first 24 hours of a flare-up may help reduce the intense lymphocytic
infiltration and tissue edema seen in the early stages of the disease. The use of corticosteroids should be
restricted to the extremely early symptomatic treatment of flare-ups that affect major joints.
Corticosteroids should not be used for the symptomatic treatment of flare-ups involving the back of the
neck or trunk due to the long duration and recurring nature of these flare-ups, and the difficulty in
assessing the true onset of a flare-up.
Corticosteroids seem most effective if used within the first 24-hours of a new flare-up that affects the
movement of a major joint. The dose of corticosteroid is dependent upon body weight, and a typical dose
of prednisone would be 2 mg/kg/day administered as a single daily dose for no more than 4 days. When
prednisone is discontinued, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or cox-2 inhibitor in conjunction with
a leukotriene inhibitor may be used symptomatically for the duration of the flare-up. Corticosteroids
should not be used for the long-term chronic treatment of FOP as chronic dependence and other steroid-
associated side-effects will result. Preliminary data from the laboratory also suggest that chronic use of
corticosteroids may actually potentiate the expression of BMP4 in lymphocytes.
Corticosteroids are an important component in the management of a submandibular flare-up of FOP.24
Submandibular swelling in patients who have FOP can be a medical emergency and requires intensive
precautionary measures to avoid catastrophic clinical deterioration. These measures include early
identification of the submandibular flare-up, avoidance of lesional manipulation, airway monitoring,
aspiration precautions, nutritional support due to the difficulty in swallowing, and the use of
corticosteroids. The potentially dangerous nature of flare-ups in the submandibular region may dictate a
slightly longer use of corticosteroids with an appropriate taper for the duration of the flare-up or until the
acute swelling subsides.24
Mast Cell Inhibitors
Among the most puzzling features of FOP are the intense muscle edema, fibroproliferation, and
angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) characteristic of early pre-osseous (pre-bony) FOP lesions,
and the rapid spread of the lesions into adjacent tissue. As most patients and families know all too well, a
lesion may appear within hours and can reach an alarming size literally overnight. The sudden
appearance and rapid spread of an FOP lesion suggests involvement of an armada of inflammatory
mediators along with an abnormal connective tissue wound response, and points to a potential role for
inflammatory mast cells in the extension of the disease process.
Mast cells are indigenous cells in the body's connective tissues and arise from the bone marrow. They
circulate through the blood as committed, but undifferentiated cells, and migrate into numerous tissues
including skeletal muscle where they mature and reside as harmless bystanders until provoked by a
traumatic or inflammatory stimulus. Mast cells are found in close proximity to blood vessels and nerves.
In normal skeletal muscle, mast cells are found very sparsely distributed in the connective tissues between
the muscle bundles. Mast cells contain granules of very potent stored chemicals that induce edema,
fibroproliferation and angiogenesis when the granules are released into the surrounding tissue. For many
years, the role of mast cells was unknown, but it now appears that they play an important role in tissue
repair and wound healing.
When mast cell recruitment and activation goes awry, the process can lead to severe inflammatory
reactions. This has long been recognized with mast cell activation in the skin and lungs, resulting in
many of the symptoms of hives and asthma, respectively. However, very little is known about mast cells
in the deeper tissues of the body such as the skeletal muscles. Mast cells are not easily visible under the
microscope unless special stains are used to detect them. Mast cells are stimulated by a myriad of
different external and internal stimula such as internal immune responses and external tissue injury.
Mast cells contain granules whose sequestered contents include histamine, heparin, angiogenic proteins,
and matrix degrading enzymes that allow injured tissue to repair itself. Potent angiogenic proteins
released by mast cells include basic fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, and
transforming growth factor beta. Mast cells also release a litany of inflammation-causing molecules
including tumor necrosis factor alpha, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. Upon release from the mast cells,
these substances influence a vast array of biological processes including inflammation, immune function,
angiogenesis, fibrous tissue formation, extracellular tissue remodeling, and tissue repair. Mast cells are
also hijacked by invading tumors. Mast cells accumulate at the leading edge of invading tumors where
they are conscripted for angiogenesis and local tumor invasion, but mast cells are not found in the core of
the invading tumors.
The intense inflammatory muscle edema, fibroproliferation, and angiogenesis characteristic of early pre-
osseous FOP lesions and the rapid spread of these lesions along muscle planes into adjacent tissue
suggested a potential role for mast cells in the FOP process. As little is known about the resident mast
cells in skeletal muscle, a comprehensive analysis was undertaken of mast cell distribution in normal
skeletal muscle, in uninvolved FOP muscle, in FOP lesions, in inflammatory and genetic muscle diseases,
and in experimentally-induced animal models of heterotopic ossification.19
The findings of the study were startling and unexpected. Mobilization and activation of inflammatory
mast cells was found at all stages of FOP lesional development. These data documented an important role
for mast cells in the pathology of FOP lesions.19
The following hypothesis was developed based on observations and experimental data in the mast cell
study: Tissue injury in patients with FOP leads to lymphocyte migration into normally appearing skeletal
muscle.18 Some of these lymphocytes overproduce BMP4 and appear to lead to mast cell mobilization, a
finding which is supported strongly by the FOP pathology and by experimental models of heterotopic
ossification using recombinant BMP.19 Mediators released by mast cells stimulate a cycle of
inflammatory edema, fibrosis, and angiogenesis which is potentiated at the leading edge of an advancing
FOP lesion. Reactive fibroblasts within the muscle tissue produce proteins which lead to further
proliferation of mast cells and a self-sustaining escalation of the disease process known as a flare-up.17
Eventually, transforming growth factor beta, released by mast cells and other lesional cells, limits the
lymphocytic recruitment and migration and thus the size and extent of the expanding lesion, while
endogenous overexpression of BMP4 in the fibroproliferative core drives the fibroproliferative lesion
towards ossification through an endochondral pathway.
The observation of mast cell mobilization in FOP lesions provides a novel and previously unrecognized
opportunity to evaluate anti-mast cell therapies in limiting the spread of FOP lesions. Data from a unique
model of BMP implantation into an animal genetically reduced in mast cells suggest that completely
blocking mast cell function is not presently possible. However, reduction of mast cell activity may play an
important role in limiting the inflammatory component of the process and thus the local extent of the
lesional swelling.19,27
Mast cells, lymphocytes, and their associated inflammatory-mediators may also be reduced with the use
of mast cell stabilizers, long-acting non-sedating antihistamines, leukotriene inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory medications, and the new cox-2 inhibitors. Mast cell membrane stabilizers may reduce the
release of angiogenic and chemotactic factors, while anti-histamines and leukotriene inhibitors may
reduce the downstream effects of released mediators. The optimal use of these medications and their
potential efficacy in FOP is presently unknown.
Cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors
During the past year, an important new category of drugs has emerged with previously unexpected and
important implications for the treatment of FOP. These are the cyclo-oxygenase-2(cox-2) inhibitors,
medications that specifically target pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.33,61
The body essentially produces two types of prostaglandins: "physiological" prostaglandins and
"inflammatory" prostaglandins. Physiological prostaglandins are normally produced in many of the
body's tissues and protect organs such as the stomach from metabolic injury. Inflammatory
prostaglandins are produced in response to injury, and play a major role in the inflammatory response to
injury. Traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and indomethacin
inhibit the formation of both the physiological and inflammatory prostaglandins. The new cyclo-
oxygenase 2 (cox-2) inhibitors primarily inhibit the inflammatory prostaglandins and leave the
physiological prostaglandins relatively intact.33,61
Inflammatory prostaglandins are potent co-stimulatory molecules along with BMPs in the induction of
heterotopic bone.11,65 Studies in the orthopaedic literature have shown that lowering prostaglandin levels
in experimental animals dramatically raises the threshold for heterotopic ossification, thus, making it
more difficult for bone to form.65 Animals pretreated with prostaglandin inhibitors failed to form
heterotopic bone following intramuscular injections of BMP-containing demineralized bone matrix. In
contrast, animals treated with prostaglandin inhibitors at the same time, as or following a demineralized
bone matrix injection still formed heterotopic bone.11 These data suggest that in order for prostaglandin
inhibitors to be truly effective in preventing heterotopic ossification, the medication must be "in the
system" (in other words circulating in the blood at the therapeutic levels) before a bone-induction signal
occurred. In addition to their potent anti-inflammatory properties, a recent study unexpectedly
demonstrated that the new cox-2 inhibitors have potent anti-angiogenic properties as well as anti-
inflammatory properties, a feature that makes them even more desirable for consideration in FOP.26
Inflammatory prostaglandin levels are dramatically elevated in the urine of patients who have FOP,
especially during times of a disease flare-up.36 Inflammatory prostaglandins directly stimulate the
induction of angiogenic peptides which can further promote the osteogenic process. These observations
suggest the following hypothesis: lowering baseline prostaglandin levels in patients with FOP may raise
the threshold for heterotopic ossification even in the presence of substantial endogenous levels of BMP4.
This hypothesis is amenable to clinical testing and will be the focus of a placebo-controlled study to
assess the safety and efficacy of cox-2 inhibitors in the prevention of FOP flare-ups. While the potential
benefit of the new cox-2 inhibitors in preventing heterotopic ossification is no greater than the parent class
of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, the new cox-2 inhibitors offer the possibility of a lower
gastrointestinal risk profile than the parent compounds. In addition, the half-life of some of the new cox-2
inhibitors is conducive to a once-daily dosage regimen, a factor which helps promote patient
While the cox-2 inhibitors are generally safe, their action must be carefully monitored, especially in those
who are taking the medications for long periods of time, as rare but life-threatening side-effects and
kidney-damaging effects can occur. As with any condition, the relative risks and benefits of potential
therapies must be weighed against the potential risks of the underlying condition being treated.33,61
Cox-2 inhibitors are available by prescription. They are currently being tested in children with
rheumatoid arthritis, and are being used sporadically by pediatric specialists for the treatment of severe
inflammatory conditions where few other treatment options exist. In the next year, we will design a
placebo-controlled study of the cox-2 inhibitors in preventing flare-ups in patients with FOP. It will be
the best way to determine whether this new class of medications may be truly beneficial in preventing
flare-ups in FOP.
The work on the cox-2 inhibitors integrates important findings from the laboratory on prostaglandin
production, mast cell recruitment, and angiogenic factor release with the pathologic findings of severe
inflammatory pre-osseous lesions of FOP.18,19,30,36
BMP Antagonists
"With so much being discovered about how the BMPs act, it might be possible to develop
drugs that would block some part of the BMP4 pathway-and therefore prevent the
progression of what is a horrible, nightmare disease."53
- Brigid Hogan
Noggin gene therapy continues to be the most promising longterm treatment for FOP based upon our
present knowledge of the condition.27 The importance of noggin to the FOP story became apparent after
the discovery of BMP4 overexpression in FOP, and noggin was brought to the forefront of development
for FOP treatment. Noggin is involved in controlling the amount of skeleton and bone that is formed by
regulating the concentrations of BMP4 available in the body's tissue. For this reason, noggin offers
promise for controlling the rampant bone growth of FOP.27
BMP4 is produced by skeletal muscle and its expression can be upregulated at sites of soft tissue injury.
Under normal circumstances, BMP4 dramatically upregulates the expression of BMP antagonists such as
noggin and gremlin which diffuse more rapidly than TGF-$ family members.27 FOP cells show a
markedly attenuated response to BMP4 stimulation. A blunted BMP antagonist response following soft
tissue trauma would permit the rapid expansion of a BMP4 signal conducive to progressive bone
formation. The growth of highly vascular pre-osseous fibroproliferative tissue seen locally in response to
BMP overexpression would be magnified in the setting of a blunted BMP antagonist response and could
explain the explosive bone induction seen during an FOP flare-up. These findings from FOP illustrate the
importance of a critical balance between an inductive signal like BMP4 and its secreted antagonists in the
formation of an ectopic organ system and suggest the potential for developing BMP antagonist-based
strategies in the therapy of FOP.27
Although the genes for noggin and BMP4 do not appear to be damaged in FOP, the results of pre-clinical
studies prove conclusively that noggin can effectively inhibit BMP-induced heterotopic bone
The development of noggin vectors for experimental testing in animal models of heterotopic ossification
was reported recently.12 Before gene therapy with noggin can become a clinical reality, methods must be
developed for safely regulating noggin gene expression in the body. Work has focused on the
development of a novel delivery system. Data from ongoing animal experiments during this past year
continue to be encouraging. Vectors have been created to drive noggin expression from constitutive and
inducible promoters and are being studied in animal models.12,27 If pre-clinical animal efficacy and safety
data are satisfactory (in a BMP4 bone-induction model), we will continue to develop this therapy for
human clinical trials.
Successful gene therapy in FOP, as with any genetic disease, will require the coordinated and
collaborative work of geneticists, virologists, immunologists, cell biologists, and clinicians. Geneticists
will be necessary to identify the genetic contributions to FOP. Virologists will generate safe and efficient
viral vectors for introducing the extra copies of the noggin gene into the human body. Molecular
biologists will help to design vectors capable of cell and tissue specific expression of the noggin gene
carried by the transducing vectors. Immunologists will work out ways to prevent unwanted
immunological consequences of the viral delivery vehicles and their noggin cargo. Cell biologists will
devise ways to facilitate gene transfer to various tissues and will take the lead in identifying muscle or
blood stem cells through which the vector can be introduced. Clinicians will carry out clinical trials on
patients with FOP with the best vectors that the scientists can supply. To achieve successful gene therapy,
nearly all branches of biology will have to contribute to this endeavor.
Anti-angiogenic Agents
Development and growth of the human embryo as well as growth and regression of tumors are dependent
on the control of new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis). Angiogenesis is also an absolute
requirement for the formation and development of the skeleton, for the successful healing of fractures,
and for the formation of heterotopic bone. The early stages of skeletal embryogenesis correspond to the
highly vascularized pre-osseous fibroproliferative lesions seen in FOP.28,30 Angiogenesis, a prominent
histopathologic feature of pre-osseous FOP lesions, thus becomes a potential target for therapy.17,18,28,30
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), a heparin-binding endothelial cell growth factor, is an extremely
potent in-vivo stimulator of angiogenesis, and has been implicated in the growth of solid tumors. bFGF
has been investigated in FOP patients to determine if it is implicated in the pre-osseous lesions. Urinary
bFGF levels are markedly elevated in patients who have FOP, especially during acute flare-ups of the
disease process. In contrast, elevations of urinary bFGF were not detected during times of disease
quiescence. These data suggested that urinary bFGF may be a biochemical marker for disease flare-ups in
FOP patients and provides a biochemical basis for considering anti-angiogenic therapy at early stages of
the disease process.30
The goal of anti-angiogenic therapy in FOP is to inhibit new blood vessel formation in order to slow
down or inhibit the subsequent production of new bone formation once a new lesion has appeared.
Angiogenesis may potentially be minimized with anti-angiogenic agents such as thalidomide, squalamine,
cycloxygenase-2 (cox-2) inhibitors, and vascular growth factor traps. At present, several of these agents
are in pre-clinical development or early phase I clinical studies.27
Squalamine, a new anti-angiogenic agent, with potential interest for FOP, was discovered in 1992 in the
FOP laboratory by Dr. Michael Zasloff. Dr. Zasloff isolated squalamine from the body tissues of the
dogfish shark, and discovered its anti-angiogenic properties by accident. Squalamine is a naturally
occurring cholesterol-like molecule that inhibits the proliferation of endothelial cells (blood vessel cells)
and exhibits potent-anti-angiogenic activity in laboratory animals and humans. During the past year, the
cellular mechanism of action of squalamine has been elucidated. Squalamine modifies the response of
endothelial cells to proteins that organize their shape and structure.27
Squalamine is currently produced synthetically under sterile conditions and does not have to be obtained
from sharks. In pre-clinical studies, squalamine has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis and the
subsequent growth of solid tumors. By directly blocking the angiogenic process, squalamine has the
potential to slow the progression of the FOP lesions in muscle.
A phase I clinical trial of squalamine in FOP will be targeted to a small group of adult FOP patients who
are having severe pre-osseous flare-ups. The initial study will be designed to evaluate the safety and
efficacy of intravenous squalamine on the inhibition of angiogenesis, and will enroll no more than 10
adult patients with FOP. Data from the phase I Safety and Efficacy Trial will be used to design a larger
controlled phase II Study. The study will require full approval by the FDA, the Institutional Review
Board of The University of Pennsylvania, The Clinical Research Center of the Hospital of the University
of Pennsylvania, The Radiation Safety Board and The Clinical Studies Monitoring Unit of The University
of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
The regulatory and safety issues involved in testing new drugs in humans are enormous and complex.
Further information on the commencement of this Phase I clinical trial will be forthcoming in later
editions of the FOP Connection, and online immediately when it is fully approved.
Thalidomide (a-N-phthalimidoglutarimide) was initially used in Europe as a sedative in the 1950's.
Initially, there were no acute toxicity issues and no fatalities from even large overdoses. However, in 1961
the teratogenic effects of thalidomide were reported following its use as an antiemetic in pregnant women.
An association between limb defects in babies and maternal thalidomide use was described. Thirty years
later, investigators demonstrated that thalidomide potently inhibited angiogenesis in a rabbit corneal
model, and postulated that the limb defects seen with thalidomide exposure were due, in part, to an
inhibition of blood vessel growth in the developing fetal limb bud. Despite thalidomide's potent
teratogenicity in pregnant women, it remains a relatively safe medication in non-pregnant humans. While
its exact mechanism of action remains unknown, it clearly possesses important properties as an anti-
angiogenic agent, a tumor necrosis factor regulator, and as an immunomodulator.60
Considering that angiogenesis is a prominent feature of the pre-osseous fibroproliferative lesions in
patients with FOP, utilizing an anti-angiogenic agent during acute flare-ups seemed logical in preventing
progression of the lesion towards heterotopic ossification. The objective of the Phase I-II Thalidomide
trial was to determine the potential efficacy and to evaluate the acute and chronic toxicity of thalidomide
in patients with FOP flare-ups.27
Starting in August of 1998, patients with FOP were enrolled in the open-label Phase I thalidomide trial
(Dr. Deanna Mitchell; Principal Investigator). Patients began an escalating dose of thalidomide (initially
starting at 1 mg/kg/day) with the onset of symptoms of an acute flare-up. Doses were escalated every 15
days to a maximum of 10 mg/kg/day if the flare-up persisted and if thalidomide was tolerated without
excessive sedation or peripheral neuropathy. Thalidomide was utilized for a maximum of 60 days for
each flare-up. Patients were monitored for efficacy and toxicity by keeping records of flare-up location,
size and duration, and by a monthly physical examination by their investigator. Laboratory assessment
including a complete blood count and serum chemistries were monitored every three months. Female
patients who had reached menarche were informed fully of the severe birth defects that could be caused
by thalidomide, and utilized either total abstinence or two standard methods of birth control. Investigators
completed a neuropathy symptom questionnaire along with the monthly exam to monitor for side-effects
of peripheral neuropathy.27
As of January 2001, 15 patients had enrolled in the thalidomide study. All 15 patients tolerated each dose
escalation of thalidomide without significant toxicity. Mild sedation was the most commonly observed
side-effect, and was not limiting to any patient's usual life activities. There was no evidence of
significant peripheral neuropathy in the first 15 patients. One patient reported transient numbness and
tingling in his fingers and toes, however, this did not persist despite ongoing treatment with thalidomide.
Flare-ups of FOP continued to occur in patients on thalidomide. The intensity and duration of flare-ups,
as perceived by the patients and/or their parents, were subjectively improved with thalidomide treatment
in 14 of 15 patients. As of January 2001, seven patients have had their second annual nuclear medicine
bone scan reviewed by the study radiologist. Six of the seven patients showed no new site of heterotopic
bone formation compared to the original bone scan. A second patient, treated with thalidomide and a
pulse of prednisone, suffered a clinically significant flare-up involving her hip. Her nuclear medicine
bone scan at one year on study demonstrated no abnormal uptake in her hip and she had no loss of motion
in her hip. A third patient who had a flare-up of the hip was treated with thalidomide and prednisone, and
showed uptake on her bone scan and loss of mobility at her hip.
The Phase I/II thalidomide trial in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is presently
being evaluated. The data are preliminary and subject to additions and clarification. Consideration is
being given for a Phase III double-blinded placebo-controlled trial using thalidomide for the treatment of
Retinoids are a plausible family of therapeutic agents for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva due to their
ability to inhibit differentiation of connective tissue into cartilage and bone. A prospective Phase I/II study
was conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) in the prevention of
heterotopic ossification in 21 patients.67 Eleven anatomic regions were assessed in each patient by
clinical examination, radiographs, and bone scans. An anatomic region was considered to be involved if
there was clinical, radiographic, or radionuclide evidence of orthotopic or heterotopic ossification
anywhere in the region. There were 143 involved anatomic regions and 88 uninvolved anatomic regions at
the beginning of the study. Only one of the 88 anatomic regions that was completely uninvolved at the
beginning of the study became involved during isotretinoin therapy. However, 16 of the 21 patients (76%)
experienced major flare-ups in 38 of 143 (27%) previously involved anatomic regions while isotretinoin
therapy was being administered. Isotretinoin at steady state doses of 1 to 2 mg/kg per day decreased the
incidence of heterotopic ossification at uninvolved anatomic regions compared with an external control
group, as long as the medication was started before the appearance of any orthotopic or heterotopic
ossification in that anatomic region. The data did not allow the determination of whether isotretinoin was
effective or detrimental in preventing disease flare-ups in regions that had even minimal orthotopic or
heterotopic ossification at the time the therapy began. Common side effects of the medication were
headaches, dry skin and mouth, gastrointestinal distress, and anemia. Extreme caution should be
exercised when using this medication in FOP patients.67
A phase III double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial was attempted with isotretinoin
but was not possible due to lack of patient interest in this approach.67
Mineralization Inhibitors
Ethane-1-hydroxy-1-diphosphonate (etidronate) has been studied because of its inhibitory effect on bone
mineralization and its potential to impair ossification at high dosages. Unfortunately, at high doses, it also
causes osteomalacia (soft bones) and can impair ossification of the entire skeletal system, not just the
heterotopic bone of the "second skeleton." Its utility is therefore extremely limited.
In the only published series, the effects of intravenously administered etidronate and oral corticosteroids
were evaluated.4 Thirty-one fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva attacks were observed in seven patients
during the mean follow-up of 6 years. In 29 attacks, the authors observed a rapid diminution of local
inflammation, swelling, and pain during the first 7 days of treatment. However, despite the ethane-1-
hydroxy-1-diphosphonate treatment, 10 new ossifications were observed, causing severe deterioration of
joint mobility in all affected patients. In 21 attacks, no new ectopic ossification appeared. The radiologic
pattern of pre-existing ossifications did not change during the treatment. The results suggest the
possibility that intravenous administration of ethane-1-hydroxy-1-diphosphonate and oral corticosteroids
may be helpful, but more control data on the spontaneous resolution of early flare-ups are needed.4 While
high-dose etidronate has proven effects on inhibiting mineralization, the newer bisphosphonates do not
possess this activity. At the present time, we do not use etidronate regularly for the treatment of FOP, and
there is no obvious rational basis for the use of the newer bisphosphonates.
Chemotherapy Agents and Radiation Therapy
The definitive diagnosis of FOP is often delayed due to the rarity of the condition and the failure to
associate the tumor-like soft tissue swellings with the congenital malformations of the great toes.17,28 As
a result, many children with FOP are originally misdiagnosed as having aggressive fibromatosis,
fibrosarcoma, soft tissue chondrosarcoma, soft tissue osteosarcoma, or lymphoma.17 It is not surprising,
therefore, that many children with FOP have been treated with various extensive regimens of
chemotherapy and radiotherapy before the definitive diagnosis of FOP has been made. It would be
important to note retrospectively if radiation therapy or any of the chemotherapy agents had been helpful
in altering the natural history of the condition. There was, however, no convincing anecdotal evidence
that either radiation therapy or any of the standard chemotherapy agents such as tamoxifen, colchicine,
vincristine, vinblastine, cytoxan, methotrexate, adriamycin, or any others were helpful for patients with
FOP. In fact, many of these medications caused harmful longterm side-effects. The use of these
approaches is, therefore, contraindicated in the treatment of FOP.
Miscellaneous Agents
The progression of the fibroproliferative FOP lesion to cartilage, calcified cartilage and bone may
potentially be slowed with the use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and tissue inhibitors of matrix
metaloproteases.19 However, the fluoroquinolones are toxic to growth plate and joint cartilage at high
doses and there are presently no adequate animal models in which to test their relative safety and potential
efficacy in FOP. The chronic use of calcium binders, mineralization inhibitors, and warfarin have been
reported with either unsatisfactory or unequivocal results.42 At the present time, the use of these
medications or approaches is not indicated.
At the present time, there are no established preventions or treatments for FOP. The disorder's rarity,
variable severity, and fluctuating clinical course pose substantial uncertainties when evaluating
experimental therapies. To date, there have been no double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled
clinical trials to assess the relative efficacy of any potential therapy.
At the Third International Symposium on FOP (Philadelphia, PA; November 2-5, 2000), an international
panel of physicians participated in a clinical workshop to review current treatment considerations in FOP
(Tables 1 and 2). The panel reviewed many current and potential treatment options for this disorder. The
unpredictable nature of FOP has made controlled trials difficult to perform, but all agreed that the
obstacles were surmountable.
In evaluating each potential treatment, the group focused on the known mechanism of action of the
treatment as it relates to the proposed pathogenesis of FOP. Consideration for use of each medication was
made based on balancing the clinical uncertainty of each agent when used to treat FOP against the
compassionate need to adequately and safely control the disabling symptoms of the disease, especially
during flare-ups. Each pharmacologic agent was classified into one of three categories based on
experimental or anecdotal experience with the drug as well as knowledge of each drug's safety profile.
Class I: Medications that have been widely used to control symptoms of the acute flare-up in FOP
(swelling and pain), with anecdotal reports of favorable clinical results and generally minimal side effects.
Examples: Short-term use of high-dose corticosteroids, and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) including the new anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic cox-2 inhibitors.
Class II: Medications that have theoretical application to FOP, are approved for the treatment of other
disorders, and have few side effects.
Examples: Leukotriene inhibitors and mast cell stabilizers
Sodium cromolyn is a generally well-tolerated mast cell inhibitor. However, oral absorption is poor, and
its potential effectiveness is unknown in FOP.
Class III: Investigational new drugs
Examples: Thalidomide, squalamine, VEGF trap, noggin
We emphasize that this report reflects the authors' experience and opinions on the various
classes of symptom-modifying medications, and is meant only as a guide to this controversial
area of therapeutics. Although there are common physical features shared by every person who
has FOP, there are differences among individuals that may alter the potential benefits or risks of
any medication or class of medications discussed here. The decision to use or withhold a
particular medication must ultimately rest within an individual patient and his or her physician.
Class I Medications: For acute flare-ups, the immediate use of prednisone at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day can
be considered as a single daily dose for a maximum of four days. For maximal beneficial effect, the
prednisone should be started within 24 hours of the onset of a flare-up, which correspond to the earliest
phase of acute and intense lymphocytic infiltration into skeletal muscle. If the flare-up is more than two
days old, prednisone is generally less effective. If the flare-up responds to the medication but recurs when
the prednisone is discontinued, it is unlikely that a repeat dose will be helpful. Prednisone should not be
used for flare-ups on the chest or trunk, as it is difficult to judge the exact onset of a new flare-up.
Prolonged or chronic use of corticosteroids is of no benefit, may accelerate heterotopic ossification, is
harmful systemically, and should not be considered. Furthermore, suppression of the pituitary-adrenal
axis is likely to occur with chronic or longterm use and can have longterm harmful effects. The use of
prednisone is meant only to suppress or abort the early lymphocytic infiltration into skeletal muscle, and
potentially suppress the subsequent death of skeletal muscle in the earliest stages of an FOP flare-up.
When the prednisone is discontinued (or if a flare-up existing for more than 48 hours is being considered
for treatment), treatment may be considered with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent and a
leukotriene inhibitor (Class II medication). For patients older than 16 years of age, a cyclooxygenase-2
(cox-2) inhibitor can be used instead of a traditional NSAID. The dose of the medication should be
titrated to the clinical response. Compassionate off-label use of cox-2 inhibitors has been reported
anecdotally in children with FOP, as young as two years of age. As with all non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory medications, assiduous gastrointestinal precautions should prevail. If longterm use of the
cox-2 inhibitors is considered, serum liver and kidney function tests should be monitored.
Class II Medications can be added at the physicians' discretion. The leukotriene inhibitor montelukast
(Singulair) can be considered at a dose of 5 mg or 10 mg per oral daily in order to help abrogate the
inflammatory symptoms of an FOP flare-up. The combined use of montelukast and a non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory agent or a cox-2 inhibitor can be considered as a long-term treatment, following the
discontinuation of a single 4 day (maximum) steroid burst.
Sodium cromolyn is a generally well-tolerated mast cell inhibitor. However, oral absorption is poor, and
its potential effectiveness in FOP is unknown.
Class III Medications are under development and should not be used except in an approved clinical
study. Anti-angiogenic agents (thalidomide and squalamine) are in the clinical trial or the pre-clinical
trial review stage respectively. Potential use of vascular endothelial growth factor traps are being
considered. The BMP antagonist (Noggin) is under intense investigation in pre-clinical development.
In the recently published book "Dark Remedy: The Impact of Thalidomide and Its Revival as a Vital
Medicine," there is a poignant discussion about the utility of double-blind randomized placebo-controlled
studies as the "gold standard" for medication assessment.60 The authors write that our job as disciplined
scientists is "to find the right questions to ask, the right tests to perform, and then to eliminate from
interpretation of the data any expectations, assumptions, biases, or hopes that we may have in order to see
the significance of the results with objective clarity. That clarity can make the difference between finding
a cure for an incurable disease and raising false hopes for millions." There is little doubt that the testing
of drugs for FOP, either for prevention or treatment, will require the same stringent principles and
A physician treating a patient with FOP must never withhold an available medication that may be truly
helpful, but those medications must also be tested with scientific clarity to determine if they are, in fact,
truly helpful or just simply the products of wishful thinking. In the absence of clear evidence-based
research from controlled clinical trials, it is difficult to advocate a particular therapy with enthusiasm.
Although it is appealing to attempt to swim across multiple therapeutic currents to safety, the waters of
FOP are deep and dangerous. The carefully designed and well-controlled clinical trial may ultimately be
the safest bridge across these troubled waters of FOP. Such an approach will require the patience and
fortitude of the entire FOP community. In the meanwhile, the physician caring for a patient with FOP
must constantly review evolving scientific information and chart the safest, and most responsible course
for the patient until the enduring bridges are built and their safety and efficacy verified.
The authors would like to acknowledge Doranne Lackman and Kamlesh Rai for their diligent help and
extensive support over many months in the preparation of this manuscript.
This work was supported in part by The International FOP Association, The Center For Research In FOP
and Related Disorders, The Ian Cali Fund, The Isaac & Rose Nassau Professorship of Orthopaedic
Molecular Medicine, and the Friends and Families of FOP patients worldwide.
Katherine M. Adler, M.D. Consultant Paediatrician Rochdale Healthcare NHS Trust Birch Hill Hospital Rochdale 0L12 9QB Lancashire England United Kingdom Tel: 011 44 1706 754-0411 Jaimo Ahn, Ph.D. FOP Research Fellow Center for Research in FOP & Related Disorders Department of Orthopaedic Research The University of Pennsylvania 424 Stemmler Hall 36th & Hamilton Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 215-898-8653 Email Randolph B. Cohen, M.D. Attending Physician and Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon & Former FOP Research Fellow Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Division of Pediatric Orthopaedics Suite 390 1150 N. 35th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 Tel: 1-954-986-6300
Email J. Michael Connor, M.D. Professor and Chief Institute of Medical Genetics University of Glasgow Medical School Glasgow G3 8SJ Scotland United Kingdom Tel:
Patricia Longo Ribeiro Delai, M.D. Discipline of Dermatology/Medicine Department Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Rua Andrea Paulinetti 97 apto 901 Brooklin cep 04707-050 Sao Paulo-SP Brazil Tel: 55-11-5575-1340 (office) Email Stephen Emerson, M.D., Ph.D. Francis Wood Professor of Medicine Chief, Division of Hematology-Oncology Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania 510 Maloney Building 36th & Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 1-215-662-2359 E-mail Francis H. Gannon, M.D. Staff Pathologist Department of Orthopaedic Pathology Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 14th & Alaska Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20306-6000 Tel: 202-782-2850 E-mail David Glaser, M.D. Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Silverstein Pavilion - Second Floor 3400 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Tel: 215-349-8726/8727 Fax: 215-349-5928 E-mail
Gregory V. Hahn, M.D. Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon & Former FOP Research Fellow 880 Sixth Street South Suite 310 St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Tel: 727-892-4133 Email: Frederick S. Kaplan, M.D. Isaac and Rose Nassau Professor of Orthopaedic Molecular Medicine The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Silverstein Pavilion - Second Floor 3400 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Tel: (Office) 215-349-8726/8727/(Home): Tel: 215-545-0578 Fax: 215-349-5928 Email Joseph A. Kitterman, M.D. Professor of Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics and Cardiovascular Research Institute U-503, Box 0734 University of California San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94143-0734 Tel: 415-476-7242 Fax: 415-476-9976 Email Martine Le Merrer, M.D. Professor of Genetics INSERM U393 Hopital des Enfants Malades 149 Rue de Sevres 75015 Paris France Tel: 011 33-44 49 51 57 E-mail
Deanna Mitchell, M.D. Principal Investigator of The Thalidomide Study and Attending Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist DeVos Children's Hospital Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 100 Michigan NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Tel: 616-391-2086 E-mail: Rolf Morhart, M.D. Physician-In-Chief and Director The Children's Rheumatology Clinic Trifstr. 12 D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany Tel: 011-49-8821-701 117 Email: Coen Netelenbos, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine Department of Endocrinology University Hospital Vrije Universiteit De Boelelaan 1117/ P.O. Box 7057 1007 MB Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: 011 31 20 444 0530 E-mail Raj Patel, M.D. FOP Research Fellow Center for Research In FOP & Related Disorders Department of Orthopaedic Research The University of Pennsylvania 424 Stemmler Hall 36th & Hamilton Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 215-898-8653 E-mail David M. Rocke, Ph.D Professor Department of Applied Science and Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 Tel: 1-530-752-0510 or 0495 E-mail
John G. Rogers, M.D. Senior Medical Geneticist Victoria Clinical Genetics Services The Murdoch Institute Royal Children's Hospital Genetics Clinic Royal Children's Hospital Flemington Road Parkville, Victoria 3052 Melbourne Australia Tel: 011 61-3 8341-6201 Email Adam Shafritz, M.D. Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery & Former FOP Research Fellow Department of Orthopaedic Surgery The Mayo Clinic 200 First Street, SW Rochester, MN 55905 Tel: 1-507-289-6617 E-mail: Eileen M. Shore, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Genetics Director, FOP Laboratory The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 424 Stemmler Hall 36th & Hamilton Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 215-898-8653/8654 Fax: 215-573-2133 E-mail Roger Smith, M.D. Professor of Medicine Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre Windmill Road Headington Oxford OX3 7LD England United Kingdom Tel: 1-507-289-6617 Email
Neil Stahl, Ph.D. Vice President, Pre-Clinical Development & Biomolecular Science Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 777 Old Saw Mill River Road Tarrytown, New York 10591-6707 Tel: 1-914-345-7431 E-mail Jeffrey Tabas, M.D. Attending Physician, Emergency Department, Assistant Professor of Medicine & Former FOP Research Fellow University of California-San Francisco School of Medicine San Francisco, CA 94143 Work Tel: 1-415 206-5759 Home Tel: 1-415 664-6662 E-mail Heinz Unterbörsch, M.D. Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon Orthopadische Gemeinschaftspraxis Friedrich Offermann Str. 6 51429 Bergisch Gladbach Bensberg Germany Tel: 011-49-22-04-5-10 27 J. Andoni Urtizberea, M.D. Professor of Medicine Service de Medecine Physique et Readaptation de l'Enfant Hopital Raymond Poincare 92380 GARCHES France Tel: 011 33 1 47 10 79 00 ext. 2317 E-mail Michael Whyte, M.D. Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics Washington University School of Medicine Chief, Metabolic Bone Diseases Shriner's Hospital for Children 2001 South Lindbergh Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63131-3597 Tel: 314-432-3600 X181 E-mail
Jennifer Moriatis Wolf, M.D. Former FOP Research Fellow 106 Blackstone Boulevard, #3 Providence, R.I. 02906 Tel: 1-401-521-2648 Email Michael A. Zasloff, M.D., Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Genetics and Orthopaedics The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Department of Orthopaedics Research 424 Stemmler Hall 36th & Hamilton Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104 Email
Mark Helpin, D.M.D.
Department Pediatric Dentistry
2nd Floor, Main Building
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
34th & Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-590-2805
Fax: 215-590-5990
Burt Nussbaum, D.D.S.
Dentistry for Special People
1 South Forge Lane
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Tel: 856-667-2123 or 667 2593
Fax: 856-482-7825
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We emphasize that this report reflects the authors' experience and opinions on the various classes of symptom-
modifying medications, and is meant only as a guide to this controversial area of therapeutics, and not as a specific set
of recommendations. Although there are common physical features shared by every person who has FOP, there are
differences among individuals that may alter the potential benefits or risks of any medication or class of medications
discussed here. The decision to use or withhold a particular medication must ultimately rest within an individual
patient and his or her physician.
Head trauma (usual y
Patient must be evaluated immediately by a physician
fol owing fal s)
(see: Glaser DL, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Catastrophic falls in patients who have
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Clin Orthop Rel Res 346:110-116, 1996)
Severe soft tissue
Apply ice intermittently, as tolerated, to injured area for 24 hours
trauma threatening use Consider brief course of prednisone at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day in single daily dose of a limb (for example,
for 4 days only, beginning immediately after the trauma. After 4 doses of
fol owing a severe fal ) prednisone, stop. Do not repeat. If flare-up subsequently occurs, treat
symptomatical y as indicated below.
Flare-up (acute or
Do not use steroids (prednisone)
ongoing) involving trunk Consider symptomatic treatment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (chest, back) or back of medication or cox-2 inhibitor and leukotriene inhibitor (montelukast) to decrease neck
inflammation until acute or ongoing flare-ups subside
Flare-up involving
Consider brief course of prednisone at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day in a single daily
(limiting movement of) a dose for 4 days only; then stop. If flare-up recurs immediately, do not repeat major joint of the limbs
prednisone dose. For maximal effectiveness, prednisone should be taken within 24
or involving movement of hours of the start of a flare-up. the jaw
If the flare-up has been present for more than 24 hours, do not use prednisone. Instead consider symptomatic treatment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication or cox-2 inhibitor and leukotriene inhibitor (montelukast) to decrease inflammation and swel ing until flare-up subsides.
Flare-up involving
Strict avoidance of lesional manipulation or repeated palpation
submandibular area
Airway monitoring
(underneath jaw)
Aspiration precautions Nutritional support Consider using prednisone for a longer term with a taper (3-4 weeks or until flare-up subsides) to decrease soft tissue swelling to this vulnerable area if airway appears threatened, or if swallowing is extremely difficult. This is one of the only situations in which a more prolonged use of corticosteroids is justified. (see: Janoff HB, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS. Submandibular swelling in patients with
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114: 599-604,
Chronic maintenance
Injury prevention
between flare-ups;
Presently there are no proven medical preventions for FOP flare-ups.
possible prevention of
Double-blinded placebo-controlled prevention protocols with cox-2 inhibitors are
being considered (see cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors section of this report).
General Notes for Dental Preventive dental care is imperative for patients with FOP. Children should Care
receive regular topical fluoride treatments. Radiographic exams (to intercept caries
for early treatment) are necessary. For FOP patients with jaw fusion, fluoride rinses
are helpful for prevention at any age. Chlorhexidine gluconate rinses can control
gingival inflammation. Fluoride varnishes combined with chlorhexidine may be able
to control incipient caries.
Caries must be treated in the earliest stages, if possible. For surface lesions,
treatment without the use of local anesthetics would be helpful. Pain control is
necessary in al patients. If the carious lesion requires an anesthetic or the tooth
requires an extraction, the following must be considered: no overstretching of the
jaw muscles, and no mandibular block anesthesia. Infiltration anesthesia, and
intraligamentary anesthesia have been reported as successful solutions.
Orthodontics may be performed with caution for FOP patients. Extractions
should be avoided if possible. It would be better to have some posterior crowding
than to extract teeth.
Have your dentist or child's dentist contact Dr. Helpin or Dr. Nussbaum with any questions, especial y for complex dental problems requiring more extensive treatment. (See: Luchetti W, Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Rocke DM, Helpin M, Zasloff M, Kaplan FS. Severe restriction in jaw movement after routine injection of local anesthetic in
patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 81:21-25,1996; and, Nussbaum BL, O'Hara I,
Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva : Report of a case with
guidelines for pediatric dental and anesthetic management. ASDC J Dent Child
63: 448-450, 1996.
Immunizations and flu-
(See: "Can injections cause problems?" and "Should people with FOP have flu
shots?" in Section VII: (Care and Treatment)
"What Is FOP: A Guidebook for Families." The Guidebook is available on the
web at: (also see: Lanchoney TF, Cohen RB, Rocke DM, Zasloff MA, Kaplan FS.
Permanent heterotopic ossification at the injection site after diphtheria-tetanus-
pertussis immunizations in children who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.
J Pediatrics 126:762-764, 1995).
Updated recommendations on flu shots wil be made following tabulation and
analysis of the recent IFOPA Flu survey.
Suggest routine evaluation in al children with FOP .
(see: Levy CE, Lash AT, Janoff HB, Kaplan FS. Conductive hearing loss in
individuals with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Am J Audiol 8: 29-33, 1999).
Bone Marrow (stem cell) transplantation
Injury Prevention
NSAIDs & Cox-2 Inhibitors
BMP4 Antagonists
Anti-angiogenic Agents,
BMP4 Antagonists
Agents and Radiation
Mineralization Inhibitors
Tissues Inhibitors of MMPs
Anti-angiogenic agents
( ) Boxes indicate known features of FOP ( ) Arrows indicate causative factors, interactions, or stage-progression
( ) Blunt-end lines indicate hypothetical interventions See Text for Details
Self-perpetuating fall cycle in patients who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Minor soft tissue
trauma can lead to severe exacerbations of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive with resultant heterotopic
ossification and joint ankylosis. Mobility restriction from joint ankylosis severely impairs balancing
mechanisms, causing instability, resulting in subsequent falls.
Soft Tissue Injury
Flare-up of
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans
Joint Ankylosis
Available online at The 5th Burapha University International Conference 2016 "Harmonization of Knowledge towards the Betterment of Society" Effects of ethanol and surfactants on physical properties of elastic liposomes Chungrida Kao-ian, Waraporn Suwakul, Nontima Vardhanabhuti* Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University,